 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"

#include "svx/fmgridif.hxx"
#include "fmprop.hrc"
#include "fmservs.hxx"
#include "svx/fmtools.hxx"
#include "fmurl.hxx"
#include "formcontrolfactory.hxx"
#include "gridcell.hxx"
#include "sdbdatacolumn.hxx"
#include "svx/fmgridcl.hxx"
#include "svx/svxids.hrc"
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>

/** === begin UNO includes === **/
#include <com/sun/star/awt/PosSize.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/form/XFormComponent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/form/XLoadable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/ResultSetType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XColumnsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XURLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/view/XSelectionSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XRowLocate.hpp>
/** === end UNO includes === **/

#include <comphelper/container.hxx>
#include <comphelper/enumhelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/property.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/typeprovider.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>

using namespace ::svxform;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::view;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::form;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;

using ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier;
using ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor;
using ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider;
using ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible;
using ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleContext;
using ::com::sun::star::sdb::XRowSetSupplier;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::XVclWindowPeer;

::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor ImplCreateFontDescriptor( const Font& rFont )
    ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor aFD;
    aFD.Name = rFont.GetName();
    aFD.StyleName = rFont.GetStyleName();
    aFD.Height = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetSize().Height();
    aFD.Width = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetSize().Width();
    aFD.Family = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetFamily();
    aFD.CharSet = rFont.GetCharSet();
    aFD.Pitch = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetPitch();
    aFD.CharacterWidth = VCLUnoHelper::ConvertFontWidth( rFont.GetWidthType() );
    aFD.Weight= VCLUnoHelper::ConvertFontWeight( rFont.GetWeight() );
    aFD.Slant = (::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant)rFont.GetItalic();
    aFD.Underline = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetUnderline();
    aFD.Strikeout = (sal_Int16)rFont.GetStrikeout();
    aFD.Orientation = rFont.GetOrientation();
    aFD.Kerning = rFont.IsKerning();
    aFD.WordLineMode = rFont.IsWordLineMode();
    aFD.Type = 0;   // ??? => Nur an Metric...
    return aFD;

Font ImplCreateFont( const ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor& rDescr )
    Font aFont;
    aFont.SetName( rDescr.Name );
    aFont.SetStyleName( rDescr.StyleName );
    aFont.SetSize( ::Size( rDescr.Width, rDescr.Height ) );
    aFont.SetFamily( (FontFamily)rDescr.Family );
    aFont.SetCharSet( (CharSet)rDescr.CharSet );
    aFont.SetPitch( (FontPitch)rDescr.Pitch );
    aFont.SetWidthType( VCLUnoHelper::ConvertFontWidth( rDescr.CharacterWidth ) );
    aFont.SetWeight( VCLUnoHelper::ConvertFontWeight( rDescr.Weight ) );
    aFont.SetItalic( (FontItalic)rDescr.Slant );
    aFont.SetUnderline( (::FontUnderline)rDescr.Underline );
    aFont.SetStrikeout( (::FontStrikeout)rDescr.Strikeout );
    aFont.SetOrientation( (sal_Int16)rDescr.Orientation );
    aFont.SetKerning( rDescr.Kerning );
    aFont.SetWordLineMode( rDescr.WordLineMode );
    return aFont;

//= FmXModifyMultiplexer
FmXModifyMultiplexer::FmXModifyMultiplexer( ::cppu::OWeakObject& rSource, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
                    :OWeakSubObject( rSource )
                    ,OInterfaceContainerHelper( _rMutex )

Any SAL_CALL FmXModifyMultiplexer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn;
    aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(_rType,
        static_cast< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener*>(this),
        static_cast< XEventListener*>(this)

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = OWeakSubObject::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXModifyMultiplexer::disposing(const EventObject& ) throw( RuntimeException )

void FmXModifyMultiplexer::modified(const EventObject& e) throw( RuntimeException )
    EventObject aMulti( e);
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XModifyListener::modified, aMulti );

//= FmXUpdateMultiplexer
FmXUpdateMultiplexer::FmXUpdateMultiplexer( ::cppu::OWeakObject& rSource, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
                    :OWeakSubObject( rSource )
                    ,OInterfaceContainerHelper( _rMutex )

Any SAL_CALL FmXUpdateMultiplexer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn;
    aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(_rType,
        static_cast< XUpdateListener*>(this),
        static_cast< XEventListener*>(this)

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = OWeakSubObject::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXUpdateMultiplexer::disposing(const EventObject& ) throw( RuntimeException )

sal_Bool FmXUpdateMultiplexer::approveUpdate(const EventObject &e) throw( RuntimeException )
    EventObject aMulti( e );
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;

    sal_Bool bResult = sal_True;
    if (getLength())
        ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIter(*this);
        while ( bResult && aIter.hasMoreElements() )
            bResult = static_cast< XUpdateListener* >( aIter.next() )->approveUpdate( aMulti );

    return bResult;

void FmXUpdateMultiplexer::updated(const EventObject &e) throw( RuntimeException )
    EventObject aMulti( e );
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XUpdateListener::updated, aMulti );

//= FmXSelectionMultiplexer
FmXSelectionMultiplexer::FmXSelectionMultiplexer( ::cppu::OWeakObject& rSource, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
    :OWeakSubObject( rSource )
    ,OInterfaceContainerHelper( _rMutex )

Any SAL_CALL FmXSelectionMultiplexer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn;
    aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(_rType,
        static_cast< XSelectionChangeListener*>(this),
        static_cast< XEventListener*>(this)

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = OWeakSubObject::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXSelectionMultiplexer::disposing(const EventObject& ) throw( RuntimeException )

void SAL_CALL FmXSelectionMultiplexer::selectionChanged( const EventObject& _rEvent ) throw (RuntimeException)
    EventObject aMulti(_rEvent);
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XSelectionChangeListener::selectionChanged, aMulti );

//= FmXContainerMultiplexer
FmXContainerMultiplexer::FmXContainerMultiplexer( ::cppu::OWeakObject& rSource, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
                        :OWeakSubObject( rSource )
                        ,OInterfaceContainerHelper( _rMutex )

Any SAL_CALL FmXContainerMultiplexer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn;
    aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(_rType,
        static_cast< XContainerListener*>(this),
        static_cast< XEventListener*>(this)

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = OWeakSubObject::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXContainerMultiplexer::disposing(const EventObject& ) throw( RuntimeException )
void FmXContainerMultiplexer::elementInserted(const ContainerEvent& e) throw( RuntimeException )
    ContainerEvent aMulti( e );
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XContainerListener::elementInserted, aMulti );

void FmXContainerMultiplexer::elementRemoved(const ContainerEvent& e) throw( RuntimeException )
    ContainerEvent aMulti( e );
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XContainerListener::elementRemoved, aMulti );

void FmXContainerMultiplexer::elementReplaced(const ContainerEvent& e) throw( RuntimeException )
    ContainerEvent aMulti( e );
    aMulti.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XContainerListener::elementReplaced, aMulti );

//= FmXGridControlMultiplexer
FmXGridControlMultiplexer::FmXGridControlMultiplexer( ::cppu::OWeakObject& rSource, ::osl::Mutex& _rMutex )
    :OWeakSubObject( rSource )
    ,OInterfaceContainerHelper( _rMutex )

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridControlMultiplexer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn;
    aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface( _rType,
        static_cast< XGridControlListener*>(this)

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = OWeakSubObject::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXGridControlMultiplexer::disposing( const EventObject& ) throw( RuntimeException )

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControlMultiplexer::columnChanged( const EventObject& _event ) throw (RuntimeException)
    EventObject aForwardedEvent( _event );
    aForwardedEvent.Source = &m_rParent;
    notifyEach( &XGridControlListener::columnChanged, aForwardedEvent );

//= FmXGridControl

Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL FmXGridControl_NewInstance_Impl(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory>& _rxFactory)
    return *(new FmXGridControl(_rxFactory));
DBG_NAME(FmXGridControl )
FmXGridControl::FmXGridControl(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxFactory)
               :m_aModifyListeners(*this, GetMutex())
               ,m_aUpdateListeners(*this, GetMutex())
               ,m_aContainerListeners(*this, GetMutex())
               ,m_aSelectionListeners(*this, GetMutex())
               ,m_aGridControlListeners(*this, GetMutex())
    DBG_CTOR(FmXGridControl ,NULL);

    DBG_DTOR(FmXGridControl ,NULL);

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::queryAggregation(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn = FmXGridControl_BASE::queryInterface(_rType);

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = UnoControl::queryAggregation( _rType );
    return aReturn;

Sequence< Type> SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getTypes(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    return comphelper::concatSequences(UnoControl::getTypes(),FmXGridControl_BASE::getTypes());

Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getImplementationId(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    static ::cppu::OImplementationId* pId = 0;
    if (! pId)
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        if (! pId)
            static ::cppu::OImplementationId aId;
            pId = &aId;
    return pId->getImplementationId();

// XServiceInfo
sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::supportsService(const ::rtl::OUString& ServiceName) throw()
    ::comphelper::StringSequence aSupported = getSupportedServiceNames();
    const ::rtl::OUString * pArray = aSupported.getConstArray();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aSupported.getLength(); i++ )
        if( pArray[i] == ServiceName )
            return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getImplementationName() throw()
    return ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.form.FmXGridControl");

::comphelper::StringSequence SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
    Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aServiceNames(2);
    aServiceNames[0] = FM_SUN_CONTROL_GRIDCONTROL;
    aServiceNames[1] = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControl");
    return aServiceNames;

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::dispose() throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    EventObject aEvt;
    aEvt.Source = static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this);


