/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fmundo.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.14 $ * * last change: $Author: fs $ $Date: 2001-09-06 15:56:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _SVX_FMUNDO_HXX #include "fmundo.hxx" #endif #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp> #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FORM_XFORMCONTROLLER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/form/XFormController.hpp> #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XCONTAINER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainer.hpp> #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XCONTAINERLISTENER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainerListener.hpp> #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_XEVENTATTACHERMANAGER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacherManager.hpp> #endif #ifndef _FM_FMMODEL_HXX #include "fmmodel.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMTOOLS_HXX #include "fmtools.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMPAGE_HXX //autogen #include <fmpage.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMRESIDS_HRC #include "fmresids.hrc" #endif #ifndef _SVX_DIALMGR_HXX #include "dialmgr.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMUNOPGE_HXX #include "fmpgeimp.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMPROP_HXX #include "fmprop.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SFXMACITEM_HXX //autogen #include <svtools/macitem.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include <tools/shl.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SBXCLASS_HXX //autogen #include <svtools/sbx.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SB_SBUNO_HXX #include <basic/sbuno.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX //autogen #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SFXDOCFILE_HXX //autogen #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include <sfx2/app.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SFX_HRC #include <sfx2/sfx.hrc> #endif #ifndef _SFXEVENT_HXX //autogen #include <sfx2/event.hxx> #endif #ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX //autogen #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SVDITER_HXX //autogen #include "svditer.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMOBJ_HXX #include "fmobj.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_ //autogen #include <osl/mutex.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMGLOB_HXX #include "fmglob.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMPROP_HRC #include "fmprop.hrc" #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROPERTY_HXX_ #include <comphelper/property.hxx> #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_UNO3_HXX_ #include <comphelper/uno3.hxx> #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_STLTYPES_HXX_ #include <comphelper/stl_types.hxx> #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::script; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::form; using namespace ::svxform; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // some helper structs for caching property infos //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct PropertyInfo { BOOL bIsTransientOrReadOnly : 1; // the property is transient or read-only, thus we need no undo action for it BOOL bIsControlSourceProperty : 1; // the property is the special control source property, thus it may be handled // as if it's transient or persistent }; struct PropertySetInfo { DECLARE_STL_USTRINGACCESS_MAP(PropertyInfo, AllProperties); AllProperties aProps; // all properties of this set which we know so far BOOL bHasEmptyControlSource; // sal_True -> the set has a DataField property, and the current value is an empty string // sal_False -> the set has _no_ such property or it's value isn't empty }; BOOL operator < (const Reference< XPropertySet >& lhs, const Reference< XPropertySet >& rhs) { return lhs.get() < rhs.get(); } DECLARE_STL_STDKEY_MAP(Reference< XPropertySet >, PropertySetInfo, PropertySetInfoCache); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String static_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBG_NAME(FmXUndoEnvironment); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmXUndoEnvironment::FmXUndoEnvironment(FmFormModel& _rModel) :rModel(_rModel) ,nLocks(0) ,bReadOnly(sal_False) ,m_pPropertySetCache(NULL) { DBG_CTOR(FmXUndoEnvironment,NULL); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmXUndoEnvironment::~FmXUndoEnvironment() { DBG_DTOR(FmXUndoEnvironment,NULL); if (m_pPropertySetCache) delete static_cast<PropertySetInfoCache*>(m_pPropertySetCache); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Clear() { Lock(); sal_uInt16 nCount = rModel.GetPageCount(); sal_uInt16 i; for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { Reference< XInterface > xInt(((FmFormPage*)rModel.GetPage(i))->GetForms()); RemoveElement(xInt); } nCount = rModel.GetMasterPageCount(); for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { Reference< XInterface > xInt(((FmFormPage*)rModel.GetMasterPage(i))->GetForms()); RemoveElement(xInt); } UnLock(); EndListening(*rModel.GetObjectShell()); if (IsListening(rModel)) EndListening(rModel); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::ModeChanged() { if (bReadOnly != (rModel.GetObjectShell()->IsReadOnly() || rModel.GetObjectShell()->IsReadOnlyUI())) { bReadOnly = !bReadOnly; sal_uInt16 nCount = rModel.GetPageCount(); sal_uInt16 i; for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { Reference< XInterface > xInt(((FmFormPage*)rModel.GetPage(i))->GetForms()); AlterPropertyListening(xInt); } nCount = rModel.GetMasterPageCount(); for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { Reference< XInterface > xInt(((FmFormPage*)rModel.GetMasterPage(i))->GetForms()); AlterPropertyListening(xInt); } if (!bReadOnly) StartListening(rModel); else EndListening(rModel); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if (rHint.ISA(SdrHint)) { SdrHint* pSdrHint = (SdrHint*)&rHint; switch( pSdrHint->GetKind() ) { case HINT_OBJINSERTED: { SdrObject* pSdrObj = (SdrObject*)pSdrHint->GetObject(); Inserted( pSdrObj ); } break; case HINT_OBJREMOVED: { SdrObject* pSdrObj = (SdrObject*)pSdrHint->GetObject(); Removed( pSdrObj ); } break; } } else if (rHint.ISA(SfxSimpleHint)) { switch ( ((SfxSimpleHint&)rHint).GetId() ) { case SFX_HINT_DYING: Clear(); break; case SFX_HINT_MODECHANGED: ModeChanged(); break; } } else if (rHint.ISA(SfxEventHint)) { switch (((SfxEventHint&)rHint).GetEventId()) { case SFX_EVENT_CREATEDOC: case SFX_EVENT_OPENDOC: ModeChanged(); break; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Inserted(SdrObject* pObj) { if (bReadOnly) return; if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == FmFormInventor) { FmFormObj* pFormObj = PTR_CAST(FmFormObj, pObj); Inserted(pFormObj); } else if (pObj->IsGroupObject()) { SdrObjListIter aIter(*pObj->GetSubList()); while (aIter.IsMore()) { SdrObject* pObj = aIter.Next(); Inserted(pObj); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Inserted(FmFormObj* pObj) { // ist das Control noch einer Form zugeordnet Reference< XInterface > xModel = pObj->GetUnoControlModel(); Reference< XFormComponent > xContent(xModel, UNO_QUERY); if (xContent.is() && pObj->GetPage()) { // Komponente gehoert noch keiner Form an if (!xContent->getParent().is()) { // Einfuegen in den Parent falls noetig Reference< XIndexContainer > xParent = pObj->GetParent(); // Suchen des Form in der aktuellen Page Reference< XIndexContainer > xForm; Reference< XInterface > xIface(xParent, UNO_QUERY); Reference< XIndexAccess > xForms(((FmFormPage*)pObj->GetPage())->GetForms(), UNO_QUERY);; if (searchElement(xForms, xIface)) xForm = xParent; else { Reference< XForm > xTemp = ((FmFormPage*)pObj->GetPage())->GetImpl()->SetDefaults(xContent); xForm = Reference< XIndexContainer > (xTemp, UNO_QUERY); } // Position