/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "fmundo.hxx"
#include "fmdocumentclassification.hxx"
#include "fmcontrollayout.hxx"

#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/fmpage.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>

#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>

#include <boost/optional.hpp>

using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer;
using namespace svxform;

TYPEINIT1(FmFormModel, SdrModel);

struct FmFormModelImplData
    FmXUndoEnvironment*     pUndoEnv;
    sal_Bool                bOpenInDesignIsDefaulted;
    sal_Bool                bMovingPage;
    ::boost::optional< sal_Bool >

        :pUndoEnv( NULL )
        ,bOpenInDesignIsDefaulted( sal_True )
        ,bMovingPage( sal_False )

|* Ctor
FmFormModel::FmFormModel(SfxItemPool* pPool, SfxObjectShell* pPers)
    : SdrModel(pPool, pPers, LOADREFCOUNTS)
    , m_pImpl(NULL)
    , m_pObjShell(0)
    , m_bOpenInDesignMode(false)
    , m_bAutoControlFocus(false)
    m_pImpl = new FmFormModelImplData;
    m_pImpl->pUndoEnv = new FmXUndoEnvironment(*this);

|* Ctor
FmFormModel::FmFormModel(const OUString& rPath, SfxItemPool* pPool, SfxObjectShell* pPers)
    : SdrModel(rPath, pPool, pPers)
    , m_pImpl(NULL)
    , m_pObjShell(0)
    , m_bOpenInDesignMode(false)
    , m_bAutoControlFocus(false)
    m_pImpl = new FmFormModelImplData;
    m_pImpl->pUndoEnv = new FmXUndoEnvironment(*this);

|* Ctor
FmFormModel::FmFormModel(const OUString& rPath, SfxItemPool* pPool, SfxObjectShell* pPers,
                         bool bUseExtColorTable)
    : SdrModel(rPath, pPool, pPers, bUseExtColorTable, LOADREFCOUNTS)
    , m_pImpl(NULL)
    , m_pObjShell(0)
    , m_bOpenInDesignMode(false)
    , m_bAutoControlFocus(false)
    m_pImpl = new FmFormModelImplData;
    m_pImpl->pUndoEnv = new FmXUndoEnvironment(*this);

|* Dtor
    if (m_pObjShell && m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->IsListening(*m_pObjShell))

    // minimale grenze fuer undos

    delete m_pImpl;


|* Erzeugt eine neue Seite
SdrPage* FmFormModel::AllocPage(bool bMasterPage)
    return new FmFormPage(*this, NULL, bMasterPage);

|* InsertPage
void FmFormModel::InsertPage(SdrPage* pPage, sal_uInt16 nPos)
    // hack solange Methode intern
    if (m_pObjShell && !m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->IsListening( *m_pObjShell ))

    SdrModel::InsertPage( pPage, nPos );

|* MovePage
void FmFormModel::MovePage( sal_uInt16 nPgNum, sal_uInt16 nNewPos )
    m_pImpl->bMovingPage = sal_True;
        // see InsertPage for this

    SdrModel::MovePage( nPgNum, nNewPos );

    m_pImpl->bMovingPage = sal_False;

|* RemovePage
SdrPage* FmFormModel::RemovePage(sal_uInt16 nPgNum)
    FmFormPage* pToBeRemovedPage = dynamic_cast< FmFormPage* >( GetPage( nPgNum ) );
    OSL_ENSURE( pToBeRemovedPage, "FmFormModel::RemovePage: *which page*?" );

    if ( pToBeRemovedPage )
        Reference< XNameContainer > xForms( pToBeRemovedPage->GetForms( false ), css::uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xForms.is() )
            m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->RemoveForms( xForms );

    FmFormPage* pRemovedPage = (FmFormPage*)SdrModel::RemovePage(nPgNum);
    OSL_ENSURE( pRemovedPage == pToBeRemovedPage, "FmFormModel::RemovePage: inconsistency!" );
    return pRemovedPage;

|* InsertMasterPage
void FmFormModel::InsertMasterPage(SdrPage* pPage, sal_uInt16 nPos)
    // hack solange Methode intern
    if (m_pObjShell && !m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->IsListening( *m_pObjShell ))

    SdrModel::InsertMasterPage(pPage, nPos);

|* RemoveMasterPage
SdrPage* FmFormModel::RemoveMasterPage(sal_uInt16 nPgNum)
    FmFormPage* pPage = (FmFormPage*)SdrModel::RemoveMasterPage(nPgNum);

    if ( pPage )
        Reference< XNameContainer > xForms( pPage->GetForms( false ), css::uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if ( xForms.is() )
            m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->RemoveForms( xForms );

    return pPage;

SdrLayerID FmFormModel::GetControlExportLayerId( const SdrObject& rObj ) const
    return rObj.GetLayer();

void FmFormModel::implSetOpenInDesignMode( sal_Bool _bOpenDesignMode, sal_Bool _bForce )
    if( ( _bOpenDesignMode != m_bOpenInDesignMode ) || _bForce )
        m_bOpenInDesignMode = _bOpenDesignMode;

        if ( m_pObjShell )
            m_pObjShell->SetModified( sal_True );
    // no matter if we really did it or not - from now on, it does not count as defaulted anymore
    m_pImpl->bOpenInDesignIsDefaulted = sal_False;

void FmFormModel::SetOpenInDesignMode( sal_Bool bOpenDesignMode )
    implSetOpenInDesignMode( bOpenDesignMode, sal_False );

sal_Bool FmFormModel::OpenInDesignModeIsDefaulted( )
    return m_pImpl->bOpenInDesignIsDefaulted;

sal_Bool FmFormModel::ControlsUseRefDevice() const
    if ( !m_pImpl->aControlsUseRefDevice )
        DocumentType eDocType = eUnknownDocumentType;
        if ( m_pObjShell )
            eDocType = DocumentClassification::classifyHostDocument( m_pObjShell->GetModel() );
        m_pImpl->aControlsUseRefDevice.reset( ControlLayouter::useDocumentReferenceDevice( eDocType ) );
    return *m_pImpl->aControlsUseRefDevice;

void FmFormModel::SetAutoControlFocus( sal_Bool _bAutoControlFocus )
    if( _bAutoControlFocus != m_bAutoControlFocus )
        m_bAutoControlFocus = _bAutoControlFocus;
        m_pObjShell->SetModified( sal_True );

void FmFormModel::SetObjectShell( SfxObjectShell* pShell )
    if (pShell == m_pObjShell)

    if (m_pObjShell)
        m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->EndListening( *this );
        m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->EndListening( *m_pObjShell );

    m_pObjShell = pShell;

    if (m_pObjShell)
        m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->SetReadOnly( m_pObjShell->IsReadOnly() || m_pObjShell->IsReadOnlyUI(), FmXUndoEnvironment::Accessor() );

        if (!m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->IsReadOnly())

        m_pImpl->pUndoEnv->StartListening( *m_pObjShell );

FmXUndoEnvironment& FmFormModel::GetUndoEnv()
    return *m_pImpl->pUndoEnv;

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