/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: optfltr.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-01-21 16:44:36 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include <svtools/fltrcfg.hxx> #include "optfltr.hxx" #include "optfltr.hrc" #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "helpid.hrc" #include "dialmgr.hxx" enum MSFltrPg2_CheckBoxEntries { Math, Writer, Calc, Impress, InvalidCBEntry }; #define CBCOL_FIRST 0 #define CBCOL_SECOND 1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OfaMSFilterTabPage::OfaMSFilterTabPage(Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet) : SfxTabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT, DIALOG_MGR() ), rSet ), aMSWordGB ( this, ResId( GB_WORD ) ), aWBasicCodeCB ( this, ResId( CB_WBAS_CODE ) ), aWBasicStgCB ( this, ResId( CB_WBAS_STG ) ), aMSExcelGB ( this, ResId( GB_EXCEL ) ), aEBasicCodeCB ( this, ResId( CB_EBAS_CODE ) ), aEBasicStgCB ( this, ResId( CB_EBAS_STG ) ), aMSPPointGB ( this, ResId( GB_PPOINT ) ), aPBasicCodeCB ( this, ResId( CB_PBAS_CODE ) ), aPBasicStgCB ( this, ResId( CB_PBAS_STG ) ) { FreeResource(); } OfaMSFilterTabPage::~OfaMSFilterTabPage() { } SfxTabPage* OfaMSFilterTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return new OfaMSFilterTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ); } BOOL OfaMSFilterTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& ) { SvtFilterOptions* pOpt = SvtFilterOptions::Get(); BOOL bFlag; if( aWBasicCodeCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aWBasicCodeCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadWordBasicCode( bFlag ); if( aWBasicStgCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aWBasicStgCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadWordBasicStorage( bFlag ); if( aEBasicCodeCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aEBasicCodeCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadExcelBasicCode( bFlag ); if( aEBasicStgCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aEBasicStgCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadExcelBasicStorage( bFlag ); if( aPBasicCodeCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aPBasicCodeCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadPPointBasicCode( bFlag ); if( aPBasicStgCB.GetSavedValue() != (bFlag = aPBasicStgCB.IsChecked())) pOpt->SetLoadPPointBasicStorage( bFlag ); return FALSE; } /*-----------------02.09.96 13.47------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaMSFilterTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { SvtFilterOptions* pOpt = SvtFilterOptions::Get(); aWBasicCodeCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadWordBasicCode() ); aWBasicCodeCB.SaveValue(); aWBasicStgCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadWordBasicStorage() ); aWBasicStgCB.SaveValue(); aEBasicCodeCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadExcelBasicCode() ); aEBasicCodeCB.SaveValue(); aEBasicStgCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadExcelBasicStorage() ); aEBasicStgCB.SaveValue(); aPBasicCodeCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadPPointBasicCode() ); aPBasicCodeCB.SaveValue(); aPBasicStgCB.Check( pOpt->IsLoadPPointBasicStorage() ); aPBasicStgCB.SaveValue(); } /*-----------------29.06.00 13:22------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ OfaMSFilterTabPage2::OfaMSFilterTabPage2( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2, DIALOG_MGR() ), rSet ), aCheckLB ( this, ResId( CLB_SETTINGS )), aHeader1FT ( this, ResId( FT_HEADER1_EXPLANATION )), aHeader2FT ( this, ResId( FT_HEADER2_EXPLANATION )), sHeader1 ( ResId( ST_HEADER1 )), sHeader2 ( ResId( ST_HEADER2 )), sChgToFromMath ( ResId( ST_CHG_MATH )), sChgToFromWriter ( ResId( ST_CHG_WRITER )), sChgToFromCalc ( ResId( ST_CHG_CALC )), sChgToFromImpress ( ResId( ST_CHG_IMPRESS )), aChkunBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_UNCHECKED )), aChkchBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_CHECKED )), aChkchhiBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_HICHECKED )), aChkunhiBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_HIUNCHECKED )), aChktriBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_TRISTATE )), aChktrihiBmp ( ResId( CHKBUT_HITRISTATE )), pCheckButtonData(0) { FreeResource(); static long aStaticTabs[] = { 3, 0, 20, 40 }; aCheckLB.SvxSimpleTable::SetTabs( aStaticTabs ); String sHeader( sHeader1 ); (( sHeader += '\t' ) += sHeader2 ) += '\t'; aCheckLB.InsertHeaderEntry( sHeader, HEADERBAR_APPEND, HIB_CENTER | HIB_VCENTER | HIB_FIXEDPOS | HIB_FIXED ); aCheckLB.SetHelpId( HID_OFAPAGE_MSFLTR2_CLB ); aCheckLB.SetWindowBits( WB_HSCROLL| WB_VSCROLL ); } OfaMSFilterTabPage2::~OfaMSFilterTabPage2() { delete pCheckButtonData; } SfxTabPage* OfaMSFilterTabPage2::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return new OfaMSFilterTabPage2( pParent, rAttrSet ); } BOOL OfaMSFilterTabPage2::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { BOOL bModified = FALSE; SvtFilterOptions* pOpt = SvtFilterOptions::Get(); static struct ChkCBoxEntries{ MSFltrPg2_CheckBoxEntries eType; BOOL (SvtFilterOptions:: *FnIs)() const; void (SvtFilterOptions:: *FnSet)( BOOL bFlag ); } aChkArr[] = { { Math, &SvtFilterOptions::IsMathType2Math, &SvtFilterOptions::SetMathType2Math }, { Math, &SvtFilterOptions::IsMath2MathType, &SvtFilterOptions::SetMath2MathType }, { Writer, &SvtFilterOptions::IsWinWord2Writer, &SvtFilterOptions::SetWinWord2Writer }, { Writer, &SvtFilterOptions::IsWriter2WinWord, &SvtFilterOptions::SetWriter2WinWord }, { Calc, &SvtFilterOptions::IsExcel2Calc, &SvtFilterOptions::SetExcel2Calc }, { Calc, &SvtFilterOptions::IsCalc2Excel, &SvtFilterOptions::SetCalc2Excel }, { Impress, &SvtFilterOptions::IsPowerPoint2Impress, &SvtFilterOptions::SetPowerPoint2Impress }, { Impress, &SvtFilterOptions::IsImpress2PowerPoint, &SvtFilterOptions::SetImpress2PowerPoint }, { InvalidCBEntry, 0, 0 } }; BOOL bCheck, bFirst = TRUE; for( const ChkCBoxEntries* pArr = aChkArr; InvalidCBEntry != pArr->eType; ++pArr, bFirst = !bFirst ) { USHORT nCol = bFirst ? 1 : 2; SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aCheckLB.GetEntry( pArr->eType ); if( pEntry ) { SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetItem( nCol )); if( pItem && ((SvLBoxItem*)pItem)->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON ) { USHORT nButtonFlags = pItem->GetButtonFlags(); bCheck = SV_BUTTON_CHECKED == pCheckButtonData->ConvertToButtonState( nButtonFlags ); if( bCheck != (pOpt->*pArr->FnIs)() ) { bModified = TRUE; (pOpt->*pArr->FnSet)( bCheck ); } } } } return TRUE; } void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SvtFilterOptions* pOpt = SvtFilterOptions::Get(); aCheckLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aCheckLB.Clear(); // int the same sequence as the enums of MSFltrPg2_CheckBoxEntries InsertEntry( sChgToFromMath ); InsertEntry( sChgToFromWriter ); InsertEntry( sChgToFromCalc ); InsertEntry( sChgToFromImpress ); static struct ChkCBoxEntries{ MSFltrPg2_CheckBoxEntries eType; BOOL (SvtFilterOptions:: *FnIs)() const; } aChkArr[] = { { Math, &SvtFilterOptions::IsMathType2Math }, { Math, &SvtFilterOptions::IsMath2MathType }, { Writer, &SvtFilterOptions::IsWinWord2Writer }, { Writer, &SvtFilterOptions::IsWriter2WinWord }, { Calc, &SvtFilterOptions::IsExcel2Calc }, { Calc, &SvtFilterOptions::IsCalc2Excel }, { Impress, &SvtFilterOptions::IsPowerPoint2Impress }, { Impress, &SvtFilterOptions::IsImpress2PowerPoint }, { InvalidCBEntry, 0 } }; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; for( const ChkCBoxEntries* pArr = aChkArr; InvalidCBEntry != pArr->eType; ++pArr, bFirst = !bFirst ) { USHORT nCol = bFirst ? 