/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "svx/orienthelper.hxx"

#include <vector>
#include <utility>

#include <vcl/button.hxx>
#include "svx/dialcontrol.hxx"

namespace svx {

struct OrientationHelper_Impl
    typedef std::pair< VclPtr<vcl::Window>, TriState >  WindowPair;
    typedef std::vector< WindowPair >       WindowVec;

    DialControl&        mrCtrlDial;
    CheckBox&           mrCbStacked;
    WindowVec           maWinVec;
    bool                mbEnabled;
    bool                mbVisible;

    explicit            OrientationHelper_Impl( DialControl& rCtrlDial, CheckBox& rCbStacked );

    void                AddDependentWindow( vcl::Window& rWindow, TriState eDisableIfStacked );

    void                EnableDependentWindows();
    void                EnableWindow( vcl::Window& rWindow, TriState eDisableIfStacked );

    void                ShowDependentWindows();

    DECL_LINK( ClickHdl, Button*, void );

OrientationHelper_Impl::OrientationHelper_Impl( DialControl& rCtrlDial, CheckBox& rCbStacked ) :
    mrCtrlDial( rCtrlDial ),
    mrCbStacked( rCbStacked ),
    mbEnabled( rCtrlDial.IsEnabled() ),
    mbVisible( rCtrlDial.IsVisible() )
    maWinVec.emplace_back( &mrCtrlDial, TRISTATE_TRUE );
    maWinVec.emplace_back( &mrCbStacked, TRISTATE_INDET );
    mrCbStacked.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OrientationHelper_Impl, ClickHdl ) );

void OrientationHelper_Impl::AddDependentWindow( vcl::Window& rWindow, TriState eDisableIfStacked )
    maWinVec.emplace_back( &rWindow, eDisableIfStacked );
    EnableWindow( rWindow, eDisableIfStacked );

void OrientationHelper_Impl::EnableDependentWindows()
    WindowVec::const_iterator aEnd = maWinVec.end();
    for( WindowVec::iterator aIt = maWinVec.begin(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
        EnableWindow( *aIt->first, aIt->second );

void OrientationHelper_Impl::EnableWindow( vcl::Window& rWindow, TriState eDisableIfStacked )
    bool bDisableOnStacked = false;
    switch( eDisableIfStacked )
        // TRISTATE_TRUE: Disable window, if stacked text is turned on or "don't know".
        case TRISTATE_TRUE:   bDisableOnStacked = (mrCbStacked.GetState() != TRISTATE_FALSE);  break;
        // TRISTATE_FALSE: Disable window, if stacked text is turned off or "don't know".
        case TRISTATE_FALSE: bDisableOnStacked = (mrCbStacked.GetState() != TRISTATE_TRUE);    break;
        default: ;//prevent warning
    rWindow.Enable( mbEnabled && !bDisableOnStacked );

void OrientationHelper_Impl::ShowDependentWindows()
    WindowVec::const_iterator aEnd = maWinVec.end();
    for( WindowVec::iterator aIt = maWinVec.begin(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
        aIt->first->Show( mbVisible );

IMPL_LINK_NOARG(OrientationHelper_Impl, ClickHdl, Button*, void)

OrientationHelper::OrientationHelper( DialControl& rCtrlDial, NumericField& rNfRotation, CheckBox& rCbStacked ) :
    mpImpl( new OrientationHelper_Impl( rCtrlDial, rCbStacked ) )
    rCtrlDial.SetLinkedField( &rNfRotation );


void OrientationHelper::AddDependentWindow( vcl::Window& rWindow, TriState eDisableIfStacked )
    mpImpl->AddDependentWindow( rWindow, eDisableIfStacked );

void OrientationHelper::Enable( bool bEnable )
    mpImpl->mbEnabled = bEnable;

void OrientationHelper::Show( bool bShow )
    mpImpl->mbVisible = bShow;

void OrientationHelper::SetStackedState( TriState eState )
    if( eState != GetStackedState() )
        mpImpl->mrCbStacked.SetState( eState );

TriState OrientationHelper::GetStackedState() const
    return mpImpl->mrCbStacked.GetState();

void OrientationHelper::EnableStackedTriState( bool bEnable )
    mpImpl->mrCbStacked.EnableTriState( bEnable );

OrientStackedWrapper::OrientStackedWrapper( OrientationHelper& rOrientHlp ) :
    SingleControlWrapperType( rOrientHlp )

bool OrientStackedWrapper::IsControlDontKnow() const
    return GetControl().GetStackedState() == TRISTATE_INDET;

void OrientStackedWrapper::SetControlDontKnow( bool bSet )
    GetControl().EnableStackedTriState( bSet );
    GetControl().SetStackedState( bSet ? TRISTATE_INDET : TRISTATE_FALSE );

bool OrientStackedWrapper::GetControlValue() const
    return GetControl().GetStackedState() == TRISTATE_TRUE;

void OrientStackedWrapper::SetControlValue( bool bValue )
    GetControl().SetStackedState( bValue ? TRISTATE_TRUE : TRISTATE_FALSE );


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