/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svxbmpnumvalueset.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004-05-10 16:54:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _SVX_DIALMGR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DIALOGS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VALUESET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_LANGUAGEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HELPID_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NUMITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GALLERY_HXX_ //autogen #include #endif #ifndef SVTOOLS_URIHELPER_HXX #include #endif #define ITEMID_BRUSH SID_ATTR_BRUSH #ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CHARMAP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FLSTITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DLGUTIL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _XTABLE_HXX //autogen #define ITEMID_COLOR_TABLE SID_COLOR_TABLE #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DRAWITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NUMVSET_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HTMLMODE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_PATHOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CTRLTOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNO_LINGU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_STYLE_NUMBERINGTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XMULTISERVICEFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XINDEXACCESS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XDEFAULTNUMBERINGPROVIDER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XNUMBERINGFORMATTER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTYVALUE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XNUMBERINGTYPEINFO_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include "opengrf.hxx" using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::i18n; using namespace com::sun::star::text; using namespace com::sun::star::container; using namespace com::sun::star::style; using namespace rtl; #define C2U(cChar) OUString::createFromAscii(cChar) #define NUM_PAGETYPE_BULLET 0 #define NUM_PAGETYPE_SINGLENUM 1 #define NUM_PAGETYPE_NUM 2 #define NUM_PAGETYPE_BMP 3 #define PAGETYPE_USER_START 10 #define SHOW_NUMBERING 0 #define SHOW_BULLET 1 #define SHOW_BITMAP 2 #define MAX_BMP_WIDTH 16 #define MAX_BMP_HEIGHT 16 static BOOL bLastRelative = FALSE; static const sal_Char cNumberingType[] = "NumberingType"; static const sal_Char cValue[] = "Value"; static const sal_Char cParentNumbering[] = "ParentNumbering"; static const sal_Char cPrefix[] = "Prefix"; static const sal_Char cSuffix[] = "Suffix"; static const sal_Char cBulletChar[] = "BulletChar"; static const sal_Char cBulletFontName[] = "BulletFontName"; /* -----------------28.10.98 08:32------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ // Die Auswahl an Bullets aus den StarSymbol static const sal_Unicode aBulletTypes[] = { 0x2022, 0x25cf, 0xe00c, 0xe00a, 0x2794, 0x27a2, 0x2717, 0x2714 }; static Font& lcl_GetDefaultBulletFont() { static BOOL bInit = 0; static Font aDefBulletFont( UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "StarSymbol" ) ), String(), Size( 0, 14 ) ); if(!bInit) { aDefBulletFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ); aDefBulletFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetPitch( PITCH_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetTransparent( TRUE ); bInit = TRUE; } return aDefBulletFont; } static void lcl_PaintLevel(OutputDevice* pVDev, sal_Int16 nNumberingType, const OUString& rBulletChar, const OUString& rText, const OUString& rFontName, Point& rLeft, Font& rRuleFont, const Font& rTextFont) { if(NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL == nNumberingType ) { rRuleFont.SetStyleName(rFontName); pVDev->SetFont(rRuleFont); pVDev->DrawText(rLeft, rBulletChar); rLeft.X() += pVDev->GetTextWidth(rBulletChar); } else { pVDev->SetFont(rTextFont); pVDev->DrawText(rLeft, rText); rLeft.X() += pVDev->GetTextWidth(rText); } } void SvxNumValueSet::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aLinesArr[] = { 15, 10, 20, 30, 25, 50, 30, 70, 35, 90, // up to here line positions 05, 10, // character positions 10, 30, 15, 50, 20, 70, 25, 90, }; const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); const Color aBackColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor(); const Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); OutputDevice* pDev = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); Rectangle aRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); USHORT nItemId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); long nRectWidth = aRect.GetWidth(); long nRectHeight = aRect.GetHeight(); Size aRectSize(nRectWidth, aRect.GetHeight()); Point aBLPos = aRect.TopLeft(); Font aOldFont = pDev->GetFont(); Color aOldColor = pDev->GetLineColor(); pDev->SetLineColor(aTextColor); Font aFont(OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS, ::GetSystemLanguage(), DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE)); Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); Font