/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SdrObjEditView::SdrObjEditView(SdrModel& rSdrModel, OutputDevice* pOut) : SdrGlueEditView(rSdrModel, pOut) , maTEOverlayGroup() , maTextEditUpdateTimer("TextEditUpdateTimer") , mxWeakTextEditObj() , mpTextEditPV(nullptr) , mpTextEditOutlinerView(nullptr) , mpTextEditWin(nullptr) , m_pTextEditCursorBuffer(nullptr) , m_pMacroObj(nullptr) , m_pMacroPV(nullptr) , m_pMacroWin(nullptr) , m_aTextEditArea() , m_aMinTextEditArea() , m_aOldCalcFieldValueLink() , m_aMacroDownPos() , m_nMacroTol(0) , mbTextEditDontDelete(false) , mbTextEditOnlyOneView(false) , mbTextEditNewObj(false) , mbQuickTextEditMode(true) , mbMacroDown(false) , mbInteractiveSlideShow(false) , mxSelectionController() , mxLastSelectionController() , mpOldTextEditUndoManager(nullptr) , mpLocalTextEditUndoManager() { // init some timer settings (not starting it of course) maTextEditUpdateTimer.SetTimeout(EDIT_UPDATEDATA_TIMEOUT); maTextEditUpdateTimer.SetInvokeHandler(LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, TextEditUpdate)); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SdrObjEditView, ImpModifyHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { // IASS: active TextEdit had a model change. Check and react. if (nullptr == mpTextEditOutliner) // no Outliner, no TextEdit return; if (!mxWeakTextEditObj.get().is()) // no TextObject, no TextEdit return; // reset & restart the timer maTextEditUpdateTimer.SetTimeout(EDIT_UPDATEDATA_TIMEOUT); maTextEditUpdateTimer.Start(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SdrObjEditView, TextEditUpdate, Timer*, void) { // IASS: text was changed and EDIT_UPDATEDATA_TIMEOUT has passed // since last user input maTextEditUpdateTimer.Stop(); // be safe: still in TextEdit? if (nullptr == mpTextEditOutliner) // no Outliner, no TextEdit return; if (!mxWeakTextEditObj.get().is()) // no TextObject, no TextEdit return; // launch an ObjectChange: This is the straightforward method // to get this broadcasted. We do not risk to set the model // unwantedly to changed, we had a text edit going on already. // This is needed for SlideShow since it is not (yet) using the // standard schema with VC/VOC/OC if (isInteractiveSlideShow()) mxWeakTextEditObj.get()->BroadcastObjectChange(); // force repaint for objects with changed text in all views // that are VC/VOC/OC based (SlideShow is not yet) sdr::contact::ViewContact& rVC(mxWeakTextEditObj.get()->GetViewContact()); if (!rVC.hasMultipleViewObjectContacts()) // only one VOC -> this is us return; if (nullptr == mpTextEditPV) // should not happen, just invalidate all visualizations rVC.ActionChanged(); else // invalidate only visualizations in different views: // this is important to not cause evtl. high repaint costs // in the EditView -> we avoid this by running the TextEdit // on the overlay. NOTE: This is only for better performance, // any repaint will just work fine and do the right thing rVC.ActionChangedIfDifferentPageView(*mpTextEditPV); } SdrObjEditView::~SdrObjEditView() { maTextEditUpdateTimer.Stop(); mpTextEditWin = nullptr; // so there's no ShowCursor in SdrEndTextEdit assert(!IsTextEdit()); if (IsTextEdit()) suppress_fun_call_w_exception(SdrEndTextEdit()); mpTextEditOutliner.reset(); assert(nullptr == mpOldTextEditUndoManager); // should have been reset } bool SdrObjEditView::IsAction() const { return IsMacroObj() || SdrGlueEditView::IsAction(); } void SdrObjEditView::MovAction(const Point& rPnt) { if (IsMacroObj()) MovMacroObj(rPnt); SdrGlueEditView::MovAction(rPnt); } void SdrObjEditView::EndAction() { if (IsMacroObj()) EndMacroObj(); SdrGlueEditView::EndAction(); } void SdrObjEditView::BckAction() { BrkMacroObj(); SdrGlueEditView::BckAction(); } void SdrObjEditView::BrkAction() { BrkMacroObj(); SdrGlueEditView::BrkAction(); } SdrPageView* SdrObjEditView::ShowSdrPage(SdrPage* pPage) { SdrPageView* pPageView = SdrGlueEditView::ShowSdrPage(pPage); if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && pPageView) { // Check if other views have an active text edit on the same page as // this one. SdrViewIter::ForAllViews(pPageView->GetPage(), [this](SdrView* pView) { if (pView == this || !pView->IsTextEdit()) return; OutputDevice* pOutDev = GetFirstOutputDevice(); if (!pOutDev || pOutDev->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_WINDOW) return; // Found one, so create an outliner view, to get invalidations when // the text edit changes. // Call GetSfxViewShell() to make sure ImpMakeOutlinerView() // registers the view shell of this draw view, and not the view // shell of pView. OutlinerView* pOutlinerView = pView->ImpMakeOutlinerView(pOutDev->GetOwnerWindow(), nullptr, GetSfxViewShell()); pOutlinerView->HideCursor(); pView->GetTextEditOutliner()->InsertView(pOutlinerView); }); } return pPageView; } namespace { /// Removes outliner views registered in other draw views that use pOutputDevice. void lcl_RemoveTextEditOutlinerViews(SdrObjEditView const* pThis, SdrPageView const* pPageView, OutputDevice const* pOutputDevice) { if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) return; if (!pPageView) return; if (!pOutputDevice || pOutputDevice->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_WINDOW) return; SdrViewIter::ForAllViews(pPageView->GetPage(), [&pThis, &pOutputDevice](SdrView* pView) { if (pView == pThis || !pView->IsTextEdit()) return; SdrOutliner* pOutliner = pView->GetTextEditOutliner(); for (size_t nView = 0; nView < pOutliner->GetViewCount(); ++nView) { OutlinerView* pOutlinerView = pOutliner->GetView(nView); if (pOutlinerView->GetWindow()->GetOutDev() != pOutputDevice) continue; pOutliner->RemoveView(pOutlinerView); delete pOutlinerView; } }); } } void SdrObjEditView::HideSdrPage() { lcl_RemoveTextEditOutlinerViews(this, GetSdrPageView(), GetFirstOutputDevice()); if (mpTextEditPV == GetSdrPageView()) { // HideSdrPage() will clear mpPageView, avoid a dangling pointer. mpTextEditPV = nullptr; } SdrGlueEditView::HideSdrPage(); } void SdrObjEditView::TakeActionRect(tools::Rectangle& rRect) const { if (IsMacroObj()) { rRect = m_pMacroObj->GetCurrentBoundRect(); } else { SdrGlueEditView::TakeActionRect(rRect); } } void SdrObjEditView::Notify(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint) { SdrGlueEditView::Notify(rBC, rHint); if (mpTextEditOutliner == nullptr) return; // change of printer while editing if (rHint.GetId() != SfxHintId::ThisIsAnSdrHint) return; const SdrHint* pSdrHint = static_cast(&rHint); SdrHintKind eKind = pSdrHint->GetKind(); if (eKind == SdrHintKind::RefDeviceChange) { mpTextEditOutliner->SetRefDevice(GetModel().GetRefDevice()); } if (eKind == SdrHintKind::DefaultTabChange) { mpTextEditOutliner->SetDefTab(GetModel().GetDefaultTabulator()); } } void SdrObjEditView::ModelHasChanged() { SdrGlueEditView::ModelHasChanged(); rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (pTextObj && !pTextObj->IsInserted()) SdrEndTextEdit(); // object deleted // TextEditObj changed? if (!IsTextEdit()) return; if (pTextObj != nullptr) { size_t nOutlViewCnt = mpTextEditOutliner->GetViewCount(); bool bAreaChg = false; bool bAnchorChg = false; bool bColorChg = false; bool bContourFrame = pTextObj->IsContourTextFrame(); EEAnchorMode eNewAnchor(EEAnchorMode::VCenterHCenter); tools::Rectangle aOldArea(m_aMinTextEditArea); aOldArea.Union(m_aTextEditArea); Color aNewColor; { // check area Size aPaperMin1; Size aPaperMax1; tools::Rectangle aEditArea1; tools::Rectangle aMinArea1; pTextObj->TakeTextEditArea(&aPaperMin1, &aPaperMax1, &aEditArea1, &aMinArea1); Point aPvOfs(pTextObj->GetTextEditOffset()); // add possible GridOffset to up-to-now view-independent EditAreas basegfx::B2DVector aGridOffset(0.0, 0.0); if (getPossibleGridOffsetForSdrObject(aGridOffset, pTextObj.get(), GetSdrPageView())) { const Point aOffset(basegfx::fround(aGridOffset.getX()), basegfx::fround(aGridOffset.getY())); aEditArea1 += aOffset; aMinArea1 += aOffset; } aEditArea1.Move(aPvOfs.X(), aPvOfs.Y()); aMinArea1.Move(aPvOfs.X(), aPvOfs.Y()); tools::Rectangle aNewArea(aMinArea1); aNewArea.Union(aEditArea1); if (aNewArea != aOldArea || aEditArea1 != m_aTextEditArea || aMinArea1 != m_aMinTextEditArea || mpTextEditOutliner->GetMinAutoPaperSize() != aPaperMin1 || mpTextEditOutliner->GetMaxAutoPaperSize() != aPaperMax1) { m_aTextEditArea = aEditArea1; m_aMinTextEditArea = aMinArea1; const bool bPrevUpdateLayout = mpTextEditOutliner->SetUpdateLayout(false); mpTextEditOutliner->SetMinAutoPaperSize(aPaperMin1); mpTextEditOutliner->SetMaxAutoPaperSize(aPaperMax1); mpTextEditOutliner->SetPaperSize(Size(0, 0)); // re-format Outliner if (!bContourFrame) { mpTextEditOutliner->ClearPolygon(); EEControlBits nStat = mpTextEditOutliner->GetControlWord(); nStat |= EEControlBits::AUTOPAGESIZE; mpTextEditOutliner->SetControlWord(nStat); } else { EEControlBits nStat = mpTextEditOutliner->GetControlWord(); nStat &= ~EEControlBits::AUTOPAGESIZE; mpTextEditOutliner->SetControlWord(nStat); tools::Rectangle aAnchorRect; pTextObj->TakeTextAnchorRect(aAnchorRect); pTextObj->ImpSetContourPolygon(*mpTextEditOutliner, aAnchorRect, true); } for (size_t nOV = 0; nOV < nOutlViewCnt; nOV++) { OutlinerView* pOLV = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(nOV); EVControlBits nStat0 = pOLV->GetControlWord(); EVControlBits nStat = nStat0; // AutoViewSize only if not ContourFrame. if (!bContourFrame) nStat |= EVControlBits::AUTOSIZE; else nStat &= ~EVControlBits::AUTOSIZE; if (nStat != nStat0) pOLV->SetControlWord(nStat); } mpTextEditOutliner->SetUpdateLayout(bPrevUpdateLayout); bAreaChg = true; } } if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { // check fill and anchor EEAnchorMode eOldAnchor = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetAnchorMode(); eNewAnchor = pTextObj->GetOutlinerViewAnchorMode(); bAnchorChg = eOldAnchor != eNewAnchor; Color aOldColor(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetBackgroundColor()); aNewColor = GetTextEditBackgroundColor(*this); bColorChg = aOldColor != aNewColor; } // refresh always when it's a contour frame. That // refresh is necessary since it triggers the repaint // which makes the Handles visible. Changes at TakeTextRect() // seem to have resulted in a case where no refresh is executed. // Before that, a refresh must have been always executed // (else this error would have happened earlier), thus I // even think here a refresh should be done always. // Since follow-up problems cannot even be guessed I only // add this one more case to the if below. // BTW: It's VERY bad style that here, inside ModelHasChanged() // the outliner is again massively changed for the text object // in text edit mode. Normally, all necessary data should be // set at SdrBeginTextEdit(). Some changes and value assigns in // SdrBeginTextEdit() are completely useless since they are set here // again on ModelHasChanged(). if (bContourFrame || bAreaChg || bAnchorChg || bColorChg) { for (size_t nOV = 0; nOV < nOutlViewCnt; nOV++) { OutlinerView* pOLV = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(nOV); vcl::Window* pWin = pOLV->GetWindow(); { // invalidate old OutlinerView area tools::Rectangle aTmpRect(aOldArea); sal_uInt16 nPixSiz = pOLV->GetInvalidateMore() + 1; Size aMore(pWin->PixelToLogic(Size(nPixSiz, nPixSiz))); aTmpRect.AdjustLeft(-(aMore.Width())); aTmpRect.AdjustRight(aMore.Width()); aTmpRect.AdjustTop(-(aMore.Height())); aTmpRect.AdjustBottom(aMore.Height()); InvalidateOneWin(*pWin->GetOutDev(), aTmpRect); } if (bAnchorChg) pOLV->SetAnchorMode(eNewAnchor); if (bColorChg) pOLV->SetBackgroundColor(aNewColor); bool bWasCoursorVisible = pOLV->IsCursorVisible(); vcl::Cursor* pOldCursor = pWin->GetCursor(); pOLV->SetOutputArea( m_aTextEditArea); // because otherwise, we're not re-anchoring correctly ImpInvalidateOutlinerView(*pOLV); // Undo SetOutputArea setting and showing the cursor if (!bWasCoursorVisible) pOLV->HideCursor(); pWin->SetCursor(pOldCursor); } mpTextEditOutlinerView->ShowCursor(); } } ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); } namespace { class TextEditFrameOverlayObject; class TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection; /** Helper class to visualize the content of an active EditView as an OverlayObject. These objects work with Primitives and are handled from the OverlayManager(s) in place as needed. It allows complete visualization of the content of the active EditView without the need of Invalidates triggered by the EditView and thus avoiding potentially expensive repaints by using the automatically buffered Overlay mechanism. It buffers as much as possible locally and *only* triggers a real change (see call to objectChange()) when really needed. */ class TextEditOverlayObject : public sdr::overlay::OverlayObject { protected: /// local access to associated sdr::overlay::OverlaySelection std::unique_ptr mxOverlayTransparentSelection; std::unique_ptr mxOverlayHighContrastSelection; std::unique_ptr mxOverlayFrame; /// local definition depends on active OutlinerView OutlinerView& mrOutlinerView; /// geometry definitions with buffering basegfx::B2DRange maLastRange; basegfx::B2DRange maRange; /// text content definitions with buffering drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer maTextPrimitives; drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer maLastTextPrimitives; // geometry creation for OverlayObject, can use local *Last* values virtual drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() override; public: TextEditOverlayObject(const Color& rColor, OutlinerView& rOutlinerView); virtual ~TextEditOverlayObject() override; sdr::overlay::OverlayObject* getOverlaySelection(); sdr::overlay::OverlayObject* getOverlayFrame(); const OutlinerView& getOutlinerView() const { return mrOutlinerView; } /// override to check conditions for last createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence virtual drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer getOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() const override; // data write access. In this OverlayObject we only have the // callback that triggers detecting if something *has* changed void checkDataChange(const basegfx::B2DRange& rMinTextEditArea); void checkSelectionChange(); const basegfx::B2DRange& getRange() const { return maRange; } const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer& getTextPrimitives() const { return maTextPrimitives; } }; class TextEditFrameOverlayObject : public sdr::overlay::OverlayObject { private: const TextEditOverlayObject& mrTextEditOverlayObject; // geometry creation for OverlayObject, can use local *Last* values virtual drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() override; public: TextEditFrameOverlayObject(const TextEditOverlayObject& rTextEditOverlayObject); using sdr::overlay::OverlayObject::objectChange; virtual ~TextEditFrameOverlayObject() override; }; class TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection : public sdr::overlay::OverlayObject { private: const TextEditOverlayObject& mrTextEditOverlayObject; std::vector maRanges; // geometry creation for OverlayObject, can use local *Last* values virtual drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() override; public: TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection(const TextEditOverlayObject& rTextEditOverlayObject); void setRanges(std::vector&& rNew); virtual ~TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection() override; }; TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection::TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection( const TextEditOverlayObject& rTextEditOverlayObject) : OverlayObject(rTextEditOverlayObject.getBaseColor()) , mrTextEditOverlayObject(rTextEditOverlayObject) { allowAntiAliase(rTextEditOverlayObject.allowsAntiAliase()); // use selection colors in HighContrast mode mbHighContrastSelection = true; } void TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection::setRanges(std::vector&& rNew) { if (rNew != maRanges) { maRanges = std::move(rNew); objectChange(); } } drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection::createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() { drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aRetval; size_t nCount = maRanges.size(); if (nCount) { basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aClipPolyPolygon; basegfx::BColor aRGBColor(getBaseColor().getBColor()); for (size_t a = 0; a < nCount; ++a) aClipPolyPolygon.append(basegfx::utils::createPolygonFromRect(maRanges[a])); // This is used in high contrast mode, we will render the selection // with the bg forced to the selection Highlight color and the fg color // forced to the HighlightText color aRetval.append(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonColorPrimitive2D( basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( basegfx::utils::createPolygonFromRect(aClipPolyPolygon.getB2DRange())), aRGBColor)); aRetval.append(mrTextEditOverlayObject.getTextPrimitives()); aRetval.append(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::MaskPrimitive2D(std::move(aClipPolyPolygon), std::move(aRetval))); } return aRetval; } TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection::~TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection() { if (getOverlayManager()) { getOverlayManager()->remove(*this); } } sdr::overlay::OverlayObject* TextEditOverlayObject::getOverlaySelection() { if (mxOverlayTransparentSelection) return mxOverlayTransparentSelection.get(); return mxOverlayHighContrastSelection.get(); } sdr::overlay::OverlayObject* TextEditOverlayObject::getOverlayFrame() { if (!mxOverlayFrame) mxOverlayFrame.reset(new TextEditFrameOverlayObject(*this)); return mxOverlayFrame.get(); } drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer TextEditOverlayObject::createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() { drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aRetval; // add buffered TextPrimitives aRetval.append(maTextPrimitives); return aRetval; } drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer TextEditFrameOverlayObject::createOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() { drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aRetval; /// outer frame visualization const double fTransparence(SvtOptionsDrawinglayer::GetTransparentSelectionPercent() * 0.01); const sal_uInt16 nPixSiz(mrTextEditOverlayObject.getOutlinerView().GetInvalidateMore() - 1); aRetval.push_back(new drawinglayer::primitive2d::OverlayRectanglePrimitive( mrTextEditOverlayObject.getRange(), getBaseColor().getBColor(), fTransparence, std::max(6, nPixSiz - 2), // grow 0.0, // shrink 0.0)); return aRetval; } TextEditOverlayObject::TextEditOverlayObject(const Color& rColor, OutlinerView& rOutlinerView) : OverlayObject(rColor) , mrOutlinerView(rOutlinerView) { // no AA for TextEdit overlay allowAntiAliase(false); // create local OverlaySelection - this is an integral part of EditText // visualization if (Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) { mxOverlayHighContrastSelection.reset(new TextEditHighContrastOverlaySelection(*this)); } else { std::vector aEmptySelection{}; mxOverlayTransparentSelection.reset(new sdr::overlay::OverlaySelection( sdr::overlay::OverlayType::Transparent, rColor, std::move(aEmptySelection), true)); } } TextEditOverlayObject::~TextEditOverlayObject() { mxOverlayTransparentSelection.reset(); mxOverlayHighContrastSelection.reset(); if (getOverlayManager()) { getOverlayManager()->remove(*this); } } TextEditFrameOverlayObject::TextEditFrameOverlayObject( const TextEditOverlayObject& rTextEditOverlayObject) : OverlayObject(rTextEditOverlayObject.getBaseColor()) , mrTextEditOverlayObject(rTextEditOverlayObject) { allowAntiAliase(rTextEditOverlayObject.allowsAntiAliase()); // use selection colors in HighContrast mode mbHighContrastSelection = true; } TextEditFrameOverlayObject::~TextEditFrameOverlayObject() { if (getOverlayManager()) { getOverlayManager()->remove(*this); } } drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer TextEditOverlayObject::getOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence() const { if (!getPrimitive2DSequence().empty()) { if (!maRange.equal(maLastRange) || maLastTextPrimitives != maTextPrimitives) { // conditions of last local decomposition have changed, delete to force new evaluation const_cast(this)->resetPrimitive2DSequence(); } } if (getPrimitive2DSequence().empty()) { // remember new buffered values const_cast(this)->maLastRange = maRange; const_cast(this)->maLastTextPrimitives = maTextPrimitives; } // call base implementation return OverlayObject::getOverlayObjectPrimitive2DSequence(); } void TextEditOverlayObject::checkDataChange(const basegfx::B2DRange& rMinTextEditArea) { bool bObjectChange(false); // check current range const tools::Rectangle aOutArea(mrOutlinerView.GetOutputArea()); basegfx::B2DRange aNewRange = vcl::unotools::b2DRectangleFromRectangle(aOutArea); aNewRange.expand(rMinTextEditArea); if (aNewRange != maRange) { maRange = aNewRange; bObjectChange = true; } // check if text primitives did change SdrOutliner* pSdrOutliner = dynamic_cast(getOutlinerView().GetOutliner()); if (pSdrOutliner) { // get TextPrimitives directly from active Outliner basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewTransformA; basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aNewTransformB; basegfx::B2DRange aClipRange; drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aNewTextPrimitives; // active Outliner is always in unified oriented coordinate system (currently) // so just translate to TopLeft of visible Range. Keep in mind that top-left // depends on vertical text and top-to-bottom text attributes const tools::Rectangle aVisArea(mrOutlinerView.GetVisArea()); const bool bVerticalWriting(pSdrOutliner->IsVertical()); const bool bTopToBottom(pSdrOutliner->IsTopToBottom()); const double fStartInX(bVerticalWriting && bTopToBottom ? aOutArea.Right() - aVisArea.Left() : aOutArea.Left() - aVisArea.Left()); const double fStartInY(bVerticalWriting && !bTopToBottom ? aOutArea.Bottom() - aVisArea.Top() : aOutArea.Top() - aVisArea.Top()); aNewTransformB.translate(fStartInX, fStartInY); // get the current TextPrimitives. This is the most expensive part // of this mechanism, it *may* be possible to buffer layouted // primitives per ParaPortion with/in/dependent on the EditEngine // content if needed. For now, get and compare SdrTextObj::impDecomposeBlockTextPrimitiveDirect( aNewTextPrimitives, *pSdrOutliner, aNewTransformA, aNewTransformB, aClipRange); if (aNewTextPrimitives != maTextPrimitives) { maTextPrimitives = std::move(aNewTextPrimitives); bObjectChange = true; } } if (bObjectChange) { // if there really *was* a change signal the OverlayManager to // refresh this object's visualization objectChange(); if (mxOverlayFrame) mxOverlayFrame->objectChange(); // on data change, always do a SelectionChange, too // since the selection is an integral part of text visualization checkSelectionChange(); } } void TextEditOverlayObject::checkSelectionChange() { if (!(getOverlaySelection() && getOverlayManager())) return; std::vector aLogicRects; std::vector aLogicRanges; const Size aLogicPixel(getOverlayManager()->getOutputDevice().PixelToLogic(Size(1, 1))); // get logic selection getOutlinerView().GetSelectionRectangles(aLogicRects); aLogicRanges.reserve(aLogicRects.size()); for (const auto& aRect : aLogicRects) { // convert from logic Rectangles to logic Ranges, do not forget to add // one Unit (in this case logical units for one pixel, pre-calculated) aLogicRanges.emplace_back( aRect.Left() - aLogicPixel.Width(), aRect.Top() - aLogicPixel.Height(), aRect.Right() + aLogicPixel.Width(), aRect.Bottom() + aLogicPixel.Height()); } if (mxOverlayTransparentSelection) mxOverlayTransparentSelection->setRanges(std::move(aLogicRanges)); else mxOverlayHighContrastSelection->setRanges(std::move(aLogicRanges)); } } // end of anonymous namespace // TextEdit // callback from the active EditView, forward to evtl. existing instances of the // TextEditOverlayObject(s). This will additionally update the selection which // is an integral part of the text visualization void SdrObjEditView::EditViewInvalidate(const tools::Rectangle&) { if (!IsTextEdit()) return; // MinTextRange may have changed. Forward it, too const basegfx::B2DRange aMinTextRange = vcl::unotools::b2DRectangleFromRectangle(m_aMinTextEditArea); for (sal_uInt32 a(0); a < maTEOverlayGroup.count(); a++) { TextEditOverlayObject* pCandidate = dynamic_cast(&maTEOverlayGroup.getOverlayObject(a)); if (pCandidate) { pCandidate->checkDataChange(aMinTextRange); } } } // callback from the active EditView, forward to evtl. existing instances of the // TextEditOverlayObject(s). This cvall *only* updates the selection visualization // which is e.g. used when only the selection is changed, but not the text void SdrObjEditView::EditViewSelectionChange() { if (!IsTextEdit()) return; for (sal_uInt32 a(0); a < maTEOverlayGroup.count(); a++) { TextEditOverlayObject* pCandidate = dynamic_cast(&maTEOverlayGroup.getOverlayObject(a)); if (pCandidate) { pCandidate->checkSelectionChange(); } } } OutputDevice& SdrObjEditView::EditViewOutputDevice() const { return *mpTextEditWin->GetOutDev(); } Point SdrObjEditView::EditViewPointerPosPixel() const { return mpTextEditWin->GetPointerPosPixel(); } css::uno::Reference SdrObjEditView::GetClipboard() const { if (!mpTextEditWin) return nullptr; return mpTextEditWin->GetClipboard(); } css::uno::Reference SdrObjEditView::GetDropTarget() { if (!mpTextEditWin) return nullptr; return mpTextEditWin->GetDropTarget(); } void SdrObjEditView::EditViewInputContext(const InputContext& rInputContext) { if (!mpTextEditWin) return; mpTextEditWin->SetInputContext(rInputContext); } void SdrObjEditView::EditViewCursorRect(const tools::Rectangle& rRect, int nExtTextInputWidth) { if (!mpTextEditWin) return; mpTextEditWin->SetCursorRect(&rRect, nExtTextInputWidth); } void SdrObjEditView::TextEditDrawing(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow) { if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) { // adapt all TextEditOverlayObject(s), so call EditViewInvalidate() // to update accordingly (will update selection, too). Suppress new // stuff when LibreOfficeKit is active EditViewInvalidate(tools::Rectangle()); } else { // draw old text edit stuff if (IsTextEdit()) { const SdrOutliner* pActiveOutliner = GetTextEditOutliner(); if (pActiveOutliner) { const sal_uInt32 nViewCount(pActiveOutliner->GetViewCount()); if (nViewCount) { const vcl::Region& rRedrawRegion = rPaintWindow.GetRedrawRegion(); const tools::Rectangle aCheckRect(rRedrawRegion.GetBoundRect()); for (sal_uInt32 i(0); i < nViewCount; i++) { OutlinerView* pOLV = pActiveOutliner->GetView(i); // If rPaintWindow knows that the output device is a render // context and is aware of the underlying vcl::Window, // compare against that; that's how double-buffering can // still find the matching OutlinerView. OutputDevice* pOutputDevice = rPaintWindow.GetWindow() ? rPaintWindow.GetWindow()->GetOutDev() : &rPaintWindow.GetOutputDevice(); if (pOLV->GetWindow()->GetOutDev() == pOutputDevice || comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) { ImpPaintOutlinerView(*pOLV, aCheckRect, rPaintWindow.GetTargetOutputDevice()); return; } } } } } } } void SdrObjEditView::ImpPaintOutlinerView(OutlinerView& rOutlView, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, OutputDevice& rTargetDevice) const { const SdrTextObj* pText = GetTextEditObject(); bool bTextFrame(pText && pText->IsTextFrame()); bool bFitToSize(mpTextEditOutliner->GetControlWord() & EEControlBits::STRETCHING); bool bModified(mpTextEditOutliner->IsModified()); tools::Rectangle aBlankRect(rOutlView.GetOutputArea()); aBlankRect.Union(m_aMinTextEditArea); tools::Rectangle aPixRect(rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel(aBlankRect)); // in the tiled rendering case, the setup is incomplete, and we very // easily get an empty rRect on input - that will cause that everything is // clipped; happens in case of editing text inside a shape in Calc. // FIXME would be better to complete the setup so that we don't get an // empty rRect here if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() || !rRect.IsEmpty()) aBlankRect.Intersection(rRect); rOutlView.GetOutliner()->SetUpdateLayout(true); // Bugfix #22596# rOutlView.Paint(aBlankRect, &rTargetDevice); if (!bModified) { mpTextEditOutliner->ClearModifyFlag(); } if (bTextFrame && !bFitToSize) { // completely reworked to use primitives; this ensures same look and functionality const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D aViewInformation2D; std::unique_ptr xProcessor( drawinglayer::processor2d::createProcessor2DFromOutputDevice(rTargetDevice, aViewInformation2D)); const bool bMapModeEnabled(rTargetDevice.IsMapModeEnabled()); const basegfx::B2DRange aRange = vcl::unotools::b2DRectangleFromRectangle(aPixRect); const Color aHilightColor(SvtOptionsDrawinglayer::getHilightColor()); const double fTransparence(SvtOptionsDrawinglayer::GetTransparentSelectionPercent() * 0.01); const sal_uInt16 nPixSiz(rOutlView.GetInvalidateMore() - 1); const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference xReference( new drawinglayer::primitive2d::OverlayRectanglePrimitive( aRange, aHilightColor.getBColor(), fTransparence, std::max(6, nPixSiz - 2), // grow 0.0, // shrink 0.0)); const drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aSequence{ xReference }; rTargetDevice.EnableMapMode(false); xProcessor->process(aSequence); rTargetDevice.EnableMapMode(bMapModeEnabled); } rOutlView.ShowCursor(/*bGotoCursor=*/true, /*bActivate=*/true); } void SdrObjEditView::ImpInvalidateOutlinerView(OutlinerView const& rOutlView) const { vcl::Window* pWin = rOutlView.GetWindow(); if (!pWin) return; const SdrTextObj* pText = GetTextEditObject(); bool bTextFrame(pText && pText->IsTextFrame()); bool bFitToSize(pText && pText->IsFitToSize()); if (!bTextFrame || bFitToSize) return; tools::Rectangle aBlankRect(rOutlView.GetOutputArea()); aBlankRect.Union(m_aMinTextEditArea); tools::Rectangle aPixRect(pWin->LogicToPixel(aBlankRect)); sal_uInt16 nPixSiz(rOutlView.GetInvalidateMore() - 1); aPixRect.AdjustLeft(-1); aPixRect.AdjustTop(-1); aPixRect.AdjustRight(1); aPixRect.AdjustBottom(1); { // limit xPixRect because of driver problems when pixel coordinates are too far out Size aMaxXY(pWin->GetOutputSizePixel()); tools::Long a(2 * nPixSiz); tools::Long nMaxX(aMaxXY.Width() + a); tools::Long nMaxY(aMaxXY.Height() + a); if (aPixRect.Left() < -a) aPixRect.SetLeft(-a); if (aPixRect.Top() < -a) aPixRect.SetTop(-a); if (aPixRect.Right() > nMaxX) aPixRect.SetRight(nMaxX); if (aPixRect.Bottom() > nMaxY) aPixRect.SetBottom(nMaxY); } tools::Rectangle aOuterPix(aPixRect); aOuterPix.AdjustLeft(-nPixSiz); aOuterPix.AdjustTop(-nPixSiz); aOuterPix.AdjustRight(nPixSiz); aOuterPix.AdjustBottom(nPixSiz); bool bMapModeEnabled(pWin->IsMapModeEnabled()); pWin->EnableMapMode(false); pWin->Invalidate(aOuterPix); pWin->EnableMapMode(bMapModeEnabled); } OutlinerView* SdrObjEditView::ImpMakeOutlinerView(vcl::Window* pWin, OutlinerView* pGivenView, SfxViewShell* pViewShell) const { // background Color aBackground(GetTextEditBackgroundColor(*this)); rtl::Reference pText = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); bool bTextFrame = pText != nullptr && pText->IsTextFrame(); bool bContourFrame = pText != nullptr && pText->IsContourTextFrame(); // create OutlinerView OutlinerView* pOutlView = pGivenView; mpTextEditOutliner->SetUpdateLayout(false); if (pOutlView == nullptr) { pOutlView = new OutlinerView(mpTextEditOutliner.get(), pWin); } else { pOutlView->SetWindow(pWin); } if (mbNegativeX) pOutlView->GetEditView().SetNegativeX(mbNegativeX); // disallow scrolling EVControlBits nStat = pOutlView->GetControlWord(); nStat &= ~EVControlBits::AUTOSCROLL; // AutoViewSize only if not ContourFrame. if (!bContourFrame) nStat |= EVControlBits::AUTOSIZE; if (bTextFrame) { sal_uInt16 nPixSiz = maHdlList.GetHdlSize() * 2 + 1; nStat |= EVControlBits::INVONEMORE; pOutlView->SetInvalidateMore(nPixSiz); } pOutlView->SetControlWord(nStat); pOutlView->SetBackgroundColor(aBackground); // In case we're in the process of constructing a new view shell, // SfxViewShell::Current() may still point to the old one. So if possible, // depend on the application owning this draw view to provide the view // shell. SfxViewShell* pSfxViewShell = pViewShell ? pViewShell : GetSfxViewShell(); pOutlView->RegisterViewShell(pSfxViewShell ? pSfxViewShell : SfxViewShell::Current()); if (pText != nullptr) { pOutlView->SetAnchorMode(pText->GetOutlinerViewAnchorMode()); mpTextEditOutliner->SetFixedCellHeight( pText->GetMergedItem(SDRATTR_TEXT_USEFIXEDCELLHEIGHT).GetValue()); } // do update before setting output area so that aTextEditArea can be recalculated mpTextEditOutliner->SetUpdateLayout(true); pOutlView->SetOutputArea(m_aTextEditArea); ImpInvalidateOutlinerView(*pOutlView); return pOutlView; } IMPL_LINK(SdrObjEditView, ImpOutlinerStatusEventHdl, EditStatus&, rEditStat, void) { if (mpTextEditOutliner) { rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (pTextObj) { pTextObj->onEditOutlinerStatusEvent(&rEditStat); } } } void SdrObjEditView::ImpChainingEventHdl() { if (!mpTextEditOutliner) return; rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); OutlinerView* pOLV = GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (pTextObj && pOLV) { TextChain* pTextChain = pTextObj->GetTextChain(); // XXX: IsChainable and GetNilChainingEvent are a bit mixed up atm if (!pTextObj->IsChainable()) { return; } // This is true during an underflow-caused overflow (with pEdtOutl->SetText()) if (pTextChain->GetNilChainingEvent(pTextObj.get())) { return; } // We prevent to trigger further handling of overflow/underflow for pTextObj pTextChain->SetNilChainingEvent(pTextObj.get(), true); // XXX // Save previous selection pos // NOTE: It must be done to have the right CursorEvent in KeyInput pTextChain->SetPreChainingSel(pTextObj.get(), pOLV->GetSelection()); //maPreChainingSel = new ESelection(pOLV->GetSelection()); // Handling Undo const int nText = 0; // XXX: hardcoded index (SdrTextObj::getText handles only 0) const bool bUndoEnabled = IsUndoEnabled(); std::unique_ptr pTxtUndo; if (bUndoEnabled) pTxtUndo.reset( dynamic_cast(GetModel() .GetSdrUndoFactory() .CreateUndoObjectSetText(*pTextObj, nText) .release())); // trigger actual chaining pTextObj->onChainingEvent(); if (pTxtUndo) { pTxtUndo->AfterSetText(); if (!pTxtUndo->IsDifferent()) { pTxtUndo.reset(); } } if (pTxtUndo) AddUndo(std::move(pTxtUndo)); //maCursorEvent = new CursorChainingEvent(pTextChain->GetCursorEvent(pTextObj)); //SdrTextObj *pNextLink = pTextObj->GetNextLinkInChain(); // NOTE: Must be called. Don't let the function return if you set it to true and not reset it pTextChain->SetNilChainingEvent(pTextObj.get(), false); } else { // XXX SAL_INFO("svx.chaining", "[OnChaining] No Edit Outliner View"); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SdrObjEditView, ImpAfterCutOrPasteChainingEventHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { SdrTextObj* pTextObj = GetTextEditObject(); if (!pTextObj) return; ImpChainingEventHdl(); TextChainCursorManager aCursorManager(this, pTextObj); ImpMoveCursorAfterChainingEvent(&aCursorManager); } void SdrObjEditView::ImpMoveCursorAfterChainingEvent(TextChainCursorManager* pCursorManager) { rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (!pTextObj || !pCursorManager) return; // Check if it has links to move it to if (!pTextObj || !pTextObj->IsChainable()) return; TextChain* pTextChain = pTextObj->GetTextChain(); ESelection aNewSel = pTextChain->GetPostChainingSel(pTextObj.get()); pCursorManager->HandleCursorEventAfterChaining(pTextChain->GetCursorEvent(pTextObj.get()), aNewSel); // Reset event pTextChain->SetCursorEvent(pTextObj.get(), CursorChainingEvent::NULL_EVENT); } IMPL_LINK(SdrObjEditView, ImpOutlinerCalcFieldValueHdl, EditFieldInfo*, pFI, void) { bool bOk = false; OUString& rStr = pFI->GetRepresentation(); rStr.clear(); rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (pTextObj != nullptr) { std::optional pTxtCol; std::optional pFldCol; std::optional pFldLineStyle; bOk = pTextObj->CalcFieldValue(pFI->GetField(), pFI->GetPara(), pFI->GetPos(), true, pTxtCol, pFldCol, pFldLineStyle, rStr); if (bOk) { if (pTxtCol) { pFI->SetTextColor(*pTxtCol); } if (pFldLineStyle) { pFI->SetFontLineStyle(*pFldLineStyle); } if (pFldCol) { pFI->SetFieldColor(*pFldCol); } else { pFI->SetFieldColor(COL_LIGHTGRAY); // TODO: remove this later on (357) } } } Outliner& rDrawOutl = GetModel().GetDrawOutliner(pTextObj.get()); Link aDrawOutlLink = rDrawOutl.GetCalcFieldValueHdl(); if (!bOk && aDrawOutlLink.IsSet()) { aDrawOutlLink.Call(pFI); bOk = !rStr.isEmpty(); } if (!bOk) { m_aOldCalcFieldValueLink.Call(pFI); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SdrObjEditView, EndTextEditHdl, SdrUndoManager*, void) { SdrEndTextEdit(); } // Default implementation - null UndoManager std::unique_ptr SdrObjEditView::createLocalTextUndoManager() { SAL_WARN("svx", "SdrObjEditView::createLocalTextUndoManager needs to be overridden"); return std::unique_ptr(); } bool SdrObjEditView::SdrBeginTextEdit(SdrObject* pObj_, SdrPageView* pPV, vcl::Window* pWin, bool bIsNewObj, SdrOutliner* pGivenOutliner, OutlinerView* pGivenOutlinerView, bool bDontDeleteOutliner, bool bOnlyOneView, bool bGrabFocus) { // FIXME cannot be an assert() yet, the code is not ready for that; // eg. press F7 in Impress when you are inside a text object with spelling // mistakes => boom; and it is unclear how to avoid that SAL_WARN_IF(IsTextEdit(), "svx", "SdrBeginTextEdit called when IsTextEdit() is already true."); // FIXME this encourages all sorts of bad habits and should be removed SdrEndTextEdit(); SdrTextObj* pObj = DynCastSdrTextObj(pObj_); if (!pObj) return false; // currently only possible with text objects if (bGrabFocus && pWin) { // attention, this call may cause an EndTextEdit() call to this view pWin->GrabFocus(); // to force the cursor into the edit view } mbTextEditDontDelete = bDontDeleteOutliner && pGivenOutliner != nullptr; mbTextEditOnlyOneView = bOnlyOneView; mbTextEditNewObj = bIsNewObj; const sal_uInt32 nWinCount(PaintWindowCount()); bool bBrk(false); if (!pWin) { for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nWinCount && !pWin; i++) { SdrPaintWindow* pPaintWindow = GetPaintWindow(i); if (OUTDEV_WINDOW == pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice().GetOutDevType()) { pWin = pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice().GetOwnerWindow(); } } // break, when no window exists if (!pWin) { bBrk = true; } } if (!bBrk && !pPV) { pPV = GetSdrPageView(); // break, when no PageView for the object exists if (!pPV) { bBrk = true; } } // no TextEdit on objects in locked Layer if (pPV && pPV->GetLockedLayers().IsSet(pObj->GetLayer())) { bBrk = true; } if (mpTextEditOutliner) { OSL_FAIL("SdrObjEditView::SdrBeginTextEdit(): Old Outliner still exists."); mpTextEditOutliner.reset(); } if (!bBrk) { mpTextEditWin = pWin; mpTextEditPV = pPV; mxWeakTextEditObj = pObj; if (pGivenOutliner) { mpTextEditOutliner.reset(pGivenOutliner); pGivenOutliner = nullptr; // so we don't delete it on the error path } else mpTextEditOutliner = SdrMakeOutliner(OutlinerMode::TextObject, pObj->getSdrModelFromSdrObject()); { mpTextEditOutliner->ForceAutoColor( officecfg::Office::Common::Accessibility::IsAutomaticFontColor::get()); } m_aOldCalcFieldValueLink = mpTextEditOutliner->GetCalcFieldValueHdl(); // FieldHdl has to be set by SdrBeginTextEdit, because this call an UpdateFields mpTextEditOutliner->SetCalcFieldValueHdl( LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, ImpOutlinerCalcFieldValueHdl)); mpTextEditOutliner->SetBeginPasteOrDropHdl(LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, BeginPasteOrDropHdl)); mpTextEditOutliner->SetEndPasteOrDropHdl(LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, EndPasteOrDropHdl)); // It is just necessary to make the visualized page known. Set it. mpTextEditOutliner->setVisualizedPage(pPV->GetPage()); rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); mpTextEditOutliner->SetTextObjNoInit(pTextObj.get()); if (pTextObj->BegTextEdit(*mpTextEditOutliner)) { // switch off any running TextAnimations pTextObj->SetTextAnimationAllowed(false); // remember old cursor if (mpTextEditOutliner->GetViewCount() != 0) { mpTextEditOutliner->RemoveView(static_cast(0)); } // Determine EditArea via TakeTextEditArea. // TODO: This could theoretically be left out, because TakeTextRect() calculates the aTextEditArea, // but aMinTextEditArea has to happen, too (therefore leaving this in right now) pTextObj->TakeTextEditArea(nullptr, nullptr, &m_aTextEditArea, &m_aMinTextEditArea); tools::Rectangle aTextRect; tools::Rectangle aAnchorRect; pTextObj->TakeTextRect(*mpTextEditOutliner, aTextRect, true, &aAnchorRect /* Give true here, not false */); if (!pTextObj->IsContourTextFrame()) { // FitToSize not together with ContourFrame, for now if (pTextObj->IsFitToSize()) aTextRect = aAnchorRect; } m_aTextEditArea = aTextRect; // add possible GridOffset to up-to-now view-independent EditAreas basegfx::B2DVector aGridOffset(0.0, 0.0); if (getPossibleGridOffsetForSdrObject(aGridOffset, pTextObj.get(), pPV)) { const Point aOffset(basegfx::fround(aGridOffset.getX()), basegfx::fround(aGridOffset.getY())); m_aTextEditArea += aOffset; m_aMinTextEditArea += aOffset; } Point aPvOfs(pTextObj->GetTextEditOffset()); m_aTextEditArea.Move(aPvOfs.X(), aPvOfs.Y()); m_aMinTextEditArea.Move(aPvOfs.X(), aPvOfs.Y()); m_pTextEditCursorBuffer = pWin->GetCursor(); maHdlList.SetMoveOutside(true); // Since IsMarkHdlWhenTextEdit() is ignored, it is necessary // to call AdjustMarkHdl() always. AdjustMarkHdl(); mpTextEditOutlinerView = ImpMakeOutlinerView(pWin, pGivenOutlinerView); if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && mpTextEditOutlinerView) { // activate visualization of EditView on Overlay, suppress when // LibreOfficeKit is active mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetEditView().setEditViewCallbacks(this); const Color aHilightColor(SvtOptionsDrawinglayer::getHilightColor()); const SdrTextObj* pText = GetTextEditObject(); // show for cases like tdf#94223 but not for table cells like tdf#151311 const bool bVisualizeSurroundingFrame( pText && pText->GetObjIdentifier() != SdrObjKind::Table); SdrPageView* pPageView = GetSdrPageView(); if (pPageView) { for (sal_uInt32 b(0); b < pPageView->PageWindowCount(); b++) { const SdrPageWindow& rPageWindow = *pPageView->GetPageWindow(b); if (rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().OutputToWindow()) { const rtl::Reference& xManager = rPageWindow.GetOverlayManager(); if (xManager.is()) { std::unique_ptr pNewTextEditOverlayObject( new TextEditOverlayObject(aHilightColor, *mpTextEditOutlinerView)); xManager->add(*pNewTextEditOverlayObject); if (bVisualizeSurroundingFrame) xManager->add(*pNewTextEditOverlayObject->getOverlayFrame()); xManager->add(*pNewTextEditOverlayObject->getOverlaySelection()); maTEOverlayGroup.append(std::move(pNewTextEditOverlayObject)); } } } } } // check if this view is already inserted size_t i2, nCount = mpTextEditOutliner->GetViewCount(); for (i2 = 0; i2 < nCount; i2++) { if (mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(i2) == mpTextEditOutlinerView) break; } if (i2 == nCount) mpTextEditOutliner->InsertView(mpTextEditOutlinerView, 0); maHdlList.SetMoveOutside(false); maHdlList.SetMoveOutside(true); // register all windows as OutlinerViews with the Outliner if (!bOnlyOneView) { for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nWinCount; i++) { SdrPaintWindow* pPaintWindow = GetPaintWindow(i); OutputDevice& rOutDev = pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice(); if (&rOutDev != pWin->GetOutDev() && OUTDEV_WINDOW == rOutDev.GetOutDevType()) { OutlinerView* pOutlView = ImpMakeOutlinerView(rOutDev.GetOwnerWindow(), nullptr); mpTextEditOutliner->InsertView(pOutlView, static_cast(i)); } } if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) { // Register an outliner view for all other sdr views that // show the same page, so that when the text edit changes, // all interested windows get an invalidation. SdrViewIter::ForAllViews(pObj->getSdrPageFromSdrObject(), [this, &pWin]( SdrView* pView) { if (pView == this) return; for (sal_uInt32 nViewPaintWindow = 0; nViewPaintWindow < pView->PaintWindowCount(); ++nViewPaintWindow) { SdrPaintWindow* pPaintWindow = pView->GetPaintWindow(nViewPaintWindow); OutputDevice& rOutDev = pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice(); if (&rOutDev != pWin->GetOutDev() && OUTDEV_WINDOW == rOutDev.GetOutDevType()) { OutlinerView* pOutlView = ImpMakeOutlinerView(rOutDev.GetOwnerWindow(), nullptr); pOutlView->HideCursor(); rOutDev.GetOwnerWindow()->SetCursor(nullptr); mpTextEditOutliner->InsertView(pOutlView); } } }); } } mpTextEditOutlinerView->ShowCursor(); mpTextEditOutliner->SetStatusEventHdl( LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, ImpOutlinerStatusEventHdl)); // IASS: start listening to ModelChanges of TextEdit if (isInteractiveSlideShow() || pTextObj->GetViewContact().hasMultipleViewObjectContacts()) mpTextEditOutliner->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, ImpModifyHdl)); if (pTextObj->IsChainable()) { mpTextEditOutlinerView->SetEndCutPasteLinkHdl( LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, ImpAfterCutOrPasteChainingEventHdl)); } mpTextEditOutliner->ClearModifyFlag(); if (pTextObj->IsFitToSize()) { pWin->Invalidate(m_aTextEditArea); } SdrHint aHint(SdrHintKind::BeginEdit, *pTextObj); GetModel().Broadcast(aHint); if (auto pBroadcaster = pTextObj->GetBroadcaster()) pBroadcaster->Broadcast(aHint); mpTextEditOutliner->setVisualizedPage(nullptr); if (mxSelectionController.is()) mxSelectionController->onSelectionHasChanged(); if (IsUndoEnabled() && !GetModel().GetDisableTextEditUsesCommonUndoManager()) { SdrUndoManager* pSdrUndoManager = nullptr; mpLocalTextEditUndoManager = createLocalTextUndoManager(); if (mpLocalTextEditUndoManager) pSdrUndoManager = mpLocalTextEditUndoManager.get(); if (pSdrUndoManager) { // we have an outliner, undo manager and it's an EditUndoManager, exchange // the document undo manager and the default one from the outliner and tell // it that text edit starts by setting a callback if it needs to end text edit mode. assert(nullptr == mpOldTextEditUndoManager); mpOldTextEditUndoManager = mpTextEditOutliner->SetUndoManager(pSdrUndoManager); pSdrUndoManager->SetEndTextEditHdl(LINK(this, SdrObjEditView, EndTextEditHdl)); } else { OSL_ENSURE(false, "The document undo manager is not derived from SdrUndoManager (!)"); } } return true; // ran fine, let TextEdit run now } else { mpTextEditOutliner->SetCalcFieldValueHdl(m_aOldCalcFieldValueLink); mpTextEditOutliner->SetBeginPasteOrDropHdl(Link()); mpTextEditOutliner->SetEndPasteOrDropHdl(Link()); } } if (mpTextEditOutliner != nullptr) { mpTextEditOutliner->setVisualizedPage(nullptr); } // something went wrong... if (!bDontDeleteOutliner) { delete pGivenOutliner; if (pGivenOutlinerView != nullptr) { delete pGivenOutlinerView; pGivenOutlinerView = nullptr; } } mpTextEditOutliner.reset(); mpTextEditOutlinerView = nullptr; mxWeakTextEditObj.clear(); mpTextEditPV = nullptr; mpTextEditWin = nullptr; maHdlList.SetMoveOutside(false); return false; } SdrEndTextEditKind SdrObjEditView::SdrEndTextEdit(bool bDontDeleteReally) { // IASS: stop evtl. running timer immediately maTextEditUpdateTimer.Stop(); SdrEndTextEditKind eRet = SdrEndTextEditKind::Unchanged; rtl::Reference pTEObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); vcl::Window* pTEWin = mpTextEditWin; OutlinerView* pTEOutlinerView = mpTextEditOutlinerView; vcl::Cursor* pTECursorBuffer = m_pTextEditCursorBuffer; SdrUndoManager* pUndoEditUndoManager = nullptr; bool bNeedToUndoSavedRedoTextEdit(false); if (IsUndoEnabled() && pTEObj && mpTextEditOutliner && !GetModel().GetDisableTextEditUsesCommonUndoManager()) { // change back the UndoManager to the remembered original one SfxUndoManager* pOriginal = mpTextEditOutliner->SetUndoManager(mpOldTextEditUndoManager); mpOldTextEditUndoManager = nullptr; if (pOriginal) { // check if we got back our document undo manager SdrUndoManager* pSdrUndoManager = mpLocalTextEditUndoManager.get(); if (pSdrUndoManager && dynamic_cast(pOriginal) == pSdrUndoManager) { if (pSdrUndoManager->isEndTextEditTriggeredFromUndo()) { // remember the UndoManager where missing Undos have to be triggered after end // text edit. When the undo had triggered the end text edit, the original action // which had to be undone originally is not yet undone. pUndoEditUndoManager = pSdrUndoManager; // We are ending text edit; if text edit was triggered from undo, execute all redos // to create a complete text change undo action for the redo buffer. Also mark this // state when at least one redo was executed; the created extra TextChange needs to // be undone in addition to the first real undo outside the text edit changes while (pSdrUndoManager->GetRedoActionCount() > pSdrUndoManager->GetRedoActionCountBeforeTextEdit()) { bNeedToUndoSavedRedoTextEdit = true; pSdrUndoManager->Redo(); } } // reset the callback link and let the undo manager cleanup all text edit // undo actions to get the stack back to the form before the text edit pSdrUndoManager->SetEndTextEditHdl(Link()); } else { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Got UndoManager back in SdrEndTextEdit which is NOT the " "expected document UndoManager (!)"); delete pOriginal; } // cid#1493241 - Wrapper object use after free if (pUndoEditUndoManager == mpLocalTextEditUndoManager.get()) pUndoEditUndoManager = nullptr; mpLocalTextEditUndoManager.reset(); } } else { assert(nullptr == mpOldTextEditUndoManager); // cannot be restored! } if (auto pTextEditObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get()) { SdrHint aHint(SdrHintKind::EndEdit, *pTextEditObj); GetModel().Broadcast(aHint); if (auto pBroadcaster = pTextEditObj->GetBroadcaster()) pBroadcaster->Broadcast(aHint); } // if new mechanism was used, clean it up. At cleanup no need to check // for LibreOfficeKit if (mpTextEditOutlinerView) { mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetEditView().setEditViewCallbacks(nullptr); maTEOverlayGroup.clear(); } mxWeakTextEditObj.clear(); mpTextEditPV = nullptr; mpTextEditWin = nullptr; mpTextEditOutlinerView = nullptr; m_pTextEditCursorBuffer = nullptr; m_aTextEditArea = tools::Rectangle(); if (SdrOutliner* pTEOutliner = mpTextEditOutliner.release()) { bool bModified = pTEOutliner->IsModified(); if (pTEOutlinerView != nullptr) { pTEOutlinerView->HideCursor(); } if (pTEObj != nullptr) { pTEOutliner->CompleteOnlineSpelling(); std::unique_ptr pTxtUndo; if (bModified) { sal_Int32 nText; for (nText = 0; nText < pTEObj->getTextCount(); ++nText) if (pTEObj->getText(nText) == pTEObj->getActiveText()) break; pTxtUndo.reset( dynamic_cast(GetModel() .GetSdrUndoFactory() .CreateUndoObjectSetText(*pTEObj, nText) .release())); } DBG_ASSERT(!bModified || pTxtUndo, "svx::SdrObjEditView::EndTextEdit(), could not create undo action!"); // Set old CalcFieldValue-Handler again, this // has to happen before Obj::EndTextEdit(), as this does UpdateFields(). pTEOutliner->SetCalcFieldValueHdl(m_aOldCalcFieldValueLink); pTEOutliner->SetBeginPasteOrDropHdl(Link()); pTEOutliner->SetEndPasteOrDropHdl(Link()); // IASS: stop listening to ModelChanges of TextEdit pTEOutliner->SetModifyHdl(Link()); const bool bUndo = IsUndoEnabled(); if (bUndo) { OUString aObjName(pTEObj->TakeObjNameSingul()); BegUndo(SvxResId(STR_UndoObjSetText), aObjName); } pTEObj->EndTextEdit(*pTEOutliner); if ((pTEObj->GetRotateAngle() != 0_deg100) || (pTEObj && pTEObj->IsFontwork())) { pTEObj->ActionChanged(); } if (pTxtUndo != nullptr) { pTxtUndo->AfterSetText(); if (!pTxtUndo->IsDifferent()) { pTxtUndo.reset(); } } // check deletion of entire TextObj std::unique_ptr pDelUndo; bool bDelObj = false; if (mbTextEditNewObj) { bDelObj = pTEObj->IsTextFrame() && !pTEObj->HasText() && !pTEObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && !pTEObj->HasFill() && !pTEObj->HasLine(); if (pTEObj->IsInserted() && bDelObj && pTEObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor::Default && !bDontDeleteReally) { SdrObjKind eIdent = pTEObj->GetObjIdentifier(); if (eIdent == SdrObjKind::Text) { pDelUndo = GetModel().GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoDeleteObject(*pTEObj); } } } if (pTxtUndo) { if (bUndo) AddUndo(std::move(pTxtUndo)); eRet = SdrEndTextEditKind::Changed; } if (pDelUndo != nullptr) { if (bUndo) { AddUndo(std::move(pDelUndo)); } eRet = SdrEndTextEditKind::Deleted; DBG_ASSERT(pTEObj->getParentSdrObjListFromSdrObject() != nullptr, "SdrObjEditView::SdrEndTextEdit(): Fatal: Object edited doesn't have an " "ObjList!"); if (pTEObj->getParentSdrObjListFromSdrObject() != nullptr) { pTEObj->getParentSdrObjListFromSdrObject()->RemoveObject(pTEObj->GetOrdNum()); CheckMarked(); // remove selection immediately... } } else if (bDelObj) { // for Writer: the app has to do the deletion itself. eRet = SdrEndTextEditKind::ShouldBeDeleted; } if (bUndo) EndUndo(); // EndUndo after Remove, in case UndoStack is deleted immediately // Switch on any TextAnimation again after TextEdit if (pTEObj) { pTEObj->SetTextAnimationAllowed(true); } // Since IsMarkHdlWhenTextEdit() is ignored, it is necessary // to call AdjustMarkHdl() always. AdjustMarkHdl(); } if (pTEWin != nullptr) { pTEWin->SetCursor(pTECursorBuffer); } // delete all OutlinerViews for (size_t i = pTEOutliner->GetViewCount(); i > 0;) { i--; OutlinerView* pOLV = pTEOutliner->GetView(i); sal_uInt16 nMorePix = pOLV->GetInvalidateMore() + 10; VclPtr pWin = pOLV->GetWindow(); tools::Rectangle aRect(pOLV->GetOutputArea()); pTEOutliner->RemoveView(i); if (!mbTextEditDontDelete || i != 0) { // may not own the zeroth one delete pOLV; } aRect.Union(m_aTextEditArea); aRect.Union(m_aMinTextEditArea); aRect = pWin->LogicToPixel(aRect); aRect.AdjustLeft(-nMorePix); aRect.AdjustTop(-nMorePix); aRect.AdjustRight(nMorePix); aRect.AdjustBottom(nMorePix); aRect = pWin->PixelToLogic(aRect); InvalidateOneWin(*pWin->GetOutDev(), aRect); pWin->GetOutDev()->SetFillColor(); pWin->GetOutDev()->SetLineColor(COL_BLACK); } // and now the Outliner itself if (!mbTextEditDontDelete) delete pTEOutliner; else pTEOutliner->Clear(); maHdlList.SetMoveOutside(false); if (eRet != SdrEndTextEditKind::Unchanged) { GetMarkedObjectListWriteAccess().SetNameDirty(); } // coverity[leaked_storage] - if pTEOutliner wasn't deleted it didn't really belong to us } if (pTEObj && !pTEObj->getSdrModelFromSdrObject().isLocked() && pTEObj->GetBroadcaster()) { SdrHint aHint(SdrHintKind::EndEdit, *pTEObj); pTEObj->GetBroadcaster()->Broadcast(aHint); } if (pUndoEditUndoManager) { if (bNeedToUndoSavedRedoTextEdit) { // undo the text edit action since it was created as part of an EndTextEdit // callback from undo itself. This needs to be done after the call to // FmFormView::SdrEndTextEdit since it gets created there pUndoEditUndoManager->Undo(); } // trigger the Undo which was not executed, but lead to this // end text edit pUndoEditUndoManager->Undo(); } return eRet; } // info about TextEdit. Default is false. bool SdrObjEditView::IsTextEdit() const { return mxWeakTextEditObj.get().is(); } // info about TextEditPageView. Default is 0L. SdrPageView* SdrObjEditView::GetTextEditPageView() const { return mpTextEditPV; } OutlinerView* SdrObjEditView::ImpFindOutlinerView(vcl::Window const* pWin) const { if (pWin == nullptr) return nullptr; if (mpTextEditOutliner == nullptr) return nullptr; OutlinerView* pNewView = nullptr; size_t nWinCount = mpTextEditOutliner->GetViewCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nWinCount && pNewView == nullptr; i++) { OutlinerView* pView = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(i); if (pView->GetWindow() == pWin) pNewView = pView; } return pNewView; } void SdrObjEditView::SetTextEditWin(vcl::Window* pWin) { if (!(mxWeakTextEditObj.get() && pWin != nullptr && pWin != mpTextEditWin)) return; OutlinerView* pNewView = ImpFindOutlinerView(pWin); if (pNewView != nullptr && pNewView != mpTextEditOutlinerView) { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { mpTextEditOutlinerView->HideCursor(); } mpTextEditOutlinerView = pNewView; mpTextEditWin = pWin; pWin->GrabFocus(); // Make the cursor blink here as well pNewView->ShowCursor(); ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); } } bool SdrObjEditView::IsTextEditHit(const Point& rHit) const { bool bOk = false; if (mxWeakTextEditObj.get()) { tools::Rectangle aEditArea; if (OutlinerView* pOLV = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(0)) aEditArea.Union(pOLV->GetOutputArea()); if (aEditArea.Contains(rHit)) { // check if any characters were actually hit const Point aPnt(rHit - aEditArea.TopLeft()); tools::Long nHitTol = 2000; if (OutputDevice* pRef = mpTextEditOutliner->GetRefDevice()) nHitTol = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(nHitTol, MapUnit::Map100thMM, pRef->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit()); bOk = mpTextEditOutliner->IsTextPos(aPnt, static_cast(nHitTol)); } } return bOk; } bool SdrObjEditView::IsTextEditFrameHit(const Point& rHit) const { bool bOk = false; if (rtl::Reference pText = mxWeakTextEditObj.get()) { OutlinerView* pOLV = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(0); if (pOLV) { vcl::Window* pWin = pOLV->GetWindow(); if (pText != nullptr && pText->IsTextFrame() && pWin != nullptr) { sal_uInt16 nPixSiz = pOLV->GetInvalidateMore(); tools::Rectangle aEditArea(m_aMinTextEditArea); aEditArea.Union(pOLV->GetOutputArea()); if (!aEditArea.Contains(rHit)) { Size aSiz(pWin->PixelToLogic(Size(nPixSiz, nPixSiz))); aEditArea.AdjustLeft(-(aSiz.Width())); aEditArea.AdjustTop(-(aSiz.Height())); aEditArea.AdjustRight(aSiz.Width()); aEditArea.AdjustBottom(aSiz.Height()); bOk = aEditArea.Contains(rHit); } } } } return bOk; } std::unique_ptr SdrObjEditView::ImpHandleMotionThroughBoxesKeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt, bool* bOutHandled) { *bOutHandled = false; rtl::Reference pTextObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (!pTextObj) return nullptr; if (!pTextObj->GetNextLinkInChain() && !pTextObj->GetPrevLinkInChain()) return nullptr; std::unique_ptr pCursorManager( new TextChainCursorManager(this, pTextObj.get())); if (pCursorManager->HandleKeyEvent(rKEvt)) { // Possibly do other stuff here if necessary... // XXX: Careful with the checks below (in KeyInput) for pWin and co. You should do them here I guess. *bOutHandled = true; } return pCursorManager; } bool SdrObjEditView::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt, vcl::Window* pWin) { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView) { /* Start special handling of keys within a chain */ // We possibly move to another box before any handling bool bHandled = false; std::unique_ptr xCursorManager( ImpHandleMotionThroughBoxesKeyInput(rKEvt, &bHandled)); if (bHandled) return true; /* End special handling of keys within a chain */ if (mpTextEditOutlinerView->PostKeyEvent(rKEvt, pWin)) { if (mpTextEditOutliner && mpTextEditOutliner->IsModified()) { GetModel().SetChanged(); SetInnerTextAreaForLOKit(); } /* Start chaining processing */ ImpChainingEventHdl(); ImpMoveCursorAfterChainingEvent(xCursorManager.get()); /* End chaining processing */ if (pWin != nullptr && pWin != mpTextEditWin) SetTextEditWin(pWin); ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); return true; } } return SdrGlueEditView::KeyInput(rKEvt, pWin); } bool SdrObjEditView::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, OutputDevice* pWin) { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { bool bPostIt = mpTextEditOutliner->IsInSelectionMode(); if (!bPostIt) { Point aPt(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); if (pWin != nullptr) aPt = pWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); else if (mpTextEditWin != nullptr) aPt = mpTextEditWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); bPostIt = IsTextEditHit(aPt); } if (bPostIt) { Point aPixPos(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); if (pWin) { tools::Rectangle aR(pWin->LogicToPixel(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutputArea())); if (aPixPos.X() < aR.Left()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Left()); if (aPixPos.X() > aR.Right()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Right()); if (aPixPos.Y() < aR.Top()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Top()); if (aPixPos.Y() > aR.Bottom()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Bottom()); } MouseEvent aMEvt(aPixPos, rMEvt.GetClicks(), rMEvt.GetMode(), rMEvt.GetButtons(), rMEvt.GetModifier()); if (mpTextEditOutlinerView->MouseButtonDown(aMEvt)) { if (pWin != nullptr && pWin != mpTextEditWin->GetOutDev() && pWin->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW) SetTextEditWin(pWin->GetOwnerWindow()); ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); return true; } } } return SdrGlueEditView::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt, pWin); } bool SdrObjEditView::MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, OutputDevice* pWin) { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { bool bPostIt = mpTextEditOutliner->IsInSelectionMode(); if (!bPostIt) { Point aPt(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); if (pWin != nullptr) aPt = pWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); else if (mpTextEditWin != nullptr) aPt = mpTextEditWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); bPostIt = IsTextEditHit(aPt); } if (bPostIt && pWin) { Point aPixPos(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); tools::Rectangle aR(pWin->LogicToPixel(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutputArea())); if (aPixPos.X() < aR.Left()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Left()); if (aPixPos.X() > aR.Right()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Right()); if (aPixPos.Y() < aR.Top()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Top()); if (aPixPos.Y() > aR.Bottom()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Bottom()); MouseEvent aMEvt(aPixPos, rMEvt.GetClicks(), rMEvt.GetMode(), rMEvt.GetButtons(), rMEvt.GetModifier()); if (mpTextEditOutlinerView->MouseButtonUp(aMEvt)) { ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); return true; } } } return SdrGlueEditView::MouseButtonUp(rMEvt, pWin); } bool SdrObjEditView::MouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, OutputDevice* pWin) { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { bool bSelMode = mpTextEditOutliner->IsInSelectionMode(); bool bPostIt = bSelMode; if (!bPostIt) { Point aPt(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); if (pWin) aPt = pWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); else if (mpTextEditWin) aPt = mpTextEditWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); bPostIt = IsTextEditHit(aPt); } if (bPostIt) { Point aPixPos(rMEvt.GetPosPixel()); tools::Rectangle aR(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutputArea()); if (pWin) aR = pWin->LogicToPixel(aR); else if (mpTextEditWin) aR = mpTextEditWin->LogicToPixel(aR); if (aPixPos.X() < aR.Left()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Left()); if (aPixPos.X() > aR.Right()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Right()); if (aPixPos.Y() < aR.Top()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Top()); if (aPixPos.Y() > aR.Bottom()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Bottom()); MouseEvent aMEvt(aPixPos, rMEvt.GetClicks(), rMEvt.GetMode(), rMEvt.GetButtons(), rMEvt.GetModifier()); if (mpTextEditOutlinerView->MouseMove(aMEvt) && bSelMode) { ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); return true; } } } return SdrGlueEditView::MouseMove(rMEvt, pWin); } bool SdrObjEditView::Command(const CommandEvent& rCEvt, vcl::Window* pWin) { // as long as OutlinerView returns a sal_Bool, it only gets CommandEventId::StartDrag if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { if (rCEvt.GetCommand() == CommandEventId::StartDrag) { bool bPostIt = mpTextEditOutliner->IsInSelectionMode() || !rCEvt.IsMouseEvent(); if (!bPostIt && rCEvt.IsMouseEvent()) { Point aPt(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()); if (pWin != nullptr) aPt = pWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); else if (mpTextEditWin != nullptr) aPt = mpTextEditWin->PixelToLogic(aPt); bPostIt = IsTextEditHit(aPt); } if (bPostIt) { Point aPixPos(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()); if (rCEvt.IsMouseEvent() && pWin) { tools::Rectangle aR( pWin->LogicToPixel(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutputArea())); if (aPixPos.X() < aR.Left()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Left()); if (aPixPos.X() > aR.Right()) aPixPos.setX(aR.Right()); if (aPixPos.Y() < aR.Top()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Top()); if (aPixPos.Y() > aR.Bottom()) aPixPos.setY(aR.Bottom()); } CommandEvent aCEvt(aPixPos, rCEvt.GetCommand(), rCEvt.IsMouseEvent()); // Command is void at the OutlinerView, sadly mpTextEditOutlinerView->Command(aCEvt); if (pWin != nullptr && pWin != mpTextEditWin) SetTextEditWin(pWin); ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); return true; } } else { mpTextEditOutlinerView->Command(rCEvt); if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) { // It could execute CommandEventId::ExtTextInput, while SdrObjEditView::KeyInput // isn't called if (mpTextEditOutliner && mpTextEditOutliner->IsModified()) { GetModel().SetChanged(); SetInnerTextAreaForLOKit(); } } return true; } } return SdrGlueEditView::Command(rCEvt, pWin); } bool SdrObjEditView::ImpIsTextEditAllSelected() const { bool bRet = false; if (mpTextEditOutliner != nullptr && mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr) { if (SdrTextObj::HasTextImpl(mpTextEditOutliner.get())) { const sal_Int32 nParaCnt = mpTextEditOutliner->GetParagraphCount(); Paragraph* pLastPara = mpTextEditOutliner->GetParagraph(nParaCnt > 1 ? nParaCnt - 1 : 0); ESelection aESel(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetSelection()); if (aESel.start.nPara == 0 && aESel.start.nIndex == 0 && aESel.end.nPara == (nParaCnt - 1)) { if (mpTextEditOutliner->GetText(pLastPara).getLength() == aESel.end.nIndex) bRet = true; } // in case the selection was done backwards if (!bRet && aESel.end.nPara == 0 && aESel.end.nIndex == 0 && aESel.start.nPara == (nParaCnt - 1)) { if (mpTextEditOutliner->GetText(pLastPara).getLength() == aESel.start.nIndex) bRet = true; } } else { bRet = true; } } return bRet; } void SdrObjEditView::ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible() { if (mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr && mpTextEditWin != nullptr) { vcl::Cursor* pCsr = mpTextEditWin->GetCursor(); if (pCsr != nullptr) { Size aSiz(pCsr->GetSize()); if (!aSiz.IsEmpty()) { MakeVisible(tools::Rectangle(pCsr->GetPos(), aSiz), *mpTextEditWin); } } } } SvtScriptType SdrObjEditView::GetScriptType() const { SvtScriptType nScriptType = SvtScriptType::NONE; if (IsTextEdit()) { auto pText = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); if (pText->GetOutlinerParaObject()) nScriptType = pText->GetOutlinerParaObject()->GetTextObject().GetScriptType(); if (mpTextEditOutlinerView) nScriptType = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetSelectedScriptType(); } else { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); const size_t nMarkCount(rMarkList.GetMarkCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < nMarkCount; ++i) { OutlinerParaObject* pParaObj = rMarkList.GetMark(i)->GetMarkedSdrObj()->GetOutlinerParaObject(); if (pParaObj) { nScriptType |= pParaObj->GetTextObject().GetScriptType(); } } } if (nScriptType == SvtScriptType::NONE) nScriptType = SvtScriptType::LATIN; return nScriptType; } void SdrObjEditView::GetAttributes(SfxItemSet& rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const { if (mxSelectionController.is()) if (mxSelectionController->GetAttributes(rTargetSet, bOnlyHardAttr)) return; if (IsTextEdit()) { DBG_ASSERT(mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr, "SdrObjEditView::GetAttributes(): mpTextEditOutlinerView=NULL"); DBG_ASSERT(mpTextEditOutliner != nullptr, "SdrObjEditView::GetAttributes(): mpTextEditOutliner=NULL"); auto pText = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); // take care of bOnlyHardAttr(!) if (!bOnlyHardAttr && pText->GetStyleSheet()) rTargetSet.Put(pText->GetStyleSheet()->GetItemSet()); // add object attributes rTargetSet.Put(pText->GetMergedItemSet()); if (mpTextEditOutlinerView) { // FALSE= regard InvalidItems as "holes," not as Default rTargetSet.Put(mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetAttribs(), false); } const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 && rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj() == pText.get()) { MergeNotPersistAttrFromMarked(rTargetSet); } } else { SdrGlueEditView::GetAttributes(rTargetSet, bOnlyHardAttr); } } bool SdrObjEditView::SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReplaceAll) { bool bRet = false; rtl::Reference pTextEditObj = mxWeakTextEditObj.get(); bool bTextEdit = mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr && pTextEditObj != nullptr; bool bAllTextSelected = ImpIsTextEditAllSelected(); const SfxItemSet* pSet = &rSet; if (!bTextEdit) { // no TextEdit active -> all Items to drawing object if (mxSelectionController.is()) bRet = mxSelectionController->SetAttributes(*pSet, bReplaceAll); if (!bRet) { SdrGlueEditView::SetAttributes(*pSet, bReplaceAll); bRet = true; } } else { #ifdef DBG_UTIL { bool bHasEEFeatureItems = false; SfxItemIter aIter(rSet); for (const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.GetCurItem(); !bHasEEFeatureItems && pItem; pItem = aIter.NextItem()) { if (!IsInvalidItem(pItem)) { sal_uInt16 nW = pItem->Which(); if (nW >= EE_FEATURE_START && nW <= EE_FEATURE_END) bHasEEFeatureItems = true; } } if (bHasEEFeatureItems) { std::unique_ptr xInfoBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog( nullptr, VclMessageType::Info, VclButtonsType::Ok, u"SdrObjEditView::SetAttributes(): Setting EE_FEATURE items " "at the SdrView does not make sense! It only leads to " "overhead and unreadable documents."_ustr)); xInfoBox->run(); } } #endif bool bOnlyEEItems; bool bNoEEItems = !SearchOutlinerItems(*pSet, bReplaceAll, &bOnlyEEItems); // everything selected? -> attributes to the border, too // if no EEItems, attributes to the border only if (bAllTextSelected || bNoEEItems) { if (mxSelectionController.is()) bRet = mxSelectionController->SetAttributes(*pSet, bReplaceAll); if (!bRet) { const bool bUndo = IsUndoEnabled(); if (bUndo) { BegUndo(ImpGetDescriptionString(STR_EditSetAttributes)); AddUndo(GetModel().GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*pTextEditObj)); // If this is a text object also rescue the OutlinerParaObject since // applying attributes to the object may change text layout when // multiple portions exist with multiple formats. If an OutlinerParaObject // really exists and needs to be rescued is evaluated in the undo // implementation itself. bool bRescueText(pTextEditObj); AddUndo(GetModel().GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoAttrObject( *pTextEditObj, false, !bNoEEItems || bRescueText)); EndUndo(); } pTextEditObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(*pSet, bReplaceAll); FlushComeBackTimer(); // to set ModeHasChanged immediately } } else if (!bOnlyEEItems) { // Otherwise split Set, if necessary. // Now we build an ItemSet aSet that doesn't contain EE_Items from // *pSet (otherwise it would be a copy). WhichRangesContainer pNewWhichTable = RemoveWhichRange(pSet->GetRanges(), EE_ITEMS_START, EE_ITEMS_END); SfxItemSet aSet(GetModel().GetItemPool(), std::move(pNewWhichTable)); SfxWhichIter aIter(aSet); sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); while (nWhich != 0) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; SfxItemState eState = pSet->GetItemState(nWhich, false, &pItem); if (eState == SfxItemState::SET) aSet.Put(*pItem); nWhich = aIter.NextWhich(); } if (mxSelectionController.is()) bRet = mxSelectionController->SetAttributes(aSet, bReplaceAll); if (!bRet) { if (IsUndoEnabled()) { BegUndo(ImpGetDescriptionString(STR_EditSetAttributes)); AddUndo(GetModel().GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*pTextEditObj)); AddUndo(GetModel().GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoAttrObject(*pTextEditObj)); EndUndo(); } pTextEditObj->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet, bReplaceAll); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 && rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj() == pTextEditObj.get()) { SetNotPersistAttrToMarked(aSet); } } FlushComeBackTimer(); } if (!bNoEEItems) { // and now the attributes to the EditEngine if (bReplaceAll) { mpTextEditOutlinerView->RemoveAttribs(true); } mpTextEditOutlinerView->SetAttribs(rSet); Outliner* pTEOutliner = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutliner(); if (pTEOutliner && pTEOutliner->IsModified()) { GetModel().SetChanged(); SetInnerTextAreaForLOKit(); } ImpMakeTextCursorAreaVisible(); } bRet = true; } return bRet; } SfxStyleSheet* SdrObjEditView::GetStyleSheet() const { SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = nullptr; if (mxSelectionController.is()) { if (mxSelectionController->GetStyleSheet(pSheet)) return pSheet; } if (mpTextEditOutlinerView) { pSheet = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetStyleSheet(); } else { pSheet = SdrGlueEditView::GetStyleSheet(); } return pSheet; } void SdrObjEditView::SetStyleSheet(SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr) { if (mxSelectionController.is()) { if (mxSelectionController->SetStyleSheet(pStyleSheet, bDontRemoveHardAttr)) return; } // if we are currently in edit mode we must also set the stylesheet // on all paragraphs in the Outliner for the edit view if (nullptr != mpTextEditOutlinerView) { Outliner* pOutliner = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetOutliner(); const sal_Int32 nParaCount = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount(); for (sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < nParaCount; nPara++) { pOutliner->SetStyleSheet(nPara, pStyleSheet); } } SdrGlueEditView::SetStyleSheet(pStyleSheet, bDontRemoveHardAttr); } void SdrObjEditView::AddDeviceToPaintView(OutputDevice& rNewDev, vcl::Window* pWindow) { SdrGlueEditView::AddDeviceToPaintView(rNewDev, pWindow); if (mxWeakTextEditObj.get() && !mbTextEditOnlyOneView && rNewDev.GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW) { OutlinerView* pOutlView = ImpMakeOutlinerView(rNewDev.GetOwnerWindow(), nullptr); mpTextEditOutliner->InsertView(pOutlView); } } void SdrObjEditView::DeleteDeviceFromPaintView(OutputDevice& rOldDev) { SdrGlueEditView::DeleteDeviceFromPaintView(rOldDev); if (mxWeakTextEditObj.get() && !mbTextEditOnlyOneView && rOldDev.GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW) { for (size_t i = mpTextEditOutliner->GetViewCount(); i > 0;) { i--; OutlinerView* pOLV = mpTextEditOutliner->GetView(i); if (pOLV && pOLV->GetWindow() == rOldDev.GetOwnerWindow()) { mpTextEditOutliner->RemoveView(i); } } } lcl_RemoveTextEditOutlinerViews(this, GetSdrPageView(), &rOldDev); } bool SdrObjEditView::IsTextEditInSelectionMode() const { return mpTextEditOutliner != nullptr && mpTextEditOutliner->IsInSelectionMode(); } // MacroMode void SdrObjEditView::BegMacroObj(const Point& rPnt, short nTol, SdrObject* pObj, SdrPageView* pPV, vcl::Window* pWin) { BrkMacroObj(); if (pObj != nullptr && pPV != nullptr && pWin != nullptr && pObj->HasMacro()) { nTol = ImpGetHitTolLogic(nTol, nullptr); m_pMacroObj = pObj; m_pMacroPV = pPV; m_pMacroWin = pWin; mbMacroDown = false; m_nMacroTol = sal_uInt16(nTol); m_aMacroDownPos = rPnt; MovMacroObj(rPnt); } } void SdrObjEditView::ImpMacroUp(const Point& rUpPos) { if (m_pMacroObj != nullptr && mbMacroDown) { SdrObjMacroHitRec aHitRec; aHitRec.aPos = rUpPos; aHitRec.nTol = m_nMacroTol; aHitRec.pVisiLayer = &m_pMacroPV->GetVisibleLayers(); aHitRec.pPageView = m_pMacroPV; m_pMacroObj->PaintMacro(*m_pMacroWin->GetOutDev(), tools::Rectangle(), aHitRec); mbMacroDown = false; } } void SdrObjEditView::ImpMacroDown(const Point& rDownPos) { if (m_pMacroObj != nullptr && !mbMacroDown) { SdrObjMacroHitRec aHitRec; aHitRec.aPos = rDownPos; aHitRec.nTol = m_nMacroTol; aHitRec.pVisiLayer = &m_pMacroPV->GetVisibleLayers(); aHitRec.pPageView = m_pMacroPV; m_pMacroObj->PaintMacro(*m_pMacroWin->GetOutDev(), tools::Rectangle(), aHitRec); mbMacroDown = true; } } void SdrObjEditView::MovMacroObj(const Point& rPnt) { if (m_pMacroObj == nullptr) return; SdrObjMacroHitRec aHitRec; aHitRec.aPos = rPnt; aHitRec.nTol = m_nMacroTol; aHitRec.pVisiLayer = &m_pMacroPV->GetVisibleLayers(); aHitRec.pPageView = m_pMacroPV; bool bDown = m_pMacroObj->IsMacroHit(aHitRec); if (bDown) ImpMacroDown(rPnt); else ImpMacroUp(rPnt); } void SdrObjEditView::BrkMacroObj() { if (m_pMacroObj != nullptr) { ImpMacroUp(m_aMacroDownPos); m_pMacroObj = nullptr; m_pMacroPV = nullptr; m_pMacroWin = nullptr; } } bool SdrObjEditView::EndMacroObj() { if (m_pMacroObj != nullptr && mbMacroDown) { ImpMacroUp(m_aMacroDownPos); SdrObjMacroHitRec aHitRec; aHitRec.aPos = m_aMacroDownPos; aHitRec.nTol = m_nMacroTol; aHitRec.pVisiLayer = &m_pMacroPV->GetVisibleLayers(); aHitRec.pPageView = m_pMacroPV; bool bRet = m_pMacroObj->DoMacro(aHitRec); m_pMacroObj = nullptr; m_pMacroPV = nullptr; m_pMacroWin = nullptr; return bRet; } else { BrkMacroObj(); return false; } } /** fills the given any with a XTextCursor for the current text selection. Leaves the any untouched if there currently is no text selected */ void SdrObjEditView::getTextSelection(css::uno::Any& rSelection) { if (!IsTextEdit()) return; OutlinerView* pOutlinerView = GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (!(pOutlinerView && pOutlinerView->HasSelection())) return; SdrObject* pObj = GetTextEditObject(); if (!pObj) return; css::uno::Reference xText(pObj->getUnoShape(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xText.is()) { SvxUnoTextBase* pRange = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel(xText); if (pRange) { rSelection <<= pRange->createTextCursorBySelection(pOutlinerView->GetSelection()); } } } /* check if we have a single selection and that single object likes to handle the mouse and keyboard events itself TODO: the selection controller should be queried from the object specific view contact. Currently this method only works for tables. */ void SdrObjEditView::MarkListHasChanged() { SdrGlueEditView::MarkListHasChanged(); if (mxSelectionController.is()) { mxLastSelectionController = mxSelectionController; mxSelectionController->onSelectionHasChanged(); } mxSelectionController.clear(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() != 1) return; const SdrObject* pObj(rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj()); SdrView* pView(dynamic_cast(this)); // check for table if (pObj && pView && (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor::Default) && (pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == SdrObjKind::Table)) { mxSelectionController = sdr::table::CreateTableController( *pView, static_cast(*pObj), mxLastSelectionController); if (mxSelectionController.is()) { mxLastSelectionController.clear(); mxSelectionController->onSelectionHasChanged(); } } } IMPL_LINK(SdrObjEditView, EndPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos*, pInfo, void) { OnEndPasteOrDrop(pInfo); } IMPL_LINK(SdrObjEditView, BeginPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos*, pInfo, void) { OnBeginPasteOrDrop(pInfo); } void SdrObjEditView::OnBeginPasteOrDrop(PasteOrDropInfos*) { // applications can derive from these virtual methods to do something before a drop or paste operation } void SdrObjEditView::OnEndPasteOrDrop(PasteOrDropInfos*) { // applications can derive from these virtual methods to do something before a drop or paste operation } sal_uInt16 SdrObjEditView::GetSelectionLevel() const { if (!IsTextEdit()) return 0xFFFF; DBG_ASSERT(mpTextEditOutlinerView != nullptr, "SdrObjEditView::GetAttributes(): mpTextEditOutlinerView=NULL"); DBG_ASSERT(mpTextEditOutliner != nullptr, "SdrObjEditView::GetAttributes(): mpTextEditOutliner=NULL"); if (!mpTextEditOutlinerView) return 0xFFFF; //start and end position ESelection aSelect = mpTextEditOutlinerView->GetSelection(); sal_Int32 nStartPara = ::std::min(aSelect.start.nPara, aSelect.end.nPara); sal_Int32 nEndPara = ::std::max(aSelect.start.nPara, aSelect.end.nPara); //get level from each paragraph sal_uInt16 nLevel = 0; for (sal_Int32 nPara = nStartPara; nPara <= nEndPara; nPara++) { sal_Int16 nDepth = mpTextEditOutliner->GetDepth(nPara); assert(nDepth <= 15); if (nDepth >= 0) { sal_uInt16 nParaDepth = 1 << static_cast(nDepth); if (!(nLevel & nParaDepth)) nLevel += nParaDepth; } } //reduce one level for Outliner Object //if( nLevel > 0 && GetTextEditObject()->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT ) // nLevel = nLevel >> 1; //no bullet paragraph selected if (nLevel == 0) nLevel = 0xFFFF; return nLevel; } bool SdrObjEditView::SupportsFormatPaintbrush(SdrInventor nObjectInventor, SdrObjKind nObjectIdentifier) { if (nObjectInventor != SdrInventor::Default && nObjectInventor != SdrInventor::E3d) return false; switch (nObjectIdentifier) { case SdrObjKind::NONE: case SdrObjKind::Group: return false; case SdrObjKind::Line: case SdrObjKind::Rectangle: case SdrObjKind::CircleOrEllipse: case SdrObjKind::CircleSection: case SdrObjKind::CircleArc: case SdrObjKind::CircleCut: case SdrObjKind::Polygon: case SdrObjKind::PolyLine: case SdrObjKind::PathLine: case SdrObjKind::PathFill: case SdrObjKind::FreehandLine: case SdrObjKind::FreehandFill: case SdrObjKind::Text: case SdrObjKind::TitleText: case SdrObjKind::OutlineText: case SdrObjKind::Graphic: case SdrObjKind::OLE2: case SdrObjKind::Table: return true; case SdrObjKind::Caption: return false; case SdrObjKind::Edge: case SdrObjKind::PathPoly: case SdrObjKind::PathPolyLine: return true; case SdrObjKind::Page: case SdrObjKind::Measure: case SdrObjKind::OLEPluginFrame: case SdrObjKind::UNO: return false; case SdrObjKind::CustomShape: return true; default: return false; } } static const WhichRangesContainer& GetFormatRangeImpl(bool bTextOnly, bool withParagraphAttr = true) { static const WhichRangesContainer gFull( svl::Items); static const WhichRangesContainer gTextOnly( svl::Items); static const WhichRangesContainer gParaTextOnly( svl::Items); return bTextOnly ? withParagraphAttr ? gParaTextOnly : gTextOnly : gFull; } sal_Int32 SdrObjEditView::TakeFormatPaintBrush(std::shared_ptr& rFormatSet) { sal_Int32 nDepth = -2; const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() <= 0) return nDepth; OutlinerView* pOLV = GetTextEditOutlinerView(); bool isParaSelection = pOLV ? !pOLV->GetEditView().HasSelection() || pOLV->GetEditView().IsSelectionFullPara() : false; rFormatSet = std::make_shared(GetModel().GetItemPool(), GetFormatRangeImpl(pOLV != nullptr, isParaSelection)); if (pOLV) { rFormatSet->Put(pOLV->GetAttribs()); if (isParaSelection) nDepth = pOLV->GetDepth(); } else { const bool bOnlyHardAttr = false; rFormatSet->Put(GetAttrFromMarked(bOnlyHardAttr)); } // check for cloning from table cell, in which case we need to copy cell-specific formatting attributes const SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if (pObj && (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor::Default) && (pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == SdrObjKind::Table)) { auto pTable = static_cast(pObj); if (mxSelectionController.is() && pTable->getActiveCell().is()) { mxSelectionController->GetAttributes(*rFormatSet, false); } } return nDepth; } static SfxItemSet CreatePaintSet(const WhichRangesContainer& pRanges, SfxItemPool& rPool, const SfxItemSet& rSourceSet, const SfxItemSet& rTargetSet, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats) { SfxItemSet aPaintSet(rPool, pRanges); for (const auto& pRange : pRanges) { sal_uInt16 nWhich = pRange.first; const sal_uInt16 nLastWhich = pRange.second; if (bNoCharacterFormats && (nWhich == EE_CHAR_START)) continue; if (bNoParagraphFormats && (nWhich == EE_PARA_START)) continue; for (; nWhich <= nLastWhich; nWhich++) { const SfxPoolItem* pSourceItem = rSourceSet.GetItem(nWhich); const SfxPoolItem* pTargetItem = rTargetSet.GetItem(nWhich); if ((pSourceItem && !pTargetItem) || (pSourceItem && pTargetItem && *pSourceItem != *pTargetItem)) { aPaintSet.Put(*pSourceItem); } } } return aPaintSet; } void SdrObjEditView::ApplyFormatPaintBrushToText(SfxItemSet const& rFormatSet, SdrTextObj& rTextObj, SdrText* pText, sal_Int16 nDepth, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats) { OutlinerParaObject* pParaObj = pText ? pText->GetOutlinerParaObject() : nullptr; if (!pParaObj) return; SdrOutliner& rOutliner = rTextObj.ImpGetDrawOutliner(); rOutliner.SetText(*pParaObj); sal_Int32 nParaCount(rOutliner.GetParagraphCount()); if (!nParaCount) return; for (sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < nParaCount; nPara++) { if (!bNoCharacterFormats) rOutliner.RemoveCharAttribs(nPara); SfxItemSet aSet(rOutliner.GetParaAttribs(nPara)); aSet.Put(CreatePaintSet(GetFormatRangeImpl(true), *aSet.GetPool(), rFormatSet, aSet, bNoCharacterFormats, bNoParagraphFormats)); rOutliner.SetParaAttribs(nPara, aSet); Paragraph* pParagraph = rOutliner.GetParagraph(nPara); if (nDepth > -2) rOutliner.SetDepth(pParagraph, nDepth); } std::optional pTemp = rOutliner.CreateParaObject(0, nParaCount); rOutliner.Clear(); rTextObj.NbcSetOutlinerParaObjectForText(std::move(pTemp), pText); } void SdrObjEditView::DisposeUndoManager() { if (mpTextEditOutliner) { if (typeid(mpTextEditOutliner->GetUndoManager()) != typeid(EditUndoManager)) { // Non-owning pointer, clear it. mpTextEditOutliner->SetUndoManager(nullptr); } } mpOldTextEditUndoManager = nullptr; } void SdrObjEditView::ApplyFormatPaintBrush(SfxItemSet& rFormatSet, sal_Int16 nDepth, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats) { if (mxSelectionController.is() && mxSelectionController->ApplyFormatPaintBrush(rFormatSet, nDepth, bNoCharacterFormats, bNoParagraphFormats)) { return; } OutlinerView* pOLV = GetTextEditOutlinerView(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = GetMarkedObjectList(); if (!pOLV) { SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); const SfxItemSet& rShapeSet = pObj->GetMergedItemSet(); // if not in text edit mode (aka the user selected text or clicked on a word) // apply formatting attributes to selected shape // All formatting items (see ranges above) that are unequal in selected shape and // the format paintbrush are hard set on the selected shape. const WhichRangesContainer& pRanges = rFormatSet.GetRanges(); bool bTextOnly = true; for (const auto& pRange : pRanges) { if ((pRange.first != EE_PARA_START) && (pRange.first != EE_CHAR_START)) { bTextOnly = false; break; } } if (!bTextOnly) { SfxItemSet aPaintSet(CreatePaintSet(GetFormatRangeImpl(false), *rShapeSet.GetPool(), rFormatSet, rShapeSet, bNoCharacterFormats, bNoParagraphFormats)); SetAttrToMarked(aPaintSet, false /*bReplaceAll*/); } // now apply character and paragraph formatting to text, if the shape has any SdrTextObj* pTextObj = DynCastSdrTextObj(pObj); if (pTextObj) { sal_Int32 nText = pTextObj->getTextCount(); while (--nText >= 0) { SdrText* pText = pTextObj->getText(nText); ApplyFormatPaintBrushToText(rFormatSet, *pTextObj, pText, nDepth, bNoCharacterFormats, bNoParagraphFormats); } } } else { ::Outliner* pOutliner = pOLV->GetOutliner(); if (pOutliner) { const EditEngine& rEditEngine = pOutliner->GetEditEngine(); ESelection aSel(pOLV->GetSelection()); bool fullParaSelection = aSel.end.nPara != aSel.start.nPara || pOLV->GetEditView().IsSelectionFullPara(); if (!aSel.HasRange()) pOLV->SetSelection(rEditEngine.GetWord(aSel, css::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD)); const bool bRemoveParaAttribs = !bNoParagraphFormats && !fullParaSelection; pOLV->RemoveAttribsKeepLanguages(bRemoveParaAttribs); SfxItemSet aSet(pOLV->GetAttribs()); SfxItemSet aPaintSet(CreatePaintSet(GetFormatRangeImpl(true), *aSet.GetPool(), rFormatSet, aSet, bNoCharacterFormats, bNoParagraphFormats)); pOLV->SetAttribs(aPaintSet); if (!bNoParagraphFormats && nDepth > -2) { for (sal_Int32 nPara = aSel.start.nPara; nPara <= aSel.end.nPara; ++nPara) pOLV->SetDepth(nPara, nDepth); } } } // check for cloning to table cell, in which case we need to copy cell-specific formatting attributes SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if (pObj && (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor::Default) && (pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == SdrObjKind::Table)) { auto pTable = static_cast(pObj); if (pTable->getActiveCell().is() && mxSelectionController.is()) { mxSelectionController->SetAttributes(rFormatSet, false); } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */