/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svdglue.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:24 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "svdglue.hxx" #include "svdobj.hxx" #include "svdio.hxx" #include "svdtrans.hxx" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrGluePoint::SetReallyAbsolute(FASTBOOL bOn, const SdrObject& rObj) { if (bReallyAbsolute!=bOn) { if (bOn) { aPos=GetAbsolutePos(rObj); bReallyAbsolute=bOn; } else { bReallyAbsolute=bOn; Point aPt(aPos); SetAbsolutePos(aPt,rObj); } } else { DBG_ASSERT(bOn,"SdrGluePoint::SetReallyAbsolute(FALSE) mehrfach gerufen"); DBG_ASSERT(!bOn,"SdrGluePoint::SetReallyAbsolute(TRUE) mehrfach gerufen"); } } Point SdrGluePoint::GetAbsolutePos(const SdrObject& rObj) const { if (bReallyAbsolute) return aPos; Rectangle aSnap(rObj.GetSnapRect()); Rectangle aBound(rObj.GetSnapRect()); Point aPt(aPos); Point aOfs(aSnap.Center()); switch (GetHorzAlign()) { case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT : aOfs.X()=aSnap.Left(); break; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT : aOfs.X()=aSnap.Right(); break; } switch (GetVertAlign()) { case SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : aOfs.Y()=aSnap.Top(); break; case SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: aOfs.Y()=aSnap.Bottom(); break; } if (!bNoPercent) { long nXMul=aSnap.Right()-aSnap.Left(); long nYMul=aSnap.Bottom()-aSnap.Top(); long nXDiv=10000; long nYDiv=10000; if (nXMul!=nXDiv) { aPt.X()*=nXMul; aPt.X()/=nXDiv; } if (nYMul!=nYDiv) { aPt.Y()*=nYMul; aPt.Y()/=nYDiv; } } aPt+=aOfs; // Und nun auf's BoundRect des Objekts begrenzen if (aPt.X()aBound.Right ()) aPt.X()=aBound.Right (); if (aPt.Y()aBound.Bottom()) aPt.Y()=aBound.Bottom(); return aPt; } void SdrGluePoint::SetAbsolutePos(const Point& rNewPos, const SdrObject& rObj) { if (bReallyAbsolute) { aPos=rNewPos; return; } Rectangle aSnap(rObj.GetSnapRect()); Point aPt(rNewPos); Point aOfs(aSnap.Center()); switch (GetHorzAlign()) { case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT : aOfs.X()=aSnap.Left(); break; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT : aOfs.X()=aSnap.Right(); break; } switch (GetVertAlign()) { case SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : aOfs.Y()=aSnap.Top(); break; case SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: aOfs.Y()=aSnap.Bottom(); break; } aPt-=aOfs; if (!bNoPercent) { long nXMul=aSnap.Right()-aSnap.Left(); long nYMul=aSnap.Bottom()-aSnap.Top(); if (nXMul==0) nXMul=1; if (nYMul==0) nYMul=1; long nXDiv=10000; long nYDiv=10000; if (nXMul!=nXDiv) { aPt.X()*=nXDiv; aPt.X()/=nXMul; } if (nYMul!=nYDiv) { aPt.Y()*=nYDiv; aPt.Y()/=nYMul; } } aPos=aPt; } long SdrGluePoint::GetAlignAngle() const { switch (nAlign) { case SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER: return 0; // Invalid! case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER: return 0; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : return 4500; case SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : return 9000; case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : return 13500; case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER: return 18000; case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: return 22500; case SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: return 27000; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: return 31500; } // switch return 0; } void SdrGluePoint::SetAlignAngle(long nWink) { nWink=NormAngle360(nWink); if (nWink>=33750 || nWink<2250) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER; else if (nWink< 6750) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_TOP ; else if (nWink<11250) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_TOP ; else if (nWink<15750) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_TOP ; else if (nWink<20250) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER; else if (nWink<24750) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT |SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM; else if (nWink<29250) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM; else if (nWink<33750) nAlign=SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT |SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM; } long SdrGluePoint::EscDirToAngle(USHORT nEsc) const { switch (nEsc) { case SDRESC_RIGHT : return 0; case SDRESC_TOP : return 9000; case SDRESC_LEFT : return 18000; case SDRESC_BOTTOM: return 27000; } // switch return 0; } USHORT SdrGluePoint::EscAngleToDir(long nWink) const { nWink=NormAngle360(nWink); if (nWink>=31500 || nWink<4500) return SDRESC_RIGHT; if (nWink<13500) return SDRESC_TOP; if (nWink<22500) return SDRESC_LEFT; if (nWink<31500) return SDRESC_BOTTOM; return 0; } void SdrGluePoint::Rotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs, const SdrObject* pObj) { Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); RotatePoint(aPt,rRef,sn,cs); // Bezugskante drehen if(nAlign != (SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER)) { SetAlignAngle(GetAlignAngle()+nWink); } // Austrittsrichtungen drehen USHORT nEscDir0=nEscDir; USHORT nEscDir1=0; if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_LEFT )!=0) nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_LEFT )+nWink); if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_TOP )!=0) nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_TOP )+nWink); if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_RIGHT )!=0) nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_RIGHT )+nWink); if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_BOTTOM)!=0) nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_BOTTOM)+nWink); nEscDir=nEscDir1; if (pObj!=NULL) SetAbsolutePos(aPt,*pObj); else SetPos(aPt); } void SdrGluePoint::Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, const SdrObject* pObj) { Point aPt(rRef2); aPt-=rRef1; long nWink=GetAngle(aPt); Mirror(rRef1,rRef2,nWink,pObj); } void SdrGluePoint::Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, long nWink, const SdrObject* pObj) { Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); MirrorPoint(aPt,rRef1,rRef2); // Bezugskante spiegeln if(nAlign != (SDRHORZALIGN_CENTER|SDRVERTALIGN_CENTER)) { long nAW=GetAlignAngle(); nAW+=2*(nWink-nAW); SetAlignAngle(nAW); } // Austrittsrichtungen spiegeln USHORT nEscDir0=nEscDir; USHORT nEscDir1=0; if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_LEFT)!=0) { long nEW=EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_LEFT); nEW+=2*(nWink-nEW); nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(nEW); } if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_TOP)!=0) { long nEW=EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_TOP); nEW+=2*(nWink-nEW); nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(nEW); } if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_RIGHT)!=0) { long nEW=EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_RIGHT); nEW+=2*(nWink-nEW); nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(nEW); } if ((nEscDir0&SDRESC_BOTTOM)!=0) { long nEW=EscDirToAngle(SDRESC_BOTTOM); nEW+=2*(nWink-nEW); nEscDir1|=EscAngleToDir(nEW); } nEscDir=nEscDir1; if (pObj!=NULL) SetAbsolutePos(aPt,*pObj); else SetPos(aPt); } void SdrGluePoint::Shear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, FASTBOOL bVShear, const SdrObject* pObj) { Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); ShearPoint(aPt,rRef,tn,bVShear); if (pObj!