/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svdmark.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:24 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "svdmark.hxx" #include "svdetc.hxx" #include "svdobj.hxx" #include "svdpage.hxx" #include "svditer.hxx" #include "svdpagv.hxx" #include "svdopath.hxx" // zur Abschaltung #include "svdogrp.hxx" // des Cache bei #include "svdorect.hxx" // GetMarkDescription #include "svdstr.hrc" // Namen aus der Resource #include "svdglob.hxx" // StringCache //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ImpSdrUShortContSorter: public ContainerSorter { public: ImpSdrUShortContSorter(Container& rNewCont): ContainerSorter(rNewCont) {} virtual int Compare(const void* pElem1, const void* pElem2) const; }; int ImpSdrUShortContSorter::Compare(const void* pElem1, const void* pElem2) const { USHORT n1=USHORT(ULONG(pElem1)); USHORT n2=USHORT(ULONG(pElem2)); return n1n2 ? 1 : 0; } void SdrUShortCont::Sort() { ImpSdrUShortContSorter aSort(aArr); aSort.DoSort(); bSorted=TRUE; if (bDelDups) { ULONG nNum=GetCount(); if (nNum>1) { nNum--; USHORT nVal0=GetObject(nNum); while (nNum>0) { nNum--; USHORT nVal1=GetObject(nNum); if (nVal1==nVal0) { Remove(nNum); } nVal0=nVal1; } } } } void SdrUShortCont::CheckSort(ULONG nPos) { ULONG nAnz=aArr.Count(); if (nPos>nAnz) nPos=nAnz; USHORT nAktVal=GetObject(nPos); if (nPos>0) { USHORT nPrevVal=GetObject(nPos-1); if (bDelDups) { if (nPrevVal>=nAktVal) bSorted=FALSE; } else { if (nPrevVal>nAktVal) bSorted=FALSE; } } if (nPosGetPage() : NULL); } SdrObjList* SdrMark::GetObjList() const { return (pObj!=NULL ? pObj->GetObjList() : NULL); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ImpSdrMarkListSorter: public ContainerSorter { public: ImpSdrMarkListSorter(Container& rNewCont): ContainerSorter(rNewCont) {} virtual int Compare(const void* pElem1, const void* pElem2) const; }; int ImpSdrMarkListSorter::Compare(const void* pElem1, const void* pElem2) const { const SdrObject* pObj1=((SdrMark*)pElem1)->GetObj(); const SdrObject* pObj2=((SdrMark*)pElem2)->GetObj(); const SdrObjList* pOL1=pObj1!=NULL ? pObj1->GetObjList() : NULL; const SdrObjList* pOL2=pObj2!=NULL ? pObj2->GetObjList() : NULL; if (pOL1==pOL2) { ULONG nObjOrd1=pObj1!=NULL ? pObj1->GetOrdNum() : 0; ULONG nObjOrd2=pObj2!=NULL ? pObj2->GetOrdNum() : 0; return nObjOrd11) { ImpSdrMarkListSorter aSort(aList); aSort.DoSort(); // und nun doppelte rauswerfen if (aList.Count()>1) { SdrMark* pAkt=(SdrMark*)aList.Last(); SdrMark* pCmp=(SdrMark*)aList.Prev(); while (pCmp!=NULL) { if (pAkt->GetObj()==pCmp->GetObj()) { // Con1/Con2 Merging if (pCmp->IsCon1()) pAkt->SetCon1(TRUE); if (pCmp->IsCon2()) pAkt->SetCon2(TRUE); // pCmp loeschen. aList.Remove(); delete pCmp; // Aktueller Entry im Container ist nun pAkt! } else { pAkt=pCmp; } pCmp=(SdrMark*)aList.Prev(); } } } } } void SdrMarkList::Clear() { for (ULONG i=0; iGetObjList(); ULONG nObjOrd=pObj->GetOrdNum(); ULONG nL=0; ULONG nR=aList.Count(); if (GetMark(nL)->GetObj()==pObj) return nL; while (nL+1GetObj(); if (pMidObj==pObj) return nMid; // Hurra, gefunden! const SdrObjList* pMidOL=pMidObj!=NULL ? pMidObj->GetObjList() : NULL; ULONG nMidObjOrd=pMidObj!=NULL ? pMidObj->GetOrdNum() : 0; if (pMidOL==pOL) { if (nMidObjOrdnObjOrd) nR=nMid; else { DBG_ASSERT(FALSE,"SdrMarkList::FindObject(): Anderes Objekt mit gleicher OrdNum gefunden!"); return CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; } } else if ((long)pMidOL<(long)pOL) nL=nMid; else nR=nMid; } return CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; } void SdrMarkList::InsertEntry(const SdrMark& rMark, FASTBOOL bChkSort) { SetNameDirty(); ULONG nAnz=aList.Count(); if (!bChkSort || !bSorted || nAnz==0) { if (!bChkSort) bSorted=FALSE; aList.Insert(new SdrMark(rMark),CONTAINER_APPEND); } else { SdrMark* pLast=GetMark(ULONG(nAnz-1)); const SdrObject* pLastObj=pLast->GetObj(); const SdrObject* pNeuObj=rMark.GetObj(); if (pLastObj==pNeuObj) { // Aha, den gibt's schon // Con1/Con2 Merging if (rMark.IsCon1()) pLast->SetCon1(TRUE); if (rMark.IsCon2()) pLast->SetCon2(TRUE); } else { SdrMark* pKopie=new SdrMark(rMark); aList.Insert(pKopie,CONTAINER_APPEND); // und nun checken, ob die Sortierung noch ok ist const SdrObjList* pLastOL=pLastObj!=NULL ? pLastObj->GetObjList() : NULL; const SdrObjList* pNeuOL =pNeuObj !=NULL ? pNeuObj ->GetObjList() : NULL; if (pLastOL==pNeuOL) { ULONG nLastNum=pLastObj!=NULL ? pLastObj->GetOrdNum() : 0; ULONG nNeuNum =pNeuObj !=NULL ? pNeuObj ->GetOrdNum() : 0; if (nNeuNum0;) { i--; SdrMark* pM=(SdrMark*)(rSrcList.aList.GetObject(i)); InsertEntry(*pM); } } } FASTBOOL SdrMarkList::DeletePageView(const SdrPageView& rPV) { FASTBOOL bChgd=FALSE; for (ULONG i=GetMarkCount(); i>0;) { i--; SdrMark* pMark=GetMark(i); if (pMark->GetPageView()==&rPV) { aList.Remove(i); delete pMark; SetNameDirty(); bChgd=TRUE; } } return bChgd; } FASTBOOL SdrMarkList::InsertPageView(const SdrPageView& rPV) { FASTBOOL bChgd=FALSE; DeletePageView(rPV); // erstmal alle raus, dann die ganze Seite hinten dran SdrObject* pObj; const SdrObjList* pOL=rPV.GetObjList(); ULONG nObjAnz=pOL->GetObjCount(); for (ULONG nO=0; nOGetObj(nO); FASTBOOL bDoIt=rPV.IsObjMarkable(pObj); if (bDoIt) { SdrMark* pM=new SdrMark(pObj,(SdrPageView*)&rPV); aList.Insert(pM,CONTAINER_APPEND); SetNameDirty(); bChgd=TRUE; } } return bChgd; } const XubString& SdrMarkList::GetMarkDescription() const { UINT32 nAnz(GetMarkCount()); if(bNameOk && nAnz==1) { // Bei Einfachselektion nur Textrahmen cachen SdrObject* pObj = GetMark(0)->GetObj(); SdrTextObj* pTextObj = PTR_CAST(SdrTextObj,pObj); if(!pTextObj || !pTextObj->IsTextFrame()) { ((SdrMarkList*)(this))->bNameOk = FALSE; } } if(!bNameOk) { SdrMark* pMark = GetMark(0); XubString aNam; if(!nAnz) { ((SdrMarkList*)(this))->aMarkName = ImpGetResStr(STR_ObjNameNoObj); } else if(nAnz == 1) { pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNameSingul(aNam); } else { pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNamePlural(aNam); XubString aStr1; BOOL bEq(TRUE); for(UINT32 i = 1; i < GetMarkCount() && bEq; i++) { SdrMark* pMark = GetMark(i); pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNamePlural(aStr1); bEq = aNam.Equals(aStr1); } if(!bEq) aNam = ImpGetResStr(STR_ObjNamePlural); aNam.Insert(sal_Unicode(' '), 0); aNam.Insert(UniString::CreateFromInt32(nAnz), 0); } ((SdrMarkList*)(this))->aMarkName = aNam; ((SdrMarkList*)(this))->bNameOk = TRUE; } return aMarkName; } const XubString& SdrMarkList::GetPointMarkDescription(FASTBOOL bGlue) const { FASTBOOL& rNameOk = (FASTBOOL&)(bGlue ? bGluePointNameOk : bPointNameOk); XubString& rName = (XubString&)(bGlue ? aGluePointName : aPointName); UINT32 nMarkAnz(GetMarkCount()); UINT32 nMarkPtAnz(0); UINT32 nMarkPtObjAnz(0); UINT32 n1stMarkNum(0xFFFFFFFF); for(UINT32 nMarkNum = 0; nMarkNum < nMarkAnz; nMarkNum++) { const SdrMark* pMark = GetMark(nMarkNum); const SdrUShortCont* pPts = bGlue ? pMark->GetMarkedGluePoints() : pMark->GetMarkedPoints(); UINT32 nAnz(pPts ? pPts->GetCount() : 0); if(nAnz) { if(n1stMarkNum == 0xFFFFFFFF) n1stMarkNum = nMarkNum; nMarkPtAnz += nAnz; nMarkPtObjAnz++; } if(nMarkPtObjAnz > 1 && rNameOk) // vorzeitige Entscheidung return rName; } if(rNameOk && nMarkPtObjAnz == 1) { // Bei Einfachselektion nur Textrahmen cachen SdrObject* pObj = GetMark(0)->GetObj(); SdrTextObj* pTextObj = PTR_CAST(SdrTextObj,pObj); if(!pTextObj || !pTextObj->IsTextFrame()) { rNameOk = FALSE; } } if(!nMarkPtObjAnz) { rName.Erase(); rNameOk = TRUE; } else if(!rNameOk) { const SdrMark* pMark = GetMark(n1stMarkNum); XubString aNam; if(nMarkPtObjAnz == 1) { pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNameSingul(aNam); } else { pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNamePlural(aNam); XubString aStr1; BOOL bEq(TRUE); for(UINT32 i = n1stMarkNum + 1; i < GetMarkCount() && bEq; i++) { const SdrMark* pMark = GetMark(i); const SdrUShortCont* pPts = bGlue ? pMark->GetMarkedGluePoints() : pMark->GetMarkedPoints(); if(pPts && pPts->GetCount()) { pMark->GetObj()->TakeObjNamePlural(aStr1); bEq = aNam.Equals(aStr1); } } if(!bEq) aNam = ImpGetResStr(STR_ObjNamePlural); aNam.Insert(sal_Unicode(' '), 0); aNam.Insert(UniString::CreateFromInt32(nMarkPtObjAnz), 0); } XubString aStr1; if(nMarkPtAnz == 1) { aStr1 = (ImpGetResStr(bGlue ? STR_ViewMarkedGluePoint : STR_ViewMarkedPoint)); } else { aStr1 = (ImpGetResStr(bGlue ? STR_ViewMarkedGluePoints : STR_ViewMarkedPoints)); aStr1.SearchAndReplaceAscii("%N", UniString::CreateFromInt32(nMarkPtAnz)); } aStr1.SearchAndReplaceAscii("%O", aNam); rName = aStr1; rNameOk = TRUE; } return rName; } USHORT SdrMarkList::GetPageViewAnz() const { USHORT nAnz=0; SdrPageView* pPV=NULL; for (ULONG i=0; iGetPageView()!=pPV) { pPV=pMark->GetPageView(); nAnz++; } } return nAnz; } SdrPageView* SdrMarkList::GetPageView(USHORT nNum) const { return NULL; } FASTBOOL SdrMarkList::TakeBoundRect(SdrPageView* pPV, Rectangle& rRect) const { FASTBOOL bFnd=FALSE; Rectangle aR; for (ULONG i=0; iGetPageView()==pPV) { aR=pMark->GetObj()->GetBoundRect(); if (bFnd) { rRect.Union(aR); } else { rRect=aR; bFnd=TRUE; } } } return bFnd; } FASTBOOL SdrMarkList::TakeSnapRect(SdrPageView* pPV, Rectangle& rRect) const { FASTBOOL bFnd=FALSE; for (ULONG i=0; iGetPageView()==pPV) { Rectangle aR(pMark->GetObj()->GetSnapRect()); if (bFnd) { rRect.Union(aR); } else { rRect=aR; bFnd=TRUE; } } } return bFnd; }