des Elements sal_Int32 nPos = xForm->getCount(); if ((XIndexContainer*)xForm.get() == (XIndexContainer*)xParent.get()) { if (nPos > pObj->GetPos()) nPos = xForm->getCount(); } xForm->insertByIndex(nPos, makeAny(xContent)); Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xForm, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) xManager->registerScriptEvents(nPos, pObj->GetEvents()); } // FormObject zuruecksetzen pObj->SetObjEnv(Reference< XIndexContainer > ()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Removed(SdrObject* pObj) { if (bReadOnly) return; if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == FmFormInventor) { FmFormObj* pFormObj = PTR_CAST(FmFormObj, pObj); Removed(pFormObj); } else if (pObj->IsGroupObject()) { SdrObjListIter aIter(*pObj->GetSubList()); while (aIter.IsMore()) { SdrObject* pObj = aIter.Next(); Removed(pObj); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::Removed(FmFormObj* pObj) { // ist das Control noch einer Form zugeordnet Reference< XInterface > xModel = pObj->GetUnoControlModel(); Reference< XFormComponent > xContent(xModel, UNO_QUERY); if (xContent.is()) { // das Object wird aus einer Liste herausgenommen // existiert ein Vater wird das Object beim beim Vater entfernt und // am FormObject gemerkt! // wird das Object wieder eingefuegt und ein Parent existiert, so wird dieser // Parent wiederum gesetzt Reference< XIndexContainer > xForm(xContent->getParent(), UNO_QUERY); if (xForm.is()) { Reference< XIndexAccess > xIndexAccess((XIndexContainer*)xForm.get()); // Feststellen an welcher Position sich das Kind befunden hat sal_Int32 nPos = getElementPos(xIndexAccess, xContent); if (nPos >= 0) { Sequence< ScriptEventDescriptor > aEvts; Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xForm, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) aEvts = xManager->getScriptEvents(nPos); try { pObj->SetObjEnv(xForm, nPos, aEvts); xForm->removeByIndex(nPos); } catch(Exception&) { } } } } } // XEventListener //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::disposing(const EventObject& e) throw( RuntimeException ) { // check if it's an object we have cached informations about if (m_pPropertySetCache) { Reference< XPropertySet > xSourceSet(e.Source, UNO_QUERY); if (xSourceSet.is()) { PropertySetInfoCache* pCache = static_cast<PropertySetInfoCache*>(m_pPropertySetCache); PropertySetInfoCacheIterator aSetPos = pCache->find(xSourceSet); if (aSetPos != pCache->end()) pCache->erase(aSetPos); } } } // XPropertyChangeListener //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::propertyChange(const PropertyChangeEvent& evt) { if (!IsLocked()) { Reference< XPropertySet > xSet(evt.Source, UNO_QUERY); if (!xSet.is()) return; // if it's a "default value" property of a control model, set the according "value" property static const sal_Char* pDefaultValueProperties[] = { FM_PROP_DEFAULT_TEXT, FM_PROP_DEFAULTCHECKED, FM_PROP_DEFAULT_DATE, FM_PROP_DEFAULT_TIME, FM_PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE, FM_PROP_DEFAULT_SELECT_SEQ, FM_PROP_EFFECTIVE_DEFAULT }; const ::rtl::OUString aValueProperties[] = { FM_PROP_TEXT, FM_PROP_STATE, FM_PROP_DATE, FM_PROP_TIME, FM_PROP_VALUE, FM_PROP_SELECT_SEQ, FM_PROP_EFFECTIVE_VALUE }; sal_Int32 nDefaultValueProps = sizeof(pDefaultValueProperties)/sizeof(pDefaultValueProperties[0]); OSL_ENSURE(sizeof(aValueProperties)/sizeof(aValueProperties[0]) == nDefaultValueProps, "FmXUndoEnvironment::propertyChange: inconsistence!"); for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nDefaultValueProps; ++i) { if (0 == evt.PropertyName.compareToAscii(pDefaultValueProperties[i])) { try { xSet->setPropertyValue(aValueProperties[i], evt.NewValue); } catch(const Exception&) { OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "FmXUndoEnvironment::propertyChange: could not adjust the value property!"); } } } // no Undo for transient and readonly props. But unfortunately "transient" is not only that the // "persistent" flag is not set for the property in question, instead is is somewhat more complex // (depending on whether or not the affected control model is intended to be bound, i.e. has a non-empty // ControlSource property) // kein Undo fuer transiente und readonly properties if (!m_pPropertySetCache) m_pPropertySetCache = new PropertySetInfoCache; PropertySetInfoCache* pCache = static_cast<PropertySetInfoCache*>(m_pPropertySetCache); // let's see if we know something about the set PropertySetInfoCacheIterator aSetPos = pCache->find(xSet); if (aSetPos == pCache->end()) { PropertySetInfo aNewEntry; if (!::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCE, xSet)) { aNewEntry.bHasEmptyControlSource = sal_False; } else { try { Any aCurrentControlSource = xSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCE); aNewEntry.bHasEmptyControlSource = !aCurrentControlSource.hasValue() || (::comphelper::getString(aCurrentControlSource).getLength() == 0); } catch(Exception&) { } } aSetPos = pCache->insert(PropertySetInfoCache::value_type(xSet,aNewEntry)).first; DBG_ASSERT(aSetPos != pCache->end(), "FmXUndoEnvironment::propertyChange : just inserted it ... why it's not there ?"); } else { // is it the DataField property ? if (evt.PropertyName.equals(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCE)) { aSetPos->second.bHasEmptyControlSource = !evt.NewValue.hasValue() || (::comphelper::getString(evt.NewValue).getLength() == 0); } } // now we have access to the cached info about the set // let's see what we know about the property PropertySetInfo::AllProperties& rPropInfos = aSetPos->second.aProps; PropertySetInfo::AllPropertiesIterator aPropertyPos = rPropInfos.find(evt.PropertyName); if (aPropertyPos == rPropInfos.end()) { // nothing 'til now ... have to change this .... PropertyInfo aNewEntry; // the attributes INT32 nAttributes = xSet->getPropertySetInfo()->getPropertyByName(evt.PropertyName).Attributes; aNewEntry.bIsTransientOrReadOnly = ((nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::READONLY) != 0) || ((nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::TRANSIENT) != 0); // check if it is the special "DataFieldProperty" aNewEntry.bIsControlSourceProperty = sal_False; try { if (::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCEPROPERTY, xSet)) { Any aControlSourceProperty = xSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCEPROPERTY); ::rtl::OUString sControlSourceProperty; aControlSourceProperty >>= sControlSourceProperty; aNewEntry.bIsControlSourceProperty = (sControlSourceProperty.equals(evt.PropertyName)); } } catch(Exception&) { } // insert the new entry aPropertyPos = rPropInfos.insert(PropertySetInfo::AllProperties::value_type(evt.PropertyName,aNewEntry)).first; DBG_ASSERT(aPropertyPos != rPropInfos.end(), "FmXUndoEnvironment::propertyChange : just inserted it ... why it's not there ?"); } // now we have access to the cached info about the property affected // and are able to decide wether or not we need an undo action if (!aPropertyPos->second.bIsTransientOrReadOnly) { // normally we would generate an undo action for all non-readonly and non-transient properties, but ... // check if it is a special control property which is required for data field connectivity, these // special properties may be handled as though they were transient ... if (!aPropertyPos->second.bIsControlSourceProperty || aSetPos->second.bHasEmptyControlSource) rModel.AddUndo(new FmUndoPropertyAction(rModel, evt)); } } else { // if it's the DataField property we may have to adjust our cache if (m_pPropertySetCache && evt.PropertyName.equals(FM_PROP_CONTROLSOURCE)) { Reference< XPropertySet > xSet(evt.Source, UNO_QUERY); PropertySetInfoCache* pCache = static_cast<PropertySetInfoCache*>(m_pPropertySetCache); PropertySetInfo& rSetInfo = (*pCache)[xSet]; rSetInfo.bHasEmptyControlSource = !evt.NewValue.hasValue() || (::comphelper::getString(evt.NewValue).getLength() == 0); } } } // XVetoableChangeListener //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::vetoableChange(const PropertyChangeEvent& aEvent) throw( PropertyVetoException, RuntimeException ) { if (aEvent.PropertyName == FM_PROP_DATASOURCE) { // if the database form belongs to a connection // it is not possible to change the connection if (findConnection(aEvent.Source).is()) { ::rtl::OUString aMessage = ::rtl::OUString(SVX_RES(RID_STR_VETO_DATASOURCE)); throw(PropertyVetoException(aMessage, (XVetoableChangeListener*)this)); } } } // XContainerListener //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::elementInserted(const ContainerEvent& evt) { // neues Object zum lauschen Reference< XInterface > xIface; evt.Element >>= xIface; OSL_ENSURE(xIface.is(), "FmXUndoEnvironment::elementInserted: invalid container notification!"); AddElement(xIface); if (!IsLocked() && rModel.GetObjectShell()) { rModel.GetObjectShell()->SetModified(sal_True); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::elementReplaced(const ContainerEvent& evt) { Reference< XInterface > xIface; evt.ReplacedElement >>= xIface; OSL_ENSURE(xIface.is(), "FmXUndoEnvironment::elementReplaced: invalid container notification!"); RemoveElement(xIface); evt.Element >>= xIface; AddElement(xIface); if (!IsLocked() && rModel.GetObjectShell()) { rModel.GetObjectShell()->SetModified(sal_True); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::elementRemoved(const ContainerEvent& evt) { Reference< XInterface > xIface; evt.Element >>= xIface; OSL_ENSURE(xIface.is(), "FmXUndoEnvironment::elementRemoved: invalid container notification!"); RemoveElement(xIface); if (!IsLocked() && rModel.GetObjectShell()) { rModel.GetObjectShell()->SetModified(sal_True); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::AddForms(const Reference< XNameContainer > & rForms) { Lock(); Reference< XInterface > xInt = rForms; AddElement(xInt); UnLock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::RemoveForms(const Reference< XNameContainer > & rForms) { Lock(); Reference< XInterface > xInt = rForms; RemoveElement(xInt); UnLock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::AlterPropertyListening(const Reference< XInterface > & Element) { // am Container horchen Reference< XIndexContainer > xContainer(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xContainer.is()) { sal_uInt32 nCount = xContainer->getCount(); Reference< XInterface > xIface; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { xContainer->getByIndex(i) >>= xIface; AlterPropertyListening(xIface); } } Reference< XPropertySet > xSet(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xSet.is()) { if (!bReadOnly) xSet->addPropertyChangeListener(::rtl::OUString(), (XPropertyChangeListener*)this); else xSet->removePropertyChangeListener(::rtl::OUString(), (XPropertyChangeListener*)this); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::AddElement(const Reference< XInterface > & Element) { // am Container horchen Reference< XIndexContainer > xContainer(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xContainer.is()) { // Wenn der Container ein EventAttachManager ist, mussen wir uns // auch noch als ScriptListener anmelden. Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEAManager(Element, UNO_QUERY); if( xEAManager.is() ) xEAManager->addScriptListener( (XScriptListener*)this ); sal_uInt32 nCount = xContainer->getCount(); Reference< XInterface > xIface; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { xContainer->getByIndex(i) >>= xIface; AddElement(xIface); } Reference< XContainer > xCont(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xCont.is()) xCont->addContainerListener((XContainerListener*)this); } if (!bReadOnly) { // auf Properties horchen Reference< XPropertySet > xSet(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xSet.is()) { xSet->addPropertyChangeListener(::rtl::OUString(), (XPropertyChangeListener*)this); Reference< XForm > xForm(xSet, UNO_QUERY); if (xForm.is()) xSet->addVetoableChangeListener(FM_PROP_DATASOURCE, (XVetoableChangeListener*)this); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmXUndoEnvironment::RemoveElement(const Reference< XInterface > & Element) { if (!bReadOnly) { // Verbindung zu PropertySet aufheben Reference< XPropertySet > xSet(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xSet.is()) { xSet->removePropertyChangeListener(::rtl::OUString(), (XPropertyChangeListener*)this); Reference< XForm > xForm(xSet, UNO_QUERY); if (xForm.is()) { xSet->removeVetoableChangeListener(FM_PROP_DATASOURCE, (XVetoableChangeListener*)this); // reset the ActiveConnection if the form is to be removed. This will (should) free the resources // associated with this connection // 86299 - 05/02/2001 - frank.schoenheit@germany.sun.com xSet->setPropertyValue(FM_PROP_ACTIVE_CONNECTION, Any()); } } } // Verbindung zu Kindern aufheben Reference< XIndexContainer > xContainer(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xContainer.is()) { Reference< XContainer > xCont(Element, UNO_QUERY); if (xCont.is()) xCont->removeContainerListener((XContainerListener*)this); // Wenn der Container ein EventAttachManager ist, mussen wir uns // auch noch als ScriptListener anmelden. Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEAManager(Element, UNO_QUERY); if( xEAManager.is() ) xEAManager->removeScriptListener( (XScriptListener*)this ); sal_uInt32 nCount = xContainer->getCount(); Reference< XInterface > xIface; for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { xContainer->getByIndex(i) >>= xIface; RemoveElement(xIface); } } } // XScriptListener void FmXUndoEnvironment::firing_Impl( const ScriptEvent& evt, Any *pSyncRet ) { ::vos::OClearableGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); SfxObjectShellRef xObjSh = rModel.GetObjectShell(); if( !xObjSh.Is() ) return; { Reference< XInterface > xThis; evt.Helper >>= xThis; // if (evt.Helper.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XFormController>*)0)) // { // Reference< XFormController > xController; // evt.Helper >>= xController; // xThis = Reference< XInterface > (xController, UNO_QUERY); // } // else if (evt.Helper.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XPropertySet>*)0)) // // { // Reference< XPropertySet > xSet; // evt.Helper >>= xSet; // Reference< XForm > xForm(xSet, UNO_QUERY); // // xThis = Reference< XInterface > (xSet, UNO_QUERY); // } // else if( evt.Helper.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XControl>*)0) ) // // { // Reference< XControl > xControl; // evt.Helper >>= xControl; // xThis = Reference< XInterface > (xControl, UNO_QUERY); // } aGuard.clear(); if (xThis.is()) { ::rtl::OUString sScriptType = evt.ScriptType; ::rtl::OUString sScriptCode = evt.ScriptCode; Sequence< Any > aArguments = evt.Arguments; ::rtl::OUString sMacroLocation; // the object shell still want's the script in the old format where neither "document" nor "application" is prepended if ( 0 == sScriptType.compareToAscii( "StarBasic" ) ) { // it's a starbasic script sal_Int32 nPrefixLen = sScriptCode.indexOf( ':' ); DBG_ASSERT( 0 <= nPrefixLen, "FmXUndoEnvironment::firing_Impl: Basic script name in old format encountered!" ); if ( 0 <= nPrefixLen ) { // and it has such a prefix sMacroLocation = sScriptCode.copy( 0, nPrefixLen ); DBG_ASSERT( 0 == sMacroLocation.compareToAscii( "document" ) || 0 == sMacroLocation.compareToAscii( "application" ), "FmXUndoEnvironment::firing_Impl: invalid (unknown) prefix!" ); // strip the prefix: the SfxObjectShell::CallScript knows nothing about such prefixes sScriptCode = sScriptCode.copy( nPrefixLen + 1 ); // (On the medium run, we should migrate to the mechanism where scripts are executed via // XDispatch (or whatever they are planning to use). But at the moment this mechanism is not implemented at all ...) } } if ( sMacroLocation.getLength() ) { // we have a macro in the "new" runtime format (fully described) xObjSh->CallStarBasicScript( sScriptCode, sMacroLocation, static_cast< void* >( &aArguments ), pSyncRet ); } else { // we have a script in the old format xObjSh->CallScript( sScriptType, sScriptCode, xThis, static_cast< void* >( &aArguments ), pSyncRet ); } } } // Objectshells are not thread safe, so guard the destruction { ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); xObjSh = NULL; } } void SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::firing(const ScriptEvent& evt) { firing_Impl( evt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any SAL_CALL FmXUndoEnvironment::approveFiring(const ScriptEvent& evt) { Any aRet; firing_Impl( evt, &aRet ); return aRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmUndoPropertyAction::FmUndoPropertyAction(FmFormModel& rNewMod, const PropertyChangeEvent& evt) :SdrUndoAction(rNewMod) ,aPropertyName(evt.PropertyName) ,aNewValue(evt.NewValue) ,aOldValue(evt.OldValue) ,xObj(evt.Source, UNO_QUERY) { if (rNewMod.GetObjectShell()) rNewMod.GetObjectShell()->SetModified(sal_True); if(static_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY.Len() != 0) static_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY = SVX_RES(RID_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmUndoPropertyAction::Undo() { FmXUndoEnvironment& rEnv = ((FmFormModel&)rMod).GetUndoEnv(); if (xObj.is() && !rEnv.IsLocked()) { // Locking damit keine neue UndoAction entsteht rEnv.Lock(); xObj->setPropertyValue(aPropertyName, aOldValue); rEnv.UnLock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmUndoPropertyAction::Redo() { FmXUndoEnvironment& rEnv = ((FmFormModel&)rMod).GetUndoEnv(); if (xObj.is() && !rEnv.IsLocked()) { rEnv.Lock(); xObj->setPropertyValue(aPropertyName, aNewValue); rEnv.UnLock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String FmUndoPropertyAction::GetComment() const { String aStr(static_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY); sal_uInt16 nId = (sal_uInt16)FmPropertyInfoService::getPropertyId(aPropertyName); if (nId) aStr.SearchAndReplace('#', FmPropertyInfoService::getPropertyTranslation(nId)); else aStr.SearchAndReplace('#', aPropertyName); return aStr; } DBG_NAME(FmUndoContainerAction); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmUndoContainerAction::FmUndoContainerAction(FmFormModel& rMod, Action _eAction, const Reference< XIndexContainer > & xCont, const Reference< XInterface > & xElem, sal_Int32 nIdx) :SdrUndoAction(rMod) ,eAction(_eAction) ,xContainer(xCont) ,nIndex(nIdx) { DBG_CTOR(FmUndoContainerAction,NULL); if (xCont.is() && xElem.is()) { // den Richtigen IFacePointer ::comphelper::query_interface(xElem, xElement); if (eAction == Removed) { if (nIndex < 0) { // Feststellen an welcher Position sich das Kind befunden hat Reference< XIndexAccess > xInd(xContainer,UNO_QUERY); nIndex = getElementPos(xInd, xElement); } if (nIndex >= 0) { Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xCont, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) aEvts = xManager->getScriptEvents(nIndex); } else xElement = NULL; xOwnElement = xElement; } else { if (nIndex < 0) nIndex = xContainer->getCount(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmUndoContainerAction::~FmUndoContainerAction() { Reference< XComponent > xComp(xOwnElement, UNO_QUERY); if (xComp.is()) { Reference< XChild > xChild(xOwnElement, UNO_QUERY); // nur wenn das Objekt frei schwebt if (xChild.is() && !xChild->getParent().is()) xComp->dispose(); } DBG_DTOR(FmUndoContainerAction,NULL); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmUndoContainerAction::Undo() { FmXUndoEnvironment& rEnv = ((FmFormModel&)rMod).GetUndoEnv(); if (xContainer.is() && !rEnv.IsLocked() && xElement.is()) { rEnv.Lock(); switch (eAction) { case Inserted: { Reference< XInterface > xObj,xIface;; xContainer->getByIndex(nIndex) >>= xObj; ::comphelper::query_interface(xObj, xIface); if ((XInterface *)xElement.get() == (XInterface *)xIface.get()) { Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xContainer, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) aEvts = xManager->getScriptEvents(nIndex); xContainer->removeByIndex(nIndex); xOwnElement = xElement; } } break; case Removed: if (xContainer->getCount() >= nIndex) { Any aVal; if (xContainer->getElementType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XFormComponent>*)0)) { Reference< XFormComponent > xFmcomp(xElement, UNO_QUERY); aVal <<= xFmcomp; } else { Reference< XForm > xForm(xElement, UNO_QUERY); aVal <<= xForm; } xContainer->insertByIndex(nIndex, aVal); Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xContainer, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) xManager->registerScriptEvents(nIndex, aEvts); xOwnElement = NULL; } break; } rEnv.UnLock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmUndoContainerAction::Redo() { FmXUndoEnvironment& rEnv = ((FmFormModel&)rMod).GetUndoEnv(); if (xContainer.is() && !rEnv.IsLocked() && xElement.is()) { rEnv.Lock(); switch (eAction) { case Inserted: { if (xContainer->getCount() >= nIndex) { Any aVal; if (xContainer->getElementType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XFormComponent>*)0)) { Reference< XFormComponent > xFmcomp(xElement, UNO_QUERY); aVal <<= xFmcomp; } else { Reference< XForm > xForm(xElement, UNO_QUERY); aVal <<= xForm; } xContainer->insertByIndex(nIndex, aVal); Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xContainer, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) xManager->registerScriptEvents(nIndex, aEvts); xOwnElement = NULL; } } break; case Removed: { Reference< XInterface > xObj; xContainer->getByIndex(nIndex) >>= xObj; if ((XInterface *)xElement.get() == (XInterface *)xObj.get()) { Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xManager(xContainer, UNO_QUERY); if (xManager.is()) aEvts = xManager->getScriptEvents(nIndex); xContainer->removeByIndex(nIndex); xOwnElement = xElement; } } break; } rEnv.UnLock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmUndoModelReplaceAction::FmUndoModelReplaceAction(FmFormModel& _rMod, SdrUnoObj* _pObject, const Reference< XControlModel > & _xReplaced) :SdrUndoAction(_rMod) ,m_xReplaced(_xReplaced) ,m_pObject(_pObject) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FmUndoModelReplaceAction::~FmUndoModelReplaceAction() { // dispose our element if nobody else is responsible for Reference< XComponent > xComp(m_xReplaced, UNO_QUERY); if (xComp.is()) { Reference< XChild > xChild(m_xReplaced, UNO_QUERY); if (!xChild.is() || !xChild->getParent().is()) xComp->dispose(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FmUndoModelReplaceAction::Undo() { try { Reference< XControlModel > xCurrentModel( m_pObject->GetUnoControlModel() ); // replace the model within the parent Reference< XChild > xCurrentAsChild( xCurrentModel, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XNameContainer > xCurrentsParent; if ( xCurrentAsChild.is() ) xCurrentsParent = xCurrentsParent.query( xCurrentAsChild->getParent() ); DBG_ASSERT( xCurrentsParent.is(), "FmUndoModelReplaceAction::Undo: invalid current model!" ); if ( xCurrentsParent.is() ) { // the form container works with FormComponents Reference< XFormComponent > xComponent( m_xReplaced, UNO_QUERY ); DBG_ASSERT( xComponent.is(), "FmUndoModelReplaceAction::Undo: the new model is no form component !" ); Reference< XPropertySet > xCurrentAsSet( xCurrentModel, UNO_QUERY ); DBG_ASSERT( ::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_NAME, xCurrentAsSet ), "FmUndoModelReplaceAction::Undo : one of the models is invalid !"); ::rtl::OUString sName; xCurrentAsSet->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_NAME ) >>= sName; xCurrentsParent->replaceByName( sName, makeAny( xComponent ) ); m_pObject->SetUnoControlModel(m_xReplaced); m_pObject->SetChanged(); m_xReplaced = xCurrentModel; } } catch(Exception&) { DBG_ERROR("FmUndoModelReplaceAction::Undo : could not replace the model !"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String FmUndoModelReplaceAction::GetComment() const { return SVX_RES(RID_STR_UNDO_MODEL_REPLACE); }