::rtl::OUString FmXGridControl::GetComponentServiceName()
    ::rtl::OUString aName = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("DBGrid");
    return aName;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::setModel(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel >& rModel) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    if (!UnoControl::setModel(rModel))
        return sal_False;

    Reference< XGridPeer > xGridPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xGridPeer.is())
        Reference< XIndexContainer > xCols(mxModel, UNO_QUERY);
    return sal_True;

FmXGridPeer* FmXGridControl::imp_CreatePeer(Window* pParent)
    FmXGridPeer* pReturn = new FmXGridPeer(m_xServiceFactory);

    // translate properties into WinBits
    WinBits nStyle = WB_TABSTOP;
    Reference< XPropertySet >  xModelSet(getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xModelSet.is())
            if (::comphelper::getINT16(xModelSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_BORDER)))
                nStyle |= WB_BORDER;
        catch(const Exception&)
            OSL_ASSERT(!"Can not get style");

    pReturn->Create(pParent, nStyle);
    return pReturn;

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::createPeer(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit >& /*rToolkit*/, const Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer >& rParentPeer) throw( RuntimeException )
    if ( !mxModel.is() )
        throw DisposedException( ::rtl::OUString(), *this );

    DBG_ASSERT(/*(0 == m_nPeerCreationLevel) && */!mbCreatingPeer, "FmXGridControl::createPeer : recursion!");
        // I think this should never assert, now that we're using the base class' mbCreatingPeer in addition to
        // our own m_nPeerCreationLevel
        // But I'm not sure as I don't _fully_ understand the underlying toolkit implementations ....
        // (if this asserts, we still need m_nPeerCreationLevel. If not, we could omit it ....)
        // 14.05.2001 - 86836 - frank.schoenheit@germany.sun.com

    // TODO: why the hell this whole class does not use any mutex?

    if (!getPeer().is())
        mbCreatingPeer = sal_True;
            // mbCreatingPeer is virtually the same as m_nPeerCreationLevel, but it's the base class' method
            // to prevent recursion.

        Window* pParentWin = NULL;
        if (rParentPeer.is())
            VCLXWindow* pParent = VCLXWindow::GetImplementation(rParentPeer);
            if (pParent)
                pParentWin = pParent->GetWindow();

        FmXGridPeer* pPeer = imp_CreatePeer(pParentWin);
        DBG_ASSERT(pPeer != NULL, "FmXGridControl::createPeer : imp_CreatePeer didn't return a peer !");
        setPeer( pPeer );

        // lesen der properties aus dem model
//      ++m_nPeerCreationLevel;

        // folgendes unschoene Szenario : updateFromModel fuehrt zu einem propertiesChanged am Control,
        // das stellt fest, dass sich eine 'kritische' Property geaendert hat (zum Beispiel "Border") und
        // legt daraufhin eine neue Peer an, was wieder hier im createPeer landet, wir legen also eine
        // zweite FmXGridPeer an und initialisieren die. Dann kommen wir in der ersten Inkarnation aus
        // dem updsateFromModel raus und arbeiten dort weiter mit dem pPeer, das jetzt eigentlich schon
        // veraltet ist (da ja in der zweiten Inkarnation eine andere Peer angelegt wurde).
        // Deswegen also der Aufwand mit dem PeerCreationLevel, das stellt sicher, dass wir die in dem
        // tiefsten Level angelegte Peer wirklich verwenden, sie aber erst im top-level
        // initialisieren.
//      if (--m_nPeerCreationLevel == 0)
            DBG_ASSERT(getPeer().is(), "FmXGridControl::createPeer : something went wrong ... no top level peer !");
            pPeer = FmXGridPeer::getImplementation(getPeer());

            setPosSize( maComponentInfos.nX, maComponentInfos.nY, maComponentInfos.nWidth, maComponentInfos.nHeight, ::com::sun::star::awt::PosSize::POSSIZE );

            Reference< XIndexContainer >  xColumns(getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
            if (xColumns.is())

            if (maComponentInfos.bVisible)

            if (!maComponentInfos.bEnable)

            if (maWindowListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addWindowListener( &maWindowListeners );

            if (maFocusListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addFocusListener( &maFocusListeners );

            if (maKeyListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addKeyListener( &maKeyListeners );

            if (maMouseListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addMouseListener( &maMouseListeners );

            if (maMouseMotionListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addMouseMotionListener( &maMouseMotionListeners );

            if (maPaintListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addPaintListener( &maPaintListeners );

            if (m_aModifyListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addModifyListener( &m_aModifyListeners );

            if (m_aUpdateListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addUpdateListener( &m_aUpdateListeners );

            if (m_aContainerListeners.getLength())
                pPeer->addContainerListener( &m_aContainerListeners );

            // forward the design mode
            sal_Bool bForceAlivePeer = m_bInDraw && !maComponentInfos.bVisible;
                // (we force a alive-mode peer if we're in "draw", cause in this case the peer will be used for drawing in
                // foreign devices. We ensure this with the visibility check as an living peer is assumed to be noncritical
                // only if invisible)
            Any aOldCursorBookmark;
            if (!mbDesignMode || bForceAlivePeer)
                Reference< XFormComponent >  xComp(getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
                if (xComp.is())
                    Reference< XRowSet >  xForm(xComp->getParent(), UNO_QUERY);
                    // is the form alive?
                    // we can see that if the form contains columns
                    Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier >  xColumnsSupplier(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
                    if (xColumnsSupplier.is())
                        if (Reference< XIndexAccess > (xColumnsSupplier->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY)->getCount())
                            // we get only a new bookmark if the resultset is not forwardonly
                            if (::comphelper::getINT32(Reference< XPropertySet > (xForm, UNO_QUERY)->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_RESULTSET_TYPE)) != ResultSetType::FORWARD_ONLY)
                                // as the FmGridControl touches the data source it is connected to we have to remember the current
                                // cursor position (and restore afterwards)
                                // OJ: but only when we stand on a valid row
                                Reference< XResultSet > xResultSet(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
                                if ( !xResultSet->isBeforeFirst() && !xResultSet->isAfterLast() )
                                        aOldCursorBookmark = Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::XRowLocate > (xForm, UNO_QUERY)->getBookmark();
                                    catch( const Exception& e )
            pPeer->setDesignMode(mbDesignMode && !bForceAlivePeer);

                if (aOldCursorBookmark.hasValue())
                {   // we have a valid bookmark, so we have to restore the cursor's position
                    Reference< XFormComponent >  xComp(getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
                    Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::XRowLocate >  xLocate(xComp->getParent(), UNO_QUERY);
            catch( const Exception& e )

            Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XView >  xPeerView(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
            xPeerView->setZoom( maComponentInfos.nZoomX, maComponentInfos.nZoomY );
            xPeerView->setGraphics( mxGraphics );
        mbCreatingPeer = sal_False;

void FmXGridControl::addModifyListener(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aModifyListeners.addInterface( l );
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aModifyListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyBroadcaster >  xGrid(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xGrid->addModifyListener( &m_aModifyListeners);

sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::select( const Any& _rSelection ) throw (IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException)
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer->select(_rSelection);

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getSelection(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer->getSelection();

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::addSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< XSelectionChangeListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
    m_aSelectionListeners.addInterface( _rxListener );
    if( getPeer().is() && 1 == m_aSelectionListeners.getLength() )
        Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xGrid(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xGrid->addSelectionChangeListener( &m_aSelectionListeners);

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::removeSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< XSelectionChangeListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
    if( getPeer().is() && 1 == m_aSelectionListeners.getLength() )
        Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xGrid(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xGrid->removeSelectionChangeListener( &m_aSelectionListeners);
    m_aSelectionListeners.removeInterface( _rxListener );

Sequence< sal_Bool > SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::queryFieldDataType( const Type& xType ) throw(RuntimeException)
    if (getPeer().is())
        Reference< XGridFieldDataSupplier >  xPeerSupplier(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        if (xPeerSupplier.is())
            return xPeerSupplier->queryFieldDataType(xType);

    return Sequence<sal_Bool>();

Sequence< Any > SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::queryFieldData( sal_Int32 nRow, const Type& xType ) throw(RuntimeException)
    if (getPeer().is())
        Reference< XGridFieldDataSupplier >  xPeerSupplier(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        if (xPeerSupplier.is())
            return xPeerSupplier->queryFieldData(nRow, xType);

    return Sequence< Any>();

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::removeModifyListener(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aModifyListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyBroadcaster >  xGrid(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xGrid->removeModifyListener( &m_aModifyListeners);
    m_aModifyListeners.removeInterface( l );

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::draw( sal_Int32 x, sal_Int32 y ) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    m_bInDraw = sal_True;
    UnoControl::draw(x, y);
    m_bInDraw = sal_False;

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::setDesignMode(sal_Bool bOn) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::com::sun::star::util::ModeChangeEvent aModeChangeEvent;

    // --- <mutex_lock> ---
        ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

        Reference< XRowSetSupplier >  xGrid(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);

        if (xGrid.is() && (bOn != mbDesignMode || (!bOn && !xGrid->getRowSet().is())))
            if (bOn)
                xGrid->setRowSet(Reference< XRowSet > ());
                Reference< XFormComponent >  xComp(getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
                if (xComp.is())
                    Reference< XRowSet >  xForm(xComp->getParent(), UNO_QUERY);

            mbDesignMode = bOn;

            Reference< XVclWindowPeer >  xVclWindowPeer( getPeer(), UNO_QUERY );
            if (xVclWindowPeer.is())
        mbDesignMode = bOn;

        // dispose our current AccessibleContext, if we have one
        // (changing the design mode implies having a new implementation for this context,
        // so the old one must be declared DEFUNC)

        // prepare firing an event
        aModeChangeEvent.Source = *this;
        aModeChangeEvent.NewMode = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( mbDesignMode ? "design" : "alive" );

    // --- </mutex_lock> ---
    maModeChangeListeners.notifyEach( &XModeChangeListener::modeChanged, aModeChangeEvent );

// XBoundComponent
void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::addUpdateListener(const Reference< XUpdateListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aUpdateListeners.addInterface( l );
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aUpdateListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< XBoundComponent >  xBound(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xBound->addUpdateListener( &m_aUpdateListeners);

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::removeUpdateListener(const Reference< XUpdateListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aUpdateListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< XBoundComponent >  xBound(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xBound->removeUpdateListener( &m_aUpdateListeners);
    m_aUpdateListeners.removeInterface( l );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::commit() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XBoundComponent >  xBound(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xBound.is())
        return xBound->commit();
        return sal_True;

// XContainer
void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::addContainerListener(const Reference< XContainerListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aContainerListeners.addInterface( l );
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aContainerListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< XContainer >  xContainer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xContainer->addContainerListener( &m_aContainerListeners);

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::removeContainerListener(const Reference< XContainerListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    if( getPeer().is() && m_aContainerListeners.getLength() == 1 )
        Reference< XContainer >  xContainer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
        xContainer->removeContainerListener( &m_aContainerListeners);
    m_aContainerListeners.removeInterface( l );

Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch >  SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::queryDispatch(const ::com::sun::star::util::URL& aURL, const ::rtl::OUString& aTargetFrameName, sal_Int32 nSearchFlags) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider >  xPeerProvider(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xPeerProvider.is())
        return xPeerProvider->queryDispatch(aURL, aTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
        return Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > ();

Sequence< Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > > SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::queryDispatches(const Sequence< ::com::sun::star::frame::DispatchDescriptor>& aDescripts) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider >  xPeerProvider(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xPeerProvider.is())
        return xPeerProvider->queryDispatches(aDescripts);
        return Sequence< Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > >();

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::registerDispatchProviderInterceptor(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >& _xInterceptor) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterception >  xPeerInterception(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xPeerInterception.is())

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::releaseDispatchProviderInterceptor(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >& _xInterceptor) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterception >  xPeerInterception(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xPeerInterception.is())

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::addGridControlListener( const Reference< XGridControlListener >& _listener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() );

    m_aGridControlListeners.addInterface( _listener );
    if ( getPeer().is() && 1 == m_aGridControlListeners.getLength() )
        Reference< XGridControl > xPeerGrid( getPeer(), UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xPeerGrid.is() )
            xPeerGrid->addGridControlListener( &m_aGridControlListeners );

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::removeGridControlListener( const Reference< XGridControlListener >& _listener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() );

    if( getPeer().is() && 1 == m_aGridControlListeners.getLength() )
        Reference< XGridControl > xPeerGrid( getPeer(), UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xPeerGrid.is() )
            xPeerGrid->removeGridControlListener( &m_aGridControlListeners );

    m_aGridControlListeners.removeInterface( _listener );

sal_Int16 SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getCurrentColumnPosition() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XGridControl > xGrid( getPeer(), UNO_QUERY );
    return xGrid.is() ? xGrid->getCurrentColumnPosition() : -1;

void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::setCurrentColumnPosition(sal_Int16 nPos) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XGridControl > xGrid( getPeer(), UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xGrid.is() )
        ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
        xGrid->setCurrentColumnPosition( nPos );

// XElementAccess
sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::hasElements() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XElementAccess >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer.is() ? xPeer->hasElements() : 0;

Type SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getElementType(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    return ::getCppuType((const Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XTextComponent >*)NULL);

// XEnumerationAccess
Reference< XEnumeration >  SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::createEnumeration() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XEnumerationAccess >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (xPeer.is())
        return xPeer->createEnumeration();
        return new ::comphelper::OEnumerationByIndex(this);

// XIndexAccess
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getCount() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XIndexAccess >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer.is() ? xPeer->getCount() : 0;

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getByIndex(sal_Int32 _nIndex) throw( IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException )
    Reference< XIndexAccess >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (!xPeer.is())
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    return xPeer->getByIndex(_nIndex);

// ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector
void SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::setMode(const ::rtl::OUString& Mode) throw( NoSupportException, RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (!xPeer.is())
        throw NoSupportException();


::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getMode() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer.is() ? xPeer->getMode() : ::rtl::OUString();

::comphelper::StringSequence SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::getSupportedModes() throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer.is() ? xPeer->getSupportedModes() : ::comphelper::StringSequence();

sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridControl::supportsMode(const ::rtl::OUString& Mode) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector >  xPeer(getPeer(), UNO_QUERY);
    return xPeer.is() ? xPeer->supportsMode(Mode) : sal_False;

//= FmXGridPeer
// helper class which prevents that in the peer's header the FmGridListener must be known
class FmXGridPeer::GridListenerDelegator : public FmGridListener
    FmXGridPeer*        m_pPeer;

    GridListenerDelegator( FmXGridPeer* _pPeer );

    virtual void selectionChanged();
    virtual void columnChanged();

FmXGridPeer::GridListenerDelegator::GridListenerDelegator(FmXGridPeer* _pPeer)
    DBG_ASSERT(m_pPeer, "GridListenerDelegator::GridListenerDelegator");

void FmXGridPeer::GridListenerDelegator::selectionChanged()

void FmXGridPeer::GridListenerDelegator::columnChanged()

Reference< XInterface >  FmXGridPeer_CreateInstance(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory>& _rxFactory)
    FmXGridPeer* pNewObject = new FmXGridPeer(_rxFactory);
    pNewObject->Create(NULL, WB_TABSTOP);
    return *pNewObject;

Sequence< Type> SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::getTypes(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    return comphelper::concatSequences( VCLXWindow::getTypes(), FmXGridPeer_BASE::getTypes() );

Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::getImplementationId(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    static ::cppu::OImplementationId* pId = 0;
    if (! pId)
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        if (! pId)
            static ::cppu::OImplementationId aId;
            pId = &aId;
    return pId->getImplementationId();

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::queryInterface(const Type& _rType) throw (RuntimeException)
    Any aReturn = FmXGridPeer_BASE::queryInterface(_rType);

    if (!aReturn.hasValue())
        aReturn = VCLXWindow::queryInterface( _rType );

    return aReturn;

void FmXGridPeer::selectionChanged()
    EventObject aSource;
    aSource.Source = static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this);
    m_aSelectionListeners.notifyEach( &XSelectionChangeListener::selectionChanged, aSource);

void FmXGridPeer::columnChanged()
    EventObject aEvent( *this );
    m_aGridControlListeners.notifyEach( &XGridControlListener::columnChanged, aEvent );

namespace fmgridif
    const ::rtl::OUString getDataModeIdentifier()
        static ::rtl::OUString s_sDataModeIdentifier = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DataMode" ) );
        return s_sDataModeIdentifier;
using namespace fmgridif;

FmXGridPeer::FmXGridPeer(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxFactory)
            ,m_aMode( getDataModeIdentifier() )
    // nach diesem Constructor muss Create gerufen werden !
    m_pGridListener = new GridListenerDelegator( this );

FmGridControl* FmXGridPeer::imp_CreateControl(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle)
    return new FmGridControl(m_xServiceFactory, pParent, this, nStyle);

void FmXGridPeer::Create(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle)
    FmGridControl* pWin = imp_CreateControl(pParent, nStyle);
    DBG_ASSERT(pWin != NULL, "FmXGridPeer::Create : imp_CreateControl didn't return a control !");

    pWin->SetStateProvider(LINK(this, FmXGridPeer, OnQueryGridSlotState));
    pWin->SetSlotExecutor(LINK(this, FmXGridPeer, OnExecuteGridSlot));

    // want to hear about row selections
    pWin->setGridListener( m_pGridListener );

    // Init mu� immer aufgerufen werden


    setRowSet(Reference< XRowSet > ());
    setColumns(Reference< XIndexContainer > ());

    delete m_pGridListener;

const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& FmXGridPeer::getUnoTunnelImplementationId() throw()
    static Sequence< sal_Int8 > * pSeq = 0;
    if( !pSeq )
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        if( !pSeq )
            static Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 );
            rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True );
            pSeq = &aSeq;
    return *pSeq;

FmXGridPeer* FmXGridPeer::getImplementation( const Reference< XInterface >& _rxIFace ) throw()
    FmXGridPeer* pReturn = NULL;
    Reference< XUnoTunnel >  xTunnel(_rxIFace, UNO_QUERY);
    if (xTunnel.is())
        pReturn = reinterpret_cast<FmXGridPeer*>(xTunnel->getSomething(getUnoTunnelImplementationId()));

    return pReturn;

sal_Int64 SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::getSomething( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& _rIdentifier ) throw(RuntimeException)
    sal_Int64 nReturn(0);

    if  (   (_rIdentifier.getLength() == 16)
        &&  (0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelImplementationId().getConstArray(), _rIdentifier.getConstArray(), 16 ))
        nReturn = reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(this);
        nReturn = VCLXWindow::getSomething(_rIdentifier);

    return nReturn;

// XEventListener
void FmXGridPeer::disposing(const EventObject& e) throw( RuntimeException )
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
    bool bKnownSender = false;

    Reference< XIndexContainer >  xCols( e.Source, UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xCols.is() )
        setColumns(Reference< XIndexContainer > ());
        bKnownSender = true;

    Reference< XRowSet >  xCursor(e.Source, UNO_QUERY);
    if (xCursor.is())
        setRowSet( m_xCursor );
        m_xCursor = NULL;
        bKnownSender = true;

    if ( !bKnownSender && m_pDispatchers )
        const Sequence< URL>& aSupportedURLs = getSupportedURLs();
        const URL* pSupportedURLs = aSupportedURLs.getConstArray();
        for ( sal_uInt16 i=0; i < ( aSupportedURLs.getLength() ) && !bKnownSender; ++i, ++pSupportedURLs )
            if ( m_pDispatchers[i] == e.Source )
                m_pDispatchers[i]->removeStatusListener( static_cast< ::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener* >( this ), *pSupportedURLs );
                m_pDispatchers[i] = NULL;
                m_pStateCache[i] = 0;
                bKnownSender = true;

    if ( !bKnownSender )

void FmXGridPeer::addModifyListener(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aModifyListeners.addInterface( l );

void FmXGridPeer::removeModifyListener(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aModifyListeners.removeInterface( l );

#define LAST_KNOWN_TYPE     FormComponentType::PATTERNFIELD
Sequence< sal_Bool > SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::queryFieldDataType( const Type& xType ) throw(RuntimeException)
    // eine 'Konvertierungstabelle'
    static sal_Bool bCanConvert[LAST_KNOWN_TYPE][4] =
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::CONTROL
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::COMMANDBUTTON
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::RADIOBUTTON
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::IMAGEBUTTON
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_True  }, //  FormComponentType::CHECKBOX
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::LISTBOX
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::COMBOBOX
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::GROUPBOX
        { sal_True , sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::TEXTFIELD
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::FIXEDTEXT
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::GRIDCONTROL
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::FILECONTROL
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::HIDDENCONTROL
        { sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::IMAGECONTROL
        { sal_True , sal_True , sal_True , sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::DATEFIELD
        { sal_True , sal_True , sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::TIMEFIELD
        { sal_True , sal_True , sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::NUMERICFIELD
        { sal_True , sal_True , sal_False, sal_False }, //  FormComponentType::CURRENCYFIELD
        { sal_True , sal_False, sal_False, sal_False }  //  FormComponentType::PATTERNFIELD

    sal_Int16 nMapColumn = -1;
    switch (xType.getTypeClass())
        case TypeClass_STRING           : nMapColumn = 0; break;
        case TypeClass_FLOAT:
        case TypeClass_DOUBLE           : nMapColumn = 1; break;
        case TypeClass_SHORT:
        case TypeClass_LONG:
        case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
        case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT   : nMapColumn = 2; break;
        case TypeClass_BOOLEAN          : nMapColumn = 3; break;

    Reference< XIndexContainer >  xColumns = getColumns();

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    sal_Int32 nColumns = pGrid->GetViewColCount();

    DbGridColumns aColumns = pGrid->GetColumns();

    Sequence<sal_Bool> aReturnSequence(nColumns);
    sal_Bool* pReturnArray = aReturnSequence.getArray();

    sal_Bool bRequestedAsAny = (xType.getTypeClass() == TypeClass_ANY);

    DbGridColumn* pCol;
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdb::XColumn >  xFieldContent;
    Reference< XPropertySet >  xCurrentColumn;
    for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nColumns; ++i)
        if (bRequestedAsAny)
            pReturnArray[i] = sal_True;

        pReturnArray[i] = sal_False;

        sal_uInt16 nModelPos = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(pGrid->GetColumnIdFromViewPos((sal_uInt16)i));
        DBG_ASSERT(nModelPos != (sal_uInt16)-1, "FmXGridPeer::queryFieldDataType : no model pos !");

        pCol = aColumns.GetObject(nModelPos);
        const DbGridRowRef xRow = pGrid->GetSeekRow();
        xFieldContent = (xRow.Is() && xRow->HasField(pCol->GetFieldPos())) ? xRow->GetField(pCol->GetFieldPos()).getColumn() : Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdb::XColumn > ();
        if (!xFieldContent.is())
            // can't supply anything without a field content
            // FS - 07.12.99 - 54391

        xColumns->getByIndex(nModelPos) >>= xCurrentColumn;
        if (!::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_CLASSID, xCurrentColumn))

        sal_Int16 nClassId = sal_Int16();
        xCurrentColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_CLASSID) >>= nClassId;
        if (nClassId>LAST_KNOWN_TYPE)
        DBG_ASSERT(nClassId>0, "FmXGridPeer::queryFieldDataType : somebody changed the definition of the FormComponentType enum !");

        if (nMapColumn != -1)
            pReturnArray[i] = bCanConvert[nClassId-1][nMapColumn];

    return aReturnSequence;

Sequence< Any > SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::queryFieldData( sal_Int32 nRow, const Type& xType ) throw(RuntimeException)
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    DBG_ASSERT(pGrid && pGrid->IsOpen(), "FmXGridPeer::queryFieldData : have no valid grid window !");
    if (!pGrid || !pGrid->IsOpen())
        return Sequence< Any>();

    // das Control zur angegebenen Row fahren
    if (!pGrid->SeekRow(nRow))
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    // don't use GetCurrentRow as this isn't affected by the above SeekRow
    // FS - 30.09.99 - 68644
    DbGridRowRef xPaintRow = pGrid->GetPaintRow();
    ENSURE_OR_THROW( xPaintRow.Is(), "invalid paint row" );

    // die Columns des Controls brauche ich fuer GetFieldText
    DbGridColumns aColumns = pGrid->GetColumns();

    // und durch alle Spalten durch
    sal_Int32 nColumnCount = pGrid->GetViewColCount();

    Sequence< Any> aReturnSequence(nColumnCount);
    Any* pReturnArray = aReturnSequence.getArray();

    sal_Bool bRequestedAsAny = (xType.getTypeClass() == TypeClass_ANY);
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdb::XColumn >  xFieldContent;
    DbGridColumn* pCol;
    for (sal_Int32 i=0; i < nColumnCount; ++i)
        sal_uInt16 nModelPos = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(pGrid->GetColumnIdFromViewPos((sal_uInt16)i));
        DBG_ASSERT(nModelPos != (sal_uInt16)-1, "FmXGridPeer::queryFieldData : invalid model pos !");

        // don't use GetCurrentFieldValue to determine the field content as this isn't affected by the above SeekRow
        // FS - 30.09.99 - 68644
        pCol = aColumns.GetObject(nModelPos);
        xFieldContent = xPaintRow->HasField( pCol->GetFieldPos() )
                    ?   xPaintRow->GetField( pCol->GetFieldPos() ).getColumn()
                    :   Reference< XColumn > ();

        if ( !xFieldContent.is() )

        if (bRequestedAsAny)
            Reference< XPropertySet >  xFieldSet(xFieldContent, UNO_QUERY);
            pReturnArray[i] = xFieldSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_VALUE);
            switch (xType.getTypeClass())
                // Strings werden direkt ueber das GetFieldText abgehandelt
                case TypeClass_STRING           :
                    String sText = aColumns.GetObject(nModelPos)->GetCellText( xPaintRow, pGrid->getNumberFormatter() );
                    pReturnArray[i] <<= ::rtl::OUString(sText);
                // alles andere wird an der DatabaseVariant erfragt
                case TypeClass_FLOAT            : pReturnArray[i] <<= xFieldContent->getFloat(); break;
                case TypeClass_DOUBLE           : pReturnArray[i] <<= xFieldContent->getDouble(); break;
                case TypeClass_SHORT            : pReturnArray[i] <<= (sal_Int16)xFieldContent->getShort(); break;
                case TypeClass_LONG             : pReturnArray[i] <<= (sal_Int32)xFieldContent->getLong(); break;
                case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT   : pReturnArray[i] <<= (sal_uInt16)xFieldContent->getShort(); break;
                case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG    : pReturnArray[i] <<= (sal_uInt32)xFieldContent->getLong(); break;
                case TypeClass_BOOLEAN          : ::comphelper::setBOOL(pReturnArray[i],xFieldContent->getBoolean()); break;
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
    return aReturnSequence;

void FmXGridPeer::CellModified()
    EventObject aEvt;
    aEvt.Source = static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this);
    m_aModifyListeners.notifyEach( &XModifyListener::modified, aEvt );

// XPropertyChangeListener
void FmXGridPeer::propertyChange(const PropertyChangeEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
        // want to do a lot of VCL stuff here ...
        // this should not be (deadlock) critical, as by definition, every component should release
        // any own mutexes before notifying

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (!pGrid)

    // DatenbankEvent
    Reference< XRowSet >  xCursor(evt.Source, UNO_QUERY);
    if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_VALUE || m_xCursor == evt.Source)
    else if (pGrid && m_xColumns.is() && m_xColumns->hasElements())
        // zunaechst raussuchen welche Column sich geaendert hat
        ::comphelper::InterfaceRef xCurrent;
        sal_Int32 i;

        for ( i = 0; i < m_xColumns->getCount(); i++)
            ::cppu::extractInterface(xCurrent, m_xColumns->getByIndex(i));
            if (evt.Source == xCurrent)

        if (i >= m_xColumns->getCount())
            // this is valid because we are listening at the cursor, too (RecordCount, -status, edit mode)

        sal_uInt16 nId = pGrid->GetColumnIdFromModelPos((sal_uInt16)i);
        sal_Bool bInvalidateColumn = sal_False;

        if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_LABEL)
            String aName = ::comphelper::getString(evt.NewValue);
            if (aName != pGrid->GetColumnTitle(nId))
                pGrid->SetColumnTitle(nId, aName);
        else if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_WIDTH)
            sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
            if (evt.NewValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_VOID)
                nWidth = pGrid->GetDefaultColumnWidth(pGrid->GetColumnTitle(nId));
                // GetDefaultColumnWidth already considerd the zoom factor
                sal_Int32 nTest = 0;
                if (evt.NewValue >>= nTest)
                    nWidth = pGrid->LogicToPixel(Point(nTest,0),MAP_10TH_MM).X();
                    // take the zoom factor into account
                    nWidth = pGrid->CalcZoom(nWidth);
            if (nWidth != (sal_Int32(pGrid->GetColumnWidth(nId))))
                if (pGrid->IsEditing())
                pGrid->SetColumnWidth(nId, nWidth);
        else if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_HIDDEN)
            DBG_ASSERT(evt.NewValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_BOOLEAN,
                "FmXGridPeer::propertyChange : the property 'hidden' should be of type boolean !");
            if (::comphelper::getBOOL(evt.NewValue))
        else if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_ALIGN)
            // it design mode it doesn't matter
            if (!isDesignMode())
                DbGridColumn* pCol = pGrid->GetColumns().GetObject(i);

                bInvalidateColumn = sal_True;
        else if (evt.PropertyName == FM_PROP_FORMATKEY)
            if (!isDesignMode())
                bInvalidateColumn = sal_True;

        // need to invalidate the affected column ?
        if (bInvalidateColumn)
            sal_Bool bWasEditing = pGrid->IsEditing();
            if (bWasEditing)

            ::Rectangle aColRect = pGrid->GetFieldRect(nId);
            aColRect.Top() = 0;
            aColRect.Bottom() = pGrid->GetSizePixel().Height();

            if (bWasEditing)

// XBoundComponent
void FmXGridPeer::addUpdateListener(const Reference< XUpdateListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )

void FmXGridPeer::removeUpdateListener(const Reference< XUpdateListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )

sal_Bool FmXGridPeer::commit() throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (!m_xCursor.is() || !pGrid)
        return sal_True;

    EventObject aEvt(static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this));
    ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIter(m_aUpdateListeners);
    sal_Bool bCancel = sal_False;
    while (aIter.hasMoreElements() && !bCancel)
        if ( !static_cast< XUpdateListener* >( aIter.next() )->approveUpdate( aEvt ) )
            bCancel = sal_True;

    if (!bCancel)
        bCancel = !pGrid->commit();

    if (!bCancel)
        m_aUpdateListeners.notifyEach( &XUpdateListener::updated, aEvt );
    return !bCancel;

void FmXGridPeer::cursorMoved(const EventObject& _rEvent) throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    // we are not interested in move to insert row only in the resetted event
    // which is fired after positioning an the insert row
    if (pGrid && pGrid->IsOpen() && !::comphelper::getBOOL(Reference< XPropertySet > (_rEvent.Source, UNO_QUERY)->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_ISNEW)))

void FmXGridPeer::rowChanged(const EventObject& _rEvent) throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (pGrid && pGrid->IsOpen())
        if (m_xCursor->rowUpdated() && !pGrid->IsCurrentAppending())
        else if (m_xCursor->rowInserted())

void FmXGridPeer::rowSetChanged(const EventObject& /*event*/) throw( RuntimeException )
    // not interested in ...
    // (our parent is a form which means we get a loaded or reloaded after this rowSetChanged)

// XLoadListener
void FmXGridPeer::loaded(const EventObject& /*rEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )

void FmXGridPeer::unloaded(const EventObject& /*rEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )
    updateGrid( Reference< XRowSet > (NULL) );

void FmXGridPeer::reloading(const EventObject& /*aEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )
    // empty the grid
    updateGrid( Reference< XRowSet > (NULL) );

void FmXGridPeer::unloading(const EventObject& /*aEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )
    // empty the grid
    updateGrid( Reference< XRowSet > (NULL) );

void FmXGridPeer::reloaded(const EventObject& /*aEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )

// XGridPeer
Reference< XIndexContainer >  FmXGridPeer::getColumns() throw( RuntimeException )
    return m_xColumns;

void FmXGridPeer::addColumnListeners(const Reference< XPropertySet >& xCol)
    static const ::rtl::OUString aPropsListenedTo[] =

    // as not all properties have to be supported by all columns we have to check this
    // before adding a listener
    Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xInfo = xCol->getPropertySetInfo();
    Property aPropDesc;
    const ::rtl::OUString* pProps = aPropsListenedTo;
    const ::rtl::OUString* pPropsEnd = pProps + sizeof( aPropsListenedTo ) / sizeof( aPropsListenedTo[ 0 ] );
    for (; pProps != pPropsEnd; ++pProps)
        if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( *pProps ) )
            aPropDesc = xInfo->getPropertyByName( *pProps );
            if ( 0 != ( aPropDesc.Attributes & PropertyAttribute::BOUND ) )
                xCol->addPropertyChangeListener( *pProps, this );

void FmXGridPeer::removeColumnListeners(const Reference< XPropertySet >& xCol)
    // the same props as in addColumnListeners ... linux has problems with global static UStrings, so
    // we have to do it this way ....
    static ::rtl::OUString aPropsListenedTo[] =

    Reference< XPropertySetInfo >  xInfo = xCol->getPropertySetInfo();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<sizeof(aPropsListenedTo)/sizeof(aPropsListenedTo[0]); ++i)
        if (xInfo->hasPropertyByName(aPropsListenedTo[i]))
            xCol->removePropertyChangeListener(aPropsListenedTo[i], this);

void FmXGridPeer::setColumns(const Reference< XIndexContainer >& Columns) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    FmGridControl* pGrid = static_cast< FmGridControl* >( GetWindow() );

    if (m_xColumns.is())
        Reference< XPropertySet > xCol;
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < m_xColumns->getCount(); i++)
            ::cppu::extractInterface(xCol, m_xColumns->getByIndex(i));
        Reference< XContainer >  xContainer(m_xColumns, UNO_QUERY);

        Reference< XSelectionSupplier >  xSelSupplier(m_xColumns, UNO_QUERY);

        Reference< XReset >  xColumnReset(m_xColumns, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xColumnReset.is())
    if (Columns.is())
        Reference< XContainer >  xContainer(Columns, UNO_QUERY);

        Reference< XSelectionSupplier >  xSelSupplier(Columns, UNO_QUERY);

        Reference< XPropertySet >  xCol;
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < Columns->getCount(); i++)
            ::cppu::extractInterface(xCol, Columns->getByIndex(i));

        Reference< XReset >  xColumnReset(Columns, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xColumnReset.is())
    m_xColumns = Columns;
    if (pGrid)

        if (m_xColumns.is())
            EventObject aEvt(m_xColumns);

void FmXGridPeer::setDesignMode(sal_Bool bOn) throw( RuntimeException )
    if (bOn != isDesignMode())
        Window* pWin = GetWindow();
        if (pWin)
            ((FmGridControl*) pWin)->SetDesignMode(bOn);

    if (bOn)
        UpdateDispatches(); // will connect if not already connected and just update else

sal_Bool FmXGridPeer::isDesignMode() throw( RuntimeException )
    Window* pWin = GetWindow();
    if (pWin)
        return ((FmGridControl*) pWin)->IsDesignMode();
        return sal_False;

void FmXGridPeer::elementInserted(const ContainerEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    // Handle Column beruecksichtigen
    if (!pGrid || !m_xColumns.is() || pGrid->IsInColumnMove() || m_xColumns->getCount() == ((sal_Int32)pGrid->GetModelColCount()))

    Reference< XPropertySet >  xSet;
    ::cppu::extractInterface(xSet, evt.Element);

    Reference< XPropertySet >  xNewColumn(xSet);
    String aName = ::comphelper::getString(xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_LABEL));
    Any aWidth = xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_WIDTH);
    sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
    if (aWidth >>= nWidth)
        nWidth = pGrid->LogicToPixel(Point(nWidth,0),MAP_10TH_MM).X();

    pGrid->AppendColumn(aName, (sal_uInt16)nWidth, (sal_Int16)::comphelper::getINT32(evt.Accessor));

    // jetzt die Spalte setzen
    DbGridColumn* pCol = pGrid->GetColumns().GetObject(::comphelper::getINT32(evt.Accessor));

    Any aHidden = xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_HIDDEN);
    if (::comphelper::getBOOL(aHidden))

    FormControlFactory( m_xServiceFactory ).initializeTextFieldLineEnds( xNewColumn );

void FmXGridPeer::elementReplaced(const ContainerEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();

    // Handle Column beruecksichtigen
    if (!pGrid || !m_xColumns.is() || pGrid->IsInColumnMove())

    Reference< XPropertySet >  xNewColumn;
    Reference< XPropertySet >  xOldColumn;
    ::cppu::extractInterface(xNewColumn, evt.Element);
    ::cppu::extractInterface(xOldColumn, evt.ReplacedElement);

    sal_Bool bWasEditing = pGrid->IsEditing();
    if (bWasEditing)



    String aName = ::comphelper::getString(xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_LABEL));
    Any aWidth = xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_WIDTH);
    sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
    if (aWidth >>= nWidth)
        nWidth = pGrid->LogicToPixel(Point(nWidth,0),MAP_10TH_MM).X();
    sal_uInt16 nNewId = pGrid->AppendColumn(aName, (sal_uInt16)nWidth, (sal_Int16)::comphelper::getINT32(evt.Accessor));
    sal_uInt16 nNewPos = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(nNewId);

    // set the model of the new column
    DbGridColumn* pCol = pGrid->GetColumns().GetObject(nNewPos);

    // for initializong this grid column, we need the fields of the grid's data source
    Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xSuppColumns;
    CursorWrapper* pGridDataSource = pGrid->getDataSource();
    if ( pGridDataSource )
        xSuppColumns = xSuppColumns.query( (Reference< XInterface >)( *pGridDataSource ) );
    Reference< XNameAccess > xColumnsByName;
    if ( xSuppColumns.is() )
        xColumnsByName = xSuppColumns->getColumns();
    Reference< XIndexAccess > xColumnsByIndex( xColumnsByName, UNO_QUERY );

    if ( xColumnsByIndex.is() )
        pGrid->InitColumnByField( pCol, xNewColumn, xColumnsByName, xColumnsByIndex );
        // the simple version, applies when the grid is not yet connected to a data source

    if (bWasEditing)

void FmXGridPeer::elementRemoved(const ContainerEvent& evt) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    FmGridControl* pGrid    = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();

    // Handle Column beruecksichtigen
    if (!pGrid || !m_xColumns.is() || pGrid->IsInColumnMove() || m_xColumns->getCount() == ((sal_Int32)pGrid->GetModelColCount()))


    Reference< XPropertySet >  xOldColumn;
    ::cppu::extractInterface(xOldColumn, evt.Element);

void FmXGridPeer::setProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& PropertyName, const Any& Value) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();

    sal_Bool bVoid = !Value.hasValue();

    if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_TEXTLINECOLOR ) )
        ::Color aTextLineColor( bVoid ? COL_TRANSPARENT : ::comphelper::getINT32( Value ) );
        if (bVoid)

        // need to forward this to the columns
        DbGridColumns& rColumns = const_cast<DbGridColumns&>(pGrid->GetColumns());
        DbGridColumn* pLoop = rColumns.First();
        while (pLoop)
            FmXGridCell* pXCell = pLoop->GetCell();
            if (pXCell)
                if (bVoid)

            pLoop = rColumns.Next();

        if (isDesignMode())
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_FONTEMPHASISMARK ) )
        Font aGridFont = pGrid->GetControlFont();
        sal_Int16 nValue = ::comphelper::getINT16(Value);
        aGridFont.SetEmphasisMark( nValue );
        pGrid->SetControlFont( aGridFont );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_FONTRELIEF ) )
        Font aGridFont = pGrid->GetControlFont();
        sal_Int16 nValue = ::comphelper::getINT16(Value);
        aGridFont.SetRelief( (FontRelief)nValue );
        pGrid->SetControlFont( aGridFont );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_HELPURL ) )
        ::rtl::OUString sHelpURL;
        OSL_VERIFY( Value >>= sHelpURL );
        INetURLObject aHID( sHelpURL );
        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_HID )
            sHelpURL = aHID.GetURLPath();
        pGrid->SetHelpId( rtl::OUStringToOString( sHelpURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_DISPLAYSYNCHRON ) )
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_CURSORCOLOR ) )
        if (bVoid)
            pGrid->SetCursorColor( ::Color(::comphelper::getINT32(Value)));
        if (isDesignMode())
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_ALWAYSSHOWCURSOR ) )
        if (isDesignMode())
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_FONT ) )
        if ( bVoid )
            pGrid->SetControlFont( Font() );
            ::com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor aFont;
            if (Value >>= aFont)
                Font aNewVclFont;
                if (::comphelper::operator!=(aFont, ::comphelper::getDefaultFont()))    // ist das der Default
                    aNewVclFont = ImplCreateFont( aFont );

                // need to add relief and emphasis (they're stored in a VCL-Font, but not in a FontDescriptor
                Font aOldVclFont = pGrid->GetControlFont();
                aNewVclFont.SetRelief( aOldVclFont.GetRelief() );
                aNewVclFont.SetEmphasisMark( aOldVclFont.GetEmphasisMark() );

                // now set it ...
                pGrid->SetControlFont( aNewVclFont );

                // if our row-height property is void (which means "calculate it font-dependent") we have
                // to adjust the control's row height
                Reference< XPropertySet >  xModelSet(getColumns(), UNO_QUERY);
                if (xModelSet.is() && ::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_ROWHEIGHT, xModelSet))
                    Any aHeight = xModelSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_ROWHEIGHT);
                    if (!aHeight.hasValue())

    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR ) )
        if ( bVoid )
            ::Color aColor( ::comphelper::getINT32(Value) );
            pGrid->SetBackground( aColor );
            pGrid->SetControlBackground( aColor );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_TEXTCOLOR ) )
        if ( bVoid )
            ::Color aColor( ::comphelper::getINT32(Value) );
            pGrid->SetTextColor( aColor );
            pGrid->SetControlForeground( aColor );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_ROWHEIGHT ) )
        sal_Int32 nLogHeight(0);
        if (Value >>= nLogHeight)
            sal_Int32 nHeight = pGrid->LogicToPixel(Point(0,nLogHeight),MAP_10TH_MM).Y();
            // take the zoom factor into account
            nHeight = pGrid->CalcZoom(nHeight);
        else if (bVoid)
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_HASNAVIGATION ) )
        sal_Bool bValue( sal_True );
        OSL_VERIFY( Value >>= bValue );
        pGrid->EnableNavigationBar( bValue );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_RECORDMARKER ) )
        sal_Bool bValue( sal_True );
        OSL_VERIFY( Value >>= bValue );
        pGrid->EnableHandle( bValue );
    else if ( 0 == PropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_ENABLED ) )
        sal_Bool bValue( sal_True );
        OSL_VERIFY( Value >>= bValue );
        pGrid->EnableHandle( bValue );

        // Im DesignModus nur das Datenfenster disablen
        // Sonst kann das Control nicht mehr konfiguriert werden
        if (isDesignMode())
            pGrid->GetDataWindow().Enable( bValue );
            pGrid->Enable( bValue );
        VCLXWindow::setProperty( PropertyName, Value );

Reference< XAccessibleContext > FmXGridPeer::CreateAccessibleContext()
    Reference< XAccessibleContext > xContext;

    // use the AccessibleContext provided by the VCL window
    Window* pGrid = GetWindow();
    if ( pGrid )
        Reference< XAccessible > xAcc( pGrid->GetAccessible( sal_True ) );
        if ( xAcc.is() )
            xContext = xAcc->getAccessibleContext();
        // TODO: this has a slight conceptual problem:
        // We know that the XAccessible and XAccessibleContext implementation of the browse
        // box is the same (the class implements both interfaces), which, speaking strictly,
        // is bad here (means when a browse box acts as UnoControl): We (the FmXGridPeer) are
        // the XAccessible here, and the browse box should be able to provide us an XAccessibleContext,
        // but it should _not_ be the XAccessible itself.
        // However, as long as no client implementation uses dirty hacks such as querying an
        // XAccessibleContext for XAccessible, this should not be a problem.

    if ( !xContext.is() )
        xContext = VCLXWindow::CreateAccessibleContext( );

    return xContext;

Any FmXGridPeer::getProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName ) throw( RuntimeException )
    Any aProp;
    if (GetWindow())
        FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
        Window* pDataWindow  = &pGrid->GetDataWindow();

        if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_NAME ) )
            Font aFont = pDataWindow->GetControlFont();
            aProp <<= ImplCreateFontDescriptor( aFont );
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_TEXTCOLOR ) )
            aProp <<= (sal_Int32)pDataWindow->GetControlForeground().GetColor();
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR ) )
            aProp <<= (sal_Int32)pDataWindow->GetControlBackground().GetColor();
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_ROWHEIGHT ) )
            sal_Int32 nPixelHeight = pGrid->GetDataRowHeight();
            // take the zoom factor into account
            nPixelHeight = pGrid->CalcReverseZoom(nPixelHeight);
            aProp <<= (sal_Int32)pGrid->PixelToLogic(Point(0,nPixelHeight),MAP_10TH_MM).Y();
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_HASNAVIGATION ) )
            sal_Bool bHasNavBar = pGrid->HasNavigationBar();
            aProp <<= (sal_Bool)bHasNavBar;
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_RECORDMARKER ) )
            sal_Bool bHasHandle = pGrid->HasHandle();
            aProp <<= (sal_Bool)bHasHandle;
        else if ( 0 == _rPropertyName.compareTo( FM_PROP_ENABLED ) )
            aProp <<= (sal_Bool)pDataWindow->IsEnabled();
            aProp = VCLXWindow::getProperty( _rPropertyName );
    return aProp;

void FmXGridPeer::dispose() throw( RuntimeException )
    EventObject aEvt;
    aEvt.Source = static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this);

    // release all interceptors
    // discovered during #100312# - 2002-10-23 - fs@openoffice.org
    Reference< XDispatchProviderInterceptor > xInterceptor( m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor );
    while ( xInterceptor.is() )
        // tell the interceptor it has a new (means no) predecessor
        xInterceptor->setMasterDispatchProvider( NULL );

        // ask for it's successor
        Reference< XDispatchProvider > xSlave = xInterceptor->getSlaveDispatchProvider();
        // and give it the new (means no) successoert
        xInterceptor->setSlaveDispatchProvider( NULL );

        // start over with the next chain element
        xInterceptor = xInterceptor.query( xSlave );

    setRowSet(Reference< XRowSet > ());

// XContainer
void FmXGridPeer::addContainerListener(const Reference< XContainerListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aContainerListeners.addInterface( l );
void FmXGridPeer::removeContainerListener(const Reference< XContainerListener >& l) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aContainerListeners.removeInterface( l );

