/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: editeng.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.110 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-03-12 09:42:13 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include // #define _SOLAR__PRIVATE 1 #define USE_SVXFONT #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTS #include #ifndef _SVTOOLS_CTLOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fontitem.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _UNO_LINGU_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _LINGUISTIC_LNGPROPS_HHX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_SFXUNO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_I18NPOOL_MSLANGID_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _XPOLY_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DATATRANSFER_CLIPBOARD_XCLIPBOARD_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_XINPUTSEQUENCECHECKER_HPP_ #include #endif #include #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 #include #endif #ifndef _BGFX_POLYGON_B2DPOLYGON_HXX #include #endif // Spaeter -> TOOLS\STRING.H (fuer Grep: WS_TARGET) //using namespace ::rtl; //using namespace ::utl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; //using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; //using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; //using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; //using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2; DBG_NAME( EditEngine ) DBG_NAMEEX( EditView ) #if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) || defined ( DBG_UTIL ) static sal_Bool bDebugPaint = sal_False; #endif SV_IMPL_VARARR( EECharAttribArray, EECharAttrib ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditEngine // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EditEngine::EditEngine( SfxItemPool* pItemPool ) { DBG_CTOR( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine = new ImpEditEngine( this, pItemPool ); } EditEngine::~EditEngine() { DBG_DTOR( EditEngine, 0 ); delete pImpEditEngine; } void EditEngine::EnableUndo( sal_Bool bEnable ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EnableUndo( bEnable ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsUndoEnabled() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled(); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsInUndo() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsInUndo(); } SfxUndoManager& EditEngine::GetUndoManager() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetUndoManager(); } void EditEngine::UndoActionStart( sal_uInt16 nId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( !pImpEditEngine->IsInUndo(), "Aufruf von UndoActionStart im Undomodus!" ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( nId ); } void EditEngine::UndoActionEnd( sal_uInt16 nId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( !pImpEditEngine->IsInUndo(), "Aufruf von UndoActionEnd im Undomodus!" ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( nId ); } BOOL EditEngine::HasTriedMergeOnLastAddUndo() const { return pImpEditEngine->mbLastTryMerge; } void EditEngine::SetRefDevice( OutputDevice* pRefDev ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetRefDevice( pRefDev ); } OutputDevice* EditEngine::GetRefDevice() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetRefDevice(); } void EditEngine::SetRefMapMode( const MapMode& rMapMode ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetRefMapMode( rMapMode ); } MapMode EditEngine::GetRefMapMode() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetRefMapMode(); } void EditEngine::SetBackgroundColor( const Color& rColor ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetBackgroundColor( rColor ); } Color EditEngine::GetBackgroundColor() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetBackgroundColor(); } Color EditEngine::GetAutoColor() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetAutoColor(); } void EditEngine::EnableAutoColor( BOOL b ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EnableAutoColor( b ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsAutoColorEnabled() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsAutoColorEnabled(); } void EditEngine::ForceAutoColor( BOOL b ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->ForceAutoColor( b ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsForceAutoColor() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsForceAutoColor(); } const SfxItemSet& EditEngine::GetEmptyItemSet() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEmptyItemSet(); } void EditEngine::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Rectangle& rOutRect ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); Draw( pOutDev, rOutRect, Point( 0, 0 ) ); } void EditEngine::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rStartPos, short nOrientation ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); // Mit 2 Punkten erzeugen, da bei Positivem Punkt, LONGMAX als Size // Bottom und Right im Bereich > LONGMAX landen. Rectangle aBigRec( -0x3FFFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF ); if( pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOutDev->Push(); Point aStartPos( rStartPos ); if ( IsVertical() ) { aStartPos.X() += GetPaperSize().Width(); aStartPos = Rotate( aStartPos, nOrientation, rStartPos ); } pImpEditEngine->Paint( pOutDev, aBigRec, aStartPos, sal_False, nOrientation ); if( pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOutDev->Pop(); } void EditEngine::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Rectangle& rOutRect, const Point& rStartDocPos ) { Draw( pOutDev, rOutRect, rStartDocPos, sal_True ); } void EditEngine::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Rectangle& rOutRect, const Point& rStartDocPos, sal_Bool bClip ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); #if defined( DBG_UTIL ) || (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) if ( bDebugPaint ) EditDbg::ShowEditEngineData( this, sal_False ); #endif // Auf Pixelgrenze ausrichten, damit genau das gleiche // wie bei Paint(). Rectangle aOutRect( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( rOutRect ) ); aOutRect = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( aOutRect ); Point aStartPos; if ( !IsVertical() ) { aStartPos.X() = aOutRect.Left() - rStartDocPos.X(); aStartPos.Y() = aOutRect.Top() - rStartDocPos.Y(); } else { aStartPos.X() = aOutRect.Right() + rStartDocPos.Y(); aStartPos.Y() = aOutRect.Top() - rStartDocPos.X(); } sal_Bool bClipRegion = pOutDev->IsClipRegion(); sal_Bool bMetafile = pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile() ? sal_True : sal_False; Region aOldRegion = pOutDev->GetClipRegion(); #ifdef EDIT_PRINTER_LOG if ( pOutDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) { SvFileStream aLog( "d:\\editprn.log", STREAM_WRITE ); aLog.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); aLog << ' ' << endl << "Printing: "; aLog << GetText( "\n\r" ).GetStr(); aLog << endl << endl; aLog << "Ref-Device: " << String( (sal_uInt32)GetRefDevice() ).GetStr() << " Type=" << String( (sal_uInt16)GetRefDevice()->GetOutDevType() ).GetStr() << ", MapX=" << String( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode().GetScaleX().GetNumerator() ).GetStr() << "/" << String( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode().GetScaleX().GetDenominator() ).GetStr() < Schnittmenge ! // Bei der Metafileaufzeichnung Push/Pop verwenden. if ( bMetafile ) pOutDev->Push(); // Immer die Intersect-Methode, weil beim Metafile ein Muss! if ( bClip ) { // Clip only if neccesary... if ( !rStartDocPos.X() && !rStartDocPos.Y() && ( rOutRect.GetHeight() >= (long)GetTextHeight() ) && ( rOutRect.GetWidth() >= (long)CalcTextWidth() ) ) { bClip = FALSE; } else { // Einige Druckertreiber bereiten Probleme, wenn Buchstaben die // ClipRegion streifen, deshalb lieber ein Pixel mehr... Rectangle aClipRect( aOutRect ); if ( pOutDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) { Size aPixSz( 1, 0 ); aPixSz = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( aPixSz ); aClipRect.Right() += aPixSz.Width(); aClipRect.Bottom() += aPixSz.Width(); } pOutDev->IntersectClipRegion( aClipRect ); } } pImpEditEngine->Paint( pOutDev, aOutRect, aStartPos ); if ( bMetafile ) pOutDev->Pop(); else if ( bClipRegion ) pOutDev->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion ); else pOutDev->SetClipRegion(); } void EditEngine::InsertView( EditView* pEditView, sal_uInt16 nIndex ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_CHKOBJ( pEditView, EditView, 0 ); if ( nIndex > pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().Count() ) nIndex = pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().Count(); pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().Insert( pEditView, nIndex ); EditSelection aStartSel; aStartSel = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetStartPaM(); pEditView->pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( aStartSel ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView() ) pImpEditEngine->SetActiveView( pEditView ); pEditView->pImpEditView->AddDragAndDropListeners(); } EditView* EditEngine::RemoveView( EditView* pView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); pView->HideCursor(); EditView* pRemoved = 0; sal_uInt16 nPos = pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().GetPos( pView ); DBG_ASSERT( nPos != USHRT_MAX, "RemoveView mit ungueltigem Index" ); if ( nPos != USHRT_MAX ) { pRemoved = pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().GetObject( nPos ); pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().Remove( nPos ); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView() == pView ) { pImpEditEngine->SetActiveView( 0 ); pImpEditEngine->GetSelEngine().SetCurView( 0 ); } pView->pImpEditView->RemoveDragAndDropListeners(); } return pRemoved; } EditView* EditEngine::RemoveView( sal_uInt16 nIndex ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditView* pView = pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().GetObject( nIndex ); if ( pView ) return RemoveView( pView ); return NULL; } EditView* EditEngine::GetView( sal_uInt16 nIndex ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().GetObject( nIndex ); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetViewCount() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().Count(); } sal_Bool EditEngine::HasView( EditView* pView ) const { return pImpEditEngine->GetEditViews().GetPos( pView ) != USHRT_MAX; } EditView* EditEngine::GetActiveView() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView(); } void EditEngine::SetActiveView( EditView* pView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( pView ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); } pImpEditEngine->SetActiveView( pView ); } void EditEngine::SetDefTab( sal_uInt16 nDefTab ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SetDefTab( nDefTab ); if ( pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) { pImpEditEngine->FormatFullDoc(); pImpEditEngine->UpdateViews( (EditView*) 0 ); } } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetDefTab() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetDefTab(); } void EditEngine::SetPaperSize( const Size& rNewSize ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); Size aOldSize( pImpEditEngine->GetPaperSize() ); pImpEditEngine->SetValidPaperSize( rNewSize ); Size aNewSize( pImpEditEngine->GetPaperSize() ); sal_Bool bAutoPageSize = pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().AutoPageSize(); if ( bAutoPageSize || ( aNewSize.Width() != aOldSize.Width() ) ) { for ( sal_uInt16 nView = 0; nView < pImpEditEngine->aEditViews.Count(); nView++ ) { EditView* pView = pImpEditEngine->aEditViews[nView]; DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); if ( bAutoPageSize ) pView->pImpEditView->RecalcOutputArea(); else if ( pView->pImpEditView->DoAutoSize() ) { pView->pImpEditView->ResetOutputArea( Rectangle( pView->pImpEditView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft(), aNewSize ) ); } } if ( bAutoPageSize || pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) { // Aendern der Breite hat bei AutoPageSize keine Wirkung, da durch // Textbreite bestimmt. // Optimierung erst nach Vobis-Auslieferung aktivieren... // if ( !bAutoPageSize ) pImpEditEngine->FormatFullDoc(); // else // { // pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); // PageSize, falls Aenderung // pImpEditEngine->CheckAutoPageSize(); // Falls nichts formatiert wurde // } pImpEditEngine->UpdateViews( pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView() ); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetUpdateMode() && pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView() ) pImpEditEngine->pActiveView->ShowCursor( sal_False, sal_False ); } } } const Size& EditEngine::GetPaperSize() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetPaperSize(); } void EditEngine::SetVertical( BOOL bVertical ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetVertical( bVertical ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsVertical() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsVertical(); } void EditEngine::SetFixedCellHeight( BOOL bUseFixedCellHeight ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetFixedCellHeight( bUseFixedCellHeight ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsFixedCellHeight() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsFixedCellHeight(); } void EditEngine::SetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection( EEHorizontalTextDirection eHTextDir ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection( eHTextDir ); } EEHorizontalTextDirection EditEngine::GetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection(); } USHORT EditEngine::GetScriptType( const ESelection& rSelection ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); return pImpEditEngine->GetScriptType( aSel ); } LanguageType EditEngine::GetLanguage( USHORT nPara, USHORT nPos ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "GetLanguage - nPara is invalid!" ); return pNode ? pImpEditEngine->GetLanguage( EditPaM( pNode, nPos ) ) : LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; } void EditEngine::TransliterateText( const ESelection& rSelection, sal_Int32 nTransliterationMode ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditView, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->TransliterateText( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ), nTransliterationMode ); } void EditEngine::SetAsianCompressionMode( USHORT n ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditView, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetAsianCompressionMode( n ); } USHORT EditEngine::GetAsianCompressionMode() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditView, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetAsianCompressionMode(); } void EditEngine::SetKernAsianPunctuation( BOOL b ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditView, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetKernAsianPunctuation( b ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsKernAsianPunctuation() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditView, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsKernAsianPunctuation(); } void EditEngine::SetAddExtLeading( BOOL b ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetAddExtLeading( b ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsAddExtLeading() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsAddExtLeading(); } void EditEngine::SetPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); SetPolygon( rPolyPolygon, 0L ); } void EditEngine::SetPolygon(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* pLinePolyPolygon) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); sal_Bool bSimple(sal_False); if(pLinePolyPolygon && 1L == rPolyPolygon.count()) { if(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(0L).isClosed()) { // open polygon bSimple = sal_True; } } TextRanger* pRanger = new TextRanger( rPolyPolygon, pLinePolyPolygon, 30, 2, 2, bSimple, sal_True ); pImpEditEngine->SetTextRanger( pRanger ); pImpEditEngine->SetPaperSize( pRanger->GetBoundRect().GetSize() ); } void EditEngine::ClearPolygon() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetTextRanger( 0 ); } const PolyPolygon* EditEngine::GetPolygon() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetTextRanger() ? &pImpEditEngine->GetTextRanger()->GetPolyPolygon() : NULL; } const Size& EditEngine::GetMinAutoPaperSize() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetMinAutoPaperSize(); } void EditEngine::SetMinAutoPaperSize( const Size& rSz ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetMinAutoPaperSize( rSz ); } const Size& EditEngine::GetMaxAutoPaperSize() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetMaxAutoPaperSize(); } void EditEngine::SetMaxAutoPaperSize( const Size& rSz ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetMaxAutoPaperSize( rSz ); } XubString EditEngine::GetText( LineEnd eEnd ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetText( eEnd ); } XubString EditEngine::GetText( const ESelection& rESelection, const LineEnd eEnd ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rESelection ) ); return pImpEditEngine->GetSelected( aSel, eEnd ); } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::GetTextLen() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetTextLen(); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetParagraphCount() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->aEditDoc.Count(); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetLineCount( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetLineCount( nParagraph ); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetLineLen( sal_uInt16 nParagraph, sal_uInt16 nLine ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetLineLen( nParagraph, nLine ); } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::GetLineHeight( sal_uInt16 nParagraph, sal_uInt16 nLine ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); // Falls jemand mit einer leeren Engine ein GetLineHeight() macht. if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); return pImpEditEngine->GetLineHeight( nParagraph, nLine ); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetFirstLineOffset( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); ParaPortion* pPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nParagraph ); return ( pPortion ? pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset() : 0 ); } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::GetTextHeight( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); sal_uInt32 nHeight = pImpEditEngine->GetParaHeight( nParagraph ); return nHeight; } XubString EditEngine::GetWord( sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nIndex ) { ESelection aESel( nPara, nIndex, nPara, nIndex ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( aESel ) ); aSel = pImpEditEngine->SelectWord( aSel ); return pImpEditEngine->GetSelected( aSel ); } ESelection EditEngine::GetWord( const ESelection& rSelection, USHORT nWordType ) const { // ImpEditEngine-Iteration-Methods should be const! EditEngine* pE = (EditEngine*)this; EditSelection aSel( pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); aSel = pE->pImpEditEngine->SelectWord( aSel, nWordType ); return pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateESel( aSel ); } ESelection EditEngine::WordLeft( const ESelection& rSelection, USHORT nWordType ) const { // ImpEditEngine-Iteration-Methods should be const! EditEngine* pE = (EditEngine*)this; EditSelection aSel( pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); aSel = pE->pImpEditEngine->WordLeft( aSel.Min(), nWordType ); return pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateESel( aSel ); } ESelection EditEngine::WordRight( const ESelection& rSelection, USHORT nWordType ) const { // ImpEditEngine-Iteration-Methods should be const! EditEngine* pE = (EditEngine*)this; EditSelection