/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: impedit3.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.29 $ * * last change: $Author: tl $ $Date: 2001-03-28 10:42:02 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #ifndef _WRKWIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #ifdef DBG_UTIL #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_SFXUNO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_DRAG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_METRIC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_SCRIPTTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #include using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2; SV_DECL_VARARR_SORT( SortedPositions, sal_uInt32, 16, 8 ); SV_IMPL_VARARR_SORT( SortedPositions, sal_uInt32 ); #define RESDIFF 10 #define SCRLRANGE 20 // 1/20 der Breite/Hoehe scrollen, wenn im QueryDrop #define CH_HYPH '-' #define WRONG_SHOW_MIN 5 #define WRONG_SHOW_SMALL 11 #define WRONG_SHOW_MEDIUM 15 struct TabInfo { BOOL bValid; SvxTabStop aTabStop; xub_StrLen nCharPos; USHORT nTabPortion; long nStartPosX; long nTabPos; TabInfo::TabInfo() { bValid = FALSE; } }; Point Rotate( const Point& rPoint, short nOrientation, const Point& rOrigin ) { double nRealOrientation = nOrientation*F_PI1800; double nCos = cos( nRealOrientation ); double nSin = sin( nRealOrientation ); Point aRotatedPos; Point aTranslatedPos( rPoint ); // Translation aTranslatedPos -= rOrigin; // Rotation... aRotatedPos.X() = (long) ( nCos*aTranslatedPos.X() + nSin*aTranslatedPos.Y() ); aRotatedPos.Y() = (long) - ( nSin*aTranslatedPos.X() - nCos*aTranslatedPos.Y() ); aTranslatedPos = aRotatedPos; // Translation... aTranslatedPos += rOrigin; return aTranslatedPos; } void lcl_DrawRedLines( OutputDevice* pOutDev, long nFontHeight, const Point& rPnt, sal_uInt16 nIndex, sal_uInt16 nMaxEnd, const long* pDXArray, WrongList* pWrongs, short nOrientation, const Point& rOrigin ) { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT // Aber nur, wenn Font nicht zu klein... long nHght = pOutDev->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, nFontHeight ) ).Height(); if( WRONG_SHOW_MIN < nHght ) { sal_uInt16 nStyle; if( WRONG_SHOW_MEDIUM < nHght ) nStyle = WAVE_NORMAL; else if( WRONG_SHOW_SMALL < nHght ) nStyle = WAVE_SMALL; else nStyle = WAVE_FLAT; sal_uInt16 nEnd, nStart = nIndex; sal_Bool bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong( nStart, nEnd ); while ( bWrong ) { if ( nStart >= nMaxEnd ) break; if ( nStart < nIndex ) // Wurde korrigiert nStart = nIndex; if ( nEnd > nMaxEnd ) nEnd = nMaxEnd; Point aPnt1( rPnt ); if ( nStart > nIndex ) aPnt1.X() += pDXArray[ nStart - nIndex - 1 ]; Point aPnt2( rPnt ); DBG_ASSERT( nEnd > nIndex, "RedLine: aPnt2?" ); aPnt2.X() += pDXArray[ nEnd - nIndex - 1 ]; if ( nOrientation ) { aPnt1 = Rotate( aPnt1, nOrientation, rOrigin ); aPnt2 = Rotate( aPnt2, nOrientation, rOrigin ); } Color aOldColor( pOutDev->GetLineColor() ); pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_LIGHTRED ); pOutDev->DrawWaveLine( aPnt1, aPnt2, nStyle ); pOutDev->SetLineColor( aOldColor ); nStart = nEnd+1; if ( nEnd < nMaxEnd ) bWrong = pWrongs->NextWrong( nStart, nEnd ); else bWrong = sal_False; } } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT } Point lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( Point rPos, Point rOrigin, double nSin, double nCos ) { Point aRotatedPos; // Translation... Point aTranslatedPos( rPos); aTranslatedPos -= rOrigin; aRotatedPos.X() = (long) ( nCos*aTranslatedPos.X() + nSin*aTranslatedPos.Y() ); aRotatedPos.Y() = (long) - ( nSin*aTranslatedPos.X() - nCos*aTranslatedPos.Y() ); aTranslatedPos = aRotatedPos; // Translation... aTranslatedPos += rOrigin; return aTranslatedPos; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // class ImpEditEngine // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImpEditEngine::UpdateViews( EditView* pCurView ) { if ( !GetUpdateMode() || IsFormatting() || aInvalidRec.IsEmpty() ) return; DBG_ASSERT( IsFormatted(), "UpdateViews: Doc nicht formatiert!" ); for ( sal_uInt16 nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.Count(); nView++ ) { EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView]; DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); pView->HideCursor(); Rectangle aClipRec( aInvalidRec ); Rectangle aVisArea( pView->GetVisArea() ); aClipRec.Intersection( aVisArea ); if ( !aClipRec.IsEmpty() ) { // in Fensterkoordinaten umwandeln.... aClipRec = pView->pImpEditView->GetWindowPos( aClipRec ); if ( ( pView == pCurView ) ) Paint( pView->pImpEditView, aClipRec, sal_True ); else pView->GetWindow()->Invalidate( aClipRec ); } } if ( pCurView ) { sal_Bool bGotoCursor = pCurView->pImpEditView->DoAutoScroll(); pCurView->ShowCursor( bGotoCursor ); } aInvalidRec = Rectangle(); CallStatusHdl(); } IMPL_LINK( ImpEditEngine, OnlineSpellHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { if ( !Application::AnyInput( INPUT_KEYBOARD ) && GetUpdateMode() && IsFormatted() ) DoOnlineSpelling(); else aOnlineSpellTimer.Start(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( ImpEditEngine, IdleFormatHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { aIdleFormatter.ResetRestarts(); FormatAndUpdate( aIdleFormatter.GetView() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( ImpEditEngine, IdleFormatHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) void ImpEditEngine::CheckIdleFormatter() { aIdleFormatter.ForceTimeout(); // Falls kein Idle, aber trotzdem nicht formatiert: if ( !IsFormatted() ) FormatDoc(); } void ImpEditEngine::FormatFullDoc() { for ( sal_uInt16 nPortion = 0; nPortion < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPortion++ ) GetParaPortions()[nPortion]->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, GetParaPortions()[nPortion]->GetNode()->Len() ); FormatDoc(); } void ImpEditEngine::FormatDoc() { if ( !GetUpdateMode() || IsFormatting() ) return; bIsFormatting = sal_True; // Dann kann ich auch den Spell-Timer starten... if ( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() ) StartOnlineSpellTimer(); long nY = 0; sal_Bool bGrow = sal_False; Font aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() ); // Hier schon, damit nicht jedesmal in CreateLines... sal_Bool bMapChanged = ImpCheckRefMapMode(); aInvalidRec = Rectangle(); // leermachen for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( nPara ); if ( pParaPortion->MustRepaint() || ( pParaPortion->IsInvalid() && pParaPortion->IsVisible() ) ) { if ( pParaPortion->IsInvalid() ) { sal_Bool bChangedByDerivedClass = GetEditEnginePtr()->FormattingParagraph( nPara ); if ( bChangedByDerivedClass ) { pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Reset(); pParaPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); } } // bei MustRepaint() sollte keine Formatierung noetig sein! // 23.1.95: Evtl. ist sie durch eine andere Aktion aber doch // ungueltig geworden! // if ( pParaPortion->MustRepaint() || CreateLines( nPara ) ) if ( ( pParaPortion->MustRepaint() && !pParaPortion->IsInvalid() ) || CreateLines( nPara, nY ) ) { if ( !bGrow && GetTextRanger() ) { // Bei einer Aenderung der Hoehe muss alles weiter unten // neu formatiert werden... for ( sal_uInt16 n = nPara+1; n < GetParaPortions().Count(); n++ ) { ParaPortion* pPP = GetParaPortions().GetObject( n ); pPP->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pPP->GetNode()->Len() ); pPP->GetLines().Reset(); } } bGrow = sal_True; if ( IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() ) GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphHeightChanged( nPara ); pParaPortion->SetMustRepaint( sal_False ); } // InvalidRec nur einmal setzen... if ( aInvalidRec.IsEmpty() ) { // Bei Paperwidth 0 (AutoPageSize) bleibt es sonst Empty()... long nWidth = Max( (long)1, ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() ) ); Range aInvRange( GetInvalidYOffsets( pParaPortion ) ); aInvalidRec = Rectangle( Point( 0, nY+aInvRange.Min() ), Size( nWidth, aInvRange.Len() ) ); } else { aInvalidRec.Bottom() = nY + pParaPortion->GetHeight(); } } else if ( bGrow ) { aInvalidRec.Bottom() = nY + pParaPortion->GetHeight(); } nY += pParaPortion->GetHeight(); } // Man kann auch durch UpdateMode An=>AUS=>AN in die Formatierung gelangen... // Optimierung erst nach Vobis-Auslieferung aktivieren... // if ( !aInvalidRec.IsEmpty() ) { sal_uInt32 nNewHeight = CalcTextHeight(); long nDiff = nNewHeight - nCurTextHeight; if ( nDiff ) aStatus.GetStatusWord() |= !IsVertical() ? EE_STAT_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED : EE_STAT_TEXTWIDTHCHANGED; if ( nNewHeight < nCurTextHeight ) { aInvalidRec.Bottom() = (long)Max( nNewHeight, nCurTextHeight ); if ( aInvalidRec.IsEmpty() ) { aInvalidRec.Top() = 0; // Left und Right werden nicht ausgewertet, aber wegen IsEmpty gesetzt. aInvalidRec.Left() = 0; aInvalidRec.Right() = !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height(); } } nCurTextHeight = nNewHeight; if ( aStatus.AutoPageSize() ) CheckAutoPageSize(); else if ( nDiff ) { for ( sal_uInt16 nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.Count(); nView++ ) { EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView]; ImpEditView* pImpView = pView->pImpEditView; if ( pImpView->DoAutoHeight() ) { Size aSz( pImpView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth(), nCurTextHeight ); if ( aSz.Height() > aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height() ) aSz.Height() = aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height(); else if ( aSz.Height() < aMinAutoPaperSize.Height() ) aSz.Height() = aMinAutoPaperSize.Height(); pImpView->ResetOutputArea( Rectangle( pImpView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft(), aSz ) ); } } } } if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() ) GetRefDevice()->SetFont( aOldFont ); bIsFormatting = sal_False; bFormatted = sal_True; if ( bMapChanged ) GetRefDevice()->Pop(); CallStatusHdl(); // Falls Modified... } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::ImpCheckRefMapMode() { sal_Bool bChange = sal_False; if ( aStatus.DoFormat100() ) { MapMode aMapMode( GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode() ); if ( aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator() != aMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator() ) bChange = sal_True; else if ( aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator() != aMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator() ) bChange = sal_True; if ( bChange ) { Fraction Scale1( 1, 1 ); aMapMode.SetScaleX( Scale1 ); aMapMode.SetScaleY( Scale1 ); GetRefDevice()->Push(); GetRefDevice()->SetMapMode( aMapMode ); } } return bChange; } void ImpEditEngine::CheckAutoPageSize() { Size aPrevPaperSize( GetPaperSize() ); if ( GetStatus().AutoPageWidth() ) aPaperSize.Width() = (long) !IsVertical() ? CalcTextWidth() : GetTextHeight(); if ( GetStatus().AutoPageHeight() ) aPaperSize.Height() = (long) !IsVertical() ? GetTextHeight() : CalcTextWidth(); SetValidPaperSize( aPaperSize ); //Min, Max beruecksichtigen if ( aPaperSize != aPrevPaperSize ) { if ( ( !IsVertical() && ( aPaperSize.Width() != aPrevPaperSize.Width() ) ) || ( IsVertical() && ( aPaperSize.Height() != aPrevPaperSize.Height() ) ) ) { // Falls davor zentriert/rechts oder Tabs... aStatus.GetStatusWord() |= !IsVertical() ? EE_STAT_TEXTWIDTHCHANGED : EE_STAT_TEXTHEIGHTCHANGED; for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ ) { // Es brauchen nur Absaetze neu formatiert werden, // die nicht linksbuendig sind. // Die Hoehe kann sich hier nicht mehr aendern. ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( nPara ); ContentNode* pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode(); SvxAdjust eJustification = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT; if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) eJustification = ((const SvxAdjustItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_JUST)).GetAdjust(); if ( eJustification != SVX_ADJUST_LEFT ) { pParaPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pNode->Len() ); CreateLines( nPara, 0 ); // 0: Bei AutoPageSize kein TextRange! } } } Size aInvSize = aPaperSize; if ( aPaperSize.Width() < aPrevPaperSize.Width() ) aInvSize.Width() = aPrevPaperSize.Width(); if ( aPaperSize.Height() < aPrevPaperSize.Height() ) aInvSize.Height() = aPrevPaperSize.Height(); Size aSz( aInvSize ); if ( IsVertical() ) { aSz.Width() = aInvSize.Height(); aSz.Height() = aInvSize.Width(); } aInvalidRec = Rectangle( Point(), aSz ); for ( sal_uInt16 nView = 0; nView < aEditViews.Count(); nView++ ) { EditView* pView = aEditViews[nView]; pView->pImpEditView->RecalcOutputArea(); } } } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::CreateLines( USHORT nPara, sal_uInt32 nStartPosY ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( nPara ); // sal_Bool: Aenderung der Hoehe des Absatzes Ja/Nein - sal_True/sal_False DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetNode(), "Portion ohne Node in CreateLines" ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->IsVisible(), "Unsichtbare Absaetze nicht formatieren!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->IsInvalid(), "CreateLines: Portion nicht invalid!" ); BOOL bProcessingEmptyLine = ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 ); BOOL bEmptyNodeWithPolygon = ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 ) && GetTextRanger(); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Schnelle Sonderbehandlung fuer leere Absaetze... // --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() == 0 ) && !GetTextRanger() ) { // schnelle Sonderbehandlung... if ( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Reset(); if ( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count() ) pParaPortion->GetLines().Reset(); CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( pParaPortion, nStartPosY ); return FinishCreateLines( pParaPortion ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialisierung...... // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Immer fuer 100% formatieren: sal_Bool bMapChanged = ImpCheckRefMapMode(); if ( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count() == 0 ) { EditLine* pL = new EditLine; pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert( pL, 0 ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Absatzattribute holen...... // --------------------------------------------------------------- ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode(); SvxAdjust eJustification = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT; if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) eJustification = ((const SvxAdjustItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_JUST)).GetAdjust(); sal_Bool bHyphenatePara = ((const SfxBoolItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_HYPHENATE )).GetValue(); const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRItem = GetLRSpaceItem( pNode ); const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = (const SvxLineSpacingItem&) pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL ); const BOOL bScriptSpace = ((const SvxScriptSpaceItem&) pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_ASIANCJKSPACING )).GetValue(); // const sal_uInt16 nInvalidEnd = ( pParaPortion->GetInvalidDiff() > 0 ) // ? pParaPortion->GetInvalidPosStart() + pParaPortion->GetInvalidDiff() // : pNode->Len(); const short nInvalidDiff = pParaPortion->GetInvalidDiff(); const sal_uInt16 nInvalidStart = pParaPortion->GetInvalidPosStart(); const sal_uInt16 nInvalidEnd = nInvalidStart + Abs( nInvalidDiff ); sal_Bool bQuickFormat = sal_False; if ( !bEmptyNodeWithPolygon ) { if ( ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() ) && ( nInvalidDiff > 0 ) && ( pNode->Search( CH_FEATURE, nInvalidStart ) > nInvalidEnd ) ) { bQuickFormat = sal_True; } else if ( ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() ) && ( nInvalidDiff < 0 ) ) { // pruefen, ob loeschen ueber Portiongrenzen erfolgte... sal_uInt16 nStart = nInvalidStart; // DOPPELT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sal_uInt16 nEnd = nStart - nInvalidDiff; // neg. bQuickFormat = sal_True; sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; sal_uInt16 nPortions = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 nTP = 0; nTP < nPortions; nTP++ ) { // Es darf kein Start/Ende im geloeschten Bereich liegen. TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nTP ]; nPos += pTP->GetLen(); if ( ( nPos > nStart ) && ( nPos < nEnd ) ) { bQuickFormat = sal_False; break; } } } } sal_uInt16 nRealInvalidStart = nInvalidStart; if ( bEmptyNodeWithPolygon ) { TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Reset(); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pDummyPortion, 0 ); } else if ( bQuickFormat ) { // schnellere Methode: RecalcTextPortion( pParaPortion, nInvalidStart, nInvalidDiff ); } else // nRealInvalidStart kann vor InvalidStart liegen, weil Portions geloescht.... CreateTextPortions( pParaPortion, nRealInvalidStart ); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Zeile mit InvalidPos suchen, eine Zeile davor beginnen... // Zeilen flaggen => nicht removen ! // --------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 nLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-1; for ( sal_uInt16 nL = 0; nL <= nLine; nL++ ) { EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nL ); if ( pLine->GetEnd() > nRealInvalidStart ) // nicht nInvalidStart! { nLine = nL; break; } pLine->SetValid(); } // Eine Zeile davor beginnen... // Wenn ganz hinten getippt wird, kann sich die Zeile davor nicht aendern. if ( nLine && ( !pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() || ( nInvalidEnd < pNode->Len() ) || ( nInvalidDiff <= 0 ) ) ) nLine--; EditLine* pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( nLine ); static Rectangle aZeroArea = Rectangle( Point(), Point() ); Rectangle aBulletArea( aZeroArea ); if ( !nLine ) { aBulletArea = GetEditEnginePtr()->GetBulletArea( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) ); if ( aBulletArea.Right() > 0 ) pParaPortion->SetBulletX( (sal_uInt16) GetXValue( aBulletArea.Right() ) ); else pParaPortion->SetBulletX( 0 ); // Falls Bullet falsch eingestellt. } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Ab hier alle Zeilen durchformatieren... // --------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 nDelFromLine = 0xFFFF; sal_Bool bLineBreak = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nIndex = pLine->GetStart(); EditLine aSaveLine( *pLine ); SvxFont aTmpFont( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() ); sal_Bool bCalcCharPositions = sal_True; long* pBuf = new long[ pNode->Len() ]; sal_Bool bSameLineAgain = sal_False; // Fuer TextRanger, wenn sich die Hoehe aendert. TabInfo aCurrentTab; BOOL bForceOneRun = bEmptyNodeWithPolygon; while ( ( nIndex < pNode->Len() ) || bForceOneRun ) { bForceOneRun = FALSE; sal_Bool bEOL = sal_False; sal_Bool bEOC = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPortionStart = 0; sal_uInt16 nPortionEnd = 0; long nStartX = GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() ); if ( nIndex == 0 ) { long nFI = GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst() ); nStartX += nFI; if ( !nLine && ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX ) ) { nStartX -= nFI; // Vielleicht reicht der LI? if ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX ) nStartX = pParaPortion->GetBulletX(); } } long nMaxLineWidth; if ( !IsVertical() ) nMaxLineWidth = aStatus.AutoPageWidth() ? aMaxAutoPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Width(); else nMaxLineWidth = aStatus.AutoPageHeight() ? aMaxAutoPaperSize.Height() : aPaperSize.Height(); nMaxLineWidth -= GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ); nMaxLineWidth -= nStartX; // Wenn PaperSize == long_max, kann ich keinen neg. Erstzeileneinzug // abziehen (Overflow) if ( ( nMaxLineWidth < 0 ) && ( nStartX < 0 ) ) nMaxLineWidth = ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() ) - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ); // Wenn jetzt noch kleiner 0, kann es nur der rechte Rand sein. if ( nMaxLineWidth < 0 ) nMaxLineWidth = 1; // Problem: Da eine Zeile _vor_ der ungueltigen Position mit der // Formatierung begonnen wird, werden hier leider auch die Positionen // neu bestimmt... // Loesungsansatz: // Die Zeile davor kann nur groesser werden, nicht kleiner // => ... if ( bCalcCharPositions ) pLine->GetCharPosArray().Remove( 0, pLine->GetCharPosArray().Count() ); sal_uInt16 nTmpPos = nIndex; sal_uInt16 nTmpPortion = pLine->GetStartPortion(); long nTmpWidth = 0; long nXWidth = nMaxLineWidth; if ( nXWidth <= nTmpWidth ) // while muss 1x durchlaufen werden nXWidth = nTmpWidth+1; SvLongsPtr pTextRanges = 0; long nTextExtraYOffset = 0; long nTextXOffset = 0; long nTextLineHeight = 0; if ( GetTextRanger() ) { GetTextRanger()->SetVertical( IsVertical() ); long nTextY = nStartPosY + GetEditCursor( pParaPortion, pLine->GetStart() ).Top(); if ( !bSameLineAgain ) { SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); nTextLineHeight = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( GetRefDevice(), String() ).Height(); // Metriken koennen groesser sein FormatterFontMetric aTempFormatterMetrics; RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aTempFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont ); sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aTempFormatterMetrics.GetHeight(); if ( nLineHeight > nTextLineHeight ) nTextLineHeight = nLineHeight; } else nTextLineHeight = pLine->GetHeight(); nXWidth = 0; while ( !nXWidth ) { long nYOff = nTextY + nTextExtraYOffset; long nYDiff = nTextLineHeight; if ( IsVertical() ) { long nMaxPolygonX = GetTextRanger()->GetBoundRect().Right(); nYOff = nMaxPolygonX-nYOff; nYDiff = -nTextLineHeight; } pTextRanges = GetTextRanger()->GetTextRanges( Range( nYOff, nYOff + nYDiff ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pTextRanges, "GetTextRanges?!" ); long nMaxRangeWidth = 0; // Den breitesten Bereich verwenden... // Der breiteste Bereich koennte etwas verwirren, also // generell den ersten. Am besten mal richtig mit Luecken. // for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < pTextRanges->Count(); ) if ( pTextRanges->Count() ) { sal_uInt16 n = 0; long nA = pTextRanges->GetObject( n++ ); long nB = pTextRanges->GetObject( n++ ); DBG_ASSERT( nA <= nB, "TextRange verdreht?" ); long nW = nB - nA; if ( nW > nMaxRangeWidth ) { nMaxRangeWidth = nW; nTextXOffset = nA; } } nXWidth = nMaxRangeWidth; if ( nXWidth ) nMaxLineWidth = nXWidth - nStartX - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ); else { // Weiter unten im Polygon versuchen. // Unterhalb des Polygons die Paperbreite verwenden. nTextExtraYOffset += Max( (long)(nTextLineHeight / 10), (long)1 ); if ( ( nTextY + nTextExtraYOffset ) > GetTextRanger()->GetBoundRect().Bottom() ) { nXWidth = !IsVertical() ? GetPaperSize().Width() : GetPaperSize().Height(); if ( !nXWidth ) // AutoPaperSize nXWidth = 0x7FFFFFFF; } } } } // Portion suchen, die nicht mehr in Zeile passt.... TextPortion* pPortion; sal_Bool bBrokenLine = sal_False; bLineBreak = sal_False; EditCharAttrib* pNextFeature = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature( pLine->GetStart() ); while ( ( nTmpWidth < nXWidth ) && !bEOL && ( nTmpPortion < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) ) { nPortionStart = nTmpPos; pPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nTmpPortion ); if ( pPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR ) { // Portion wegschmeissen, ggf. die davor korrigieren, wenn // die Hyph-Portion ein Zeichen geschluckt hat... pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nTmpPortion ); if ( nTmpPortion && pPortion->GetLen() ) { nTmpPortion--; TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nTmpPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( pPrev->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "Portion?!" ); nTmpWidth -= pPrev->GetSize().Width(); nTmpPos -= pPrev->GetLen(); pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() + pPortion->GetLen() ); pPrev->GetSize().Width() = (-1); } delete pPortion; DBG_ASSERT( nTmpPortion < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Keine Portion mehr da!" ); pPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nTmpPortion ); } DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetKind() != PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR, "CreateLines: Hyphenator-Portion!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetLen() || bProcessingEmptyLine, "Leere Portion in CreateLines ?!" ); if ( pNextFeature && ( pNextFeature->GetStart() == nTmpPos ) ) { sal_uInt16 nWhich = pNextFeature->GetItem()->Which(); switch ( nWhich ) { case EE_FEATURE_TAB: { long nOldTmpWidth = nTmpWidth; // Tab-Pos suchen... long nCurPos = nTmpWidth+nStartX; nCurPos -= rLRItem.GetTxtLeft(); // Tabs relativ zu LI // Skalierung rausrechnen if ( aStatus.DoStretch() && ( nStretchX != 100 ) ) nCurPos = nCurPos*100/nStretchX; aCurrentTab.aTabStop = pNode->GetContentAttribs().FindTabStop( nCurPos, aEditDoc.GetDefTab() ); aCurrentTab.nTabPos = GetXValue( (long) ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetTabPos() + rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() ) ); aCurrentTab.bValid = FALSE; if ( ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT ) || ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_CENTER ) || ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DECIMAL ) ) { // Bei LEFT/DEFAULT wird dieses Tab nicht mehr betrachtet. aCurrentTab.bValid = TRUE; aCurrentTab.nStartPosX = nTmpWidth; aCurrentTab.nCharPos = nTmpPos; aCurrentTab.nTabPortion = nTmpPortion; } pPortion->GetKind() = PORTIONKIND_TAB; pPortion->SetExtraValue( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetFill() ); pPortion->GetSize().Height() = 0; pPortion->GetSize().Width() = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - (nTmpWidth+nStartX); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetSize().Width() >= 0, "Tab falsch berechnet!" ); nTmpWidth = aCurrentTab.nTabPos-nStartX; // Wenn dies das erste Token in der Zeile ist, // und nTmpWidth > aPaperSize.Width, habe ich eine // Endlos-Schleife! if ( ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth ) && ( nTmpPortion == pLine->GetStartPortion() ) ) { // Aber was jetzt ? // Tab passend machen pPortion->GetSize().Width() = nXWidth-nOldTmpWidth; nTmpWidth = nXWidth-1; bEOL = sal_True; bBrokenLine = sal_True; } pLine->GetCharPosArray().Insert( pPortion->GetSize().Width(), nTmpPos-pLine->GetStart() ); } break; case EE_FEATURE_LINEBR: { DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "?!" ); pPortion->GetSize().Width() = 0; bEOL = sal_True; bLineBreak = sal_True; pPortion->GetKind() = PORTIONKIND_LINEBREAK; } break; case EE_FEATURE_FIELD: { long nCurWidth = nTmpWidth; SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont ); sal_Unicode cChar = 0; // later: NBS? aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); String aFieldValue = cChar ? String(cChar) : ((EditCharAttribField*)pNextFeature)->GetFieldValue(); if ( bCalcCharPositions || !pPortion->HasValidSize() ) { pPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), aFieldValue, 0, aFieldValue.Len(), 0 ); // Damit kein Scrollen bei ueberlangen Feldern if ( pPortion->GetSize().Width() > nXWidth ) pPortion->GetSize().Width() = nXWidth; } nTmpWidth += pPortion->GetSize().Width(); pLine->GetCharPosArray().Insert( pPortion->GetSize().Width()-nCurWidth, nTmpPos-pLine->GetStart() ); pPortion->GetKind() = cChar ? PORTIONKIND_TEXT : PORTIONKIND_FIELD; // Wenn dies das erste Token in der Zeile ist, // und nTmpWidth > aPaperSize.Width, habe ich eine // Endlos-Schleife! if ( ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth ) && ( nTmpPortion == pLine->GetStartPortion() ) ) { nTmpWidth = nXWidth-1; bEOL = sal_True; bBrokenLine = sal_True; } } break; default: DBG_ERROR( "Was fuer ein Feature ?" ); } pNextFeature = pNode->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature( pNextFeature->GetStart() + 1 ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetLen() || bProcessingEmptyLine, "Empty Portion - Extra Space?!" ); SeekCursor( pNode, nTmpPos+1, aTmpFont ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); if ( bCalcCharPositions || !pPortion->HasValidSize() ) pPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), *pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos, pPortion->GetLen(), pBuf ); nTmpWidth += pPortion->GetSize().Width(); if ( bCalcCharPositions ) { sal_uInt16 nLen = pPortion->GetLen(); // Es wird am Anfang generell das Array geplaettet // => Immer einfach schnelles insert. sal_uInt16 nPos = nTmpPos - pLine->GetStart(); pLine->GetCharPosArray().Insert( pBuf, nLen, nPos ); } if( bScriptSpace && ( nTmpWidth < nXWidth ) && IsScriptChange( EditPaM( pNode, nTmpPos+pPortion->GetLen() ) ) ) { USHORT nSpacePortion = nTmpPortion+1; TextPortion* pSpacePortion = NULL; TextPortion* pNextPortion = ( nSpacePortion < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) ? pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nSpacePortion ): NULL; if ( pNextPortion && ( pNextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE ) ) { pSpacePortion = pNextPortion; } else { pSpacePortion = new TextPortion( 0 ); pSpacePortion->GetKind() = PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE; pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pSpacePortion, nSpacePortion ); } nTmpPortion++; // Skip this Portion pSpacePortion->GetSize().Width() = pPortion->GetSize().Height()/5; nTmpWidth += pSpacePortion->GetSize().Width(); } } if ( aCurrentTab.bValid && ( nTmpPortion != aCurrentTab.nTabPortion ) ) { long nWidthAfterTab = 0; for ( USHORT n = aCurrentTab.nTabPortion+1; n <= nTmpPortion; n++ ) { TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( n ); nWidthAfterTab += pTP->GetSize().Width(); } long nW; // Length before tab position if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_RIGHT ) nW = nWidthAfterTab; else if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_CENTER ) nW = nWidthAfterTab/2; else if ( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DECIMAL ) { nW = nWidthAfterTab; String aText = GetSelected( EditSelection( EditPaM( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos ), EditPaM( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos + pPortion->GetLen() ) ) ); USHORT nDecPos = aText.Search( aCurrentTab.aTabStop.GetDecimal() ); if ( nDecPos != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { nW = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), *pParaPortion->GetNode(), nTmpPos, nDecPos, NULL ).Width(); aCurrentTab.bValid = FALSE; } } long nMaxW = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - aCurrentTab.nStartPosX; if ( nW >= nMaxW ) { nW = nMaxW; aCurrentTab.bValid = FALSE; } TextPortion* pTabPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( aCurrentTab.nTabPortion ); pTabPortion->GetSize().Width() = aCurrentTab.nTabPos - aCurrentTab.nStartPosX - nW; nTmpWidth = aCurrentTab.nStartPosX + pTabPortion->GetSize().Width() + nWidthAfterTab; } nTmpPos += pPortion->GetLen(); nPortionEnd = nTmpPos; nTmpPortion++; if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() ) bEOL = sal_True; } aCurrentTab.bValid = FALSE; // das war evtl. eine Portion zu weit: sal_Bool bFixedEnd = sal_False; if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() ) { // Zustand vor Portion: ( bis auf nTmpWidth ) nPortionEnd = nTmpPos; nTmpPos -= pPortion->GetLen(); nPortionStart = nTmpPos; nTmpPortion--; bEOL = sal_True; bEOC = sal_False; // Und jetzt genau ein Zeichen: nTmpPos++; nTmpPortion++; nPortionEnd = nTmpPortion; // Eine Nicht-Feature-Portion muss gebrochen werden if ( pPortion->GetLen() > 1 ) { DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "Len>1, aber keine TextPortion?" ); nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width(); sal_uInt16 nP = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nTmpPos, pLine ); TextPortion* p = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nP ); DBG_ASSERT( p, "Portion ?!" ); nTmpWidth += p->GetSize().Width(); } } else if ( nTmpWidth >= nXWidth ) { nPortionEnd = nTmpPos; nTmpPos -= pPortion->GetLen(); nPortionStart = nTmpPos; nTmpPortion--; bEOL = sal_False; bEOC = sal_False; switch ( pPortion->GetKind() ) { case PORTIONKIND_TEXT: { nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width(); } break; case PORTIONKIND_FIELD: case PORTIONKIND_TAB: { nTmpWidth -= pPortion->GetSize().Width(); bEOL = sal_True; bFixedEnd = sal_True; } break; default: { // Ein Feature wird nicht umgebrochen: DBG_ASSERT( ( pPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_LINEBREAK ) /*|| ( pPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE )*/, "Was fuer ein Feature ?" ); bEOL = sal_True; bFixedEnd = sal_True; } } } else { bEOL = sal_True; bEOC = sal_True; pLine->SetEnd( nPortionEnd ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Keine TextPortions?" ); pLine->SetEndPortion( (sal_uInt16)pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() - 1 ); } if ( aStatus.OneCharPerLine() ) { pLine->SetEnd( nPortionEnd ); pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 ); } else if ( bFixedEnd ) { pLine->SetEnd( nPortionStart ); pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 ); } else if ( bLineBreak || bBrokenLine ) { pLine->SetEnd( nPortionStart+1 ); pLine->SetEndPortion( nTmpPortion-1 ); bEOC = sal_False; // wurde oben gesetzt, vielleich mal die if's umstellen? } else if ( !bEOL ) { DBG_ASSERT( (nPortionEnd-nPortionStart) == pPortion->GetLen(), "Doch eine andere Portion?!" ); long nRemainingWidth = nMaxLineWidth - nTmpWidth; sal_Bool bCanHyphenate = ( aTmpFont.GetCharSet() != RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ); ImpBreakLine( pParaPortion, pLine, pPortion, nPortionStart, nRemainingWidth, bCanHyphenate && bHyphenatePara ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zeile fertig => justieren // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // CalcTextSize sollte besser durch ein kontinuierliches // Registrieren ersetzt werden ! Size aTextSize = pLine->CalcTextSize( *pParaPortion ); if ( aTextSize.Height() == 0 ) { SeekCursor( pNode, pLine->GetStart(), aTmpFont ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev ); aTextSize.Height() = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pRefDev, String() ).Height(); pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)aTextSize.Height() ); } // Die Fontmetriken koennen nicht kontinuierlich berechnet werden, // wenn der Font sowieso eingestellt ist, weil ggf. ein grosser Font // erst nach dem Umbrechen ploetzlich in der naechsten Zeile landet // => Font-Metriken zu gross. FormatterFontMetric aFormatterMetrics; sal_uInt16 nTPos = pLine->GetStart(); for ( sal_uInt16 nP = pLine->GetStartPortion(); nP <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); nP++ ) { SeekCursor( pNode, nTPos+1, aTmpFont ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont ); TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nP ); nTPos += pTP->GetLen(); } sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aFormatterMetrics.GetHeight(); if ( nLineHeight > pLine->GetHeight() ) pLine->SetHeight( nLineHeight ); pLine->SetMaxAscent( aFormatterMetrics.nMaxAscent ); bSameLineAgain = sal_False; if ( GetTextRanger() && ( pLine->GetHeight() > nTextLineHeight ) ) { // Nochmal mit der anderen Groesse aufsetzen! bSameLineAgain = sal_True; } if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) { if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_MIN ) { sal_uInt16 nMinHeight = GetYValue( rLSItem.GetLineHeight() ); sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pLine->GetHeight(); if ( nTxtHeight < nMinHeight ) { // Der Ascent muss um die Differenz angepasst werden: long nDiff = nMinHeight - nTxtHeight; pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff) ); pLine->SetHeight( nMinHeight, nTxtHeight ); } } else if ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_PROP ) { if ( nPara || ( pLine->GetStartPortion() != 0 ) ) // Nicht die aller erste Zeile { sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pLine->GetHeight(); sal_uInt32 nH = nTxtHeight; nH *= rLSItem.GetPropLineSpace(); nH /= 100; // Der Ascent muss um die Differenz angepasst werden: long nDiff = pLine->GetHeight() - nH; if ( nDiff > pLine->GetMaxAscent() ) nDiff = pLine->GetMaxAscent(); pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() - nDiff) ); pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nH, nTxtHeight ); } } } // #80582# - Bullet should not influence line height // if ( !nLine ) // { // long nBulletHeight = aBulletArea.GetHeight(); // if ( nBulletHeight > (long)pLine->GetHeight() ) // { // long nDiff = nBulletHeight - (long)pLine->GetHeight(); // // nDiff auf oben und unten verteilen. // pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff/2) ); // pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nBulletHeight ); // } // } // Zeilenhoehe auf Window-Pixel alignen? // Nein, waere Positionsabhaengig. if ( ( !IsVertical() && aStatus.AutoPageWidth() ) || ( IsVertical() && aStatus.AutoPageHeight() ) ) { // Wenn die Zeile in die aktuelle Papierbreite passt, muss // diese Breite fuer die Ausrichting verwendet werden. // Wenn sie nicht passt oder sie die Papierbreite aendert, // wird bei Justification != LEFT sowieso noch mal formatiert. long nMaxLineWidthFix = ( !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height() ) - GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ) - nStartX; if ( aTextSize.Width() < nMaxLineWidthFix ) nMaxLineWidth = nMaxLineWidthFix; } switch ( eJustification ) { case SVX_ADJUST_CENTER: { long n = ( nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width() ) / 2; n += nStartX; // Einrueckung bleibt erhalten. if ( n > 0 ) pLine->SetStartPosX( (sal_uInt16)n ); else pLine->SetStartPosX( 0 ); } break; case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT: { // Bei automatisch umgebrochenen Zeilen, die ein Blank // am Ende enthalten, darf das Blank nicht ausgegeben werden! long n = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width(); n += nStartX; // Einrueckung bleibt erhalten. if ( n > 0 ) pLine->SetStartPosX( (sal_uInt16)n ); else pLine->SetStartPosX( 0 ); } break; case SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK: { long nRemainingSpace = nMaxLineWidth - aTextSize.Width(); pLine->SetStartPosX( (sal_uInt16)nStartX ); if ( !bEOC && ( nRemainingSpace > 0 ) ) // nicht die letzte Zeile... pParaPortion->AdjustBlocks( pLine, nRemainingSpace ); } break; default: { pLine->SetStartPosX( (sal_uInt16)nStartX ); // FI, LI } break; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // pruefen, ob die Zeile neu ausgegeben werden muss... // ----------------------------------------------------------------- pLine->SetInvalid(); // Wenn eine Portion umgebrochen wurde sind ggf. viel zu viele Positionen // im CharPosArray: if ( bCalcCharPositions ) { sal_uInt16 nLen = pLine->GetLen(); sal_uInt16 nCount = pLine->GetCharPosArray().Count(); if ( nCount > nLen ) pLine->GetCharPosArray().Remove( nLen, nCount-nLen ); } if ( GetTextRanger() ) { if ( nTextXOffset ) pLine->SetStartPosX( (sal_uInt16) ( pLine->GetStartPosX() + nTextXOffset ) ); if ( nTextExtraYOffset ) { pLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16) ( pLine->GetHeight() + nTextExtraYOffset ), 0, pLine->GetHeight() ); pLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16) ( pLine->GetMaxAscent() + nTextExtraYOffset ) ); } } // Fuer kleiner 0 noch ueberlegen! if ( pParaPortion->IsSimpleInvalid() /* && ( nInvalidDiff > 0 ) */ ) { // Aenderung durch einfache Textaenderung... // Formatierung nicht abbrechen, da Portions evtl. wieder // gesplittet werden muessen! // Wenn irgendwann mal abbrechbar, dann fogende Zeilen Validieren! // Aber ggf. als Valid markieren, damit weniger Ausgabe... if ( pLine->GetEnd() < nInvalidStart ) { if ( *pLine == aSaveLine ) { pLine->SetValid(); } } else { sal_uInt16 nStart = pLine->GetStart(); sal_uInt16 nEnd = pLine->GetEnd(); if ( nStart > nInvalidEnd ) { if ( ( ( nStart-nInvalidDiff ) == aSaveLine.GetStart() ) && ( ( nEnd-nInvalidDiff ) == aSaveLine.GetEnd() ) ) { pLine->SetValid(); if ( bCalcCharPositions && bQuickFormat ) { bCalcCharPositions = sal_False; bLineBreak = sal_False; pParaPortion->CorrectValuesBehindLastFormattedLine( nLine ); break; } } } else if ( bCalcCharPositions && bQuickFormat && ( nEnd > nInvalidEnd) ) { // Wenn die ungueltige Zeile so endet, dass die naechste an // der 'gleichen' Textstelle wie vorher beginnt, also nicht // anders umgebrochen wird, brauche ich dort auch nicht die // textbreiten neu bestimmen: if ( nEnd == ( aSaveLine.GetEnd() + nInvalidDiff ) ) { bCalcCharPositions = sal_False; bLineBreak = sal_False; pParaPortion->CorrectValuesBehindLastFormattedLine( nLine ); break; } } } } if ( !bSameLineAgain ) { nIndex = pLine->GetEnd(); // naechste Zeile Start = letzte Zeile Ende // weil nEnd hinter das letzte Zeichen zeigt! sal_uInt16 nEndPortion = pLine->GetEndPortion(); // Naechste Zeile oder ggf. neue Zeile.... pLine = 0; if ( nLine < pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-1 ) pLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( ++nLine ); if ( pLine && ( nIndex >= pNode->Len() ) ) { nDelFromLine = nLine; break; } if ( !pLine ) { if ( nIndex < pNode->Len() ) { pLine = new EditLine; pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert( pLine, ++nLine ); } else if ( nIndex && bLineBreak && GetTextRanger() ) { // normaly CreateAndInsertEmptyLine would be called, but I want to use // CreateLines, so I need Polygon code only here... TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pDummyPortion, pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ); pLine = new EditLine; pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert( pLine, ++nLine ); bForceOneRun = TRUE; bProcessingEmptyLine = TRUE; } } if ( pLine ) { aSaveLine = *pLine; pLine->SetStart( nIndex ); pLine->SetEnd( nIndex ); pLine->SetStartPortion( nEndPortion+1 ); pLine->SetEndPortion( nEndPortion+1 ); } } } // while ( Index < Len ) if ( nDelFromLine != 0xFFFF ) pParaPortion->GetLines().DeleteFromLine( nDelFromLine ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count(), "Keine Zeile nach CreateLines!" ); if ( bLineBreak == sal_True ) CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( pParaPortion, nStartPosY ); delete pBuf; sal_Bool bHeightChanged = FinishCreateLines( pParaPortion ); if ( bMapChanged ) GetRefDevice()->Pop(); return bHeightChanged; } void ImpEditEngine::CreateAndInsertEmptyLine( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_uInt32 nStartPosY ) { DBG_ASSERT( !GetTextRanger(), "Don't use CreateAndInsertEmptyLine with a polygon!" ); EditLine* pTmpLine = new EditLine; pTmpLine->SetStart( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); pTmpLine->SetEnd( pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); pParaPortion->GetLines().Insert( pTmpLine, pParaPortion->GetLines().Count() ); sal_Bool bLineBreak = pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() ? sal_True : sal_False; const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRItem = GetLRSpaceItem( pParaPortion->GetNode() ); const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = (const SvxLineSpacingItem&)pParaPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL ); short nStartX = GetXValue( (short)(rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() + rLRItem.GetTxtFirstLineOfst()) ); Rectangle aBulletArea = Rectangle( Point(), Point() ); if ( bLineBreak == sal_True ) { nStartX = (short)GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() ); } else { aBulletArea = GetEditEnginePtr()->GetBulletArea( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) ); if ( aBulletArea.Right() > 0 ) pParaPortion->SetBulletX( (sal_uInt16) GetXValue( aBulletArea.Right() ) ); else pParaPortion->SetBulletX( 0 ); // Falls Bullet falsch eingestellt. if ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX ) { nStartX = (short)GetXValue( rLRItem.GetTxtLeft() ); if ( pParaPortion->GetBulletX() > nStartX ) nStartX = pParaPortion->GetBulletX(); } } SvxFont aTmpFont; SeekCursor( pParaPortion->GetNode(), bLineBreak ? pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() : 0, aTmpFont ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev ); TextPortion* pDummyPortion = new TextPortion( 0 ); pDummyPortion->GetSize() = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pRefDev, String() ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pDummyPortion, pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ); FormatterFontMetric aFormatterMetrics; RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( aFormatterMetrics, aTmpFont ); pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( aFormatterMetrics.nMaxAscent ); pTmpLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16) pDummyPortion->GetSize().Height() ); sal_uInt16 nLineHeight = aFormatterMetrics.GetHeight(); if ( nLineHeight > pTmpLine->GetHeight() ) pTmpLine->SetHeight( nLineHeight ); if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) { SvxAdjust eJustification = ((const SvxAdjustItem&)pParaPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_JUST)).GetAdjust(); long nMaxLineWidth = !IsVertical() ? aPaperSize.Width() : aPaperSize.Height(); nMaxLineWidth -= GetXValue( rLRItem.GetRight() ); long nTextXOffset = 0; if ( nMaxLineWidth < 0 ) nMaxLineWidth = 1; if ( eJustification == SVX_ADJUST_CENTER ) nStartX = nMaxLineWidth / 2; else if ( eJustification == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT ) nStartX = (short)nMaxLineWidth; nStartX += (short)nTextXOffset; } pTmpLine->SetStartPosX( nStartX ); if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) { if ( rLSItem.GetLineSpaceRule() == SVX_LINE_SPACE_MIN ) { sal_uInt16 nMinHeight = rLSItem.GetLineHeight(); sal_uInt16 nTxtHeight = pTmpLine->GetHeight(); if ( nTxtHeight < nMinHeight ) { // Der Ascent muss um die Differenz angepasst werden: long nDiff = nMinHeight - nTxtHeight; pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff) ); pTmpLine->SetHeight( nMinHeight, nTxtHeight ); } } } if ( !bLineBreak ) { long nMinHeight = aBulletArea.GetHeight(); if ( nMinHeight > (long)pTmpLine->GetHeight() ) { long nDiff = nMinHeight - (long)pTmpLine->GetHeight(); // nDiff auf oben und unten verteilen. pTmpLine->SetMaxAscent( (sal_uInt16)(pTmpLine->GetMaxAscent() + nDiff/2) ); pTmpLine->SetHeight( (sal_uInt16)nMinHeight ); } } else { // -2: Die neue ist bereits eingefuegt. EditLine* pLastLine = pParaPortion->GetLines().GetObject( pParaPortion->GetLines().Count()-2 ); DBG_ASSERT( pLastLine, "Weicher Umbruch, keine Zeile ?!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pLastLine->GetEnd() == pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len(), "Doch anders?" ); // pTmpLine->SetStart( pLastLine->GetEnd() ); // pTmpLine->SetEnd( pLastLine->GetEnd() ); sal_uInt16 nPos = (sal_uInt16) pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() - 1 ; pTmpLine->SetStartPortion( nPos ); pTmpLine->SetEndPortion( nPos ); } } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::FinishCreateLines( ParaPortion* pParaPortion ) { // CalcCharPositions( pParaPortion ); pParaPortion->SetValid(); long nOldHeight = pParaPortion->GetHeight(); // sal_uInt16 nPos = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ); // DBG_ASSERT( nPos != USHRT_MAX, "FinishCreateLines: Portion nicht in Liste!" ); // ParaPortion* pPrev = nPos ? GetParaPortions().GetObject( nPos-1 ) : 0; CalcHeight( pParaPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "FinishCreateLines: Keine Text-Portion?" ); sal_Bool bRet = ( pParaPortion->GetHeight() != nOldHeight ); return bRet; } void ImpEditEngine::ImpBreakLine( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, EditLine* pLine, TextPortion* pPortion, sal_uInt16 nPortionStart, long nRemainingWidth, sal_Bool bCanHyphenate ) { ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode(); sal_uInt16 nBreakInLine = nPortionStart - pLine->GetStart(); sal_uInt16 nMax = nBreakInLine + pPortion->GetLen(); while ( ( nBreakInLine < nMax ) && ( pLine->GetCharPosArray()[nBreakInLine] <= nRemainingWidth ) ) nBreakInLine++; sal_uInt16 nMaxBreakPos = nBreakInLine + pLine->GetStart(); sal_uInt16 nMinBreakPos = 0; USHORT nAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs().Count(); for ( USHORT nAttr = nAttrs; nAttr; ) { EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs()[--nAttr]; if ( pAttr->IsFeature() && ( pAttr->GetEnd() <= nMaxBreakPos ) ) { nMinBreakPos = pAttr->GetEnd(); break; } } sal_uInt16 nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos; lang::Locale aLocale = GetLocale( EditPaM( pNode, nBreakPos ) ); Reference < i18n::XBreakIterator > xBI = ImplGetBreakIterator(); OUString aText( *pNode ); Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph; if ( bCanHyphenate ) xHyph = GetHyphenator(); i18n::LineBreakHyphenationOptions aHyphOptions( xHyph, Sequence< PropertyValue >(), 1 ); i18n::LineBreakUserOptions aUserOptions; const i18n::ForbiddenCharacters* pForbidden = GetForbiddenCharsTable()->GetForbiddenCharacters( SvxLocaleToLanguage( aLocale ), TRUE ); aUserOptions.forbiddenBeginCharacters = pForbidden->beginLine; aUserOptions.forbiddenEndCharacters = pForbidden->endLine; aUserOptions.applyForbiddenRules = ((const SfxBoolItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_FORBIDDENRULES )).GetValue(); aUserOptions.allowPunctuationOutsideMargin = FALSE; // ((const SfxBoolItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_HANGINGPUNCTUATION )).GetValue(); aUserOptions.allowHyphenateEnglish = FALSE; i18n::LineBreakResults aLBR = xBI->getLineBreak( *pNode, nBreakPos, aLocale, nMinBreakPos, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions ); nBreakPos = (USHORT)aLBR.breakIndex; sal_Bool bBlankSeparator = ( ( nBreakPos >= pLine->GetStart() ) && ( pNode->GetChar( nBreakPos ) == ' ' ) ) ? sal_True : sal_False; // Egal ob Trenner oder nicht: Das Wort nach dem Trenner durch // die Silbentrennung jagen... // nMaxBreakPos ist das letzte Zeichen was in die Zeile passt, // nBreakPos ist der Wort-Anfang // Ein Problem gibt es, wenn das Dok so schmal ist, dass ein Wort // auf mehr als Zwei Zeilen gebrochen wird... sal_Bool bHyphenated = sal_False; sal_Unicode cAlternateReplChar = 0; sal_Unicode cAlternateExtraChar = 0; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if ( bCanHyphenate && GetHyphenator().is() ) { // MT: I18N Umstellen auf getWordBoundary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sal_uInt16 nWordStart = nBreakPos; sal_uInt16 nWordEnd = nBreakPos; while ( ( nWordEnd < pNode->Len() ) && ( pNode->GetChar( nWordEnd ) != ' ' ) && ( !pNode->IsFeature( nWordEnd ) ) ) { nWordEnd++; } String aWord( *pNode, nWordStart, nWordEnd - nWordStart ); if ( aWord.Len() > 3 ) { DBG_ASSERT( nWordEnd >= nMaxBreakPos, "Hyph: Break?" ); sal_uInt16 nMinTrail = nWordEnd-nMaxBreakPos+1; //+1: Vor dem angeknacksten Buchstaben Reference< XHyphenatedWord > xHyphWord; if (xHyphenator.is()) xHyphWord = xHyphenator->hyphenate( aWord, aLocale, aWord.Len() - nMinTrail, Sequence< PropertyValue >() ); if (xHyphWord.is()) { sal_Bool bAlternate = xHyphWord->isAlternativeSpelling(); sal_uInt16 nWordLen = 1 + xHyphWord->getHyphenPos(); if ( ( nWordLen >= 2 ) && ( (nWordStart+nWordLen) >= (pLine->GetStart() + 2 ) ) ) { if ( !bAlternate ) { bHyphenated = sal_True; bBlankSeparator = sal_False; nBreakPos = nWordStart + nWordLen; } else { String aAlt( xHyphWord->getHyphenatedWord() ); // Wir gehen von zwei Faellen aus, die nun // vorliegen koennen: // 1) packen wird zu pak-ken // 2) Schiffahrt wird zu Schiff-fahrt // In Fall 1 muss ein Zeichen ersetzt werden, // in Fall 2 wird ein Zeichen hinzugefuegt. // Die Identifikation wird erschwert durch Worte wie // "Schiffahrtsbrennesseln", da der Hyphenator alle // Position des Wortes auftrennt und "Schifffahrtsbrennnesseln" // ermittelt. Wir koennen also eigentlich nicht unmittelbar vom // Index des AlternativWord auf aWord schliessen. // Das ganze geraffel wird durch eine Funktion am // Hyphenator vereinfacht werden, sobald AMA sie einbaut... sal_uInt16 nAltStart = nWordLen - 1; sal_uInt16 nTxtStart = nAltStart - (aAlt.Len() - aWord.Len()); sal_uInt16 nTxtEnd = nTxtStart; sal_uInt16 nAltEnd = nAltStart; // Die Bereiche zwischen den nStart und nEnd ist // die Differenz zwischen Alternativ- und OriginalString. while( nTxtEnd < aWord.Len() && nAltEnd < aAlt.Len() && aWord.GetChar(nTxtEnd) != aAlt.GetChar(nAltEnd) ) { ++nTxtEnd; ++nAltEnd; } // Wenn ein Zeichen hinzugekommen ist, dann bemerken wir es jetzt: if( nAltEnd > nTxtEnd && nAltStart == nAltEnd && aWord.GetChar( nTxtEnd ) == aAlt.GetChar(nAltEnd) ) { ++nAltEnd; ++nTxtStart; ++nTxtEnd; } DBG_ASSERT( ( nAltEnd - nAltStart ) == 1, "Alternate: Falsche Annahme!" ); if ( nTxtEnd > nTxtStart ) cAlternateReplChar = aAlt.GetChar( nAltStart ); else cAlternateExtraChar = aAlt.GetChar( nAltStart ); bHyphenated = sal_True; bBlankSeparator = sal_False; nBreakPos = nWordStart + nTxtStart; if ( cAlternateReplChar ) nBreakPos++; } } } } } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT if ( nBreakPos <= pLine->GetStart() ) { // keine Trenner in Zeile => abhacken ! nBreakPos = nMaxBreakPos; // MT: I18N nextCharacters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ( nBreakPos <= pLine->GetStart() ) nBreakPos = pLine->GetStart() + 1; // Sonst Endlosschleife! } // die angeknackste Portion ist die End-Portion pLine->SetEnd( nBreakPos ); sal_uInt16 nEndPortion = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nBreakPos, pLine ); if ( bBlankSeparator /* && ( eJustification == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT ) */ ) { // Blanks am Zeilenende generell unterdruecken... TextPortion* pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nEndPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( pTP->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "BlankRubber: Keine TextPortion!" ); DBG_ASSERT( nBreakPos > pLine->GetStart(), "SplitTextPortion am Anfang der Zeile?" ); sal_uInt16 nBlankPosInArray = nBreakPos-1-pLine->GetStart(); pTP->GetSize().Width() = ( nBlankPosInArray && ( pTP->GetLen() > 1 ) ) ? pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nBlankPosInArray-1 ] : 0; } else if ( bHyphenated ) { // Eine Portion fuer den Trenner einbauen... TextPortion* pHyphPortion = new TextPortion( 0 ); pHyphPortion->GetKind() = PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR; String aHyphText( CH_HYPH ); if ( cAlternateReplChar ) { TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nEndPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( pPrev && pPrev->GetLen(), "Hyphenate: Prev portion?!" ); pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() - 1 ); pHyphPortion->SetLen( 1 ); pHyphPortion->SetExtraValue( cAlternateReplChar ); // Breite der Portion davor korrigieren: pPrev->GetSize().Width() = pLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nBreakPos-1 - pLine->GetStart() - 1 ]; } else if ( cAlternateExtraChar ) { pHyphPortion->SetExtraValue( cAlternateExtraChar ); aHyphText.Insert( cAlternateExtraChar, 0 ); } // Breite der Hyph-Portion ermitteln: SvxFont aFont; SeekCursor( pParaPortion->GetNode(), nBreakPos, aFont ); aFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); pHyphPortion->GetSize().Height() = GetRefDevice()->GetTextHeight(); pHyphPortion->GetSize().Width() = GetRefDevice()->GetTextWidth( aHyphText ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pHyphPortion, ++nEndPortion ); } pLine->SetEndPortion( nEndPortion ); } sal_uInt16 ImpEditEngine::SplitTextPortion( ParaPortion* pPortion, sal_uInt16 nPos, EditLine* pCurLine ) { DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "SplitTextPortion: Welche ?" ); // Die Portion bei nPos wird geplittet, wenn bei nPos nicht // sowieso ein Wechsel ist if ( nPos == 0 ) return 0; sal_uInt16 nSplitPortion; sal_uInt16 nTmpPos = 0; TextPortion* pTextPortion = 0; sal_uInt16 nPortions = pPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); for ( nSplitPortion = 0; nSplitPortion < nPortions; nSplitPortion++ ) { TextPortion* pTP = pPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject(nSplitPortion); nTmpPos += pTP->GetLen(); if ( nTmpPos >= nPos ) { if ( nTmpPos == nPos ) // dann braucht nichts geteilt werden { // Skip Portions with ExtraSpace while ( ( (nSplitPortion+1) < nPortions ) && (pPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject(nSplitPortion+1)->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE ) ) nSplitPortion++; return nSplitPortion; } pTextPortion = pTP; break; } } DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion, "Position ausserhalb des Bereichs!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "SplitTextPortion: Keine TextPortion!" ); sal_uInt16 nOverlapp = nTmpPos - nPos; pTextPortion->GetLen() -= nOverlapp; TextPortion* pNewPortion = new TextPortion( nOverlapp ); pPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pNewPortion, nSplitPortion+1 ); // Groessen setzen: if ( pCurLine ) { // Kein neues GetTextSize, sondern Werte aus Array verwenden: DBG_ASSERT( nPos > pCurLine->GetStart(), "SplitTextPortion am Anfang der Zeile?" ); pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = pCurLine->GetCharPosArray()[ nPos-pCurLine->GetStart()-1 ]; } else pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() = (-1); return nSplitPortion; } void ImpEditEngine::CreateTextPortions( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_uInt16& rStart /* , sal_Bool bCreateBlockPortions */ ) { sal_uInt16 nStartPos = rStart; ContentNode* pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode(); DBG_ASSERT( pNode->Len(), "CreateTextPortions sollte nicht fuer leere Absaetze verwendet werden!" ); SortedPositions aPositions; aPositions.Insert( (sal_uInt32) 0 ); sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; EditCharAttrib* pAttrib = GetAttrib( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(), nAttr ); while ( pAttrib ) { // Start und Ende in das Array eintragen... // Die InsertMethode laesst keine doppelten Werte zu.... aPositions.Insert( pAttrib->GetStart() ); aPositions.Insert( pAttrib->GetEnd() ); nAttr++; pAttrib = GetAttrib( pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(), nAttr ); } aPositions.Insert( pNode->Len() ); if ( !pParaPortion->aScriptInfos.Count() ) ((ImpEditEngine*)this)->InitScriptTypes( GetParaPortions().GetPos( pParaPortion ) ); const ScriptTypePosInfos& rTypes = pParaPortion->aScriptInfos; for ( USHORT nT = 0; nT < rTypes.Count(); nT++ ) aPositions.Insert( rTypes[nT].nStartPos ); if ( mpIMEInfos && mpIMEInfos->nLen && mpIMEInfos->pAttribs && ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetNode() == pNode ) ) { sal_uInt16 nLastAttr = 0xFFFF; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < mpIMEInfos->nLen; n++ ) { if ( mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[n] != nLastAttr ) { aPositions.Insert( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + n ); nLastAttr = mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[n]; } } aPositions.Insert( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + mpIMEInfos->nLen ); } // Ab ... loeschen: // Leider muss die Anzahl der TextPortions mit aPositions.Count() // nicht uebereinstimmen, da evtl. Zeilenumbrueche... sal_uInt16 nPortionStart = 0; sal_uInt16 nInvPortion = 0; for ( sal_uInt16 nP = 0; nP < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); nP++ ) { TextPortion* pTmpPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject(nP); nPortionStart += pTmpPortion->GetLen(); if ( nPortionStart >= nStartPos ) { nPortionStart -= pTmpPortion->GetLen(); rStart = nPortionStart; nInvPortion = nP; break; } } DBG_ASSERT( nP < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() || !pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Nichts zum loeschen: CreateTextPortions" ); if ( nInvPortion && ( nPortionStart+pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject(nInvPortion)->GetLen() > nStartPos ) ) { // lieber eine davor... // Aber nur wenn es mitten in der Portion war, sonst ist es evtl. // die einzige in der Zeile davor ! nInvPortion--; nPortionStart -= pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject(nInvPortion)->GetLen(); } pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().DeleteFromPortion( nInvPortion ); // Eine Portion kann auch durch einen Zeilenumbruch entstanden sein: aPositions.Insert( nPortionStart ); sal_uInt16 nInvPos; sal_Bool bFound = aPositions.Seek_Entry( nPortionStart, &nInvPos ); DBG_ASSERT( bFound && ( nInvPos < (aPositions.Count()-1) ), "InvPos ?!" ); for ( sal_uInt16 i = nInvPos+1; i < aPositions.Count(); i++ ) { TextPortion* pNew = new TextPortion( (sal_uInt16)aPositions[i] - (sal_uInt16)aPositions[i-1] ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pNew, pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count()); } DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Keine Portions?!" ); #ifdef EDITDEBUG DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->DbgCheckTextPortions(), "Portions kaputt?" ); #endif } void ImpEditEngine::RecalcTextPortion( ParaPortion* pParaPortion, sal_uInt16 nStartPos, short nNewChars ) { DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Keine Portions!" ); DBG_ASSERT( nNewChars, "RecalcTextPortion mit Diff == 0" ); ContentNode* const pNode = pParaPortion->GetNode(); if ( nNewChars > 0 ) { // Wenn an nStartPos ein Attribut beginnt/endet, faengt eine neue Portion // an, ansonsten wird die Portion an nStartPos erweitert. if ( pNode->GetCharAttribs().HasBoundingAttrib( nStartPos ) || IsScriptChange( EditPaM( pNode, nStartPos ) ) ) { sal_uInt16 nNewPortionPos = 0; if ( nStartPos ) nNewPortionPos = SplitTextPortion( pParaPortion, nStartPos ) + 1; // Eine leere Portion kann hier stehen, wenn der Absatz leer war, // oder eine Zeile durch einen harten Zeilenumbruch entstanden ist. if ( ( nNewPortionPos < pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() ) && !pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nNewPortionPos]->GetLen() ) { DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nNewPortionPos]->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "Leere Portion war keine TextPortion!" ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[nNewPortionPos]->GetLen() += nNewChars; } else { TextPortion* pNewPortion = new TextPortion( nNewChars ); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Insert( pNewPortion, nNewPortionPos ); } } else { sal_uInt16 nPortionStart; const sal_uInt16 nTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions(). FindPortion( nStartPos, nPortionStart ); TextPortion* const pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nTP ]; DBG_ASSERT( pTP, "RecalcTextPortion: Portion nicht gefunden" ); pTP->GetLen() += nNewChars; pTP->GetSize().Width() = (-1); } } else { // Portion schrumpfen oder ggf. entfernen. // Vor Aufruf dieser Methode muss sichergestellt sein, dass // keine Portions in dem geloeschten Bereich lagen! // Es darf keine reinragende oder im Bereich startende Portion geben, // also muss nStartPos <= nPos <= nStartPos - nNewChars(neg.) sein sal_uInt16 nPortion = 0; sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; sal_uInt16 nEnd = nStartPos-nNewChars; sal_uInt16 nPortions = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(); TextPortion* pTP = 0; for ( nPortion = 0; nPortion < nPortions; nPortion++ ) { pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ]; if ( ( nPos+pTP->GetLen() ) > nStartPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( nPos <= nStartPos, "Start falsch!" ); DBG_ASSERT( nPos+pTP->GetLen() >= nEnd, "End falsch!" ); break; } nPos += pTP->GetLen(); } DBG_ASSERT( pTP, "RecalcTextPortion: Portion nicht gefunden" ); if ( ( nPos == nStartPos ) && ( (nPos+pTP->GetLen()) == nEnd ) ) { // Portion entfernen; BYTE nType = pTP->GetKind(); pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nPortion ); delete pTP; if ( nType == PORTIONKIND_LINEBREAK ) { TextPortion* pNext = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions()[ nPortion ]; if ( pNext && !pNext->GetLen() ) { // Dummy-Portion entfernen pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nPortion ); delete pNext; } } } else { DBG_ASSERT( pTP->GetLen() > (-nNewChars), "Portion zu klein zum schrumpfen!" ); pTP->GetLen() += nNewChars; } // ganz am Schluss darf keine HYPHENATOR-Portion stehen bleiben... DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "RecalcTextPortions: Keine mehr da!" ); sal_uInt16 nLastPortion = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Count() - 1; pTP = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nLastPortion ); if ( pTP->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR ) { // Portion wegschmeissen, ggf. die davor korrigieren, wenn // die Hyph-Portion ein Zeichen geschluckt hat... pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().Remove( nLastPortion ); if ( nLastPortion && pTP->GetLen() ) { TextPortion* pPrev = pParaPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( nLastPortion - 1 ); DBG_ASSERT( pPrev->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT, "Portion?!" ); pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() + pTP->GetLen() ); pPrev->GetSize().Width() = (-1); } delete pTP; } } #ifdef EDITDEBUG DBG_ASSERT( pParaPortion->DbgCheckTextPortions(), "Portions kaputt?" ); #endif } void ImpEditEngine::SetTextRanger( TextRanger* pRanger ) { if ( pTextRanger != pRanger ) { delete pTextRanger; pTextRanger = pRanger; for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < GetParaPortions().Count(); nPara++ ) { ParaPortion* pParaPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( nPara ); pParaPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pParaPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); pParaPortion->GetLines().Reset(); } FormatFullDoc(); UpdateViews( GetActiveView() ); if ( GetUpdateMode() && GetActiveView() ) pActiveView->ShowCursor( sal_False, sal_False ); } } void ImpEditEngine::SetVertical( BOOL bVertical ) { if ( IsVertical() != bVertical ) { GetEditDoc().SetVertical( bVertical ); sal_Bool bUseCharAttribs = ( aStatus.GetControlWord() & EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ) ? sal_True : sal_False; GetEditDoc().CreateDefFont( bUseCharAttribs ); if ( IsFormatted() ) { FormatFullDoc(); UpdateViews( GetActiveView() ); } } } void ImpEditEngine::SeekCursor( ContentNode* pNode, sal_uInt16 nPos, SvxFont& rFont, OutputDevice* pOut, sal_uInt16 nIgnoreWhich ) { // Es war mal geplant, SeekCursor( nStartPos, nEndPos, ... ), damit nur // ab der StartPosition neu gesucht wird. // Problem: Es mussten zwei Listen beruecksichtigt/gefuehrt werden: // OrderedByStart,OrderedByEnd. if ( nPos > pNode->Len() ) nPos = pNode->Len(); rFont = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(); short nScriptType = GetScriptType( EditPaM( pNode, nPos ) ); if ( ( nScriptType == i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN ) || ( nScriptType == i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX ) ) { const SvxFontItem& rFontItem = (const SvxFontItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_FONTINFO, nScriptType ) ); rFont.SetName( rFontItem.GetFamilyName() ); rFont.SetFamily( rFontItem.GetFamily() ); rFont.SetPitch( rFontItem.GetPitch() ); rFont.SetCharSet( rFontItem.GetCharSet() ); Size aSz( rFont.GetSize() ); aSz.Height() = ((const SvxFontHeightItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT, nScriptType ) ) ).GetHeight(); rFont.SetSize( aSz ); rFont.SetWeight( ((const SvxWeightItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_WEIGHT, nScriptType ))).GetWeight() ); rFont.SetItalic( ((const SvxPostureItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_ITALIC, nScriptType ))).GetPosture() ); rFont.SetLanguage( ((const SvxLanguageItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( GetScriptItemId( EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE, nScriptType ))).GetLanguage() ); } sal_uInt16 nRelWidth = ((const SvxCharScaleWidthItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH)).GetValue(); if ( pOut ) pOut->SetTextLineColor(); if ( aStatus.UseCharAttribs() ) { const CharAttribArray& rAttribs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(); sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; EditCharAttrib* pAttrib = GetAttrib( rAttribs, nAttr ); while ( pAttrib && ( pAttrib->GetStart() <= nPos ) ) { // Beim Seeken nicht die Attr beruecksichtigen, die dort beginnen! // Leere Attribute werden beruecksichtigt( verwendet), da diese // gerade eingestellt wurden. // 12.4.95: Doch keine Leeren Attribute verwenden: // - Wenn gerade eingestellt und leer => keine Auswirkung auf Font // In einem leeren Absatz eingestellte Zeichen werden sofort wirksam. if ( ( pAttrib->Which() != nIgnoreWhich ) && ( ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() < nPos ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() >= nPos ) ) || ( !pNode->Len() ) ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( ( pAttrib->Which() >= EE_CHAR_START ) && ( pAttrib->Which() <= EE_FEATURE_END ), "Unglueltiges Attribut in Seek() " ); if ( IsScriptItemValid( pAttrib->Which(), nScriptType ) ) #if SUPD >= 615 pAttrib->SetFont( rFont, pOut ); #else pAttrib->SetFont( rFont ); #endif if ( pAttrib->Which() == EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH ) nRelWidth = ((const SvxCharScaleWidthItem*)pAttrib->GetItem())->GetValue(); } pAttrib = GetAttrib( rAttribs, ++nAttr ); } } if ( aStatus.DoNotUseColors() ) { // Hack fuer DL,weil JOE staendig die Pooldefaults verbiegt! // const SvxColorItem& rColorItem = (const SvxColorItem&)aEditDoc.GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem( EE_CHAR_COLOR ); rFont.SetColor( /* rColorItem.GetValue() */ COL_BLACK ); } if ( aStatus.DoStretch() || ( nRelWidth != 100 ) ) { // Fuer das aktuelle Ausgabegeraet, weil es sonst bei einem // Drucker als RefDev auf dem Bildschirm #?!@' aussieht! OutputDevice* pDev = pOut ? pOut : GetRefDevice(); rFont.SetPhysFont( pDev ); FontMetric aMetric( pDev->GetFontMetric() ); // Fuer die Hoehe nicht die Metriken nehmen, da das bei // Hoch-/Tiefgestellt schief geht. Size aRealSz( aMetric.GetSize().Width(), rFont.GetSize().Height() ); if ( aStatus.DoStretch() ) { if ( nStretchY != 100 ) { aRealSz.Height() *= nStretchY; aRealSz.Height() /= 100; } if ( nStretchX != 100 ) { aRealSz.Width() *= nStretchX; aRealSz.Width() /= 100; // Auch das Kerning: (long wegen Zwischenergebnis) long nKerning = rFont.GetFixKerning(); /* Die Ueberlegung war: Wenn neg. Kerning, aber StretchX = 200 => Nicht das Kerning verdoppelt, also die Buchstaben weiter zusammenziehen --------------------------- Kern StretchX =>Kern --------------------------- >0 <100 < (Proportional) <0 <100 < (Proportional) >0 >100 > (Proportional) <0 >100 < (Der Betrag, also Antiprop) */ if ( ( nKerning < 0 ) && ( nStretchX > 100 ) ) { // Antiproportional nKerning *= 100; nKerning /= nStretchX; } else if ( nKerning ) { // Proportional nKerning *= nStretchX; nKerning /= 100; } rFont.SetFixKerning( (short)nKerning ); } } if ( nRelWidth != 100 ) { aRealSz.Width() *= nRelWidth; aRealSz.Width() /= 100; } rFont.SetSize( aRealSz ); // Font wird nicht restauriert... } if ( mpIMEInfos && mpIMEInfos->pAttribs && ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetNode() == pNode ) && ( nPos > mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() ) && ( nPos <= ( mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() + mpIMEInfos->nLen ) ) ) { sal_uInt16 nAttr = mpIMEInfos->pAttribs[ nPos - mpIMEInfos->aPos.GetIndex() - 1 ]; if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_UNDERLINE ) rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_SINGLE ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_BOLDUNDERLINE ) rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_BOLD ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_DOTTEDUNDERLINE ) rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_DASHDOTUNDERLINE ) rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_DOTTED ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_REDTEXT ) rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_RED ) ); else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_HALFTONETEXT ) rFont.SetColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) ); if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_HIGHLIGHT ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); rFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() ); rFont.SetFillColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); rFont.SetTransparent( FALSE ); } else if ( nAttr & EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_GRAYWAVELINE ) { rFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_WAVE ); if( pOut ) pOut->SetTextLineColor( Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ) ); } } } void ImpEditEngine::RecalcFormatterFontMetrics( FormatterFontMetric& rCurMetrics, SvxFont& rFont ) { // Fuer Zeilenhoehe bei Hoch/Tief erstmal ohne Propr! sal_uInt16 nPropr = rFont.GetPropr(); DBG_ASSERT( ( nPropr == 100 ) || rFont.GetEscapement(), "Propr ohne Escape?!" ); if ( nPropr != 100 ) { rFont.SetPropr( 100 ); rFont.SetPhysFont( pRefDev ); } FontMetric aMetric( pRefDev->GetFontMetric() ); sal_uInt16 nAscent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetAscent(); sal_uInt16 nDescent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetDescent(); sal_uInt16 nLeading = ( aMetric.GetLeading() > 0 ) ? (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetLeading() : 0; // Fonts ohne Leading bereiten Probleme if ( ( nLeading == 0 ) && ( pRefDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) ) { // Da schaun wir mal, was fuer eine Leading ich auf dem // Bildschirm erhalte VirtualDevice* pVDev = GetVirtualDevice( pRefDev->GetMapMode() ); rFont.SetPhysFont( pVDev ); aMetric = pVDev->GetFontMetric(); // Damit sich die Leading nicht wieder rausrechnet, // wenn die ganze Zeile den Font hat, nTmpLeading. // 4/96: Kommt bei HP Laserjet 4V auch nicht hin // => Werte komplett vom Bildschirm holen. // sal_uInt16 nTmpLeading = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetLeading(); // nAscent += nTmpLeading; nAscent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetAscent(); nDescent = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetDescent(); // nLeading = (sal_uInt16)aMetric.GetLeading(); } if ( nAscent > rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent ) rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent = nAscent; if ( nDescent > rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent ) rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent= nDescent; // Sonderbehandlung Hoch/Tief: if ( rFont.GetEscapement() ) { // Jetzt unter Beruecksichtigung von Escape/Propr // Ascent oder Descent ggf vergroessern short nDiff = (short)(rFont.GetSize().Height()*rFont.GetEscapement()/100L); if ( rFont.GetEscapement() > 0 ) { nAscent = (sal_uInt16) (((long)nAscent)*nPropr/100 + nDiff); if ( nAscent > rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent ) rCurMetrics.nMaxAscent = nAscent; } else // muss < 0 sein { nDescent = (sal_uInt16) (((long)nDescent)*nPropr/100 - nDiff); if ( nDescent > rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent ) rCurMetrics.nMaxDescent= nDescent; } } } void ImpEditEngine::Paint( OutputDevice* pOutDev, Rectangle aClipRec, Point aStartPos, sal_Bool bStripOnly, short nOrientation ) { if ( !GetUpdateMode() && !bStripOnly ) return; if ( !IsFormatted() ) FormatDoc(); long nFirstVisXPos = - pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X(); long nFirstVisYPos = - pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetOrigin().Y(); EditLine* pLine; Point aTmpPos; DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().Count(), "Keine ParaPortion?!" ); SvxFont aTmpFont( GetParaPortions()[0]->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() ); Font aOldFont( pOutDev->GetFont() ); // Bei gedrehtem Text wird aStartPos als TopLeft angesehen, da andere // Informationen fehlen, und sowieso das ganze Object ungescrollt // dargestellt wird. // Das Rechteck ist unendlich gross. Point aOrigin( aStartPos ); double nCos, nSin; if ( nOrientation ) { double nRealOrientation = nOrientation*F_PI1800; nCos = cos( nRealOrientation ); nSin = sin( nRealOrientation ); } // Fuer OnlineSpelling: // EditPaM aCursorPos; // if( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() && pActiveView ) // aCurPos = pActiveView->pImpEditView->GetEditSelections().Max(); // -------------------------------------------------- // Ueber alle Absaetze... // -------------------------------------------------- for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < GetParaPortions().Count(); n++ ) { ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( n ); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "NULL-Pointer in TokenList in Paint" ); // falls beim Tippen Idle-Formatierung, asynchrones Paint. // Unsichtbare Portions koennen ungueltig sein. if ( pPortion->IsVisible() && pPortion->IsInvalid() ) return; long nParaHeight = pPortion->GetHeight(); sal_uInt16 nIndex = 0; if ( pPortion->IsVisible() && ( ( !IsVertical() && ( ( aStartPos.Y() + nParaHeight ) > aClipRec.Top() ) ) || ( IsVertical() && ( ( aStartPos.X() - nParaHeight ) < aClipRec.Right() ) ) ) ) { // -------------------------------------------------- // Ueber die Zeilen des Absatzes... // -------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 nLines = pPortion->GetLines().Count(); sal_uInt16 nLastLine = nLines-1; long nParaStartY( aStartPos.Y() ); if ( !IsVertical() ) aStartPos.Y() += pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset(); else aStartPos.X() -= pPortion->GetFirstLineOffset(); const SvxLineSpacingItem& rLSItem = ((const SvxLineSpacingItem&)pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_SBL )); sal_uInt16 nSBL = ( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpaceRule() == SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_FIX ) ? GetYValue( rLSItem.GetInterLineSpace() ) : 0; for ( sal_uInt16 nLine = 0; nLine < nLines; nLine++ ) { pLine = pPortion->GetLines().GetObject(nLine); DBG_ASSERT( pLine, "NULL-Pointer im Zeileniterator in UpdateViews" ); aTmpPos = aStartPos; if ( !IsVertical() ) { aTmpPos.X() += pLine->GetStartPosX(); aTmpPos.Y() += pLine->GetMaxAscent(); aStartPos.Y() += pLine->GetHeight(); } else { aTmpPos.Y() += pLine->GetStartPosX(); aTmpPos.X() -= pLine->GetMaxAscent(); aStartPos.X() -= pLine->GetHeight(); } if ( ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() > aClipRec.Top() ) ) || ( IsVertical() && aStartPos.X() < aClipRec.Right() ) ) { if ( ( nLine == 0 ) && !bStripOnly ) // erste Zeile { // VERT??? GetEditEnginePtr()->PaintingFirstLine( n, Point( aStartPos.X(), nParaStartY ), aTmpPos.Y(), aOrigin, nOrientation, pOutDev ); } // -------------------------------------------------- // Ueber die Portions der Zeile... // -------------------------------------------------- nIndex = pLine->GetStart(); for ( sal_uInt16 y = pLine->GetStartPortion(); y <= pLine->GetEndPortion(); y++ ) { DBG_ASSERT( pPortion->GetTextPortions().Count(), "Zeile ohne Textportion im Paint!" ); TextPortion* pTextPortion = pPortion->GetTextPortions().GetObject( y ); DBG_ASSERT( pTextPortion, "NULL-Pointer im Portioniterator in UpdateViews" ); switch ( pTextPortion->GetKind() ) { case PORTIONKIND_TEXT: case PORTIONKIND_FIELD: case PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR: { SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), nIndex+1, aTmpFont, pOutDev ); #ifdef EDITDEBUG if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR ) { aTmpFont.SetFillColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); aTmpFont.SetTransparent( sal_False ); } #endif aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev ); XubString aText; const long* pDXArray = 0; long* pTmpDXArray = 0; if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_TEXT ) { aText = XubString( *(pPortion->GetNode()), nIndex, pTextPortion->GetLen() ); pDXArray = pLine->GetCharPosArray().GetData()+( nIndex-pLine->GetStart() ); } else if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_FIELD ) { EditCharAttrib* pAttr = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindFeature( nIndex ); DBG_ASSERT( pAttr, "Feld nicht gefunden" ); DBG_ASSERT( pAttr && pAttr->GetItem()->ISA( SvxFieldItem ), "Feld vom falschen Typ!" ); aText = ((EditCharAttribField*)pAttr)->GetFieldValue(); if ( pOutDev != GetRefDevice() ) { pTmpDXArray = new long[ aText.Len() ]; pDXArray = pTmpDXArray; Font aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( GetRefDevice() ); aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( GetRefDevice(), aText, 0, aText.Len(), pTmpDXArray ); if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() ) GetRefDevice()->SetFont( aOldFont ); } else pDXArray = 0; } else if ( pTextPortion->GetKind() == PORTIONKIND_HYPHENATOR ) { if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() ) aText = pTextPortion->GetExtraValue(); aText += CH_HYPH; } long nTxtWidth = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(); if ( bStripOnly ) { // VERT??? GetEditEnginePtr()->DrawingText( aTmpPos, aText, pDXArray, aTmpFont, n, nIndex ); } else { Point aOutPos( aTmpPos ); short nEsc = aTmpFont.GetEscapement(); if ( nOrientation ) { aTmpFont.SetOrientation( aTmpFont.GetOrientation()+nOrientation ); // aTmpFont.SetCharOrientation( nOrientation ); // Bei Hoch/Tief selbst Hand anlegen: if ( aTmpFont.GetEscapement() ) { aOutPos.Y() -= aTmpFont.GetEscapement() * aTmpFont.GetSize().Height() / 100L ; aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 ); } aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev ); aOutPos = lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( aOutPos, aOrigin, nSin, nCos ); } // nur ausgeben, was im sichtbaren Bereich beginnt: // Wichtig, weil Bug bei einigen Grafikkarten bei transparentem Font, Ausgabe bei neg. if ( nOrientation || ( !IsVertical() && ( ( aTmpPos.X() + nTxtWidth ) >= nFirstVisXPos ) ) || ( IsVertical() && ( ( aTmpPos.Y() + nTxtWidth ) >= nFirstVisYPos ) ) ) { if ( nEsc && ( ( aTmpFont.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) ) ) { // Das Hoch/Tief ohne Underline malen, das Underline // auf der BaseLine der Original-Fonthoehe ausgeben... // Aber nur, wenn davor auch Unterstrichen! sal_Bool bSpecialUnderline = sal_False; EditCharAttrib* pPrev = pPortion->GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().FindAttrib( EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT, nIndex ); if ( pPrev ) { SvxFont aDummy; // Unterstreichung davor? if ( pPrev->GetStart() ) { SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), pPrev->GetStart(), aDummy ); if ( aDummy.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) bSpecialUnderline = sal_True; } if ( !bSpecialUnderline && ( pPrev->GetEnd() < pPortion->GetNode()->Len() ) ) { SeekCursor( pPortion->GetNode(), pPrev->GetEnd()+1, aDummy ); if ( aDummy.GetUnderline() != UNDERLINE_NONE ) bSpecialUnderline = sal_True; } } if ( bSpecialUnderline ) { Size aSz = aTmpFont.GetPhysTxtSize( pOutDev, aText, 0, aText.Len() ); BYTE nProp = aTmpFont.GetPropr(); aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 ); aTmpFont.SetPropr( 100 ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev ); String aBlanks; aBlanks.Fill( aText.Len(), ' ' ); Point aUnderlinePos( aOutPos ); if ( nOrientation ) aUnderlinePos = lcl_ImplCalcRotatedPos( aTmpPos, aOrigin, nSin, nCos ); pOutDev->DrawStretchText( aUnderlinePos, aSz.Width(), aBlanks, 0, aText.Len() ); aTmpFont.SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); if ( !nOrientation ) aTmpFont.SetEscapement( nEsc ); aTmpFont.SetPropr( nProp ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev ); } } aTmpFont.QuickDrawText( pOutDev, aOutPos, aText, 0, aText.Len(), pDXArray ); } #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if ( GetStatus().DoOnlineSpelling() && GetStatus().DoDrawRedLines() && pPortion->GetNode()->GetWrongList()->HasWrongs() && pTextPortion->GetLen() ) { lcl_DrawRedLines( pOutDev, aTmpFont.GetSize().Height(), aTmpPos, nIndex, nIndex + pTextPortion->GetLen(), pDXArray, pPortion->GetNode()->GetWrongList(), nOrientation, aOrigin ); } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT } if ( pTmpDXArray ) delete pTmpDXArray; if ( !IsVertical() ) aTmpPos.X() += nTxtWidth; else aTmpPos.Y() += nTxtWidth; } break; case PORTIONKIND_EXTRASPACE: case PORTIONKIND_TAB: { if ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() && ( pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() != ' ' ) ) { aTmpFont.SetTransparent( sal_False ); aTmpFont.SetEscapement( 0 ); aTmpFont.SetPhysFont( pOutDev ); long nCharWidth = aTmpFont.QuickGetTextSize( pOutDev, pTextPortion->GetExtraValue(), 0, 1, NULL ).Width(); long nChars = pTextPortion->GetSize().Width() / nCharWidth; if ( nChars < 2 ) nChars = 2; // wird durch DrawStretchText gestaucht. else if ( nChars == 2 ) nChars = 3; // sieht besser aus String aText; aText.Fill( (USHORT)nChars, pTextPortion->GetExtraValue() ); pOutDev->DrawStretchText( aTmpPos, pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(), aText ); } if ( !IsVertical() ) aTmpPos.X() += pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(); else aTmpPos.Y() += pTextPortion->GetSize().Width(); } break; } if ( !IsVertical() && ( aTmpPos.X() > aClipRec.Right() ) ) break; // Keine weitere Ausgabe in Zeile noetig else if ( IsVertical() && ( aTmpPos.Y() > aClipRec.Bottom() ) ) break; // Keine weitere Ausgabe in Zeile noetig nIndex += pTextPortion->GetLen(); } } if ( ( nLine != nLastLine ) && !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) { if ( !IsVertical() ) aStartPos.Y() += nSBL; else aStartPos.X() -= nSBL; } // keine sichtbaren Aktionen mehr? if ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() >= aClipRec.Bottom() ) ) break; else if ( IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.X() <= aClipRec.Left() ) ) break; } if ( !aStatus.IsOutliner() ) { const SvxULSpaceItem& rULItem = (const SvxULSpaceItem&)pPortion->GetNode()->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_ULSPACE ); long nUL = GetYValue( rULItem.GetLower() ); if ( !IsVertical() ) aStartPos.Y() += nUL; else aStartPos.X() -= nUL; } } else { if ( !IsVertical() ) aStartPos.Y() += nParaHeight; else aStartPos.X() -= nParaHeight; } // keine sichtbaren Aktionen mehr? if ( !IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.Y() > aClipRec.Bottom() ) ) break; if ( IsVertical() && ( aStartPos.X() < aClipRec.Left() ) ) break; } if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() ) pOutDev->SetFont( aOldFont ); } void ImpEditEngine::Paint( ImpEditView* pView, const Rectangle& rRec, sal_Bool bUseVirtDev ) { DBG_ASSERT( pView, "Keine View - Kein Paint!" ); DBG_CHKOBJ( GetEditEnginePtr(), EditEngine, 0 ); if ( !GetUpdateMode() || IsInUndo() ) return; // Schnittmenge aus Paintbereich und OutputArea. Rectangle aClipRec( pView->GetOutputArea() ); aClipRec.Intersection( rRec ); Window* pOutWin = pView->GetWindow(); if ( bUseVirtDev ) { Rectangle aClipRecPixel( pOutWin->LogicToPixel( aClipRec ) ); if ( !IsVertical() ) { // etwas mehr, falls abgerundet! aClipRecPixel.Right() += 1; aClipRecPixel.Bottom() += 1; } else { aClipRecPixel.Left() -= 1; aClipRecPixel.Bottom() += 1; } // Wenn aClipRecPixel > XXXX, dann invalidieren ?! VirtualDevice* pVDev = GetVirtualDevice( pOutWin->GetMapMode() ); pVDev->SetBackground( pView->GetBackgroundColor() ); sal_Bool bVDevValid = sal_True; Size aOutSz( pVDev->GetOutputSizePixel() ); if ( ( aOutSz.Width() < aClipRecPixel.GetWidth() ) || ( aOutSz.Height() < aClipRecPixel.GetHeight() ) ) { bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aClipRecPixel.GetSize() ); } else { // Das VirtDev kann bei einem Resize sehr gross werden => // irgendwann mal kleiner machen! if ( ( aOutSz.Height() > ( aClipRecPixel.GetHeight() + RESDIFF ) ) || ( aOutSz.Width() > ( aClipRecPixel.GetWidth() + RESDIFF ) ) ) { bVDevValid = pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aClipRecPixel.GetSize() ); } else { pVDev->Erase(); } } DBG_ASSERT( bVDevValid, "VDef konnte nicht vergroessert werden!" ); if ( !bVDevValid ) { Paint( pView, rRec, sal_False /* ohne VDev */ ); return; } // PaintRect fuer VDev nicht mit alignter Groesse, // da sonst die Zeile darunter auch ausgegeben werden muss: Rectangle aTmpRec( Point( 0, 0 ), aClipRec.GetSize() ); aClipRec = pOutWin->PixelToLogic( aClipRecPixel ); Point aStartPos; if ( !IsVertical() ) { aStartPos = aClipRec.TopLeft(); aStartPos = pView->GetDocPos( aStartPos ); aStartPos.X() *= (-1); aStartPos.Y() *= (-1); } else { aStartPos = aClipRec.TopRight(); Point aDocPos( pView->GetDocPos( aStartPos ) ); aStartPos.X() = aClipRec.GetSize().Width() + aDocPos.Y(); aStartPos.Y() = -aDocPos.X(); } Paint( pVDev, aTmpRec, aStartPos ); sal_Bool bClipRegion; Region aOldRegion; MapMode aOldMapMode; if ( GetTextRanger() ) { // Some problems here with push/pop, why?! // pOutWin->Push( PUSH_CLIPREGION|PUSH_MAPMODE ); bClipRegion = pOutWin->IsClipRegion(); aOldRegion = pOutWin->GetClipRegion(); // Wie bekomme ich das Polygon an die richtige Stelle???? // Das Polygon bezieht sich auf die View, nicht auf das Window // => Origin umsetzen... aOldMapMode = pOutWin->GetMapMode(); Point aOrigin = aOldMapMode.GetOrigin(); Point aViewPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft(); aOrigin.Move( aViewPos.X(), aViewPos.Y() ); aClipRec.Move( -aViewPos.X(), -aViewPos.Y() ); MapMode aNewMapMode( aOldMapMode ); aNewMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin ); pOutWin->SetMapMode( aNewMapMode ); pOutWin->SetClipRegion( Region( GetTextRanger()->GetPolyPolygon() ) ); } pOutWin->DrawOutDev( aClipRec.TopLeft(), aClipRec.GetSize(), Point(0,0), aClipRec.GetSize(), *pVDev ); if ( GetTextRanger() ) { // pOutWin->Pop(); if ( bClipRegion ) pOutWin->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion ); else pOutWin->SetClipRegion(); pOutWin->SetMapMode( aOldMapMode ); } pView->DrawSelection(); } else { Point aStartPos; if ( !IsVertical() ) { aStartPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopLeft(); aStartPos.X() -= pView->GetVisDocLeft(); aStartPos.Y() -= pView->GetVisDocTop(); } else { aStartPos = pView->GetOutputArea().TopRight(); aStartPos.X() += pView->GetVisDocTop(); aStartPos.Y() -= pView->GetVisDocLeft(); } // Wenn Doc-Breite < OutputArea,Width, nicht umgebrochene Felder, // stehen die Felder sonst ber, wenn > Zeile. // ( Oben nicht, da dort bereits Doc-Breite von Formatierung mit drin ) if ( !IsVertical() && ( pView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth() > GetPaperSize().Width() ) ) { long nMaxX = pView->GetOutputArea().Left() + GetPaperSize().Width(); if ( aClipRec.Left() > nMaxX ) return; if ( aClipRec.Right() > nMaxX ) aClipRec.Right() = nMaxX; } sal_Bool bClipRegion = pOutWin->IsClipRegion(); Region aOldRegion = pOutWin->GetClipRegion(); pOutWin->IntersectClipRegion( aClipRec ); Paint( pOutWin, aClipRec, aStartPos ); if ( bClipRegion ) pOutWin->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion ); else pOutWin->SetClipRegion(); pView->DrawSelection(); } } void ImpEditEngine::InsertContent( ContentNode* pNode, sal_uInt16 nPos ) { DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "NULL-Poointer in InsertContent! " ); DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "InsertContent nur fuer Undo()!" ); ParaPortion* pNew = new ParaPortion( pNode ); GetParaPortions().Insert( pNew, nPos ); aEditDoc.Insert( pNode, nPos ); if ( IsCallParaInsertedOrDeleted() ) GetEditEnginePtr()->ParagraphInserted( nPos ); } EditPaM ImpEditEngine::SplitContent( sal_uInt16 nNode, sal_uInt16 nSepPos ) { ContentNode* pNode = aEditDoc.SaveGetObject( nNode ); DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "Ungueltiger Node in SplitContent" ); DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "SplitContent nur fuer Undo()!" ); DBG_ASSERT( nSepPos <= pNode->Len(), "Index im Wald: SplitContent" ); EditPaM aPaM( pNode, nSepPos ); return ImpInsertParaBreak( aPaM ); } EditPaM ImpEditEngine::ConnectContents( sal_uInt16 nLeftNode, sal_Bool bBackward ) { ContentNode* pLeftNode = aEditDoc.SaveGetObject( nLeftNode ); ContentNode* pRightNode = aEditDoc.SaveGetObject( nLeftNode+1 ); DBG_ASSERT( pLeftNode, "Ungueltiger linker Node in ConnectContents" ); DBG_ASSERT( pRightNode, "Ungueltiger rechter Node in ConnectContents" ); DBG_ASSERT( IsInUndo(), "ConnectContent nur fuer Undo()!" ); return ImpConnectParagraphs( pLeftNode, pRightNode, bBackward ); } void ImpEditEngine::SetUpdateMode( sal_Bool bUp, EditView* pCurView, sal_Bool bForceUpdate ) { sal_Bool bChanged = ( GetUpdateMode() != bUp ); // Beim Umschalten von sal_True auf sal_False waren alle Selektionen sichtbar, // => Wegmalen // Umgekehrt waren alle unsichtbar => malen // DrawAllSelections(); sieht im Outliner schlecht aus ! // EditView* pView = aEditViewList.First(); // while ( pView ) // { // DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); // pView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); // pView = aEditViewList.Next(); // } // Wenn !bFormatted, also z.B. nach SetText, braucht bei UpdateMode sal_True // nicht sofort formatiert werden, weil warscheinlich noch Text kommt. // Spaetestens bei einem Paint / CalcTextWidth wird formatiert. bUpdate = bUp; if ( bUpdate && ( bChanged || bForceUpdate ) ) FormatAndUpdate( pCurView ); } void ImpEditEngine::ShowParagraph( sal_uInt16 nParagraph, sal_Bool bShow ) { ParaPortion* pPPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nParagraph ); DBG_ASSERT( pPPortion, "ShowParagraph: Absatz existiert nicht!" ); if ( pPPortion && ( pPPortion->IsVisible() != bShow ) ) { pPPortion->SetVisible( bShow ); if ( !bShow ) { // Als deleted kenzeichnen, damit keine Selektion auf diesem // Absatz beginnt oder endet... DeletedNodeInfo* pDelInfo = new DeletedNodeInfo( (sal_uInt32)pPPortion->GetNode(), nParagraph ); aDeletedNodes.Insert( pDelInfo, aDeletedNodes.Count() ); UpdateSelections(); // Dann kriege ich den unteren Bereich nicht invalidiert, // wenn UpdateMode = sal_False! // Wenn doch, dann vor SetVisible auf sal_False merken! // nCurTextHeight -= pPPortion->GetHeight(); } if ( bShow && pPPortion->IsInvalid() ) { if ( GetUpdateMode() && !GetTextRanger() ) { if ( pPPortion->IsInvalid() ) { Font aOldFont( GetRefDevice()->GetFont() ); CreateLines( nParagraph, 0 ); // 0: Kein TextRanger if ( aStatus.DoRestoreFont() ) GetRefDevice()->SetFont( aOldFont ); } else CalcHeight( pPPortion ); nCurTextHeight += pPPortion->GetHeight(); } else nCurTextHeight = 0x7fffffff; } pPPortion->SetMustRepaint( sal_True ); if ( GetUpdateMode() && !IsInUndo() && !GetTextRanger() ) { aInvalidRec = Rectangle( Point( 0, GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pPPortion ) ), Point( GetPaperSize().Width(), nCurTextHeight ) ); UpdateViews( GetActiveView() ); } } } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::IsParagraphVisible( sal_uInt16 nParagraph ) { ParaPortion* pPPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nParagraph ); DBG_ASSERT( pPPortion, "IsParagraphVisible: Absatz existiert nicht!" ); if ( pPPortion ) return pPPortion->IsVisible(); return sal_False; } EditSelection ImpEditEngine::MoveParagraphs( Range aOldPositions, sal_uInt16 nNewPos, EditView* pCurView ) { DBG_ASSERT( GetParaPortions().Count() != 0, "Keine Absaetze gefunden: MoveParagraphs" ); if ( GetParaPortions().Count() == 0 ) return EditSelection(); aOldPositions.Justify(); EditSelection aSel( ImpMoveParagraphs( aOldPositions, nNewPos ) ); if ( nNewPos >= GetParaPortions().Count() ) nNewPos = GetParaPortions().Count() - 1; // Dort, wo der Absatz eingefuegt wurde, muss richtig gepainted werden: // Dort, wo der Absatz entfernt wurde, muss richtig gepainted werden: // ( Und dazwischen entsprechend auch...) if ( pCurView && ( GetUpdateMode() == sal_True ) ) { // in diesem Fall kann ich direkt neu malen, ohne die // Portions zu Invalidieren. sal_uInt16 nFirstPortion = Min( (sal_uInt16)aOldPositions.Min(), nNewPos ); sal_uInt16 nLastPortion = Max( (sal_uInt16)aOldPositions.Max(), nNewPos ); ParaPortion* pUpperPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nFirstPortion ); ParaPortion* pLowerPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( nLastPortion ); aInvalidRec = Rectangle(); // leermachen aInvalidRec.Left() = 0; aInvalidRec.Right() = aPaperSize.Width(); aInvalidRec.Top() = GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pUpperPortion ); aInvalidRec.Bottom() = GetParaPortions().GetYOffset( pLowerPortion ) + pLowerPortion->GetHeight(); UpdateViews( pCurView ); } else { // aber der oberen ungueltigen Position neu painten... sal_uInt16 nFirstInvPara = Min( (sal_uInt16)aOldPositions.Min(), nNewPos ); InvalidateFromParagraph( nFirstInvPara ); } return aSel; } void ImpEditEngine::InvalidateFromParagraph( sal_uInt16 nFirstInvPara ) { // Es werden nicht die folgenden Absaetze invalidiert, // da ResetHeight() => Groessenanderung => alles folgende wird // sowieso neu ausgegeben. ParaPortion* pTmpPortion; if ( nFirstInvPara != 0 ) { pTmpPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( nFirstInvPara-1 ); pTmpPortion->MarkInvalid( pTmpPortion->GetNode()->Len(), 0 ); } else { pTmpPortion = GetParaPortions().GetObject( 0 ); pTmpPortion->MarkSelectionInvalid( 0, pTmpPortion->GetNode()->Len() ); } pTmpPortion->ResetHeight(); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( ImpEditEngine, StatusTimerHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { CallStatusHdl(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( ImpEditEngine, StatusTimerHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) void ImpEditEngine::CallStatusHdl() { if ( aStatusHdlLink.IsSet() && aStatus.GetStatusWord() ) { // Der Status muss vor Call zurueckgesetzt werden, // da im Hdl evtl. weitere Fags gesetzt werden... EditStatus aTmpStatus( aStatus ); aStatus.Clear(); aStatusHdlLink.Call( &aTmpStatus ); aStatusTimer.Stop(); // Falls von Hand gerufen... } } ContentNode* ImpEditEngine::GetPrevVisNode( ContentNode* pCurNode ) { ParaPortion* pPortion = FindParaPortion( pCurNode ); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "GetPrevVisibleNode: Keine passende Portion!" ); pPortion = GetPrevVisPortion( pPortion ); if ( pPortion ) return pPortion->GetNode(); return 0; } ContentNode* ImpEditEngine::GetNextVisNode( ContentNode* pCurNode ) { ParaPortion* pPortion = FindParaPortion( pCurNode ); DBG_ASSERT( pPortion, "GetNextVisibleNode: Keine passende Portion!" ); pPortion = GetNextVisPortion( pPortion ); if ( pPortion ) return pPortion->GetNode(); return 0; } ParaPortion* ImpEditEngine::GetPrevVisPortion( ParaPortion* pCurPortion ) { sal_uInt16 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pCurPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( nPara < GetParaPortions().Count() , "Portion nicht gefunden: GetPrevVisPortion" ); ParaPortion* pPortion = nPara ? GetParaPortions()[--nPara] : 0; while ( pPortion && !pPortion->IsVisible() ) pPortion = nPara ? GetParaPortions()[--nPara] : 0; return pPortion; } ParaPortion* ImpEditEngine::GetNextVisPortion( ParaPortion* pCurPortion ) { sal_uInt16 nPara = GetParaPortions().GetPos( pCurPortion ); DBG_ASSERT( nPara < GetParaPortions().Count() , "Portion nicht gefunden: GetPrevVisNode" ); ParaPortion* pPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( ++nPara ); while ( pPortion && !pPortion->IsVisible() ) pPortion = GetParaPortions().SaveGetObject( ++nPara ); return pPortion; } EditPaM ImpEditEngine::InsertParagraph( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { EditPaM aPaM; if ( nPara != 0 ) { ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara-1 ); if ( !pNode ) pNode = GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( GetEditDoc().Count() - 1 ); DBG_ASSERT( pNode, "Kein einziger Absatz in InsertParagraph ?" ); aPaM = EditPaM( pNode, pNode->Len() ); } else { ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( 0 ); aPaM = EditPaM( pNode, 0 ); } return ImpInsertParaBreak( aPaM ); } EditSelection* ImpEditEngine::SelectParagraph( sal_uInt16 nPara ) { EditSelection* pSel = 0; ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc().SaveGetObject( nPara ); DBG_ASSERTWARNING( pNode, "Absatz existiert nicht: SelectParagraph" ); if ( pNode ) pSel = new EditSelection( EditPaM( pNode, 0 ), EditPaM( pNode, pNode->Len() ) ); return pSel; } void ImpEditEngine::FormatAndUpdate( EditView* pCurView ) { if ( bDowning ) return ; if ( IsInUndo() ) IdleFormatAndUpdate( pCurView ); else { FormatDoc(); UpdateViews( pCurView ); } } void ImpEditEngine::BeginDrag( EditView* pView ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( GetEditEnginePtr(), EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); if ( !pDragAndDropInfo ) pDragAndDropInfo = new DragAndDropInfo( *pView->GetWindow() ); pDragAndDropInfo->bStarterOfDD = sal_True; // Sensibler Bereich, wo gescrollt werden soll. Size aSz( 5, 0 ); aSz = pView->GetWindow()->PixelToLogic( aSz ); pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange = (sal_uInt16) aSz.Width(); pDragAndDropInfo->nCursorWidth = (sal_uInt16) aSz.Width() / 2; MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetWindow()->GetMapMode() ); aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point( 0, 0 ) ); pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground.SetMapMode( aMapMode ); EditSelection aCopySel( pView->pImpEditView->GetEditSelection() ); ESelection aSaveSel = pView->GetSelection(); if ( pDragAndDropInfo->pField ) { aCopySel = CreateSel( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel ); aSaveSel = pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel; } else { aSaveSel.Adjust(); pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel = aSaveSel; // Wird evtl. im Drop modifiziert. } CopyData( aCopySel, EXCHANGE_DRAGSERVER ); // Falls Drag&Move in einer Engine, muessen Copy&Del geklammert sein! UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); pView->HideCursor(); sal_Bool bDestroyed = sal_False; pDestroyedMarker = &bDestroyed; sal_uInt16 nDragOptions = DRAG_ALL; if ( pView->IsReadOnly() ) nDragOptions &= ~DRAG_MOVEABLE; DropAction aAction = pView->GetWindow()->ExecuteDrag ( Pointer( POINTER_MOVEDATA ), Pointer( POINTER_COPYDATA ), nDragOptions, NULL ); if ( bDestroyed ) return; pDestroyedMarker = NULL; // Nicht dass mich jemand im Drop abgeschossen hat... DBG_CHKOBJ( GetEditEnginePtr(), EditEngine, 0 ); DBG_CHKOBJ( pView, EditView, 0 ); if ( ( aAction == DROP_MOVE ) && !pView->IsReadOnly() ) { if ( pDragAndDropInfo->bStarterOfDD && pDragAndDropInfo->bDroppedInMe ) { // DropPos: Wohin wurde gedroppt, unabhaengig von laenge. ESelection aDropPos( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPos, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPos ); ESelection aToBeDelSel = aSaveSel; ESelection aNewSel( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPara, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPos, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPara, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPos ); sal_Bool bBeforeSelection = aDropPos.IsLess( aSaveSel ); DBG_ASSERT( ( aSaveSel.nEndPara - aSaveSel.nStartPara) >= 0, "Drop: SaveSelection nicht justiert!" ); sal_uInt16 nParaDiff = aSaveSel.nEndPara - aSaveSel.nStartPara; if ( bBeforeSelection ) { // aToBeDelSel anpassen. DBG_ASSERT( aSaveSel.nStartPara >= pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara, "Doch nicht davor?" ); aToBeDelSel.nStartPara += nParaDiff; aToBeDelSel.nEndPara += nParaDiff; // Zeichen korrigieren? if ( aToBeDelSel.nStartPara == pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPara ) { sal_uInt16 nMoreChars; if ( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara == pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPara ) nMoreChars = pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPos - pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPos; else nMoreChars = pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPos; aToBeDelSel.nStartPos += nMoreChars; if ( aToBeDelSel.nStartPara == aToBeDelSel.nEndPara ) aToBeDelSel.nEndPos += nMoreChars; } } else { // aToBeDelSel ist ok, aber Selektion der View // muss angepasst werden, wenn davor geloescht wird! DBG_ASSERT( aSaveSel.nStartPara <= pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara, "Doch nicht davor?" ); aNewSel.nStartPara -= nParaDiff; aNewSel.nEndPara -= nParaDiff; // Zeichen korrigieren? if ( aSaveSel.nEndPara == pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara ) { sal_uInt16 nLessChars; if ( aSaveSel.nStartPara == aSaveSel.nEndPara ) nLessChars = aSaveSel.nEndPos - aSaveSel.nStartPos; else nLessChars = aSaveSel.nEndPos; aNewSel.nStartPos -= nLessChars; if ( aNewSel.nStartPara == aNewSel.nEndPara ) aNewSel.nEndPos -= nLessChars; } } pView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); EditSelection aDelSel( CreateSel( aToBeDelSel ) ); DBG_ASSERT( !aDelSel.DbgIsBuggy( aEditDoc ), "ToBeDel ist buggy!" ); ImpDeleteSelection( aDelSel ); if ( !bBeforeSelection ) { DBG_ASSERT( !CreateSel( aNewSel ).DbgIsBuggy(aEditDoc), "Bad" ); pView->pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( CreateSel( aNewSel ) ); } FormatAndUpdate( pView ); pView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); } else { // andere EditEngine... pView->DeleteSelected(); } } UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); DragServer::Clear(); HideDDCursor( pView->GetWindow() ); pView->ShowCursor(); delete pDragAndDropInfo; pDragAndDropInfo = 0; } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::Drop( const DropEvent& rEvt, EditView* pCurView ) { DBG_ASSERT( pCurView, "Keine View - Kein (Drag&)Drops" ); HideDDCursor( pCurView->GetWindow() ); Point aMousePos( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ); // Logische Einheiten... aMousePos = pCurView->GetWindow()->PixelToLogic( aMousePos ); if ( !pCurView->GetOutputArea().IsInside( aMousePos ) ) return sal_False; // Erstmal kopieren, evtl. spaeter bei Move loeschen... // Durch QueryDrop ist sichergestellt, dass Move oder Copy. // Bei Move wird die Selection nach ExecuteDrag geloescht. DBG_ASSERT( HasData( EXCHANGE_DRAGSERVER ), "Drop ohne brauchbare Daten ?!