/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef _SVX_DOCRECOVERY_HXX #define _SVX_DOCRECOVERY_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RECOVERY_CMDPART_PROTOCOL OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:") #define RECOVERY_CMDPART_DO_EMERGENCY_SAVE OUString( "/doEmergencySave" ) #define RECOVERY_CMDPART_DO_RECOVERY OUString( "/doAutoRecovery" ) #define RECOVERY_CMDPART_DO_CRASHREPORT OUString( "/doCrashReport" ) #define RECOVERY_CMD_DO_PREPARE_EMERGENCY_SAVE OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:/doPrepareEmergencySave") #define RECOVERY_CMD_DO_EMERGENCY_SAVE OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:/doEmergencySave" ) #define RECOVERY_CMD_DO_RECOVERY OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:/doAutoRecovery" ) #define RECOVERY_CMD_DO_ENTRY_BACKUP OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:/doEntryBackup" ) #define RECOVERY_CMD_DO_ENTRY_CLEANUP OUString( "vnd.sun.star.autorecovery:/doEntryCleanUp" ) #define PROP_STATUSINDICATOR OUString( "StatusIndicator" ) #define PROP_DISPATCHASYNCHRON OUString( "DispatchAsynchron") #define PROP_SAVEPATH OUString( "SavePath" ) #define PROP_ENTRYID OUString( "EntryID" ) #define STATEPROP_ID OUString( "ID" ) #define STATEPROP_STATE OUString( "DocumentState") #define STATEPROP_ORGURL OUString( "OriginalURL" ) #define STATEPROP_TEMPURL OUString( "TempURL" ) #define STATEPROP_FACTORYURL OUString( "FactoryURL" ) #define STATEPROP_TEMPLATEURL OUString( "TemplateURL" ) #define STATEPROP_TITLE OUString( "Title" ) #define STATEPROP_MODULE OUString( "Module" ) #define RECOVERY_OPERATIONSTATE_START OUString( "start" ) #define RECOVERY_OPERATIONSTATE_STOP OUString( "stop" ) #define RECOVERY_OPERATIONSTATE_UPDATE OUString( "update") #define DLG_RET_UNKNOWN -1 #define DLG_RET_OK 1 #define DLG_RET_CANCEL 0 #define DLG_RET_BACK 100 #define DLG_RET_OK_AUTOLUNCH 101 namespace svx{ namespace DocRecovery{ //=============================================== enum EDocStates { /* TEMP STATES */ /// default state, if a document was new created or loaded E_UNKNOWN = 0, /// modified against the original file E_MODIFIED = 1, /// an active document can be postponed to be saved later. E_POSTPONED = 2, /// was already handled during one AutoSave/Recovery session. E_HANDLED = 4, /** an action was started (saving/loading) ... Can be interesting later if the process may be was interrupted by an exception. */ E_TRY_SAVE = 8, E_TRY_LOAD_BACKUP = 16, E_TRY_LOAD_ORIGINAL = 32, /* FINAL STATES */ /// the Auto/Emergency saved document isnt useable any longer E_DAMAGED = 64, /// the Auto/Emergency saved document isnt realy up-to-date (some changes can be missing) E_INCOMPLETE = 128, /// the Auto/Emergency saved document was processed successfully E_SUCCEDED = 512 }; //=============================================== enum ERecoveryState { E_SUCCESSFULLY_RECOVERED, E_ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_RECOVERED, E_RECOVERY_FAILED, E_RECOVERY_IS_IN_PROGRESS, E_NOT_RECOVERED_YET }; //=============================================== struct TURLInfo { public: /// unique ID, which is specified by the underlying autorecovery core! sal_Int32 ID; /// the full qualified document URL OUString OrgURL; /// the full qualified URL of the temp. file (if it's exists) OUString TempURL; /// a may be existing factory URL (e.g. for untitled documents) OUString FactoryURL; /// may be the document base on a template file !? OUString TemplateURL; /// the pure file name, without path, disc etcpp. OUString DisplayName; /// the application module, where this document was loaded OUString Module; /// state info as e.g. VALID, CORRUPTED, NON EXISTING ... sal_Int32 DocState; /// ui representation for DocState! ERecoveryState RecoveryState; /// standard icon Image StandardImage; public: TURLInfo() : ID (-1 ) , DocState (E_UNKNOWN ) , RecoveryState(E_NOT_RECOVERED_YET) {} }; //=============================================== typedef ::std::vector< TURLInfo > TURLList; //=============================================== class IRecoveryUpdateListener { public: // inform listener about changed items, which should be refreshed virtual void updateItems() = 0; // inform listener about starting of the asynchronous recovery operation virtual void start() = 0; // inform listener about ending of the asynchronous recovery operation virtual void end() = 0; // TODO virtual void stepNext(TURLInfo* pItem) = 0; protected: ~IRecoveryUpdateListener() {} }; //=============================================== class RecoveryCore : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< css::frame::XStatusListener > { //------------------------------------------- // types, const public: //------------------------------------------- // member private: /// TODO css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > m_xContext; /// TODO css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatch > m_xRealCore; /// TODO css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator > m_xProgress; /// TODO TURLList m_lURLs; /// TODO IRecoveryUpdateListener* m_pListener; /** @short knows the reason, why we listen on our internal m_xRealCore member. @descr Because we listen for different operations on the core dispatch implementation, we must know, which URL we have to use for deregistration! */ bool m_bListenForSaving; //------------------------------------------- // native interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ RecoveryCore(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext, bool bUsedForSaving); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual ~RecoveryCore(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > getComponentContext(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual TURLList* getURLListAccess(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ static bool isBrokenTempEntry(const TURLInfo& rInfo); virtual void saveBrokenTempEntries(const OUString& sSaveDir); virtual void saveAllTempEntries(const OUString& sSaveDir); virtual void forgetBrokenTempEntries(); virtual void forgetAllRecoveryEntries(); void forgetBrokenRecoveryEntries(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual void setProgressHandler(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator >& xProgress); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual void setUpdateListener(IRecoveryUpdateListener* pListener); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual void doEmergencySavePrepare(); virtual void doEmergencySave(); virtual void doRecovery(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ static ERecoveryState mapDocState2RecoverState(sal_Int32 eDocState); //------------------------------------------- // uno interface public: // css.frame.XStatusListener virtual void SAL_CALL statusChanged(const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); // css.lang.XEventListener virtual void SAL_CALL disposing(const css::lang::EventObject& aEvent) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); //------------------------------------------- // helper private: //--------------------------------------- /** @short starts listening on the internal EmergencySave/AutoRecovery core. */ void impl_startListening(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short stop listening on the internal EmergencySave/AutoRecovery core. */ void impl_stopListening(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ css::util::URL impl_getParsedURL(const OUString& sURL); }; //=============================================== class PluginProgressWindow : public Window { private: css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent > m_xProgress; public: PluginProgressWindow( Window* pParent , const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent >& xProgress); ~PluginProgressWindow(); }; class PluginProgress : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper2< css::task::XStatusIndicator , css::lang::XComponent > { //------------------------------------------- // member private: /** @short TODO */ css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicatorFactory > m_xProgressFactory; css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator > m_xProgress; PluginProgressWindow* m_pPlugProgressWindow; //------------------------------------------- // native interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ PluginProgress( Window* pParent, const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& xContext ); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual ~PluginProgress(); //------------------------------------------- // uno interface public: //--------------------------------------- // XStatusIndicator virtual void SAL_CALL start(const OUString& sText , sal_Int32 nRange) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL end() throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL setText(const OUString& sText) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL setValue(sal_Int32 nValue) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL reset() throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); //--------------------------------------- // XComponent virtual void SAL_CALL dispose() throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL addEventListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener >& xListener) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL removeEventListener( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XEventListener >& xListener) throw(css::uno::RuntimeException); }; //=============================================== class IExtendedTabPage : public TabPage { //------------------------------------------- // member protected: short m_nResult; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: IExtendedTabPage( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle = 0 ) : TabPage( pParent, nStyle ) , m_nResult(DLG_RET_UNKNOWN) {} IExtendedTabPage( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : TabPage( pParent, rResId ) , m_nResult(DLG_RET_UNKNOWN) {} virtual ~IExtendedTabPage() {} virtual short execute() = 0; virtual void setDefButton() = 0; }; typedef ::std::vector< IExtendedTabPage* > TTabPageList; //=============================================== class TabDialog4Recovery : public TabDialog { //------------------------------------------- // member private: TTabPageList m_lTabPages; TTabPageList::iterator m_pActualPage; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: TabDialog4Recovery(Window* pParent); virtual ~TabDialog4Recovery(); virtual void addTabPage(IExtendedTabPage* pPage); virtual short Execute(); }; //=============================================== class SaveDialog : public IExtendedTabPage { //------------------------------------------- // member