/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: svdetc.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.29 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-26 07:52:03 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #ifndef _FORBIDDENCHARACTERSTABLE_HXX #include "forbiddencharacterstable.hxx" #endif #include "svdetc.hxx" #include "svditext.hxx" #include "svdmodel.hxx" #include "svdtrans.hxx" #include "svdglob.hxx" #include "svdstr.hrc" #include "svdviter.hxx" #include "svdview.hxx" #include "svdoutl.hxx" #ifndef _SV_BMPACC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EEITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CONFIG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_CACHEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_WHITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _BIGINT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FONTITEM_HXX //autogen #include "fontitem.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen #include "colritem.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FHGTITEM_HXX //autogen #include "fhgtitem.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX__XGRADIENT_HXX //autogen #include "xgrad.hxx" #endif #ifndef SVX_XFILLIT0_HXX //autogen #include "xfillit0.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLCLIT_HXX //autogen #include "xflclit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLHTIT_HXX //autogen #include "xflhtit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XBTMPIT_HXX //autogen #include "xbtmpit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLGRIT_HXX //autogen #include "xflgrit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVDOOLE2_HXX //autogen #include "svdoole2.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMPOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_LOCALEDATAWRAPPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_LOCALE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_I18NPOOL_LANG_H #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_CHARCLASS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_SYSLOCALE_HXX #include #endif // #97870# #ifndef _SVX_XFLBCKIT_HXX #include "xflbckit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_EXTRUSION_BAR_HXX #include "extrusionbar.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_FONTWORK_BAR_HXX #include "fontworkbar.hxx" #endif #ifndef _B3D_B3DCOLOR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include //add CHINA001 #endif /****************************************************************************** * Globale Daten der DrawingEngine ******************************************************************************/ SdrGlobalData::SdrGlobalData() : pOutliner(NULL), pDefaults(NULL), pResMgr(NULL), nExchangeFormat(0) { pSysLocale = new SvtSysLocale; pCharClass = pSysLocale->GetCharClassPtr(); pLocaleData = pSysLocale->GetLocaleDataPtr(); svx::ExtrusionBar::RegisterInterface(); svx::FontworkBar::RegisterInterface(); } SdrGlobalData::~SdrGlobalData() { delete pOutliner; delete pDefaults; delete pResMgr; //! do NOT delete pCharClass and pLocaleData delete pSysLocale; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OLEObjCache::OLEObjCache() : Container( 0 ) { SvtCacheOptions aCacheOptions; nSize = aCacheOptions.GetDrawingEngineOLE_Objects(); pTimer = new AutoTimer(); Link aLink = LINK(this, OLEObjCache, UnloadCheckHdl); pTimer->SetTimeoutHdl(aLink); pTimer->SetTimeout(20000); pTimer->Start(); aLink.Call(pTimer); } OLEObjCache::~OLEObjCache() { pTimer->Stop(); delete pTimer; } void OLEObjCache::SetSize(ULONG nNewSize) { nSize = nNewSize; } void OLEObjCache::InsertObj(SdrOle2Obj* pObj) { // insert object into first position Remove(pObj); Insert(pObj, (ULONG) 0L); if ( nSize < Count() ) { // more objects than configured cache size try to remove objects // of course not the freshly inserted one at nIndex=0 ULONG nCount2 = Count(); ULONG nIndex = nCount2-1; while( nIndex && nCount2 > nSize ) { SdrOle2Obj* pCacheObj = (SdrOle2Obj*) GetObject(nIndex--); if ( UnloadObj(pCacheObj) ) // object was successfully unloaded nCount2--; } } } void OLEObjCache::RemoveObj(SdrOle2Obj* pObj) { Remove(pObj); } BOOL OLEObjCache::UnloadObj(SdrOle2Obj* pObj) { BOOL bUnloaded = FALSE; if (pObj) { BOOL bVisible = FALSE; SdrViewIter aIter(pObj); SdrView* pView = aIter.FirstView(); while (!bVisible && pView!=NULL) { bVisible = !pView->IsGrafDraft(); if (!bVisible) pView = aIter.NextView(); } if (!bVisible) bUnloaded = pObj->Unload(); } return bUnloaded; } IMPL_LINK(OLEObjCache, UnloadCheckHdl, AutoTimer*, /*pTim*/) { if ( nSize < Count() ) { ULONG nCount2 = Count(); ULONG nIndex = nCount2; while ( nCount2 > nSize ) { SdrOle2Obj* pCacheObj = (SdrOle2Obj*) GetObject( --nIndex ); if ( UnloadObj(pCacheObj) ) nCount2--; if ( !nIndex ) break; } } return 0; } void ContainerSorter::DoSort(ULONG a, ULONG b) const { ULONG nAnz=rCont.Count(); if (b>nAnz) b=nAnz; if (b>0) b--; if (an2 ? 1 : 0; } void UShortCont::Sort() { ImpUShortContainerSorter aSorter(aArr); aSorter.DoSort(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ImpClipMerk { Region aClip; FASTBOOL bClip; public: ImpClipMerk(const OutputDevice& rOut): aClip(rOut.GetClipRegion()),bClip(rOut.IsClipRegion()) {} void Restore(OutputDevice& rOut) { // Kein Clipping in die Metafileaufzeichnung GDIMetaFile* pMtf=rOut.GetConnectMetaFile(); if (pMtf!=NULL && (!pMtf->IsRecord() || pMtf->IsPause())) pMtf=NULL; if (pMtf!=NULL) pMtf->Pause(TRUE); if (bClip) rOut.SetClipRegion(aClip); else rOut.SetClipRegion(); if (pMtf!=NULL) pMtf->Pause(FALSE); } }; class ImpColorMerk { Color aLineColor; Color aFillColor; Color aBckgrdColor; Font aFont; public: ImpColorMerk(const OutputDevice& rOut): aLineColor( rOut.GetLineColor() ), aFillColor( rOut.GetFillColor() ), aBckgrdColor( rOut.GetBackground().GetColor() ), aFont (rOut.GetFont()) {} ImpColorMerk(const OutputDevice& rOut, USHORT nMode) { if ( (nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEPEN) == SDRHDC_SAVEPEN ) aLineColor = rOut.GetLineColor(); if ( (nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEBRUSH) == SDRHDC_SAVEBRUSH) { aFillColor = rOut.GetFillColor(); aBckgrdColor = rOut.GetBackground().GetColor(); } if ( (nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEFONT) == SDRHDC_SAVEFONT) aFont=rOut.GetFont(); } void Restore(OutputDevice& rOut, USHORT nMode=SDRHDC_SAVEPENANDBRUSHANDFONT) { if ( (nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEPEN) == SDRHDC_SAVEPEN) rOut.SetLineColor( aLineColor ); if ( (nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEBRUSH) == SDRHDC_SAVEBRUSH) { rOut.SetFillColor( aFillColor ); rOut.SetBackground( Wallpaper( aBckgrdColor ) ); } if ((nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEFONT) ==SDRHDC_SAVEFONT) { if (!rOut.GetFont().IsSameInstance(aFont)) { rOut.SetFont(aFont); } } } const Color& GetLineColor() const { return aLineColor; } }; ImpSdrHdcMerk::ImpSdrHdcMerk(const OutputDevice& rOut, USHORT nNewMode, FASTBOOL bAutoMerk): pFarbMerk(NULL), pClipMerk(NULL), pLineColorMerk(NULL), nMode(nNewMode) { if (bAutoMerk) Save(rOut); } ImpSdrHdcMerk::~ImpSdrHdcMerk() { if (pFarbMerk!=NULL) delete pFarbMerk; if (pClipMerk!=NULL) delete pClipMerk; if (pLineColorMerk !=NULL) delete pLineColorMerk; } void ImpSdrHdcMerk::Save(const OutputDevice& rOut) { if (pFarbMerk!=NULL) { delete pFarbMerk; pFarbMerk=NULL; } if (pClipMerk!=NULL) { delete pClipMerk; pClipMerk=NULL; } if (pLineColorMerk !=NULL) { delete pLineColorMerk ; pLineColorMerk =NULL; } if ((nMode & SDRHDC_SAVECLIPPING) ==SDRHDC_SAVECLIPPING) pClipMerk=new ImpClipMerk(rOut); USHORT nCol=nMode & SDRHDC_SAVEPENANDBRUSHANDFONT; if (nCol==SDRHDC_SAVEPEN) pLineColorMerk=new Color( rOut.GetLineColor() ); else if (nCol==SDRHDC_SAVEPENANDBRUSHANDFONT) pFarbMerk=new ImpColorMerk(rOut); else if (nCol!=0) pFarbMerk=new ImpColorMerk(rOut,nCol); } void ImpSdrHdcMerk::Restore(OutputDevice& rOut, USHORT nMask) const { nMask&=nMode; // nur restaurieren, was auch gesichert wurde if ((nMask & SDRHDC_SAVECLIPPING) ==SDRHDC_SAVECLIPPING && pClipMerk!=NULL) pClipMerk->Restore(rOut); USHORT nCol=nMask & SDRHDC_SAVEPENANDBRUSHANDFONT; if (nCol==SDRHDC_SAVEPEN) { if (pLineColorMerk!=NULL) rOut.SetLineColor(*pLineColorMerk); else if (pFarbMerk!=NULL) rOut.SetLineColor( pFarbMerk->GetLineColor() ); } else if (nCol!=0 && pFarbMerk!=NULL) pFarbMerk->Restore(rOut,nCol); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrLinkList::Clear() { unsigned nAnz=GetLinkCount(); for (unsigned i=0; i 0 && nHeight > 0) { sal_uInt32 nRt(0L); sal_uInt32 nGn(0L); sal_uInt32 nBl(0L); const sal_uInt32 nMaxSteps(8L); const sal_uInt32 nXStep((nWidth > nMaxSteps) ? nWidth / nMaxSteps : 1L); const sal_uInt32 nYStep((nHeight > nMaxSteps) ? nHeight / nMaxSteps : 1L); sal_uInt32 nAnz(0L); for(sal_uInt32 nY(0L); nY < nHeight; nY += nYStep) { for(sal_uInt32 nX(0L); nX < nWidth; nX += nXStep) { const BitmapColor& rCol2 = (pAccess->HasPalette()) ? pAccess->GetPaletteColor((BYTE)pAccess->GetPixel(nY, nX)) : pAccess->GetPixel(nY, nX); nRt += rCol2.GetRed(); nGn += rCol2.GetGreen(); nBl += rCol2.GetBlue(); nAnz++; } } nRt /= nAnz; nGn /= nAnz; nBl /= nAnz; rCol = Color(UINT8(nRt), UINT8(nGn), UINT8(nBl)); bRetval = TRUE; } if(pAccess) { aBitmap.ReleaseAccess(pAccess); } break; } default: break; } return bRetval; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SdrEngineDefaults::SdrEngineDefaults(): aFontName( OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_SERIF, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM, DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE ).GetName() ), eFontFamily(FAMILY_ROMAN), aFontColor(COL_AUTO), nFontHeight(847), // 847/100mm = ca. 24 Point eMapUnit(MAP_100TH_MM), aMapFraction(1,1) { } SdrEngineDefaults& SdrEngineDefaults::GetDefaults() { SdrGlobalData& rGlobalData=GetSdrGlobalData(); if (rGlobalData.pDefaults==NULL) { rGlobalData.pDefaults=new SdrEngineDefaults; } return *rGlobalData.pDefaults; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrEngineDefaults::LanguageHasChanged() { SdrGlobalData& rGlobalData=GetSdrGlobalData(); if (rGlobalData.pResMgr!=NULL) { delete rGlobalData.pResMgr; rGlobalData.pResMgr=NULL; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SdrOutliner* SdrMakeOutliner( USHORT nOutlinerMode, SdrModel* pModel ) { //SdrEngineDefaults& rDefaults = SdrEngineDefaults::GetDefaults(); SfxItemPool* pPool = &pModel->GetItemPool(); SdrOutliner* pOutl = new SdrOutliner( pPool, nOutlinerMode ); pOutl->SetEditTextObjectPool( pPool ); pOutl->SetStyleSheetPool( (SfxStyleSheetPool*) pModel->GetStyleSheetPool() ); pOutl->SetDefTab( pModel->GetDefaultTabulator() ); pOutl->SetForbiddenCharsTable( pModel->GetForbiddenCharsTable() ); pOutl->SetAsianCompressionMode( pModel->GetCharCompressType() ); pOutl->SetKernAsianPunctuation( pModel->IsKernAsianPunctuation() ); pOutl->SetAddExtLeading( pModel->IsAddExtLeading() ); return pOutl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SdrLinkList& ImpGetUserMakeObjHdl() { SdrGlobalData& rGlobalData=GetSdrGlobalData(); return rGlobalData.aUserMakeObjHdl; } SdrLinkList& ImpGetUserMakeObjUserDataHdl() { SdrGlobalData& rGlobalData=GetSdrGlobalData(); return rGlobalData.aUserMakeObjUserDataHdl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ResMgr* ImpGetResMgr() { SdrGlobalData& rGlobalData = GetSdrGlobalData(); if(!rGlobalData.pResMgr) { ByteString aName("svx"); INT32 nSolarUpd(SOLARUPD); aName += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nSolarUpd ); rGlobalData.pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aName.GetBuffer(), Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale() ); } return rGlobalData.pResMgr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String ImpGetResStr(sal_uInt16 nResID) { return String(ResId(nResID, *ImpGetResMgr())); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL SearchOutlinerItems(const SfxItemSet& rSet, BOOL bInklDefaults, BOOL* pbOnlyEE) { BOOL bHas=FALSE; BOOL bOnly=TRUE; BOOL bLookOnly=pbOnlyEE!=NULL; SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet); USHORT nWhich=aIter.FirstWhich(); while (((bLookOnly && bOnly) || !bHas) && nWhich!=0) { // bei bInklDefaults ist der gesamte Which-Range // ausschlaggebend, ansonsten nur die gesetzten Items // Disabled und DontCare wird als Loch im Which-Range betrachtet SfxItemState eState=rSet.GetItemState(nWhich); if ((eState==SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT && bInklDefaults) || eState==SFX_ITEM_SET) { if (nWhichEE_ITEMS_END) bOnly=FALSE; else bHas=TRUE; } nWhich=aIter.NextWhich(); } if (!bHas) bOnly=FALSE; if (pbOnlyEE!=NULL) *pbOnlyEE=bOnly; return bHas; } USHORT* RemoveWhichRange(const USHORT* pOldWhichTable, USHORT nRangeBeg, USHORT nRangeEnd) { // insgesamt sind 6 Faelle moeglich (je Range): // [Beg..End] zu entfernender Range // [b..e] [b..e] [b..e] Fall 1,3,2: egal, ganz weg, egal + Ranges // [b........e] [b........e] Fall 4,5 : Bereich verkleinern | in // [b......................e] Fall 6 : Splitting + pOldWhichTable USHORT nAnz=0; while (pOldWhichTable[nAnz]!=0) nAnz++; nAnz++; // nAnz muesste nun in jedem Fall eine ungerade Zahl sein (0 am Ende des Arrays) DBG_ASSERT((nAnz&1)==1,"Joe: RemoveWhichRange: WhichTable hat keine ungerade Anzahl von Eintraegen"); USHORT nAlloc=nAnz; // benoetigte Groesse des neuen Arrays ermitteln USHORT nNum=nAnz-1; while (nNum!=0) { nNum-=2; USHORT nBeg=pOldWhichTable[nNum]; USHORT nEnd=pOldWhichTable[nNum+1]; if (nEndnRangeEnd) /* nCase=2 */ ; else if (nBeg>=nRangeBeg && nEnd<=nRangeEnd) /* nCase=3 */ nAlloc-=2; else if (nEnd<=nRangeEnd) /* nCase=4 */; else if (nBeg>=nRangeBeg) /* nCase=5*/ ; else /* nCase=6 */ nAlloc+=2; } USHORT* pNewWhichTable=new USHORT[nAlloc]; memcpy(pNewWhichTable,pOldWhichTable,nAlloc*sizeof(USHORT)); pNewWhichTable[nAlloc-1]=0; // im Falle 3 fehlt die 0 am Ende // nun die unerwuenschten Ranges entfernen nNum=nAlloc-1; while (nNum!=0) { nNum-=2; USHORT nBeg=pNewWhichTable[nNum]; USHORT nEnd=pNewWhichTable[nNum+1]; unsigned nCase=0; if (nEndnRangeEnd) nCase=2; else if (nBeg>=nRangeBeg && nEnd<=nRangeEnd) nCase=3; else if (nEnd<=nRangeEnd) nCase=4; else if (nBeg>=nRangeBeg) nCase=5; else nCase=6; switch (nCase) { case 3: { unsigned nTailBytes=(nAnz-(nNum+2))*sizeof(USHORT); memcpy(&pNewWhichTable[nNum],&pNewWhichTable[nNum+2],nTailBytes); nAnz-=2; // Merken: Array hat sich verkleinert } break; case 4: pNewWhichTable[nNum+1]=nRangeBeg-1; break; case 5: pNewWhichTable[nNum]=nRangeEnd+1; break; case 6: { unsigned nTailBytes=(nAnz-(nNum+2))*sizeof(USHORT); memcpy(&pNewWhichTable[nNum+4],&pNewWhichTable[nNum+2],nTailBytes); nAnz+=2; // Merken: Array hat sich vergroessert pNewWhichTable[nNum+2]=nRangeEnd+1; pNewWhichTable[nNum+3]=pNewWhichTable[nNum+1]; pNewWhichTable[nNum+1]=nRangeBeg-1; } break; } // switch } return pNewWhichTable; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SvdProgressInfo::SvdProgressInfo( Link *_pLink ) { DBG_ASSERT(_pLink!=NULL,"SvdProgressInfo(): Kein Link angegeben!!"); pLink = _pLink; nSumActionCount = 0; nSumCurAction = 0; nObjCount = 0; nCurObj = 0; nActionCount = 0; nCurAction = 0; nInsertCount = 0; nCurInsert = 0; } void SvdProgressInfo::Init( ULONG _nSumActionCount, ULONG _nObjCount ) { nSumActionCount = _nSumActionCount; nObjCount = _nObjCount; } BOOL SvdProgressInfo::ReportActions( ULONG nAnzActions ) { nSumCurAction += nAnzActions; nCurAction += nAnzActions; if(nCurAction > nActionCount) nCurAction = nActionCount; return pLink->Call(NULL) == 1L; } BOOL SvdProgressInfo::ReportInserts( ULONG nAnzInserts ) { nSumCurAction += nAnzInserts; nCurInsert += nAnzInserts; return pLink->Call(NULL) == 1L; } BOOL SvdProgressInfo::ReportRescales( ULONG nAnzRescales ) { nSumCurAction += nAnzRescales; return pLink->Call(NULL) == 1L; } void SvdProgressInfo::SetActionCount( ULONG _nActionCount ) { nActionCount = _nActionCount; } void SvdProgressInfo::SetInsertCount( ULONG _nInsertCount ) { nInsertCount = _nInsertCount; } BOOL SvdProgressInfo::SetNextObject() { nActionCount = 0; nCurAction = 0; nInsertCount = 0; nCurInsert = 0; nCurObj++; return ReportActions(0); } void SvdProgressInfo::ReportError() { pLink->Call((void *)1L); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////