/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DROP_ACTION_TIMER_INITIAL_TICKS 10 // it takes this long for the scrolling to begin #define DROP_ACTION_TIMER_SCROLL_TICKS 3 // a line is scrolled in these intervals #define DROP_ACTION_TIMER_TICK_BASE 10 // this is the basis for multiplying both figures (in ms) using namespace ::svxform; using namespace ::connectivity; using namespace ::dbtools; namespace svxform { using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFormController; using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFilterController; using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFilterControllerListener; using ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::FilterEvent; using ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject; using ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException; using ::com::sun::star::form::XForm; using ::com::sun::star::container::XChild; using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControl; using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection; using ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier; using ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatter; using ::com::sun::star::util::NumberFormatter; using ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XRowSet; using ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale; using ::com::sun::star::sdb::SQLContext; using ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_SET_THROW; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; OFilterItemExchange::OFilterItemExchange() : m_pFormItem(nullptr) { } void OFilterItemExchange::AddSupportedFormats() { AddFormat(getFormatId()); } SotClipboardFormatId OFilterItemExchange::getFormatId() { static SotClipboardFormatId s_nFormat = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName("application/x-openoffice;windows_formatname=\"form.FilterControlExchange\""); DBG_ASSERT(static_cast(-1) != s_nFormat, "OFilterExchangeHelper::getFormatId: bad exchange id!"); return s_nFormat; } OLocalExchange* OFilterExchangeHelper::createExchange() const { return new OFilterItemExchange; } Image FmFilterData::GetImage() const { return Image(); } FmParentData::~FmParentData() { } Image FmFormItem::GetImage() const { return Image(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FORM); } FmFilterItem* FmFilterItems::Find( const ::sal_Int32 _nFilterComponentIndex ) const { for ( auto & pData : m_aChildren ) { FmFilterItem& rCondition = dynamic_cast(*pData); if ( _nFilterComponentIndex == rCondition.GetComponentIndex() ) return &rCondition; } return nullptr; } Image FmFilterItems::GetImage() const { return Image(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FILTER); } FmFilterItem::FmFilterItem( FmFilterItems* pParent, const OUString& aFieldName, const OUString& aText, const sal_Int32 _nComponentIndex ) :FmFilterData(pParent, aText) ,m_aFieldName(aFieldName) ,m_nComponentIndex( _nComponentIndex ) { } Image FmFilterItem::GetImage() const { return Image(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FIELD); } // Hints for communication between model and view class FmFilterHint : public SfxHint { FmFilterData* const m_pData; public: explicit FmFilterHint(FmFilterData* pData):m_pData(pData){} FmFilterData* GetData() const { return m_pData; } }; class FmFilterInsertedHint : public FmFilterHint { size_t const m_nPos; // Position relative to the parent of the data public: FmFilterInsertedHint(FmFilterData* pData, size_t nRelPos) :FmFilterHint(pData) ,m_nPos(nRelPos){} size_t GetPos() const { return m_nPos; } }; class FmFilterRemovedHint : public FmFilterHint { public: explicit FmFilterRemovedHint(FmFilterData* pData) :FmFilterHint(pData){} }; class FmFilterTextChangedHint : public FmFilterHint { public: explicit FmFilterTextChangedHint(FmFilterData* pData) :FmFilterHint(pData){} }; class FilterClearingHint : public SfxHint { public: FilterClearingHint(){} }; class FmFilterCurrentChangedHint : public SfxHint { public: FmFilterCurrentChangedHint(){} }; // class FmFilterAdapter, listener at the FilterControls class FmFilterAdapter : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< XFilterControllerListener > { FmFilterModel* m_pModel; Reference< XIndexAccess > m_xControllers; public: FmFilterAdapter(FmFilterModel* pModel, const Reference< XIndexAccess >& xControllers); // XEventListener virtual void SAL_CALL disposing(const EventObject& Source) override; // XFilterControllerListener virtual void SAL_CALL predicateExpressionChanged( const FilterEvent& Event ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL disjunctiveTermRemoved( const FilterEvent& Event ) override; virtual void SAL_CALL disjunctiveTermAdded( const FilterEvent& Event ) override; // helpers /// @throws RuntimeException void dispose(); void AddOrRemoveListener( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& _rxControllers, const bool _bAdd ); static void setText(sal_Int32 nPos, const FmFilterItem* pFilterItem, const OUString& rText); }; FmFilterAdapter::FmFilterAdapter(FmFilterModel* pModel, const Reference< XIndexAccess >& xControllers) :m_pModel( pModel ) ,m_xControllers( xControllers ) { AddOrRemoveListener( m_xControllers, true ); } void FmFilterAdapter::dispose() { AddOrRemoveListener( m_xControllers, false ); } void FmFilterAdapter::AddOrRemoveListener( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& _rxControllers, const bool _bAdd ) { for (sal_Int32 i = 0, nLen = _rxControllers->getCount(); i < nLen; ++i) { Reference< XIndexAccess > xElement( _rxControllers->getByIndex(i), UNO_QUERY ); // step down AddOrRemoveListener( xElement, _bAdd ); // handle this particular controller Reference< XFilterController > xController( xElement, UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xController.is(), "FmFilterAdapter::InsertElements: no XFilterController, cannot sync data!" ); if ( xController.is() ) { if ( _bAdd ) xController->addFilterControllerListener( this ); else xController->removeFilterControllerListener( this ); } } } void FmFilterAdapter::setText(sal_Int32 nRowPos, const FmFilterItem* pFilterItem, const OUString& rText) { FmFormItem* pFormItem = dynamic_cast( pFilterItem->GetParent()->GetParent() ); assert(pFormItem); try { Reference< XFilterController > xController( pFormItem->GetController(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xController->setPredicateExpression( pFilterItem->GetComponentIndex(), nRowPos, rText ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } } // XEventListener void SAL_CALL FmFilterAdapter::disposing(const EventObject& /*e*/) { } namespace { OUString lcl_getLabelName_nothrow( const Reference< XControl >& _rxControl ) { OUString sLabelName; try { Reference< XPropertySet > xModel( _rxControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sLabelName = getLabelName( xModel ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } return sLabelName; } Reference< XPropertySet > lcl_getBoundField_nothrow( const Reference< XControl >& _rxControl ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xField; try { Reference< XPropertySet > xModelProps( _rxControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xField.set( xModelProps->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_BOUNDFIELD ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } return xField; } } // XFilterControllerListener void FmFilterAdapter::predicateExpressionChanged( const FilterEvent& Event ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if ( !m_pModel ) return; // the controller which sent the event Reference< XFormController > xController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XForm > xForm( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); FmFormItem* pFormItem = m_pModel->Find( m_pModel->m_aChildren, xForm ); OSL_ENSURE( pFormItem, "FmFilterAdapter::predicateExpressionChanged: don't know this form!" ); if ( !pFormItem ) return; const sal_Int32 nActiveTerm( xFilterController->getActiveTerm() ); FmFilterData* pData = pFormItem->GetChildren()[nActiveTerm].get(); FmFilterItems& rFilter = dynamic_cast(*pData); FmFilterItem* pFilterItem = rFilter.Find( Event.FilterComponent ); if ( pFilterItem ) { if ( !Event.PredicateExpression.isEmpty()) { pFilterItem->SetText( Event.PredicateExpression ); // notify the UI FmFilterTextChangedHint aChangeHint(pFilterItem); m_pModel->Broadcast( aChangeHint ); } else { // no text anymore so remove the condition m_pModel->Remove(pFilterItem); } } else { // searching the component by field name OUString aFieldName( lcl_getLabelName_nothrow( xFilterController->getFilterComponent( Event.FilterComponent ) ) ); std::unique_ptr pNewFilterItem(new FmFilterItem(&rFilter, aFieldName, Event.PredicateExpression, Event.FilterComponent)); m_pModel->Insert(rFilter.GetChildren().end(), std::move(pNewFilterItem)); } // ensure there's one empty term in the filter, just in case the active term was previously empty m_pModel->EnsureEmptyFilterRows( *pFormItem ); } void SAL_CALL FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermRemoved( const FilterEvent& Event ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; Reference< XFormController > xController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XForm > xForm( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); FmFormItem* pFormItem = m_pModel->Find( m_pModel->m_aChildren, xForm ); OSL_ENSURE( pFormItem, "FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermRemoved: don't know this form!" ); if ( !pFormItem ) return; auto& rTermItems = pFormItem->GetChildren(); const bool bValidIndex = ( Event.DisjunctiveTerm >= 0 ) && ( static_cast(Event.DisjunctiveTerm) < rTermItems.size() ); OSL_ENSURE( bValidIndex, "FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermRemoved: invalid term index!" ); if ( !bValidIndex ) return; // if the first term was removed, then the to-be first term needs its text updated if ( Event.DisjunctiveTerm == 0 ) { rTermItems[1]->SetText( SvxResId(RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR)); FmFilterTextChangedHint aChangeHint( rTermItems[1].get() ); m_pModel->Broadcast( aChangeHint ); } // finally remove the entry from the model m_pModel->Remove( rTermItems.begin() + Event.DisjunctiveTerm ); // ensure there's one empty term in the filter, just in case the currently removed one was the last empty one m_pModel->EnsureEmptyFilterRows( *pFormItem ); } void SAL_CALL FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermAdded( const FilterEvent& Event ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; Reference< XFormController > xController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( Event.Source, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XForm > xForm( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); FmFormItem* pFormItem = m_pModel->Find( m_pModel->m_aChildren, xForm ); OSL_ENSURE( pFormItem, "FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermAdded: don't know this form!" ); if ( !pFormItem ) return; const sal_Int32 nInsertPos = Event.DisjunctiveTerm; bool bValidIndex = ( nInsertPos >= 0 ) && ( static_cast(nInsertPos) <= pFormItem->GetChildren().size() ); if ( !bValidIndex ) { OSL_FAIL( "FmFilterAdapter::disjunctiveTermAdded: invalid index!" ); return; } auto insertPos = pFormItem->GetChildren().begin() + nInsertPos; // "Filter for" for first position, "Or" for the other positions std::unique_ptr pFilterItems(new FmFilterItems(pFormItem, (nInsertPos?SvxResId(RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_OR):SvxResId(RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR)))); m_pModel->Insert( insertPos, std::move(pFilterItems) ); } FmFilterModel::FmFilterModel() :FmParentData(nullptr, OUString()) ,OSQLParserClient(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()) ,m_pCurrentItems(nullptr) { } FmFilterModel::~FmFilterModel() { Clear(); } void FmFilterModel::Clear() { // notify FilterClearingHint aClearedHint; Broadcast( aClearedHint ); // lose endings if (m_pAdapter.is()) { m_pAdapter->dispose(); m_pAdapter.clear(); } m_pCurrentItems = nullptr; m_xController = nullptr; m_xControllers = nullptr; m_aChildren.clear(); } void FmFilterModel::Update(const Reference< XIndexAccess > & xControllers, const Reference< XFormController > & xCurrent) { if ( xCurrent == m_xController ) return; if (!xControllers.is()) { Clear(); return; } // there is only a new current controller if ( m_xControllers != xControllers ) { Clear(); m_xControllers = xControllers; Update(m_xControllers, this); DBG_ASSERT(xCurrent.is(), "FmFilterModel::Update(...) no current controller"); // Listening for TextChanges m_pAdapter = new FmFilterAdapter(this, xControllers); SetCurrentController(xCurrent); EnsureEmptyFilterRows( *this ); } else SetCurrentController(xCurrent); } void FmFilterModel::Update(const Reference< XIndexAccess > & xControllers, FmParentData* pParent) { try { sal_Int32 nCount = xControllers->getCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { Reference< XFormController > xController( xControllers->getByIndex(i), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XPropertySet > xFormProperties( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); OUString aName; OSL_VERIFY( xFormProperties->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_NAME ) >>= aName ); // Insert a new item for the form FmFormItem* pFormItem = new FmFormItem( pParent, xController, aName ); Insert( pParent->GetChildren().end(), std::unique_ptr(pFormItem) ); Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( pFormItem->GetFilterController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); // insert the existing filters for the form OUString aTitle(SvxResId(RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR)); const Sequence< Sequence< OUString > > aExpressions = xFilterController->getPredicateExpressions(); for ( auto const & conjunctionTerm : aExpressions ) { // we always display one row, even if there's no term to be displayed FmFilterItems* pFilterItems = new FmFilterItems( pFormItem, aTitle ); Insert( pFormItem->GetChildren().end(), std::unique_ptr(pFilterItems) ); const Sequence< OUString >& rDisjunction( conjunctionTerm ); sal_Int32 nComponentIndex = -1; for ( const OUString& rDisjunctiveTerm : rDisjunction ) { ++nComponentIndex; if ( rDisjunctiveTerm.isEmpty() ) // no condition for this particular component in this particular conjunction term continue; // determine the display name of the control const Reference< XControl > xFilterControl( xFilterController->getFilterComponent( nComponentIndex ) ); const OUString sDisplayName( lcl_getLabelName_nothrow( xFilterControl ) ); // insert a new entry std::unique_ptr pANDCondition(new FmFilterItem( pFilterItems, sDisplayName, rDisjunctiveTerm, nComponentIndex )); Insert( pFilterItems->GetChildren().end(), std::move(pANDCondition) ); } // title for the next conditions aTitle = SvxResId( RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_OR ); } // now add dependent controllers Update( xController, pFormItem ); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } } FmFormItem* FmFilterModel::Find(const ::std::vector>& rItems, const Reference< XFormController > & xController) const { for (const auto& rItem : rItems) { FmFormItem* pForm = dynamic_cast( rItem.get() ); if (pForm) { if ( xController == pForm->GetController() ) return pForm; else { pForm = Find(pForm->GetChildren(), xController); if (pForm) return pForm; } } } return nullptr; } FmFormItem* FmFilterModel::Find(const ::std::vector>& rItems, const Reference< XForm >& xForm) const { for (const auto& rItem : rItems) { FmFormItem* pForm = dynamic_cast( rItem.get() ); if (pForm) { if (xForm == pForm->GetController()->getModel()) return pForm; else { pForm = Find(pForm->GetChildren(), xForm); if (pForm) return pForm; } } } return nullptr; } void FmFilterModel::SetCurrentController(const Reference< XFormController > & xCurrent) { if ( xCurrent == m_xController ) return; m_xController = xCurrent; FmFormItem* pItem = Find( m_aChildren, xCurrent ); if ( !pItem ) return; try { Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( m_xController, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); const sal_Int32 nActiveTerm( xFilterController->getActiveTerm() ); if ( pItem->GetChildren().size() > static_cast(nActiveTerm) ) { SetCurrentItems( static_cast< FmFilterItems* >( pItem->GetChildren()[ nActiveTerm ].get() ) ); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } } void FmFilterModel::AppendFilterItems( FmFormItem& _rFormItem ) { // insert the condition behind the last filter items auto iter = std::find_if(_rFormItem.GetChildren().rbegin(), _rFormItem.GetChildren().rend(), [](const std::unique_ptr& rChild) { return dynamic_cast(rChild.get()) != nullptr; }); sal_Int32 nInsertPos = iter.base() - _rFormItem.GetChildren().begin(); // delegate this to the FilterController, it will notify us, which will let us update our model try { Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( _rFormItem.GetFilterController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); if ( nInsertPos >= xFilterController->getDisjunctiveTerms() ) xFilterController->appendEmptyDisjunctiveTerm(); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } } void FmFilterModel::Insert(const ::std::vector>::iterator& rPos, std::unique_ptr pData) { auto pTemp = pData.get(); size_t nPos; ::std::vector>& rItems = pData->GetParent()->GetChildren(); if (rPos == rItems.end()) { nPos = rItems.size(); rItems.push_back(std::move(pData)); } else { nPos = rPos - rItems.begin(); rItems.insert(rPos, std::move(pData)); } // notify the UI FmFilterInsertedHint aInsertedHint(pTemp, nPos); Broadcast( aInsertedHint ); } void FmFilterModel::Remove(FmFilterData* pData) { FmParentData* pParent = pData->GetParent(); ::std::vector>& rItems = pParent->GetChildren(); // erase the item from the model auto i = ::std::find_if(rItems.begin(), rItems.end(), [&](const std::unique_ptr& p) { return p.get() == pData; } ); DBG_ASSERT(i != rItems.end(), "FmFilterModel::Remove(): unknown Item"); // position within the parent sal_Int32 nPos = i - rItems.begin(); if (dynamic_cast( pData) != nullptr) { FmFormItem* pFormItem = static_cast(pParent); try { Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( pFormItem->GetFilterController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); bool bEmptyLastTerm = ( ( nPos == 0 ) && xFilterController->getDisjunctiveTerms() == 1 ); if ( bEmptyLastTerm ) { // remove all children (by setting an empty predicate expression) ::std::vector< std::unique_ptr >& rChildren = static_cast(pData)->GetChildren(); while ( !rChildren.empty() ) { auto removePos = rChildren.end() - 1; if (FmFilterItem* pFilterItem = dynamic_cast( removePos->get() )) { FmFilterAdapter::setText( nPos, pFilterItem, OUString() ); } Remove( removePos ); } } else { xFilterController->removeDisjunctiveTerm( nPos ); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } } else // FormItems can not be deleted { FmFilterItem& rFilterItem = dynamic_cast(*pData); // if it's the last condition remove the parent if (rItems.size() == 1) Remove(rFilterItem.GetParent()); else { // find the position of the father within his father ::std::vector>& rParentParentItems = pData->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetChildren(); auto j = ::std::find_if(rParentParentItems.begin(), rParentParentItems.end(), [&](const std::unique_ptr& p) { return p.get() == rFilterItem.GetParent(); }); DBG_ASSERT(j != rParentParentItems.end(), "FmFilterModel::Remove(): unknown Item"); sal_Int32 nParentPos = j - rParentParentItems.begin(); // EmptyText removes the filter FmFilterAdapter::setText(nParentPos, &rFilterItem, OUString()); Remove( i ); } } } void FmFilterModel::Remove( const ::std::vector>::iterator& rPos ) { // remove from parent's child list std::unique_ptr pData = std::move(*rPos); pData->GetParent()->GetChildren().erase( rPos ); // notify the view, this will remove the actual SvTreeListEntry FmFilterRemovedHint aRemoveHint( pData.get() ); Broadcast( aRemoveHint ); } bool FmFilterModel::ValidateText(FmFilterItem const * pItem, OUString& rText, OUString& rErrorMsg) const { FmFormItem* pFormItem = dynamic_cast( pItem->GetParent()->GetParent() ); assert(pFormItem); try { Reference< XFormController > xFormController( pFormItem->GetController() ); // obtain the connection of the form belonging to the controller Reference< XRowSet > xRowSet( xFormController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XConnection > xConnection( getConnection( xRowSet ) ); // obtain a number formatter for this connection // TODO: shouldn't this be cached? Reference< XNumberFormatsSupplier > xFormatSupplier = getNumberFormats( xConnection, true ); Reference< XNumberFormatter > xFormatter( NumberFormatter::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xFormatter->attachNumberFormatsSupplier( xFormatSupplier ); // get the field (database column) which the item is responsible for Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( xFormController, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XPropertySet > xField( lcl_getBoundField_nothrow( xFilterController->getFilterComponent( pItem->GetComponentIndex() ) ), UNO_SET_THROW ); // parse the given text as filter predicate OUString aErr, aTxt( rText ); std::unique_ptr< OSQLParseNode > pParseNode = predicateTree( aErr, aTxt, xFormatter, xField ); rErrorMsg = aErr; rText = aTxt; if ( pParseNode != nullptr ) { OUString aPreparedText; Locale aAppLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale(); pParseNode->parseNodeToPredicateStr( aPreparedText, xConnection, xFormatter, xField, OUString(), aAppLocale, '.', getParseContext() ); rText = aPreparedText; return true; } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } return false; } void FmFilterModel::Append(FmFilterItems* pItems, std::unique_ptr pFilterItem) { Insert(pItems->GetChildren().end(), std::move(pFilterItem)); } void FmFilterModel::SetTextForItem(FmFilterItem* pItem, const OUString& rText) { ::std::vector>& rItems = pItem->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetChildren(); auto i = ::std::find_if(rItems.begin(), rItems.end(), [&](const std::unique_ptr& p) { return p.get() == pItem->GetParent(); }); sal_Int32 nParentPos = i - rItems.begin(); FmFilterAdapter::setText(nParentPos, pItem, rText); if (rText.isEmpty()) Remove(pItem); else { // Change the text pItem->SetText(rText); FmFilterTextChangedHint aChangeHint(pItem); Broadcast( aChangeHint ); } } void FmFilterModel::SetCurrentItems(FmFilterItems* pCurrent) { if (m_pCurrentItems == pCurrent) return; // search for the condition if (pCurrent) { FmFormItem* pFormItem = static_cast(pCurrent->GetParent()); ::std::vector>& rItems = pFormItem->GetChildren(); auto i = ::std::find_if(rItems.begin(), rItems.end(), [&](const std::unique_ptr& p) { return p.get() == pCurrent; }); if (i != rItems.end()) { // determine the filter position sal_Int32 nPos = i - rItems.begin(); try { Reference< XFilterController > xFilterController( pFormItem->GetFilterController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); xFilterController->setActiveTerm( nPos ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("svx"); } if ( m_xController != pFormItem->GetController() ) // calls SetCurrentItems again SetCurrentController( pFormItem->GetController() ); else m_pCurrentItems = pCurrent; } else m_pCurrentItems = nullptr; } else m_pCurrentItems = nullptr; // notify the UI FmFilterCurrentChangedHint aHint; Broadcast( aHint ); } void FmFilterModel::EnsureEmptyFilterRows( FmParentData& _rItem ) { // checks whether for each form there's one free level for input ::std::vector< std::unique_ptr >& rChildren = _rItem.GetChildren(); bool bAppendLevel = dynamic_cast(&_rItem) != nullptr; for ( const auto& rpChild : rChildren ) { FmFilterItems* pItems = dynamic_cast( rpChild.get() ); if ( pItems && pItems->GetChildren().empty() ) { bAppendLevel = false; break; } FmFormItem* pFormItem = dynamic_cast( rpChild.get() ); if (pFormItem) { EnsureEmptyFilterRows( *pFormItem ); continue; } } if ( bAppendLevel ) { FmFormItem* pFormItem = dynamic_cast( &_rItem ); OSL_ENSURE( pFormItem, "FmFilterModel::EnsureEmptyFilterRows: no FmFormItem, but a FmFilterItems child?" ); if ( pFormItem ) AppendFilterItems( *pFormItem ); } } class FmFilterItemsString : public SvLBoxString { public: explicit FmFilterItemsString(const OUString& rStr) : SvLBoxString(rStr) { } virtual void Paint(const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rDev, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const SvViewDataEntry* pView, const SvTreeListEntry& rEntry) override; virtual void InitViewData( SvTreeListBox* pView,SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, SvViewDataItem* pViewData = nullptr) override; }; const int nxDBmp = 12; void FmFilterItemsString::Paint(const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rDev, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const SvViewDataEntry* /*pView*/, const SvTreeListEntry& rEntry) { FmFilterItems* pRow = static_cast(rEntry.GetUserData()); FmFormItem* pForm = static_cast(pRow->GetParent()); // current filter is significant painted const bool bIsCurrentFilter = pForm->GetChildren()[ pForm->GetFilterController()->getActiveTerm() ].get() == pRow; if (bIsCurrentFilter) { rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::LINECOLOR); rRenderContext.SetLineColor(rRenderContext.GetTextColor()); Size aSize(GetWidth(&rDev, &rEntry), GetHeight(&rDev, &rEntry)); tools::Rectangle aRect(rPos, aSize); Point aFirst(rPos.X(), aRect.Bottom() - 6); Point aSecond(aFirst .X() + 2, aFirst.Y() + 3); rRenderContext.DrawLine(aFirst, aSecond); aFirst = aSecond; aFirst.AdjustX(1 ); aSecond.AdjustX(6 ); aSecond.AdjustY( -5 ); rRenderContext.DrawLine(aFirst, aSecond); rRenderContext.Pop(); } rRenderContext.DrawText(Point(rPos.X() + nxDBmp, rPos.Y()), GetText()); } void FmFilterItemsString::InitViewData( SvTreeListBox* pView,SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, SvViewDataItem* pViewData) { if( !pViewData ) pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this ); Size aSize(pView->GetTextWidth(GetText()), pView->GetTextHeight()); aSize.AdjustWidth(nxDBmp ); pViewData->mnWidth = aSize.Width(); pViewData->mnHeight = aSize.Height(); } class FmFilterString : public SvLBoxString { OUString m_aName; public: FmFilterString( const OUString& rStr, const OUString& aName) : SvLBoxString(rStr) , m_aName(aName) { m_aName += ": "; } virtual void Paint(const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rDev, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const SvViewDataEntry* pView, const SvTreeListEntry& rEntry) override; virtual void InitViewData( SvTreeListBox* pView,SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, SvViewDataItem* pViewData = nullptr) override; }; const int nxD = 4; void FmFilterString::InitViewData( SvTreeListBox* pView,SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, SvViewDataItem* pViewData) { if( !pViewData ) pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this ); vcl::Font aOldFont( pView->GetFont()); vcl::Font aFont( aOldFont ); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD); pView->Control::SetFont( aFont ); Size aSize(pView->GetTextWidth(m_aName), pView->GetTextHeight()); pView->Control::SetFont( aOldFont ); aSize.AdjustWidth(pView->GetTextWidth(GetText()) + nxD ); pViewData->mnWidth = aSize.Width(); pViewData->mnHeight = aSize.Height(); } void FmFilterString::Paint(const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rDev, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const SvViewDataEntry* /*pView*/, const SvTreeListEntry& /*rEntry*/) { rRenderContext.Push(PushFlags::FONT); vcl::Font aFont(rRenderContext.GetFont()); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD); rRenderContext.SetFont(aFont); Point aPos(rPos); rRenderContext.DrawText(aPos, m_aName); // position for the second text aPos.AdjustX(rDev.GetTextWidth(m_aName) + nxD ); rRenderContext.Pop(); rDev.DrawText(aPos, GetText()); } FmFilterNavigator::FmFilterNavigator( vcl::Window* pParent ) :SvTreeListBox( pParent, WB_HASBUTTONS|WB_HASLINES|WB_BORDER|WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT ) ,m_pEditingCurrently( nullptr ) ,m_aControlExchange( this ) ,m_aTimerCounter( 0 ) ,m_aDropActionType( DA_SCROLLUP ) { SetHelpId( HID_FILTER_NAVIGATOR ); SetNodeBitmaps( Image(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_COLLAPSEDNODE), Image(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_EXPANDEDNODE) ); m_pModel.reset( new FmFilterModel() ); StartListening( *m_pModel ); EnableInplaceEditing( true ); SetSelectionMode(SelectionMode::Multiple); SetDragDropMode(DragDropMode::ALL); m_aDropActionTimer.SetInvokeHandler(LINK(this, FmFilterNavigator, OnDropActionTimer)); } FmFilterNavigator::~FmFilterNavigator() { disposeOnce(); } void FmFilterNavigator::dispose() { EndListening( *m_pModel ); m_pModel.reset(); SvTreeListBox::dispose(); } void FmFilterNavigator::UpdateContent(const Reference< XIndexAccess > & xControllers, const Reference< XFormController > & xCurrent) { if (xCurrent == m_pModel->GetCurrentController()) return; m_pModel->Update(xControllers, xCurrent); // expand the filters for the current controller SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FindEntry(m_pModel->GetCurrentForm()); if (pEntry && !IsExpanded(pEntry)) { SelectAll(false); if (!IsExpanded(pEntry)) Expand(pEntry); pEntry = FindEntry(m_pModel->GetCurrentItems()); if (pEntry) { if (!IsExpanded(pEntry)) Expand(pEntry); Select(pEntry); } } } bool FmFilterNavigator::EditingEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, Selection& rSelection ) { m_pEditingCurrently = pEntry; if (!SvTreeListBox::EditingEntry( pEntry, rSelection )) return false; return pEntry && dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr; } bool FmFilterNavigator::EditedEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, const OUString& rNewText ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEntry == m_pEditingCurrently, "FmFilterNavigator::EditedEntry: suspicious entry!"); m_pEditingCurrently = nullptr; if (EditingCanceled()) return true; DBG_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr, "FmFilterNavigator::EditedEntry() wrong entry"); OUString aText(comphelper::string::strip(rNewText, ' ')); if (aText.isEmpty()) { // deleting the entry asynchron PostUserEvent(LINK(this, FmFilterNavigator, OnRemove), pEntry, true); } else { OUString aErrorMsg; if (m_pModel->ValidateText(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()), aText, aErrorMsg)) { GrabFocus(); // this will set the text at the FmFilterItem, as well as update any filter controls // which are connected to this particular entry m_pModel->SetTextForItem( static_cast< FmFilterItem* >( pEntry->GetUserData() ), aText ); SetCursor( pEntry, true ); SetEntryText( pEntry, aText ); } else { // display the error and return sal_False SQLContext aError; aError.Message = SvxResId(RID_STR_SYNTAXERROR); aError.Details = aErrorMsg; displayException(aError, this); return false; } } return true; } IMPL_LINK( FmFilterNavigator, OnRemove, void*, p, void ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = static_cast(p); // now remove the entry m_pModel->Remove(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FmFilterNavigator, OnDropActionTimer, Timer *, void) { if (--m_aTimerCounter > 0) return; switch (m_aDropActionType) { case DA_SCROLLUP : ScrollOutputArea(1); m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_SCROLL_TICKS; break; case DA_SCROLLDOWN : ScrollOutputArea(-1); m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_SCROLL_TICKS; break; case