 *  $RCSfile: editdoc2.cxx,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.4 $
 *  last change: $Author: mt $ $Date: 2001-03-02 16:31:50 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
 *  either of the following licenses
 *         - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *         - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *  =============================================
 *  Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *  MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  =================================================
 *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
 *  Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
 *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
 *  License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
 *  Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
 *  See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
 *  obligations concerning the Software.
 *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Contributor(s): _______________________________________

#include <eeng_pch.hxx>

#pragma hdrstop

#ifndef _SFXSMPLHINT_HXX //autogen
#include <svtools/smplhint.hxx>
#include <tools/rtti.hxx>
#include <lspcitem.hxx>
#include <adjitem.hxx>
#include <tstpitem.hxx>

#include <editdoc.hxx>
#include <impedit.hxx>
#include <editdbg.hxx>

#include <numitem.hxx>

#include "akrnitem.hxx"
#include "cntritem.hxx"
#include "colritem.hxx"
#include "crsditem.hxx"
#include "escpitem.hxx"
#include "fhgtitem.hxx"
#include "fontitem.hxx"
#include "kernitem.hxx"
#include "lrspitem.hxx"
#include "postitem.hxx"
#include "shdditem.hxx"
#include "udlnitem.hxx"
#include "ulspitem.hxx"
#include "wghtitem.hxx"
#include "wrlmitem.hxx"
#include <charscaleitem.hxx>

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>    // Fuer AppWindow...

DBG_NAME( EE_ParaPortion );

SV_IMPL_VARARR( CharPosArray, long );


BOOL EditStyleSheet::HasStyleAsAnyParent( SfxStyleSheet& rStyle )
    if ( GetParent() == rStyle.GetName() )
        return TRUE;

    if ( GetParent().Len() && ( GetParent() != GetName() ) )
        EditStyleSheet* pS = (EditStyleSheet*)GetPool().Find( GetParent(), rStyle.GetFamily() );
        if ( pS )
            return pS->HasStyleAsAnyParent( rStyle );
    return FALSE;


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class TextPortionList
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------


void TextPortionList::Reset()
    for ( USHORT nPortion = 0; nPortion < Count(); nPortion++ )
        delete GetObject( nPortion );
    Remove( 0, Count() );

void TextPortionList::DeleteFromPortion( USHORT nDelFrom )
    DBG_ASSERT( ( nDelFrom < Count() ) || ( (nDelFrom == 0) && (Count() == 0) ), "DeleteFromPortion: Out of range" );
    for ( USHORT nP = nDelFrom; nP < Count(); nP++ )
        delete GetObject( nP );
    Remove( nDelFrom, Count()-nDelFrom );

USHORT TextPortionList::FindPortion( USHORT nCharPos, USHORT& nPortionStart )
    // Bei nCharPos an Portion-Grenze wird die linke Portion gefunden
    USHORT nTmpPos = 0;
    for ( USHORT nPortion = 0; nPortion < Count(); nPortion++ )
        TextPortion* pPortion = GetObject( nPortion );
        nTmpPos += pPortion->GetLen();
        if ( nTmpPos >= nCharPos )
            nPortionStart = nTmpPos - pPortion->GetLen();
            return nPortion;
    DBG_ERROR( "FindPortion: Nicht gefunden!" );
    return ( Count() - 1 );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ParaPortion
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ParaPortion::ParaPortion( ContentNode* pN )
    DBG_CTOR( EE_ParaPortion, 0 );

    pNode               = pN;
    bInvalid            = TRUE;
    bVisible            = TRUE;
    bSimple             = FALSE;
    bForceRepaint       = FALSE;
    nInvalidPosStart    = 0;
    nInvalidDiff        = 0;
    nHeight             = 0;
    nFirstLineOffset    = 0;
    nBulletX            = 0;

    DBG_DTOR( EE_ParaPortion, 0 );

void ParaPortion::MarkInvalid( USHORT nStart, short nDiff )
    if ( bInvalid == FALSE )
//      nInvalidPosEnd = nStart;    // ??? => CreateLines
        nInvalidPosStart = ( nDiff >= 0 ) ? nStart : ( nStart + nDiff );
        nInvalidDiff = nDiff;
        // Einfaches hintereinander tippen
        if ( ( nDiff > 0 ) && ( nInvalidDiff > 0 ) &&
             ( ( nInvalidPosStart+nInvalidDiff ) == nStart ) )
            nInvalidDiff += nDiff;
        // Einfaches hintereinander loeschen
        else if ( ( nDiff < 0 ) && ( nInvalidDiff < 0 ) && ( nInvalidPosStart == nStart ) )
            nInvalidPosStart += nDiff;
            nInvalidDiff += nDiff;
//          nInvalidPosEnd = pNode->Len();
            DBG_ASSERT( ( nDiff >= 0 ) || ( (nStart+nDiff) >= 0 ), "MarkInvalid: Diff out of Range" );
            nInvalidPosStart = Min( nInvalidPosStart, (USHORT) ( nDiff < 0 ? nStart+nDiff : nDiff ) );
            nInvalidDiff = 0;
            bSimple = FALSE;
    bInvalid = TRUE;
    aScriptInfos.Remove( 0, aScriptInfos.Count() );

void ParaPortion::MarkSelectionInvalid( USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd )
    if ( bInvalid == FALSE )
        nInvalidPosStart = nStart;
//      nInvalidPosEnd = nEnd;
        nInvalidPosStart = Min( nInvalidPosStart, nStart );
//      nInvalidPosEnd = pNode->Len();
    nInvalidDiff = 0;
    bInvalid = TRUE;
    bSimple = FALSE;
    aScriptInfos.Remove( 0, aScriptInfos.Count() );

void ParaPortion::AdjustBlocks( EditLine* pLine, long nRemainingSpace )
    DBG_ASSERT( nRemainingSpace > 0, "AdjustBlocks: Etwas zuwenig..." );
    DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "AdjustBlocks: Zeile ?!" );
    if ( ( nRemainingSpace < 0 ) || pLine->IsEmpty() )
        return ;

//  USHORTs aBlanks;
    const USHORT nFirstChar = pLine->GetStart();
    const USHORT nLastChar = pLine->GetEnd() -1;    // Last zeigt dahinter

    DBG_ASSERT( nLastChar < pNode->Len(), "AdjustBlocks: Out of range!" );

    // Blanks suchen:
    USHORT nBlanks = 0;
    USHORT nChar;
    for ( nChar = nFirstChar; nChar <= nLastChar; nChar++ )
        if ( pNode->GetChar(nChar) == ' ' )

    if ( !nBlanks )

    // Wenn das letzte Zeichen ein Blank ist, will ich es nicht haben!
    // Die Breite muss auf die Blocker davor verteilt werden...
    // Aber nicht, wenn es das einzige ist
    if ( ( pNode->GetChar( nLastChar ) == ' ' ) && ( nBlanks > 1 ) )
        USHORT nPortionStart, nPortion;
        nPortion = GetTextPortions().FindPortion( nLastChar+1, nPortionStart );
        TextPortion* pLastPortion = GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];
        long nRealWidth = pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar];
        long nBlankWidth = nRealWidth;
        if ( nLastChar > nPortionStart )
            nBlankWidth -= pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar-1];
        // Evtl. ist das Blank schon in ImpBreakLine abgezogen worden:
        if ( nRealWidth == pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() )
            // Beim letzten Zeichen muss die Portion hinter dem Blank aufhoeren
            // => Korrektur vereinfachen:
            DBG_ASSERT( ( nPortionStart + pLastPortion->GetLen() ) == ( nLastChar+1 ), "Blank doch nicht am Portion-Ende?!" );
            pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() -= nBlankWidth;
            nRemainingSpace += nBlankWidth;
        pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nLastChar-nFirstChar] -= nBlankWidth;

    const long nMore4Everyone = nRemainingSpace / nBlanks;
    long nSomeExtraSpace = nRemainingSpace - nMore4Everyone*nBlanks;

    DBG_ASSERT( nSomeExtraSpace < (long)nBlanks, "AdjustBlocks: ExtraSpace zu gross" );
    DBG_ASSERT( nSomeExtraSpace >= 0, "AdjustBlocks: ExtraSpace < 0 " );

    // Die Positionen im Array und die Portion-Breiten korrigieren:
    // Letztes Zeichen wird schon nicht mehr beachtet...
    for ( nChar = nFirstChar; nChar < nLastChar; nChar++ )
        if ( pNode->GetChar( nChar ) == ' ' )
            USHORT nPortionStart, nPortion;
            nPortion = GetTextPortions().FindPortion( nChar, nPortionStart );
            TextPortion* pLastPortion = GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ];

            // Die Breite der Portion:
            pLastPortion->GetSize().Width() += nMore4Everyone;
            if ( nSomeExtraSpace )

            // Die Zeichenpositionen ab dem Blank:
            USHORT nPortionEnd = nPortionStart + pLastPortion->GetLen();
            for ( USHORT n = nChar; n < nPortionEnd; n++ )
                pLine->GetCharPosArray()[n-nFirstChar] += nMore4Everyone;
                if ( nSomeExtraSpace )

            if ( nSomeExtraSpace )

USHORT ParaPortion::GetLineNumber( USHORT nIndex )
    DBG_ASSERTWARNING( aLineList.Count(), "Leere ParaPortion in GetLine!" );
    DBG_ASSERT( bVisible, "Wozu GetLine() bei einem unsichtbaren Absatz?" );

    for ( USHORT nLine = 0; nLine < aLineList.Count(); nLine++ )
        if ( aLineList[nLine]->IsIn( nIndex ) )
            return nLine;

    // Dann sollte es am Ende der letzten Zeile sein!
    DBG_ASSERT( nIndex == aLineList[ aLineList.Count() - 1 ]->GetEnd(), "Index voll daneben!" );
    return (aLineList.Count()-1);

long ParaPortion::GetXPos( EditLine* pLine, USHORT nIndex )
    DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "Keine Zeile erhalten: GetXPos" );
    DBG_ASSERT( ( nIndex >= pLine->GetStart() ) && ( nIndex <= pLine->GetEnd() ) , "GetXPos muss richtig gerufen werden!" );

    TextPortion* pPortion;
    Size aTmpSz;

    long nX = pLine->GetStartPosX();
    USHORT nCurIndex = pLine->GetStart();

    for ( USHORT i = pLine->GetStartPortion(); i <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); i++ )
        pPortion = aTextPortionList.GetObject( i );
        nCurIndex += pPortion->GetLen();
        if ( nCurIndex <= nIndex )
            switch ( pPortion->GetKind() )
                case PORTIONKIND_FIELD:
                case PORTIONKIND_TEXT:
                case PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR:
                case PORTIONKIND_TAB:
                case PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE:
                    nX += pPortion->GetSize().Width();
            if ( nCurIndex == nIndex )
                break;  // for
        else    // suchen und Ende
            nCurIndex -= pPortion->GetLen();

            // Wenn ich auf einem Feature stehe,
            // braucht die X-Postion nicht korrigiert werden...
            if (pPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT )
                // nIndex - 1, weil kein Wert fuer Stelle 0.
                if ( nIndex != pLine->GetStart() )
                    nX += pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetObject( nIndex - 1 - pLine->GetStart() );
            break;  // for
    return nX;

USHORT ParaPortion::GetChar( EditLine* pLine, long nXPos, BOOL bSmart )
    DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "Keine Zeile erhalten: GetChar" );

    Size aTmpSz;
    TextPortion* pPortion;