aSel( pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); aSel = pE->pImpEditEngine->WordRight( aSel.Max(), nWordType ); return pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateESel( aSel ); } ESelection EditEngine::CursorLeft( const ESelection& rSelection, USHORT nCharacterIteratorMode ) const { // ImpEditEngine-Iteration-Methods should be const! EditEngine* pE = (EditEngine*)this; EditSelection aSel( pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); aSel = pE->pImpEditEngine->CursorLeft( aSel.Min(), nCharacterIteratorMode ); return pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateESel( aSel ); } ESelection EditEngine::CursorRight( const ESelection& rSelection, USHORT nCharacterIteratorMode ) const { // ImpEditEngine-Iteration-Methods should be const! EditEngine* pE = (EditEngine*)this; EditSelection aSel( pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); aSel = pE->pImpEditEngine->CursorRight( aSel.Max(), nCharacterIteratorMode ); return pE->pImpEditEngine->CreateESel( aSel ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent, EditView* pEditView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_CHKOBJ( pEditView, EditView, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( pEditView, "Keine View - keine Kekse !" ); sal_Bool bDone = sal_True; sal_Bool bModified = sal_False; sal_Bool bMoved = sal_False; sal_Bool bAllowIdle = sal_True; sal_Bool bReadOnly = pEditView->IsReadOnly(); USHORT nNewCursorFlags = 0; BOOL bSetCursorFlags = TRUE; EditSelection aCurSel( pEditView->pImpEditView->GetEditSelection() ); DBG_ASSERT( !aCurSel.IsInvalid(), "Blinde Selection in EditEngine::PostKeyEvent" ); String aAutoText( pImpEditEngine->GetAutoCompleteText() ); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetAutoCompleteText().Len() ) pImpEditEngine->SetAutoCompleteText( String(), sal_True ); sal_uInt16 nCode = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); KeyFuncType eFunc = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetFunction(); if ( eFunc != KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( eFunc ) { case KEYFUNC_UNDO: { if ( !bReadOnly ) pEditView->Undo(); return sal_True; } // break; case KEYFUNC_REDO: { if ( !bReadOnly ) pEditView->Redo(); return sal_True; } // break; default: // wird dann evtl. unten bearbeitet. eFunc = KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW; } } pImpEditEngine->EnterBlockNotifications(); if ( GetNotifyHdl().IsSet() ) { EENotify aNotify( EE_NOTIFY_INPUT_START ); aNotify.pEditEngine = this; pImpEditEngine->CallNotify( aNotify ); } if ( eFunc == KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( nCode ) { #if defined( DBG_UTIL ) || (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) case KEY_F1: { if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { USHORT nParas = GetParagraphCount(); Point aPos; Point aViewStart( pEditView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft() ); long n20 = 40 * pImpEditEngine->nOnePixelInRef; for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nParas; n++ ) { long nH = GetTextHeight( n ); Point P1( aViewStart.X() + n20 + n20*(n%2), aViewStart.Y() + aPos.Y() ); Point P2( P1 ); P2.X() += n20; P2.Y() += nH; pEditView->GetWindow()->SetLineColor(); pEditView->GetWindow()->SetFillColor( Color( (n%2) ? COL_YELLOW : COL_LIGHTGREEN ) ); pEditView->GetWindow()->DrawRect( Rectangle( P1, P2 ) ); aPos.Y() += nH; } } bDone = FALSE; } break; case KEY_F11: { if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { bDebugPaint = !bDebugPaint; ByteString aInfo( "DebugPaint: " ); aInfo += bDebugPaint ? "On" : "Off"; InfoBox( NULL, String( aInfo, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ).Execute(); } bDone = FALSE; } break; case KEY_F12: { if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { EditDbg::ShowEditEngineData( this ); #ifdef EDIT_PRINTER_LOG SvFileStream aLog( "d:\\editprn.log", STREAM_WRITE ); aLog.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); aLog << ' ' << endl << "Debug: "; aLog << GetText( "\n\r" ).GetStr(); aLog << endl << endl; aLog << "Ref-Device: " << String( (sal_uInt32)GetRefDevice() ).GetStr() << " Type=" << String( (sal_uInt16)GetRefDevice()->GetOutDevType() ).GetStr() << ", MapX=" << String( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode().GetScaleX().GetNumerator() ).GetStr() << "/" << String( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode().GetScaleX().GetDenominator() ).GetStr() <DoVisualCursorTraveling( aCurSel.Max().GetNode() ) && ( ( nCode == KEY_LEFT ) || ( nCode == KEY_RIGHT ) /* || ( nCode == KEY_HOME ) || ( nCode == KEY_END ) */ ) ) bSetCursorFlags = FALSE; // Will be manipulated within visual cursor move aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->MoveCursor( rKeyEvent, pEditView ); if ( aCurSel.HasRange() ) { Reference aSelection(pEditView->GetWindow()->GetPrimarySelection()); pEditView->pImpEditView->CutCopy( aSelection, FALSE ); } bMoved = sal_True; if ( nCode == KEY_HOME ) nNewCursorFlags |= GETCRSR_STARTOFLINE; else if ( nCode == KEY_END ) nNewCursorFlags |= GETCRSR_ENDOFLINE; } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 GetLanguage( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetPos( aCurSel.Max().GetNode() ), aCurSel.Max().GetIndex() ); #endif } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DELETE: { if ( !bReadOnly && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { BYTE nDel = ( nCode == KEY_DELETE ) ? DEL_RIGHT : DEL_LEFT; BYTE nMode = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ? DELMODE_RESTOFWORD : DELMODE_SIMPLE; if ( ( nMode == DELMODE_RESTOFWORD ) && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) nMode = DELMODE_RESTOFCONTENT; pEditView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_DELETE ); aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->DeleteLeftOrRight( aCurSel, nDel, nMode ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_DELETE ); bModified = sal_True; bAllowIdle = sal_False; } } break; case KEY_TAB: { if ( !bReadOnly && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { sal_Bool bShift = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift(); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoTabIndenting() && ( aCurSel.Min().GetNode() != aCurSel.Max().GetNode() ) ) { pImpEditEngine->IndentBlock( pEditView, !bShift ); } else if ( !bShift ) { sal_Bool bSel = pEditView->HasSelection(); if ( bSel ) pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() ) aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() ); aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertTab( aCurSel ); if ( bSel ) pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); bModified = sal_True; } } else bDone = sal_False; } break; case KEY_RETURN: { if ( !bReadOnly ) { pEditView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); if ( !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() ); aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertLineBreak( aCurSel ); } else { if ( !aAutoText.Len() ) { if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() ) aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() ); aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertParaBreak( aCurSel ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( !aCurSel.HasRange(), "Selektion bei Complete?!" ); EditPaM aStart( pImpEditEngine->WordLeft( aCurSel.Max() ) ); aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertText( EditSelection( aStart, aCurSel.Max() ), aAutoText ); pImpEditEngine->SetAutoCompleteText( String(), sal_True ); } } pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); bModified = sal_True; } } } break; case KEY_INSERT: { if ( !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) pEditView->SetInsertMode( !pEditView->IsInsertMode() ); } break; default: { #if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) && !defined( PRODUCT ) if ( ( nCode == KEY_W ) && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { SfxItemSet aAttribs = pEditView->GetAttribs(); const SvxFrameDirectionItem& rCurrentWritingMode = (const SvxFrameDirectionItem&)aAttribs.Get( EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR ); SvxFrameDirectionItem aNewItem( FRMDIR_HORI_LEFT_TOP, EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR ); if ( rCurrentWritingMode.GetValue() != FRMDIR_HORI_RIGHT_TOP ) aNewItem.SetValue( FRMDIR_HORI_RIGHT_TOP ); aAttribs.Put( aNewItem ); pEditView->SetAttribs( aAttribs ); } #endif if ( !bReadOnly && IsSimpleCharInput( rKeyEvent ) ) { xub_Unicode nCharCode = rKeyEvent.GetCharCode(); pEditView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); // Autokorrektur ? if ( ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() ) && ( ( nCharCode == ' ' ) || ( nCharCode == '*' ) || ( nCharCode == '\"' ) || ( nCharCode == '\'' ) || ( nCharCode == '_' ) )) { aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, nCharCode, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() ); } else { aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertText( (const EditSelection&)aCurSel, nCharCode, !pEditView->IsInsertMode(), sal_True ); } // AutoComplete ??? if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoComplete() && ( nCharCode != ' ' ) ) { // Aber nur wenn Wort-Ende... sal_uInt16 nIndex = aCurSel.Max().GetIndex(); if ( ( nIndex >= aCurSel.Max().GetNode()->Len() ) || ( pImpEditEngine->aWordDelimiters.Search( aCurSel.Max().GetNode()->GetChar( nIndex ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) ) { EditPaM aStart( pImpEditEngine->WordLeft( aCurSel.Max() ) ); String aWord = pImpEditEngine->GetSelected( EditSelection( aStart, aCurSel.Max() ) ); if ( aWord.Len() >= 3 ) { String aComplete; LanguageType eLang = pImpEditEngine->GetLanguage( EditPaM( aStart.GetNode(), aStart.GetIndex()+1)); lang::Locale aLocale( MsLangId::convertLanguageToLocale( eLang)); if (!pImpEditEngine->xLocaleDataWrapper.isInitialized()) pImpEditEngine->xLocaleDataWrapper.init( SvtSysLocale().GetLocaleData().getServiceFactory(), aLocale, eLang); else pImpEditEngine->xLocaleDataWrapper.changeLocale( aLocale, eLang); if (!pImpEditEngine->xTransliterationWrapper.isInitialized()) pImpEditEngine->xTransliterationWrapper.init( SvtSysLocale().GetLocaleData().getServiceFactory(), eLang, i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE); else pImpEditEngine->xTransliterationWrapper.changeLocale( eLang); const ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pTransliteration = pImpEditEngine->xTransliterationWrapper.get(); Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem > xItem = pImpEditEngine->xLocaleDataWrapper->getDefaultCalendarDays(); sal_Int32 nCount = xItem.getLength(); const i18n::CalendarItem* pArr = xItem.getArray(); for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n <= nCount; ++n ) { const ::rtl::OUString& rDay = pArr[n].FullName; if( pTransliteration->isMatch( aWord, rDay) ) { aComplete = rDay; break; } } if ( !aComplete.Len() ) { xItem = pImpEditEngine->xLocaleDataWrapper->getDefaultCalendarMonths(); sal_Int32 nMonthCount = xItem.getLength(); const i18n::CalendarItem* pMonthArr = xItem.getArray(); for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n <= nMonthCount; ++n ) { const ::rtl::OUString& rMon = pMonthArr[n].FullName; if( pTransliteration->isMatch( aWord, rMon) ) { aComplete = rMon; break; } } } if( aComplete.Len() && ( ( aWord.Len() + 1 ) < aComplete.Len() ) ) { pImpEditEngine->SetAutoCompleteText( aComplete, sal_False ); Point aPos = pImpEditEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( aCurSel.Max() ).TopLeft(); aPos = pEditView->pImpEditView->GetWindowPos( aPos ); aPos = pEditView->pImpEditView->GetWindow()->LogicToPixel( aPos ); aPos = pEditView->GetWindow()->OutputToScreenPixel( aPos ); aPos.Y() -= 3; Help::ShowQuickHelp( pEditView->GetWindow(), Rectangle( aPos, Size( 1, 1 ) ), aComplete, QUICKHELP_BOTTOM|QUICKHELP_LEFT ); } } } } bModified = sal_True; } else bDone = sal_False; } } } pEditView->pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( aCurSel ); pImpEditEngine->UpdateSelections(); if ( ( !IsVertical() && ( nCode != KEY_UP ) && ( nCode != KEY_DOWN ) ) || ( IsVertical() && ( nCode != KEY_LEFT ) && ( nCode != KEY_RIGHT ) )) { pEditView->pImpEditView->nTravelXPos = TRAVEL_X_DONTKNOW; } if ( /* ( nCode != KEY_HOME ) && ( nCode != KEY_END ) && */ ( !IsVertical() && ( nCode != KEY_LEFT ) && ( nCode != KEY_RIGHT ) ) || ( IsVertical() && ( nCode != KEY_UP ) && ( nCode != KEY_DOWN ) )) { pEditView->pImpEditView->SetCursorBidiLevel( 0xFFFF ); } if ( bSetCursorFlags ) pEditView->pImpEditView->nExtraCursorFlags = nNewCursorFlags; if ( bModified ) { DBG_ASSERT( !bReadOnly, "ReadOnly but modified???" ); // Idle-Formatter nur, wenn AnyInput. if ( bAllowIdle && pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().UseIdleFormatter() && Application::AnyInput( INPUT_KEYBOARD) ) pImpEditEngine->IdleFormatAndUpdate( pEditView ); else pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate( pEditView ); } else if ( bMoved ) { sal_Bool bGotoCursor = pEditView->pImpEditView->DoAutoScroll(); pEditView->pImpEditView->ShowCursor( bGotoCursor, sal_True ); pImpEditEngine->CallStatusHdl(); } if ( GetNotifyHdl().IsSet() ) { EENotify aNotify( EE_NOTIFY_INPUT_END ); aNotify.pEditEngine = this; pImpEditEngine->CallNotify( aNotify ); } pImpEditEngine->LeaveBlockNotifications(); return bDone; } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::GetTextHeight() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); sal_uInt32 nHeight = !IsVertical() ? pImpEditEngine->GetTextHeight() : pImpEditEngine->CalcTextWidth( TRUE ); return nHeight; } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::CalcTextWidth() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); sal_uInt32 nWidth = !IsVertical() ? pImpEditEngine->CalcTextWidth( TRUE ) : pImpEditEngine->GetTextHeight(); return nWidth; } void EditEngine::SetUpdateMode( sal_Bool bUpdate ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); if ( pImpEditEngine->pActiveView ) pImpEditEngine->pActiveView->ShowCursor( sal_False, sal_False ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::GetUpdateMode() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); } void EditEngine::Clear() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->Clear(); } void EditEngine::SetText( const XubString& rText ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetText( rText ); if ( rText.Len() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } ULONG EditEngine::Read( SvStream& rInput, const String& rBaseURL, EETextFormat eFormat, SvKeyValueIterator* pHTTPHeaderAttrs /* = NULL */ ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); sal_Bool bUndoEnabled = pImpEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled(); pImpEditEngine->EnableUndo( sal_False ); pImpEditEngine->SetText( XubString() ); EditPaM aPaM( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetStartPaM() ); pImpEditEngine->Read( rInput, rBaseURL, eFormat, EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ), pHTTPHeaderAttrs ); pImpEditEngine->EnableUndo( bUndoEnabled ); return rInput.GetError(); } ULONG EditEngine::Write( SvStream& rOutput, EETextFormat eFormat ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditPaM aStartPaM( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetStartPaM() ); EditPaM aEndPaM( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetEndPaM() ); pImpEditEngine->Write( rOutput, eFormat, EditSelection( aStartPaM, aEndPaM ) ); return rOutput.GetError(); } EditTextObject* EditEngine::CreateTextObject() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->CreateTextObject(); } EditTextObject* EditEngine::CreateTextObject( const ESelection& rESelection ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rESelection ) ); return pImpEditEngine->CreateTextObject( aSel ); } void EditEngine::SetText( const EditTextObject& rTextObject ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EnterBlockNotifications(); pImpEditEngine->SetText( rTextObject ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); pImpEditEngine->LeaveBlockNotifications(); } void EditEngine::ShowParagraph( sal_uInt16 nParagraph, sal_Bool bShow ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->ShowParagraph( nParagraph, bShow ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsParagraphVisible( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsParagraphVisible( nParagraph ); } void EditEngine::SetNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetNotifyHdl( rLink ); } Link EditEngine::GetNotifyHdl() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetNotifyHdl(); } void EditEngine::SetStatusEventHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetStatusEventHdl( rLink ); } Link EditEngine::GetStatusEventHdl() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetStatusEventHdl(); } void EditEngine::SetImportHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aImportHdl = rLink; } Link EditEngine::GetImportHdl() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->aImportHdl; } void EditEngine::SetBeginMovingParagraphsHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aBeginMovingParagraphsHdl = rLink; } void EditEngine::SetEndMovingParagraphsHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aEndMovingParagraphsHdl = rLink; } void EditEngine::SetBeginPasteOrDropHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aBeginPasteOrDropHdl = rLink; } void EditEngine::SetEndPasteOrDropHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aEndPasteOrDropHdl = rLink; } EditTextObject* EditEngine::CreateTextObject( sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nParas ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( nPara < pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(), "CreateTextObject: Startpara out of Range" ); DBG_ASSERT( nPara+nParas-1 < pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(), "CreateTextObject: Endpara out of Range" ); ContentNode* pStartNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); ContentNode* pEndNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara+nParas-1 ); DBG_ASSERT( pStartNode, "Start-Absatz existiert nicht: CreateTextObject" ); DBG_ASSERT( pEndNode, "End-Absatz existiert nicht: CreateTextObject" ); if ( pStartNode && pEndNode ) { EditSelection aTmpSel; aTmpSel.Min() = EditPaM( pStartNode, 0 ); aTmpSel.Max() = EditPaM( pEndNode, pEndNode->Len() ); return pImpEditEngine->CreateTextObject( aTmpSel ); } return 0; } void EditEngine::RemoveParagraph( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count() > 1, "Der erste Absatz darf nicht geloescht werden!" ); if( pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count() <= 1 ) return; ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); ParaPortion* pPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nPara ); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion && pNode, "Absatz nicht gefunden: RemoveParagraph" ); if ( pNode && pPortion ) { // Keine Undokappselung noetig. pImpEditEngine->ImpRemoveParagraph( nPara ); pImpEditEngine->InvalidateFromParagraph( nPara ); pImpEditEngine->UpdateSelections(); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetTextLen( sal_uInt16 nPara ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "Absatz nicht gefunden: GetTextLen" ); if ( pNode ) return pNode->Len(); return 0; } XubString EditEngine::GetText( sal_uInt16 nPara ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); XubString aStr; if ( nPara < pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count() ) aStr = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetParaAsString( nPara ); return aStr; } void EditEngine::SetModifyHdl( const Link& rLink ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetModifyHdl( rLink ); } Link EditEngine::GetModifyHdl() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetModifyHdl(); } void EditEngine::ClearModifyFlag() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetModifyFlag( sal_False ); } void EditEngine::SetModified() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetModifyFlag( sal_True ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsModified() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsModified(); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsInSelectionMode() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return ( pImpEditEngine->IsInSelectionMode() || pImpEditEngine->GetSelEngine().IsInSelection() ); } void EditEngine::StopSelectionMode() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->StopSelectionMode(); } void EditEngine::InsertParagraph( sal_uInt16 nPara, const EditTextObject& rTxtObj ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( nPara > GetParagraphCount() ) { DBG_ASSERTWARNING( nPara == USHRT_MAX, "AbsatzNr zu Gro�, aber nicht LIST_APPEND! " ); nPara = GetParagraphCount(); } pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); // Keine Undoklammerung noetig. EditPaM aPaM( pImpEditEngine->InsertParagraph( nPara ) ); // Bei einem InsertParagraph von aussen sollen keine Harten // Attribute uebernommen werden ! pImpEditEngine->RemoveCharAttribs( nPara ); pImpEditEngine->InsertText( rTxtObj, EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } void EditEngine::InsertParagraph( sal_uInt16 nPara, const XubString& rTxt ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( nPara > GetParagraphCount() ) { DBG_ASSERTWARNING( nPara == USHRT_MAX, "AbsatzNr zu Gro�, aber nicht LIST_APPEND! " ); nPara = GetParagraphCount(); } pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); EditPaM aPaM( pImpEditEngine->InsertParagraph( nPara ) ); // Bei einem InsertParagraph von aussen sollen keine Harten // Attribute uebernommen werden ! pImpEditEngine->RemoveCharAttribs( nPara ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->ImpInsertText( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ), rTxt ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } void EditEngine::SetText( sal_uInt16 nPara, const EditTextObject& rTxtObj ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection* pSel = pImpEditEngine->SelectParagraph( nPara ); if ( pSel ) { pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->InsertText( rTxtObj, *pSel ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); delete pSel; } } void EditEngine::SetText( sal_uInt16 nPara, const XubString& rTxt ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection* pSel = pImpEditEngine->SelectParagraph( nPara ); if ( pSel ) { pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->ImpInsertText( *pSel, rTxt ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); delete pSel; } } void EditEngine::SetParaAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); // Keine Undoklammerung noetig. pImpEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPara, rSet ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } const SfxItemSet& EditEngine::GetParaAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPara ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::HasParaAttrib( sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->HasParaAttrib( nPara, nWhich ); } const SfxPoolItem& EditEngine::GetParaAttrib( sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, nWhich ); } void EditEngine::GetCharAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPara, EECharAttribArray& rLst ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->GetCharAttribs( nPara, rLst ); } SfxItemSet EditEngine::GetAttribs( const ESelection& rSel, BOOL bOnlyHardAttrib ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); return pImpEditEngine->GetAttribs( aSel, bOnlyHardAttrib ); } SfxItemSet EditEngine::GetAttribs( USHORT nPara, USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd, sal_uInt8 nFlags ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetAttribs( nPara, nStart, nEnd, nFlags ); } void EditEngine::RemoveAttribs( const ESelection& rSelection, sal_Bool bRemoveParaAttribs, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_RESETATTRIBS ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->ConvertSelection( rSelection.nStartPara, rSelection.nStartPos, rSelection.nEndPara, rSelection.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->RemoveCharAttribs( aSel, bRemoveParaAttribs, nWhich ); pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_RESETATTRIBS ); pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); } // MT: Can be removed after 6.x? Font EditEngine::GetStandardFont( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return GetStandardSvxFont( nPara ); } SvxFont EditEngine::GetStandardSvxFont( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); return pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(); } void EditEngine::StripPortions() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); VirtualDevice aTmpDev; Rectangle aBigRec( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF ) ); if ( IsVertical() ) { aBigRec.Right() = 0; aBigRec.Left() = -0x7FFFFFFF; } pImpEditEngine->Paint( &aTmpDev, aBigRec, Point(), sal_True ); } void EditEngine::GetPortions( sal_uInt16 nPara, SvUShorts& rList ) { if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatFullDoc(); ParaPortion* pParaPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nPara ); if ( pParaPortion ) { sal_uInt16 nEnd = 0; sal_uInt16 nTextPortions = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nTextPortions; n++ ) { nEnd = nEnd + pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[n]->GetLen(); rList.Insert( nEnd, rList.Count() ); } } } void EditEngine::SetFlatMode( sal_Bool bFlat) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetFlatMode( bFlat ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsFlatMode() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return !( pImpEditEngine->aStatus.UseCharAttribs() ); } void EditEngine::SetControlWord( sal_uInt32 nWord ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( nWord != pImpEditEngine->aStatus.GetControlWord() ) { sal_uInt32 nPrev = pImpEditEngine->aStatus.GetControlWord(); pImpEditEngine->aStatus.GetControlWord() = nWord; sal_uInt32 nChanges = nPrev ^ nWord; if ( pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) { // ggf. neu formatieren: if ( ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_USEPARAATTRIBS ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_ONECHARPERLINE ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_STRETCHING ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_NOCOLORS ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER2 ) ) { if ( ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ) || ( nChanges & EE_CNTRL_USEPARAATTRIBS ) ) { sal_Bool bUseCharAttribs = ( nWord & EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ) ? sal_True : sal_False; pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().CreateDefFont( bUseCharAttribs ); } pImpEditEngine->FormatFullDoc(); pImpEditEngine->UpdateViews( pImpEditEngine->GetActiveView() ); } } sal_Bool bSpellingChanged = nChanges & EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING ? sal_True : sal_False; sal_Bool bRedLinesChanged = nChanges & EE_CNTRL_NOREDLINES ? sal_True : sal_False; if ( bSpellingChanged || bRedLinesChanged ) { pImpEditEngine->StopOnlineSpellTimer(); if ( bSpellingChanged && ( nWord & EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING ) ) { // WrongListen anlegen, Timer starten... sal_uInt16 nNodes = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nNodes; n++ ) { ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetObject( n ); pNode->CreateWrongList(); } pImpEditEngine->StartOnlineSpellTimer(); } else { long nY = 0; sal_uInt16 nNodes = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nNodes; n++ ) { ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetObject( n ); ParaPortion* pPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().GetObject( n ); sal_Bool bWrongs = ( bSpellingChanged || ( nWord & EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING ) ) ? pNode->GetWrongList()->HasWrongs() : sal_False; if ( bSpellingChanged ) // Also aus pNode->DestroyWrongList(); // => vorm Paint weghaun. if ( bWrongs ) { pImpEditEngine->aInvalidRec.Left() = 0; pImpEditEngine->aInvalidRec.Right() = pImpEditEngine->GetPaperSize().Width(); pImpEditEngine->aInvalidRec.Top() = nY+1; pImpEditEngine->aInvalidRec.Bottom() = nY+pPortion->GetHeight()-1; pImpEditEngine->UpdateViews( pImpEditEngine->pActiveView ); } nY += pPortion->GetHeight(); } } } } } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::GetControlWord() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->aStatus.GetControlWord(); } long EditEngine::GetFirstLineStartX( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); long nX = 0; ParaPortion* pPPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nParagraph ); if ( pPPortion ) { DBG_ASSERT( pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() || !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatting(), "GetFirstLineStartX: Doc not formatted - unable to format!" ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); EditLine* pFirstLine = pPPortion->GetLines()[0]; nX = pFirstLine->GetStartPosX(); } return nX; } Point EditEngine::GetDocPos( const Point& rPaperPos ) const { Point aDocPos( rPaperPos ); if ( IsVertical() ) { aDocPos.X() = rPaperPos.Y(); aDocPos.Y() = GetPaperSize().Width() - rPaperPos.X(); } return aDocPos; } Point EditEngine::GetDocPosTopLeft( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); ParaPortion* pPPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nParagraph ); DBG_ASSERT( pPPortion, "Absatz nicht gefunden: GetWindowPosTopLeft" ); Point aPoint; if ( pPPortion ) { // Falls jemand mit einer leeren Engine ein GetLineHeight() macht. DBG_ASSERT( pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() || !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatting(), "GetDocPosTopLeft: Doc not formatted - unable to format!" ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); if ( pPPortion->GetLines().Count() ) { // So richtiger, falls grosses Bullet. EditLine* pFirstLine = pPPortion->GetLines()[0]; aPoint.X() = pFirstLine->GetStartPosX(); } else { const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRItem = pImpEditEngine->GetLRSpaceItem( pPPortion->GetNode() ); aPoint.X() = pImpEditEngine->GetXValue( (short)(rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() + rLRItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst()) ); } aPoint.Y() = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pPPortion ); } return aPoint; } BOOL EditEngine::IsRightToLeft( USHORT nPara ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsRightToLeft( nPara ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsTextPos( const Point& rPaperPos, sal_uInt16 nBorder ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); sal_Bool bTextPos = sal_False; // #90780# take unrotated positions for calculation here Point aDocPos = GetDocPos( rPaperPos ); if ( ( aDocPos.Y() > 0 ) && ( aDocPos.Y() < (long)pImpEditEngine->GetTextHeight() ) ) { EditPaM aPaM = pImpEditEngine->GetPaM( aDocPos, sal_False ); if ( aPaM.GetNode() ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = pImpEditEngine->FindParaPortion( aPaM.GetNode() ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion, "ParaPortion?" ); sal_uInt16 nLine = pParaPortion->GetLineNumber( aPaM.GetIndex() ); EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine ); Range aLineXPosStartEnd = pImpEditEngine->GetLineXPosStartEnd( pParaPortion, pLine ); if ( ( aDocPos.X() >= aLineXPosStartEnd.Min() - nBorder ) && ( aDocPos.X() <= aLineXPosStartEnd.Max() + nBorder ) ) { bTextPos = sal_True; } } } return bTextPos; } void EditEngine::SetEditTextObjectPool( SfxItemPool* pPool ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetEditTextObjectPool( pPool ); } SfxItemPool* EditEngine::GetEditTextObjectPool() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetEditTextObjectPool(); } void EditEngine::QuickSetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->SetAttribs( aSel, rSet ); } void EditEngine::QuickMarkInvalid( const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( rSel.nStartPara < pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(), "MarkInvalid: Start out of Range!" ); DBG_ASSERT( rSel.nEndPara < pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(), "MarkInvalid: End out of Range!" ); for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = rSel.nStartPara; nPara <= rSel.nEndPara; nPara++ ) { ParaPortion* pPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nPara ); if ( pPortion ) pPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); } } void EditEngine::QuickInsertText( const XubString& rText, const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->ImpInsertText( aSel, rText ); } void EditEngine::QuickDelete( const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->ImpDeleteSelection( aSel ); } void EditEngine::QuickMarkToBeRepainted( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); ParaPortion* pPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nPara ); if ( pPortion ) pPortion->SetMustRepaint( sal_True ); } void EditEngine::QuickInsertLineBreak( const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->InsertLineBreak( aSel ); } void EditEngine::QuickInsertField( const SvxFieldItem& rFld, const ESelection& rSel ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine-> ConvertSelection( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos ) ); pImpEditEngine->ImpInsertFeature( aSel, rFld ); } void EditEngine::QuickFormatDoc( sal_Bool bFull ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( bFull ) pImpEditEngine->FormatFullDoc(); else pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); // #111072# Don't pass active view, maybe selection is not updated yet... pImpEditEngine->UpdateViews( NULL ); } void EditEngine::QuickRemoveCharAttribs( sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->RemoveCharAttribs( nPara, nWhich ); } void EditEngine::SetStyleSheet( sal_uInt16 nPara, SfxStyleSheet* pStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetStyleSheet( nPara, pStyle ); } SfxStyleSheet* EditEngine::GetStyleSheet( sal_uInt16 nPara ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetStyleSheet( nPara ); } void EditEngine::SetStyleSheetPool( SfxStyleSheetPool* pSPool ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetStyleSheetPool( pSPool ); } SfxStyleSheetPool* EditEngine::GetStyleSheetPool() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetStyleSheetPool(); } void EditEngine::SetWordDelimiters( const XubString& rDelimiters ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->aWordDelimiters = rDelimiters; if ( pImpEditEngine->aWordDelimiters.Search( CH_FEATURE ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) pImpEditEngine->aWordDelimiters.Insert( CH_FEATURE ); } XubString EditEngine::GetWordDelimiters() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->aWordDelimiters; } void EditEngine::SetGroupChars( const XubString& rChars ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( ( rChars.Len() % 2 ) == 0, "SetGroupChars: Ungerade Anzahl!" ); pImpEditEngine->aGroupChars = rChars; } XubString EditEngine::GetGroupChars() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->aGroupChars; } void EditEngine::EnablePasteSpecial( sal_Bool bEnable ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( bEnable ) pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().TurnOnFlags( EE_CNTRL_PASTESPECIAL ); else pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().TurnOffFlags( EE_CNTRL_PASTESPECIAL ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsPasteSpecialEnabled() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().AllowPasteSpecial(); } void EditEngine::EnableIdleFormatter( sal_Bool bEnable ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( bEnable ) pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().TurnOnFlags( EE_CNTRL_DOIDLEFORMAT ); else pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().TurnOffFlags( EE_CNTRL_DOIDLEFORMAT); } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsIdleFormatterEnabled() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().UseIdleFormatter(); } void EditEngine::EraseVirtualDevice() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EraseVirtualDevice(); } void EditEngine::SetSpeller( Reference< XSpellChecker1 > &xSpeller ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetSpeller( xSpeller ); } Reference< XSpellChecker1 > EditEngine::GetSpeller() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetSpeller(); } Reference< XHyphenator > EditEngine::GetHyphenator() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetHyphenator(); } void EditEngine::SetHyphenator( Reference< XHyphenator > & xHyph ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetHyphenator( xHyph ); } void EditEngine::SetForbiddenCharsTable( vos::ORef xForbiddenChars ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetForbiddenCharsTable( xForbiddenChars ); } vos::ORef EditEngine::GetForbiddenCharsTable() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetForbiddenCharsTable( FALSE ); } void EditEngine::SetDefaultLanguage( LanguageType eLang ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetDefaultLanguage( eLang ); } LanguageType EditEngine::GetDefaultLanguage() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetDefaultLanguage(); } sal_Bool __EXPORT EditEngine::SpellNextDocument() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return sal_False; } EESpellState EditEngine::HasSpellErrors() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !pImpEditEngine->GetSpeller().is() ) return EE_SPELL_NOSPELLER; return pImpEditEngine->HasSpellErrors(); } /*-- 13.10.2003 16:56:23--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void EditEngine::StartSpelling(EditView& rEditView, sal_Bool bMultipleDoc) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->StartSpelling(rEditView, bMultipleDoc); } /*-- 13.10.2003 16:56:23--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void EditEngine::EndSpelling() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EndSpelling(); } /*-- 13.10.2003 16:43:27--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool EditEngine::SpellSentence(EditView& rView, ::svx::SpellPortions& rToFill) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->SpellSentence( rView, rToFill ); } /*-- 13.10.2003 16:43:27--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void EditEngine::ApplyChangedSentence(EditView& rEditView, const ::svx::SpellPortions& rNewPortions) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->ApplyChangedSentence( rEditView, rNewPortions ); } sal_Bool EditEngine::HasConvertibleTextPortion( LanguageType nLang ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->HasConvertibleTextPortion( nLang ); } sal_Bool __EXPORT EditEngine::ConvertNextDocument() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return sal_False; } sal_Bool EditEngine::HasText( const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->HasText( rSearchItem ); } void EditEngine::SetGlobalCharStretching( sal_uInt16 nX, sal_uInt16 nY ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetCharStretching( nX, nY ); } void EditEngine::GetGlobalCharStretching( sal_uInt16& rX, sal_uInt16& rY ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->GetCharStretching( rX, rY ); } void EditEngine::DoStretchChars( sal_uInt16 nX, sal_uInt16 nY ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->DoStretchChars( nX, nY ); } void EditEngine::SetBigTextObjectStart( sal_uInt16 nStartAtPortionCount ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->SetBigTextObjectStart( nStartAtPortionCount ); } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetBigTextObjectStart() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->GetBigTextObjectStart(); } sal_Bool EditEngine::ShouldCreateBigTextObject() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); sal_uInt16 nTextPortions = 0; sal_uInt16 nParas = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions()[nPara]; nTextPortions = nTextPortions + pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); } return ( nTextPortions >= pImpEditEngine->GetBigTextObjectStart() ) ? sal_True : sal_False; } USHORT