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest.GetNode(), "Drop: PaM nicht initialisiert!" ); if ( !pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest.GetNode() ) return sal_False; // Unerlaubter Drop-Aufruf. EditPaM aPaM( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest ); EditSelection aNewSel; UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); // Selektion wegmalen... pCurView->pImpEditView->DrawSelection(); aNewSel = PasteData( aPaM, EXCHANGE_DRAGSERVER, aStatus.AllowPasteSpecial() ); pCurView->pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( aNewSel ); FormatAndUpdate( pCurView ); if ( pDragAndDropInfo && pDragAndDropInfo->bStarterOfDD ) { // Nur dann setzen, wenn in gleicher Engine! pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPara = aEditDoc.GetPos( aPaM.GetNode() ); pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nStartPos = aPaM.GetIndex(); pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPara = aEditDoc.GetPos( aNewSel.Max().GetNode() ); pDragAndDropInfo->aDropSel.nEndPos = aNewSel.Max().GetIndex(); pDragAndDropInfo->bDroppedInMe = sal_True; } else { delete pDragAndDropInfo; pDragAndDropInfo = 0; } UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_DRAGANDDROP ); return sal_True; } sal_Bool ImpEditEngine::QueryDrop( const DropEvent& rEvt, EditView* pCurView ) { DBG_ASSERT( pCurView, "Keine View - Kein (Drag&)Drops" ); Window* pWindow = pCurView->GetWindow(); DBG_ASSERT( pWindow, "View ohne Fenster in QueryDrop!" ); if ( !pDragAndDropInfo ) pDragAndDropInfo = new DragAndDropInfo( *pCurView->GetWindow() ); if ( rEvt.IsLeaveWindow() ) { HideDDCursor( pWindow ); return sal_False; } // Wenn ich die Aktion nicht kann.... if ( ( rEvt.GetAction() != DROP_COPY ) && ( rEvt.GetAction() != DROP_MOVE ) ) return sal_False; // Wenn ich das Format nicht kann.... if ( !HasData( EXCHANGE_DRAGSERVER ) ) return sal_False; Point aMousePos( rEvt.GetPosPixel() ); // Logische Einheiten... aMousePos = pWindow->PixelToLogic( aMousePos ); sal_Bool bInOutputArea = pCurView->GetOutputArea().IsInside( aMousePos ); sal_Bool bAllowScroll = pCurView->pImpEditView->DoAutoScroll(); if ( bAllowScroll ) { long nScrollX = 0; long nScrollY = 0; // pruefen, ob im sensitiven Bereich if ( ( (aMousePos.X()-pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange) < pCurView->GetOutputArea().Left() ) && ( ( aMousePos.X() + pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange ) > pCurView->GetOutputArea().Left() ) ) nScrollX = pCurView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth() / SCRLRANGE; else if ( ( (aMousePos.X()+pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange) > pCurView->GetOutputArea().Right() ) && ( ( aMousePos.X() - pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange ) < pCurView->GetOutputArea().Right() ) ) nScrollX = -( pCurView->GetOutputArea().GetWidth() / SCRLRANGE ); if ( ( (aMousePos.Y()-pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange) < pCurView->GetOutputArea().Top() ) && ( ( aMousePos.Y() + pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange ) > pCurView->GetOutputArea().Top() ) ) nScrollY = pCurView->GetOutputArea().GetHeight() / SCRLRANGE; else if ( ( (aMousePos.Y()+pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange) > pCurView->GetOutputArea().Bottom() ) && ( ( aMousePos.Y() - pDragAndDropInfo->nSensibleRange ) < pCurView->GetOutputArea().Bottom() ) ) nScrollY = -( pCurView->GetOutputArea().GetHeight() / SCRLRANGE ); if ( nScrollX || nScrollY ) { HideDDCursor( pWindow ); pCurView->Scroll( nScrollX, nScrollY, RGCHK_PAPERSZ1 ); } } if ( !bInOutputArea ) { HideDDCursor( pWindow ); return sal_False; } Point aDocPos( pCurView->pImpEditView->GetDocPos( aMousePos ) ); EditPaM aPaM = GetPaM( aDocPos ); pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest = aPaM; // Pruefen, ob der PaM in der Selektion liegt... if ( pCurView->HasSelection() ) { // es darf nicht in eine Selektion gedroppt werden EPaM aP = CreateEPaM( aPaM ); ESelection aDestSel( aP.nPara, aP.nIndex, aP.nPara, aP.nIndex); ESelection aCurSel = pCurView->GetSelection(); aCurSel.Adjust(); if ( !aDestSel.IsLess( aCurSel ) && !aDestSel.IsGreater( aCurSel ) ) { HideDDCursor( pWindow ); return sal_False; } } Rectangle aEditCursor = PaMtoEditCursor( aPaM ); Point aTopLeft( pCurView->pImpEditView->GetWindowPos( aEditCursor.TopLeft() ) ); aEditCursor.SetPos( aTopLeft ); aEditCursor.Right() = aEditCursor.Left() + pDragAndDropInfo->nCursorWidth; aEditCursor = pWindow->LogicToPixel( aEditCursor ); aEditCursor = pWindow->PixelToLogic( aEditCursor ); sal_Bool bCursorChanged = !pDragAndDropInfo->bVisCursor || ( pDragAndDropInfo->aCurCursor != aEditCursor ); // Alten Cursor wegzeichnen... if ( bCursorChanged ) { HideDDCursor( pWindow ); ShowDDCursor( pWindow, aEditCursor ); } return sal_True; } void ImpEditEngine::HideDDCursor( Window* pWin ) { if ( pDragAndDropInfo && pDragAndDropInfo->bVisCursor ) { pWin->DrawOutDev( pDragAndDropInfo->aCurSavedCursor.TopLeft(), pDragAndDropInfo->aCurSavedCursor.GetSize(), Point(0,0), pDragAndDropInfo->aCurSavedCursor.GetSize(), pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground ); pDragAndDropInfo->bVisCursor = sal_False; } } void ImpEditEngine::ShowDDCursor( Window* pWin, const Rectangle& rRect ) { if ( !pDragAndDropInfo->bVisCursor ) { Brush aOldBrush = pWin->GetFillInBrush( ); pWin->SetFillInBrush( Brush( Color( COL_GRAY), BRUSH_50 ) ); // Hintergrund sichern... Rectangle aSaveRec( pWin->LogicToPixel( rRect ) ); // lieber etwas mehr sichern... aSaveRec.Right() += 1; aSaveRec.Bottom() += 1; Size aNewSzPx( aSaveRec.GetSize() ); Size aCurSzPx( pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground.GetOutputSizePixel() ); if ( ( aCurSzPx.Width() < aNewSzPx.Width() ) ||( aCurSzPx.Height() < aNewSzPx.Height() ) ) { sal_Bool bDone = pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground.SetOutputSizePixel( aNewSzPx ); DBG_ASSERT( bDone, "Virtuelles Device kaputt?" ); } aSaveRec = pWin->PixelToLogic( aSaveRec ); MapMode aMapMode( pWin->GetMapMode() ); aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point( 0, 0 ) ); pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground.SetMapMode( aMapMode ); pDragAndDropInfo->aBackground.DrawOutDev( Point(0,0), aSaveRec.GetSize(), aSaveRec.TopLeft(), aSaveRec.GetSize(), *pWin); pDragAndDropInfo->aCurSavedCursor = aSaveRec; // Cursor malen... pWin->DrawRect( rRect ); pDragAndDropInfo->bVisCursor = sal_True; pDragAndDropInfo->aCurCursor = rRect; pWin->SetFillInBrush( aOldBrush ); } } ESelection ImpEditEngine::GetDropPos() { ESelection aESel; if ( pDragAndDropInfo && pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest.GetNode() ) aESel = CreateESel( EditSelection( pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest, pDragAndDropInfo->aDropDest ) ); return aESel; } void ImpEditEngine::SetFlatMode( sal_Bool bFlat ) { if ( bFlat != aStatus.UseCharAttribs() ) return; if ( !bFlat ) aStatus.TurnOnFlags( EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ); else aStatus.TurnOffFlags( EE_CNTRL_USECHARATTRIBS ); aEditDoc.CreateDefFont( !bFlat ); FormatFullDoc(); UpdateViews( (EditView*) 0); if ( pActiveView ) pActiveView->ShowCursor(); } void ImpEditEngine::SetCharStretching( sal_uInt16 nX, sal_uInt16 nY ) { if ( !IsVertical() ) { nStretchX = nX; nStretchY = nY; } else { nStretchX = nY; nStretchY = nX; } if ( aStatus.DoStretch() ) { FormatFullDoc(); UpdateViews( GetActiveView() ); } } void ImpEditEngine::DoStretchChars( sal_uInt16 nX, sal_uInt16 nY ) { UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_STRETCH ); sal_uInt16 nParas = GetEditDoc().Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ ) { ContentNode* pNode = GetEditDoc()[nPara]; SfxItemSet aTmpSet( pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItems() ); if ( nX != 100 ) { // Fontbreite SvxCharScaleWidthItem* pNewWidth = (SvxCharScaleWidthItem*) pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH ).Clone(); sal_uInt32 nProp = pNewWidth->GetValue(); // sal_uInt32, kann temporaer gross werden nProp *= nX; nProp /= 100; pNewWidth->SetValue( (sal_uInt16)nProp ); aTmpSet.Put( *pNewWidth ); delete pNewWidth; // Kerning: const SvxKerningItem& rKerningItem = (const SvxKerningItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_CHAR_KERNING ); SvxKerningItem* pNewKerning = (SvxKerningItem*)rKerningItem.Clone(); long nKerning = pNewKerning->GetValue(); if ( nKerning > 0 ) { nKerning *= nX; nKerning /= 100; } else if ( nKerning < 0 ) { // Bei Negativen Werten: // Bei Stretching > 100 muessen die Werte kleiner werden und umgekehrt. nKerning *= 100; nKerning /= nX; } pNewKerning->SetValue( (short)nKerning ); aTmpSet.Put( *pNewKerning); delete pNewKerning; } else aTmpSet.ClearItem( EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH ); if ( nY != 100 ) { // Fonthoehe for ( int nItem = 0; nItem < 3; nItem++ ) { USHORT nItemId = EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT; if ( nItem == 1 ) nItemId = EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK; else if ( nItem == 2 ) nItemId = EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL; const SvxFontHeightItem& rHeightItem = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( nItemId ); SvxFontHeightItem* pNewHeight = (SvxFontHeightItem*)rHeightItem.Clone(); sal_uInt32 nHeight = pNewHeight->GetHeight(); nHeight *= nY; nHeight /= 100; pNewHeight->SetHeightValue( nHeight ); aTmpSet.Put( *pNewHeight ); delete pNewHeight; } // Absatzabstaende const SvxULSpaceItem& rULSpaceItem = (const SvxULSpaceItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_ULSPACE ); SvxULSpaceItem* pNewUL = (SvxULSpaceItem*)rULSpaceItem.Clone(); sal_uInt32 nUpper = pNewUL->GetUpper(); nUpper *= nY; nUpper /= 100; pNewUL->SetUpper( (sal_uInt16)nUpper ); sal_uInt32 nLower = pNewUL->GetLower(); nLower *= nY; nLower /= 100; pNewUL->SetLower( (sal_uInt16)nLower ); aTmpSet.Put( *pNewUL ); delete pNewUL; } else aTmpSet.ClearItem( EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ); SetParaAttribs( nPara, aTmpSet ); // harte Attribute: sal_uInt16 nLastEnd = 0; // damit nach entfernen und neu nicht nochmal CharAttribArray& rAttribs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs(); sal_uInt16 nAttribs = rAttribs.Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < nAttribs; nAttr++ ) { EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttribs[nAttr]; if ( pAttr->GetStart() >= nLastEnd ) { sal_uInt16 nWhich = pAttr->Which(); SfxPoolItem* pNew = 0; if ( nWhich == EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ) { SvxFontHeightItem* pNewHeight = (SvxFontHeightItem*)pAttr->GetItem()->Clone(); sal_uInt32 nHeight = pNewHeight->GetHeight(); nHeight *= nY; nHeight /= 100; pNewHeight->SetHeightValue( nHeight ); pNew = pNewHeight; } else if ( nWhich == EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH ) { SvxCharScaleWidthItem* pNewWidth = (SvxCharScaleWidthItem*)pAttr->GetItem()->Clone(); sal_uInt32 nProp = pNewWidth->GetValue(); nProp *= nX; nProp /= 100; pNewWidth->SetValue( (sal_uInt16)nProp ); pNew = pNewWidth; } else if ( nWhich == EE_CHAR_KERNING ) { SvxKerningItem* pNewKerning = (SvxKerningItem*)pAttr->GetItem()->Clone(); long nKerning = pNewKerning->GetValue(); if ( nKerning > 0 ) { nKerning *= nX; nKerning /= 100; } else if ( nKerning < 0 ) { // Bei Negativen Werten: // Bei Stretching > 100 muessen die Werte kleiner werden und umgekehrt. nKerning *= 100; nKerning /= nX; } pNewKerning->SetValue( (short)nKerning ); pNew = pNewKerning; } if ( pNew ) { SfxItemSet aTmpSet( GetEmptyItemSet() ); aTmpSet.Put( *pNew ); SetAttribs( EditSelection( EditPaM( pNode, pAttr->GetStart() ), EditPaM( pNode, pAttr->GetEnd() ) ), aTmpSet ); nLastEnd = pAttr->GetEnd(); delete pNew; } } } } UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_STRETCH ); } const SvxLRSpaceItem& ImpEditEngine::GetLRSpaceItem( ContentNode* pNode ) { // Wenn Outliner1, dann immer OUTLLR // Wenn Outliner2, dann nur, wenn kein LRSpace if ( aStatus.IsOutliner() || ( aStatus.IsOutliner2() && !pNode->GetContentAttribs().HasItem( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) ) ) { return (const SvxLRSpaceItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE ); } return (const SvxLRSpaceItem&)pNode->GetContentAttribs().GetItem( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); } Reference < i18n::XBreakIterator > ImpEditEngine::ImplGetBreakIterator() { if ( !xBI.is() ) { Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); Reference < XInterface > xI = xMSF->createInstance( OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.i18n.BreakIterator" ) ); if ( xI.is() ) { Any x = xI->queryInterface( ::getCppuType((const Reference< i18n::XBreakIterator >*)0) ); x >>= xBI; } } return xBI; }