/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svdoole2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: aw $ $Date: 2001-04-11 09:30:44 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UTIL_XMODIFYBROADCASTER_HPP_ #include #endif #include #ifdef SVX_LIGHT #define SV_DECL_SDROLELINK_DEFINED #define SdrOleLinkRef SdrOleLink* #else #ifndef _IPOBJ_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_INTERNO_HXX #include #endif #endif #ifndef _SVDPAGV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBNAME_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SVX_LIGHT #ifndef _IPCLIENT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_JOBSET_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SO_CLSIDS_HXX #include #endif #endif #include #ifndef _IPENV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _PSEUDO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVXLINKMGR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "svdoole2.hxx" #include #include "svdxout.hxx" #ifndef SVTOOLS_URIHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SVX_LIGHT #include "svdpagv.hxx" #endif #include "svdmodel.hxx" #include "svdio.hxx" #include "svdglob.hxx" // Stringcache #include "svdstr.hrc" // Objektname #include "svdetc.hxx" #include "svdview.hxx" #include "unomlstr.hxx" using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SVX_LIGHT #ifndef _SOT_STORAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX #include #endif // warning: these things are copied from so3/source/inplace/plugin.cxx SvGlobalName aPlgInName( 0x4caa7761, 0x6b8b, 0x11cf, 0x89,0xca,0x0,0x80,0x29,0xe4,0xb0,0xb1 ); #define PLUGIN_VERS 2 #else #ifndef SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED #define SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED SO2_DECL_REF(SvInPlaceObject) #endif #endif // SVX_LIGHT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYPEINIT1(SdrOle2Obj,SdrRectObj); SdrOle2Obj::SdrOle2Obj(FASTBOOL bFrame_) { bInDestruction = FALSE; Init(); ppObjRef=new SvInPlaceObjectRef; bFrame=bFrame_; } SdrOle2Obj::SdrOle2Obj(const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rNewObjRef, FASTBOOL bFrame_) { bInDestruction = FALSE; Init(); #ifndef SVX_LIGHT ppObjRef=new SvInPlaceObjectRef(rNewObjRef); #endif // !SVX_LIGHT bFrame=bFrame_; SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = *ppObjRef; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (rIPRef.Is() && (rIPRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_NOTRESIZEABLE) ) { SetResizeProtect(TRUE); } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT } SdrOle2Obj::SdrOle2Obj(const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rNewObjRef, const XubString& rNewObjName, FASTBOOL bFrame_) { bInDestruction = FALSE; Init(); #ifndef SVX_LIGHT ppObjRef=new SvInPlaceObjectRef(rNewObjRef); #endif aName=rNewObjName; bFrame=bFrame_; SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = *ppObjRef; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (rIPRef.Is() && (rIPRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_NOTRESIZEABLE) ) { SetResizeProtect(TRUE); } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT } SdrOle2Obj::SdrOle2Obj(const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rNewObjRef, const XubString& rNewObjName, const Rectangle& rNewRect, FASTBOOL bFrame_): SdrRectObj(rNewRect) { bInDestruction = FALSE; Init(); #ifndef SVX_LIGHT ppObjRef=new SvInPlaceObjectRef(rNewObjRef); #endif aName=rNewObjName; bFrame=bFrame_; SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = *ppObjRef; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (rIPRef.Is() && (rIPRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_NOTRESIZEABLE) ) { SetResizeProtect(TRUE); } #endif } void SdrOle2Obj::Init() { pModifyListener = NULL; pGraphic=NULL; pMetaFile=NULL; } SdrOle2Obj::~SdrOle2Obj() { bInDestruction = TRUE; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT // Aus Cache entfernen GetSdrGlobalData().GetOLEObjCache().RemoveObj(this); #endif // !SVX_LIGHT ImpAbmeldung(); #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (pModel!=NULL) { SvPersist* pPers=pModel->GetPersist(); if (pPers!=NULL && ppObjRef->Is()) { pPers->Remove(*ppObjRef); } } #endif delete ppObjRef; if(pGraphic!=NULL) delete pGraphic; if(pMetaFile!=NULL) delete pMetaFile; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if(pModifyListener) { pModifyListener->invalidate(); pModifyListener->release(); pModifyListener = NULL; } #endif } void SdrOle2Obj::SetGraphic(const Graphic* pGrf) { if ( pGraphic ) { delete pGraphic; pGraphic = NULL; } if (pGrf!=NULL) pGraphic = new Graphic(*pGrf); if ( ppObjRef->Is() && pGrf ) SendRepaintBroadcast(); SetChanged(); } FASTBOOL SdrOle2Obj::IsEmpty() const { return !ppObjRef->Is(); } void SdrOle2Obj::ImpAnmeldung() { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object if(pModel && aName.Len()) { SvPersist* pPers=pModel->GetPersist(); if (pPers!=NULL && ppObjRef->Is()) { SvInfoObjectRef xIObj; SvInfoObject* pInfo = pPers->Find(aName); if (!pInfo) { xIObj = pInfo = new SvEmbeddedInfoObject(*ppObjRef,aName); } if ( !pPers->HasObject(aName) ) { pPers->Move(pInfo, aName); } else { pInfo->SetDeleted(FALSE); } } // In Cache einfuegen GetSdrGlobalData().GetOLEObjCache().InsertObj(this); } if ( ppObjRef->Is() && (*ppObjRef)->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_RESIZEONPRINTERCHANGE ) { if (pModel && pModel->GetRefDevice() && pModel->GetRefDevice()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER) { // Kein RefDevice oder RefDevice kein Printer BOOL bModified = (*ppObjRef)->IsModified(); Printer* pPrinter = (Printer*) pModel->GetRefDevice(); (*ppObjRef)->OnDocumentPrinterChanged( pPrinter ); (*ppObjRef)->SetModified( bModified ); } } if( !IsEmpty() ) { // register modify listener if( pModifyListener == NULL ) { ((SdrOle2Obj*)this)->pModifyListener = new SvxUnoShapeModifyListener( (SdrOle2Obj*)this ); pModifyListener->acquire(); } uno::Reference< util::XModifyBroadcaster > xBC( getXModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xBC.is() && pModifyListener ) { uno::Reference< util::XModifyListener > xListener( pModifyListener ); xBC->addModifyListener( xListener ); } } #endif // SVX_LIGHT } void SdrOle2Obj::ImpAbmeldung() { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if( !IsEmpty() && aName.Len() ) { uno::Reference< util::XModifyBroadcaster > xBC( getXModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xBC.is() && pModifyListener ) { uno::Reference< util::XModifyListener > xListener( pModifyListener ); xBC->removeModifyListener( xListener ); } } if (pModel && aName.Len() ) { GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object if ( ppObjRef->Is() ) { (*ppObjRef)->DoClose(); SvPersist* pPers=pModel->GetPersist(); if (pPers) { SvInfoObject* pInfo = pPers->Find(aName); if (pInfo) { pInfo->SetDeleted(TRUE); } } } // Aus Cache entfernen GetSdrGlobalData().GetOLEObjCache().RemoveObj(this); } #endif // SVX_LIGHT } void SdrOle2Obj::SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel) { FASTBOOL bChg=pNewModel!