EditEngine::GetFieldCount( USHORT nPara ) const { USHORT nFields = 0; ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); if ( pNode ) { const CharAttribArray& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(); for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < rAttrs.Count(); nAttr++ ) { EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttrs[nAttr]; if ( pAttr->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD ) nFields++; } } return nFields; } EFieldInfo EditEngine::GetFieldInfo( USHORT nPara, USHORT nField ) const { ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); if ( pNode ) { USHORT nCurrentField = 0; const CharAttribArray& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(); for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < rAttrs.Count(); nAttr++ ) { EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttrs[nAttr]; if ( pAttr->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD ) { if ( nCurrentField == nField ) { EFieldInfo aInfo( *(const SvxFieldItem*)pAttr->GetItem(), nPara, pAttr->GetStart() ); aInfo.aCurrentText = ((EditCharAttribField*)pAttr)->GetFieldValue(); return aInfo; } nCurrentField++; } } } return EFieldInfo(); } sal_Bool EditEngine::UpdateFields() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); sal_Bool bChanges = pImpEditEngine->UpdateFields(); if ( bChanges ) pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); return bChanges; } void EditEngine::RemoveFields( sal_Bool bKeepFieldText, TypeId aType ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( bKeepFieldText ) pImpEditEngine->UpdateFields(); sal_uInt16 nParas = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ ) { ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetObject( nPara ); const CharAttribArray& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(); for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = rAttrs.Count(); nAttr; ) { const EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttrs[--nAttr]; if ( pAttr->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD ) { const SvxFieldData* pFldData = ((const SvxFieldItem*)pAttr->GetItem())->GetField(); if ( pFldData && ( !aType || ( pFldData->IsA( aType ) ) ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( pAttr->GetItem()->ISA( SvxFieldItem ), "Kein FeldItem..." ); EditSelection aSel( EditPaM( pNode, pAttr->GetStart() ), EditPaM( pNode, pAttr->GetEnd() ) ); String aFieldText = ((EditCharAttribField*)pAttr)->GetFieldValue(); pImpEditEngine->ImpInsertText( aSel, aFieldText ); } } } } } sal_Bool EditEngine::HasOnlineSpellErrors() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); sal_uInt16 nNodes = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nNodes; n++ ) { ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().GetObject( n ); if ( pNode->GetWrongList() && pNode->GetWrongList()->Count() ) return sal_True; } return sal_False; } void EditEngine::CompleteOnlineSpelling() { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() ) { if( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatAndUpdate(); pImpEditEngine->StopOnlineSpellTimer(); pImpEditEngine->DoOnlineSpelling( 0, sal_True, sal_False ); } } USHORT EditEngine::FindParagraph( long nDocPosY ) { return pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions().FindParagraph( nDocPosY ); } EPosition EditEngine::FindDocPosition( const Point& rDocPos ) const { EPosition aPos; // From the point of the API, this is const.... EditPaM aPaM = ((EditEngine*)this)->pImpEditEngine->GetPaM( rDocPos, FALSE ); if ( aPaM.GetNode() ) { aPos.nPara = pImpEditEngine->aEditDoc.GetPos( aPaM.GetNode() ); aPos.nIndex = aPaM.GetIndex(); } return aPos; } Rectangle EditEngine::GetCharacterBounds( const EPosition& rPos ) const { Rectangle aBounds; ContentNode* pNode = pImpEditEngine->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( rPos.nPara ); // #109151# Check against index, not paragraph if ( pNode && ( rPos.nIndex < pNode->Len() ) ) { aBounds = pImpEditEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( EditPaM( pNode, rPos.nIndex ), GETCRSR_TXTONLY ); Rectangle aR2 = pImpEditEngine->PaMtoEditCursor( EditPaM( pNode, rPos.nIndex+1 ), GETCRSR_TXTONLY|GETCRSR_ENDOFLINE ); if ( aR2.Right() > aBounds.Right() ) aBounds.Right() = aR2.Right(); } return aBounds; } ParagraphInfos EditEngine::GetParagraphInfos( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); // Funktioniert nur, wenn nicht bereits in der Formatierung... if ( !pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) pImpEditEngine->FormatDoc(); ParagraphInfos aInfos; aInfos.bValid = pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted(); if ( pImpEditEngine->IsFormatted() ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = pImpEditEngine->GetParaPortions()[nPara]; EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion ? pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( 0 ) : NULL; DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion && pLine, "GetParagraphInfos - Paragraph out of range" ); if ( pParaPortion && pLine ) { aInfos.nParaHeight = (USHORT)pParaPortion->GetHeight(); aInfos.nLines = pParaPortion->GetLines().Count(); aInfos.nFirstLineStartX = pLine->GetStartPosX(); aInfos.nFirstLineOffset = pParaPortion->GetFirstLineOffset(); aInfos.nFirstLineHeight = pLine->GetHeight(); aInfos.nFirstLineTextHeight = pLine->GetTxtHeight(); aInfos.nFirstLineMaxAscent = pLine->GetMaxAscent(); } } return aInfos; } ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable > EditEngine::CreateTransferable( const ESelection& rSelection ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); EditSelection aSel( pImpEditEngine->CreateSel( rSelection ) ); return pImpEditEngine->CreateTransferable( aSel ); } void EditEngine::EnableVerboseTextComments( BOOL bEnable ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); pImpEditEngine->EnableVerboseTextComments( bEnable ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsVerboseTextComments() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return pImpEditEngine->IsVerboseTextComments(); } // ===================================================================== // ====================== Virtuelle Methoden ======================= // ===================================================================== void __EXPORT EditEngine::DrawingText( const Point&, const XubString&, USHORT, USHORT, const sal_Int32*, const SvxFont&, sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16, BYTE ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } void __EXPORT EditEngine::PaintingFirstLine( sal_uInt16, const Point&, long, const Point&, short, OutputDevice* ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } void __EXPORT EditEngine::ParagraphInserted( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( GetNotifyHdl().IsSet() ) { EENotify aNotify( EE_NOTIFY_PARAGRAPHINSERTED ); aNotify.pEditEngine = this; aNotify.nParagraph = nPara; pImpEditEngine->CallNotify( aNotify ); } } void __EXPORT EditEngine::ParagraphDeleted( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( GetNotifyHdl().IsSet() ) { EENotify aNotify( EE_NOTIFY_PARAGRAPHREMOVED ); aNotify.pEditEngine = this; aNotify.nParagraph = nPara; pImpEditEngine->CallNotify( aNotify ); } } sal_Bool __EXPORT EditEngine::FormattingParagraph( sal_uInt16 ) { // return sal_True, wenn die Attribute geaendert wurden... DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return sal_False; } void __EXPORT EditEngine::ParaAttribsChanged( sal_uInt16 /* nParagraph */ ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } void __EXPORT EditEngine::StyleSheetChanged( SfxStyleSheet* /* pStyle */ ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } void __EXPORT EditEngine::ParagraphHeightChanged( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); if ( GetNotifyHdl().IsSet() ) { EENotify aNotify( EE_NOTIFY_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED ); aNotify.pEditEngine = this; aNotify.nParagraph = nPara; pImpEditEngine->CallNotify( aNotify ); } } XubString __EXPORT EditEngine::GetUndoComment( sal_uInt16 nId ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); XubString aComment; switch ( nId ) { case EDITUNDO_REMOVECHARS: case EDITUNDO_CONNECTPARAS: case EDITUNDO_REMOVEFEATURE: case EDITUNDO_DELCONTENT: case EDITUNDO_DELETE: case EDITUNDO_CUT: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_DEL ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_MOVEPARAGRAPHS: case EDITUNDO_MOVEPARAS: case EDITUNDO_DRAGANDDROP: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_MOVE ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_INSERTFEATURE: case EDITUNDO_SPLITPARA: case EDITUNDO_INSERTCHARS: case EDITUNDO_PASTE: case EDITUNDO_INSERT: case EDITUNDO_READ: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_INSERT ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_SRCHANDREPL: case EDITUNDO_REPLACEALL: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_REPLACE ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_ATTRIBS: case EDITUNDO_PARAATTRIBS: case EDITUNDO_STRETCH: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_SETATTRIBS ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_RESETATTRIBS: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_RESETATTRIBS ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_STYLESHEET: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_SETSTYLE ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_TRANSLITERATE: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_TRANSLITERATE ) ); break; case EDITUNDO_INDENTBLOCK: case EDITUNDO_UNINDENTBLOCK: aComment = XubString( EditResId( RID_EDITUNDO_INDENT ) ); break; } return aComment; } Rectangle EditEngine::GetBulletArea( sal_uInt16 ) { return Rectangle( Point(), Point() ); } XubString __EXPORT EditEngine::CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem&, sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16, Color*&, Color*& ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); return ' '; } void __EXPORT EditEngine::FieldClicked( const