/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <com/sun/star/table/CellVertJustify2.hpp>

#include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
#include <svx/rotmodit.hxx>
#include <rotationstrings.hrc>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;

SfxPoolItem* SvxRotateModeItem::CreateDefault() { return new  SvxRotateModeItem(SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD, TypedWhichId<SvxRotateModeItem>(0));}

//  SvxRotateModeItem - orientation with turned text

SvxRotateModeItem::SvxRotateModeItem( SvxRotateMode eMode, TypedWhichId<SvxRotateModeItem> _nWhich )
    : SfxEnumItem( _nWhich, SfxItemType::SvxRotateModeItemType, eMode )

SvxRotateModeItem::SvxRotateModeItem( const SvxRotateModeItem& rItem )
    : SfxEnumItem( rItem )


OUString SvxRotateModeItem::GetValueText(SvxRotateMode nVal)
    assert(nVal <= SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM && "enum overflow!");
    return SvxResId(RID_SVXITEMS_ROTATE_MODE[static_cast<size_t>(nVal)]);

bool SvxRotateModeItem::GetPresentation(
                                SfxItemPresentation ePres,
                                MapUnit /*eCoreUnit*/, MapUnit /*ePresUnit*/,
                                OUString& rText, const IntlWrapper& )  const

    switch ( ePres )
        case SfxItemPresentation::Complete:
            rText += GetValueText(GetValue());
            return true;

        case SfxItemPresentation::Nameless:
            rText += OUString::number( GetValue() );
            return true;
        default: ;//prevent warning

    return false;

sal_uInt16 SvxRotateModeItem::GetValueCount() const
    return 4;       // STANDARD, TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM

SvxRotateModeItem* SvxRotateModeItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SvxRotateModeItem( *this );

bool SvxRotateModeItem::QueryValue( uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 /*nMemberId*/ ) const
    sal_Int32 nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::STANDARD;
    switch ( GetValue() )
        case SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD: nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::STANDARD; break;
        case SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP:      nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::TOP;      break;
        case SVX_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER:   nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::CENTER;   break;
        case SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM:   nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::BOTTOM;   break;
    rVal <<= nUno;
    return true;

bool SvxRotateModeItem::PutValue( const uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 /*nMemberId*/ )
    sal_Int32 nUno(0);
    if(!(rVal >>= nUno))
        nUno = table::CellVertJustify2::STANDARD;

    SvxRotateMode eSvx = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD;
    switch (nUno)
        case table::CellVertJustify2::STANDARD: eSvx = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD; break;
        case table::CellVertJustify2::TOP:      eSvx = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP;      break;
        case table::CellVertJustify2::CENTER:   eSvx = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER;   break;
        case table::CellVertJustify2::BOTTOM:   eSvx = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM;   break;
        default: ;//prevent warning
    SetValue( eSvx );
    return true;

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