aRuleFont( lcl_GetDefaultBulletFont() ); aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/6; aRuleFont.SetSize(aSize); aRuleFont.SetColor(aTextColor); aRuleFont.SetFillColor(aBackColor); if(nPageType == NUM_PAGETYPE_BULLET) aFont = aRuleFont; else if(nPageType == NUM_PAGETYPE_NUM) { aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/8; } aFont.SetColor(aTextColor); aFont.SetFillColor(aBackColor); aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); if(!pVDev) { // Die Linien werden nur einmalig in das VirtualDevice gepainted // nur die Gliederungspage bekommt es aktuell pVDev = new VirtualDevice(*pDev); pVDev->SetMapMode(pDev->GetMapMode()); pVDev->EnableRTL( IsRTLEnabled() ); pVDev->SetOutputSize( aRectSize ); aOrgRect = aRect; pVDev->SetFillColor( aBackColor ); pVDev->DrawRect(aOrgRect); if(aBackColor == aLineColor) aLineColor.Invert(); pVDev->SetLineColor(aLineColor); // Linien nur einmalig Zeichnen if(nPageType != NUM_PAGETYPE_NUM) { Point aStart(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth *25 / 100,0); Point aEnd(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth * 9 / 10,0); for( USHORT i = 11; i < 100; i += 33) { aStart.Y() = aEnd.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * i / 100; pVDev->DrawLine(aStart, aEnd); aStart.Y() = aEnd.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * (i + 11) / 100; pVDev->DrawLine(aStart, aEnd); } } } pDev->DrawOutDev( aRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, aOrgRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, *pVDev ); // jetzt kommt der Text const OUString sValue(C2U(cValue)); if( NUM_PAGETYPE_SINGLENUM == nPageType || NUM_PAGETYPE_BULLET == nPageType ) { Point aStart(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth / 9,0); for( USHORT i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { USHORT nY = 11 + i * 33; aStart.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * nY / 100; String sText; if(nPageType == NUM_PAGETYPE_BULLET) { sText = aBulletTypes[nItemId - 1]; aStart.Y() -= pDev->GetTextHeight()/2; aStart.X() = aBLPos.X() + 5; } else { if(xFormatter.is() && aNumSettings.getLength() > nItemId - 1) { Sequence aLevel = aNumSettings.getConstArray()[nItemId - 1]; try { aLevel.realloc(aLevel.getLength() + 1); PropertyValue& rValue = aLevel.getArray()[aLevel.getLength() - 1]; rValue.Name = sValue; rValue.Value <<= (sal_Int32)(i + 1); sText = xFormatter->makeNumberingString( aLevel, aLocale ); } catch(Exception&) { DBG_ERROR("Exception in DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString") } } // knapp neben dem linken Rand beginnen aStart.X() = aBLPos.X() + 2; aStart.Y() -= pDev->GetTextHeight()/2; } pDev->DrawText(aStart, sText); } } else if(NUM_PAGETYPE_NUM == nPageType ) { // Outline numbering has to be painted into the virtual device // to get correct lines // has to be made again pVDev->DrawRect(aOrgRect); long nStartX = aOrgRect.TopLeft().X(); long nStartY = aOrgRect.TopLeft().Y(); if(xFormatter.is() && aOutlineSettings.getLength() > nItemId - 1) { Reference xLevel = aOutlineSettings.getArray()[nItemId - 1]; try { OUString sLevelTexts[5]; OUString sFontNames[5]; OUString sBulletChars[5]; sal_Int16 aNumberingTypes[5]; OUString sPrefixes[5]; OUString sSuffixes[5]; sal_Int16 aParentNumberings[5]; sal_Int32 nLevelCount = xLevel->getCount(); if(nLevelCount > 5) nLevelCount = 5; for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLevelCount && i < 5; i++) { long nTop = nStartY + nRectHeight * (aLinesArr[2 * i + 11])/100 ; Point aLeft(nStartX + nRectWidth * (aLinesArr[2 * i + 10])/ 100, nTop ); Any aLevelAny = xLevel->getByIndex(i); Sequence aLevel; aLevelAny >>= aLevel; const PropertyValue* pValues = aLevel.getConstArray(); aNumberingTypes[i] = 0; for(sal_Int32 nProperty = 0; nProperty < aLevel.getLength() - 1; nProperty++) { if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cNumberingType))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= aNumberingTypes[i]; else if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cBulletFontName))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= sFontNames[i]; else if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cBulletChar))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= sBulletChars[i]; else if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cPrefix))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= sPrefixes[i]; else if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cSuffix))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= sSuffixes[i]; else if(pValues[nProperty].Name.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(cParentNumbering))) pValues[nProperty].Value >>= aParentNumberings[i]; } Sequence< PropertyValue > aProperties(2); PropertyValue* pProperties = aProperties.getArray(); pProperties[0].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("NumberingType")); pProperties[0].Value <<= aNumberingTypes[i]; pProperties[1].