=NULL) SetAbsolutePos(aPt,*pObj); else SetPos(aPt); } void SdrGluePoint::Draw(OutputDevice& rOut, const SdrObject* pObj) const { Color aBackPenColor(COL_WHITE); Color aForePenColor(COL_LIGHTBLUE); FASTBOOL bMapMerk=rOut.IsMapModeEnabled(); Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); aPt=rOut.LogicToPixel(aPt); rOut.EnableMapMode(FALSE); long x=aPt.X(),y=aPt.Y(); // Groesse erstmal fest auf 7 Pixel rOut.SetLineColor( aBackPenColor ); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y-3),Point(x+3,y+2)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y-2),Point(x+2,y+3)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y+2),Point(x+2,y-3)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y+3),Point(x+3,y-2)); if (bNoPercent) { switch (GetHorzAlign()) { case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y-1),Point(x-3,y+1)); break; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x+3,y-1),Point(x+3,y+1)); break; } switch (GetVertAlign()) { case SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-1,y-3),Point(x+1,y-3)); break; case SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-1,y+3),Point(x+1,y+3)); break; } } rOut.SetLineColor( aForePenColor ); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y-2),Point(x+2,y+2)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y+2),Point(x+2,y-2)); rOut.EnableMapMode(bMapMerk); } void SdrGluePoint::Invalidate(Window& rWin, const SdrObject* pObj) const { FASTBOOL bMapMerk=rWin.IsMapModeEnabled(); Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); aPt=rWin.LogicToPixel(aPt); rWin.EnableMapMode(FALSE); long x=aPt.X(),y=aPt.Y(); // Groesse erstmal fest auf 7 Pixel rWin.Invalidate(Rectangle(Point(x-3,y-3),Point(x+3,y+3))); rWin.EnableMapMode(bMapMerk); } FASTBOOL SdrGluePoint::IsHit(const Point& rPnt, const OutputDevice& rOut, const SdrObject* pObj) const { Point aPt(pObj!=NULL ? GetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : GetPos()); Size aSiz=rOut.PixelToLogic(Size(3,3)); Rectangle aRect(aPt.X()-aSiz.Width(),aPt.Y()-aSiz.Height(),aPt.X()+aSiz.Width(),aPt.Y()+aSiz.Height()); return aRect.IsInside(rPnt); } SvStream& operator<<(SvStream& rOut, const SdrGluePoint& rGP) { if (rOut.GetError()!=0) return rOut; SdrDownCompat aCompat(rOut,STREAM_WRITE); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrGluePoint"); #endif rOut<>(SvStream& rIn, SdrGluePoint& rGP) { if (rIn.GetError()!=0) return rIn; SdrDownCompat aCompat(rIn,STREAM_READ); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrGluePoint"); #endif BOOL bTmpBool; rIn>>rGP.aPos; rIn>>rGP.nEscDir; rIn>>rGP.nId; rIn>>rGP.nAlign; rIn>>bTmpBool; rGP.bNoPercent=(bTmpBool!=0); return rIn; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrGluePointList::Clear() { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT i=0; iGetId(); USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); USHORT nInsPos=nAnz; USHORT nLastId=nAnz!=0 ? GetObject(nAnz-1)->GetId() : 0; DBG_ASSERT(nLastId>=nAnz,"SdrGluePointList::Insert(): nLastIdnAnz; if (nId<=nLastId) { if (!bHole || nId==0) { nId=nLastId+1; } else { FASTBOOL bBrk=FALSE; for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumGetId(); if (nTmpId==nId) { nId=nLastId+1; // bereits vorhanden bBrk=TRUE; } if (nTmpId>nId) { nInsPos=nNum; // Hier einfuegen (einsortieren) bBrk=TRUE; } } } pGP->SetId(nId); } aList.Insert(pGP,nInsPos); return nInsPos; } void SdrGluePointList::DrawAll(OutputDevice& rOut, const SdrObject* pObj) const { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); if (nAnz!