private: FixedText m_aTitleFT; Window m_aTitleWin; FixedLine m_aTitleFL; FixedText m_aDescrFT; FixedText m_aFileListFT; ListBox m_aFileListLB; FixedLine m_aBottomFL; OKButton m_aOkBtn; RecoveryCore* m_pCore; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short create all child controls of this dialog. @descr The dialog isnt shown nor it starts any action by itself! @param pParent can point to a parent window. If its set to 0, the defmodal-dialog-parent is used automaticly. @param pCore provides access to the recovery core service and the current list of open documents, which should be shown inside this dialog. */ SaveDialog(Window* pParent, RecoveryCore* pCore ); //--------------------------------------- /** @short free all controls and used memory. */ virtual ~SaveDialog(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO*/ virtual short execute(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO*/ virtual void setDefButton(); DECL_LINK(OKButtonHdl, void*); }; //=============================================== class SaveProgressDialog : public ModalDialog , public IRecoveryUpdateListener { //------------------------------------------- // member private: FixedText m_aHintFT; FixedText m_aProgrFT; String m_aProgrBaseTxt; Window m_aProgrParent; // @short TODO RecoveryCore* m_pCore; // @short TODO css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator > m_xProgress; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short create all child controls of this dialog. @descr The dialog isnt shown nor it starts any action by itself! @param pParent can point to a parent window. If its set to 0, the defmodal-dialog-parent is used automaticly. @param pCore used to start emegrency save. */ SaveProgressDialog(Window* pParent, RecoveryCore* pCore ); //--------------------------------------- /** @short free all controls and used memory. */ virtual ~SaveProgressDialog(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short start the emergency save operation. */ virtual short Execute(); // IRecoveryUpdateListener virtual void updateItems(); virtual void stepNext(TURLInfo* pItem); virtual void start(); virtual void end(); }; //=============================================== class RecovDocListEntry : public SvLBoxString { public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ RecovDocListEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nFlags, const String& sText ); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual void Paint( const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rOutDev, const SvViewDataEntry* pView, const SvTreeListEntry* pEntry); }; //=============================================== class RecovDocList : public SvxSimpleTable { //------------------------------------------- // member public: Image m_aGreenCheckImg; Image m_aYellowCheckImg; Image m_aRedCrossImg; OUString m_aSuccessRecovStr; OUString m_aOrigDocRecovStr; OUString m_aRecovFailedStr; OUString m_aRecovInProgrStr; OUString m_aNotRecovYetStr; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ RecovDocList(SvxSimpleTableContainer& rParent, ResMgr& rResMgr); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual ~RecovDocList(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual void InitEntry(SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, const OUString& rText, const Image& rImage1, const Image& rImage2, SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind); }; //=============================================== class RecoveryDialog : public IExtendedTabPage , public IRecoveryUpdateListener { //------------------------------------------- // member private: FixedText m_aTitleFT; Window m_aTitleWin; FixedLine m_aTitleFL; FixedText m_aDescrFT; FixedText m_aProgressFT; Window m_aProgrParent; FixedText m_aFileListFT; SvxSimpleTableContainer m_aFileListLBContainer; RecovDocList m_aFileListLB; FixedLine m_aBottomFL; PushButton m_aNextBtn; CancelButton m_aCancelBtn; String m_aNextStr; String m_aTitleRecoveryInProgress; String m_aTitleRecoveryReport; String m_aRecoveryOnlyFinish; String m_aRecoveryOnlyFinishDescr; PushButton* m_pDefButton; RecoveryCore* m_pCore; css::uno::Reference< css::task::XStatusIndicator > m_xProgress; enum EInternalRecoveryState { E_RECOVERY_PREPARED, // dialog started ... recovery prepared E_RECOVERY_IN_PROGRESS, // recovery core still in progress E_RECOVERY_CORE_DONE, // recovery core finished it's task E_RECOVERY_DONE, // user clicked "next" button E_RECOVERY_CANCELED, // user clicked "cancel" button E_RECOVERY_CANCELED_BEFORE, // user clicked "cancel" button before recovery was started E_RECOVERY_CANCELED_AFTERWARDS, // user clicked "cancel" button after reovery was finished E_RECOVERY_HANDLED // the recovery wizard page was shown already ... and will be shown now again ... }; sal_Int32 m_eRecoveryState; sal_Bool m_bWaitForUser; sal_Bool m_bWaitForCore; sal_Bool m_bUserDecideNext; sal_Bool m_bWasRecoveryStarted; sal_Bool m_bRecoveryOnly; //------------------------------------------- // member public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ RecoveryDialog(Window* pParent, RecoveryCore* pCore ); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual ~RecoveryDialog(); //--------------------------------------- // IRecoveryUpdateListener virtual void updateItems(); virtual void stepNext(TURLInfo* pItem); virtual