1 : 2; SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aCheckLB.GetEntry( pArr->eType ); if( pEntry ) { SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetItem( nCol )); if( pItem && ((SvLBoxItem*)pItem)->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON ) { if( (pOpt->*pArr->FnIs)() ) pItem->SetStateChecked(); else pItem->SetStateUnchecked(); aCheckLB.InvalidateEntry( pEntry ); } } } aCheckLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::InsertEntry( const String& rTxt ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = new SvLBoxEntry; if( !pCheckButtonData ) pCheckButtonData = new SvLBoxButtonData( &aCheckLB ); pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxContextBmp( pEntry, 0, Image(), Image(), 0)); pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxButton( pEntry, 0, pCheckButtonData ) ); pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxButton( pEntry, 0, pCheckButtonData ) ); pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, rTxt ) ); aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert( pEntry ); } void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::SetTabs() { SvxSimpleTable::SetTabs(); USHORT nAdjust = SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_RIGHT|SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_LEFT|SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER|SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_NUMERIC|SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE; if( aTabs.Count() > 1 ) { SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(1); pTab->nFlags &= ~nAdjust; pTab->nFlags |= SV_LBOXTAB_PUSHABLE|SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER|SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE; } if( aTabs.Count() > 2 ) { SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(2); pTab->nFlags &= ~nAdjust; pTab->nFlags |= SV_LBOXTAB_PUSHABLE|SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER|SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE; } } void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::HBarClick() { // Sortierung durch diese Ueberladung abgeklemmt } /* -----------------------------2002/06/20 11:51------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::SetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nCol, SvButtonState eState) { SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetItem(nCol + 1)); DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetCheckButton:Item not found") if (((SvLBoxItem*)pItem)->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON) { switch( eState ) { case SV_BUTTON_CHECKED: pItem->SetStateChecked(); break; case SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED: pItem->SetStateUnchecked(); break; case SV_BUTTON_TRISTATE: pItem->SetStateTristate(); break; } InvalidateEntry( pEntry ); } } /* -----------------------------2002/06/20 11:56------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvButtonState OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::GetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nCol ) const { SvButtonState eState = SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED; SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetItem(nCol + 1)); DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetChButnState:Item not found") if (((SvLBoxItem*)pItem)->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON) { USHORT nButtonFlags = pItem->GetButtonFlags(); eState = pCheckButtonData->ConvertToButtonState( nButtonFlags ); } return eState; } /* -----------------------------2002/06/20 11:57------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::CheckEntryPos(ULONG nPos, USHORT nCol, BOOL bChecked) { if ( nPos < GetEntryCount() ) SetCheckButtonState( GetEntry(nPos), nCol, bChecked ? SvButtonState( SV_BUTTON_CHECKED ) : SvButtonState( SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED ) ); } /* -----------------------------2002/06/20 11:51------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaMSFilterTabPage2::MSFltrSimpleTable::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { if(!rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier() && KEY_SPACE == rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode()) { ULONG nSelPos = GetModel()->GetAbsPos(GetCurEntry()); USHORT nCheck = GetCheckButtonState( GetEntry(nSelPos), 1 ) == SV_BUTTON_CHECKED ? 1 : 0; if(GetCheckButtonState( GetEntry(nSelPos), 0 )) nCheck += 2; nCheck--; nCheck &= 3; CheckEntryPos(nSelPos, 1, 0 != (nCheck & 1)); CheckEntryPos(nSelPos, 0, 0 != (nCheck & 2)); } else SvxSimpleTable::KeyInput(rKEvt); }