    USHORT nCurIndex = pLine->GetStart();
    long nTmpX = pLine->GetStartPosX();

    if ( nTmpX >= nXPos  )
        return nCurIndex;

    long nLastWidth;

    for ( USHORT i = pLine->GetStartPortion(); i <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); i++ )
        pPortion = aTextPortionList.GetObject( i );
        switch ( pPortion->GetKind() )
            case PORTIONKIND_TEXT:
            case PORTIONKIND_FIELD:
            case PORTIONKIND_TAB:
                nLastWidth = pPortion->GetSize().Width();
                nTmpX += nLastWidth;
                return nCurIndex;
            // break; erzeugt Warnung: "Unreachable code"
            default: DBG_ERROR( "GetChar: Unbekannte Portion" );

        if ( nTmpX > nXPos )
            // Spezielle Portions werden nicht weiter unterteilt:
            if ( pPortion->GetKind() != PORTIONKIND_TEXT )
                // Aber gewichtet:
                long nLeftDiff = nXPos-(nTmpX-nLastWidth);
                long nRightDiff = nTmpX-nXPos;
                if ( bSmart && ( Abs( nRightDiff ) < Abs( nLeftDiff ) ) )
                return nCurIndex;

            nTmpX -= nLastWidth;    // vor die Portion stellen

            USHORT nMax = pPortion->GetLen();
            USHORT nOffset = 0xFFFF;
            USHORT nTmpCurIndex = nCurIndex - pLine->GetStart();

            for ( USHORT x = 0; x < nMax; x++ )
                long nTmpPosMax = nTmpX+pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetObject( nTmpCurIndex+x );
                if ( nTmpPosMax > nXPos )
                    // pruefen, ob dieser oder der davor...
                    long nTmpPosMin = nTmpX;
                    if ( x )
                        nTmpPosMin += pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetObject( nTmpCurIndex+x-1 );
                    long nDiffLeft = nXPos - nTmpPosMin;
                    long nDiffRight = nTmpPosMax - nXPos;
                    DBG_ASSERT( nDiffLeft >= 0, "DiffLeft negativ" );
                    DBG_ASSERT( nDiffRight >= 0, "DiffRight negativ" );
                    nOffset = ( bSmart && ( nDiffRight < nDiffLeft ) ) ? x+1 : x;
                    // I18N: If there are character position with the length
                    // of 0, they belong to the same character, we can not
                    // use this position as an index.
                    // Skip all 0-positions, cheaper than using XBreakIterator:
                    if ( nOffset < nMax )
                        const long nX = pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetObject(nOffset);
                        while ( ( (nOffset+1) < nMax ) && ( pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetObject(nOffset+1) == nX ) )

            // Bei Verwendung des CharPosArray duerfte es keine Ungenauigkeiten geben!
            // Vielleicht bei Kerning ?
            // 0xFFF passiert z.B. bei Outline-Font, wenn ganz hinten.
            if ( nOffset == 0xFFFF )
                nOffset = nMax;

            DBG_ASSERT( nOffset <= nMax, "nOffset > nMax" );

            nCurIndex += nOffset;

            // nicht gefunden => Ende der Zeile ?
            // Nein: Dann sorgt die obere While-Schleife schon fuer das
            // richtige n.
            // Die unteren beiden Zeilen haben den Effekt, dass man
            // nicht zwischen die letzten beiden Zeichen klicken kann.
            //  if ( ( nTmpX + aTmpSz.Width() ) < nXPos )
            //      nCurIndex++;

            return nCurIndex;

        nCurIndex += pPortion->GetLen();
    return nCurIndex;

void ParaPortion::SetVisible( BOOL bMakeVisible )
    bVisible = bMakeVisible;

void ParaPortion::CorrectValuesBehindLastFormattedLine( USHORT nLastFormattedLine )
    USHORT nLines = aLineList.Count();
    DBG_ASSERT( nLines, "CorrectPortionNumbersFromLine: Leere Portion?" );
    if ( nLastFormattedLine < ( nLines - 1 ) )
        const EditLine* pLastFormatted = aLineList[ nLastFormattedLine ];
        const EditLine* pUnformatted = aLineList[ nLastFormattedLine+1 ];
        short nPortionDiff = pUnformatted->GetStartPortion() - pLastFormatted->GetEndPortion();
        short nTextDiff = pUnformatted->GetStart() - pLastFormatted->GetEnd();
        nTextDiff++;    // LastFormatted->GetEnd() war incl. => 1 zuviel abgezogen!

        // Die erste unformatierte muss genau eine Portion hinter der letzten der
        // formatierten beginnen:
        // Wenn in der geaenderten Zeile eine Portion gesplittet wurde,
        // kann nLastEnd > nNextStart sein!
        short nPDiff = -( nPortionDiff-1 );
        short nTDiff = -( nTextDiff-1 );
        if ( nPDiff || nTDiff )
            for ( USHORT nL = nLastFormattedLine+1; nL < nLines; nL++ )
                EditLine* pLine = aLineList[ nL ];

                pLine->GetStartPortion() += nPDiff;
                pLine->GetEndPortion() += nPDiff;

                pLine->GetStart() += nTDiff;
                pLine->GetEnd() += nTDiff;

    DBG_ASSERT( aLineList[ aLineList.Count()-1 ]->GetEnd() == pNode->Len(), "CorrectLines: Ende stimmt nicht!" );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ParaPortionList
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------


void ParaPortionList::Reset()
    for ( USHORT nPortion = 0; nPortion < Count(); nPortion++ )
        delete GetObject( nPortion );
    Remove( 0, Count() );

long ParaPortionList::GetYOffset( ParaPortion* pPPortion )
    long nHeight = 0;
    for ( USHORT nPortion = 0; nPortion < Count(); nPortion++ )
        ParaPortion* pTmpPortion = GetObject(nPortion);
        if ( pTmpPortion == pPPortion )
            return nHeight;
        nHeight += pTmpPortion->GetHeight();
    DBG_ERROR( "GetYOffset: Portion nicht gefunden" );
    return nHeight;

USHORT ParaPortionList::FindParagraph( long nYOffset )
    long nY = 0;
    for ( USHORT nPortion = 0; nPortion < Count(); nPortion++ )
        nY += GetObject(nPortion)->GetHeight(); // sollte auch bei !bVisible richtig sein!
        if ( nY > nYOffset )
            return nPortion;
    return 0xFFFF;  // solte mal ueber EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND erreicht werden!

void ParaPortionList::DbgCheck( EditDoc& rDoc )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    DBG_ASSERT( Count() == rDoc.Count(), "ParaPortionList::DbgCheck() - Count() ungleich!" );
    for ( USHORT i = 0; i < Count(); i++ )
        DBG_ASSERT( SaveGetObject(i), "ParaPortionList::DbgCheck() - Null-Pointer in Liste!" );
        DBG_ASSERT( GetObject(i)->GetNode(), "ParaPortionList::DbgCheck() - Null-Pointer in Liste(2)!" );
        DBG_ASSERT( GetObject(i)->GetNode() == rDoc.GetObject(i), "ParaPortionList::DbgCheck() - Eintraege kreuzen sich!" );

ContentAttribsInfo::ContentAttribsInfo( const SfxItemSet& rParaAttribs ) :
        aPrevParaAttribs( rParaAttribs)

void ConvertItem( SfxPoolItem& rPoolItem, MapUnit eSourceUnit, MapUnit eDestUnit )
    DBG_ASSERT( eSourceUnit != eDestUnit, "ConvertItem - Why?!" );

    switch ( rPoolItem.Which() )
        case EE_PARA_LRSPACE:
            DBG_ASSERT( rPoolItem.IsA( TYPE( SvxLRSpaceItem ) ), "ConvertItem: Ungueltiges Item!" );
            SvxLRSpaceItem& rItem = (SvxLRSpaceItem&)rPoolItem;
            rItem.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
            rItem.SetTxtLeft( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetTxtLeft(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
            rItem.SetLeft( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetLeft(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
            rItem.SetRight( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetRight(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
        case EE_PARA_ULSPACE:
            DBG_ASSERT( rPoolItem.IsA( TYPE( SvxULSpaceItem ) ), "ConvertItem: Ungueltiges Item!" );
            SvxULSpaceItem& rItem = (SvxULSpaceItem&)rPoolItem;
            rItem.SetUpper( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetUpper(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
            rItem.SetLower( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetLower(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
        case EE_PARA_SBL:
            DBG_ASSERT( rPoolItem.IsA( TYPE( SvxLineSpacingItem ) ), "ConvertItem: Ungueltiges Item!" );
            SvxLineSpacingItem& rItem = (SvxLineSpacingItem&)rPoolItem;
            rItem.SetLineHeight( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetLineHeight(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
            rItem.SetInterLineSpace( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetInterLineSpace(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );
        case EE_PARA_TABS:
            DBG_ASSERT( rPoolItem.IsA( TYPE( SvxTabStopItem ) ), "ConvertItem: Ungueltiges Item!" );
            SvxTabStopItem& rItem = (SvxTabStopItem&)rPoolItem;
            SvxTabStopItem aNewItem( EE_PARA_TABS );
            for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rItem.Count(); i++ )
                const SvxTabStop& rTab = rItem[i];
                SvxTabStop aNewStop( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rTab.GetTabPos(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ), rTab.GetAdjustment(), rTab.GetDecimal(), rTab.GetFill() );
                aNewItem.Insert( aNewStop );
            rItem = aNewItem;
        case EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT:
            DBG_ASSERT( rPoolItem.IsA( TYPE( SvxFontHeightItem ) ), "ConvertItem: Ungueltiges Item!" );
            SvxFontHeightItem& rItem = (SvxFontHeightItem&)rPoolItem;
            rItem.SetHeight( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rItem.GetHeight(), eSourceUnit, eDestUnit ) );

void ConvertAndPutItems( SfxItemSet& rDest, const SfxItemSet& rSource, const MapUnit* pSourceUnit, const MapUnit* pDestUnit )
    const SfxItemPool* pSourcePool = rSource.GetPool();
    const SfxItemPool* pDestPool = rDest.GetPool();

    for ( USHORT nWhich = EE_PARA_START; nWhich <= EE_CHAR_END; nWhich++ )
        // Wenn moeglich ueber SlotID gehen...

        USHORT nSourceWhich = nWhich;
        USHORT nSlot = pDestPool->GetTrueSlotId( nWhich );
        if ( nSlot )
            USHORT nW = pSourcePool->GetTrueWhich( nSlot );
            if ( nW )
                nSourceWhich = nW;

        if ( rSource.GetItemState( nSourceWhich, FALSE ) == SFX_ITEM_ON )
            MapUnit eSourceUnit = pSourceUnit ? *pSourceUnit : (MapUnit)pSourcePool->GetMetric( nSourceWhich );
            MapUnit eDestUnit = pDestUnit ? *pDestUnit : (MapUnit)pDestPool->GetMetric( nWhich );
            if ( eSourceUnit != eDestUnit )
                SfxPoolItem* pItem = rSource.Get( nSourceWhich ).Clone();
//              pItem->SetWhich( nWhich );
                ConvertItem( *pItem, eSourceUnit, eDestUnit );
                rDest.Put( *pItem, nWhich );
                delete pItem;
                rDest.Put( rSource.Get( nSourceWhich ), nWhich );
            // MT 3.3.99: Waere so eigentlich richtig, aber schon seit Jahren nicht so...
//          rDest.ClearItem( nWhich );