/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: editeng.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.41 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 14:19:20 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include String RID_EDITUNDO_DEL { TEXT = "Lschen" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Delete" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Slett" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Elimina" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Eliminar" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Poista" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Slet" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Supprimer" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Radera" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Wissen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Borrar" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Delete" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Usu"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "削除"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Wissen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "삭제"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Sil"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ลบ"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Smazat"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮מחיקה‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "मिटाओ"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Zmazať"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Törlés"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Izbriši"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_MOVE { TEXT = "Verschieben" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Move" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Flytt" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Sposta" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mover" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Mover" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Siirr" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Flyt" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Dplacer" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Flytta" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Verplaatsen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Desplazar" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Move" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "移动"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Przesu"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "移動"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "移動"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Verplaatsen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "移动"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "이동"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Ta"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Mou"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ย้าย"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Přesunout"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮הזזה‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "स्थानान्तर"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Presunúť"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Áthelyezés"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Premakni"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_INSERT { TEXT = "Einfgen" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Insert" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Sett inn" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Inserisci" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Inserir" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Lis" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Indst" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Insrer" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Infoga" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Invoegen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Insertar" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Insert" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Wstaw"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "挿入"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Invoegen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "삽입"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Ekle"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Insereix"; TEXT[ thai ] = "แทรก"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Vložit"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "जोड़ो"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Vložiť"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Beszúrás"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Vstavi"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_REPLACE { TEXT = "Ersetzen" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Replace" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Replace" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Sostituisci" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Substituir" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Substituir" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Korvaa" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Erstat" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Remplacer" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Erstt" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Vervangen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Reemplazar" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Replace" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "替换"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ polish ] = "Zamie"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "置換"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "代替"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Vervangen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "替换"; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "바꾸기"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Deitir"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Reemplaa"; TEXT[ thai ] = "แทนที่"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Nahradit"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮החלפה‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "प्रतिस्थापन"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Nahradiť"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Csere"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Zamenjaj"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_SETATTRIBS { TEXT = "Attribute anwenden" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Apply attributes" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Bruk attributter" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Applica attributi" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aplicar atributos" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Aplicar atributos" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Kyt mritteit" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Anvend attributter" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Appliquer les attributs" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Anvnd attribut" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Attributen toepassen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Aplicar atributos" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Apply attributes" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用属性"; TEXT[ russian ] = " "; TEXT[ polish ] = "Zastosuj atrybuty"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "属性を適用"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用屬性"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " "; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Attributen toepassen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用属性"; TEXT[ greek ] = " "; TEXT[ korean ] = "속성 적용"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "znitelikleri kullan"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Aplica els atributs"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ใช้คุณลักษณะ"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Použít atributy"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮ישום תכונות‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "ऐट्रिब्यूट्स लागू करो"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Použiť atribúty"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Jellemzők alkalmazása"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Uporabi atribute"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_RESETATTRIBS { TEXT = "Attribute zurcksetzen" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Reset attributes" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Sett attributter p nytt" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Reimposta attributi" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redefinir atributos" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Repor atributos" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Palauta mritteet" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Nulstil attributter" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Restaurer les attributs" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "terstll attribut" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Attributen herstellen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Restablecer atributos" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Reset attributes" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "重设属性"; TEXT[ russian ] = " "; TEXT[ polish ] = "Resetuj atrybuty"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "属性を元に戻す"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "重設屬性"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " "; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Attributen herstellen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "重设属性"; TEXT[ greek ] = " "; TEXT[ korean ] = "속성 원래대로"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "znitelikleri baa al"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Reinicia els atributs"; TEXT[ thai ] = "กำหนดคุณลักษณะใหม่"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Obnovit atributy"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮איפוס תכונות‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "ऐट्रिब्यूट्स रिसेट्ट करो"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Obnoviť atribúty"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Jellemzők visszaállítása"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Ponastavi atribute"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_INDENT { TEXT = "Einrcken" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Einrcken" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Avanar" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Indent" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Recuo" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Dra in" ; Text [ danish ] = "Indryk" ; Text [ italian ] = "Rientro" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Sangra" ; Text [ french ] = "Mettre en retrait" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Inspringing" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "缩进"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Wcicie"; Text[ japanese ] = "挿入"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "縮排"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Inspringing"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "缩进"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "들여쓰기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Girinti"; Text[ catalan ] = "Sagnat"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sisenn"; Text[ thai ] = "ระยะเยื้อง"; Text[ czech ] = "Odsazení"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כניסה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "इन्डेन्ट"; Text[ slovak ] = "Odsadenie"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Behúzás"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Zamik"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_SETSTYLE { TEXT = "Vorlagen anwenden" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Apply styles" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Bruk maler" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Applica modelli" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aplicar Estilos" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Aplicar estilos" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Kyt tyylej" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Anvend typografier" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Appliquer les styles" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Anvnd mallar" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen toepassen" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Aplicar estilos" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Apply Styles" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用样式"; TEXT[ russian ] = " "; TEXT[ polish ] = "Zastosuj style"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "スタイルを適用"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用樣式"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " "; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen toepassen"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用样式"; TEXT[ greek ] = " "; TEXT[ korean ] = "스타일 적용"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "ablonlar kullan"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Aplica els estils"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ใช้ลักษณะ"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Použít styly"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮ישום סגנונות‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "शैलियों को लागू करो"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Použiť štýly"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Stílusok alkalmazása"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Uporabi sloge"; }; String RID_EDITUNDO_TRANSLITERATE { TEXT = "Gro-/Kleinschreibung"; TEXT[English] = "Change case"; TEXT[ english_us ] = "Case/Characters"; TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Caixa/Caracteres"; TEXT[ russian ] = ""; TEXT[ greek ] = "/"; TEXT[ dutch ] = "Hoofdletters/kleine letters"; TEXT[ french ] = "Casse/Caractres"; TEXT[ spanish ] = "Maysculas/minsculas"; TEXT[ italian ] = "Maiuscole/minuscole"; TEXT[ danish ] = "STORE/sm og tegn"; TEXT[ swedish ] = "Bokstver/tecken"; TEXT[ polish ] = "Wielkie i mae litery"; TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Caixa/Caracteres"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "文字種の変換"; TEXT[ korean ] = "문자 바꾸기"; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "变化字母和字体格式"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "變化字母和字型格式"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Koul/Karakterler"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " "; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = "; nk03.04.01: hier passt Englisch Uebesetzung besser."; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Majscules/minscules"; TEXT[ finnish ] = "Muuta kirjainkoko"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ตัวพิมพ์/ตัวอักขระ"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Velikost/znaky"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮סיווג אותיות‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "केस/अक्षरें"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Veľkosť/znaky"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Kis- és nagybetűk"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Črke/znaki"; }; Menu RID_MENU_SPELL { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = MN_SPELLING ; HelpId = HID_EDITENG_SPELLER_START; Text = "~Rechtschreibprfung..." ; Text [ English ] = "~Spelling..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Spellcheck..." ; Text[ language_user1 ] = "; triple dots (...) are required now at the end of the text"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Or~tografia"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Spellingcontrole"; Text[ french ] = "~Vrification orthographique..."; Text[ spanish ] = "~Revisin ortogrfica..."; Text[ finnish ] = "~Oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistus"; Text[ italian ] = "Controllo ~ortografico..."; Text[ danish ] = "~Stavekontrol..."; Text[ swedish ] = "~Rttstavning..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Pisownia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verificao ~Ortogrfica"; Text[ japanese ] = "文章校正(~S)..."; Text[ korean ] = "맞춤법 검사(~S)..