/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: outliner.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.16 $ * * last change: $Author: mt $ $Date: 2001-04-11 13:12:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #pragma hdrstop #include #ifndef _SFXSTYLE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _WRKWIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SYSTEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #define _OUTLINER_CXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _EDITOBJ_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_WHITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_METRIC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NUMITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ADJITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _GRFMGR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SVXFONT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX #include #endif #define DEFAULT_SCALE 75 static const USHORT nDefStyles = 3; // Sonderbehandlung fuer die ersten 3 Ebenen static const USHORT nDefBulletIndent = 800; static const USHORT nDefBulletWidth = 700; static const USHORT pDefBulletIndents[nDefStyles]= { 1400, 800, 800 }; static const USHORT pDefBulletWidths[nDefStyles] = { 1000, 850, 700 }; USHORT lcl_ImplGetDefBulletWidth( USHORT nDepth ) { return ( nDepth < nDefStyles ) ? pDefBulletWidths[nDepth] : nDefBulletWidth; } USHORT lcl_ImplGetDefBulletIndent( USHORT nDepth ) { USHORT nI = 0; for ( USHORT n = 0; n <= nDepth; n++ ) nI += ( n < nDefStyles ) ? pDefBulletIndents[n] : nDefBulletIndent; return nI; } SvxLRSpaceItem lcl_ImplGetDefLRSpaceItem( USHORT nDepth, MapUnit eMapUnit ) { SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpace( EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE ); long nWidth = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( (long) lcl_ImplGetDefBulletWidth( nDepth ), MAP_100TH_MM, eMapUnit ); long nIndent = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( (long) lcl_ImplGetDefBulletIndent( nDepth ), MAP_100TH_MM, eMapUnit ); aLRSpace.SetTxtLeft( (USHORT) nIndent ); aLRSpace.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( - (short)nWidth ); return aLRSpace; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Outliner // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DBG_NAME(Outliner); Paragraph* Outliner::Insert(const XubString& rText, ULONG nAbsPos, USHORT nDepth) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DBG_ASSERT(pParaList->GetParagraphCount(),"Insert:No Paras"); Paragraph* pPara; if( nDepth < nMinDepth ) nDepth = nMinDepth; else if( nDepth > nMaxDepth ) nDepth = nMaxDepth; ULONG nParagraphCount = pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); if( nAbsPos > nParagraphCount ) nAbsPos = nParagraphCount; if( bFirstParaIsEmpty ) { pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( 0 ); if( pPara->GetDepth() != nDepth ) { nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); pPara->SetDepth( nDepth ); pHdlParagraph = pPara; DepthChangedHdl(); } pPara->nFlags |= PARAFLAG_HOLDDEPTH; SetText( rText, pPara ); } else { BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; pPara = new Paragraph( nDepth ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, nAbsPos ); pEditEngine->InsertParagraph( (USHORT)nAbsPos, String() ); DBG_ASSERT(pPara==pParaList->GetParagraph(nAbsPos),"Insert:Failed"); ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nAbsPos, nDepth, FALSE ); pHdlParagraph = pPara; ParagraphInsertedHdl(); pPara->nFlags |= PARAFLAG_HOLDDEPTH; SetText( rText, pPara ); bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); } bFirstParaIsEmpty = FALSE; DBG_ASSERT(pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount()==pParaList->GetParagraphCount(),"SetText failed") return pPara; } void Outliner::ParagraphInserted( USHORT nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( bBlockInsCallback ) return; if( bPasting || pEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) { Paragraph* pPara = new Paragraph( 0xffff ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, nPara ); if( pEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) { pPara->nFlags = PARAFLAG_SETBULLETTEXT; pPara->bVisible = TRUE; const SfxUInt16Item& rLevel = (const SfxUInt16Item&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); pPara->SetDepth( rLevel.GetValue() ); } } else { USHORT nDepth = 0; if ( nPara ) nDepth = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara-1 )->GetDepth(); Paragraph* pPara = new Paragraph( nDepth ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, nPara ); if( !pEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) { ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, TRUE, FALSE ); pHdlParagraph = pPara; ParagraphInsertedHdl(); } } } void Outliner::ParagraphDeleted( USHORT nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( bBlockInsCallback || ( nPara == EE_PARA_ALL ) ) return; Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); USHORT nDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); if( !pEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) { pHdlParagraph = pPara; ParagraphRemovingHdl(); } pParaList->Remove( nPara ); delete pPara; if( !pEditEngine->IsInUndo() && !bPasting ) { pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if ( pPara && ( pPara->GetDepth() > nDepth ) ) { ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, TRUE, FALSE ); // naechsten auf gleicher Ebene suchen... while ( pPara && pPara->GetDepth() > nDepth ) pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( ++nPara ); } if ( pPara && ( pPara->GetDepth() == nDepth ) ) ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, TRUE, FALSE ); } } void Outliner::Init( USHORT nMode ) { nOutlinerMode = nMode; Clear(); ULONG nCtrl = pEditEngine->GetControlWord(); nCtrl &= ~(EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER|EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER2); switch ( ImplGetOutlinerMode() ) { case OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT: { SetMinDepth( 0 ); SetMaxDepth( 9 ); } break; case OUTLINERMODE_TITLEOBJECT: { SetMinDepth( 0 ); SetMaxDepth( 9 ); } break; case OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEOBJECT: { SetMinDepth( 1 ); SetMaxDepth( 9 ); nCtrl |= EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER2; } break; case OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEVIEW: { SetMinDepth( 0 ); SetMaxDepth( 9 ); nCtrl |= EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER; } break; default: DBG_ERROR( "Outliner::Init - Invalid Mode!" ); } pEditEngine->SetControlWord( nCtrl ); ImplInitDepth( 0, GetMinDepth(), FALSE ); GetUndoManager().Clear(); } void Outliner::SetMinDepth( USHORT nDepth, BOOL bCheckParagraphs ) { if( nMinDepth != nDepth ) { nMinDepth = nDepth; if( bCheckParagraphs && nMinDepth ) { // Prueft nur dass kein Absatz kleiner ist, // es werden keine Ebenen proportional verschoben! USHORT nParagraphs = (USHORT)pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); for ( USHORT nPara = 0; nPara < nParagraphs; nPara++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if( pPara->GetDepth() < nMinDepth ) { SetDepth( pPara, nMinDepth ); } } } } } void Outliner::SetMaxDepth( USHORT nDepth, BOOL bCheckParagraphs ) { if( nMaxDepth != nDepth ) { nMaxDepth = Min( nDepth, (USHORT)(SVX_MAX_NUM-1) ); if( bCheckParagraphs ) { USHORT nParagraphs = (USHORT)pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); for ( USHORT nPara = 0; nPara < nParagraphs; nPara++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if( pPara->GetDepth() > nMaxDepth ) { SetDepth( pPara, nMaxDepth ); } } } } } USHORT Outliner::GetDepth( USHORT nPara ) const { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); DBG_ASSERT( pPara, "Outliner::GetDepth - Paragraph not found!" ); return pPara ? pPara->GetDepth() : 0; } void Outliner::SetDepth( Paragraph* pPara, USHORT nNewDepth ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( nNewDepth < nMinDepth ) nNewDepth = nMinDepth; else if ( nNewDepth > nMaxDepth ) nNewDepth = nMaxDepth; if ( nNewDepth != pPara->GetDepth() ) { nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); pHdlParagraph = pPara; ImplInitDepth( (USHORT) GetAbsPos( pPara ), nNewDepth, TRUE ); DepthChangedHdl(); } } OutlinerParaObject* Outliner::CreateParaObject( USHORT nStartPara, USHORT nCount ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( ( nStartPara + nCount ) > pParaList->GetParagraphCount() ) nCount = pParaList->GetParagraphCount() - nStartPara; if( !nCount ) return NULL; OutlinerParaObject* pPObj = new OutlinerParaObject( nCount ); pPObj->pText = pEditEngine->CreateTextObject( nStartPara, nCount ); pPObj->SetOutlinerMode( GetMode() ); pPObj->bIsEditDoc = ( ImplGetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ) ? TRUE : FALSE; USHORT nLastPara = nStartPara + nCount - 1; for ( USHORT nPara = nStartPara; nPara <= nLastPara; nPara++ ) pPObj->pDepthArr[ nPara-nStartPara] = GetDepth( nPara ); return pPObj; } void Outliner::SetText( const XubString& rText, Paragraph* pPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DBG_ASSERT(pPara,"SetText:No Para") BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; USHORT nPara = (USHORT)pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); if( !rText.Len() ) { pEditEngine->SetText( nPara, rText ); ImplInitDepth( nPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } else { XubString aText( rText ); aText.ConvertLineEnd( LINEEND_LF ); if( aText.GetChar( aText.Len()-1 ) == '\x0A' ) aText.Erase( aText.Len()-1, 1 ); // letzten Umbruch loeschen USHORT nCount = aText.GetTokenCount( '\x0A' ); USHORT nPos = 0; USHORT nInsPos = nPara+1; while( nCount > nPos ) { XubString aStr = aText.GetToken( nPos, '\x0A' ); USHORT nCurDepth; if( nPos ) { pPara = new Paragraph( 0 ); nCurDepth = 0; } else nCurDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); // Im Outliner-Modus die Tabulatoren filtern und die // Einrueckung ueber ein LRSpaceItem einstellen // Im EditEngine-Modus ueber Maltes Tabulatoren einruecken if( ( ImplGetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEOBJECT ) || ( ImplGetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEVIEW ) ) { // Tabs raus USHORT nTabs = 0; while ( ( nTabs < aStr.Len() ) && ( aStr.GetChar( nTabs ) == '\t' ) ) nTabs++; if ( nTabs ) aStr.Erase( 0, nTabs ); // Tiefe beibehalten ? (siehe Outliner::Insert) if( !(pPara->nFlags & PARAFLAG_HOLDDEPTH) ) { nCurDepth = nTabs; if( nCurDepth < nMinDepth ) nCurDepth = nMinDepth; pPara->SetDepth( nCurDepth ); pPara->nFlags &= (~PARAFLAG_HOLDDEPTH); } } if( nPos ) // nicht mit dem ersten Absatz { pParaList->Insert( pPara, nInsPos ); pEditEngine->InsertParagraph( nInsPos, aStr ); pHdlParagraph = pPara; ParagraphInsertedHdl(); } else { nInsPos--; pEditEngine->SetText( nInsPos, aStr ); } ImplInitDepth( nInsPos, nCurDepth, FALSE ); nInsPos++; nPos++; } } DBG_ASSERT(pParaList->GetParagraphCount()==pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(),"SetText failed!") bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; bFirstParaIsEmpty = FALSE; pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); } // pView == 0 -> Tabulatoren nicht beachten BOOL Outliner::ImpConvertEdtToOut(Paragraph* pPara,ULONG nPara,EditView* pView) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DBG_ASSERT(pPara,"FilterTabs:No Para"); BOOL bConverted = FALSE; USHORT nTabs = 0; ESelection aDelSel; const SfxItemSet& rAttrs = pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( (USHORT)nPara ); BOOL bAlreadyOutliner = rAttrs.GetItemState( EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ? TRUE : FALSE; XubString aName; XubString aHeading_US( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Heading" ) ); XubString aHeading_GERM( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "berschrift" ) ); XubString aNumber_GERM( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Numerierung" ) ); XubString aStr( pEditEngine->GetText( (USHORT)nPara ) ); xub_Unicode* pPtr = (xub_Unicode*)aStr.GetBuffer(); USHORT nHeadingNumberStart = 0; USHORT nNumberingNumberStart = 0; SfxStyleSheet* pStyle= pEditEngine->GetStyleSheet( (USHORT)nPara ); if( pStyle ) { aName = pStyle->GetName(); USHORT nSearch; if ( ( nSearch = aName.Search( aHeading_US ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) nHeadingNumberStart = nSearch + aHeading_US.Len(); else if ( ( nSearch = aName.Search( aHeading_GERM ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) nHeadingNumberStart = nSearch + aHeading_GERM.Len(); else if ( ( nSearch = aName.Search( aNumber_GERM ) ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) nNumberingNumberStart = nSearch + aNumber_GERM.Len(); } if ( nHeadingNumberStart || nNumberingNumberStart ) { // PowerPoint-Import ? if( nHeadingNumberStart && ( aStr.Len() >= 2 ) && ( pPtr[0] != '\t' ) && ( pPtr[1] == '\t' ) ) { // Bullet & Tab raus aDelSel = ESelection( (USHORT)nPara, 0, (USHORT)nPara, 2 ); } USHORT nPos = nHeadingNumberStart ? nHeadingNumberStart : nNumberingNumberStart; String aLevel = aName.Copy( nPos ); aLevel.