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value")); pProperties[1].Value <<= (sal_Int32)1; try { sLevelTexts[i] = xFormatter->makeNumberingString( aProperties, aLocale ); } catch(Exception&) { DBG_ERROR("Exception in DefaultNumberingProvider::makeNumberingString") } aLeft.Y() -= (pDev->GetTextHeight()/2); if(sPrefixes[i].getLength() && !sPrefixes[i].equalsAsciiL(" ", 1) && sPrefixes[i].getStr()[0] != 0) { pVDev->SetFont(aFont); pVDev->DrawText(aLeft, sPrefixes[i]); aLeft.X() += pDev->GetTextWidth(sPrefixes[i]); } if(aParentNumberings[i]) { //insert old numberings here sal_Int16 nStartLevel = std::min((sal_Int32)aParentNumberings[i], i); for(sal_Int16 nParentLevel = i - nStartLevel; nParentLevel < i; nParentLevel++) { OUString sTmp(sLevelTexts[nParentLevel]); sTmp += C2U("."); lcl_PaintLevel(pVDev, aNumberingTypes[nParentLevel], sBulletChars[nParentLevel], sTmp, sFontNames[nParentLevel], aLeft, aRuleFont, aFont); } } lcl_PaintLevel(pVDev, aNumberingTypes[i], sBulletChars[i], sLevelTexts[i], sFontNames[i], aLeft, aRuleFont, aFont); if(sSuffixes[i].getLength()&& !sSuffixes[i].equalsAsciiL(" ", 1) && sSuffixes[i].getStr()[0] != 0) { pVDev->SetFont(aFont); pVDev->DrawText(aLeft, sSuffixes[i]); aLeft.X() += pDev->GetTextWidth(sSuffixes[i]); } long nLineTop = nStartY + nRectHeight * aLinesArr[2 * i + 1]/100 ; Point aLineLeft(aLeft.X() /*+ nStartX + nRectWidth * aLinesArr[2 * i]/ 100*/, nLineTop ); Point aLineRight(nStartX + nRectWidth * 90 /100, nLineTop ); pVDev->DrawLine(aLineLeft, aLineRight); } } #ifdef DBG_UTIL catch(Exception&) { static sal_Bool bAssert = FALSE; if(!bAssert) { DBG_ERROR("exception in ::UserDraw") bAssert = sal_True; } } #else catch(Exception&) { } #endif } pDev->DrawOutDev( aRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, aOrgRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, *pVDev ); } pDev->SetFont(aOldFont); pDev->SetLineColor(aOldColor); } /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ SvxNumValueSet::SvxNumValueSet( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, USHORT nType ) : ValueSet( pParent, rResId ), pVDev ( NULL ), nPageType ( nType ), bHTMLMode ( FALSE ), aLineColor ( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) { SetColCount( 4 ); SetStyle( GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER | WB_DOUBLEBORDER ); if(NUM_PAGETYPE_BULLET == nType) { for ( USHORT i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) InsertItem( i + 1, i ); } } /*-----------------08.02.97 12.38------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxNumValueSet::~SvxNumValueSet() { delete pVDev; } /* -----------------------------30.01.01 16:24-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumValueSet::SetNumberingSettings( const Sequence >& aNum, Reference& xFormat, const Locale& rLocale ) { aNumSettings = aNum; xFormatter = xFormat; aLocale = rLocale; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aNum.getLength() && i < 8; i++ ) InsertItem( i + 1, i ); } /* -----------------------------31.01.01 09:50-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxNumValueSet::SetOutlineNumberingSettings( Sequence >& rOutline, Reference& xFormat, const Locale& rLocale) { aOutlineSettings = rOutline; xFormatter = xFormat; aLocale = rLocale; for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aOutlineSettings.getLength() && i < 8; i++ ) InsertItem( i + 1, i ); } SvxBmpNumValueSet::SvxBmpNumValueSet( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId/*, const List& rStrNames*/ ) : SvxNumValueSet( pParent, rResId, NUM_PAGETYPE_BMP ), // rStrList ( rStrNames ), bGrfNotFound( FALSE ) { GalleryExplorer::BeginLocking(GALLERY_THEME_BULLETS); SetStyle( GetStyle() | WB_VSCROLL ); SetLineCount( 3 ); aFormatTimer.SetTimeout(300); aFormatTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, SvxBmpNumValueSet, FormatHdl_Impl)); } /*-----------------13.02.97 09.41------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SvxBmpNumValueSet::~SvxBmpNumValueSet() { GalleryExplorer::EndLocking(GALLERY_THEME_BULLETS); aFormatTimer.Stop(); } /*-----------------13.02.97 09.41------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SvxBmpNumValueSet::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { SvxNumValueSet::UserDraw(rUDEvt); Rectangle aRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); OutputDevice* pDev = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); USHORT nItemId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); Point aBLPos = aRect.TopLeft(); int nRectHeight = aRect.GetHeight(); Size aSize(nRectHeight/8, nRectHeight/8); Graphic aGraphic; if(!GalleryExplorer::GetGraphicObj( GALLERY_THEME_BULLETS, nItemId - 1, &aGraphic, NULL)) { bGrfNotFound = TRUE; } else { Point aPos(aBLPos.X() + 5, 0); for( USHORT i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { USHORT nY = 11 + i * 33; aPos.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * nY / 100; aGraphic.Draw( pDev, aPos, aSize ); } } } /*-----------------14.02.97 07.34------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SvxBmpNumValueSet, FormatHdl_Impl, Timer*, EMPTYARG) { // nur, wenn eine Grafik nicht da war, muss formatiert werden if(bGrfNotFound) { bGrfNotFound = FALSE; Format(); } Invalidate(); return 0; }