// ::com::sun::star::data::XDatabaseCursorSupplier
void FmXGridPeer::startCursorListening()
    if (!m_nCursorListening)
        Reference< XRowSet >  xRowSet(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xRowSet.is())

        Reference< XReset >  xReset(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xReset.is())

        // alle Listener anmelden
        Reference< XPropertySet >  xSet(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xSet.is())
            xSet->addPropertyChangeListener(FM_PROP_ISMODIFIED, this);
            xSet->addPropertyChangeListener(FM_PROP_ROWCOUNT, this);

void FmXGridPeer::stopCursorListening()
    if (!--m_nCursorListening)
        Reference< XRowSet >  xRowSet(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xRowSet.is())

        Reference< XReset >  xReset(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xReset.is())

        Reference< XPropertySet >  xSet(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        if (xSet.is())
            xSet->removePropertyChangeListener(FM_PROP_ISMODIFIED, this);
            xSet->removePropertyChangeListener(FM_PROP_ROWCOUNT, this);

void FmXGridPeer::updateGrid(const Reference< XRowSet >& _rxCursor)
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*)GetWindow();
    if (pGrid)

Reference< XRowSet >  FmXGridPeer::getRowSet() throw( RuntimeException )
    return m_xCursor;

void FmXGridPeer::setRowSet(const Reference< XRowSet >& _rDatabaseCursor) throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (!pGrid || !m_xColumns.is() || !m_xColumns->getCount())
    // alle Listener abmelden
    if (m_xCursor.is())
        Reference< XLoadable >  xLoadable(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        // only if the form is loaded we set the rowset
        if (xLoadable.is())

    m_xCursor = _rDatabaseCursor;

    if (pGrid)
        Reference< XLoadable >  xLoadable(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
        // only if the form is loaded we set the rowset
        if (xLoadable.is() && xLoadable->isLoaded())
            pGrid->setDataSource(Reference< XRowSet > ());

        if (xLoadable.is())

void SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::addGridControlListener( const Reference< XGridControlListener >& _listener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aGridControlListeners.addInterface( _listener );

void SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::removeGridControlListener( const Reference< XGridControlListener >& _listener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    m_aGridControlListeners.removeInterface( _listener );

sal_Int16 FmXGridPeer::getCurrentColumnPosition() throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    return pGrid ? pGrid->GetViewColumnPos(pGrid->GetCurColumnId()) : -1;

void FmXGridPeer::setCurrentColumnPosition(sal_Int16 nPos) throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (pGrid)

void FmXGridPeer::selectionChanged(const EventObject& evt) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (pGrid)
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::view::XSelectionSupplier >  xSelSupplier(evt.Source, UNO_QUERY);
        Any aSelection = xSelSupplier->getSelection();
        DBG_ASSERT(aSelection.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE, "FmXGridPeer::selectionChanged : invalid selection !");
        Reference< XPropertySet >  xSelection;
         aSelection >>= xSelection;
        if (xSelection.is())
            Reference< XPropertySet > xCol;
            sal_Int32 i = 0;
            sal_Int32 nColCount = m_xColumns->getCount();

            for (; i < nColCount; ++i)
                m_xColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
                if ( xCol == xSelection )
            // fuer das VCL-Control muessen die Columns 1-basiert sein
            // die Selektion an das VCL-Control weiterreichen, wenn noetig
            if ( i != pGrid->GetSelectedColumn() )
            {   // (wenn das nicht greift, wurde das selectionChanged implizit von dem Control selber ausgeloest
                if ( i < nColCount )
                    pGrid->SelectColumnPos(pGrid->GetViewColumnPos(pGrid->GetColumnIdFromModelPos( (sal_uInt16)i )) + 1, sal_True);
                    // SelectColumnPos hat wieder zu einem impliziten ActivateCell gefuehrt
                    if (pGrid->IsEditing())

// XElementAccess
sal_Bool FmXGridPeer::hasElements() throw( RuntimeException )
    return getCount() != 0;

Type SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::getElementType(  ) throw(RuntimeException)
    return ::getCppuType((Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl> *)NULL);

// XEnumerationAccess
Reference< XEnumeration >  FmXGridPeer::createEnumeration() throw( RuntimeException )
    return new ::comphelper::OEnumerationByIndex(this);

// XIndexAccess
sal_Int32 FmXGridPeer::getCount() throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (pGrid)
        return pGrid->GetViewColCount();
        return 0;

Any FmXGridPeer::getByIndex(sal_Int32 _nIndex) throw( IndexOutOfBoundsException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if (_nIndex < 0 ||
        _nIndex >= getCount() || !pGrid)
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    Any aElement;
    // get the columnid
    sal_uInt16 nId = pGrid->GetColumnIdFromViewPos((sal_uInt16)_nIndex);
    // get the list position
    sal_uInt16 nPos = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(nId);

    DbGridColumn* pCol = pGrid->GetColumns().GetObject(nPos);
//  DBG_ASSERT(pCol && pCol->GetCell(), "FmXGridPeer::getByIndex(): Invalid cell");
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl >  xControl(pCol->GetCell());
    aElement <<= xControl;

    return aElement;

// ::com::sun::star::util::XModeSelector
void FmXGridPeer::setMode(const ::rtl::OUString& Mode) throw( NoSupportException, RuntimeException )
    if (!supportsMode(Mode))
        throw NoSupportException();

    if (Mode == m_aMode)

    m_aMode = Mode;

    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    if ( Mode == ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FilterMode" ) ) )

::rtl::OUString FmXGridPeer::getMode() throw( RuntimeException )
    return m_aMode;

::comphelper::StringSequence FmXGridPeer::getSupportedModes() throw( RuntimeException )
    static ::comphelper::StringSequence aModes;
    if (!aModes.getLength())
        ::rtl::OUString* pModes = aModes.getArray();
        pModes[0] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DataMode" ) );
        pModes[1] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FilterMode" ) );
    return aModes;

sal_Bool FmXGridPeer::supportsMode(const ::rtl::OUString& Mode) throw( RuntimeException )
    ::comphelper::StringSequence aModes(getSupportedModes());
    const ::rtl::OUString* pModes = aModes.getConstArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = aModes.getLength(); i > 0; )
        if (pModes[--i] == Mode)
            return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

void FmXGridPeer::columnVisible(DbGridColumn* pColumn)
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();

    sal_Int32 _nIndex = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(pColumn->GetId());
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl >  xControl(pColumn->GetCell());
    ContainerEvent aEvt;
    aEvt.Source   = (XContainer*)this;
    aEvt.Accessor <<= _nIndex;
    aEvt.Element  <<= xControl;

    m_aContainerListeners.notifyEach( &XContainerListener::elementInserted, aEvt );

void FmXGridPeer::columnHidden(DbGridColumn* pColumn)
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();

    sal_Int32 _nIndex = pGrid->GetModelColumnPos(pColumn->GetId());
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl >  xControl(pColumn->GetCell());
    ContainerEvent aEvt;
    aEvt.Source   = (XContainer*)this;
    aEvt.Accessor <<= _nIndex;
    aEvt.Element  <<= xControl;

    m_aContainerListeners.notifyEach( &XContainerListener::elementRemoved, aEvt );

void FmXGridPeer::draw( sal_Int32 x, sal_Int32 y ) throw( RuntimeException )
    FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
    sal_Int32 nOldFlags = pGrid->GetBrowserFlags();
    pGrid->SetBrowserFlags(nOldFlags | EBBF_NOROWPICTURE);

    VCLXWindow::draw(x, y);


Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch >  FmXGridPeer::queryDispatch(const ::com::sun::star::util::URL& aURL, const ::rtl::OUString& aTargetFrameName, sal_Int32 nSearchFlags) throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch >  xResult;

    // first ask our interceptor chain
    if (m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor.is() && !m_bInterceptingDispatch)
        m_bInterceptingDispatch = sal_True;
            // safety against recursion : as we are master of the first chain element and slave of the last one we would
            // have an infinite loop without this if no dispatcher can fullfill the rewuest)
        xResult = m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor->queryDispatch(aURL, aTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
        m_bInterceptingDispatch = sal_False;

    // then ask ourself : we don't have any dispatches
    return xResult;

Sequence< Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > > FmXGridPeer::queryDispatches(const Sequence< ::com::sun::star::frame::DispatchDescriptor>& aDescripts) throw( RuntimeException )
    if (m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor.is())
        return m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor->queryDispatches(aDescripts);

    // then ask ourself : we don't have any dispatches
    return Sequence< Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > >();

void FmXGridPeer::registerDispatchProviderInterceptor(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >& _xInterceptor) throw( RuntimeException )
    if (_xInterceptor.is())
        if (m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor.is())
            Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider > xFirstProvider(m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor, UNO_QUERY);
            // there is already an interceptor; the new one will become its master
            // it is the first interceptor; set ourself as slave

        // we are the master of the chain's first interceptor
        m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor = _xInterceptor;

        // we have a new interceptor and we're alive ?
        if (!isDesignMode())
            // -> check for new dispatchers

void FmXGridPeer::releaseDispatchProviderInterceptor(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >& _xInterceptor) throw( RuntimeException )
    if (!_xInterceptor.is())

    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >  xChainWalk(m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor);

    if (m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor == _xInterceptor)
    {   // our chain will have a new first element
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >  xSlave(m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor->getSlaveDispatchProvider(), UNO_QUERY);
        m_xFirstDispatchInterceptor = xSlave;
    // do this before removing the interceptor from the chain as we won't know it's slave afterwards)

    while (xChainWalk.is())
        // walk along the chain of interceptors and look for the interceptor that has to be removed
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >  xSlave(xChainWalk->getSlaveDispatchProvider(), UNO_QUERY);

        if (xChainWalk == _xInterceptor)
            // old master may be an interceptor too
            Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProviderInterceptor >  xMaster(xChainWalk->getMasterDispatchProvider(), UNO_QUERY);

            // unchain the interceptor that has to be removed
            xChainWalk->setSlaveDispatchProvider(Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider > ());
            xChainWalk->setMasterDispatchProvider(Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider > ());

            // reconnect the chain
            if (xMaster.is())
                if (xSlave.is())
                    xMaster->setSlaveDispatchProvider(Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchProvider >::query(xSlave));
                    // it's the first interceptor of the chain, set ourself as slave
                // the chain's first element was removed, set ourself as new master of the second one
                if (xSlave.is())

        xChainWalk = xSlave;
    // our interceptor chain has changed and we're alive ?
    if (!isDesignMode())
        // -> check the dispatchers

void FmXGridPeer::statusChanged(const ::com::sun::star::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event) throw( RuntimeException )
    DBG_ASSERT(m_pStateCache, "FmXGridPeer::statusChanged : invalid call !");
    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDispatchers, "FmXGridPeer::statusChanged : invalid call !");

    Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& aUrls = getSupportedURLs();
    const ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pUrls = aUrls.getConstArray();

    Sequence<sal_uInt16> aSlots = getSupportedGridSlots();
    const sal_uInt16* pSlots = aSlots.getConstArray();

    sal_uInt16 i;
    for (i=0; i<aUrls.getLength(); ++i, ++pUrls, ++pSlots)
        if (pUrls->Main == Event.FeatureURL.Main)
            DBG_ASSERT(m_pDispatchers[i] == Event.Source, "FmXGridPeer::statusChanged : the event source is a little bit suspect !");
            m_pStateCache[i] = Event.IsEnabled;
            FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
            if (*pSlots != SID_FM_RECORD_UNDO)
    DBG_ASSERT(i<aUrls.getLength(), "FmXGridPeer::statusChanged : got a call for an unknown url !");

sal_Bool FmXGridPeer::approveReset(const EventObject& /*rEvent*/) throw( RuntimeException )
    return sal_True;

sal_Bool SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::select( const Any& _rSelection ) throw (IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException)
    Sequence< Any > aBookmarks;
    if ( !( _rSelection >>= aBookmarks ) )
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    FmGridControl* pVclControl = static_cast<FmGridControl*>(GetWindow());
    return pVclControl->selectBookmarks(aBookmarks);

    // TODO:
    // speaking strictly, we would have to adjust our model, as our ColumnSelection may have changed.
    // Our model is a XSelectionSupplier, too, it handles the selection of single columns.
    // This is somewhat strange, as selection should be a view (not a model) aspect.
    // So for a clean solution, we should handle column selection ourself, and the model shouldn't
    // deal with selection at all.

Any SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::getSelection(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
    FmGridControl* pVclControl = static_cast<FmGridControl*>(GetWindow());
    Sequence< Any > aSelectionBookmarks = pVclControl->getSelectionBookmarks();
    return makeAny(aSelectionBookmarks);

void SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::addSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< XSelectionChangeListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
    m_aSelectionListeners.addInterface( _rxListener );

void SAL_CALL FmXGridPeer::removeSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< XSelectionChangeListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
    m_aSelectionListeners.removeInterface( _rxListener );

void FmXGridPeer::resetted(const EventObject& rEvent) throw( RuntimeException )
    if (m_xColumns == rEvent.Source)
    {   // my model was reset -> refresh the grid content
        FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*)GetWindow();
        if (!pGrid)
        ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    // if the cursor fired a reset event we seem to be on the insert row
    else if (m_xCursor == rEvent.Source)
        ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
        FmGridControl* pGrid = (FmGridControl*) GetWindow();
        if (pGrid && pGrid->IsOpen())

Sequence<sal_uInt16>& FmXGridPeer::getSupportedGridSlots()
    static Sequence<sal_uInt16> aSupported;
    if (aSupported.getLength() == 0)
        sal_uInt16 nSupported[] = {
        sal_uInt16* pSupported = aSupported.getArray();
        for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSupported.getLength(); ++i, ++pSupported)
            *pSupported = nSupported[i];
    return aSupported;

Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& FmXGridPeer::getSupportedURLs()
    static Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL> aSupported;
    if (aSupported.getLength() == 0)
        static ::rtl::OUString sSupported[] = {
        ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pSupported = aSupported.getArray();
        sal_uInt16 i;

        for ( i = 0; i < aSupported.getLength(); ++i, ++pSupported)
            pSupported->Complete = sSupported[i];

        // let an ::com::sun::star::util::URL-transformer normalize the URLs
        Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XURLTransformer >  xTransformer(
        pSupported = aSupported.getArray();
        if (xTransformer.is())
            for (i=0; i<aSupported.getLength(); ++i)

    return aSupported;

void FmXGridPeer::UpdateDispatches()
    if (!m_pStateCache)
    {   // we don't have any dispatchers yet -> do the initial connect

    sal_uInt16 nDispatchersGot = 0;
    const Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& aSupportedURLs = getSupportedURLs();
    const ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pSupportedURLs = aSupportedURLs.getConstArray();
    Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch >  xNewDispatch;
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSupportedURLs.getLength(); ++i, ++pSupportedURLs)
        xNewDispatch = queryDispatch(*pSupportedURLs, rtl::OUString(), 0);
        if (xNewDispatch != m_pDispatchers[i])
            if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())
                m_pDispatchers[i]->removeStatusListener((::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener*)this, *pSupportedURLs);
            m_pDispatchers[i] = xNewDispatch;
            if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())
                m_pDispatchers[i]->addStatusListener((::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener*)this, *pSupportedURLs);
        if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())

    if (!nDispatchersGot)
        delete[] m_pStateCache;
        delete[] m_pDispatchers;
        m_pStateCache = NULL;
        m_pDispatchers = NULL;

void FmXGridPeer::ConnectToDispatcher()
    DBG_ASSERT((m_pStateCache != NULL) == (m_pDispatchers != NULL), "FmXGridPeer::ConnectToDispatcher : inconsistent !");
    if (m_pStateCache)
    {   // already connected -> just do an update

    const Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& aSupportedURLs = getSupportedURLs();

    // _before_ adding the status listeners (as the add should result in a statusChanged-call) !
    m_pStateCache = new sal_Bool[aSupportedURLs.getLength()];
    m_pDispatchers = new Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XDispatch > [aSupportedURLs.getLength()];

    sal_uInt16 nDispatchersGot = 0;
    const ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pSupportedURLs = aSupportedURLs.getConstArray();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSupportedURLs.getLength(); ++i, ++pSupportedURLs)
        m_pStateCache[i] = 0;
        m_pDispatchers[i] = queryDispatch(*pSupportedURLs, rtl::OUString(), 0);
        if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())
            m_pDispatchers[i]->addStatusListener((::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener*)this, *pSupportedURLs);

    if (!nDispatchersGot)
        delete[] m_pStateCache;
        delete[] m_pDispatchers;
        m_pStateCache = NULL;
        m_pDispatchers = NULL;

void FmXGridPeer::DisConnectFromDispatcher()
    if (!m_pStateCache || !m_pDispatchers)
    // we're not connected

    const Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& aSupportedURLs = getSupportedURLs();
    const ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pSupportedURLs = aSupportedURLs.getConstArray();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSupportedURLs.getLength(); ++i, ++pSupportedURLs)
        if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())
            m_pDispatchers[i]->removeStatusListener((::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener*)this, *pSupportedURLs);

    delete[] m_pStateCache;
    delete[] m_pDispatchers;
    m_pStateCache = NULL;
    m_pDispatchers = NULL;

IMPL_LINK(FmXGridPeer, OnQueryGridSlotState, void*, pSlot)
    if (!m_pStateCache)
        return -1;  // unspecified

    sal_uInt16 nSlot = (sal_uInt16)(sal_uIntPtr)pSlot;

    // search the given slot with our supported sequence
    Sequence<sal_uInt16>& aSupported = getSupportedGridSlots();
    const sal_uInt16* pSlots = aSupported.getConstArray();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSupported.getLength(); ++i)
        if (pSlots[i] == nSlot)
            if (!m_pDispatchers[i].is())
                return -1;  // nothing known about this slot
                return m_pStateCache[i];

    return  -1;

IMPL_LINK(FmXGridPeer, OnExecuteGridSlot, void*, pSlot)
    if (!m_pDispatchers)
        return 0;   // not handled

    Sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::URL>& aUrls = getSupportedURLs();
    const ::com::sun::star::util::URL* pUrls = aUrls.getConstArray();

    Sequence<sal_uInt16> aSlots = getSupportedGridSlots();
    const sal_uInt16* pSlots = aSlots.getConstArray();

    DBG_ASSERT(aSlots.getLength() == aUrls.getLength(), "FmXGridPeer::OnExecuteGridSlot : inconstent data returned by getSupportedURLs/getSupportedGridSlots !");

    sal_uInt16 nSlot = (sal_uInt16)(sal_uIntPtr)pSlot;
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aSlots.getLength(); ++i, ++pUrls, ++pSlots)
        if (*pSlots == nSlot)
            if (m_pDispatchers[i].is())
                // commit any changes done so far, if it's not the undoRecord URL
                if ( 0 == pUrls->Complete.compareTo( FMURL_RECORD_UNDO ) || commit() )
                    m_pDispatchers[i]->dispatch(*pUrls, Sequence< PropertyValue>());

                return 1;   // handled

    return 0;   // not handled