void start(); virtual void end(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual short execute(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO*/ virtual void setDefButton(); //------------------------------------------- // helper private: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ DECL_LINK(NextButtonHdl, void*); DECL_LINK(CancelButtonHdl, void*); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ String impl_getStatusString( const TURLInfo& rInfo ) const; }; //=============================================== class BrokenRecoveryDialog : public ModalDialog { //------------------------------------------- // member private: FixedText m_aDescrFT; FixedText m_aFileListFT; ListBox m_aFileListLB; FixedText m_aSaveDirFT; Edit m_aSaveDirED; PushButton m_aSaveDirBtn; FixedLine m_aBottomFL; OKButton m_aOkBtn; CancelButton m_aCancelBtn; OUString m_sSavePath; RecoveryCore* m_pCore; bool m_bBeforeRecovery; sal_Bool m_bExecutionNeeded; //------------------------------------------- // interface public: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ BrokenRecoveryDialog(Window* pParent , RecoveryCore* pCore , bool bBeforeRecovery); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual ~BrokenRecoveryDialog(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual sal_Bool isExecutionNeeded(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ virtual OUString getSaveDirURL(); //------------------------------------------- // helper private: //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ void impl_refresh(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ DECL_LINK(SaveButtonHdl, void*); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ DECL_LINK(OkButtonHdl, void*); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ DECL_LINK(CancelButtonHdl, void*); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO */ void impl_askForSavePath(); }; class ErrorRepWelcomeDialog : public IExtendedTabPage { private: Window maTitleWin; FixedText maTitleFT; FixedLine maTitleFL; FixedText maDescrFT; FixedLine maBottomFL; PushButton maPrevBtn; OKButton maNextBtn; CancelButton maCancelBtn; DECL_LINK( PrevBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( NextBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( CancelBtnHdl, void* ); public: ErrorRepWelcomeDialog( Window* _pParent, sal_Bool _bAllowBack = sal_True ); virtual ~ErrorRepWelcomeDialog(); /** @short TODO*/ virtual short execute(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO*/ virtual void setDefButton(); }; struct ErrorRepParams { ErrorRepParams() #ifdef WNT : miHTTPConnectionType( 0 ) #else : miHTTPConnectionType( 1 ) #endif , mbAllowContact( false ) {} String maHTTPProxyServer; String maHTTPProxyPort; int miHTTPConnectionType; bool mbAllowContact; String maReturnAddress; String maSubject; String maBody; }; class ErrorDescriptionEdit : public MultiLineEdit { private: DECL_LINK( ModifyHdl, void* ); public: ErrorDescriptionEdit( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ); virtual ~ErrorDescriptionEdit(); }; class ErrorRepSendDialog : public IExtendedTabPage { private: Window maTitleWin; FixedText maTitleFT; FixedLine maTitleFL; FixedText maDescrFT; FixedText maDocTypeFT; Edit maDocTypeED; FixedText maUsingFT; ErrorDescriptionEdit maUsingML; PushButton maShowRepBtn; PushButton maOptBtn; CheckBox maContactCB; FixedText maEMailAddrFT; Edit maEMailAddrED; FixedLine maBottomFL; PushButton maPrevBtn; OKButton maNextBtn; CancelButton maCancelBtn; ErrorRepParams maParams; DECL_LINK( ShowRepBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( OptBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( ContactCBHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( PrevBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( SendBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( CancelBtnHdl, void* ); void initControls(); public: ErrorRepSendDialog( Window* _pParent ); virtual ~ErrorRepSendDialog(); String GetDocType( void ) const; String GetUsing( void ) const; bool IsContactAllowed( void ) const; String GetEMailAddress( void ) const; bool ReadParams(); bool SaveParams(); bool SendReport(); /** @short TODO*/ virtual short execute(); //--------------------------------------- /** @short TODO*/ virtual void setDefButton(); }; class ErrorRepOptionsDialog : public ModalDialog { private: FixedLine maProxyFL; RadioButton maSystemBtn; RadioButton maDirectBtn; RadioButton maManualBtn; FixedText maProxyServerFT; Edit maProxyServerEd; FixedText maProxyPortFT; Edit maProxyPortEd; FixedText maDescriptionFT; FixedLine maButtonsFL; OKButton maOKBtn; CancelButton maCancelBtn; ErrorRepParams& mrParams; DECL_LINK( CancelBtnHdl, void* ); DECL_LINK( OKBtnHdl, void * ); DECL_LINK( ManualBtnHdl, void * ); public: ErrorRepOptionsDialog( Window* _pParent, ErrorRepParams& rParams ); virtual ~ErrorRepOptionsDialog(); }; class ErrorRepEdit : public ExtMultiLineEdit { public: ErrorRepEdit( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ); virtual ~ErrorRepEdit(); }; class ErrorRepPreviewDialog : public ModalDialog { private: ErrorRepEdit maContentML; OKButton maOKBtn; long mnMinHeight; public: ErrorRepPreviewDialog( Window* _pParent ); virtual ~ErrorRepPreviewDialog(); virtual void Resize(); }; } // namespace DocRecovery } // namespace svx #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */