/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: treeopt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.25 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2005-02-24 14:13:15 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SVX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XMULTISERVICEFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LINGUISTIC2_XDICTIONARYLIST_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _TOOLS_RCID_H #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_HELPOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_LANGUAGEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_LANGUAGEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXMODULE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WAITOBJ_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSLSTITM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_VIEWOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PRINTOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_MODULE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_PROCESS_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_BOOTSTRAP_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _XDEF_HXX //autogen #include "xdef.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLCLIT_HXX //autogen #include "xflclit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _XPOOL_HXX //autogen #include "xpool.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_TAB_AREA_HXX //autogen #include "cuitabarea.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OFF_OFAITEM_HXX //autogen #include "ofaitem.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OFA_OPTHTML_HXX //autogen #include "opthtml.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTCOLOR_HXX #include "optcolor.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTCTL_HXX #include "optctl.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTJAVA_HXX #include "optjava.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTSAVE_HXX //autogen #include "optsave.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTPATH_HXX //autogen #include "optpath.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_CUIOPTGENRL_HXX //autogen #include "cuioptgenrl.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTLINGU_HXX //autogen #include "optlingu.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_TAB_AREA_HXX //autogen #include "cuitabarea.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTINET_HXX //autogen #include "optinet2.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTASIAN_HXX #include "optasian.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTACCESSIBILITY_HXX #include "optaccessibility.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTJSEARCH_HXX_ #include "optjsearch.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OFFAPP_CONNPOOLOPTIONS_HXX_ #include "connpooloptions.hxx" #endif #include "optgdlg.hxx" #include "optmemory.hxx" #include "optfltr.hxx" #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "helpid.hrc" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #include "treeopt.hxx" #include "treeopt.hrc" #include "fontsubs.hxx" #include "unolingu.hxx" #include "xtable.hxx" #include "connpoolconfig.hxx" #include "dbregister.hxx" #include "dbregisterednamesconfig.hxx" #ifndef _SVX_LANGITEM_HXX #define ITEMID_LANGUAGE SID_ATTR_CHAR_LANGUAGE #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTITEMS_HXX #define ITEMID_SPELLCHECK SID_ATTR_SPELL #define ITEMID_HYPHENREGION SID_ATTR_HYPHENREGION #include #endif #define ITEMID_COLOR_TABLE SID_COLOR_TABLE #ifndef _SVX_DRAWITEM_HXX #include #endif using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; //using namespace com::sun::star::task; #define C2U(cChar) OUString::createFromAscii(cChar) #define HINT_TIMEOUT 200 #define SELECT_FIRST_TIMEOUT 0 #define SELECT_TIMEOUT 300 #define COLORPAGE_UNKNOWN ((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF) sal_uInt16 OfaTreeOptionsDialog::nLastDialogPageId = USHRT_MAX; // some stuff for easier changes for SvtViewOptions static const sal_Char* pViewOptDataName = "page data"; #define VIEWOPT_DATANAME OUString::createFromAscii( pViewOptDataName ) //BFS01 static XOutdevItemPool* mpStaticXOutdevItemPool = 0L; static inline void SetViewOptUserItem( SvtViewOptions& rOpt, const String& rData ) { rOpt.SetUserItem( VIEWOPT_DATANAME, makeAny( OUString( rData ) ) ); } static inline String GetViewOptUserItem( const SvtViewOptions& rOpt ) { Any aAny( rOpt.GetUserItem( VIEWOPT_DATANAME ) ); OUString aUserData; aAny >>= aUserData; return String( aUserData ); } /*-- 29.10.2004 13:57:25--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class MailMergeCfg_Impl : public utl::ConfigItem { friend class SvxEMailTabPage; // variables sal_Bool bIsEmailSupported; public: MailMergeCfg_Impl(); virtual ~MailMergeCfg_Impl(); virtual void Commit(); sal_Bool IsEmailSupported() const {return bIsEmailSupported;} }; /*-- 29.10.2004 13:57:25--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MailMergeCfg_Impl::MailMergeCfg_Impl() : utl::ConfigItem(C2U("Office.Writer/MailMergeWizard")), bIsEmailSupported(sal_False) { Sequence aNames(1); aNames.getArray()[0] = C2U("EMailSupported"); const Sequence< Any > aValues = GetProperties(aNames); const Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray(); if(aValues.getLength() && pValues[0].hasValue()) pValues[0] >>= bIsEmailSupported; } /*-- 29.10.2004 13:57:25--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MailMergeCfg_Impl::~MailMergeCfg_Impl() { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MailMergeCfg_Impl::Commit() { } //typedef SfxTabPage* (*FNCreateTabPage)( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rAttrSet ); SfxTabPage* CreateGeneralTabPage( sal_uInt16 nId, Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { CreateTabPage fnCreate = 0; switch(nId) { case RID_SFXPAGE_SAVE: fnCreate = &SvxSaveTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SFXPAGE_PATH: fnCreate = &SvxPathTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SFXPAGE_GENERAL: fnCreate = &SvxGeneralTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SFXPAGE_PRINTOPTIONS: fnCreate = &SfxCommonPrintOptionsTabPage::Create; break; case OFA_TP_LANGUAGES: fnCreate = &OfaLanguagesTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU: fnCreate = &SvxLinguTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR: fnCreate = &SvxColorTabPage::Create; break; case OFA_TP_VIEW: fnCreate = &OfaViewTabPage::Create; break; case OFA_TP_MISC: fnCreate = &OfaMiscTabPage::Create; break; case OFA_TP_MEMORY: fnCreate = &OfaMemoryOptionsPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_ASIAN_LAYOUT: fnCreate = &SvxAsianLayoutPage::Create; break; case RID_SVX_FONT_SUBSTITUTION: fnCreate = &SvxFontSubstTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_INET_PROXY: fnCreate = &SvxProxyTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SEARCH: fnCreate = &SvxSearchTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SECURITY: fnCreate = &SvxSecurityTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_INET_MAIL: fnCreate = &SvxEMailTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_COLORCONFIG: fnCreate = &SvxColorOptionsTabPage::Create; break; case RID_OFAPAGE_HTMLOPT: fnCreate = &OfaHtmlTabPage::Create; break; case SID_OPTFILTER_MSOFFICE: fnCreate = &OfaMSFilterTabPage::Create; break; case RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2: fnCreate = &OfaMSFilterTabPage2::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_JSEARCH_OPTIONS: fnCreate = &SvxJSearchOptionsPage::Create ; break; case SID_SB_CONNECTIONPOOLING: fnCreate = &::offapp::ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::Create; break; case SID_SB_DBREGISTEROPTIONS: fnCreate = &::svx::DbRegistrationOptionsPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_ACCESSIBILITYCONFIG: fnCreate = &SvxAccessibilityOptionsTabPage::Create; break; case RID_SVXPAGE_SSO: fnCreate = ( CreateTabPage ) GetSSOCreator(); break; case RID_SVXPAGE_OPTIONS_CTL: fnCreate = &SvxCTLOptionsPage::Create ; break; //added by jmeng begin case RID_SVXPAGE_INET_MOZPLUGIN: fnCreate = &MozPluginTabPage::Create; break; //added by jmeng end case RID_SVXPAGE_OPTIONS_JAVA: fnCreate = &SvxJavaOptionsPage::Create ; break; } SfxTabPage* pRet = fnCreate ? (*fnCreate)( pParent, rSet ) : NULL; return pRet; } /* -----------------11.02.99 09:56------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ struct OptionsPageInfo { SfxTabPage* pPage; sal_uInt16 nPageId; }; struct OptionsGroupInfo { SfxItemSet* pInItemSet; SfxItemSet* pOutItemSet; SfxShell* pShell; //hier werden die Pages erzeugt SfxModule* pModule; //hier wird der ItemSet erzeugt sal_uInt16 nDialogId; //Id des ehemaligen Dialogs sal_Bool bLoadError; //gab es hier schon einen Ladefehler? OptionsGroupInfo( SfxShell* pSh, SfxModule* pMod, sal_uInt16 nId ) : pInItemSet( NULL ), pOutItemSet( NULL ), pShell( pSh ), pModule( pMod ), nDialogId( nId ), bLoadError( sal_False ) {} ~OptionsGroupInfo() { delete pInItemSet; delete pOutItemSet; } }; /* -----------------04.05.99 15:51------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool OfaOptionsTreeListBox::Collapse( SvLBoxEntry* pParent ) { bInCollapse = sal_True; sal_Bool bRet = SvTreeListBox::Collapse(pParent); bInCollapse = sal_False; return bRet; } /* -----------------11.02.99 07:54------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ OfaTreeOptionsDialog::OfaTreeOptionsDialog( Window* pParent ) : SfxModalDialog( pParent, ResId( RID_OFADLG_OPTIONS_TREE, DIALOG_MGR() ) ), aOkPB ( this, ResId( PB_OK ) ), aCancelPB ( this, ResId( PB_CANCEL ) ), aHelpPB ( this, ResId( PB_HELP ) ), aBackPB ( this, ResId( PB_BACK ) ), aTreeLB ( this, ResId( TLB_PAGES ) ), aHiddenGB ( this, ResId( FB_BORDER ) ), aPageTitleFT ( this, ResId( FT_PAGE_TITLE ) ), aLine1FL ( this, ResId( FL_LINE_1 ) ), aHelpFT ( this, ResId( FT_HELPTEXT ) ), aHelpImg ( this, ResId( IMG_HELP ) ), aHelpTextsArr ( ResId( STR_HELPTEXTS ) ), sNotLoadedError ( ResId( ST_LOAD_ERROR ) ), sTitle ( GetText() ), pCurrentPageEntry ( NULL ), pColorPageItemSet ( NULL ), pColorTab ( NULL ), nChangeType ( CT_NONE ), nUnknownType ( COLORPAGE_UNKNOWN ), nUnknownPos ( COLORPAGE_UNKNOWN ), bIsAreaTP ( sal_False ), bForgetSelection ( sal_False ), bImageResized ( sal_False ), bInSelectHdl_Impl ( false ) { aTreeLB.SetNodeDefaultImages(); FreeResource(); ResMgr* pIsoRes = SFX_APP()->GetLabelResManager(); ResId aImgLstRes( RID_IMGLIST_TREEOPT ); aImgLstRes.SetRT( RSC_IMAGELIST ); if ( pIsoRes->IsAvailable( aImgLstRes ) ) aPageImages = ImageList( ResId( RID_IMGLIST_TREEOPT, pIsoRes ) ); ResId aImgLstHCRes( RID_IMGLIST_TREEOPT_HC ); aImgLstHCRes.SetRT( RSC_IMAGELIST ); if ( pIsoRes->IsAvailable( aImgLstHCRes ) ) aPageImagesHC = ImageList( ResId( RID_IMGLIST_TREEOPT_HC, pIsoRes ) ); aTreeLB.SetHelpId( HID_OFADLG_TREELISTBOX ); aTreeLB.SetWindowBits( WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT | WB_HASLINES | WB_HASLINESATROOT | WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_HSCROLL | WB_FORCE_MAKEVISIBLE ); aTreeLB.SetSpaceBetweenEntries( 0 ); aTreeLB.SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION ); aTreeLB.SetSublistOpenWithLeftRight( TRUE ); aTreeLB.SetExpandedHdl( LINK( this, OfaTreeOptionsDialog, ExpandedHdl_Impl ) ); aTreeLB.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, OfaTreeOptionsDialog, ShowPageHdl_Impl ) ); aBackPB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OfaTreeOptionsDialog, BackHdl_Impl ) ); aOkPB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OfaTreeOptionsDialog, OKHdl_Impl ) ); aHiddenGB.Show(); aSelectTimer.SetTimeout( SELECT_FIRST_TIMEOUT ); aSelectTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, OfaTreeOptionsDialog, SelectHdl_Impl ) ); Initialize(); } /* -----------------11.02.99 07:58------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ OfaTreeOptionsDialog::~OfaTreeOptionsDialog() { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); //erst children while(pEntry) { //wenn Child, dann OptionsPageInfo if(aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); if(pPageInfo->pPage) { pPageInfo->pPage->FillUserData(); String aPageData(pPageInfo->pPage->GetUserData()); if ( aPageData.Len() ) { SvtViewOptions aTabPageOpt( E_TABPAGE, String::CreateFromInt32( pPageInfo->nPageId ) ); SetViewOptUserItem( aTabPageOpt, aPageData ); } delete pPageInfo->pPage; } if (pPageInfo->nPageId == RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU) { // write personal dictionaries Reference< XDictionaryList > xDicList( SvxGetDictionaryList() ); if (xDicList.is()) { SvxSaveDictionaries( xDicList ); } } delete pPageInfo; } pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); //dann parents while(pEntry) { if(!aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) { OptionsGroupInfo *pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); delete pGroupInfo; } pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } delete pColorPageItemSet; } /* -----------------11.02.99 08:21------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::AddTabPage( sal_uInt16 nId, const String& rPageName, sal_uInt16 nGroup ) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = new OptionsPageInfo; pPageInfo->pPage = 0; pPageInfo->nPageId = nId; SvLBoxEntry* pParent = aTreeLB.GetEntry( 0, nGroup ); DBG_ASSERT(pParent, "no group"); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.InsertEntry(rPageName, pParent); pEntry->SetUserData(pPageInfo); } /* -----------------11.02.99 10:02------------------- * der ItemSet* geht in den Besitz des Dialogs * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 OfaTreeOptionsDialog::AddGroup(const String& rGroupName, SfxShell* pCreateShell, SfxModule* pCreateModule, sal_uInt16 nDialogId ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.InsertEntry(rGroupName); OptionsGroupInfo* pInfo = new OptionsGroupInfo( pCreateShell, pCreateModule, nDialogId ); pEntry->SetUserData(pInfo); sal_uInt16 nRet = 0; pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); while(pEntry) { if(!aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) nRet++; pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } return nRet - 1; } /* -----------------11.02.99 10:31------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(OfaTreeOptionsDialog, ShowPageHdl_Impl, SvTreeListBox*, pBox) { if ( aSelectTimer.GetTimeout() == SELECT_FIRST_TIMEOUT ) { aSelectTimer.SetTimeout( SELECT_TIMEOUT ); SelectHdl_Impl( NULL ); } else aSelectTimer.Start(); return 0; } /* -----------------11.02.99 10:49------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( OfaTreeOptionsDialog, BackHdl_Impl, PushButton*, EMPTYARG ) { if ( pCurrentPageEntry ) { OptionsPageInfo* pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo*)pCurrentPageEntry->GetUserData(); OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo*)aTreeLB.GetParent( pCurrentPageEntry )->GetUserData(); if ( RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR == pPageInfo->nPageId ) pPageInfo->pPage->Reset( *pColorPageItemSet ); else pPageInfo->pPage->Reset( *pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ); } return 0; } /* -----------------11.02.99 16:45------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( OfaTreeOptionsDialog, OKHdl_Impl, Button *, EMPTRARG ) { aTreeLB.EndSelection(); if(pCurrentPageEntry) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pCurrentPageEntry->GetUserData(); OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)aTreeLB.GetParent(pCurrentPageEntry)->GetUserData(); if(RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR != pPageInfo->nPageId && pPageInfo->pPage->HasExchangeSupport()) { int nLeave = pPageInfo->pPage->DeactivatePage(pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); if(nLeave == SfxTabPage::KEEP_PAGE) { //die Seite darf nicht verlassen werden! aTreeLB.Select(pCurrentPageEntry); return 0; } } pPageInfo->pPage->Hide(); } SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); while(pEntry) { if(aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); if(pPageInfo->pPage && !pPageInfo->pPage->HasExchangeSupport()) { OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *) aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)->GetUserData(); pPageInfo->pPage->FillItemSet(*pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); } } pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } EndDialog(RET_OK); return 0; } /* -----------------17.02.99 09:15------------------- * Eine aufgeklappte Gruppe soll vollstaendig sichtbar sein * --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(OfaTreeOptionsDialog, ExpandedHdl_Impl, SvTreeListBox*, pBox ) { pBox->Update(); pBox->InitStartEntry(); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pBox->GetHdlEntry(); if(pEntry && pBox->IsExpanded(pEntry)) { sal_uInt32 nChildCount = pBox->GetChildCount( pEntry ); SvLBoxEntry* pNext = pEntry; for(sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nChildCount;i++) { pNext = pBox->GetNextEntryInView(pNext); if(!pNext) { pBox->ScrollOutputArea( -(short)(nChildCount - i + 1) ); break; } else { Size aSz(pBox->GetOutputSizePixel()); int nHeight = pBox->GetEntryHeight(); Point aPos(pBox->GetEntryPos(pNext)); if(aPos.Y()+nHeight > aSz.Height()) { pBox->ScrollOutputArea( -(short)(nChildCount - i + 1) ); break; } } } } return 0; } /* -----------------11.02.99 10:49------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ApplyItemSets() { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); while(pEntry) { if(!aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) { OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); if(pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet) { if(pGroupInfo->pShell) pGroupInfo->pShell->ApplyItemSet( pGroupInfo->nDialogId, *pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); else ApplyItemSet( pGroupInfo->nDialogId, *pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); } } pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } } /* -----------------17.02.99 09:51------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ActivatePage(sal_uInt16 nResId) { bForgetSelection = sal_True; sal_uInt16 nTemp = nLastDialogPageId; nLastDialogPageId = nResId; ActivateLastSelection(); nLastDialogPageId = nTemp; } /* -----------------16.02.99 13:17------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ActivateLastSelection() { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = 0; if(nLastDialogPageId == USHRT_MAX) { pEntry = aTreeLB.First(); pEntry = aTreeLB.Next(pEntry); } else { SvLBoxEntry* pTemp = aTreeLB.First(); while(!pEntry && pTemp) { //wenn Child, dann OptionsPageInfo if(aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp)) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pTemp->GetUserData(); if(pPageInfo->nPageId == nLastDialogPageId) pEntry = pTemp; } pTemp = aTreeLB.Next(pTemp); } } if(pEntry) { SvLBoxEntry* pParent = aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry); aTreeLB.Expand(pParent); aTreeLB.MakeVisible(pParent); // damit dieser (wenn m"oglich) auch sichtbar ist aTreeLB.MakeVisible(pEntry); aTreeLB.Select(pEntry); } aTreeLB.GrabFocus(); } /* -----------------22.02.99 08:52------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ long OfaTreeOptionsDialog::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); const KeyCode aKeyCode = pKEvt->GetKeyCode(); const sal_uInt16 nModifier = aKeyCode.GetModifier(); if( aKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_PAGEUP || aKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = aTreeLB.FirstSelected(); SvLBoxEntry* pTemp = 0; if(aKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { pTemp = aTreeLB.Next( pCurEntry ) ; if(pTemp && !aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp)) { pTemp = aTreeLB.Next( pTemp ) ; aTreeLB.Select(pTemp); } } else { pTemp = aTreeLB.Prev( pCurEntry ) ; if(pTemp && !aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp)) { pTemp = aTreeLB.Prev( pTemp ) ; } } if(pTemp) { if(!aTreeLB.IsExpanded(aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp))) aTreeLB.Expand(aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp)); aTreeLB.MakeVisible(pTemp); aTreeLB.Select(pTemp); } } } return SfxModalDialog::Notify(rNEvt); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { SfxModalDialog::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aTreeLB.GetCurEntry(); if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) && !aTreeLB.GetParent(pEntry)) { OptionsGroupInfo* pInfo = static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()); bool bHighContrast = GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() != 0; ImageList* pImgLst = bHighContrast ? &aPageImagesHC : &aPageImages; for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aHelpTextsArr.Count(); ++i ) { if ( aHelpTextsArr.GetValue(i) == pInfo->nDialogId ) { aHelpImg.SetImage( pImgLst->GetImage( pInfo->nDialogId ) ); break; } } } } class FlagSet_Impl { bool & rFlag; public: FlagSet_Impl(bool& bFlag) : rFlag(bFlag){rFlag = true;} ~FlagSet_Impl(){rFlag = false;} }; IMPL_LINK( OfaTreeOptionsDialog, SelectHdl_Impl, Timer*, EMPTYARG ) { SvTreeListBox* pBox = &aTreeLB; SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pBox->GetCurEntry(); SvLBoxEntry* pParent = pBox->GetParent(pEntry); pBox->EndSelection(); DBG_ASSERT(!bInSelectHdl_Impl, "Timeout handler called twice") if(bInSelectHdl_Impl || pCurrentPageEntry == pEntry) return 0; //#111938# lock the SelectHdl_Impl to prevent multiple executes FlagSet_Impl aFlag(bInSelectHdl_Impl); TabPage* pOldPage = NULL; TabPage* pNewPage = NULL; if(pCurrentPageEntry && ((OptionsPageInfo *)pCurrentPageEntry->GetUserData())->pPage->IsVisible()) { OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pCurrentPageEntry->GetUserData(); pOldPage = pPageInfo->pPage; OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)aTreeLB.GetParent(pCurrentPageEntry)->GetUserData(); int nLeave = SfxTabPage::LEAVE_PAGE; if(RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR != pPageInfo->nPageId && pPageInfo->pPage->HasExchangeSupport()) { nLeave = pPageInfo->pPage->DeactivatePage(pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); } if(nLeave == SfxTabPage::KEEP_PAGE) { //die Seite darf nicht verlassen werden! pBox->Select(pCurrentPageEntry); return 0; } else pPageInfo->pPage->Hide(); } if(pParent) { aPageTitleFT.Hide(); aLine1FL.Hide(); aHelpFT.Hide(); aHelpImg.Hide(); OptionsPageInfo *pPageInfo = (OptionsPageInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); OptionsGroupInfo* pGroupInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)pParent->GetUserData(); if(!pPageInfo->pPage) { if(pGroupInfo->bLoadError) return 0; if ( RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR == pPageInfo->nPageId ) { if(!pColorPageItemSet) { //BFS01 // Move usage of a static XOutdevItemPool instance here if(!mpStaticXOutdevItemPool) { mpStaticXOutdevItemPool = new XOutdevItemPool(); } //BFS01 pColorPageItemSet = new SfxItemSet( *XOutdevItemPool::Get(), //BFS01 XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLCOLOR ); pColorPageItemSet = new SfxItemSet( *mpStaticXOutdevItemPool, XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XATTR_FILLCOLOR); pColorPageItemSet->Put( XFillColorItem() ); } } else { if(pGroupInfo->pModule /*&& !pGroupInfo->pModule->IsLoaded()*/) { SfxModule* pOldModule = pGroupInfo->pModule; sal_Bool bIdentical = pGroupInfo->pModule == pGroupInfo->pShell; WaitObject aWait(this); //pGroupInfo->pModule = pGroupInfo->pModule->Load(); if(!pGroupInfo->pModule) { pGroupInfo->bLoadError = sal_True; InfoBox(pBox, sNotLoadedError).Execute(); return 0; } if(bIdentical) pGroupInfo->pShell = pGroupInfo->pModule; //jetzt noch testen, ob es auch in anderen Gruppen das gleiche Module gab (z.B. Text+HTML) SvLBoxEntry* pTemp = aTreeLB.First(); while(pTemp) { if(!aTreeLB.GetParent(pTemp) && pTemp != pEntry) { OptionsGroupInfo* pTGInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)pTemp->GetUserData(); if(pTGInfo->pModule == pOldModule) { pTGInfo->pModule = pGroupInfo->pModule; if(bIdentical) pTGInfo->pShell = pGroupInfo->pModule; } } pTemp = aTreeLB.Next(pTemp); } } if ( pPageInfo->nPageId != SID_SCH_TP_DEFCOLORS ) { if(!pGroupInfo->pInItemSet) pGroupInfo->pInItemSet = pGroupInfo->pShell ? pGroupInfo->pShell->CreateItemSet( pGroupInfo->nDialogId ) : CreateItemSet( pGroupInfo->nDialogId ); if(!pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet) pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet = new SfxItemSet(*pGroupInfo->pInItemSet->GetPool(), pGroupInfo->pInItemSet->GetRanges()); } } if(pGroupInfo->pModule) { pPageInfo->pPage = pGroupInfo->pModule->CreateTabPage( pPageInfo->nPageId, this, *pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ); } else if ( SID_SCH_TP_DEFCOLORS == pPageInfo->nPageId ) { // Hack: force chart library to be loaded Reference < util::XCloseable > xCloseable ( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.chart.ChartDocument") ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xCloseable.is() ) { Reference < frame::XLoadable > xLoadable( xCloseable, UNO_QUERY ); xLoadable->initNew(); xCloseable->close( sal_True ); } SfxModule *pSchMod = (*(SfxModule**) GetAppData(SHL_SCH)); if ( pSchMod ) { if( !pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ) pGroupInfo->pInItemSet = pSchMod->CreateItemSet( pGroupInfo->nDialogId ); pPageInfo->pPage = pSchMod->CreateTabPage( pPageInfo->nPageId, this, *pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ); if( !pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet ) pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet = new SfxItemSet(*pGroupInfo->pInItemSet->GetPool(), pGroupInfo->pInItemSet->GetRanges()); if( !pGroupInfo->pShell ) pGroupInfo->pShell = pSchMod; } } else if(RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR != pPageInfo->nPageId) pPageInfo->pPage = ::CreateGeneralTabPage( pPageInfo->nPageId, this, *pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ); else { pPageInfo->pPage = ::CreateGeneralTabPage( pPageInfo->nPageId, this, *pColorPageItemSet ); SvxColorTabPage& rColPage = *(SvxColorTabPage*)pPageInfo->pPage; const OfaPtrItem* pPtr = NULL; if ( SfxViewFrame::Current() && SfxViewFrame::Current()->GetDispatcher() ) pPtr = (const OfaPtrItem*)SfxViewFrame::Current()-> GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_GET_COLORTABLE, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON ); pColorTab = pPtr ? (XColorTable*)pPtr->GetValue() : XColorTable::GetStdColorTable(); rColPage.SetColorTable( pColorTab ); rColPage.SetPageType( &nUnknownType ); rColPage.SetDlgType( &nUnknownType ); rColPage.SetPos( &nUnknownPos ); rColPage.SetAreaTP( &bIsAreaTP ); rColPage.SetColorChgd( (ChangeType*)&nChangeType ); rColPage.Construct(); } SvtViewOptions aTabPageOpt( E_TABPAGE, String::CreateFromInt32( pPageInfo->nPageId ) ); pPageInfo->pPage->SetUserData( GetViewOptUserItem( aTabPageOpt ) ); Point aTreePos(aTreeLB.GetPosPixel()); Size aTreeSize(aTreeLB.GetSizePixel()); Point aGBPos(aHiddenGB.GetPosPixel()); DBG_ASSERT(pPageInfo->pPage, "TabPage nicht gefunden!") Size aPageSize(pPageInfo->pPage->GetSizePixel()); Size aGBSize(aHiddenGB.GetSizePixel()); Point