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' ); nTabs = aLevel.ToInt32(); if( nTabs ) nTabs--; // ebene 0 = "heading 1" bConverted = TRUE; } else { // Fuehrende Tabulatoren filtern while( *pPtr == '\t' ) { pPtr++; nTabs++; } // Tabulatoren aus dem Text entfernen if( nTabs ) aDelSel = ESelection( (USHORT)nPara, 0, (USHORT)nPara, nTabs ); // LRSpaceItem aufaddieren const SvxLRSpaceItem& rIndent=(const SvxLRSpaceItem&)rAttrs.Get( bAlreadyOutliner ? EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE : EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); USHORT nIndent = rIndent.GetTxtLeft(); if( nIndent ) { USHORT nOffs = nIndent / (USHORT)pEditEngine->GetDefTab(); if( !nOffs ) nOffs = 1; // immer mind. 1 Tab nTabs += nOffs; } } if ( aDelSel.HasRange() ) { if ( pView ) { pView->SetSelection( aDelSel ); pView->DeleteSelected(); } else pEditEngine->QuickDelete( aDelSel ); } // MT: OutlLevel wird beim RTF-Import von der EditEngine eingestellt, // weil String-Vergleich vom Vorlagen-Namen unbrauchbar const SfxUInt16Item& rLevel = (const SfxUInt16Item&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); USHORT nOutlLevel = rLevel.GetValue(); if ( !nPara ) nOutlLevel = nMinDepth; else if( nOutlLevel < nMinDepth ) nOutlLevel = nMinDepth; else if( nOutlLevel >= nMaxDepth ) nOutlLevel = nMaxDepth-1; ImplInitDepth( nPara, nOutlLevel, FALSE ); return bConverted; } void Outliner::SetText( const OutlinerParaObject& rPObj ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); BOOL bUndo = pEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled(); EnableUndo( FALSE ); Init( rPObj.GetOutlinerMode() ); bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; pEditEngine->SetText( *(rPObj.pText) ); bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; bFirstParaIsEmpty = FALSE; pParaList->Clear( TRUE ); for( USHORT nCurPara = 0; nCurPara < rPObj.nCount; nCurPara++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = new Paragraph( rPObj.pDepthArr[ nCurPara ] ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, LIST_APPEND ); ImplCheckNumBulletItem( nCurPara ); } ImplCheckParagraphs( 0, (USHORT) (pParaList->GetParagraphCount()-1) ); EnableUndo( bUndo ); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); DBG_ASSERT( pParaList->GetParagraphCount()==rPObj.Count(),"SetText failed") DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount()==rPObj.Count(),"SetText failed") } void Outliner::AddText( const OutlinerParaObject& rPObj ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); Paragraph* pPara; ULONG nCount = rPObj.Count(); BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; ULONG nPara; if( bFirstParaIsEmpty ) { pParaList->Clear( TRUE ); pEditEngine->SetText( *(rPObj.pText) ); nPara = 0; } else { nPara = pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); pEditEngine->InsertParagraph( EE_PARA_APPEND, *(rPObj.pText) ); } bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; bFirstParaIsEmpty = FALSE; for( USHORT n = 0; n < rPObj.nCount; n++ ) { pPara = new Paragraph( rPObj.pDepthArr[ n ] ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, LIST_APPEND ); USHORT nP = nPara+n; DBG_ASSERT(pParaList->GetAbsPos(pPara)==nP,"AddText:Out of sync") ImplInitDepth( nP, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } DBG_ASSERT( pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount()==pParaList->GetParagraphCount(), "SetText: OutOfSync" ); ImplCheckParagraphs( (USHORT)nPara, (USHORT) (pParaList->GetParagraphCount()-1) ); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); } void __EXPORT Outliner::FieldClicked( const SvxFieldItem& rField, USHORT nPara, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( aFieldClickedHdl.IsSet() ) { EditFieldInfo aFldInfo( this, rField, nPara, nPos ); aFldInfo.SetSimpleClick( TRUE ); aFieldClickedHdl.Call( &aFldInfo ); } } void __EXPORT Outliner::FieldSelected( const SvxFieldItem& rField, USHORT nPara, USHORT nPos ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( !aFieldClickedHdl.IsSet() ) return; EditFieldInfo aFldInfo( this, rField, nPara, nPos ); aFldInfo.SetSimpleClick( FALSE ); aFieldClickedHdl.Call( &aFldInfo ); } XubString __EXPORT Outliner::CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem& rField, USHORT nPara, USHORT nPos, Color*& rpTxtColor, Color*& rpFldColor ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( !aCalcFieldValueHdl.IsSet() ) return String( ' ' ); EditFieldInfo aFldInfo( this, rField, nPara, nPos ); // Die FldColor ist mit COL_LIGHTGRAY voreingestellt. if ( rpFldColor ) aFldInfo.SetFldColor( *rpFldColor ); aCalcFieldValueHdl.Call( &aFldInfo ); if ( aFldInfo.GetTxtColor() ) { delete rpTxtColor; rpTxtColor = new Color( *aFldInfo.GetTxtColor() ); } delete rpFldColor; rpFldColor = aFldInfo.GetFldColor() ? new Color( *aFldInfo.GetFldColor() ) : 0; return aFldInfo.GetRepresentation(); } void Outliner::SetStyleSheet( ULONG nPara, SfxStyleSheet* pStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); pEditEngine->SetStyleSheet( (USHORT)nPara, pStyle ); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); pPara->nFlags |= PARAFLAG_SETBULLETTEXT; ImplCheckNumBulletItem( (USHORT) nPara ); } void Outliner::ImpDeleteBulletArray( XubString** pTexts, ULONG nCount ) { for( ULONG nAbsPos = 0; nAbsPos < nCount; nAbsPos++ ) delete pTexts[ nAbsPos ]; delete pTexts; } void Outliner::SetVisible( Paragraph* pPara, BOOL bVisible ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DBG_ASSERT( pPara, "SetVisible: pPara = NULL" ); pPara->bVisible = bVisible; ULONG nPara = pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); pEditEngine->ShowParagraph( (USHORT)nPara, bVisible ); } void Outliner::ImplCheckNumBulletItem( USHORT nPara ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); // Wenn es ein SvxNumBulletItem gibt, ueberschreibt dieses die // Einstellungen von BulletItem und LRSpaceItem. const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); if ( rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->GetLevelCount() > pPara->GetDepth() ) { SvxLRSpaceItem aNewLRSpace( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); CreateLRSpaceItem( rNumBullet, pPara->GetDepth(), aNewLRSpace ); if ( pEditEngine->HasParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) ) { const SvxLRSpaceItem& rOldLRSpace = (const SvxLRSpaceItem&)pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); aNewLRSpace.SetRight( rOldLRSpace.GetRight() ); } SfxItemSet aAttrs( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ) ); aAttrs.Put( aNewLRSpace); pPara->aBulSize.Width() = -1; pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aAttrs ); } } BOOL Outliner::CreateLRSpaceItem( const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet, USHORT nLevel, SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRSpace ) { const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( nLevel ); if ( pFmt ) { rLRSpace.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( pFmt->GetFirstLineOffset() ); rLRSpace.SetTxtLeft( pFmt->GetAbsLSpace() ); } return pFmt ? TRUE : FALSE; } void Outliner::ImplSetLevelDependendStyleSheet( USHORT nPara ) { DBG_ASSERT( ImplGetOutlinerMode() == OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEOBJECT, "SetLevelDependendStyleSheet: Wrong Mode!" ); SfxStyleSheet* pCurrentStyle = GetStyleSheet( nPara ); if ( pCurrentStyle ) { String aNewStyleSheetName( pCurrentStyle->GetName() ); aNewStyleSheetName.Erase( aNewStyleSheetName.Len()-1, 1 ); aNewStyleSheetName += String::CreateFromInt32( GetDepth( nPara ) ); SfxStyleSheet* pNewStyle = (SfxStyleSheet*)GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aNewStyleSheetName, pCurrentStyle->GetFamily() ); DBG_ASSERT( pNewStyle, "AutoStyleSheetName - Style not found!" ); if ( pNewStyle && ( pNewStyle != pCurrentStyle ) ) { SfxItemSet aOldAttrs( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ) ); SetStyleSheet( nPara, pNewStyle ); if ( aOldAttrs.GetItemState( EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ) { SfxItemSet aAttrs( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ) ); aAttrs.Put( aOldAttrs.Get( EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ) ); pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aAttrs ); } } } } void Outliner::ImplInitDepth( USHORT nPara, USHORT nDepth, BOOL bCreateUndo, BOOL bUndoAction ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); USHORT nOldDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); pPara->SetDepth( nDepth ); // Bei IsInUndo brauchen Attribute und Style nicht eingestellt werden, // dort werden die alten Werte durch die EditEngine restauriert. if( !IsInUndo() ) { BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); BOOL bUndo = bCreateUndo && IsUndoEnabled(); if ( bUndo && bUndoAction ) UndoActionStart( OLUNDO_DEPTH ); SfxItemSet aAttrs( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPara ) ); aAttrs.Put( SfxUInt16Item( EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL, nDepth ) ); // MT: OUTLLRSPACE immer default, sollte mal irgendwie eingestellt werden... aAttrs.Put( lcl_ImplGetDefLRSpaceItem( nDepth, GetRefMapMode().GetMapUnit() ) ); pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPara, aAttrs ); ImplCheckNumBulletItem( nPara ); ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, FALSE, FALSE ); if ( bUndo ) { InsertUndo( new OutlinerUndoChangeDepth( this, nPara, nOldDepth, nDepth ) ); if ( bUndoAction ) UndoActionEnd( OLUNDO_DEPTH ); } pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); } } void Outliner::SetParaAttribs( ULONG nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if( pPara ) { if ( !pEditEngine->IsInUndo() && pEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled() ) UndoActionStart( OLUNDO_ATTR ); BOOL bLRSpaceChanged = ( rSet.GetItemState( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ) && ( !(rSet.Get( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) == pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( (USHORT)nPara, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) ) ); pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( (USHORT)nPara, rSet ); if ( bLRSpaceChanged ) { const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&)pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( (USHORT)nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if ( rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->GetLevelCount() > pPara->GetDepth() ) { SvxNumBulletItem* pNewNumBullet = (SvxNumBulletItem*) rNumBullet.Clone(); EditEngine::ImportBulletItem( *pNewNumBullet, pPara->GetDepth(), NULL, (SvxLRSpaceItem*)&rSet.Get( EE_PARA_LRSPACE ) ); SfxItemSet aAttribs( rSet ); aAttribs.Put( *pNewNumBullet ); pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( (USHORT)nPara, aAttribs ); delete pNewNumBullet; } } ImplCheckNumBulletItem( (USHORT)nPara ); ImplCheckParagraphs( (USHORT)nPara, (USHORT)nPara ); if ( !pEditEngine->IsInUndo() && pEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled() ) UndoActionEnd( OLUNDO_ATTR ); } } BOOL Outliner::Expand( Paragraph* pPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( pParaList->HasHiddenChilds( pPara ) ) { OLUndoExpand* pUndo; BOOL bUndo = IsUndoEnabled() && !IsInUndo(); if( bUndo ) { UndoActionStart( OLUNDO_EXPAND ); pUndo = new OLUndoExpand( this, OLUNDO_EXPAND ); pUndo->pParas = 0; pUndo->nCount = (USHORT)pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); } pHdlParagraph = pPara; bIsExpanding = TRUE; pParaList->Expand( pPara ); ExpandHdl(); InvalidateBullet( pPara, pParaList->GetAbsPos(pPara) ); if( bUndo ) { InsertUndo( pUndo ); UndoActionEnd( OLUNDO_EXPAND ); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL Outliner::Collapse( Paragraph* pPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( pParaList->HasVisibleChilds( pPara ) ) // expandiert { OLUndoExpand* pUndo; BOOL bUndo = FALSE; if( !IsInUndo() && IsUndoEnabled() ) bUndo = TRUE; if( bUndo ) { UndoActionStart( OLUNDO_COLLAPSE ); pUndo = new OLUndoExpand( this, OLUNDO_COLLAPSE ); pUndo->pParas = 0; pUndo->nCount = (USHORT)pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); } pHdlParagraph = pPara; bIsExpanding = FALSE; pParaList->Collapse( pPara ); ExpandHdl(); InvalidateBullet( pPara, pParaList->GetAbsPos(pPara) ); if( bUndo ) { InsertUndo( pUndo ); UndoActionEnd( OLUNDO_COLLAPSE ); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Font Outliner::ImpCalcBulletFont( USHORT nPara ) const { const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ); DBG_ASSERT( pFmt && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ), "ImpCalcBulletFont: Missing or BitmapBullet!" ); USHORT nScale = pEditEngine->IsFlatMode() ? DEFAULT_SCALE : pFmt->GetBulletRelSize(); ULONG nScaledLineHeight = pEditEngine->GetStandardFont( nPara ).GetSize().Height(); nScaledLineHeight *= nScale*10; nScaledLineHeight /= 1000; Font aBulletFont; if ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL ) aBulletFont = *pFmt->GetBulletFont(); else aBulletFont = pEditEngine->GetStandardFont( nPara ); aBulletFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM ); aBulletFont.SetSize( Size( 0, nScaledLineHeight ) ); BOOL bVertical = IsVertical(); aBulletFont.SetVertical( bVertical ); aBulletFont.SetOrientation( bVertical ? 2700 : 0 ); Color aColor( COL_BLACK ); if( !pEditEngine->IsFlatMode() && !( pEditEngine->GetControlWord() & EE_CNTRL_NOCOLORS ) ) aColor = pFmt->GetBulletColor(); aBulletFont.SetColor( aColor ); return aBulletFont; } void Outliner::PaintBullet( USHORT nPara, const Point& rStartPos, const Point& rOrigin, short nOrientation, OutputDevice* pOutDev ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if ( ImplHasBullet( nPara ) ) { BOOL bVertical = IsVertical(); Rectangle aBulletArea( ImpCalcBulletArea( nPara, TRUE ) ); if ( !bVertical ) aBulletArea.Move( rStartPos.X(), rStartPos.Y() ); else aBulletArea.Move( rStartPos.Y(), rStartPos.X()-2*aBulletArea.Top() ); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ); if ( pFmt && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) ) { if( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) { Font aBulletFont( ImpCalcBulletFont( nPara ) ); Font aOldFont = pOutDev->GetFont(); pOutDev->SetFont( aBulletFont ); Point aTextPos; if ( !bVertical ) aTextPos = aBulletArea.BottomLeft(); else { aTextPos.X() = aBulletArea.Bottom(); aTextPos.Y() = aBulletArea.Left(); } if ( !bStrippingPortions ) { if ( nOrientation ) { // Sowohl TopLeft als auch BottomLeft nicht ganz richtig, da // in EditEngine BaseLine... double nRealOrientation = nOrientation*F_PI1800; double nCos = cos( nRealOrientation ); double nSin = sin( nRealOrientation ); Point aRotatedPos; // Translation... aTextPos -= rOrigin; // Rotation... aRotatedPos.X()=(long) (nCos*aTextPos.X() + nSin*aTextPos.Y()); aRotatedPos.Y()=(long) - (nSin*aTextPos.X() - nCos*aTextPos.Y()); aTextPos = aRotatedPos; // Translation... aTextPos += rOrigin; Font aRotatedFont( aBulletFont ); aRotatedFont.SetLineOrientation( nOrientation ); pOutDev->SetFont( aRotatedFont ); } pOutDev->DrawText( aTextPos, pPara->GetText() ); // HACK #47227# // Seitennummer im Gliederungsmodus ausgeben... if ( (pPara->GetDepth() == 0 ) && ( pEditEngine->GetControlWord() & EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER ) ) { long nPage = nFirstPage-1; for ( USHORT n = 0; n <= nPara; n++ ) { Paragraph* p = pParaList->GetParagraph( n ); if ( p->GetDepth() == 0 ) nPage++; } const SvxFontHeightItem& rFH = (const SvxFontHeightItem&)pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ); Size aFontSz( 0, rFH.GetHeight() ); aFontSz.Height() /= 5; Font aNewFont( System::GetStandardFont( STDFONT_SWISS ) ); aNewFont.SetSize( aFontSz ); aNewFont.SetAlign( ALIGN_BOTTOM ); aNewFont.SetVertical( bVertical ); aNewFont.SetOrientation( bVertical ? 2700 : 0 ); pOutDev->SetFont( aNewFont ); String aPageText = String::CreateFromInt32( nPage ); Size aTextSz; aTextSz.Width() = pOutDev->GetTextWidth( aPageText ); aTextSz.Height() = pOutDev->GetTextHeight(); long nBulletHeight = aBulletArea.GetHeight(); if ( !bVertical ) { aTextPos.X() -= aTextSz.Width(); aTextPos.X() -= aTextSz.Height() / 8; aTextPos.Y() -= nBulletHeight / 2; aTextPos.Y() += aTextSz.Height() / 2; } else { aTextPos.Y() -= aTextSz.Width(); aTextPos.Y() -= aTextSz.Height() / 8; aTextPos.X() += nBulletHeight / 2; aTextPos.X() -= aTextSz.Height() / 2; } pOutDev->DrawText( aTextPos, aPageText ); } } else { Font aSvxFont( aBulletFont ); long* pBuf = new long[ pPara->GetText().Len() ]; pOutDev->GetTextArray( pPara->GetText(), pBuf ); // aTextPos ist Bottom, jetzt die Baseline liefern: FontMetric aMetric( pOutDev->GetFontMetric() ); aTextPos.Y() -= aMetric.GetDescent(); DrawingText( aTextPos, pPara->GetText(), pBuf, aSvxFont, nPara, 0xFFFF ); delete pBuf; } pOutDev->SetFont( aOldFont ); } else { if ( !bStrippingPortions ) { // MT: Remove CAST when KA made the Draw-Method const if ( pFmt->GetBrush()->GetGraphicObject() ) ((GraphicObject*)pFmt->GetBrush()->GetGraphicObject())->Draw( pOutDev, aBulletArea.TopLeft(), pPara->aBulSize ); } } } // Bei zusammengeklappten Absaetzen einen Strich vor den Text malen. if( pParaList->HasChilds(pPara) && !pParaList->HasVisibleChilds(pPara) && !bStrippingPortions && !nOrientation ) { Point aStartPoint( aBulletArea.BottomLeft() ); aStartPoint.X() += aBulletArea.GetWidth(); Point aEndPoint( aStartPoint ); aEndPoint.X() += pOutDev->PixelToLogic( Size( 10, 0 ) ).Width(); const Color& rOldLineColor = pOutDev->GetLineColor(); pOutDev->SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); pOutDev->DrawLine( aStartPoint, aEndPoint ); pOutDev->SetLineColor( rOldLineColor ); } } } void Outliner::InvalidateBullet( Paragraph* pPara, ULONG nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); long nLineHeight = (long)pEditEngine->GetLineHeight((USHORT)nPara ); OutlinerView* pView = aViewList.First(); while( pView ) { Point aPos( pView->pEditView->GetWindowPosTopLeft((USHORT)nPara ) ); Rectangle aRect( pView->GetOutputArea() ); aRect.Right() = aPos.X(); aRect.Top() = aPos.Y(); aRect.Bottom() = aPos.Y(); aRect.Bottom() += nLineHeight; pView->GetWindow()->Invalidate( aRect ); pView = aViewList.Next(); } } ULONG Outliner::Read( SvStream& rInput, USHORT eFormat, SvKeyValueIterator* pHTTPHeaderAttrs ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); BOOL bOldUndo = pEditEngine->IsUndoEnabled(); EnableUndo( FALSE ); BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); Clear(); bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; ULONG nRet = pEditEngine->Read( rInput, (EETextFormat)eFormat, pHTTPHeaderAttrs ); bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; bFirstParaIsEmpty = FALSE; USHORT nParas = pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(); pParaList->Clear( TRUE ); USHORT n; for ( n = 0; n < nParas; n++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = new Paragraph( 0 ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, LIST_APPEND ); if ( eFormat == EE_FORMAT_BIN ) { USHORT nDepth = 0; const SfxItemSet& rAttrs = pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( n ); const SfxUInt16Item& rLevel = (const SfxUInt16Item&) rAttrs.Get( EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); nDepth = rLevel.GetValue(); ImplInitDepth( n, nDepth, FALSE ); } } if ( eFormat != EE_FORMAT_BIN ) { ImpFilterIndents( 0, nParas-1 ); } for ( n = 0; n < nParas; n++ ) { // Handler rufen, Outliner war leer. Aber nicht fuer den ersten pHdlParagraph = pParaList->GetParagraph( n ); ParagraphInsertedHdl(); } pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); EnableUndo( bOldUndo ); return nRet; } void Outliner::ImpFilterIndents( ULONG nFirstPara, ULONG nLastPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); Paragraph* pLastConverted = NULL; for( ULONG nPara = nFirstPara; nPara <= nLastPara; nPara++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if( ImpConvertEdtToOut( pPara, nPara ) ) { pLastConverted = pPara; } else if ( pLastConverted ) { // Normale Absaetze unter der Ueberschrift anordnen... pPara->SetDepth( pLastConverted->GetDepth() ); } ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); } SfxUndoManager& Outliner::GetUndoManager() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return