=pModel; if (bChg) ImpAbmeldung(); // mit dem alten Namen #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (pModel && pNewModel) { SvPersist* pDestPers = pNewModel->GetPersist(); SvPersist* pSrcPers = pModel->GetPersist(); if (pDestPers && pSrcPers) { if ( pDestPers != pSrcPers ) { // Persists unterschiedlich (unterschiedliche Dokumente) // oder gleiches Dokument SvInfoObject* pInfo = pSrcPers->Find(aName); if (pInfo) { USHORT i = 1; // loop because of storage bug 46033 for( USHORT n = 0; n < 100; n++ ) { aName=ImpGetResStr(bFrame ? STR_ObjFrameNamePrefix : STR_ObjOLE2NamePrefix); aName += sal_Unicode(' '); String aStr(aName); aStr+=String::CreateFromInt32( i ); while( pDestPers->Find( aStr ) ) { i++; aStr = aName; aStr += String::CreateFromInt32(i); } aName = aStr; const SvInPlaceObjectRef& aXRef = &pSrcPers->GetObject( aName ); if( pDestPers->Copy(aName, aName, pInfo, pSrcPers) ) break; i++; } (*ppObjRef)=&(pDestPers->GetObject(aName)); } } } } #endif SdrRectObj::SetModel(pNewModel); if (bChg) ImpAnmeldung(); } void SdrOle2Obj::SetPage(SdrPage* pNewPage) { FASTBOOL bRemove=pNewPage==NULL && pPage!=NULL; FASTBOOL bInsert=pNewPage!=NULL && pPage==NULL; if (bRemove) ImpAbmeldung(); SdrRectObj::SetPage(pNewPage); if (bInsert) ImpAnmeldung(); } void SdrOle2Obj::SetObjRef(const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rNewObjRef) { ImpAbmeldung(); *ppObjRef=rNewObjRef; SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = *ppObjRef; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (rIPRef.Is() && (rIPRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_NOTRESIZEABLE) ) { SetResizeProtect(TRUE); } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT ImpAnmeldung(); SetChanged(); SendRepaintBroadcast(); } FASTBOOL SdrOle2Obj::HasSetName() const { return TRUE; } void SdrOle2Obj::SetName(const XubString& rStr) { ImpAbmeldung(); aName=rStr; ImpAnmeldung(); SetChanged(); } XubString SdrOle2Obj::GetName() const { return aName; } void SdrOle2Obj::TakeObjInfo(SdrObjTransformInfoRec& rInfo) const { rInfo.bRotateFreeAllowed=FALSE; rInfo.bRotate90Allowed =FALSE; rInfo.bMirrorFreeAllowed=FALSE; rInfo.bMirror45Allowed =FALSE; rInfo.bMirror90Allowed =FALSE; rInfo.bTransparenceAllowed = FALSE; rInfo.bGradientAllowed = FALSE; rInfo.bShearAllowed =FALSE; rInfo.bEdgeRadiusAllowed=FALSE; rInfo.bNoOrthoDesired =FALSE; rInfo.bCanConvToPath =FALSE; rInfo.bCanConvToPoly =FALSE; rInfo.bCanConvToPathLineToArea=FALSE; rInfo.bCanConvToPolyLineToArea=FALSE; rInfo.bCanConvToContour = FALSE; } UINT16 SdrOle2Obj::GetObjIdentifier() const { return bFrame ? UINT16(OBJ_FRAME) : UINT16(OBJ_OLE2); } FASTBOOL SdrOle2Obj::Paint(ExtOutputDevice& rOut, const SdrPaintInfoRec& rInfoRec) const { FASTBOOL bOk=TRUE; if( !pGraphic ) GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object if (ppObjRef->Is()) { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if( !bSizProt && (*ppObjRef)->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_NOTRESIZEABLE ) ( (SdrOle2Obj*) this)->bSizProt = TRUE; const SvEditObjectProtocol& rProt=(*ppObjRef)->GetProtocol(); OutputDevice* pOut=rOut.GetOutDev(); if (!rProt.IsInPlaceActive() || (*ppObjRef)->GetIPClient()->GetEnv()->GetEditWin()!=pOut) { if ((rInfoRec.nPaintMode & SDRPAINTMODE_DRAFTGRAF) ==0) { if (((*ppObjRef)->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE)) { // PlugIn-Objekt connecten if (rInfoRec.pPV!=NULL) { SdrOle2Obj* pOle2Obj = (SdrOle2Obj*) this; SdrView* pSdrView = (SdrView*) &rInfoRec.pPV->GetView(); pSdrView->DoConnect(pOle2Obj); } } pOut->Push( PUSH_CLIPREGION ); pOut->IntersectClipRegion( aRect ); (*ppObjRef)->DoDraw(pOut,aRect.TopLeft(),aRect.GetSize(),JobSetup()); pOut->Pop(); } else { // sonst SDRPAINTMODE_DRAFTGRAF Polygon aPoly(Rect2Poly(aRect,aGeo)); pOut->SetLineColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); pOut->DrawPolyLine(aPoly); pOut->DrawLine(aPoly[0],aPoly[2]); pOut->DrawLine(aPoly[1],aPoly[3]); } } #else if (rInfoRec.pPV!