/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fmsearch.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.44 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-11-04 17:26:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "fmresids.hrc" #include "fmsearch.hrc" #include "fmhelp.hrc" ModalDialog RID_SVXDLG_SEARCHFORM { OutputSize = TRUE; SVLook = TRUE; Size = MAP_APPFONT( 300, 253 ); Text = "Datensatz-Suche"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Data record search"; Text [ english_us ] = "Record Search"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Localizar registo de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Zoeken naar record"; Text[ french ] = "Recherche d'enregistrement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Bsqueda de registro de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Ricerca record di dati"; Text[ danish ] = "Datapost-sgning"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datapostskning"; Text[ polish ] = "Wyszukiwanie rekordw"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data record search"; Text[ japanese ] = "データ レコードの検索"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "搜寻数据条目"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "搜尋資料條目"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 레코드 찾기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kmesi aramas"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Cerca de registres"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietuehaku"; Moveable = TRUE; HelpId = HID_FM_DLG_SEARCH; FixedLine FL_SEARCHFOR { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 6, 8 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 232, 8 ); Text = "Suchen nach"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Search for"; Text[ english_us ] = "Search for"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Procurar por"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Zoeken naar"; Text[ french ] = "Rechercher"; Text[ spanish ] = "Buscar por"; Text[ italian ] = "Cerca"; Text[ danish ] = "Sg efter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sk efter"; Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj:"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Search for"; Text[ japanese ] = "検索条件"; Text[ korean ] = "찾을 대상"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "搜寻目标"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "搜尋內容"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Ara:"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cerca per"; Text[ finnish ] = "Etsi:"; Text[ thai ] = "ค้นหา"; }; RadioButton RB_SEARCHFORTEXT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 23 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 10 ); Group = TRUE; Text = "~Text"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Text"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Texto"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = " :"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tekst"; Text[ french ] = "Texte"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Texto"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Teksti"; Text[ italian ] = "~Testo"; Text[ danish ] = "~Tekst"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Text"; Text[ polish ] = "Tekst"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Text :"; Text[ japanese ] = "文字列(~T)"; Text[ korean ] = "텍스트(~T):"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "文字(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "文字(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Metin:"; Text[ arabic ] = " :"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Text :"; Text[ thai ] = "~ข้อความ"; }; RadioButton RB_SEARCHFORNULL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 36 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 207, 10 ); Text = "Feldinhalt ist ~NULL"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Field content is ~NULL"; Text[ english_us ] = "Field content is ~NULL"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Contedo do campo ~NULL"; Text[ russian ] = " ~NULL"; Text[ greek ] = " (NULL)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldinhoud is ~NUL"; Text[ french ] = "Contenu de champ est ~NULL"; Text[ spanish ] = "Contenido del campo es ~NULL"; Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto di campo ~NULL"; Text[ danish ] = "Feltindhold er lig med NULL"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fltinnehll r NULL"; Text[ polish ] = "Zawartoci pola jest ~NULL"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Field content is ~NULL"; Text[ japanese ] = "空白のフィールド"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 내용이 ~NULL임"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段内容是~NULL"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位內容是 ~NULL"; Text[ arabic ] = " (NULL)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ierii NULL"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Camp de contingut ~NUL"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn sislt ~NULL (tyhj)"; Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาเขตข้อมูล~NULL"; }; RadioButton RB_SEARCHFORNOTNULL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 49 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 207, 10 ); Text = "Feldinhalt ist ~ungleich NULL"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Field content is n~ot NULL"; Text[ english_us ] = "Field content is not NU~LL"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Contedo