/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "sal/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "helpid.hrc" #include "svx/gallery1.hxx" #include "svx/galtheme.hxx" #include "svx/galmisc.hxx" #include "galbrws1.hxx" #include #include "gallery.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; GalleryButton::GalleryButton( GalleryBrowser1* pParent, WinBits nWinBits ) : PushButton( pParent, nWinBits ) { } void GalleryButton::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { if( !static_cast< GalleryBrowser1* >( GetParent() )->KeyInput( rKEvt, this ) ) PushButton::KeyInput( rKEvt ); } GalleryThemeListBox::GalleryThemeListBox( GalleryBrowser1* pParent, WinBits nWinBits ) : ListBox( pParent, nWinBits ) { InitSettings(); } void GalleryThemeListBox::InitSettings() { SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_BG_COLOR ) ); SetControlBackground( GALLERY_BG_COLOR ); SetControlForeground( GALLERY_FG_COLOR ); } void GalleryThemeListBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE ) ) InitSettings(); else ListBox::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } bool GalleryThemeListBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool bDone = false; if( rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::COMMAND ) { const CommandEvent* pCEvt = rNEvt.GetCommandEvent(); if( pCEvt && pCEvt->GetCommand() == CommandEventId::ContextMenu ) static_cast< GalleryBrowser1* >( GetParent() )->ShowContextMenu(); } else if( rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); if( pKEvt ) bDone = static_cast< GalleryBrowser1* >( GetParent() )->KeyInput( *pKEvt, this ); } return( bDone || ListBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ) ); } GalleryBrowser1::GalleryBrowser1( vcl::Window* pParent, Gallery* pGallery, const ::std::function& rKeyInputHandler, const ::std::function& rThemeSlectionHandler) : Control ( pParent, WB_TABSTOP ), maNewTheme ( VclPtr::Create(this, WB_3DLOOK) ), mpThemes ( VclPtr::Create( this, WB_TABSTOP | WB_3DLOOK | WB_BORDER | WB_HSCROLL | WB_VSCROLL | WB_AUTOHSCROLL | WB_SORT ) ), mpGallery ( pGallery ), mpExchangeData ( new ExchangeData ), mpThemePropsDlgItemSet( nullptr ), aImgNormal ( GalleryResGetBitmapEx( RID_SVXBMP_THEME_NORMAL ) ), aImgDefault ( GalleryResGetBitmapEx( RID_SVXBMP_THEME_DEFAULT ) ), aImgReadOnly ( GalleryResGetBitmapEx( RID_SVXBMP_THEME_READONLY ) ), maKeyInputHandler(rKeyInputHandler), maThemeSlectionHandler(rThemeSlectionHandler) { StartListening( *mpGallery ); maNewTheme->SetHelpId( HID_GALLERY_NEWTHEME ); maNewTheme->SetText( GAL_RESSTR(RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_CREATETHEME)); maNewTheme->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, ClickNewThemeHdl ) ); // disable creation of new themes if a writable directory is not available if( mpGallery->GetUserURL().GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NotValid ) maNewTheme->Disable(); mpThemes->SetHelpId( HID_GALLERY_THEMELIST ); mpThemes->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, SelectThemeHdl ) ); mpThemes->SetAccessibleName(SVX_RESSTR(RID_SVXSTR_GALLERYPROPS_GALTHEME)); for( sal_uIntPtr i = 0, nCount = mpGallery->GetThemeCount(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplInsertThemeEntry( mpGallery->GetThemeInfo( i ) ); ImplAdjustControls(); maNewTheme->Show(); mpThemes->Show(); } GalleryBrowser1::~GalleryBrowser1() { disposeOnce(); } void GalleryBrowser1::dispose() { EndListening( *mpGallery ); mpThemes.disposeAndClear(); delete mpExchangeData; mpExchangeData = nullptr; maNewTheme.disposeAndClear(); Control::dispose(); } sal_uIntPtr GalleryBrowser1::ImplInsertThemeEntry( const GalleryThemeEntry* pEntry ) { static const bool bShowHiddenThemes = ( getenv( "GALLERY_SHOW_HIDDEN_THEMES" ) != nullptr ); sal_uIntPtr nRet = LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; if( pEntry && ( !pEntry->IsHidden() || bShowHiddenThemes ) ) { const Image* pImage; if( pEntry->IsReadOnly() ) pImage = &aImgReadOnly; else if( pEntry->IsDefault() ) pImage = &aImgDefault; else pImage = &aImgNormal; nRet = mpThemes->InsertEntry( pEntry->GetThemeName(), *pImage ); } return nRet; } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplAdjustControls() { const Size aOutSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); const long nNewThemeHeight = LogicToPixel( Size( 0, 14 ), MapUnit::MapAppFont ).Height(); const long nStartY = nNewThemeHeight + 4; maNewTheme->SetPosSizePixel( Point(), Size( aOutSize.Width(), nNewThemeHeight ) ); mpThemes->SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, nStartY ), Size( aOutSize.Width(), aOutSize.Height() - nStartY ) ); } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplFillExchangeData( const GalleryTheme* pThm, ExchangeData& rData ) { rData.pTheme = const_cast(pThm); rData.aEditedTitle = pThm->GetName(); try { ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( pThm->GetThmURL().GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(), comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); util::DateTime aDateTimeModified; DateTime aDateTime( DateTime::EMPTY ); aCnt.getPropertyValue("DateModified") >>= aDateTimeModified; ::utl::typeConvert( aDateTimeModified, aDateTime ); rData.aThemeChangeDate = aDateTime; rData.aThemeChangeTime = aDateTime; } catch( const ucb::ContentCreationException& ) { } catch( const uno::RuntimeException& ) { } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { } } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplGetExecuteVector(::std::vector< sal_uInt16 >& o_aExec) { GalleryTheme* pTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( GetSelectedTheme(), *this ); if( pTheme ) { bool bUpdateAllowed, bRenameAllowed, bRemoveAllowed; static const bool bIdDialog = ( getenv( "GALLERY_ENABLE_ID_DIALOG" ) != nullptr ); if( pTheme->IsReadOnly() ) bUpdateAllowed = bRenameAllowed = bRemoveAllowed = false; else if( pTheme->IsDefault() ) { bUpdateAllowed = bRenameAllowed = true; bRemoveAllowed = false; } else bUpdateAllowed = bRenameAllowed = bRemoveAllowed = true; if( bUpdateAllowed && pTheme->GetObjectCount() ) o_aExec.push_back( MN_ACTUALIZE ); if( bRenameAllowed ) o_aExec.push_back( MN_RENAME ); if( bRemoveAllowed ) o_aExec.push_back( MN_DELETE ); if( bIdDialog && !pTheme->IsReadOnly() ) o_aExec.push_back( MN_ASSIGN_ID ); o_aExec.push_back( MN_PROPERTIES ); mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( pTheme, *this ); } } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplGalleryThemeProperties( const OUString & rThemeName, bool bCreateNew ) { DBG_ASSERT(!mpThemePropsDlgItemSet, "mpThemePropsDlgItemSet already set!"); mpThemePropsDlgItemSet = new SfxItemSet( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() ); GalleryTheme* pTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( rThemeName, *this ); ImplFillExchangeData( pTheme, *mpExchangeData ); SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); assert(pFact && "Got no AbstractDialogFactory!"); VclAbstractDialog2* pThemeProps = pFact->CreateGalleryThemePropertiesDialog( mpExchangeData, mpThemePropsDlgItemSet ); assert(pThemeProps && "Got no GalleryThemePropertiesDialog!"); if ( bCreateNew ) { pThemeProps->StartExecuteModal( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, EndNewThemePropertiesDlgHdl ) ); } else { pThemeProps->StartExecuteModal( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, EndThemePropertiesDlgHdl ) ); } } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplEndGalleryThemeProperties(Dialog* pDialog, bool bCreateNew) { long nRet = pDialog->GetResult(); if( nRet == RET_OK ) { OUString aName( mpExchangeData->pTheme->GetName() ); if( !mpExchangeData->aEditedTitle.isEmpty() && aName != mpExchangeData->aEditedTitle ) { OUString aTitle( mpExchangeData->aEditedTitle ); sal_uInt16 nCount = 0; while( mpGallery->HasTheme( aTitle ) && ( nCount++ < 16000 ) ) { aTitle = mpExchangeData->aEditedTitle; aTitle += " "; aTitle += OUString::number( nCount ); } mpGallery->RenameTheme( aName, aTitle ); } if ( bCreateNew ) { mpThemes->SelectEntry( mpExchangeData->pTheme->GetName() ); SelectThemeHdl( *mpThemes ); } } OUString aThemeName( mpExchangeData->pTheme->GetName() ); mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( mpExchangeData->pTheme, *this ); if ( bCreateNew && ( nRet != RET_OK ) ) { mpGallery->RemoveTheme( aThemeName ); } // destroy mpThemeProps asynchronously Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, DestroyThemePropertiesDlgHdl ), pDialog, true ); } IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser1, EndNewThemePropertiesDlgHdl, Dialog&, rDialog, void ) { ImplEndGalleryThemeProperties(&rDialog, true); } IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser1, EndThemePropertiesDlgHdl, Dialog&, rDialog, void ) { ImplEndGalleryThemeProperties(&rDialog, false); } IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser1, DestroyThemePropertiesDlgHdl, void*, p, void ) { VclAbstractDialog2* pDialog = static_cast(p); delete pDialog; delete mpThemePropsDlgItemSet; mpThemePropsDlgItemSet = nullptr; } void GalleryBrowser1::ImplExecute( sal_uInt16 nId ) { switch( nId ) { case MN_ACTUALIZE: { GalleryTheme* pTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( GetSelectedTheme(), *this ); SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); if(pFact) { std::unique_ptr aActualizeProgress(pFact->CreateActualizeProgressDialog( this, pTheme )); DBG_ASSERT(aActualizeProgress, "Dialog creation failed!"); aActualizeProgress->Update(); aActualizeProgress->Execute(); mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( pTheme, *this ); } } break; case MN_DELETE: { if( ScopedVclPtrInstance(nullptr, "QueryDeleteThemeDialog","svx/ui/querydeletethemedialog.ui")->Execute() == RET_YES ) mpGallery->RemoveTheme( mpThemes->GetSelectEntry() ); } break; case MN_RENAME: { GalleryTheme* pTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( GetSelectedTheme(), *this ); const OUString aOldName( pTheme->GetName() ); SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); DBG_ASSERT(pFact, "Dialog creation failed!"); std::unique_ptr aDlg(pFact->CreateTitleDialog( this, aOldName )); DBG_ASSERT(aDlg, "Dialog creation failed!"); if( aDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { const OUString aNewName( aDlg->GetTitle() ); if( !aNewName.isEmpty() && ( aNewName != aOldName ) ) { OUString aName( aNewName ); sal_uInt16 nCount = 0; while( mpGallery->HasTheme( aName ) && ( nCount++ < 16000 ) ) { aName = aNewName; aName += " "; aName += OUString::number( nCount ); } mpGallery->RenameTheme( aOldName, aName ); } } mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( pTheme, *this ); } break; case MN_ASSIGN_ID: { GalleryTheme* pTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( GetSelectedTheme(), *this ); if (pTheme && !pTheme->IsReadOnly()) { SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); if(pFact) { std::unique_ptr aDlg(pFact->CreateGalleryIdDialog( this, pTheme )); DBG_ASSERT(aDlg, "Dialog creation failed!"); if( aDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) pTheme->SetId( aDlg->GetId(), true ); } } mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( pTheme, *this ); } break; case MN_PROPERTIES: { ImplGalleryThemeProperties( GetSelectedTheme(), false ); } break; } } void GalleryBrowser1::Resize() { Control::Resize(); ImplAdjustControls(); } void GalleryBrowser1::GetFocus() { Control::GetFocus(); if( mpThemes ) mpThemes->GrabFocus(); } void GalleryBrowser1::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { const GalleryHint& rGalleryHint = static_cast(rHint); switch( rGalleryHint.GetType() ) { case( GalleryHintType::THEME_CREATED ): ImplInsertThemeEntry( mpGallery->GetThemeInfo( rGalleryHint.GetThemeName() ) ); break; case( GalleryHintType::THEME_RENAMED ): { const sal_Int32 nCurSelectPos = mpThemes->GetSelectEntryPos(); const sal_Int32 nRenameEntryPos = mpThemes->GetEntryPos( rGalleryHint.GetThemeName() ); mpThemes->RemoveEntry( rGalleryHint.GetThemeName() ); ImplInsertThemeEntry( mpGallery->GetThemeInfo( rGalleryHint.GetStringData() ) ); if( nCurSelectPos == nRenameEntryPos ) { mpThemes->SelectEntry( rGalleryHint.GetStringData() ); SelectThemeHdl( *mpThemes ); } } break; case( GalleryHintType::THEME_REMOVED ): { mpThemes->RemoveEntry( rGalleryHint.GetThemeName() ); } break; case( GalleryHintType::CLOSE_THEME ): { const sal_Int32 nCurSelectPos = mpThemes->GetSelectEntryPos(); const sal_Int32 nCloseEntryPos = mpThemes->GetEntryPos( rGalleryHint.GetThemeName() ); if( nCurSelectPos == nCloseEntryPos ) { if( nCurSelectPos < ( mpThemes->GetEntryCount() - 1 ) ) mpThemes->SelectEntryPos( nCurSelectPos + 1 ); else if( nCurSelectPos ) mpThemes->SelectEntryPos( nCurSelectPos - 1 ); else mpThemes->SetNoSelection(); SelectThemeHdl( *mpThemes ); } } break; default: break; } } void GalleryBrowser1::ShowContextMenu() { Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, ShowContextMenuHdl ), this, true ); } bool GalleryBrowser1::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, vcl::Window* pWindow ) { bool bRet = false; if (maKeyInputHandler) bRet = maKeyInputHandler(rKEvt, pWindow); if( !bRet ) { ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 > aExecVector; ImplGetExecuteVector(aExecVector); sal_uInt16 nExecuteId = 0; bool bMod1 = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1(); switch( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_INSERT: ClickNewThemeHdl( nullptr ); break; case KEY_I: { if( bMod1 ) ClickNewThemeHdl( nullptr ); } break; case KEY_U: { if( bMod1 ) nExecuteId = MN_ACTUALIZE; } break; case KEY_DELETE: nExecuteId = MN_DELETE; break; case KEY_D: { if( bMod1 ) nExecuteId = MN_DELETE; } break; case KEY_R: { if( bMod1 ) nExecuteId = MN_RENAME; } break; case KEY_RETURN: { if( bMod1 ) nExecuteId = MN_PROPERTIES; } break; } if( nExecuteId && ( ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), nExecuteId ) != aExecVector.end() ) ) { ImplExecute( nExecuteId ); bRet = true; } } return bRet; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(GalleryBrowser1, ShowContextMenuHdl, void*, void) { ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 > aExecVector; ImplGetExecuteVector(aExecVector); if( !aExecVector.empty() ) { ScopedVclPtrInstance aMenu( GAL_RES( RID_SVXMN_GALLERY1 ) ); aMenu->EnableItem( MN_ACTUALIZE, ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), MN_ACTUALIZE ) != aExecVector.end() ); aMenu->EnableItem( MN_RENAME, ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), MN_RENAME ) != aExecVector.end() ); aMenu->EnableItem( MN_DELETE, ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), MN_DELETE ) != aExecVector.end() ); aMenu->EnableItem( MN_ASSIGN_ID, ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), MN_ASSIGN_ID ) != aExecVector.end() ); aMenu->EnableItem( MN_PROPERTIES, ::std::find( aExecVector.begin(), aExecVector.end(), MN_PROPERTIES ) != aExecVector.end() ); aMenu->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser1, PopupMenuHdl ) ); aMenu->RemoveDisabledEntries(); const Rectangle aThemesRect( mpThemes->GetPosPixel(), mpThemes->GetOutputSizePixel() ); Point aSelPos( mpThemes->GetBoundingRectangle( mpThemes->GetSelectEntryPos() ).Center() ); aSelPos.X() = std::max( std::min( aSelPos.X(), aThemesRect.Right() ), aThemesRect.Left() ); aSelPos.Y() = std::max( std::min( aSelPos.Y(), aThemesRect.Bottom() ), aThemesRect.Top() ); aMenu->Execute( this, aSelPos ); } } IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser1, PopupMenuHdl, Menu*, pMenu, bool ) { ImplExecute( pMenu->GetCurItemId() ); return false; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(GalleryBrowser1, SelectThemeHdl, ListBox&, void) { if (maThemeSlectionHandler) maThemeSlectionHandler(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(GalleryBrowser1, ClickNewThemeHdl, Button*, void) { OUString aNewTheme( GAL_RESSTR(RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_NEWTHEME) ); OUString aName( aNewTheme ); sal_uIntPtr nCount = 0; while( mpGallery->HasTheme( aName ) && ( nCount++ < 16000 ) ) { aName = aNewTheme; aName += " "; aName += OUString::number( nCount ); } if( !mpGallery->HasTheme( aName ) && mpGallery->CreateTheme( aName ) ) { ImplGalleryThemeProperties( aName, true ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */