/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: editundo.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: mt $ $Date: 2001-02-23 13:05:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include <eeng_pch.hxx> #pragma hdrstop #include <impedit.hxx> #include <editundo.hxx> #include <editview.hxx> #include <editeng.hxx> DBG_NAME( EditUndo ); #define MAX_UNDOS 100 // ab dieser Menge darf geloescht werden.... #define MIN_UNDOS 50 // soviel muss stehen bleiben... #define NO_UNDO 0xFFFF #define GROUP_NOTFOUND 0xFFFF TYPEINIT1( EditUndo, SfxUndoAction ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoDelContent, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoConnectParas, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoSplitPara, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoInsertChars, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoRemoveChars, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoInsertFeature, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoMoveParagraphs, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoSetStyleSheet, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoSetParaAttribs, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoSetAttribs, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoTransliteration, EditUndo ); TYPEINIT1( EditUndoMarkSelection, EditUndo ); void lcl_DoSetSelection( EditView* pView, USHORT nPara ) { EPaM aEPaM( nPara, 0 ); EditPaM aPaM( pView->GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); aPaM.SetIndex( aPaM.GetNode()->Len() ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); pView->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoManager // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoManager::EditUndoManager( ImpEditEngine* p ) { pImpEE = p; } BOOL __EXPORT EditUndoManager::Undo( USHORT nCount ) { if ( GetUndoActionCount() == 0 ) return FALSE; DBG_ASSERT( pImpEE->GetActiveView(), "Active View?" ); if ( !pImpEE->GetActiveView() ) { if ( pImpEE->GetEditViews().Count() ) pImpEE->SetActiveView( pImpEE->GetEditViews().GetObject(0) ); else { DBG_ERROR( "Undo in Engine ohne View nicht moeglich!" ); return FALSE; } } pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->DrawSelection(); // alte Selektion entfernen pImpEE->SetUndoMode( TRUE ); BOOL bDone = SfxUndoManager::Undo( nCount ); pImpEE->SetUndoMode( FALSE ); EditSelection aNewSel( pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->GetEditSelection() ); DBG_ASSERT( !aNewSel.IsInvalid(), "Ungueltige Selektion nach Undo()" ); DBG_ASSERT( !aNewSel.DbgIsBuggy( pImpEE->GetEditDoc() ), "Kaputte Selektion nach Undo()" ); aNewSel.Min() = aNewSel.Max(); pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aNewSel ); pImpEE->FormatAndUpdate( pImpEE->GetActiveView() ); return bDone; } BOOL __EXPORT EditUndoManager::Redo( USHORT nCount ) { if ( GetRedoActionCount() == 0 ) return FALSE; DBG_ASSERT( pImpEE->GetActiveView(), "Active View?" ); if ( !pImpEE->GetActiveView() ) { if ( pImpEE->GetEditViews().Count() ) pImpEE->SetActiveView( pImpEE->GetEditViews().GetObject(0) ); else { DBG_ERROR( "Redo in Engine ohne View nicht moeglich!" ); return FALSE; } } pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->DrawSelection(); // alte Selektion entfernen pImpEE->SetUndoMode( TRUE ); BOOL bDone = SfxUndoManager::Redo( nCount ); pImpEE->SetUndoMode( FALSE ); EditSelection aNewSel( pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->GetEditSelection() ); DBG_ASSERT( !aNewSel.IsInvalid(), "Ungueltige Selektion nach Undo()" ); DBG_ASSERT( !aNewSel.DbgIsBuggy( pImpEE->GetEditDoc() ), "Kaputte Selektion nach Redo()" ); aNewSel.Min() = aNewSel.Max(); pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aNewSel ); pImpEE->FormatAndUpdate( pImpEE->GetActiveView() ); return bDone; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndo // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndo::EditUndo( USHORT nI, ImpEditEngine* p ) { DBG_CTOR( EditUndo, 0 ); nId = nI; pImpEE = p; } EditUndo::~EditUndo() { DBG_DTOR( EditUndo, 0 ); } USHORT __EXPORT EditUndo::GetId() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( EditUndo, 0 ); return nId; } BOOL __EXPORT EditUndo::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget&) const { return FALSE; } XubString __EXPORT EditUndo::GetComment() const { XubString aComment; if ( pImpEE ) { EditEngine* pEditEng = pImpEE->GetEditEnginePtr(); aComment = pEditEng->GetUndoComment( GetId() ); } return aComment; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoDelContent // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoDelContent::EditUndoDelContent( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, ContentNode* pNode, USHORT n ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_DELCONTENT, pImpEE ) { pContentNode = pNode; nNode = n; bDelObject = TRUE; } EditUndoDelContent::~EditUndoDelContent() { if ( bDelObject ) delete pContentNode; } void __EXPORT EditUndoDelContent::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); GetImpEditEngine()->InsertContent( pContentNode, nNode ); bDelObject = FALSE; // gehoert wieder der Engine EditSelection aSel( EditPaM( pContentNode, 0 ), EditPaM( pContentNode, pContentNode->Len() ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoDelContent::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); // pNode stimmt nicht mehr, falls zwischendurch Undos, in denen // Absaetze verschmolzen sind. pContentNode = pImpEE->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nNode ); DBG_ASSERT( pContentNode, "EditUndoDelContent::Redo(): Node?!" ); delete pImpEE->GetParaPortions()[nNode]; pImpEE->GetParaPortions().Remove( nNode ); // Node nicht loeschen, haengt im Undo! pImpEE->GetEditDoc().Remove( nNode ); if( pImpEE->IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() ) pImpEE->GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphDeleted( nNode ); DeletedNodeInfo* pInf = new DeletedNodeInfo( (ULONG)pContentNode, nNode ); pImpEE->aDeletedNodes.Insert( pInf, pImpEE->aDeletedNodes.Count() ); pImpEE->UpdateSelections(); ContentNode* pN = ( nNode < pImpEE->GetEditDoc().Count() ) ? pImpEE->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nNode ) : pImpEE->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nNode-1 ); DBG_ASSERT( pN && ( pN != pContentNode ), "?! RemoveContent !? " ); EditPaM aPaM( pN, pN->Len() ); bDelObject = TRUE; // gehoert wieder dem Undo pImpEE->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoDelContent::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoDelContent::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoConnectParas // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoConnectParas::EditUndoConnectParas( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, USHORT nN, USHORT nSP, const SfxItemSet& rLeftParaAttribs, const SfxItemSet& rRightParaAttribs, const SfxStyleSheet* pLeftStyle, const SfxStyleSheet* pRightStyle, BOOL bBkwrd ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_CONNECTPARAS, pImpEE ), aLeftParaAttribs( rLeftParaAttribs ), aRightParaAttribs( rRightParaAttribs ) { nNode = nN; nSepPos = nSP; if ( pLeftStyle ) { aLeftStyleName = pLeftStyle->GetName(); eLeftStyleFamily = pLeftStyle->GetFamily(); } if ( pRightStyle ) { aRightStyleName = pRightStyle->GetName(); eRightStyleFamily = pRightStyle->GetFamily(); } bBackward = bBkwrd; } EditUndoConnectParas::~EditUndoConnectParas() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoConnectParas::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); // Bei SplitContent darf noch kein ParagraphInserted gerufen werden, // weil der Outliner sich auf die Attribute verlaesst um die Tiefe // des Absatzes zu initialisieren BOOL bCall = GetImpEditEngine()->IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted(); GetImpEditEngine()->SetCallParaInsertedOrDeleted( FALSE ); EditPaM aPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->SplitContent( nNode, nSepPos ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetParaAttribs( nNode, aLeftParaAttribs ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetParaAttribs( nNode+1, aRightParaAttribs ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetCallParaInsertedOrDeleted( bCall ); if ( GetImpEditEngine()->IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() ) GetImpEditEngine()->GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphInserted( nNode+1 ); if ( GetImpEditEngine()->GetStyleSheetPool() ) { if ( aLeftStyleName.Len() ) GetImpEditEngine()->SetStyleSheet( (USHORT)nNode, (SfxStyleSheet*)GetImpEditEngine()->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aLeftStyleName, eLeftStyleFamily ) ); if ( aRightStyleName.Len() ) GetImpEditEngine()->SetStyleSheet( nNode+1, (SfxStyleSheet*)GetImpEditEngine()->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aRightStyleName, eRightStyleFamily ) ); } GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoConnectParas::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->ConnectContents( nNode, bBackward ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoConnectParas::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoConnectParas::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoSplitPara // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoSplitPara::EditUndoSplitPara( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, USHORT nN, USHORT nSP ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_SPLITPARA, pImpEE ) { nNode = nN; nSepPos = nSP; } EditUndoSplitPara::~EditUndoSplitPara() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoSplitPara::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->ConnectContents( nNode, FALSE ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSplitPara::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->SplitContent( nNode, nSepPos ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSplitPara::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoSplitPara::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoInsertChars // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoInsertChars::EditUndoInsertChars( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const EPaM& rEPaM, const XubString& rStr ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_INSERTCHARS, pImpEE ), aEPaM( rEPaM ), aText( rStr ) { } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertChars::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); aSel.Max().GetIndex() += aText.Len(); EditPaM aNewPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->ImpDeleteSelection( aSel ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aNewPaM, aNewPaM ) ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertChars::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->ImpInsertText( EditSelection( aPaM, aPaM ), aText ); EditPaM aNewPaM( aPaM ); aNewPaM.GetIndex() += aText.Len(); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( EditSelection( aPaM, aNewPaM ) ); } BOOL __EXPORT EditUndoInsertChars::Merge( SfxUndoAction* pNextAction ) { if ( !pNextAction->ISA( EditUndoInsertChars ) ) return FALSE; EditUndoInsertChars* pNext = (EditUndoInsertChars*)pNextAction; if ( aEPaM.nPara != pNext->aEPaM.nPara ) return FALSE; if ( ( aEPaM.nIndex + aText.Len() ) == pNext->aEPaM.nIndex ) { aText += pNext->aText; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertChars::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoInsertChars::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoRemoveChars // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoRemoveChars::EditUndoRemoveChars( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const EPaM& rEPaM, const XubString& rStr ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_REMOVECHARS, pImpEE ), aEPaM( rEPaM ), aText( rStr ) { } void __EXPORT EditUndoRemoveChars::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); GetImpEditEngine()->ImpInsertText( aSel, aText ); aSel.Max().GetIndex() += aText.Len(); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoRemoveChars::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); aSel.Max().GetIndex() += aText.Len(); EditPaM aNewPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->ImpDeleteSelection( aSel ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aNewPaM ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoRemoveChars::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoRemoveChars::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoInsertFeature // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoInsertFeature::EditUndoInsertFeature( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const EPaM& rEPaM, const SfxPoolItem& rFeature) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_INSERTFEATURE, pImpEE ), aEPaM( rEPaM ) { pFeature = rFeature.Clone(); DBG_ASSERT( pFeature, "Feature konnte nicht dupliziert werden: EditUndoInsertFeature" ); } EditUndoInsertFeature::~EditUndoInsertFeature() { delete pFeature; } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertFeature::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); // Attribute werden dort implizit vom Dokument korrigiert... aSel.Max().GetIndex()++; EditPaM aNewPaM = GetImpEditEngine()->ImpDeleteSelection( aSel ); aSel.Max().GetIndex()--; // Fuer Selektion GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertFeature::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditPaM aPaM( GetImpEditEngine()->CreateEditPaM( aEPaM ) ); EditSelection aSel( aPaM, aPaM ); GetImpEditEngine()->ImpInsertFeature( aSel, *pFeature ); if ( pFeature->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD ) GetImpEditEngine()->UpdateFields(); aSel.Max().GetIndex()++; GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoInsertFeature::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoInsertFeature::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoMoveParagraphs // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoMoveParagraphs::EditUndoMoveParagraphs ( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const Range& rParas, USHORT n ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_MOVEPARAGRAPHS, pImpEE ), nParagraphs( rParas ) { nDest = n; } EditUndoMoveParagraphs::~EditUndoMoveParagraphs() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoMoveParagraphs::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); Range aTmpRange( nParagraphs ); long nTmpDest = aTmpRange.Min(); long nDiff = ( nDest - aTmpRange.Min() ); aTmpRange.Min() += nDiff; aTmpRange.Max() += nDiff; if ( nParagraphs.Min() < (long)nDest ) { long nLen = aTmpRange.Len(); aTmpRange.Min() -= nLen; aTmpRange.Max() -= nLen; } else nTmpDest += aTmpRange.Len(); EditSelection aNewSel( GetImpEditEngine()->MoveParagraphs( aTmpRange, (USHORT)nTmpDest, 0 ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aNewSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoMoveParagraphs::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); EditSelection aNewSel( GetImpEditEngine()->MoveParagraphs( nParagraphs, nDest, 0 ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aNewSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoMoveParagraphs::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoMoveParagraphs::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoSetStyleSheet // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoSetStyleSheet::EditUndoSetStyleSheet( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, USHORT nP, const XubString& rPrevName, SfxStyleFamily ePrevFam, const XubString& rNewName, SfxStyleFamily eNewFam, const SfxItemSet& rPrevParaAttribs ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_STYLESHEET, pImpEE ), aPrevName( rPrevName ), aNewName( rNewName ), aPrevParaAttribs( rPrevParaAttribs ) { ePrevFamily = ePrevFam; eNewFamily = eNewFam; nPara = nP; } EditUndoSetStyleSheet::~EditUndoSetStyleSheet() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetStyleSheet::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetStyleSheet( nPara, (SfxStyleSheet*)GetImpEditEngine()->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aPrevName, ePrevFamily ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aPrevParaAttribs ); lcl_DoSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), nPara ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetStyleSheet::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetStyleSheet( nPara, (SfxStyleSheet*)GetImpEditEngine()->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aNewName, eNewFamily ) ); lcl_DoSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), nPara ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetStyleSheet::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoSetStyleSheet::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoSetParaAttribs // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoSetParaAttribs::EditUndoSetParaAttribs( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, USHORT nP, const SfxItemSet& rPrevItems, const SfxItemSet& rNewItems ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_PARAATTRIBS, pImpEE ), aPrevItems( rPrevItems ), aNewItems(rNewItems ) { nPara = nP; } EditUndoSetParaAttribs::~EditUndoSetParaAttribs() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetParaAttribs::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aPrevItems ); lcl_DoSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), nPara ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetParaAttribs::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); GetImpEditEngine()->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aNewItems ); lcl_DoSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), nPara ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetParaAttribs::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoSetParaAttribs::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoSetAttribs // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoSetAttribs::EditUndoSetAttribs( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const ESelection& rESel, const SfxItemSet& rNewItems ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_ATTRIBS, pImpEE ), aNewAttribs( rNewItems ), aESel( rESel ) { // Wenn das EditUndoSetAttribs eigentlich ein RemoveAttribs ist, koennte // man das eigentlich an einem leeren ItemSet erkennen, aber dann muesste // an einigen Stellen abgefangen werden, das ggf. ein SetAttribs mit einem // leeren ItemSet gemacht wird. // => Ich habe lieber diesen Member spendiert... bSetIsRemove = FALSE; bRemoveParaAttribs = FALSE; nRemoveWhich = 0; nSpecial = 0; } EditUndoSetAttribs::~EditUndoSetAttribs() { // Items aus Pool holen... SfxItemPool* pPool = aNewAttribs.GetPool(); USHORT nContents = aPrevAttribs.Count(); for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nContents; n++ ) { ContentAttribsInfo* pInf = aPrevAttribs[n]; DBG_ASSERT( pInf, "Undo_DTOR (SetAttribs): pInf = NULL!" ); for ( USHORT nAttr = 0; nAttr < pInf->GetPrevCharAttribs().Count(); nAttr++ ) { EditCharAttrib* pX = pInf->GetPrevCharAttribs()[nAttr]; DBG_ASSERT( pX, "Undo_DTOR (SetAttribs): pX = NULL!" ); pPool->Remove( *pX->GetItem() ); delete pX; } delete pInf; } } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetAttribs::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); BOOL bFields = FALSE; for ( USHORT nPara = aESel.nStartPara; nPara <= aESel.nEndPara; nPara++ ) { ContentAttribsInfo* pInf = aPrevAttribs[ (USHORT)(nPara-aESel.nStartPara) ]; DBG_ASSERT( pInf, "Undo (SetAttribs): pInf = NULL!" ); // erstmal die Absatzattribute... pImpEE->SetParaAttribs( nPara, pInf->GetPrevParaAttribs() ); // Dann die Zeichenattribute... // Alle Attribute inkl. Features entfernen, werden wieder neu eingestellt. pImpEE->RemoveCharAttribs( nPara, 0, TRUE ); DBG_ASSERT( pImpEE->GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ), "Undo (SetAttribs): pNode = NULL!" ); ContentNode* pNode = pImpEE->GetEditDoc().GetObject( nPara ); for ( USHORT nAttr = 0; nAttr < pInf->GetPrevCharAttribs().Count(); nAttr++ ) { EditCharAttrib* pX = pInf->GetPrevCharAttribs()[nAttr]; DBG_ASSERT( pX, "Redo (SetAttribs): pX = NULL!" ); // wird autom. 'eingepoolt'. pImpEE->GetEditDoc().InsertAttrib( pNode, pX->GetStart(), pX->GetEnd(), *pX->GetItem() ); if ( pX->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD ) bFields = TRUE; } } if ( bFields ) pImpEE->UpdateFields(); ImpSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView() ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetAttribs::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); EditSelection aSel( pImpEE->CreateSel( aESel ) ); if ( !bSetIsRemove ) pImpEE->SetAttribs( aSel, aNewAttribs, nSpecial ); else pImpEE->RemoveCharAttribs( aSel, bRemoveParaAttribs, nRemoveWhich ); ImpSetSelection( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView() ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoSetAttribs::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoSetAttribs::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } void EditUndoSetAttribs::ImpSetSelection( EditView* pView ) { ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); EditSelection aSel( pImpEE->CreateSel( aESel ) ); GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->GetImpEditView()->SetEditSelection( aSel ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoTransliteration // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoTransliteration::EditUndoTransliteration( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const ESelection& rESel, sal_Int32 nM ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_TRANSLITERATE, pImpEE ), aOldESel( rESel ) { nMode = nM; pTxtObj = NULL; } EditUndoTransliteration::~EditUndoTransliteration() { delete pTxtObj; } void __EXPORT EditUndoTransliteration::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); EditSelection aSel( pImpEE->CreateSel( aNewESel ) ); // Insert text, but don't expand Atribs at the current position: aSel = pImpEE->DeleteSelected( aSel ); EditSelection aDelSel( aSel ); aSel = pImpEE->InsertParaBreak( aSel ); aDelSel.Max() = aSel.Min(); aDelSel.Max().GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().DeleteEmptyAttribs( pImpEE->GetEditDoc().GetItemPool() ); if ( pTxtObj ) { pImpEE->InsertText( *pTxtObj, aSel ); } else { pImpEE->InsertText( aSel, aText ); } pImpEE->DeleteSelected( aDelSel ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoTransliteration::Redo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); ImpEditEngine* pImpEE = GetImpEditEngine(); EditSelection aSel( pImpEE->CreateSel( aOldESel ) ); pImpEE->TransliterateText( aSel, nMode ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoTransliteration::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoTransliteration::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // EditUndoMarkSelection // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EditUndoMarkSelection::EditUndoMarkSelection( ImpEditEngine* pImpEE, const ESelection& rSel ) : EditUndo( EDITUNDO_MARKSELECTION, pImpEE ), aSelection( rSel ) { } EditUndoMarkSelection::~EditUndoMarkSelection() { } void __EXPORT EditUndoMarkSelection::Undo() { DBG_ASSERT( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView(), "Undo/Redo: Keine Active View!" ); if ( GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView() ) GetImpEditEngine()->GetActiveView()->SetSelection( aSelection ); } void __EXPORT EditUndoMarkSelection::Redo() { // Fuer Redo unwichtig, weil am Anfang der Undo-Klammerung } void __EXPORT EditUndoMarkSelection::Repeat() { DBG_ERROR( "EditUndoMarkSelection::Repeat nicht implementiert!" ); }