do campo no ZERO"; Text[ russian ] = " NULL"; Text[ greek ] = " (NULL)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldinhoud is n~iet NUL"; Text[ french ] = "Contenu de champ est diffrent de ~NULL"; Text[ spanish ] = "Contenido del campo no es N~ULL"; Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto di campo non N~ULL"; Text[ danish ] = "Feltindhold er forskellig fra NULL"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fltinnehll r inte NULL"; Text[ polish ] = "Zawarto pola jest nierwna NULL"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Field content is n~ot NULL"; Text[ japanese ] = "空白でないフィールド"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 내용이 NU~LL이 아님"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段内容不是 NU~LL"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位內容不是 NU~LL"; Text[ arabic ] = " (NULL)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ierii NULL deil"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camp de contingut no NU~L"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn sislt ei ole ~NULL (tyhj)"; Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาเขตข้อมูลไม่ NU~LL"; }; ComboBox CMB_SEARCHTEXT { Border = TRUE; Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 65, 20 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 154, 80 ); DropDown = TRUE; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_TEXT; }; FixedLine FL_WHERE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 6, 65 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 232, 8 ); Text = "Bereich"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Bereich"; Text[ italian ] = "Area"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bereich"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Seco"; Text[ danish ] = "Omrde"; Text[ french ] = "Domaine"; Text[ swedish ] = "Omrde"; Text[ dutch ] = "Bereik"; Text[ spanish ] = "rea"; Text[ english_us ] = "Where to search"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "区域"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Przeszukiwany obszar"; Text[ japanese ] = "範囲"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "區域"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "범위"; Text[ turkish ] = "Aranacak blm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "rea"; Text[ finnish ] = "Hakukohde"; Text[ thai ] = "ที่ค้นหา"; }; FixedText FT_FORM { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 77 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 10 ); Text = "~Formular"; Text[ english_us ] = "Form"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ":"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Formulier"; Text[ french ] = "Formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Formulario"; Text[ finnish ] = "muoto"; Text[ italian ] = "Formulario"; Text[ danish ] = "~Formular"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Formulr"; Text[ polish ] = "Formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Formular :"; Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム"; Text[ korean ] = "양식:"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單"; Text[ turkish ] = "Form:"; Text[ arabic ] = ":"; Text[ catalan ] = "Formulari:"; Text[ thai ] = "แบบฟอร์ม"; }; ListBox LB_FORM { Border = TRUE; Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 76 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 109, 60 ); TabStop = TRUE; DropDown = TRUE; }; RadioButton RB_ALLFIELDS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 24, 91 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 75, 10 ); Text = "~Alle Felder"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Alle Felder"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_ALLFIELDS; Text[ italian ] = "tutti i campi"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~alle Felder"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos todos"; Text[ danish ] = "Alle felter"; Text[ french ] = "Tous les champs"; Text[ swedish ] = "Alla flt"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Alle velden"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Todos los campos"; Text[ english_us ] = "All Fields"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "全部字段"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Wszystkie pola"; Text[ japanese ] = "すべてのフィールド"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "全部的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "모든 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tm alanlar"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Tots els camps"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kaikki kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลทั้งหมด"; }; RadioButton RB_SINGLEFIELD { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 24, 106 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 75, 10 ); Text = "Ein~zelnes Feld"; Text[ english_us ] = "Single field"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo ~nico"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " :"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Een enkel veld"; Text[ french ] = "Champ unique"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campo individual"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yksittinen kentt"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo singolo"; Text[ danish ] = "En~kelt felt"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Enskilt flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Pojedyncze pole"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ein~zelnes