/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: paperinf.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:21 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifndef _SHL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #include #pragma hdrstop #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "paperinf.hxx" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #define SVX_PAPER_OFFSET 3 // Anfang: enum Paper A3 - SvxPaper A0; Diff=3 // STATIC DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- static Size __FAR_DATA aDinTab[] = { Size(lA0Width,lA0Height), // A0 Size(lA1Width,lA1Height), // A1 Size(lA2Width,lA2Height), // A2 Size(lA3Width,lA3Height), // A3 Size(lA4Width,lA4Height), // A4 Size(lA5Width,lA5Height), // A5 Size(lB4Width, lB4Height), // B4 Size(lB5Width,lB5Height), // B5 Size(lLetterWidth,lLetterHeight), // LETTER Size(lLegalWidth,lLegalHeight), // LEGAL Size(lTabloidWidth,lTabloidHeight), // TABLOID Size(0, 0), // USER Size(lB6Width, lB6Height), // B6 Size(lC4Width, lC4Height), // C4 Size(lC5Width, lC5Height), // C5 Size(lC6Width, lC6Height), // C6 Size(lC65Width, lC65Height), // C65 Size(lDLWidth, lDLHeight), // DL Size(lDiaWidth,lDiaHeight ), // DIA Size(lScreenWidth, lScreenHeight), // SCREEN Size(lAWidth, lAHeight), // A Size(lBWidth, lBHeight), // B Size(lCWidth, lCHeight), // C Size(lDWidth, lDHeight), // D Size(lEWidth, lEHeight), // E Size(lExeWidth, lExeHeight), // Executive Size(lLegal2Width, lLegal2Height), // Legal2 Size(lMonarchWidth, lMonarchHeight),// Monarch Size(lCom675Width, lCom675Height), // COM-6 3/4 Size(lCom9Width, lCom9Height), // COM-9 Size(lCom10Width, lCom10Height), // COM-10 Size(lCom11Width, lCom11Height), // COM-11 Size(lCom12Width, lCom12Height), // COM-12 Size(lKai16Width, lKai16Height), // 16 kai Size(lKai32Width, lKai32Height), // 32 kai Size(lKai32BigWidth, lKai32BigHeight) // 32 kai gross }; static const int nTabSize = sizeof(aDinTab) / sizeof(aDinTab[0]); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long TwipsTo100thMM( long nIn ) { long nRet = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( nIn, MAP_TWIP, MAP_100TH_MM ); long nTmp = nRet % 10; if ( nTmp ) nRet += 10 - nTmp; return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size ConvertTo100thMM( Size& rSize ) { // Convert form TWIPS to 100TH_MM long nW = TwipsTo100thMM( rSize.Width() ); long nH = TwipsTo100thMM( rSize.Height() ); rSize.Width() = nW; rSize.Height() = nH; return rSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long HundMMToTwips( long nIn ) { long nRet = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( nIn, MAP_100TH_MM, MAP_TWIP ); return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size ConvertToTwips( Size& rSize ) { // Convert form TWIPS to 100TH_MM long nW = HundMMToTwips( rSize.Width() ); long nH = HundMMToTwips( rSize.Height() ); rSize.Width() = nW; rSize.Height() = nH; return rSize; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxPaper GetPaper_Impl( const Size &rSize, MapUnit eUnit, BOOL bSloppy ) { DBG_ASSERT( eUnit == MAP_TWIP || eUnit == MAP_100TH_MM, "map unit not supported" ); Size aSize = rSize; if ( eUnit == MAP_100TH_MM ) ConvertToTwips( aSize ); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nTabSize; i++ ) { if ( aDinTab[i] == aSize ) return (SvxPaper)i; else if ( bSloppy ) { long lDiffW = Abs(aDinTab[i].Width () - aSize.Width ()), lDiffH = Abs(aDinTab[i].Height() - aSize.Height()); if ( lDiffW < 6 && lDiffH < 6 ) return (SvxPaper)i; } } return SVX_PAPER_USER; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Ist der Printer gueltig --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ inline BOOL IsValidPrinter(const Printer *pPtr) { return pPtr->GetName().Len() ? TRUE : FALSE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: Konvertierung eines SV-Defines fuer Papiergroesse in Twips. Funktioniert logischerweise nicht fuer User Groessen (ASSERT). ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Size SvxPaperInfo::GetPaperSize( SvxPaper ePaper, MapUnit eUnit ) { DBG_ASSERT( ePaper < nTabSize, "Tabelle der Papiergroessen ueberindiziert" ); DBG_ASSERT( eUnit == MAP_TWIP || eUnit == MAP_100TH_MM, "this MapUnit not supported" ); Size aSize = aDinTab[ePaper]; // in Twips if ( eUnit == MAP_100TH_MM ) ConvertTo100thMM( aSize ); return aSize; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: Papiergroesse der Druckers liefern, aligned auf die eigenen Groessen. Falls kein Printer im System eingestellt ist, wird DIN A4 Portrait als Defaultpapiergroesse geliefert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Size SvxPaperInfo::GetPaperSize( const Printer* pPrinter ) { if ( !IsValidPrinter(pPrinter) ) return GetPaperSize( SVX_PAPER_A4 ); const SvxPaper ePaper = (SvxPaper)(pPrinter->GetPaper() + SVX_PAPER_OFFSET); if ( ePaper == SVX_PAPER_USER ) { // Orientation nicht beruecksichtigen, da durch SV bereits // die richtigen Masze eingestellt worden sind. Size aPaperSize = pPrinter->GetPaperSize(); const Size aInvalidSize; if ( aPaperSize == aInvalidSize ) { #ifdef OS2 // Workaround fuer OS/2, da class Printer unter OS/2 Macken hat LanguageType eLType = GetpApp()->GetAppInternational().GetLanguage(); if ( eLType == LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US || eLType == LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_UK ) return GetPaperSize(SVX_PAPER_LETTER); else return GetPaperSize(SVX_PAPER_A4); #else return GetPaperSize(SVX_PAPER_A4); #endif } MapMode aMap1 = pPrinter->GetMapMode(); MapMode aMap2; if ( aMap1 == aMap2 ) aPaperSize = pPrinter->PixelToLogic( aPaperSize, MapMode( MAP_TWIP ) ); return aPaperSize; } const Orientation eOrient = pPrinter->GetOrientation(); Size aSize( GetPaperSize( ePaper ) ); // bei Landscape die Seiten tauschen, ist bei SV schon geschehen if ( eOrient == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ) Swap( aSize ); return aSize; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: Konvertierung einer Papiergroesse in Twips in das SV-Define. Ist bSloppy TRUE, so wird nur auf 1/10 mm genau verglichen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SvxPaper SvxPaperInfo::GetPaper( const Size &rSize, MapUnit eUnit, BOOL bSloppy ) { return GetPaper_Impl( rSize, eUnit, bSloppy ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxPaper SvxPaperInfo::GetSvxPaper( const Size &rSize, MapUnit eUnit, BOOL bSloppy ) { return GetPaper_Impl( rSize, eUnit, bSloppy ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper SvxPaperInfo::GetSvPaper( const Size &rSize, MapUnit eUnit, BOOL bSloppy ) { SvxPaper ePaper = GetPaper_Impl( rSize, eUnit, bSloppy ); switch ( ePaper ) { case SVX_PAPER_A3: return PAPER_A3; case SVX_PAPER_A4: return PAPER_A4; case SVX_PAPER_A5: return PAPER_A5; case SVX_PAPER_B4: return PAPER_B4; case SVX_PAPER_B5: return PAPER_B5; case SVX_PAPER_LETTER: return PAPER_LETTER; case SVX_PAPER_LEGAL: return PAPER_LEGAL; case SVX_PAPER_TABLOID: return PAPER_TABLOID; default: return PAPER_USER; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beschreibung: String Repr"asentation f"ur die SV-Defines f"ur Papiergroessen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SvxPaperInfo::GetName( SvxPaper ePaper ) { USHORT nResId = 0; switch ( ePaper ) { case SVX_PAPER_A0: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A0; break; case SVX_PAPER_A1: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A1; break; case SVX_PAPER_A2: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A2; break; case SVX_PAPER_A3: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A3; break; case SVX_PAPER_A4: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A4; break; case SVX_PAPER_A5: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A5; break; case SVX_PAPER_B4: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_B4; break; case SVX_PAPER_B5: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_B5; break; case SVX_PAPER_LETTER: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_LETTER; break; case SVX_PAPER_LEGAL: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_LEGAL; break; case SVX_PAPER_TABLOID: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_TABLOID; break; case SVX_PAPER_USER: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_USER; break; case SVX_PAPER_B6: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_B6; break; case SVX_PAPER_C4: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_C4; break; case SVX_PAPER_C5: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_C5; break; case SVX_PAPER_C6: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_C6; break; case SVX_PAPER_C65: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_C65; break; case SVX_PAPER_DL: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_DL; break; case SVX_PAPER_DIA: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_DIA; break; case SVX_PAPER_SCREEN: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_SCREEN; break; case SVX_PAPER_A: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_A; break; case SVX_PAPER_B: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_B; break; case SVX_PAPER_C: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_C; break; case SVX_PAPER_D: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_D; break; case SVX_PAPER_E: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_E; break; case SVX_PAPER_EXECUTIVE: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_EXECUTIVE;break; case SVX_PAPER_LEGAL2: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_LEGAL2; break; case SVX_PAPER_MONARCH: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_MONARCH; break; case SVX_PAPER_COM675: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_COM675; break; case SVX_PAPER_COM9: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_COM9; break; case SVX_PAPER_COM10: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_COM10; break; case SVX_PAPER_COM11: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_COM11; break; case SVX_PAPER_COM12: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_COM12; break; case SVX_PAPER_KAI16: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_KAI16; break; case SVX_PAPER_KAI32: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_KAI32; break; case SVX_PAPER_KAI32BIG: nResId = RID_SVXSTR_PAPER_KAI32BIG; break; default: DBG_ERROR( "unknown papersize" ); } if ( nResId ) return String( SVX_RES( nResId ) ); return String(); }