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "拼写检查(~S)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "拼寫檢查(~S)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yazm Kontrol..."; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Ortografia"; Text[ thai ] = "~ตรวจสอบการสะกด"; Text[ czech ] = "Kontrola pravopisu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בדיקת איות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~अक्षर की जाँच"; Text[ slovak ] = "~Kontrola pravopisu"; Text[ hungarian ] = "~Helyesírás-ellenőrzés..."; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Preverjanje črkovanja..."; }; MenuItem { Identifier = MN_INSERT ; HelpId = HID_EDITENG_SPELLER_ADDWORD; SubMenu = Menu { }; Text = "~Aufnehmen" ; Text [ English ] = "~Insert" ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Add" ; Text [ italian ] = "A~ggiungi" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Incluir" ; Text [ french ] = "~Ajouter" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Toevoegen" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Lgg till" ; Text [ danish ] = "~Tilfj" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Adicionar" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Adicionar" ; Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "加入(~A)"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "~Dodaj"; Text[ japanese ] = "追加(~A)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "加入(~A)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Toevoegen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "加入(~A)"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "추가(~A)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ekle"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Afegeix"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lis~"; Text[ thai ] = "เ~พิ่ม"; Text[ czech ] = "Přidat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הוספה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~जोड़ो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Prid~ať"; Text[ hungarian ] = "~Hozzáadás"; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Dodaj"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = MN_IGNORE ; HelpId = HID_EDITENG_SPELLER_IGNORE; Text = "Alle i~gnorieren" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "I~gnore all" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "I~gnorer alle" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Ignora tutto" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ignorar Tudo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "I~gnorar tudo" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Ohita kaikki" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ignorer alle" ; Text [ french ] = "Tout ~ignorer" ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Ignorera alla" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Alle ~negeren" ; Text [ spanish ] = "I~gnorar todo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Ignore All" ; Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "全部忽略"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Ignoruj wszystko"; Text[ japanese ] = "すべて無視する"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "全部忽略"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Alle ~negeren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "全部忽略"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "모두 무시"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tmn yok say"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ignora'ls tots"; Text[ thai ] = "เพิกเฉยทั้งหมด"; Text[ czech ] = "Ignorovat vše"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮התעלמות מהכל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सब उपेक्षा करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Ignorovať všetko"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Mindent mellőz"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Prezri vse"; }; MenuItem { Identifier = MN_AUTOCORR ; HelpId = HID_EDITENG_SPELLER_AUTOCORRECT; SubMenu = Menu { }; Text = "Auto~Korrektur" ; Text [ English ] = "~AutoCorrect" ; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoCorrect" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoCorreo" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Auto~Korrigering" ; Text [ danish ] = "AutoKorrektur" ; Text [ italian ] = "~Correzione automatica" ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Correccin automtica" ; Text [ french ] = "AutoCo~rrection" ; Text [ dutch ] = "~AutoCorrectie" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Auto~Correco" ; Text [ chinese_simplified ] = "自动更正"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Autokorekta"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートコレクト"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動校正"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~AutoCorrectie"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动更正"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 수정"; Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik dzeltme"; Text[ catalan ] = "Auto~correcci"; Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen korjaus"; Text[ thai ] = "แก้ไขอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Automatické opravy"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תיקון אוטומטי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्वयं ठीक करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Automatické opravy"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Automatikus javítás"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Samopopravki"; }; }; }; String RID_STR_WORD { Text = "Wort ist %x"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ english_us ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ russian ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ greek ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ dutch ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ french ] = "Mot %x"; Text[ spanish ] = "La palabra es %x"; Text[ finnish ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ italian ] = "Il termine %x"; Text[ danish ] = "Ord er %x"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ordet r %x"; Text[ polish ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Palavra %x"; Text[ japanese ] = "単語は %x"; Text[ korean ] = "단어는 %x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "单词是 %x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字是 %x"; Text[ turkish ] = "Kelime: %x"; Text[ arabic ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ catalan ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ thai ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ czech ] = "Slovo je %x"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מילה היא %x‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Word is %x"; Text[ slovak ] = "Slovo je %x"; Text[ hungarian ] = "A szó %x"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Jezik besede je %x"; }; String RID_STR_PARAGRAPH { Text = "Absatz ist %x"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ english_us ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ russian ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ greek ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ dutch ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ french ] = "Paragraphe %x"; Text[ spanish ] = "El prrafo es %x"; Text[ finnish ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ italian ] = "Il paragrafo %x"; Text[ danish ] = "Afsnit er %x"; Text[ swedish ] = "Stycket r %x"; Text[ polish ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pargrafo %x"; Text[ japanese ] = "段落は %x"; Text[ korean ] = "단락은 %x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "段落是 %x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "段落是 %x"; Text[ turkish ] = "%x paragrafdr"; Text[ arabic ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ catalan ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ thai ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ czech ] = "Odstavec je %x"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פסקה היא %x‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Paragraph is %x"; Text[ slovak ] = "Odstavec je %x"; Text[ hungarian ] = "A bekezdés %x"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Jezik odstavka je %x"; };