Feld :"; Text[ japanese ] = "指定のフィールド"; Text[ korean ] = "개별 필드:"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "单个字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "單個欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tek alan:"; Text[ arabic ] = " :"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Camp individual :"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลเดี่ยว"; }; ListBox LB_FIELD { Border = TRUE; Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 105 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 109, 60 ); TabStop = TRUE; DropDown = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_FIELDSELECTION; }; FixedLine FL_OPTIONS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 6, 126 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 288, 8 ); Text = "Einstellungen"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Einstellungen"; Text[ italian ] = "Impostazioni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einstellungen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Definies"; Text[ danish ] = "Indstillinger"; Text[ french ] = "Paramtres"; Text[ swedish ] = "Instllningar"; Text[ dutch ] = "Instellingen"; Text[ spanish ] = "Configuracin"; Text[ english_us ] = "Settings"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设定"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Ustawienia"; Text[ japanese ] = "設定"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "設定"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "설정"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ayarlar"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Configuraci"; Text[ finnish ] = "Asetukset"; Text[ thai ] = "กำหนดค่า"; }; FixedText FT_POSITION { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 138 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 8 ); Text = "~Position"; Text[ english_us ] = "Position"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Posio:"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = " :"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Positie"; Text[ french ] = "Position"; Text[ spanish ] = "Posicin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sijainti"; Text[ italian ] = "Posizione"; Text[ danish ] = "~Placering"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Position"; Text[ polish ] = "Pozycja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Position :"; Text[ japanese ] = "位置"; Text[ korean ] = "위치:"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "位置"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "位置"; Text[ turkish ] = "Konum:"; Text[ arabic ] = ":"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Posici :"; Text[ thai ] = "ตำแหน่ง"; }; ListBox LB_POSITION { Border = TRUE; Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 136 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 109, 60 ); TabStop = TRUE; DropDown = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_POSITION; }; CheckBox CB_USEFORMATTER { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 158 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 90, 10 ); Text = "Feldfor~matierung benutzen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Feldfor~matierung benutzen" ; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_FORMATTER; Text[ italian ] = "Usa formattazioni di campo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldfor~matierung benutzen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Usar for~mato de campo"; Text[ danish ] = "Anvend feltformatering"; Text[ french ] = "Utiliser le f~ormatage de champ"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anvnd ~fltformatering"; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldop~maak gebruiken"; Text[ spanish ] = "Usar formato de ~campo"; Text[ english_us ] = "Apply field format"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用字段格式"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Zastosuj formatowanie pola"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドの書式設定を使用"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用欄位格式"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "필드 서식 적용"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan formatn uygula"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Aplica el format del camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyt kentn muotoa"; Text[ thai ] = "ใช้รูปแบบเขตข้อมูล"; }; CheckBox CB_CASE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 171 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 90, 10 ); Text = "E~xakte Suche"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "E~xakte Suche"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_CASE; Text[ italian ] = "Ricerca esatta"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~xakte Suche"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Procura e~xacta"; Text[ danish ] = "Sg eksakt"; Text[ french ] = "Respecter la casse"; Text[ swedish ] = "E~xakt skning"; Text[ dutch ] = "E~xact dezelfde tekens"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coincidencia ~exacta"; Text[ english_us ] = "Match case"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "精确搜寻"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Dokadne wyszukiwanie"; Text[ japanese ] = "大文字と小文字を区別する"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "精確搜尋"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "상세하게 찾기"; Text[ turkish ] = "BYK/kk harf duyarl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Coincidncia ~exacta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sama kirjainkoko"; Text[ thai ] = "จับคู่ตัวพิมพ์"; }; CheckBox CB_BACKWARD { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 158 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 85, 10 ); Text = "Rc~kwrts suchen"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Rc~kwrts suchen"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_BACKWARD; Text[ italian ] = "Cerca indietro"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "r?