=NULL) { SdrView* pSdrView = (SdrView*) &rInfoRec.pPV->GetView(); pSdrView->DoConnect((SdrOle2Obj*) this); } #endif // SVX_LIGHT } else if ( pGraphic ) { OutputDevice* pOutDev=rOut.GetOutDev(); if( IsEmptyPresObj() ) { const MapMode aDstMapMode( pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() ); Point aPos(aRect.Center()); Size aDstSize; if( pGraphic->GetPrefMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_PIXEL ) aDstSize = pOutDev->PixelToLogic( pGraphic->GetPrefSize(), aDstMapMode ); else aDstSize = pOutDev->LogicToLogic( pGraphic->GetPrefSize(), pGraphic->GetPrefMapMode(), aDstMapMode ); aPos.X()-=aDstSize.Width() /2; aPos.Y()-=aDstSize.Height()/2; if (aPos.X() >= aRect.Left() && aPos.Y() >= aRect.Top()) pGraphic->Draw(pOutDev,aPos, aDstSize); pOutDev->SetFillColor(); pOutDev->SetLineColor( Color( COL_GRAY ) ); pOutDev->DrawRect(aRect); } else pGraphic->Draw( pOutDev, aRect.TopLeft() ); } if (HasText()) { bOk=SdrTextObj::Paint(rOut,rInfoRec); } return bOk; } SdrObject* SdrOle2Obj::CheckHit(const Point& rPnt, USHORT nTol, const SetOfByte* pVisiLayer) const { return ImpCheckHit(rPnt,nTol,pVisiLayer,TRUE,TRUE); } void SdrOle2Obj::TakeObjNameSingul(XubString& rName) const { rName = ImpGetResStr(bFrame ? STR_ObjNameSingulFrame : STR_ObjNameSingulOLE2); if(aName.Len()) { rName.AppendAscii(" '"); rName += aName; rName += sal_Unicode('\''); } } void SdrOle2Obj::TakeObjNamePlural(XubString& rName) const { rName=ImpGetResStr(bFrame ? STR_ObjNamePluralFrame : STR_ObjNamePluralOLE2); } void SdrOle2Obj::operator=(const SdrObject& rObj) { FASTBOOL bModelOk=pModel!=NULL; if (bModelOk) ImpAbmeldung(); SdrRectObj::operator=(rObj); aName =((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).aName; aProgName=((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).aProgName; bFrame =((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).bFrame; if(((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).pGraphic) { if(pGraphic) delete pGraphic; pGraphic = new Graphic(*((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).pGraphic); } if (bModelOk) { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT SvPersist* pDestPers=pModel->GetPersist(); SdrModel* pSrcModel=((SdrOle2Obj&)rObj).GetModel(); SvPersist* pSrcPers=pSrcModel!=NULL ? pSrcModel->GetPersist() : NULL; if (pDestPers!=NULL && pSrcPers!=NULL && pModel==pSrcModel) { // Kopie innerhalb eines Models // Eindeutigen Namen finden SvInfoObject* pInfo=pSrcPers->Find(aName); if (pInfo!=NULL) { USHORT i=1; // loop because of storage bug 46033 for( USHORT n = 0; n < 100; n++ ) { aName=ImpGetResStr(bFrame ? STR_ObjFrameNamePrefix : STR_ObjOLE2NamePrefix); aName += sal_Unicode(' '); String aStr(aName); aStr+=String::CreateFromInt32( i ); while(pDestPers->Find(aStr)) { i++; aStr=aName; aStr += String::CreateFromInt32(i); } aName=aStr; const SvInPlaceObjectRef& aXRef = &pSrcPers->GetObject( aName ); if( pDestPers->Copy(aName,aName,pInfo,pSrcPers) ) break; i++; } (*ppObjRef)=&(pDestPers->GetObject(aName)); } } #endif ImpAnmeldung(); } } FASTBOOL SdrOle2Obj::HasSpecialDrag() const { return FALSE; } void SdrOle2Obj::ImpSetVisAreaSize() { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef=*ppObjRef; if (rIPRef.Is()) { if (rIPRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_SERVERRESIZE) { // Server resized selbst (StarChart) // Neue VisArea setzen Rectangle aVisArea = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aRect, pModel->GetScaleUnit(), rIPRef->GetMapUnit() ); rIPRef->SetVisArea(aVisArea); // Wurde die VisArea akzeptiert? Rectangle aAcceptedVisArea(rIPRef->GetVisArea()); if (aVisArea.GetSize() != aAcceptedVisArea.GetSize()) { // VisArea wurde nicht akzeptiert -> korrigieren aRect.SetSize(OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aAcceptedVisArea.GetSize(), rIPRef->GetMapUnit(), pModel->GetScaleUnit())); } } else { /********************************************************************** * Nun wird nicht mehr die VisArea gesetzt, sondern es erfolgt eine * Skalierung **********************************************************************/ SvEmbeddedClient* pClient = (*ppObjRef)->GetClient(); if (pClient) { SvClientData* pData = pClient->GetClientData(); Size aObjAreaSize = rIPRef->GetVisArea().GetSize(); aObjAreaSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aObjAreaSize, rIPRef->GetMapUnit(), pModel->GetScaleUnit() ); Size aSize = aRect.GetSize(); Fraction aScaleWidth (aSize.Width(), aObjAreaSize.Width() ); Fraction aScaleHeight(aSize.Height(), aObjAreaSize.Height() ); // Nun auf 10 Binaerstellen kuerzen Kuerzen(aScaleHeight, 10); Kuerzen(aScaleWidth, 10); pData->SetSizeScale(aScaleWidth, aScaleHeight); Rectangle aScaleRect(aRect.TopLeft(), aObjAreaSize); pData->SetObjArea(aScaleRect); } } } #endif // SVX_LIGHT } void SdrOle2Obj::NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact) { SdrRectObj::NbcResize(rRef,xFact,yFact); if (aGeo.nShearWink!=0 || aGeo.nDrehWink!=0) { // kleine Korrekturen if (aGeo.nDrehWink>=9000 && aGeo.nDrehWink<27000) { aRect.Move(aRect.Left()-aRect.Right(),aRect.Top()-aRect.Bottom()); } aGeo.nDrehWink=0; aGeo.nShearWink=0; aGeo.nSin=0.0; aGeo.nCos=1.0; aGeo.nTan=0.0; SetRectsDirty(); } ImpSetVisAreaSize(); } void SdrOle2Obj::SetGeoData(const SdrObjGeoData& rGeo) { SdrRectObj::SetGeoData(rGeo); ImpSetVisAreaSize(); } void SdrOle2Obj::NbcSetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect) { SdrRectObj::NbcSetSnapRect(rRect); ImpSetVisAreaSize(); } void SdrOle2Obj::NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect) { SdrRectObj::NbcSetLogicRect(rRect); ImpSetVisAreaSize(); } FASTBOOL SdrOle2Obj::HasGDIMetaFile() const { GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef=*ppObjRef; BOOL bOK = FALSE; if ( rIPRef.Is() ) bOK = TRUE; return bOK; } const GDIMetaFile* SdrOle2Obj::GetGDIMetaFile() const { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if ( pMetaFile ) { delete ((SdrOle2Obj*)this)->pMetaFile; ((SdrOle2Obj*)this)->pMetaFile = NULL; } GetObjRef(); // try to load inplace object SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef=*ppObjRef; if (rIPRef.Is()) { GDIMetaFile* pMtf=NULL; SvData aSvData(FORMAT_GDIMETAFILE); if (rIPRef->GetData(&aSvData)) { if (aSvData.GetData(&pMtf,TRANSFER_REFERENCE)) { // kopieren, weil *pMtf mit ~SvData zerstoert wird! ((SdrOle2Obj*)this)->pMetaFile = new GDIMetaFile(*pMtf); } } } #endif // SVX_LIGHT return pMetaFile; } void SdrOle2Obj::WriteData(SvStream& rOut) const { SdrRectObj::WriteData(rOut); SdrDownCompat aCompat(rOut,STREAM_WRITE); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrOle2Obj"); #endif // UNICODE: rOut<Is(); rOut<IsSaveOLEPreview() ) bPreview = TRUE; if( bPreview ) { // set preview graphic (not for empty presentation objects) GetGDIMetaFile(); if( pMetaFile ) { Graphic* pGraph = new Graphic( *pMetaFile ); ( (SdrOle2Obj*) this )->SetGraphic( pGraph ); } } BOOL bHasGraphic=pGraphic!=NULL; rOut<SetGraphic( NULL ); // remove preview graphic } void SdrOle2Obj::ReadData(const SdrObjIOHeader& rHead, SvStream& rIn) { rIn.SetError( 0 ); if (rIn.GetError()!=0) return; SdrRectObj::ReadData(rHead,rIn); SdrDownCompat aCompat(rIn,STREAM_READ); // Fuer Abwaertskompatibilitaet (Lesen neuer Daten mit altem Code) #ifdef DBG_UTIL aCompat.SetID("SdrOle2Obj"); #endif // UNICODE: rIn >> aName; rIn.ReadByteString(aName); // UNICODE: rIn >> aProgName; rIn.ReadByteString(aProgName); BOOL bObjRefValid; rIn>>bObjRefValid; BOOL bHasGraphic; rIn>>bHasGraphic; if (bHasGraphic) { if (pGraphic==NULL) pGraphic=new Graphic; if (rHead.GetVersion()>=11) { // ab V11 eingepackt SdrDownCompat aGrafCompat(rIn,STREAM_READ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL aGrafCompat.SetID("SdrOle2Obj(Graphic)"); #endif rIn>>*pGraphic; } else rIn>>*pGraphic; } } void SdrOle2Obj::NbcMove(const Size& rSize) { SdrRectObj::NbcMove(rSize); ImpSetVisAreaSize(); } BOOL SdrOle2Obj::Unload() { BOOL bUnloaded = FALSE; if( ppObjRef && ppObjRef->Is() ) { //Nicht notwendig im Doc DTor (MM) ULONG nRefCount = (*ppObjRef)->GetRefCount(); // prevent Unload if there are external references if( nRefCount > 2 ) return FALSE; DBG_ASSERT( nRefCount == 2, "Wrong RefCount for unload" ); } #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if (pModel && ppObjRef && ppObjRef->Is() && SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ALWAYSACTIVATE != (*ppObjRef)->GetMiscStatus() && 1 < (*ppObjRef)->GetRefCount() && !(*ppObjRef)->IsModified() && !(*ppObjRef)->GetProtocol().IsInPlaceActive() ) { SvPersist* pPersist = pModel->GetPersist(); if (pPersist) { SvPersist* pO = *ppObjRef; if( pO->IsModified() ) { pO->DoSave(); pO->DoSaveCompleted(); } ppObjRef->Clear(); if (pPersist->Unload(pO)) bUnloaded = TRUE; else *ppObjRef = pO; } } #else *ppObjRef = NULL; #endif // !SVX_LIGHT return bUnloaded; } const SvInPlaceObjectRef& SdrOle2Obj::GetObjRef() const { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if ( !ppObjRef->Is() && pModel && pModel->GetPersist() && !pModel->GetPersist()->IsHandsOff() ) { // Objekt laden (*ppObjRef) = &( pModel->GetPersist()->GetObject( aName ) ); if ( ppObjRef->Is() ) { if( !IsEmptyPresObj() ) { // #75637# remember modified status of model BOOL bWasChanged(pModel ? pModel->IsChanged() : FALSE); // perhaps preview not valid anymore // #75637# This line changes the modified state of the model ( (SdrOle2Obj*) this )->SetGraphic( NULL ); // #75637# if status was not set before, force it back // to not set, so that SetGraphic(0L) above does not // set the modified state of the model. if(!bWasChanged && pModel && pModel->IsChanged()) pModel->SetChanged(FALSE); } if ( (*ppObjRef)->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_RESIZEONPRINTERCHANGE ) { if (pModel && pModel->GetRefDevice() && pModel->GetRefDevice()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER) { if(!bInDestruction) { // Kein RefDevice oder RefDevice kein Printer BOOL bModified = (*ppObjRef)->IsModified(); Printer* pPrinter = (Printer*) pModel->GetRefDevice(); (*ppObjRef)->OnDocumentPrinterChanged( pPrinter ); (*ppObjRef)->SetModified( bModified ); } } } // register modify listener on initial load if( pModifyListener == NULL ) { ((SdrOle2Obj*)this)->pModifyListener = new SvxUnoShapeModifyListener( (SdrOle2Obj*)this ); pModifyListener->acquire(); uno::Reference< util::XModifyBroadcaster > xBC( getXModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xBC.is() && pModifyListener ) { uno::Reference< util::XModifyListener > xListener( pModifyListener ); xBC->addModifyListener( xListener ); } } } } if (ppObjRef->Is()) { // In Cache einfuegen GetSdrGlobalData().GetOLEObjCache().InsertObj((SdrOle2Obj*) this); } #else if( !ppObjRef->Is() ) { SotStorage* pStor = pModel->GetModelStorage(); SotStorageRef xSt; if( pStor) { xSt = pStor->OpenSotStorage( aName ); if( xSt.Is() ) { *ppObjRef = SvInPlaceObject::Load( xSt ); if( *ppObjRef && ppObjRef->Is() ) (*ppObjRef)->SetSizeAndPos( GetLogicRect() ); } } } #endif // !SVX_LIGHT return *ppObjRef; } uno::Reference< frame::XModel > SdrOle2Obj::getXModel() const { uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel; #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if( pModel ) { SvInPlaceObjectRef xSvIPO( GetObjRef() ); SfxInPlaceObjectRef xIPO( xSvIPO ); if( xIPO.Is() ) { SfxObjectShell* pShell = xIPO->GetObjectShell(); if( pShell ) xModel = pShell->GetModel(); } } #endif return xModel; } #ifdef SVX_LIGHT #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XTOPWINDOW_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XWINDOW_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_POSSIZE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XTOOLKIT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XWINDOWPEER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PLUGIN_XPLUGINMANAGER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PLUGIN_PLUGINMODE_HPP_ #include #endif // here comes a dummy implementation for the SvInPlaceObject that is used // to display plugins inside the StarOffice Player SvInPlaceObject::SvInPlaceObject() : pURL( NULL ), nPlugInMode( 0 ) { } SvInPlaceObject::~SvInPlaceObject() { } // this method is called from the views DoConnect method // Only the view knows the parent window for the plugin void SvInPlaceObject::CreatePlugin( uno::Reference< awt::XToolkit > xToolkit, uno::Reference< awt::XWindowPeer > xPeer ) { if( xPlugin.is() ) return; if( pURL ) { ULONG nCount = aCmdList.Count(); uno::Sequence< OUString > aCmds( nCount ), aArgs( nCount ); OUString *pCmds = aCmds.getArray(), *pArgs = aArgs.getArray(); for( ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { SvCommand & rCmd = aCmdList.GetObject( i ); pCmds[i] = rCmd.GetCommand(); pArgs[i] = rCmd.GetArgument(); } uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ); if( xFactory.is() ) { uno::Reference< plugin::XPluginManager > xPMgr( xFactory->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.plugin.PluginManager")), uno::UNO_QUERY ); INT16 nMode = nPlugInMode == PLUGIN_EMBEDED ? plugin::PluginMode::EMBED : plugin::PluginMode::FULL; if (xPMgr.is() ) xPlugin = xPMgr->createPluginFromURL( xPMgr->createPluginContext(), nMode, aCmds, aArgs, xToolkit, xPeer, pURL->GetMainURL() ); } } } void SvInPlaceObject::SetSizeAndPos( const Rectangle& rRect ) { uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > xWindow( xPlugin, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xWindow.is() ) { xWindow->setPosSize(rRect.getX(),rRect.getY(),rRect.getWidth(),rRect.getHeight(),awt::PosSize::POSSIZE); xWindow->setVisible(TRUE); } } SvInPlaceObject* SvInPlaceObject::Load( SotStorageRef xSt ) { SvInPlaceObject* pIPO = new SvInPlaceObject(); String aFileName("plugin", gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); SotStorageStreamRef xStm = xSt->OpenSotStream( aFileName, STREAM_STD_READ ); xStm->SetVersion( xStm->GetVersion() ); xStm->SetBufferSize( 8192 ); BYTE nVer = 0; *xStm >> nVer; if( nVer == 1 || nVer == PLUGIN_VERS ) { *xStm >> pIPO->nPlugInMode; // Background gibt es nicht mehr if( pIPO->nPlugInMode == (USHORT)PLUGIN_BACKGROUND ) pIPO->nPlugInMode = (USHORT)PLUGIN_EMBEDED; *xStm >> pIPO->aCmdList; DBG_ASSERT( !pIPO->pURL, "pURL exists in load" ) BYTE bURLExist; *xStm >> bURLExist; if( bURLExist ) { if( nVer == 1 ) { // pIPO->pURL = new INetURLObject; // UNICODE: *xStm >> *pIPO->pURL; // old operator >> removed some versions ago, reconstructiong from older version ByteString aURL; xStm->ReadByteString( aURL ); pIPO->pURL = new INetURLObject( aURL ); // Ignore, not necessary BOOL bStrict; *xStm >> bStrict; } else { String aURL; // UNICODE: *xStm >> aURL; xStm->ReadByteString(aURL); pIPO->pURL = new INetURLObject( ::URIHelper::SmartRelToAbs( aURL, FALSE, INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS ) ); } } // UNICODE: *xStm >> pIPO->aMimeType; xStm->ReadByteString(pIPO->aMimeType); } else xStm->SetError( ERRCODE_IO_WRONGVERSION ); if( xStm->GetError() != 0 ) { delete pIPO; pIPO = NULL; } return pIPO; } // destroys the plugin for this inplace dummy void SvInPlaceObject::DoDisconnect() { if( xPlugin.is() ) { uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xComp( xPlugin, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xComp.is() ) xComp->dispose(); xPlugin = NULL; } } #endif