SvxFieldItem&, sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } void __EXPORT EditEngine::FieldSelected( const SvxFieldItem&, sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditEngine, 0 ); } // ===================================================================== // ====================== Statische Methoden ======================= // ===================================================================== SfxItemPool* EditEngine::CreatePool( sal_Bool bPersistentRefCounts ) { SfxItemPool* pPool = new EditEngineItemPool( bPersistentRefCounts ); return pPool; } sal_uInt32 EditEngine::RegisterClipboardFormatName() { static sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0; if ( !nFormat ) nFormat = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "EditEngineFormat" ) ) ); return nFormat; } sal_uInt16 EditEngine::GetAvailableSearchOptions() { return SEARCH_OPTIONS_SEARCH | SEARCH_OPTIONS_REPLACE | SEARCH_OPTIONS_REPLACE_ALL | SEARCH_OPTIONS_WHOLE_WORDS | SEARCH_OPTIONS_BACKWARDS | SEARCH_OPTIONS_REG_EXP | SEARCH_OPTIONS_EXACT | SEARCH_OPTIONS_SELECTION; } void EditEngine::SetFontInfoInItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet, const Font& rFont ) { SvxFont aSvxFont( rFont ); SetFontInfoInItemSet( rSet, aSvxFont ); } void EditEngine::SetFontInfoInItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet, const SvxFont& rFont ) { rSet.Put( SvxLanguageItem( rFont.GetLanguage(), EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE ) ); rSet.Put( SvxFontItem( rFont.GetFamily(), rFont.GetName(), XubString(), rFont.GetPitch(), rFont.GetCharSet(), EE_CHAR_FONTINFO ) ); rSet.Put( SvxFontHeightItem( rFont.GetSize().Height(), 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ) ); rSet.Put( SvxCharScaleWidthItem( 100, EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH ) ); rSet.Put( SvxShadowedItem( rFont.IsShadow(), EE_CHAR_SHADOW ) ); rSet.Put( SvxEscapementItem( rFont.GetEscapement(), rFont.GetPropr(), EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ) ); rSet.Put( SvxWeightItem( rFont.GetWeight(), EE_CHAR_WEIGHT ) ); rSet.Put( SvxColorItem( rFont.GetColor(), EE_CHAR_COLOR ) ); rSet.Put( SvxUnderlineItem( rFont.GetUnderline(), EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE ) ); rSet.Put( SvxCrossedOutItem( rFont.GetStrikeout(), EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT ) ); rSet.Put( SvxPostureItem( rFont.GetItalic(), EE_CHAR_ITALIC ) ); rSet.Put( SvxContourItem( rFont.IsOutline(), EE_CHAR_OUTLINE ) ); rSet.Put( SvxAutoKernItem( rFont.IsKerning(), EE_CHAR_PAIRKERNING ) ); rSet.Put( SvxKerningItem( rFont.GetFixKerning(), EE_CHAR_KERNING ) ); rSet.Put( SvxWordLineModeItem( rFont.IsWordLineMode(), EE_CHAR_WLM ) ); rSet.Put( SvxEmphasisMarkItem( rFont.GetEmphasisMark(), EE_CHAR_EMPHASISMARK ) ); rSet.Put( SvxCharReliefItem( rFont.GetRelief(), EE_CHAR_RELIEF ) ); } Font EditEngine::CreateFontFromItemSet( const SfxItemSet& rItemSet, USHORT nScriptType ) { SvxFont aFont; CreateFont( aFont, rItemSet, true, nScriptType ); return aFont; } // Maybe we can remove the next two methods, check after 6.x Font EditEngine::CreateFontFromItemSet( const SfxItemSet& rItemSet ) { return CreateSvxFontFromItemSet( rItemSet ); } SvxFont EditEngine::CreateSvxFontFromItemSet( const SfxItemSet& rItemSet ) { SvxFont aFont; CreateFont( aFont, rItemSet ); return aFont; } sal_Bool EditEngine::DoesKeyMoveCursor( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { sal_Bool bDoesMove = sal_False; switch ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_HOME: case KEY_END: case KEY_PAGEUP: case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { if ( !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) bDoesMove = sal_True; } break; } return bDoesMove; } sal_Bool EditEngine::DoesKeyChangeText( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { sal_Bool bDoesChange = sal_False; KeyFuncType eFunc = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetFunction(); if ( eFunc != KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( eFunc ) { case KEYFUNC_UNDO: case KEYFUNC_REDO: case KEYFUNC_CUT: case KEYFUNC_PASTE: bDoesChange = sal_True; break; default: // wird dann evtl. unten bearbeitet. eFunc = KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW; } } if ( eFunc == KEYFUNC_DONTKNOW ) { switch ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_DELETE: case KEY_BACKSPACE: bDoesChange = sal_True; break; case KEY_RETURN: case KEY_TAB: { if ( !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && !rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) bDoesChange = sal_True; } break; default: { bDoesChange = IsSimpleCharInput( rKeyEvent ); } } } return bDoesChange; } sal_Bool EditEngine::IsSimpleCharInput( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { if( EditEngine::IsPrintable( rKeyEvent.GetCharCode() ) && ( KEY_MOD2 != (rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetModifier() & ~KEY_SHIFT ) ) && ( KEY_MOD1 != (rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetModifier() & ~KEY_SHIFT ) ) ) { return sal_True; } return sal_False; } // Mal in den Outliner schieben... void EditEngine::ImportBulletItem( SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet, sal_uInt16 nLevel, const SvxBulletItem* pOldBullet, const SvxLRSpaceItem* pOldLRSpace ) { if ( pOldBullet || pOldLRSpace ) { // Numberformat dynamisch, weil Zuweisungsoperator nicht implementiert. // Altes NumBulletItem nur uebernehmen, wenn kein altes BulletItem const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = ( !pOldBullet && ( rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->GetLevelCount() > nLevel ) ) ? rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( nLevel ) : NULL; SvxNumberFormat* pNumberFormat = pFmt ? new SvxNumberFormat( *pFmt ) : new SvxNumberFormat( SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ); if ( pOldBullet ) { // Style SvxExtNumType eNumType; switch( pOldBullet->GetStyle() ) { case BS_BMP: eNumType = SVX_NUM_BITMAP; break; case BS_BULLET: eNumType = SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL; break; case BS_ROMAN_BIG: eNumType = SVX_NUM_ROMAN_UPPER; break; case BS_ROMAN_SMALL: eNumType = SVX_NUM_ROMAN_LOWER; break; case BS_ABC_BIG: eNumType = SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER; break; case BS_ABC_SMALL: eNumType = SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER; break; case BS_123: eNumType = SVX_NUM_ARABIC; break; default: eNumType = SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE; break; } pNumberFormat->SetNumberingType( sal::static_int_cast< sal_Int16 >( eNumType ) ); // Justification SvxAdjust eAdjust; switch( pOldBullet->GetJustification() & (BJ_HRIGHT|BJ_HCENTER|BJ_HLEFT) ) { case BJ_HRIGHT: eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT; break; case BJ_HCENTER: eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_CENTER; break; default: eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT; break; } pNumberFormat->SetNumAdjust(eAdjust); // Prefix/Suffix pNumberFormat->SetPrefix( pOldBullet->GetPrevText() ); pNumberFormat->SetSuffix( pOldBullet->GetFollowText() ); //Font if ( eNumType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) { Font aTmpFont = pOldBullet->GetFont(); pNumberFormat->SetBulletFont( &aTmpFont ); } // Color pNumberFormat->SetBulletColor( pOldBullet->GetFont().GetColor() ); // Start pNumberFormat->SetStart( pOldBullet->GetStart() ); // Scale pNumberFormat->SetBulletRelSize( pOldBullet->GetScale() ); // Bullet/Bitmap if( eNumType == SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL ) { pNumberFormat->SetBulletChar( pOldBullet->GetSymbol() ); } else if( eNumType == SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) { SvxBrushItem aBItem( Graphic( pOldBullet->GetBitmap() ), GPOS_NONE, SID_ATTR_BRUSH ); pNumberFormat->SetGraphicBrush( &aBItem ); } } // Einzug und Erstzeileneinzug if ( pOldLRSpace ) { short nLSpace = (short)pOldLRSpace->GetTxtLeft(); pNumberFormat->SetLSpace( nLSpace ); pNumberFormat->SetAbsLSpace( nLSpace ); pNumberFormat->SetFirstLineOffset( pOldLRSpace->GetTxtFirstLineOfst() ); } rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->SetLevel( nLevel, *pNumberFormat ); delete pNumberFormat; } } BOOL EditEngine::HasValidData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::XTransferable >& rTransferable ) { BOOL bValidData = FALSE; if ( rTransferable.is() ) { // Every application that copies rtf or any other text format also copies plain text into the clipboard.... datatransfer::DataFlavor aFlavor; SotExchange::GetFormatDataFlavor( SOT_FORMAT_STRING, aFlavor ); bValidData = rTransferable->isDataFlavorSupported( aFlavor ); } return bValidData; } /** sets a link that is called at the beginning of a drag operation at an edit view */ void EditEngine::SetBeginDropHdl( const Link& rLink ) { pImpEditEngine->SetBeginDropHdl( rLink ); } Link EditEngine::GetBeginDropHdl() const { return pImpEditEngine->GetBeginDropHdl(); } /** sets a link that is called at the end of a drag operation at an edit view */ void EditEngine::SetEndDropHdl( const Link& rLink ) { pImpEditEngine->SetEndDropHdl( rLink ); } Link EditEngine::GetEndDropHdl() const { return pImpEditEngine->GetEndDropHdl(); } void EditEngine::SetFirstWordCapitalization( BOOL bCapitalize ) { pImpEditEngine->SetFirstWordCapitalization( bCapitalize ); } BOOL EditEngine::IsFirstWordCapitalization() const { return pImpEditEngine->IsFirstWordCapitalization(); } // --------------------------------------------------- EFieldInfo::EFieldInfo() { pFieldItem = NULL; } EFieldInfo::EFieldInfo( const SvxFieldItem& rFieldItem, USHORT nPara, USHORT nPos ) : aPosition( nPara, nPos ) { pFieldItem = new SvxFieldItem( rFieldItem ); } EFieldInfo::~EFieldInfo() { delete pFieldItem; } EFieldInfo::EFieldInfo( const EFieldInfo& rFldInfo ) { *this = rFldInfo; } EFieldInfo& EFieldInfo::operator= ( const EFieldInfo& rFldInfo ) { if( this == &rFldInfo ) return *this; pFieldItem = rFldInfo.pFieldItem ? new SvxFieldItem( *rFldInfo.pFieldItem ) : 0; aCurrentText = rFldInfo.aCurrentText; aPosition = rFldInfo.aPosition; return *this; }