~kw?rts suchen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Pro~curar para trs"; Text[ danish ] = "Sg baglns"; Text[ french ] = "Recherche vers le haut"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sk ~bakt"; Text[ dutch ] = "A~chterwaarts zoeken"; Text[ spanish ] = "Buscar hacia ~atrs"; Text[ english_us ] = "Search backwards"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向后搜寻"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj wstecz"; Text[ japanese ] = "後戻りして検索"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向後搜尋"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "뒤로 찾기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Geriye doru ara"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Cerca cap enrere"; Text[ finnish ] = "Etsi taaksepin"; Text[ thai ] = "ค้นหาย้อนกลับ"; }; CheckBox CB_STARTOVER { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 171 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 85, 10 ); Text = "~Vom Anfang"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Vom Anfang"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_STARTOVER; Text[ italian ] = "~dall'inizio"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~vom Anfang"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~do princpio"; Text[ danish ] = "Fra begyndelsen"; Text[ french ] = " partir du dbut"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Frn brjan"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Vanaf begin"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Desde el principio"; Text[ english_us ] = "From Beginning"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从开端"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Od pocztku"; Text[ japanese ] = "最初から"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "從起始"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "처음부터"; Text[ turkish ] = "Batan itibaren"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Des del principi"; Text[ finnish ] = "Alusta"; Text[ thai ] = "จากการเริ่มต้น"; }; CheckBox CB_WILDCARD { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 190, 158 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 100, 10 ); Text = "P~latzhalter-Ausdruck"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "P~latzhalter-Ausdruck"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_WILDCARD; Text[ italian ] = "Espressione wildcard"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "P~latzhalter-Ausdruck"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Expresso polivalente"; Text[ danish ] = "Pladsholder-udtryk"; Text[ french ] = "E~xpression substituante"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Jokerteckenuttryck"; Text[ dutch ] = "P~laatsvervangende tekst"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Expresin comodn"; Text[ english_us ] = "Wildcard expression"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "通配符表达"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Wyraenie symbolu wieloznacznego"; Text[ japanese ] = "ワイルドカードの表現"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "萬用字元表達"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " ~ "; Text[ korean ] = "플레이스홀더 인쇄"; Text[ turkish ] = "Genel arama terimi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Expresi comod"; Text[ finnish ] = "Paikkamerkkilauseke"; Text[ thai ] = "คำอธิบายตัวยึดตำแหน่ง"; }; CheckBox CB_REGULAR { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 190, 171 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 100, 10 ); Text = "Re~gulrer Ausdruck"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Re~gulrer Ausdruck"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_REGULAR; Text[ italian ] = "Espressione regolare"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "re~gul?rer Ausdruck"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Expresso regular"; Text[ danish ] = "Regulrt udtryk"; Text[ french ] = "Caractre gnrique"; Text[ swedish ] = "Re~guljrt uttryck"; Text[ dutch ] = "Gangbare ~uitdrukking"; Text[ spanish ] = "Expresin ~regular"; Text[ english_us ] = "Regular expression"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "常规表达"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Wyraenie regularne"; Text[ japanese ] = "正規表現"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "常規表達"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "보통 표현"; Text[ turkish ] = "Genel arama terimi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Expresi ~regular"; Text[ finnish ] = "Snnllinen lauseke"; Text[ thai ] = "คำอธิบายปกติ"; }; CheckBox CB_APPROX { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 190, 184 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 84, 10 ); Text = "~hnlichkeitssuche"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~hnlichkeitssuche"; TabStop = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_APPROX; Text[ italian ] = "Ricerca per simili"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?hnlichkeitssuche"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Pro~cura por semelhana"; Text[ danish ] = "Sg lignende"; Text[ french ] = "Recherche de similarit"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Likhetsskning"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Zoeken naar overeenkomsten"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Bsqueda por semejanza"; Text[ english_us ] = "Similarity Search"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "类似搜寻"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj podobnych"; Text[ japanese ] = "類似スペルの検索"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "相似字搜尋"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "유사성 찾기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Benzerini ara"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Cerca de similitud"; Text[ finnish ] = "Vastaavuushaku"; Text[ thai ] = "ค้นหาสิ่งที่คล้ายกัน"; }; PushButton PB_APPROXSETTINGS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 275, 182 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 14, 14 ); Text = "~..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_APPROXSETTINGS; Text[ italian ] = "~..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "~..."; Text[ danish ] = "..."; Text[ french ] = "~..."; Text[ swedish ] = "~..."; Text[ dutch ] = "~..."; Text[ spanish ] = "~..."; Text[ english_us ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ russian ] = "~..."; Text[ polish ] = "~..."; Text[ japanese ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "~..."; Text[ korean ] = "..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "..."; Text[ finnish ] = "..."; }; CheckBox CB_HALFFULLFORMS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 201 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 85, 10 ); TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "Zeichenbreite bercksichtigen" ; Text [ english ] = "Match character width" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Match character width" ; Text[ portuguese ] = "Formas de largura mdia e normal"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " / "; Text[ dutch ] = "Rekening houden met letterbreedte"; Text[ french ] = "Respecter la chasse"; Text[ spanish ] = "Considerar ancho de carcter"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tsmyt puoli- ja tysleveyksiset muodot"; Text[ italian ] = "Considera la larghezza dei caratteri"; Text[ danish ] = "Halv-/normalbrede former"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ta hnsyn till teckenbredd"; Text[ polish ] = "Uwzgldnij szeroko znakw"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Match half/full width forms"; Text[ japanese ] = "全角と半角を区別する"; Text[ korean ] = "문자 너비 적용"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "顾全字符宽度"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顧及字元寬度"; Text[ turkish ] = "Match half/full width forms"; Text[ arabic ] = " / "; Text[ catalan ] = "Considera la llargada del carcter"; Text[ thai ] = "จับคู่ความกว้างตัวอักษร"; }; CheckBox CB_SOUNDSLIKECJK { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 190, 201 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 84, 10 ); TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "hnl. Schreibweise (Jap.)" ; Text [ English ] = "Sounds like (Japanese)" ; Text[ english_us ] = "Sounds like (Japanese)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ortografia semelhante (Japons)"; Text[ russian ] = " ()"; Text[ greek ] = " ()"; Text[ dutch ] = "Overeenkomstige schrijfwijze (Japans)"; Text[ french ] = "Similarits japonaises"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ortografa similar (Japons)"; Text[ italian ] = "Ortografia simile (giapponese)"; Text[ danish ] = "Lign. skrivemde (Jap.)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Likn. skrivstt (japanska)"; Text[ polish ] = "Podobna pisownia (japoski)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sounds like (Japanese)"; Text[ japanese ] = "あいまい検索(日本語)"; Text[ korean ] = "유사한 정서법(일본어)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "类似字符(日文)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "類似字元(日文)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sounds like (Japanese)"; Text[ arabic ] = " ()"; Text[ catalan ] = "S'assembla a (Japons)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Samankuuloinen kuin (japani)"; Text[ thai ] = "เสียงคล้าย (ภาษาญี่ปุ่น)"; }; PushButton PB_SOUNDSLIKESETTINGS { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 275, 199 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 14, 14 ); TabStop = TRUE ; Text = "..." ; Text [ english ] = "..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "..." ; Text[ portuguese ] = "..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ dutch ] = "..."; Text[ french ] = "..."; Text[ spanish ] = "..."; Text[ italian ] = "..."; Text[ danish ] = "..."; Text[ swedish ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "..."; Text[ japanese ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "..."; Text[ turkish ] = "..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ catalan ] = "..."; Text[ finnish ] = "..."; }; FixedLine FL_STATE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 6, 222 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 288, 8 ); Text = "Status" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "State" ; Text[ italian ] = "Stato"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "State"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Estado"; Text[ danish ] = "Status"; Text[ french ] = "Statut"; Text[ swedish ] = "Status"; Text[ dutch ] = "Status"; Text[ spanish ] = "Estado"; Text[ english_us ] = "State"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "状态"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Stan"; Text[ japanese ] = "ステータス"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "狀態"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "상태"; Text[ turkish ] = "Durum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Estat"; Text[ finnish ] = "Osavaltio"; Text[ thai ] = "ภาวะ"; }; FixedText FT_RECORDLABEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 232 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 45, 10 ); Text = "Datensatz :" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Datensatz :" ; Text[ italian ] = "Record di dati:"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datensatz :"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Registo de dados:"; Text[ danish ] = "Datapost :"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrement :"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datapost :"; Text[ dutch ] = "Record :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Registro :"; Text[ english_us ] = "Record :"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据条目:"; Text[ russian ] = " :"; Text[ polish ] = "Rekord :"; Text[ japanese ] = "レコード:"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料條目:"; Text[ arabic ] = " :"; Text[ greek ] = " :"; Text[ korean ] = "레코드:"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kmesi:"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Registre :"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietue :"; Text[ thai ] = "ระเบียน :"; }; FixedText FT_RECORD { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 60, 232 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 10 ); UniqueId = UID_SEARCH_RECORDSTATUS; }; FixedText FT_HINT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 99, 232 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 190, 10 ); }; PushButton PB_SEARCH { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 6 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 ); Text = "~Suchen"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Suchen"; TabStop = TRUE; DefButton = TRUE; HelpId = HID_SEARCH_BTN_SEARCH; Text[ italian ] = "Cerca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Suchen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Procurar"; Text[ danish ] = "Sg"; Text[ french ] = "Rechercher"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Sk"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Zoeken"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Buscar"; Text[ english_us ] = "Search"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "搜寻"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj"; Text[ japanese ] = "検索"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "搜尋"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "A"; Text[ korean ] = "찾기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ara"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Cerca"; Text[ finnish ] = "Etsi"; Text[ thai ] = "ค้นหา"; }; CancelButton 1 { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 26 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 ); HelpId = HID_SEARCH_BTN_CLOSE; Text = "S~chlieen"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "S~chlieen"; TabStop = TRUE; Text[ italian ] = "Chiudi"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "S~chlie?en"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fechar"; Text[ danish ] = "L~uk"; Text[ french ] = "Fermer"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Stng"; Text[ dutch ] = "S~luiten"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Cerrar"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Close"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "关闭(~C)"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamknij"; Text[ japanese ] = "閉じる(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "關閉(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "닫기(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Kapat"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Tan~ca"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Sulje"; Text[ thai ] = "~ปิด"; }; HelpButton 1 { Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 244, 46 ); Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 ); Text = "~Hilfe"; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Hilfe"; TabStop = TRUE; Text[ italian ] = "~?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Hilfe"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ajuda"; Text[ danish ] = "~Hjlp"; Text[ french ] = "Aide"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Hjlp"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Help"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Ayuda"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Help"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "帮助(~H)"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ polish ] = "~Pomoc"; Text[ japanese ] = "ヘルプ(~H)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "說明(~H)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "도움말(~H)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yardm"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "A~juda"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Ohje"; Text[ thai ] = "~ช่วยเหลือ"; }; Text[ thai ] = "ระเบียนค้นหา"; }; String RID_STR_RECORDSEARCH_METHODS { Text = "beliebig im Feld;am Feldanfang;am Feldende;ganzes Feld" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "beliebig im Feld;am Feldanfang;am Feldende;ganzes Feld" ; Text[ italian ] = "a piacere sul campo;all'inizio del campo;alla fine del campo;l'intero campo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "beliebig im Feld;am Feldanfang;ganzes Feld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "qualquer posio dentro do campo; no incio do campo; no fim do campo; no campo inteiro"; Text[ danish ] = "vilkrlig i feltet;ved feltets begyndelse;ved feltets slutning;hele feltet"; Text[ french ] = " un endroit quelconque du champ;en dbut de champ;en fin de champ;le champ entier"; Text[ swedish ] = "var du vill i fltet;i fltets brjan;i fltets slut;i hela fltet"; Text[ dutch ] = "willekeurige plaats in veld;aan veldeinde;aan veldbegin;compleet veld"; Text[ spanish ] = "cualquier parte en campo;al principio del campo;al final del campo;todo el campo"; Text[ english_us ] = "anywhere in the field;beginning of field;end of field;entire field"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段内的任意位置;在字段的开端;在字段的结尾;整个字段"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = " ; ; ; "; Text[ polish ] = "dowolnie w polu; na pocztku pola; na kocu pola;cae pole"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド内;フィールドの初め;フィールドの終り;フィールド全体"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位的任意位置;在欄位起始位置;在欄位的結尾;整個欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " ; "; Text[ greek ] = "; ; ; "; Text[ korean ] = "필드에서 임의로;필드 시작에;필드 끝에;전체 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alanda rasgele;Alan banda;Alan sonunda;Tm alanda"; Text[ catalan ] = "qualsevol part del camp;a l'inici del camp;al final del camp;tot el camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "kentss miss tahansa;kentn alussa;kentn lopussa;koko kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "ที่ไหนก็ได้ในเขตข้อมูล;จุดเริ่มต้นของเขตข้อมูล;จุดสิ้นสุดของเขตข้อมูล;ทั้งเขตข้อมูล"; }; String RID_STR_RECORDSEARCH_BUTTONS { // Bem. : das 'Suchen' in diesem String muss genau das selbe sein wie die Beschriftung des PB_SEARCH-Buttons im Dialog Text = "~Vom Anfang;~Vom Ende;~Suchen;~Abbrechen" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Vom Anfang;~Vom Ende;~Suchen;~Abbrechen" ; Text[ italian ] = "dall'inizio;dalla fine; cerca;annulla"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~vom Anfang;~vom Ende"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~do princpio; do ~fim; ~Localizar; ~Cancelar"; Text[ danish ] = "Fra begyndelsen;Fra slutningen;Sg;Annuller"; Text[ french ] = " partir du dbut ; partir de la fin ; Rechercher ; Annuler"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Frn brjan;~Frn slutet;~Sk;~Avbryt"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Vanaf begin;~Vanaf einde;~Zoeken;~Stoppen"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Desde el principio;~Desde el final;~Buscar;~Cancelar"; Text[ english_us ] = "From top;From bottom;Search;Cancel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从开端位置;从结束位置;搜寻;取消"; Text[ russian ] = " ;~ ;~;~"; Text[ polish ] = "od koca;od pocztku;Szukaj;Anuluj"; Text[ japanese ] = "最初から;最後から;検索;キャンセル"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "從起始位置;從結束位置;搜尋;取消"; Text[ arabic ] = " ɺ ɺ ˺ "; Text[ greek ] = " ; ;~;~"; Text[ korean ] = "처음부터;끝에서 부터;찾기;취소"; Text[ turkish ] = "Batan;Sondan;Ara;ptal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Des de l'inici;~Des del final;~Cerca;~Cancel.la"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ylhlt;Alhaalta;Etsi;Peruuta"; Text[ thai ] = "จากด้านบน;จากด้านล่าง;ค้นหา;ยกเลิก"; }; ErrorBox RID_SVXERR_SEARCH_NORECORD { Buttons = WB_OK; Message = "Es wurden keine Datenstze, die zu Ihren Angaben passen, gefunden !" ; Message [ ENGLISH ] = "Es wurden keine Datenstze, die zu Ihren Angaben passen, gefunden !" ; Message[ italian ] = "Non sono stati trovati record di dati corrispondenti ai vostri dati!"; Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es wurden keine Datens?tze, die zu Ihren Angaben passen, gefunden !"; Message[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel encontrar registos de dados correspondentes s indicaes fornecidas!"; Message[ danish ] = "Der blev ikke fundet nogen dataposter, som svarer til dine angivelser!"; Message[ french ] = "Aucun enregistrement trouv qui corresponde vos indications !"; Message[ swedish ] = "Inga dataposter som passar till dina uppgifter har hittats!"; Message[ dutch ] = "Er werden geen records gevonden die bij de vermelde gegevens passen !"; Message[ spanish ] = "No se encontr ningn registro de datos adecuado a su informacin!"; Message[ english_us ] = "No records corresponding to your data found!"; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有找到符合您给定的数据条目!"; Message[ russian ] = ", , !"; Message[ polish ] = "Nie znaleziono adnych rekordw odpowiadajcych wpisanym danym!"; Message[ japanese ] = "入力項目に該当するレコードが見つかりません。"; Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有找到符合您指定的資料條目﹗"; Message[ arabic ] = " !"; Message[ greek ] = " , !"; Message[ korean ] = "사용자의 데이터에 맞는 레코드를 찾지 못했습니다!"; Message[ turkish ] = "Girdiiniz verilere uygun veri kmeleri bulunamad!"; Message[ language_user1 ] = " "; Message[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat cap registre que es correspongui a la vostra data!"; Message[ finnish ] = "Tietoja vastaavia tietueita ei lytynyt."; Message[ thai ] = "ไม่มีระเบียนที่เป็นผลมาจากการพบข้อมูลของคุณ!"; }; ErrorBox RID_SVXERR_SEARCH_GENERAL_ERROR { Buttons = WB_OK; Message = "Es trat ein nicht nher bekannter Fehler auf. Die Suche konnte nicht beendet werden !" ; Message [ ENGLISH ] = "Es trat ein nicht nher bekannter Fehler auf. Die Suche konnte nicht beendet werden !" ; Message[ english_us ] = "An unknown error occurred. The search could not be terminated!"; Message[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro desconhecido. Impossvel concluir a procura!"; Message[ russian ] = " . !"; Message[ dutch ] = "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden: De zoekactie kon niet worden beindigd!"; Message[ french ] = "Une erreur inconnue est survenue. La recherche n'a pas pu tre termine !"; Message[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido. La bsqueda no se pudo completar."; Message[ italian ] = "Impossibile terminare la ricerca. Si verificato un errore non ben definito."; Message[ danish ] = "Der opstod en ukendt fejl. Det var ikke muligt at afslutte sgningen!"; Message[ swedish ] = "Det har uppsttt ett oknt fel. Det gick inte att avsluta skningen!"; Message[ polish ] = "Wystpi bliej nieznany bd. Wyszukiwania ne mona byo zakoczy!"; Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es trat ein nicht n?her bekannter Fehler auf. Die Suche konnte nicht beendet werden !"; Message[ japanese ] = "確認できないエラーが発生しました。検索は終了できません。"; Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "出现一个不明的错误。无法结束搜寻命令!"; Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "出現一個不明的錯誤。無法結束搜尋!"; Message[ arabic ] = " . !"; Message[ greek ] = " . !"; Message[ korean ] = "알려져 있지 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. 검색을 종료하지 못했습니다!"; Message[ turkish ] = "Ayrntlar bilinmeyen bir hata olutu. Arama ilemi tamamlanamad!"; Message[ language_user1 ] = " "; Message[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error desconegut. No s'ha pogut completar la cerca."; Message[ finnish ] = "Ilmeni tuntematon virhe. Hakua ei voitu suorittaa loppuun."; Message[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่รู้จัก ไม่สามารถเลิกการค้นหา!"; }; String RID_STR_SEARCH_OVERFLOW { Text = "berlauf, Suche wurde am Anfang fortgesetzt;berlauf, Suche wurde am Ende fortgesetzt" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "berlauf, Suche wurde am Anfang fortgesetzt;berlauf, Suche wurde am Ende fortgesetzt" ; Text[ italian ] = "Overflow, la ricerca stata proseguita dall'inizio;Overflow, la ricerca stata proseguita dalla fine"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?berlauf, Suche wurde am Anfang forgesetzt;?berlauf, Suche wurde am Ende forgesetzt"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Transbordo - Localizar continua pelo incio;Transbordo - Localizar continua pelo final."; Text[ danish ] = "\"Overlb, sgning fortsat ved start;Overlb, sgning fortsat ved slutning\""; Text[ french ] = "Dbordement - la recherche a continu au dbut;Dbordement - la recherche a continu la fin"; Text[ swedish ] = "Spill, skningen fortsatte frn brjan;spill, skningen fortsatte frn slutet"; Text[ dutch ] = "Overloop, zoeken werd voortgezet aan het begin; Overloop, zoeken werd voortgezet aan het einde"; Text[ spanish ] = "Desbordamiento; la bsqueda contina por el principio;Desbordamiento; la bsqueda contina desde el final"; Text[ english_us ] = "Overflow, search continued at the beginning;Overflow, search continued at the end"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "超过,从起始位置接着搜寻;超过,从结束位置接着搜寻"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ russian ] = ", ;, "; Text[ polish ] = "Przepenienie, Kontynuuj wyszukiwanie na pocztku;Przepenienie, Kontynuuj wyszukiwanie na kocu"; Text[ japanese ] = "検索終了、最初から繰り返し検索;検索終了、最後から繰り返し検索"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "超過,接著從起始位置搜尋;超過,接著從結尾位置搜尋"; Text[ arabic ] = "֡ ; ֡ "; Text[ greek ] = ", ,, "; Text[ korean ] = "오버플로, 찾기가 시작 부분에서 계속되었습니다;오버플로, 찾기가 끝 부분에서 계속되었습니다"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tama, Arama ilemine batan devam edildi;Tama, Arama ilemine sondan devam edildi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Desbordament; la cerca continua per l'inici;Desbordament; la cerca continua pel final"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ylivuoto, hakua jatkettiin alusta;Ylivuoto, hakua jatkettiin lopusta"; Text[ thai ] = "ล้น, ค้นหาต่อเนื่องที่จุดเริ่มต้น;ล้น, ค้นหาต่อเนื่องที่จุดสุดท้าย"; }; String RID_STR_SEARCH_COUNTING { Text = "zhle Datenstze" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "zhle Datenstze" ; Text[ italian ] = "Overflow, la ricerca stata proseguita dall'inizio, la ricerca stata proseguita dalla fine"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?berlauf, Suche wurde am Anfang forgesetzt;?berlauf, Suche wurde am Ende forgesetzt"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Contar registos de dados"; Text[ danish ] = "tller dataposter"; Text[ french ] = "Compter les enregistrements"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rkna dataposter"; Text[ dutch ] = "tel records"; Text[ spanish ] = "contando registros de datos"; Text[ english_us ] = "counting records"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "记数数据条目"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Licz rekordy"; Text[ japanese ] = "レコードを数える"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計數資料項目"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "레코드 수 세기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kmeleri saylyor"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "s'estan comptant els registres"; Text[ finnish ] = "lasketaan tietueet"; Text[ thai ] = "นับระเบียน"; };