aPagePos( aGBPos.X() + ( aGBSize.Width() - aPageSize.Width() ) / 2, aGBPos.Y() + ( aGBSize.Height() - aPageSize.Height() ) / 2 ); pPageInfo->pPage->SetPosPixel( aPagePos ); if ( RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR == pPageInfo->nPageId ) { pPageInfo->pPage->Reset( *pColorPageItemSet ); pPageInfo->pPage->ActivatePage( *pColorPageItemSet ); } else { pPageInfo->pPage->Reset( *pGroupInfo->pInItemSet ); } } if(RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR != pPageInfo->nPageId && pPageInfo->pPage->HasExchangeSupport()) { pPageInfo->pPage->ActivatePage(*pGroupInfo->pOutItemSet); } pPageInfo->pPage->Show(); String sTmpTitle = sTitle; sTmpTitle += String::CreateFromAscii(" - "); sTmpTitle += aTreeLB.GetEntryText(pParent); sTmpTitle += String::CreateFromAscii(" - "); sTmpTitle += aTreeLB.GetEntryText(pEntry); SetText(sTmpTitle); pCurrentPageEntry = pEntry; if(!bForgetSelection) nLastDialogPageId = pPageInfo->nPageId; pNewPage = pPageInfo->pPage; } else { static const sal_uInt16 _aGlobalHelpIds[] = { HID_OFADLG_TREE_GENERAL , HID_OFADLG_TREE_LANGUAGE , HID_OFADLG_TREE_INTERNET , HID_OFADLG_TREE_TEXT , HID_OFADLG_TREE_HTML , HID_OFADLG_TREE_CALC , HID_OFADLG_TREE_PRESENTATION , HID_OFADLG_TREE_DRAWING , HID_OFADLG_TREE_FORMULA , HID_OFADLG_TREE_CHART , HID_OFADLG_TREE_BASE , HID_OFADLG_TREE_FILTER }; DBG_ASSERT( aHelpTextsArr.Count() == sizeof( _aGlobalHelpIds ) / sizeof(_aGlobalHelpIds[0]), "fehlende HelpIds!!" ); /* !!! pb: #98643# do not expand automatically, only with <+> or if(!aTreeLB.IsInCollapse()) pBox->Expand(pEntry); */ OptionsGroupInfo* pTGInfo = (OptionsGroupInfo *)pEntry->GetUserData(); bool bHighContrast = GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() != 0; ImageList* pImgLst = bHighContrast ? &aPageImagesHC : &aPageImages; //hier den Hilfetext anzeigen for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aHelpTextsArr.Count(); i++) { if(aHelpTextsArr.GetValue(i) == pTGInfo->nDialogId) { aHelpFT.SetText(aHelpTextsArr.GetString(i)); aHelpImg.SetImage(pImgLst->GetImage(pTGInfo->nDialogId)); break; } } aHelpFT.Show(); aLine1FL.Show(); aPageTitleFT.Show(); aHelpImg.Show(); //auf die Groesse der Bitmap anpassen if(!bImageResized) { const long nCtrlDist = 2; bImageResized = sal_True; Point aImgPos(aHelpImg.GetPosPixel()); Size aImgSize(aHelpImg.GetSizePixel()); Point aTitlePos(aPageTitleFT.GetPosPixel()); Point aLinePos(aLine1FL.GetPosPixel()); Point aHelpPos(aHelpFT.GetPosPixel()); Size aHelpSize(aHelpFT.GetSizePixel()); long nXDiff = 0; long nYDiff = 0; if(aTitlePos.X() <= (aImgPos.X() + aImgSize.Width() + nCtrlDist)) { nXDiff = aImgPos.X() + aImgSize.Width() + nCtrlDist - aTitlePos.X(); } if(aLinePos.Y() <= (aImgPos.Y() + aImgSize.Height() + nCtrlDist)) { nYDiff = aImgPos.Y() + aImgSize.Height() + nCtrlDist - aLinePos.Y(); } aLinePos.Y() += nYDiff; aLine1FL.SetPosPixel(aLinePos); aTitlePos.X() += nXDiff; aPageTitleFT.SetPosPixel(aTitlePos); aHelpPos.X() += nXDiff; aHelpPos.Y() += nYDiff; aHelpSize.Width() -= nXDiff; aHelpSize.Height() -= nYDiff; aHelpFT.SetPosSizePixel(aHelpPos, aHelpSize); Font aFont = aHelpFT.GetFont(); Size aSz = aFont.GetSize(); aSz.Height() = (aSz.Height() * 14 ) / 10; aFont.SetSize(aSz); aPageTitleFT.SetFont(aFont); } aHelpImg.Show(); String sTmpTitle = sTitle; sTmpTitle += String::CreateFromAscii(" - "); aPageTitleFT.SetText(aTreeLB.GetEntryText(pEntry)); sTmpTitle += aPageTitleFT.GetText(); SetText(sTmpTitle); pCurrentPageEntry = 0; } // restore lost focus, if necessary Window* pFocusWin = Application::GetFocusWindow(); // if the focused window is not the options treebox and the old page has the focus if ( pFocusWin && pFocusWin != pBox && pOldPage && pOldPage->HasChildPathFocus() ) // then set the focus to the new page or if we are on a group set the focus to the options treebox pNewPage ? pNewPage->GrabFocus() : pBox->GrabFocus(); return 0; } /* -----------------11.02.99 15:51------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------*/ OfaPageResource::OfaPageResource() : Resource(ResId(RID_OFADLG_OPTIONS_TREE_PAGES, DIALOG_MGR())), aGeneralDlgAry(ResId(SID_GENERAL_OPTIONS)), aLangDlgAry(ResId(SID_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS)), aInetDlgAry(ResId(SID_INET_DLG)), aTextDlgAry(ResId(SID_SW_EDITOPTIONS)), aHTMLDlgAry(ResId(SID_SW_ONLINEOPTIONS)), aCalcDlgAry(ResId(SID_SC_EDITOPTIONS)), aStarMathDlgAry(ResId(SID_SM_EDITOPTIONS)), aImpressDlgAry(ResId(SID_SD_EDITOPTIONS)), aDrawDlgAry(ResId(SID_SD_GRAPHIC_OPTIONS)), aChartDlgAry(ResId(SID_SCH_EDITOPTIONS)), aFilterDlgAry(ResId(SID_FILTER_DLG)), aDatasourcesDlgAry(ResId(SID_SB_STARBASEOPTIONS)) { FreeResource(); } BOOL EnableSSO( void ) { // SSO must be enabled if the configuration manager bootstrap settings // are configured as follows ... // CFG_Offline=false // CFG_ServerType=uno ( or unspecified ) // CFG_BackendService= // com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LdapSingleBackend OUString theIniFile; osl_getExecutableFile( &theIniFile.pData ); theIniFile = theIniFile.copy( 0, theIniFile.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ) + OUString::createFromAscii( SAL_CONFIGFILE( "configmgr" ) ); ::rtl::Bootstrap theBootstrap( theIniFile ); OUString theOfflineValue; OUString theDefaultOfflineValue = OUString::createFromAscii( "false" ); theBootstrap.getFrom( OUString::createFromAscii( "CFG_Offline" ), theOfflineValue, theDefaultOfflineValue ); OUString theServerTypeValue; theBootstrap.getFrom( OUString::createFromAscii( "CFG_ServerType" ), theServerTypeValue ); OUString theBackendServiceTypeValue; theBootstrap.getFrom( OUString::createFromAscii( "CFG_BackendService" ), theBackendServiceTypeValue ); BOOL bSSOEnabled = ( theOfflineValue == theDefaultOfflineValue && ( theServerTypeValue.getLength() == 0 || theServerTypeValue == OUString::createFromAscii( "uno" ) ) && theBackendServiceTypeValue == OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LdapSingleBackend" ) ); if ( bSSOEnabled && GetSSOCreator() == 0 ) { bSSOEnabled = FALSE; } return bSSOEnabled; } void* GetSSOCreator( void ) { static void* theSymbol = 0; if ( theSymbol == 0 ) { OUString theModuleName = OUString::createFromAscii( SVLIBRARY( "ssoopt" ) ); oslModule theModule = osl_loadModule( theModuleName.