pEditEngine->GetUndoManager(); } void Outliner::ImpTextPasted( ULONG nStartPara, USHORT nCount ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); BOOL bUpdate = pEditEngine->GetUpdateMode(); pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); const ULONG nStart = nStartPara; Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nStartPara ); Paragraph* pLastConverted = NULL; while( nCount && pPara ) { if( ImplGetOutlinerMode() != OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ) { USHORT nPrevDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); if( ImpConvertEdtToOut( pPara, nStartPara ) ) pLastConverted = pPara; else if ( pLastConverted ) { // Normale Absaetze unter der Ueberschrift anordnen... pPara->SetDepth( pLastConverted->GetDepth() ); } // Tiefe des Absatzes hat sich geaendert. if( pPara->GetDepth() != nPrevDepth ) { pHdlParagraph = pPara; if( nPrevDepth == 0xffff ) { // neuer Absatz -> InsertedHdl rufen ParagraphInsertedHdl(); } else { if( nStartPara == nStart ) // die Einrueckebene des Startabsatzes bleibt // immer erhalten (leere Absaetze bekommen // die Absatzattribute des eingefuegten Absatzes, // diese sind aber erst nach dem Paste bekannt, // d.h. es muesste dann ggf. der ParagraphIndenting // Handler gerufen werden (also u.U. vor UND nach // dem Paste) pPara->SetDepth( nPrevDepth ); else if( (!nStartPara && pPara->GetDepth()) || (pPara->GetDepth() < nMinDepth) ) pPara->SetDepth( nMinDepth ); if( pPara->GetDepth() != nPrevDepth ) { // alter Absatz -> DepthChangedHdl rufen nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth = nPrevDepth; DepthChangedHdl(); } } ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nStartPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } else if( nStartPara == nStart ) ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nStartPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } else // EditEngine-Modus { USHORT nDepth = 0; const SfxItemSet& rAttrs = pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( (USHORT)nStartPara ); if ( rAttrs.GetItemState( EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ) == SFX_ITEM_ON ) { const SfxUInt16Item& rLevel = (const SfxUInt16Item&) rAttrs.Get( EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); nDepth = rLevel.GetValue(); } if ( nDepth != GetDepth( nStartPara ) ) ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nStartPara, nDepth, FALSE ); } nCount--; nStartPara++; pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nStartPara ); } pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate ); DBG_ASSERT(pParaList->GetParagraphCount()==pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount(),"ImpTextPasted failed"); } void Outliner::ImpDropped( OutlinerView* pOutlView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // MT 06/00 - Was soll das hier? // Diese Methode muss mal ueberarbeitet werden... EditView* pView = pOutlView->pEditView; ULONG nParas = pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); for ( ULONG nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); USHORT nCurDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); if( nCurDepth == 0xffff ) { ImpConvertEdtToOut( pPara, nPara, pView ); pHdlParagraph = pPara; ParagraphInsertedHdl(); ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } else if( pPara->nFlags & PARAFLAG_DROPTARGET ) { ImpConvertEdtToOut( pPara, nPara, pView ); if( pPara->nDepth != nCurDepth || (pPara->nFlags & PARAFLAG_DROPTARGET_EMPTY) ) { // auf alten Wert zuruecksetzen pPara->SetDepth( nCurDepth ); // und neu attributieren ImplInitDepth( (USHORT)nPara, pPara->GetDepth(), FALSE ); } pPara->nFlags &= (~PARAFLAG_DROPTARGET|PARAFLAG_DROPTARGET_EMPTY); } } } long Outliner::IndentingPagesHdl( OutlinerView* pView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if( !aIndentingPagesHdl.IsSet() ) return 1; return aIndentingPagesHdl.Call( pView ); } BOOL Outliner::ImpCanIndentSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // Die selektierten Seiten muessen vorher durch ImpCalcSelectedPages // schon eingestellt sein // Wenn der erste Absatz auf Ebene 0 liegt darf er auf keinen Fall // eingerueckt werden, evtl folgen aber weitere auf Ebene 0. if ( ( (ULONG)pHdlParagraph == 0 ) && ( ImplGetOutlinerMode() != OUTLINERMODE_TEXTOBJECT ) ) { if ( nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth == 1 ) // ist die einzige Seite return FALSE; else pCurView->ImpCalcSelectedPages( FALSE ); // ohne die erste } return (BOOL)IndentingPagesHdl( pCurView ); } BOOL Outliner::ImpCanDeleteSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // Die selektierten Seiten muessen vorher durch ImpCalcSelectedPages // schon eingestellt sein return (BOOL)RemovingPagesHdl( pCurView ); } Outliner::Outliner( SfxItemPool* pPool, USHORT nMode ) { DBG_CTOR( Outliner, 0 ); bStrippingPortions = FALSE; bPasting = FALSE; nFirstPage = 1; bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; nMinDepth = 0; nMaxDepth = 9; pParaList = new ParagraphList; pParaList->SetVisibleStateChangedHdl( LINK( this, Outliner, ParaVisibleStateChangedHdl ) ); Paragraph* pPara = new Paragraph( 0 ); pParaList->Insert( pPara, LIST_APPEND ); bFirstParaIsEmpty = TRUE; pEditEngine = new OutlinerEditEng( this, pPool ); Init( nMode ); } Outliner::~Outliner() { DBG_DTOR(Outliner,0); pParaList->Clear( TRUE ); delete pParaList; delete pEditEngine; } ULONG Outliner::InsertView( OutlinerView* pView, ULONG nIndex ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); aViewList.Insert( pView, nIndex ); pEditEngine->InsertView( pView->pEditView, (USHORT)nIndex ); return aViewList.GetPos( pView ); } OutlinerView* Outliner::RemoveView( OutlinerView* pView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); ULONG nPos = aViewList.GetPos( pView ); if ( nPos != LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ) { pView->pEditView->HideCursor(); // HACK wg. BugId 10006 pEditEngine->RemoveView( pView->pEditView ); aViewList.Remove( nPos ); } return NULL; // MT: return ueberfluessig } OutlinerView* Outliner::RemoveView( ULONG nIndex ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); EditView* pEditView = pEditEngine->GetView( (USHORT)nIndex ); pEditView->HideCursor(); // HACK wg. BugId 10006 pEditEngine->RemoveView( (USHORT)nIndex ); aViewList.Remove( nIndex ); return NULL; // MT: return ueberfluessig } OutlinerView* Outliner::GetView( ULONG nIndex ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return aViewList.GetObject( nIndex ); } ULONG Outliner::GetViewCount() const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return aViewList.Count(); } void Outliner::ParagraphInsertedHdl() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); aParaInsertedHdl.Call( this ); } void Outliner::ParagraphRemovingHdl() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); aParaRemovingHdl.Call( this ); } void Outliner::DepthChangedHdl() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); aDepthChangedHdl.Call( this ); } ULONG Outliner::GetAbsPos( Paragraph* pPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DBG_ASSERT(pPara,"GetAbsPos:No Para") return pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); } void Outliner::ParagraphHeightChanged( USHORT ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // MT: Kann wohl weg... } ULONG Outliner::GetParagraphCount() const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); } Paragraph* Outliner::GetParagraph( ULONG nAbsPos ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return pParaList->GetParagraph( nAbsPos ); } BOOL Outliner::HasChilds( Paragraph* pParagraph ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return pParaList->HasChilds( pParagraph ); } BOOL Outliner::ImplHasBullet( USHORT nPara ) const { const SfxUInt16Item& rBulletState = (const SfxUInt16Item&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE ); BOOL bBullet = rBulletState.GetValue() ? TRUE : FALSE; if ( !pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara )->GetDepth() && ( pEditEngine->GetControlWord() & EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER ) ) { // Im Gliederungsmodus immer ein Bullet auf Ebene 0! bBullet = TRUE; } else if ( bBullet ) { USHORT nDepth = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara )->GetDepth(); const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( nDepth ); if ( !pFmt || ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) ) bBullet = FALSE; } return bBullet; } Size Outliner::ImplGetBulletSize( USHORT nPara ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); if( pPara->aBulSize.Width() == -1 ) { const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ); DBG_ASSERT( pFmt, "ImplGetBulletSize - no Bullet!" ); if ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) { pPara->aBulSize = Size( 0, 0 ); } else if( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) { String aBulletText = ImplGetBulletText( nPara ); OutputDevice* pRefDev = pEditEngine->GetRefDevice(); Font aBulletFont( ImpCalcBulletFont( nPara ) ); Font aRefFont( pRefDev->GetFont()); pRefDev->SetFont( aBulletFont ); pPara->aBulSize.Width() = pRefDev->GetTextWidth( aBulletText ); pPara->aBulSize.Height() = pRefDev->GetTextHeight(); pRefDev->SetFont( aRefFont ); } else { pPara->aBulSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( pFmt->GetGraphicSize(), MAP_100TH_MM, pEditEngine->GetRefDevice()->GetMapMode() ); } } return pPara->aBulSize; } void Outliner::ImplCheckParagraphs( USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( Outliner, 0 ); // Sicherstellen dass es ein Bullet und ein LR-Space gibt. for ( USHORT n = nStart; n <= nEnd; n++ ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( n ); BOOL bHasLRSpace = pEditEngine->HasParaAttrib( n, EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE ); BOOL bHasLevel = pEditEngine->HasParaAttrib( n, EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); if ( !bHasLRSpace || !bHasLevel ) { SfxItemSet aAttrs( pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( n ) ); // MT 05/00: Default-Item muss erstmal richtig sein => Dann koennen diese ganzen komischen Defaults weg!!! // const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( n, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); // const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = NULL; // if ( ( rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->GetLevelCount() > pPara->GetDepth() ) && // ( ( pFtm = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ) != NULL ) ) // { // } if ( !bHasLRSpace ) { SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpaceItem = lcl_ImplGetDefLRSpaceItem( pPara->GetDepth(), GetRefMapMode().GetMapUnit() ); aAttrs.Put( aLRSpaceItem ); } if ( !bHasLevel ) { SfxUInt16Item aLevelItem( EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL, pPara->GetDepth() ); aAttrs.Put( aLevelItem ); } pEditEngine->SetParaAttribs( n, aAttrs ); } pPara->Invalidate(); ImplCalcBulletText( n, FALSE, FALSE ); } } void Outliner::SetRefDevice( OutputDevice* pRefDev ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); pEditEngine->SetRefDevice( pRefDev ); for ( USHORT n = (USHORT) pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); n; ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( --n ); pPara->Invalidate(); } } void Outliner::ParaAttribsChanged( USHORT nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // Der Outliner hat kein eigenes Undo, wenn Absaetz getrennt/verschmolzen werden. // Beim ParagraphInserted ist das Attribut EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL // ggf. noch nicht eingestellt, dies wird aber benoetigt um die Tiefe // des Absatzes zu bestimmen. if( pEditEngine->IsInUndo() ) { if ( pParaList->GetParagraphCount() == pEditEngine->GetParagraphCount() ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); const SfxUInt16Item& rLevel = (const SfxUInt16Item&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL ); if ( pPara->GetDepth() != rLevel.GetValue() ) { USHORT nMin = Min( pPara->GetDepth(), (USHORT)rLevel.GetValue() ); pPara->SetDepth( rLevel.GetValue() ); ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, TRUE, TRUE ); } } } } void Outliner::StyleSheetChanged( SfxStyleSheet* pStyle ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); // Die EditEngine ruft StyleSheetChanged auch fuer abgeleitete Styles. // MT: Hier wurde frueher alle Absaetze durch ein ImpRecalcParaAttribs // gejagt, die die besagte Vorlage haben, warum? // => Eigentlich kann sich nur die Bullet-Repraesentation aendern... USHORT nParas = (USHORT)pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); for( USHORT nPara = 0; nPara < nParas; nPara++ ) { if ( pEditEngine->GetStyleSheet( nPara ) == pStyle ) { ImplCheckNumBulletItem( nPara ); ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, FALSE, FALSE ); } } } Rectangle Outliner::ImpCalcBulletArea( USHORT nPara, BOOL bAdjust ) { // Bullet-Bereich innerhalb des Absatzes... Rectangle aBulletArea; const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ); if ( pFmt ) { Point aTopLeft; Size aBulletSize( ImplGetBulletSize( nPara ) ); const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLR = (const SvxLRSpaceItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_LRSPACE ); aTopLeft.X() = rLR.GetTxtLeft() + rLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(); long nBulletWidth = Max( (long) -rLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst(), (long) ((-pFmt->GetFirstLineOffset()) + pFmt->GetCharTextDistance()) ); if ( nBulletWidth < aBulletSize.Width() ) // Bullet macht sich Platz nBulletWidth = aBulletSize.Width(); if ( bAdjust && ( !( pEditEngine->GetControlWord() & EE_CNTRL_OUTLINER ) ) ) { // Bei zentriert/rechtsbuendig anpassen const SvxAdjustItem& rItem = (const SvxAdjustItem&)pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_JUST ); if ( rItem.GetAdjust() != SVX_ADJUST_LEFT ) aTopLeft.X() = pEditEngine->GetFirstLineStartX( nPara ) - nBulletWidth; } // Vertikal: ParagraphInfos aInfos = pEditEngine->GetParagraphInfos( nPara ); if ( aInfos.bValid ) { aTopLeft.Y() = aInfos.nFirstLineOffset + aInfos.nFirstLineHeight - aInfos.nFirstLineTextHeight + aInfos.nFirstLineTextHeight / 2 - aBulletSize.Height() / 2; // ggf. lieber auf der Baseline ausgeben... if( ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL ) ) { Font aBulletFont( ImpCalcBulletFont( nPara ) ); if ( aBulletFont.GetCharSet() != RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ) { OutputDevice* pRefDev = pEditEngine->GetRefDevice(); Font aOldFont = pRefDev->GetFont(); pRefDev->SetFont( aBulletFont ); FontMetric aMetric( pRefDev->GetFontMetric() ); // Leading der ersten Zeile... aTopLeft.Y() = aInfos.nFirstLineOffset + aInfos.nFirstLineMaxAscent; aTopLeft.Y() -= aMetric.GetAscent(); pRefDev->SetFont( aOldFont ); } } } // Horizontal: if( pFmt->GetNumAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT ) { aTopLeft.X() += nBulletWidth - aBulletSize.Width(); } else if( pFmt->GetNumAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_CENTER ) { aTopLeft.X() += ( nBulletWidth - aBulletSize.Width() ) / 2; } if ( aTopLeft.X() < 0 ) // dann draengeln aTopLeft.X() = 0; aBulletArea = Rectangle( aTopLeft, aBulletSize ); } return aBulletArea; } void Outliner::ExpandHdl() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); aExpandHdl.Call( this ); } XubString Outliner::GetText( Paragraph* pParagraph, ULONG nCount ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); XubString aText; USHORT nStartPara = (USHORT) pParaList->GetAbsPos( pParagraph ); for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nCount; n++ ) { aText += pEditEngine->GetText( nStartPara + n ); if ( (n+1) < (USHORT)nCount ) aText += '\n'; } return aText; } void Outliner::Remove( Paragraph* pPara, ULONG nParaCount ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); ULONG nPos = pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); if( !nPos && ( nParaCount >= pParaList->GetParagraphCount() ) ) { Clear(); } else { for( USHORT n = 0; n < (USHORT)nParaCount; n++ ) pEditEngine->RemoveParagraph( (USHORT) nPos ); } } void Outliner::StripPortions() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); bStrippingPortions = TRUE; pEditEngine->StripPortions(); bStrippingPortions = FALSE; } void Outliner::DrawingText( const Point& rStartPos, const XubString& rText, const long* pDXArray,const SvxFont& rFont, USHORT nPara, USHORT nIndex ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); DrawPortionInfo aInfo( rStartPos, rText, rFont, nPara, nIndex, pDXArray ); aDrawPortionHdl.Call( &aInfo ); } long Outliner::RemovingPagesHdl( OutlinerView* pView ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return aRemovingPagesHdl.IsSet() ? aRemovingPagesHdl.Call( pView ) : TRUE; } BOOL Outliner::ImpCanDeleteSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView, USHORT nFirstPage, USHORT nPages ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth = nPages; pHdlParagraph = (Paragraph*)nFirstPage; return (BOOL)RemovingPagesHdl( pCurView ); } SfxItemSet Outliner::GetParaAttribs( ULONG nPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); return pEditEngine->GetParaAttribs( (USHORT)nPara ); } IMPL_LINK( Outliner, ParaVisibleStateChangedHdl, Paragraph*, pPara ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); ULONG nPara = pParaList->GetAbsPos( pPara ); pEditEngine->ShowParagraph( (USHORT)nPara, pPara->IsVisible() ); return 0; } void Outliner::ImplCalcBulletText( USHORT nPara, BOOL bRecalcLevel, BOOL bRecalcChilds ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); USHORT nRelPos = 0xFFFF; while ( pPara ) { XubString aBulletText; const SvxNumBulletItem& rNumBullet = (const SvxNumBulletItem&) pEditEngine->GetParaAttrib( nPara, EE_PARA_NUMBULLET ); const SvxNumberFormat* pFmt = rNumBullet.GetNumRule()->Get( pPara->GetDepth() ); if( pFmt && ( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) ) { aBulletText += pFmt->GetPrefix(); if( pFmt->GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL ) { aBulletText += pFmt->GetBulletChar(); } else if( pFmt->GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) { if ( nRelPos == 0xFFFF ) pParaList->GetParent( pPara, nRelPos ); USHORT nNumber = nRelPos + pFmt->GetStart(); aBulletText += pFmt->GetNumStr( nNumber ); } aBulletText += pFmt->GetSuffix(); } if( aBulletText != pPara->GetText() ) pPara->SetText( aBulletText ); pPara->nFlags &= (~PARAFLAG_SETBULLETTEXT); if ( bRecalcLevel ) { if ( nRelPos != 0xFFFF ) nRelPos++; USHORT nDepth = pPara->GetDepth(); pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( ++nPara ); if ( !bRecalcChilds ) { while ( pPara && ( pPara->GetDepth() > nDepth ) ) pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( ++nPara ); } if ( pPara && ( pPara->GetDepth() < nDepth ) ) pPara = NULL; } else { pPara = NULL; } } } void Outliner::Clear() { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if( !bFirstParaIsEmpty ) { bBlockInsCallback = TRUE; pEditEngine->Clear(); bBlockInsCallback = FALSE; pParaList->Clear( TRUE ); pParaList->Insert( new Paragraph( nMinDepth ), LIST_APPEND ); bFirstParaIsEmpty = TRUE; } else { pParaList->GetParagraph( 0 )->SetDepth( nMinDepth ); } } void Outliner::SetFlatMode( BOOL bFlat ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(Outliner,0); if( bFlat != pEditEngine->IsFlatMode() ) { for ( USHORT nPara = (USHORT)pParaList->GetParagraphCount(); nPara; ) pParaList->GetParagraph( --nPara )->aBulSize.Width() = -1; pEditEngine->SetFlatMode( bFlat ); } } String Outliner::ImplGetBulletText( USHORT nPara ) { Paragraph* pPara = pParaList->GetParagraph( nPara ); // MT: Optimierung mal wieder aktivieren... // if( pPara->nFlags & PARAFLAG_SETBULLETTEXT ) ImplCalcBulletText( nPara, FALSE, FALSE ); return pPara->GetText(); } // this is needed for StarOffice Api void Outliner::SetLevelDependendStyleSheet( USHORT nPara ) { ImplSetLevelDependendStyleSheet( nPara ); }