=0) { Color aBackPenColor(COL_WHITE); Color aForePenColor(COL_LIGHTBLUE); FASTBOOL bMapMerk=rOut.IsMapModeEnabled(); rOut.SetLineColor( aBackPenColor ); USHORT nNum; for (nNum=0; nNumGetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : pGP->GetPos()); aPt=rOut.LogicToPixel(aPt); rOut.EnableMapMode(FALSE); long x=aPt.X(),y=aPt.Y(); // Groesse erstmal fest auf 7 Pixel rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y-3),Point(x+3,y+2)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y-2),Point(x+2,y+3)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y+2),Point(x+2,y-3)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y+3),Point(x+3,y-2)); if (!pGP->IsPercent()) { switch (pGP->GetHorzAlign()) { case SDRHORZALIGN_LEFT : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-3,y-1),Point(x-3,y+1)); break; case SDRHORZALIGN_RIGHT : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x+3,y-1),Point(x+3,y+1)); break; } switch (pGP->GetVertAlign()) { case SDRVERTALIGN_TOP : rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-1,y-3),Point(x+1,y-3)); break; case SDRVERTALIGN_BOTTOM: rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-1,y+3),Point(x+1,y+3)); break; } } rOut.EnableMapMode(bMapMerk); } rOut.SetLineColor( aForePenColor ); for (nNum=0; nNumGetAbsolutePos(*pObj) : pGP->GetPos()); aPt=rOut.LogicToPixel(aPt); rOut.EnableMapMode(FALSE); long x=aPt.X(),y=aPt.Y(); // Groesse erstmal fest auf 7 Pixel rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y-2),Point(x+2,y+2)); rOut.DrawLine(Point(x-2,y+2),Point(x+2,y-2)); rOut.EnableMapMode(bMapMerk); } } } void SdrGluePointList::Invalidate(Window& rWin, const SdrObject* pObj) const { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumInvalidate(rWin,pObj); } } USHORT SdrGluePointList::FindGluePoint(USHORT nId) const { // Hier noch einen optimaleren Suchalgorithmus implementieren. // Die Liste sollte stets sortiert sein!!!! USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); USHORT nRet=SDRGLUEPOINT_NOTFOUND; for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumGetId()==nId) nRet=nNum; } return nRet; } USHORT SdrGluePointList::HitTest(const Point& rPnt, const OutputDevice& rOut, const SdrObject* pObj, FASTBOOL bBack, FASTBOOL bNext, USHORT nId0) const { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); USHORT nRet=SDRGLUEPOINT_NOTFOUND; USHORT nNum=bBack ? 0 : nAnz; while ((bBack ? nNum0) && nRet==SDRGLUEPOINT_NOTFOUND) { if (!bBack) nNum--; const SdrGluePoint* pGP=GetObject(nNum); if (bNext) { if (pGP->GetId()==nId0) bNext=FALSE; } else { if (pGP->IsHit(rPnt,rOut,pObj)) nRet=nNum; } if (bBack) nNum++; } return nRet; } void SdrGluePointList::SetReallyAbsolute(FASTBOOL bOn, const SdrObject& rObj) { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumSetReallyAbsolute(bOn,rObj); } } void SdrGluePointList::Rotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs, const SdrObject* pObj) { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumRotate(rRef,nWink,sn,cs,pObj); } } void SdrGluePointList::Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, const SdrObject* pObj) { Point aPt(rRef2); aPt-=rRef1; long nWink=GetAngle(aPt); Mirror(rRef1,rRef2,nWink,pObj); } void SdrGluePointList::Mirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2, long nWink, const SdrObject* pObj) { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumMirror(rRef1,rRef2,nWink,pObj); } } void SdrGluePointList::Shear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, FASTBOOL bVShear, const SdrObject* pObj) { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumShear(rRef,nWink,tn,bVShear,pObj); } } SvStream& operator<<(SvStream& rOut, const SdrGluePointList& rGPL) { if (rOut.GetError()!=0) return rOut; SdrDownCompat aCompat(rOut,STREAM_WRITE); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrGluePointList"); #endif UINT16 nAnz=rGPL.GetCount(); rOut<<(UINT16)nAnz; for (USHORT nNum=0; nNum>(SvStream& rIn, SdrGluePointList& rGPL) { if (rIn.GetError()!=0) return rIn; SdrDownCompat aCompat(rIn,STREAM_READ); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrGluePointList"); #endif rGPL.Clear(); UINT16 nAnz=0; rIn>>nAnz; for (USHORT nNum=0; nNum>aGP; rGPL.Insert(aGP); } return rIn; }