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_DEFAULT ); if ( theModule != 0 ) { OUString theSymbolName = OUString::createFromAscii( "CreateSSOTabPage" ); theSymbol = osl_getSymbol( theModule, theSymbolName.pData ); } } return theSymbol; } SfxItemSet* OfaTreeOptionsDialog::CreateItemSet( sal_uInt16 nId ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xProp( SvxGetLinguPropertySet() ); SfxItemSet* pRet = 0; switch(nId) { case SID_GENERAL_OPTIONS: { pRet = new SfxItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_METRIC, SID_ATTR_SPELL, SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER, SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER, SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, SID_HTML_MODE, SID_HTML_MODE, 0 ); SfxItemSet aOptSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER, SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER ); SFX_APP()->GetOptions(aOptSet); pRet->Put(aOptSet); SfxMiscCfg* pMisc = SFX_APP()->GetMiscConfig(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); if ( pViewFrame ) { SfxDispatcher* pDispatch = pViewFrame->GetDispatcher(); // Sonstiges - Year2000 if( SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, pItem ) ) pRet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() ) ); else pRet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, (USHORT)pMisc->GetYear2000() ) ); } else pRet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, (USHORT)pMisc->GetYear2000() ) ); // Sonstiges - Tabulator pRet->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_PRINTER_NOTFOUND_WARN, pMisc->IsNotFoundWarning())); sal_uInt16 nFlag = pMisc->IsPaperSizeWarning() ? SFX_PRINTER_CHG_SIZE : 0; nFlag |= pMisc->IsPaperOrientationWarning() ? SFX_PRINTER_CHG_ORIENTATION : 0; pRet->Put( SfxFlagItem( SID_PRINTER_CHANGESTODOC, nFlag )); } break; case SID_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS : { pRet = new SfxItemSet(SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_LANGUAGE, SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CJK_LANGUAGE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CTL_LANGUAGE, SID_OPT_LOCALE_CHANGED, SID_OPT_LOCALE_CHANGED, 0 ); // fuer die Linguistik Reference< XSpellChecker1 > xSpell = SvxGetSpellChecker(); pRet->Put(SfxSpellCheckItem( xSpell, SID_ATTR_SPELL )); SfxHyphenRegionItem aHyphen( SID_ATTR_HYPHENREGION ); sal_Int16 nMinLead = 2, nMinTrail = 2; if (xProp.is()) { xProp->getPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii( UPN_HYPH_MIN_LEADING) ) >>= nMinLead; xProp->getPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii( UPN_HYPH_MIN_TRAILING) ) >>= nMinTrail; } aHyphen.GetMinLead() = (sal_uInt8)nMinLead; aHyphen.GetMinTrail() = (sal_uInt8)nMinTrail; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; SfxPoolItem* pClone; SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); if ( pViewFrame ) { SfxDispatcher* pDispatch = pViewFrame->GetDispatcher(); if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState(SID_ATTR_LANGUAGE, pItem)) pRet->Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_LANGUAGE, ((const SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage())); if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState(SID_ATTR_CHAR_CJK_LANGUAGE, pItem)) pRet->Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_CHAR_CJK_LANGUAGE, ((const SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage())); if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState(SID_ATTR_CHAR_CTL_LANGUAGE, pItem)) pRet->Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_CHAR_CTL_LANGUAGE, ((const SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage())); pRet->Put(aHyphen); if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState(SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, pItem)) { pClone = pItem->Clone(); pRet->Put(*pClone); delete pClone; } else { sal_Bool bVal = sal_False; if (xProp.is()) { xProp->getPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii( UPN_IS_SPELL_AUTO) ) >>= bVal; } pRet->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, bVal)); } if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE <= pDispatch->QueryState(SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, pItem)) { pClone = pItem->Clone(); pRet->Put(*pClone); delete pClone; } else { sal_Bool bVal = sal_False; if (xProp.is()) { xProp->getPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii( UPN_IS_SPELL_HIDE) ) >>= bVal; } pRet->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, bVal)); } } } break; case SID_INET_DLG : pRet = new SfxItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_BASIC_ENABLED, SID_BASIC_ENABLED, //SID_OPTIONS_START - ..END SID_OPTIONS_START, SID_INET_PROXY_PORT, SID_SAVEREL_INET, SID_SAVEREL_FSYS, SID_INET_SMTPSERVER, SID_INET_SMTPSERVER, SID_INET_NOPROXY, SID_INET_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT, SID_INET_DNS_AUTO, SID_INET_DNS_SERVER, SID_SECURE_URL, SID_SECURE_URL, 0L ); SFX_APP()->GetOptions(*pRet); break; case SID_FILTER_DLG: pRet = new SfxItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_DOCINFO, SID_ATTR_AUTOSAVEMINUTE, SID_SAVEREL_INET, SID_SAVEREL_FSYS, SID_ATTR_PRETTYPRINTING, SID_ATTR_PRETTYPRINTING, SID_ATTR_WARNALIENFORMAT, SID_ATTR_WARNALIENFORMAT, 0 ); SFX_APP()->GetOptions(*pRet); break; case SID_SB_STARBASEOPTIONS: pRet = new SfxItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_SB_POOLING_ENABLED, SID_SB_DB_REGISTER, 0 ); ::offapp::ConnectionPoolConfig::GetOptions(*pRet); ::svx::DbRegisteredNamesConfig::GetOptions(*pRet); break; } return pRet; } void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ApplyItemSet( sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { switch(nId) { case SID_GENERAL_OPTIONS: { SfxMiscCfg* pMisc = SFX_APP()->GetMiscConfig(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; SfxItemSet aOptSet(SFX_APP()->GetPool(), SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER, SID_ATTR_QUICKLAUNCHER ); aOptSet.Put(rSet); if(aOptSet.Count()) SFX_APP()->SetOptions( aOptSet ); // Dispatcher neu holen, weil SetOptions() ggf. den Dispatcher zerst"ort hat SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Year2000 auswerten // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT nY2K = USHRT_MAX; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, sal_False, &pItem ) ) nY2K = ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue(); if( USHRT_MAX != nY2K ) { if ( pViewFrame ) { SfxDispatcher* pDispatch = pViewFrame->GetDispatcher(); pDispatch->Execute( SID_ATTR_YEAR2000, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, pItem, 0L); } pMisc->SetYear2000(nY2K); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drucken auswerten // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_PRINTER_NOTFOUND_WARN, sal_False, &pItem)) pMisc->SetNotFoundWarning(((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue()); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_PRINTER_CHANGESTODOC, sal_False, &pItem)) { const SfxFlagItem* pFlag = (const SfxFlagItem*)pItem; pMisc->SetPaperSizeWarning(0 != (pFlag->GetValue() & SFX_PRINTER_CHG_SIZE )); pMisc->SetPaperOrientationWarning(0 != (pFlag->GetValue() & SFX_PRINTER_CHG_ORIENTATION )); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // evaluate help options // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( SvtHelpOptions().IsHelpTips() != Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled() ) SvtHelpOptions().IsHelpTips() ? Help::EnableQuickHelp() : Help::DisableQuickHelp(); if ( SvtHelpOptions().IsExtendedHelp() != Help::IsBalloonHelpEnabled() ) SvtHelpOptions().IsExtendedHelp() ? Help::EnableBalloonHelp() : Help::DisableBalloonHelp(); } break; case SID_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS : { OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ApplyLanguageOptions(rSet); } break; case SID_INET_DLG : case SID_FILTER_DLG: SFX_APP()->SetOptions( rSet ); break; case SID_SB_STARBASEOPTIONS: ::offapp::ConnectionPoolConfig::SetOptions( rSet ); ::svx::DbRegisteredNamesConfig::SetOptions(rSet); break; default: { DBG_ERROR( "Unhandled option in ApplyItemSet" ); } break; } } void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ApplyLanguageOptions(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { sal_Bool bSaveSpellCheck = sal_False; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_SPELL_MODIFIED, sal_False, &pItem ) ) { bSaveSpellCheck = ( (const SfxBoolItem*)pItem )->GetValue(); } Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ); Reference< XPropertySet > xProp( xMgr->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.linguistic2.LinguProperties") ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_ATTR_HYPHENREGION, sal_False, &pItem ) ) { const SfxHyphenRegionItem* pHyphenItem = (const SfxHyphenRegionItem*)pItem; if (xProp.is()) { xProp->setPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii(UPN_HYPH_MIN_LEADING), makeAny((sal_Int16) pHyphenItem->GetMinLead()) ); xProp->setPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii(UPN_HYPH_MIN_TRAILING), makeAny((sal_Int16) pHyphenItem->GetMinTrail()) ); } bSaveSpellCheck = sal_True; } SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); if ( pViewFrame ) { SfxDispatcher* pDispatch = pViewFrame->GetDispatcher(); pItem = 0; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_LANGUAGE, sal_False, &pItem )) { pDispatch->Execute(pItem->Which(), SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, pItem, 0L); bSaveSpellCheck = sal_True; } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_CHAR_CTL_LANGUAGE, sal_False, &pItem )) { pDispatch->Execute(pItem->Which(), SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, pItem, 0L); bSaveSpellCheck = sal_True; } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_CHAR_CJK_LANGUAGE, sal_False, &pItem )) { pDispatch->Execute(pItem->Which(), SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, pItem, 0L); bSaveSpellCheck = sal_True; } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, sal_False, &pItem )) { sal_Bool bOnlineSpelling = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); pDispatch->Execute(SID_AUTOSPELL_CHECK, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON|SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, pItem, 0L); if (xProp.is()) { xProp->setPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii(UPN_IS_SPELL_AUTO), makeAny(bOnlineSpelling) ); } } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, sal_False, &pItem )) { sal_Bool bHideSpell = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); pDispatch->Execute(SID_AUTOSPELL_MARKOFF, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON|SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, pItem, 0L); if (xProp.is()) { xProp->setPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii(UPN_IS_SPELL_HIDE), makeAny(bHideSpell) ); } } if( bSaveSpellCheck ) { //! the config item has changed since we modified the //! property set it uses pDispatch->Execute(SID_SPELLCHECKER_CHANGED, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON); } } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_OPT_LOCALE_CHANGED, sal_False, &pItem )) { SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(); while ( pViewFrame ) { pViewFrame->GetDispatcher()->Execute(pItem->Which(), SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, pItem, 0L); pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext( *pViewFrame ); } } } void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::Initialize() { OfaPageResource aDlgResource; sal_uInt16 nGroup = 0; SfxApplication* pApp = SFX_APP(); BOOL isSSOEnabled = EnableSSO(); ResStringArray& rGeneralArray = aDlgResource.GetGeneralArray(); nGroup = AddGroup(rGeneralArray.GetString(0), 0, 0, SID_GENERAL_OPTIONS ); sal_uInt16 nEnd = rGeneralArray.Count(); sal_uInt16 i; for(i = 1; i < nEnd; i++) { sal_uInt16 nPageId = (sal_uInt16)rGeneralArray.GetValue(i); if ( nPageId != RID_SVXPAGE_SSO || isSSOEnabled ) AddTabPage( nPageId, rGeneralArray.GetString(i), nGroup ); } //load/save ResStringArray& rFilterArray = aDlgResource.GetFilterArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rFilterArray.GetString(0), 0, 0, SID_FILTER_DLG ); for(i = 1; i < rFilterArray.Count(); ++i ) AddTabPage( (sal_uInt16)rFilterArray.GetValue(i), rFilterArray.GetString(i), nGroup ); // language options SvtLanguageOptions aLanguageOptions; ResStringArray& rLangArray = aDlgResource.GetLangArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rLangArray.GetString(0), 0, 0, SID_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS ); for ( USHORT i = 1; i < rLangArray.Count(); ++i ) { sal_uInt16 nValue = (sal_uInt16)rLangArray.GetValue(i); if ( ( RID_SVXPAGE_JSEARCH_OPTIONS != nValue || aLanguageOptions.IsJapaneseFindEnabled() ) && ( RID_SVXPAGE_ASIAN_LAYOUT != nValue || aLanguageOptions.IsAsianTypographyEnabled() ) && ( RID_SVXPAGE_OPTIONS_CTL != nValue || aLanguageOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled() ) ) AddTabPage( nValue, rLangArray.GetString(i), nGroup ); } sal_Bool bHasAnyFilter = sal_False; SvtModuleOptions aModuleOpt; if ( aModuleOpt.IsWriter() ) { // Textdokument bHasAnyFilter = sal_True; ResStringArray& rTextArray = aDlgResource.GetTextArray(); SfxModule *pSwMod = (*(SfxModule**) GetAppData(SHL_WRITER)); if ( pSwMod && pSwMod->IsActive() ) { nGroup = AddGroup(rTextArray.GetString(0), pSwMod, pSwMod, SID_SW_EDITOPTIONS ); USHORT i; for(i = 1; i < rTextArray.Count(); i++) { sal_uInt16 nValue = (sal_uInt16)rTextArray.GetValue(i); if((RID_SW_TP_STD_FONT_CJK != nValue || aLanguageOptions.IsCJKFontEnabled())&& (RID_SW_TP_STD_FONT_CTL != nValue || aLanguageOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled())&& (RID_SW_TP_MAILCONFIG != nValue || (MailMergeCfg_Impl().IsEmailSupported()))) AddTabPage( nValue, rTextArray.GetString(i), nGroup); } #ifndef PRODUCT AddTabPage( RID_SW_TP_OPTTEST_PAGE, String::CreateFromAscii("Interner Test"), nGroup); #endif // HTML-Dokument ResStringArray& rHTMLArray = aDlgResource.GetHTMLArray(); nGroup = AddGroup(rHTMLArray.GetString(0), pSwMod, pSwMod, SID_SW_ONLINEOPTIONS ); for(i = 1; i < rHTMLArray.Count(); i++) AddTabPage( (sal_uInt16)rHTMLArray.GetValue(i), rHTMLArray.GetString(i), nGroup); #ifndef PRODUCT AddTabPage( RID_SW_TP_OPTTEST_PAGE, String::CreateFromAscii("Interner Test"), nGroup); #endif } } if ( aModuleOpt.IsCalc() ) { // StarCalc-Dialog bHasAnyFilter = sal_True; SfxModule* pScMod = ( *( SfxModule** ) GetAppData( SHL_CALC ) ); if ( pScMod && pScMod->IsActive() ) { ResStringArray& rCalcArray = aDlgResource.GetCalcArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rCalcArray.GetString( 0 ), pScMod, pScMod, SID_SC_EDITOPTIONS ); const sal_Bool bCTL = aLanguageOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled(); sal_uInt16 nId; const USHORT nCount = rCalcArray.Count(); for( USHORT i = 1 ; i < nCount ; ++i ) { nId = ( sal_uInt16 ) rCalcArray.GetValue( i ); // if( bCTL || nId != RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL ) // #103755# if an international tabpage is need one day, this should be used again... ;-) if( nId != RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL ) AddTabPage( nId, rCalcArray.GetString( i ), nGroup ); } } } if ( aModuleOpt.IsImpress() ) { //Praesentation bHasAnyFilter = sal_True; SfxModule* pSdMod = ( *( SfxModule** ) GetAppData( SHL_DRAW ) ); if ( pSdMod && pSdMod->IsActive() ) { ResStringArray& rImpressArray = aDlgResource.GetImpressArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rImpressArray.GetString( 0 ), pSdMod, pSdMod, SID_SD_EDITOPTIONS ); const sal_Bool bCTL = aLanguageOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled(); sal_uInt16 nId; const USHORT nCount = rImpressArray.Count(); for( USHORT i = 1 ; i < nCount ; ++i ) { nId = ( sal_uInt16 ) rImpressArray.GetValue( i ); if( bCTL || nId != RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL_IMPR ) AddTabPage( nId, rImpressArray.GetString( i ), nGroup ); } } } if ( aModuleOpt.IsDraw() ) { //Zeichnung SfxModule* pSdMod = ( *( SfxModule** ) GetAppData( SHL_DRAW ) ); if ( pSdMod && pSdMod->IsActive() ) { ResStringArray& rDrawArray = aDlgResource.GetDrawArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rDrawArray.GetString( 0 ), pSdMod, pSdMod, SID_SD_GRAPHIC_OPTIONS ); const sal_Bool bCTL = aLanguageOptions.IsCTLFontEnabled(); sal_uInt16 nId; const USHORT nCount = rDrawArray.Count(); for( USHORT i = 1 ; i < nCount ; ++i ) { nId = ( sal_uInt16 ) rDrawArray.GetValue( i ); if( bCTL || nId != RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL_SD ) AddTabPage( nId, rDrawArray.GetString( i ), nGroup ); } } } if ( aModuleOpt.IsMath() ) { // StarMath-Dialog SfxModule *pSmMod = (*(SfxModule**) GetAppData(SHL_SM)); if ( pSmMod && pSmMod->IsActive() ) { ResStringArray& rStarMathArray = aDlgResource.GetStarMathArray(); nGroup = AddGroup(rStarMathArray.GetString(0), pSmMod, pSmMod, SID_SM_EDITOPTIONS ); for(USHORT i = 1; i < rStarMathArray.Count(); i++) AddTabPage( (sal_uInt16)rStarMathArray.GetValue(i), rStarMathArray.GetString(i), nGroup); } } // Data access (always installed) ResStringArray& rDSArray = aDlgResource.GetDatasourcesArray(); nGroup = AddGroup(rDSArray.GetString(0), 0, NULL, SID_SB_STARBASEOPTIONS ); for(USHORT i = 1; i < rDSArray.Count(); i++) AddTabPage( (sal_uInt16)rDSArray.GetValue(i), rDSArray.GetString(i), nGroup); // new spec: always show chart pages in general options ResStringArray& rChartArray = aDlgResource.GetChartArray(); nGroup = AddGroup( rChartArray.GetString(0), 0, 0, SID_SCH_EDITOPTIONS ); for(USHORT i1 = 1; i1 < rChartArray.Count(); i1++) AddTabPage( (sal_uInt16)rChartArray.GetValue(i1), rChartArray.GetString(i1), nGroup); // Internet ResStringArray& rInetArray = aDlgResource.GetInetArray(); nGroup = AddGroup(rInetArray.GetString(0), 0, 0, SID_INET_DLG ); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i < rInetArray.Count(); i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nPageId = (sal_uInt16)rInetArray.GetValue(i); #if defined WNT // Disable E-mail tab-page on Windows if ( nPageId == RID_SVXPAGE_INET_MAIL ) continue; #endif AddTabPage( nPageId, rInetArray.GetString(i), nGroup ); } ResizeTreeLB(); ActivateLastSelection(); } namespace { void MoveControl( Control& _rCtrl, long _nDeltaPixel ) { Point aPt( _rCtrl.GetPosPixel() ); aPt.X() += _nDeltaPixel; _rCtrl.SetPosPixel( aPt ); } } void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ResizeTreeLB( void ) { const long nMax = aHiddenGB.GetSizePixel().Width() * 42 / 100; // don't ask where 42 comes from... but it looks / feels ok ;-) long nDelta = 50; // min. USHORT nDepth = 0; const long nIndent0 = PixelToLogic( Size( 28, 0 ) ).Width(); const long nIndent1 = PixelToLogic( Size( 52, 0 ) ).Width(); SvTreeList* pTreeList = aTreeLB.GetModel(); DBG_ASSERT( pTreeList, "-OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ResizeTreeLB(): no model, no cookies!" ); SvListEntry* pEntry = pTreeList->First(); while( pEntry ) { long n = aTreeLB.GetTextWidth( aTreeLB.GetEntryText( static_cast< SvLBoxEntry* >( pEntry ) ) ); n += ( nDepth == 0 )? nIndent0 : nIndent1; if( n > nDelta ) nDelta = n; pEntry = pTreeList->Next( pEntry, &nDepth ); } nDelta = LogicToPixel( Size( nDelta + 3, 0 ) ).Width(); // + extra space [logic] nDelta += GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); // + scroll bar, in case it's needed if( nDelta > nMax ) nDelta = nMax; // starting resizing with this Size aSize( GetSizePixel() ); aSize.Width() += nDelta; SetSizePixel( aSize ); // resize treelistbox aSize = aTreeLB.GetSizePixel(); aSize.Width() += nDelta; aTreeLB.SetSizePixel( aSize ); // ... and move depending controls MoveControl( aOkPB, nDelta ); MoveControl( aCancelPB, nDelta ); MoveControl( aHelpPB, nDelta ); MoveControl( aBackPB, nDelta ); MoveControl( aHiddenGB, nDelta ); MoveControl( aPageTitleFT, nDelta ); MoveControl( aLine1FL, nDelta ); MoveControl( aHelpFT, nDelta ); MoveControl( aHelpImg, nDelta ); } short OfaTreeOptionsDialog::Execute() { // collect all DictionaryList Events while the dialog is executed Reference xDictionaryList(SvxGetDictionaryList()); SvxDicListChgClamp aClamp( xDictionaryList ); short nRet = SfxModalDialog::Execute(); if( RET_OK == nRet ) { ApplyItemSets(); if( GetColorTable() ) { GetColorTable()->Save(); // notify current viewframe it it uses the same color table if ( SfxViewFrame::Current() && SfxViewFrame::Current()->GetDispatcher() ) { const OfaPtrItem* pPtr = (const OfaPtrItem*)SfxViewFrame::Current()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_GET_COLORTABLE, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON ); if( pPtr ) { XColorTable* pColorTab = (XColorTable*)pPtr->GetValue(); if( pColorTab && pColorTab->GetPath() == GetColorTable()->GetPath() && pColorTab->GetName() == GetColorTable()->GetName() ) SfxObjectShell::Current()->PutItem( SvxColorTableItem( GetColorTable() ) ); } } } utl::ConfigManager::GetConfigManager()->StoreConfigItems(); } return nRet; }