/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <sdr/contact/viewcontactofe3dpolygon.hxx>
#include <svx/polygn3d.hxx>
#include <drawinglayer/primitive3d/sdrpolypolygonprimitive3d.hxx>
#include <svx/sdr/primitive2d/sdrattributecreator.hxx>
#include <sdr/primitive3d/sdrattributecreator3d.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b3dpolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b3dpolypolygontools.hxx>
#include <memory>

namespace sdr
    namespace contact
        ViewContactOfE3dPolygon::ViewContactOfE3dPolygon(E3dPolygonObj& rPolygon)
        :   ViewContactOfE3d(rPolygon)


        drawinglayer::primitive3d::Primitive3DContainer ViewContactOfE3dPolygon::createViewIndependentPrimitive3DContainer() const
            drawinglayer::primitive3d::Primitive3DContainer xRetval;
            const SfxItemSet& rItemSet = GetE3dPolygonObj().GetMergedItemSet();
            const bool bSuppressFill(GetE3dPolygonObj().GetLineOnly());
            const drawinglayer::attribute::SdrLineFillShadowAttribute3D aAttribute(
                drawinglayer::primitive2d::createNewSdrLineFillShadowAttribute(rItemSet, bSuppressFill));

            // get extrude geometry
            basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon3D(GetE3dPolygonObj().GetPolyPolygon3D());
            const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon aPolyNormals3D(GetE3dPolygonObj().GetPolyNormals3D());
            const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyTexture2D(GetE3dPolygonObj().GetPolyTexture2D());
            const bool bNormals(aPolyNormals3D.count() && aPolyNormals3D.count() == aPolyPolygon3D.count());
            const bool bTexture(aPolyTexture2D.count() && aPolyTexture2D.count() == aPolyPolygon3D.count());

            if(bNormals || bTexture)
                for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < aPolyPolygon3D.count(); a++)
                    basegfx::B3DPolygon aCandidate3D(aPolyPolygon3D.getB3DPolygon(a));
                    basegfx::B3DPolygon aNormals3D;
                    basegfx::B2DPolygon aTexture2D;

                        aNormals3D = aPolyNormals3D.getB3DPolygon(a);

                        aTexture2D = aPolyTexture2D.getB2DPolygon(a);

                    for(sal_uInt32 b(0L); b < aCandidate3D.count(); b++)
                            sal_uInt32 nNormalCount = aNormals3D.count();
                            if( b < nNormalCount )
                                aCandidate3D.setNormal(b, aNormals3D.getB3DPoint(b));
                            else if( nNormalCount > 0 )
                                aCandidate3D.setNormal(b, aNormals3D.getB3DPoint(0));
                            sal_uInt32 nTextureCount = aTexture2D.count();
                            if( b < nTextureCount )
                                aCandidate3D.setTextureCoordinate(b, aTexture2D.getB2DPoint(b));
                            else if( nTextureCount > 0 )
                                aCandidate3D.setTextureCoordinate(b, aTexture2D.getB2DPoint(0));

                    aPolyPolygon3D.setB3DPolygon(a, aCandidate3D);

            // get 3D Object Attributes
            std::unique_ptr<drawinglayer::attribute::Sdr3DObjectAttribute> pSdr3DObjectAttribute(drawinglayer::primitive2d::createNewSdr3DObjectAttribute(rItemSet));

            // calculate texture size
            basegfx::B2DVector aTextureSize(1.0, 1.0);

                // #i98314#
                // create texture size from object's size
                const basegfx::B3DRange aObjectRange(basegfx::tools::getRange(aPolyPolygon3D));

                double fWidth(0.0);
                double fHeight(0.0);

                // this is a polygon object, so Width/Height and/or Depth may be zero (e.g. left
                // wall of chart). Take this into account
                    // width is zero, use height and depth
                    fWidth = aObjectRange.getHeight();
                    fHeight = aObjectRange.getDepth();
                else if(basegfx::fTools::equalZero(aObjectRange.getHeight()))
                    // height is zero, use width and depth
                    fWidth = aObjectRange.getWidth();
                    fHeight = aObjectRange.getDepth();
                    // use width and height
                    fWidth = aObjectRange.getWidth();
                    fHeight = aObjectRange.getHeight();

                if(basegfx::fTools::lessOrEqual(fWidth, 0.0) ||basegfx::fTools::lessOrEqual(fHeight, 0.0))
                    // no texture; fallback to very small size

            // #i98295#
            // unfortunately, this SdrObject type which allows a free 3d geometry definition was defined
            // wrong topologically in relation to its plane normal and 3D visibility when it was invented
            // a long time ago. Since the API allows creation of this SDrObject type, it is not possible to
            // simply change this definition. Only the chart should use it, and at least this object type
            // only exists at Runtime (is not saved and/or loaded in any FileFormat). Still someone external
            // may have used it in its API. To not risk wrong 3D lightings, I have to switch the orientation
            // of the polygon here

            // create primitive and add
            const basegfx::B3DHomMatrix aWorldTransform;
            const drawinglayer::primitive3d::Primitive3DReference xReference(
                new drawinglayer::primitive3d::SdrPolyPolygonPrimitive3D(
                    aPolyPolygon3D, aWorldTransform, aTextureSize, aAttribute, *pSdr3DObjectAttribute));
            xRetval = { xReference };

            return xRetval;
    } // end of namespace contact
} // end of namespace sdr

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