DA_EXPANDNODE: { SvTreeListEntry* pToExpand = GetEntry(m_aTimerTriggered); if (pToExpand && (GetChildCount(pToExpand) > 0) && !IsExpanded(pToExpand)) Expand(pToExpand); m_aDropActionTimer.Stop(); } break; } } sal_Int8 FmFilterNavigator::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) { Point aDropPos = rEvt.maPosPixel; // possible DropActions scroll and expand if (rEvt.mbLeaving) { if (m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive()) m_aDropActionTimer.Stop(); } else { bool bNeedTrigger = false; // first entry ? if ((aDropPos.Y() >= 0) && (aDropPos.Y() < GetEntryHeight())) { m_aDropActionType = DA_SCROLLUP; bNeedTrigger = true; } else { if ((aDropPos.Y() < GetSizePixel().Height()) && (aDropPos.Y() >= GetSizePixel().Height() - GetEntryHeight())) { m_aDropActionType = DA_SCROLLDOWN; bNeedTrigger = true; } else { // is it an entry with children, and not yet expanded? SvTreeListEntry* pDroppedOn = GetEntry(aDropPos); if (pDroppedOn && (GetChildCount(pDroppedOn) > 0) && !IsExpanded(pDroppedOn)) { // -> expand m_aDropActionType = DA_EXPANDNODE; bNeedTrigger = true; } } } if (bNeedTrigger && (m_aTimerTriggered != aDropPos)) { m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_INITIAL_TICKS; // remember DropPos because there are QueryDrops even though the mouse was not moved m_aTimerTriggered = aDropPos; if (!m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive()) { m_aDropActionTimer.SetTimeout(DROP_ACTION_TIMER_TICK_BASE); m_aDropActionTimer.Start(); } } else if (!bNeedTrigger) m_aDropActionTimer.Stop(); } if (!m_aControlExchange.isDragSource()) return DND_ACTION_NONE; if (!OFilterItemExchange::hasFormat(GetDataFlavorExVector())) return DND_ACTION_NONE; // do we contain the formitem? if (!FindEntry(m_aControlExchange->getFormItem())) return DND_ACTION_NONE; SvTreeListEntry* pDropTarget = GetEntry(aDropPos); if (!pDropTarget) return DND_ACTION_NONE; FmFilterData* pData = static_cast(pDropTarget->GetUserData()); FmFormItem* pForm = nullptr; if (dynamic_cast(pData) != nullptr) { pForm = dynamic_cast( pData->GetParent()->GetParent() ); if (pForm != m_aControlExchange->getFormItem()) return DND_ACTION_NONE; } else if (dynamic_cast( pData) != nullptr) { pForm = dynamic_cast( pData->GetParent() ); if (pForm != m_aControlExchange->getFormItem()) return DND_ACTION_NONE; } else return DND_ACTION_NONE; return rEvt.mnAction; } namespace { FmFilterItems* getTargetItems(SvTreeListEntry const * _pTarget) { FmFilterData* pData = static_cast(_pTarget->GetUserData()); FmFilterItems* pTargetItems = dynamic_cast(pData); if (!pTargetItems) pTargetItems = dynamic_cast(pData->GetParent()); return pTargetItems; } } sal_Int8 FmFilterNavigator::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) { // you can't scroll after dropping... if (m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive()) m_aDropActionTimer.Stop(); if (!m_aControlExchange.isDragSource()) return DND_ACTION_NONE; Point aDropPos = rEvt.maPosPixel; SvTreeListEntry* pDropTarget = GetEntry( aDropPos ); if (!pDropTarget) return DND_ACTION_NONE; // search the container where to add the items FmFilterItems* pTargetItems = getTargetItems(pDropTarget); SelectAll(false); SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FindEntry(pTargetItems); Select(pEntry); SetCurEntry(pEntry); insertFilterItem(m_aControlExchange->getDraggedEntries(),pTargetItems,DND_ACTION_COPY == rEvt.mnAction); return DND_ACTION_COPY; } void FmFilterNavigator::InitEntry(SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, const OUString& rStr, const Image& rImg1, const Image& rImg2) { SvTreeListBox::InitEntry( pEntry, rStr, rImg1, rImg2 ); std::unique_ptr pString; if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) pString.reset(new FmFilterString(rStr, static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->GetFieldName())); else if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) pString.reset(new FmFilterItemsString(rStr)); if (pString) pEntry->ReplaceItem(std::move(pString), 1 ); } bool FmFilterNavigator::Select( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, bool bSelect ) { if (bSelect == IsSelected(pEntry)) // This happens sometimes. I think the basic class errs too much on the side of caution. ;) return true; if (SvTreeListBox::Select(pEntry, bSelect)) { if (bSelect) { FmFormItem* pFormItem = nullptr; if ( dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) pFormItem = static_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->GetParent()->GetParent()); else if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) pFormItem = static_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->GetParent()->GetParent()); else if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) pFormItem = static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()); if (pFormItem) { // will the controller be exchanged? if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) m_pModel->SetCurrentItems(static_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->GetParent())); else if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) m_pModel->SetCurrentItems(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())); else if (dynamic_cast(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())) != nullptr) m_pModel->SetCurrentController(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->GetController()); } } return true; } else return false; } void FmFilterNavigator::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if (const FmFilterInsertedHint* pInsertHint = dynamic_cast(&rHint)) { Insert(pInsertHint->GetData(), pInsertHint->GetPos()); } else if( dynamic_cast(&rHint) ) { SvTreeListBox::Clear(); } else if (const FmFilterRemovedHint* pRemoveHint = dynamic_cast(&rHint)) { Remove(pRemoveHint->GetData()); } else if (const FmFilterTextChangedHint *pChangeHint = dynamic_cast(&rHint)) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FindEntry(pChangeHint->GetData()); if (pEntry) SetEntryText( pEntry, pChangeHint->GetData()->GetText()); } else if( dynamic_cast(&rHint) ) { // invalidate the entries for (SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = First(); pEntry != nullptr; pEntry = Next(pEntry)) GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry ); } } SvTreeListEntry* FmFilterNavigator::FindEntry(const FmFilterData* pItem) const { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = nullptr; if (pItem) { for (pEntry = First(); pEntry != nullptr; pEntry = Next( pEntry )) { FmFilterData* pEntryItem = static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()); if (pEntryItem == pItem) break; } } return pEntry; } void FmFilterNavigator::Insert(FmFilterData* pItem, sal_uLong nPos) { const FmParentData* pParent = pItem->GetParent() ? pItem->GetParent() : GetFilterModel(); // insert the item SvTreeListEntry* pParentEntry = FindEntry( pParent ); InsertEntry( pItem->GetText(), pItem->GetImage(), pItem->GetImage(), pParentEntry, false, nPos, pItem ); if ( pParentEntry ) Expand( pParentEntry ); } void FmFilterNavigator::Remove(FmFilterData const * pItem) { // the entry for the data SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FindEntry(pItem); if (pEntry == m_pEditingCurrently) // cancel editing EndEditing(true); if (pEntry) GetModel()->Remove( pEntry ); } FmFormItem* FmFilterNavigator::getSelectedFilterItems(::std::vector& _rItemList) { // be sure that the data is only used within only one form! FmFormItem* pFirstItem = nullptr; bool bHandled = true; bool bFoundSomething = false; for (SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected(); bHandled && pEntry != nullptr; pEntry = NextSelected(pEntry)) { FmFilterItem* pFilter = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()) ); if (pFilter) { FmFormItem* pForm = dynamic_cast( pFilter->GetParent()->GetParent() ); if (!pForm) bHandled = false; else if (!pFirstItem) pFirstItem = pForm; else if (pFirstItem != pForm) bHandled = false; if (bHandled) { _rItemList.push_back(pFilter); bFoundSomething = true; } } } if ( !bHandled || !bFoundSomething ) pFirstItem = nullptr; return pFirstItem; } void FmFilterNavigator::insertFilterItem(const ::std::vector& _rFilterList,FmFilterItems* _pTargetItems,bool _bCopy) { for (FmFilterItem* pLookupItem : _rFilterList) { if ( pLookupItem->GetParent() == _pTargetItems ) continue; FmFilterItem* pFilterItem = _pTargetItems->Find( pLookupItem->GetComponentIndex() ); OUString aText = pLookupItem->GetText(); if ( !pFilterItem ) { pFilterItem = new FmFilterItem( _pTargetItems, pLookupItem->GetFieldName(), aText, pLookupItem->GetComponentIndex() ); m_pModel->Append( _pTargetItems, std::unique_ptr(pFilterItem) ); } if ( !_bCopy ) m_pModel->Remove( pLookupItem ); // now set the text for the new dragged item m_pModel->SetTextForItem( pFilterItem, aText ); } m_pModel->EnsureEmptyFilterRows( *_pTargetItems->GetParent() ); } void FmFilterNavigator::StartDrag( sal_Int8 /*_nAction*/, const Point& /*_rPosPixel*/ ) { EndSelection(); // be sure that the data is only used within an only one form! m_aControlExchange.prepareDrag(); ::std::vector aItemList; if ( FmFormItem* pFirstItem = getSelectedFilterItems(aItemList) ) { m_aControlExchange->setDraggedEntries(aItemList); m_aControlExchange->setFormItem(pFirstItem); m_aControlExchange.startDrag( DND_ACTION_COPYMOVE ); } } void FmFilterNavigator::Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt ) { bool bHandled = false; switch (rEvt.GetCommand()) { case CommandEventId::ContextMenu: { // the place where it was clicked Point aWhere; SvTreeListEntry* pClicked = nullptr; if (rEvt.IsMouseEvent()) { aWhere = rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(); pClicked = GetEntry(aWhere); if (pClicked == nullptr) break; if (!IsSelected(pClicked)) { SelectAll(false); Select(pClicked); SetCurEntry(pClicked); } } else { pClicked = GetCurEntry(); if (!pClicked) break; aWhere = GetEntryPosition( pClicked ); } ::std::vector aSelectList; for (SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected(); pEntry != nullptr; pEntry = NextSelected(pEntry)) { // don't delete forms FmFormItem* pForm = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()) ); if (!pForm) aSelectList.push_back(static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())); } if (aSelectList.size() == 1) { // don't delete the only empty row of a form FmFilterItems* pFilterItems = dynamic_cast( aSelectList[0] ); if (pFilterItems && pFilterItems->GetChildren().empty() && pFilterItems->GetParent()->GetChildren().size() == 1) aSelectList.clear(); } VclBuilder aBuilder(nullptr, VclBuilderContainer::getUIRootDir(), "svx/ui/filtermenu.ui", ""); VclPtr aContextMenu(aBuilder.get_menu("menu")); // every condition could be deleted except the first one if it's the only one aContextMenu->EnableItem(aContextMenu->GetItemId("delete"), !aSelectList.empty()); bool bEdit = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pClicked->GetUserData()) ) != nullptr && IsSelected(pClicked) && GetSelectionCount() == 1; aContextMenu->EnableItem(aContextMenu->GetItemId("edit"), bEdit); aContextMenu->EnableItem(aContextMenu->GetItemId("isnull"), bEdit); aContextMenu->EnableItem(aContextMenu->GetItemId("isnotnull"), bEdit); aContextMenu->RemoveDisabledEntries(true, true); aContextMenu->Execute(this, aWhere); OString sIdent = aContextMenu->GetCurItemIdent(); if (sIdent == "edit") EditEntry( pClicked ); else if (sIdent == "isnull") { OUString aErrorMsg; OUString aText = "IS NULL"; m_pModel->ValidateText(static_cast(pClicked->GetUserData()), aText, aErrorMsg); m_pModel->SetTextForItem(static_cast(pClicked->GetUserData()), aText); } else if (sIdent == "isnotnull") { OUString aErrorMsg; OUString aText = "IS NOT NULL"; m_pModel->ValidateText(static_cast(pClicked->GetUserData()), aText, aErrorMsg); m_pModel->SetTextForItem(static_cast(pClicked->GetUserData()), aText); } else if (sIdent == "delete") { DeleteSelection(); } bHandled = true; } break; default: break; } if (!bHandled) SvTreeListBox::Command( rEvt ); } SvTreeListEntry* FmFilterNavigator::getNextEntry(SvTreeListEntry* _pStartWith) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = _pStartWith ? _pStartWith : LastSelected(); pEntry = Next(pEntry); // we need the next filter entry while( pEntry && GetChildCount( pEntry ) == 0 && pEntry != Last() ) pEntry = Next(pEntry); return pEntry; } SvTreeListEntry* FmFilterNavigator::getPrevEntry(SvTreeListEntry* _pStartWith) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = _pStartWith ? _pStartWith : FirstSelected(); pEntry = Prev(pEntry); // check if the previous entry is a filter, if so get the next prev if ( pEntry && GetChildCount( pEntry ) != 0 ) { pEntry = Prev(pEntry); // if the