/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fmsrccfg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _FMSRCCF_HXX_ #include "fmsrccfg.hxx" #endif // _FMSRCCF_HXX_ #ifndef _SFXFILEREC_HXX //autogen #include #endif // =================================================================================================== // = struct FmSearchParams - Parameter einer Suche // =================================================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL FmSearchParams::operator ==(const FmSearchParams& rComp) const { if (!strHistory.Equals(rComp.strHistory)) return FALSE; if (nSearchForType != rComp.nSearchForType) return FALSE; if (bAllFields != rComp.bAllFields) return FALSE; if (nPosition != rComp.nPosition) return FALSE; if (bUseFormatter != rComp.bUseFormatter) return FALSE; if (bCaseSensitive != rComp.bCaseSensitive) return FALSE; if (bBackwards != rComp.bBackwards) return FALSE; if (bWildcard != rComp.bWildcard) return FALSE; if (bRegular != rComp.bRegular) return FALSE; if (bApproxSearch != rComp.bApproxSearch) return FALSE; if (bLevRelaxed != rComp.bLevRelaxed) return FALSE; if (nLevOther != rComp.nLevOther) return FALSE; if (nLevShorter != rComp.nLevShorter) return FALSE; if (nLevLonger != rComp.nLevLonger) return FALSE; // strSingleSearchField wird nicht mit verglichen : dieser Operator ist nur fuer die persistenten Eigenschaften gedacht, // und strSingleSearchField ist nicht persistent return TRUE; } // =================================================================================================== // = class FmSearchConfigItem - ein ConfigItem, dass sich Suchparameter merkt // =================================================================================================== #define FM_SEARCH_TAG_PARAMS 1 #define FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO50 1 // nur in internen Versionen und der 5.1 beta benutzt worden #define FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO51 2 // zur 5.1 eingesetzt #define FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO52 3 // ab der SRC557 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmSearchConfigItem::FmSearchConfigItem() : SfxConfigItem(SFX_ITEMTYPE_SVXSEARCHPARAMS) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT32 FmSearchConfigItem::CalcCheckSum(const FmSearchParams& aParams, short nFormatVersion) { // ziemlich billig, aber es reicht ... sal_Int32 nReturn = 0; for (xub_StrLen i=0; i= FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO52) nReturn += aParams.nSearchForType; return nReturn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int FmSearchConfigItem::Load(SvStream& rStore) { SfxSingleRecordReader aRecord(&rStore); if (aRecord.GetTag() == FM_SEARCH_TAG_PARAMS) { if (aRecord.HasVersion(FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO51)) // 5.1 oder groesser { INT32 nCheckSum; *aRecord >> nCheckSum; FmSearchParams aParams; aParams.strSingleSearchField.Erase(); (*aRecord).ReadByteString(aParams.strHistory, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); INT16 nBitField; *aRecord >> nBitField; nBitField >>= 0; aParams.bAllFields = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.nPosition = nBitField & 0x0003; nBitField >>= 2; aParams.bUseFormatter = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bCaseSensitive = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bBackwards = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bWildcard = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bRegular = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bApproxSearch = nBitField & 0x0001; nBitField >>= 1; aParams.bLevRelaxed = nBitField & 0x0001; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevOther; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevShorter; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevLonger; if (aRecord.HasVersion(FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO52)) // 5.2 oder groesser { nBitField >>= 1; aParams.nSearchForType = nBitField & 0x0003; } else aParams.nSearchForType = 0; if (nCheckSum == CalcCheckSum(aParams, aRecord.GetVersion())) { m_aParams = aParams; return ERR_OK; } } else if (aRecord.HasVersion(FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO50)) { INT32 nCheckSum; *aRecord >> nCheckSum; FmSearchParams aParams; aParams.strSingleSearchField.Erase(); (*aRecord).ReadByteString(aParams.strHistory, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); // kleine Verrenkung, da die Bools alle BitFields sind BOOL bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bAllFields = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bUseFormatter = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bCaseSensitive = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bBackwards = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bWildcard = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bRegular = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bApproxSearch = bTempBool; *aRecord >> bTempBool; aParams.bLevRelaxed = bTempBool; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevOther; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevShorter; *aRecord >> aParams.nLevLonger; USHORT nTempShort; *aRecord >> nTempShort; aParams.nPosition = nTempShort; if (nCheckSum == CalcCheckSum(aParams, FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO50)) { m_aParams = aParams; return ERR_OK; } } } UseDefault(); return ERR_READ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL FmSearchConfigItem::Store(SvStream& rStore) { SfxSingleRecordWriter aRecord(&rStore, FM_SEARCH_TAG_PARAMS, FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO52); // eine Checksumme an den Anfang INT32 nCheckSum = CalcCheckSum(m_aParams, FM_SEARCH_CONFIG_VERSION_SO52); *aRecord << nCheckSum; (*aRecord).WriteByteString(m_aParams.strHistory, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); INT16 nBitField = 0; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bAllFields & 0x0001)) << 0; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.nPosition & 0x0003)) << 1; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bUseFormatter & 0x0001)) << 3; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bCaseSensitive & 0x0001)) << 4; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bBackwards & 0x0001)) << 5; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bWildcard & 0x0001)) << 6; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bRegular & 0x0001)) << 7; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bApproxSearch & 0x0001)) << 8; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.bLevRelaxed & 0x0001)) << 9; nBitField |= (INT16(m_aParams.nSearchForType & 0x0003)) << 10; // because of nSearchForType this is format version 5.2 *aRecord << nBitField; *aRecord << m_aParams.nLevOther; *aRecord << m_aParams.nLevShorter; *aRecord << m_aParams.nLevLonger; return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmSearchConfigItem::UseDefault() { m_aParams.strHistory.Erase(); m_aParams.strSingleSearchField = String(); m_aParams.bAllFields = FALSE; m_aParams.nPosition = MATCHING_ANYWHERE; m_aParams.bUseFormatter = TRUE; m_aParams.bCaseSensitive = FALSE; m_aParams.bBackwards = FALSE; m_aParams.bWildcard = FALSE; m_aParams.bRegular = FALSE; m_aParams.bApproxSearch = FALSE; m_aParams.bLevRelaxed = TRUE; m_aParams.nLevOther = 2; m_aParams.nLevShorter = 2; m_aParams.nLevLonger = 2; SetDefault(TRUE); } // =================================================================================================== // = class FmSearchConfigAdmin - verwaltet den Zugriff auf das einzige FmSearchConfigItem, das es gibt // =================================================================================================== // die statics der Klasse FmSearchConfigItem* FmSearchConfigAdmin::s_pItem = NULL; INT32 FmSearchConfigAdmin::s_nUsageCounter = 0; // die Instanz, die durch ihre globale Instantiierung dafuer sorgt, dass das ConfigItem erst bei // Programmende aufgeraeumt wird //FmSearchConfigAdmin g_aEnsureLastPossibleDelete; // da der FmSearchConfigAdmin einen Usage-Counter hat, wird das von ihm verwaltete Item wirklich erst // mit dem Beenden des Office endgueltige aufgeraeumt, dann naemlich wird diese Instanz hier weggeworfen. // Geladen wird es erst bei Benutzung : sobald naemlich jemand von einer FmSearchConfigAdmin-Instanz // die Params erfragt. Also schadet dieses eine zusaetzliche Objekt niemandem. DBG_NAME(FmSearchConfigAdmin); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmSearchConfigAdmin::FmSearchConfigAdmin() { DBG_CTOR(FmSearchConfigAdmin,NULL); ++s_nUsageCounter; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmSearchConfigAdmin::~FmSearchConfigAdmin() { if (--s_nUsageCounter == 0) { if (s_pItem) { s_pItem->StoreConfig(TRUE); delete s_pItem; s_pItem = NULL; } } DBG_DTOR(FmSearchConfigAdmin,NULL); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmSearchConfigItem* FmSearchConfigAdmin::GetItem() const { if (s_pItem) return s_pItem; s_pItem = new FmSearchConfigItem; s_pItem->Initialize(); return s_pItem; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmSearchConfigAdmin::PutParams(const FmSearchParams& rParams) { if (GetParams() != rParams) { GetItem()->m_aParams = rParams; GetItem()->SetDefault(FALSE); // damit wird das Ding implizit auch modified gesetzt } }