entry is still no leaf return if ( pEntry && GetChildCount( pEntry ) != 0 ) pEntry = nullptr; } return pEntry; } void FmFilterNavigator::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); switch ( rKeyCode.GetCode() ) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: { if ( !rKeyCode.IsMod1() || !rKeyCode.IsMod2() || rKeyCode.IsShift() ) break; ::std::vector aItemList; if ( !getSelectedFilterItems( aItemList ) ) break; ::std::function getter = ::std::mem_fn(&FmFilterNavigator::getNextEntry); if ( rKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_UP ) getter = ::std::mem_fn(&FmFilterNavigator::getPrevEntry); SvTreeListEntry* pTarget = getter( this, nullptr ); if ( !pTarget ) break; FmFilterItems* pTargetItems = getTargetItems( pTarget ); if ( !pTargetItems ) break; ::std::vector::const_iterator aEnd = aItemList.end(); bool bNextTargetItem = true; while ( bNextTargetItem ) { ::std::vector::const_iterator i = aItemList.begin(); for (; i != aEnd; ++i) { if ( (*i)->GetParent() == pTargetItems ) { pTarget = getter(this,pTarget); if ( !pTarget ) return; pTargetItems = getTargetItems( pTarget ); break; } else { FmFilterItem* pFilterItem = pTargetItems->Find( (*i)->GetComponentIndex() ); // we found the text component so jump above if ( pFilterItem ) { pTarget = getter( this, pTarget ); if ( !pTarget ) return; pTargetItems = getTargetItems( pTarget ); break; } } } bNextTargetItem = i != aEnd && pTargetItems; } if ( pTargetItems ) { insertFilterItem( aItemList, pTargetItems, false ); return; } } break; case KEY_DELETE: { if ( rKeyCode.GetModifier() ) break; if ( !IsSelected( First() ) || GetEntryCount() > 1 ) DeleteSelection(); return; } } SvTreeListBox::KeyInput(rKEvt); } void FmFilterNavigator::DeleteSelection() { // to avoid the deletion of an entry twice (e.g. deletion of a parent and afterward // the deletion of its child, I have to shrink the selection list ::std::vector aEntryList; for (SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected(); pEntry != nullptr; pEntry = NextSelected(pEntry)) { FmFilterItem* pFilterItem = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()) ); if (pFilterItem && IsSelected(GetParent(pEntry))) continue; FmFormItem* pForm = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()) ); if (!pForm) aEntryList.push_back(pEntry); } // Remove the selection SelectAll(false); for (::std::vector::reverse_iterator i = aEntryList.rbegin(); // link problems with operator == i.base() != aEntryList.rend().base(); ++i) { m_pModel->Remove(static_cast((*i)->GetUserData())); } } FmFilterNavigatorWin::FmFilterNavigatorWin( SfxBindings* _pBindings, SfxChildWindow* _pMgr, vcl::Window* _pParent ) :SfxDockingWindow( _pBindings, _pMgr, _pParent, WinBits(WB_STDMODELESS|WB_SIZEABLE|WB_ROLLABLE|WB_3DLOOK|WB_DOCKABLE) ) ,SfxControllerItem( SID_FM_FILTER_NAVIGATOR_CONTROL, *_pBindings ) { SetHelpId( HID_FILTER_NAVIGATOR_WIN ); m_pNavigator = VclPtr::Create( this ); m_pNavigator->Show(); SetText( SvxResId(RID_STR_FILTER_NAVIGATOR) ); SfxDockingWindow::SetFloatingSize( Size(200,200) ); } FmFilterNavigatorWin::~FmFilterNavigatorWin() { disposeOnce(); } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::dispose() { m_pNavigator.disposeAndClear(); ::SfxControllerItem::dispose(); SfxDockingWindow::dispose(); } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::UpdateContent(FmFormShell const * pFormShell) { if (!m_pNavigator) return; if (!pFormShell) m_pNavigator->UpdateContent( nullptr, nullptr ); else { Reference const xController(pFormShell->GetImpl()->getActiveInternalController_Lock()); Reference< XIndexAccess > xContainer; if (xController.is()) { Reference< XChild > xChild = xController; for (Reference< XInterface > xParent(xChild->getParent()); xParent.is(); xParent = xChild.is() ? xChild->getParent() : Reference< XInterface > ()) { xContainer.set(xParent, UNO_QUERY); xChild.set(xParent, UNO_QUERY); } } m_pNavigator->UpdateContent(xContainer, xController); } } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState ) { if( !pState || SID_FM_FILTER_NAVIGATOR_CONTROL != nSID ) return; if( eState >= SfxItemState::DEFAULT ) { FmFormShell* pShell = dynamic_cast( static_cast(pState)->GetShell() ); UpdateContent( pShell ); } else UpdateContent( nullptr ); } bool FmFilterNavigatorWin::Close() { if ( m_pNavigator && m_pNavigator->IsEditingActive() ) m_pNavigator->EndEditing(); if ( m_pNavigator && m_pNavigator->IsEditingActive() ) // the EndEditing was vetoed (perhaps of an syntax error or such) return false; UpdateContent( nullptr ); return SfxDockingWindow::Close(); } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::FillInfo( SfxChildWinInfo& rInfo ) const { SfxDockingWindow::FillInfo( rInfo ); rInfo.bVisible = false; } Size FmFilterNavigatorWin::CalcDockingSize( SfxChildAlignment eAlign ) { if ( ( eAlign == SfxChildAlignment::TOP ) || ( eAlign == SfxChildAlignment::BOTTOM ) ) return Size(); return SfxDockingWindow::CalcDockingSize( eAlign ); } SfxChildAlignment FmFilterNavigatorWin::CheckAlignment( SfxChildAlignment eActAlign, SfxChildAlignment eAlign ) { switch (eAlign) { case SfxChildAlignment::LEFT: case SfxChildAlignment::RIGHT: case SfxChildAlignment::NOALIGNMENT: return eAlign; default: break; } return eActAlign; } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::Resize() { SfxDockingWindow::Resize(); Size aLogOutputSize = PixelToLogic(GetOutputSizePixel(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)); Size aLogExplSize = aLogOutputSize; aLogExplSize.AdjustWidth( -6 ); aLogExplSize.AdjustHeight( -6 ); Point aExplPos = LogicToPixel(Point(3,3), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)); Size aExplSize = LogicToPixel(aLogExplSize, MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)); m_pNavigator->SetPosSizePixel( aExplPos, aExplSize ); } void FmFilterNavigatorWin::GetFocus() { // oj #97405# if ( m_pNavigator ) m_pNavigator->GrabFocus(); } SFX_IMPL_DOCKINGWINDOW( FmFilterNavigatorWinMgr, SID_FM_FILTER_NAVIGATOR ) FmFilterNavigatorWinMgr::FmFilterNavigatorWinMgr( vcl::Window *_pParent, sal_uInt16 _nId, SfxBindings *_pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo* _pInfo ) :SfxChildWindow( _pParent, _nId ) { SetWindow( VclPtr::Create( _pBindings, this, _pParent ) ); static_cast(GetWindow())->Initialize( _pInfo ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */