/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: svdpage.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.58 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-11-21 16:56:53 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include "svdpage.hxx" // HACK #ifdef SVX_LIGHT #define _IPOBJ_HXX #endif #ifndef _SOT_STORAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SOT_CLSIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTOR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDVIEW_HXX #include "svdview.hxx" #endif #include #ifndef _STRING_H #define _STRING_H #endif #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "svdetc.hxx" #include "svdxout.hxx" #include "svdobj.hxx" #include "svdogrp.hxx" #include "svdograf.hxx" // fuer SwapInAll() #include "svdoedge.hxx" // Zum kopieren der Konnektoren #include "svdoole2.hxx" // Sonderbehandlung OLE beim SdrExchangeFormat #include "svditer.hxx" #include "svdmodel.hxx" #include "svdlayer.hxx" #include "svdotext.hxx" #include "svdpagv.hxx" #include "svdundo.hxx" #include "fmglob.hxx" #include "polysc3d.hxx" #ifndef SVX_LIGHT #include "fmdpage.hxx" #else #include "unopage.hxx" #endif #include #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HXX #include // FRound #endif // #110094# #ifndef _SDR_CONTACT_VIEWCONTACTOFSDRPAGE_HXX #include #endif // StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector #ifndef _SDR_CONTACT_VIEWOBJECTCONTACT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SDR_CONTACT_DISPLAYINFO_HXX #include #endif // #111111# #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; DBG_NAME(SdrObjList) TYPEINIT0(SdrObjList); SdrObjList::SdrObjList(SdrModel* pNewModel, SdrPage* pNewPage, SdrObjList* pNewUpList): maList(1024,64,64) { DBG_CTOR(SdrObjList,NULL); pModel=pNewModel; pPage=pNewPage; pUpList=pNewUpList; bObjOrdNumsDirty=FALSE; bRectsDirty=FALSE; pOwnerObj=NULL; eListKind=SDROBJLIST_UNKNOWN; } SdrObjList::SdrObjList(const SdrObjList& rSrcList): maList(1024,64,64) { DBG_CTOR(SdrObjList,NULL); pModel=NULL; pPage=NULL; pUpList=NULL; bObjOrdNumsDirty=FALSE; bRectsDirty=FALSE; pOwnerObj=NULL; eListKind=SDROBJLIST_UNKNOWN; *this=rSrcList; } SdrObjList::~SdrObjList() { DBG_DTOR(SdrObjList,NULL); // #111111# // To avoid that the Clear() method will broadcast changes when in destruction // which would call virtual methos (not allowed in destructor), the model is set // to NULL here. pModel = 0L; Clear(); // Containerinhalt loeschen! } void SdrObjList::operator=(const SdrObjList& rSrcList) { Clear(); eListKind=rSrcList.eListKind; CopyObjects(rSrcList); } void SdrObjList::CopyObjects(const SdrObjList& rSrcList) { Clear(); bObjOrdNumsDirty=FALSE; bRectsDirty =FALSE; ULONG nCloneErrCnt=0; ULONG nAnz=rSrcList.GetObjCount(); SdrInsertReason aReason(SDRREASON_COPY); ULONG no; for (no=0; noClone(pPage,pModel); SdrObject* pDO = pSO->Clone(); pDO->SetModel(pModel); pDO->SetPage(pPage); if (pDO!=NULL) { NbcInsertObject(pDO,CONTAINER_APPEND,&aReason); } else { nCloneErrCnt++; } } // und nun zu den Konnektoren // Die neuen Objekte werden auf die der rSrcList abgebildet // und so die Objektverbindungen hergestellt. // Aehnliche Implementation an folgenden Stellen: // void SdrObjList::CopyObjects(const SdrObjList& rSrcList) // SdrModel* SdrExchangeView::GetMarkedObjModel() const // FASTBOOL SdrExchangeView::Paste(const SdrModel& rMod,...) // void SdrEditView::CopyMarked() if (nCloneErrCnt==0) { for (no=0; noGetConnectedNode(TRUE); SdrObject* pSrcNode2=pSrcEdge->GetConnectedNode(FALSE); if (pSrcNode1!=NULL && pSrcNode1->GetObjList()!=pSrcEdge->GetObjList()) pSrcNode1=NULL; // Listenuebergreifend if (pSrcNode2!=NULL && pSrcNode2->GetObjList()!=pSrcEdge->GetObjList()) pSrcNode2=NULL; // ist (noch) nicht if (pSrcNode1!=NULL || pSrcNode2!=NULL) { SdrObject* pEdgeObjTmp=GetObj(no); SdrEdgeObj* pDstEdge=PTR_CAST(SdrEdgeObj,pEdgeObjTmp); if (pDstEdge!=NULL) { if (pSrcNode1!=NULL) { ULONG nDstNode1=pSrcNode1->GetOrdNum(); SdrObject* pDstNode1=GetObj(nDstNode1); if (pDstNode1!=NULL) { // Sonst grober Fehler! pDstEdge->ConnectToNode(TRUE,pDstNode1); } else { DBG_ERROR("SdrObjList::operator=(): pDstNode1==NULL!"); } } if (pSrcNode2!=NULL) { ULONG nDstNode2=pSrcNode2->GetOrdNum(); SdrObject* pDstNode2=GetObj(nDstNode2); if (pDstNode2!=NULL) { // Node war sonst wohl nicht markiert pDstEdge->ConnectToNode(FALSE,pDstNode2); } else { DBG_ERROR("SdrObjList::operator=(): pDstNode2==NULL!"); } } } else { DBG_ERROR("SdrObjList::operator=(): pDstEdge==NULL!"); } } } } } else { #ifdef DBG_UTIL ByteString aStr("SdrObjList::operator=(): Fehler beim Clonen "); if(nCloneErrCnt == 1) { aStr += "eines Zeichenobjekts."; } else { aStr += "von "; aStr += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nCloneErrCnt ); aStr += " Zeichenobjekten."; } aStr += " Objektverbindungen werden nicht mitkopiert."; DBG_ERROR(aStr.GetBuffer()); #endif } } void SdrObjList::Clear() { // #110094#-9 sal_Bool bObjectsRemoved(sal_False); while(maList.Count()) { // remove last object from list SdrObject* pObj = (SdrObject*)maList.Remove(maList.Count() - 1L); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); bObjectsRemoved = sal_True; // sent remove hint (after removal, see RemoveObject()) if(pModel) { SdrHint aHint(*pObj); aHint.SetKind(HINT_OBJREMOVED); aHint.SetPage(pPage); pModel->Broadcast(aHint); } // delete the object itself delete pObj; } if(pModel && bObjectsRemoved) { pModel->SetChanged(); } } SdrPage* SdrObjList::GetPage() const { return pPage; } void SdrObjList::SetPage(SdrPage* pNewPage) { if (pPage!=pNewPage) { pPage=pNewPage; ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); for (ULONG no=0; noSetPage(pPage); } } } SdrModel* SdrObjList::GetModel() const { return pModel; } void SdrObjList::SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel) { if (pModel!=pNewModel) { pModel=pNewModel; ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); for (ULONG i=0; iSetModel(pModel); } } } void SdrObjList::RecalcObjOrdNums() { ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); for (ULONG no=0; noSetOrdNum(no); } bObjOrdNumsDirty=FALSE; } void SdrObjList::RecalcRects() { aOutRect=Rectangle(); aSnapRect=aOutRect; ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); ULONG i; for (i=0; iGetCurrentBoundRect(); aSnapRect=pObj->GetSnapRect(); } else { aOutRect.Union(pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect()); aSnapRect.Union(pObj->GetSnapRect()); } } } void SdrObjList::SetRectsDirty() { bRectsDirty=TRUE; if (pUpList!=NULL) pUpList->SetRectsDirty(); } void SdrObjList::NbcInsertObject(SdrObject* pObj, ULONG nPos, const SdrInsertReason* /*pReason*/) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::NbcInsertObject(NULL)"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(!pObj->IsInserted(),"ZObjekt hat bereits Inserted-Status"); ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); if (nPos>nAnz) nPos=nAnz; maList.Insert(pObj,nPos); if (nPosSetOrdNum(nPos); pObj->SetObjList(this); pObj->SetPage(pPage); // #110094# pObj->ActionInserted(); if (!bRectsDirty) { aOutRect.Union(pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect()); aSnapRect.Union(pObj->GetSnapRect()); } pObj->SetInserted(TRUE); // Ruft u.a. den UserCall } } void SdrObjList::InsertObject(SdrObject* pObj, ULONG nPos, const SdrInsertReason* pReason) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::InsertObject(NULL)"); if(pObj) { // #69055# if anchor is used, reset it before grouping if(GetOwnerObj()) { const Point& rAnchorPos = pObj->GetAnchorPos(); if(rAnchorPos.X() || rAnchorPos.Y()) pObj->NbcSetAnchorPos(Point()); } // do insert to new group NbcInsertObject(pObj, nPos, pReason); // Falls das Objekt in eine Gruppe eingefuegt wird // und nicht mit seinen Bruedern ueberlappt, muss es // einen eigenen Redraw bekommen if(pOwnerObj) { // only repaint here pOwnerObj->ActionChanged(); } if(pModel) { // Hier muss ein anderer Broadcast her! // Repaint ab Objekt Nummer ... (Achtung: GroupObj) if(pObj->GetPage()) { SdrHint aHint(*pObj); aHint.SetKind(HINT_OBJINSERTED); pModel->Broadcast(aHint); } pModel->SetChanged(); } } } SdrObject* SdrObjList::NbcRemoveObject(ULONG nObjNum) { ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.Remove(nObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"Object zum Removen nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); pObj->SetInserted(FALSE); // Ruft u.a. den UserCall pObj->SetObjList(NULL); pObj->SetPage(NULL); if (!bObjOrdNumsDirty) { // Optimierung fuer den Fall, dass das letzte Obj rausgenommen wird if (nObjNum!=ULONG(nAnz-1)) { bObjOrdNumsDirty=TRUE; } } SetRectsDirty(); } return pObj; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::RemoveObject(ULONG nObjNum) { ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.Remove(nObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"Object zum Removen nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); if (pModel!=NULL) { // Hier muss ein anderer Broadcast her! if (pObj->GetPage()!=NULL) { SdrHint aHint(*pObj); aHint.SetKind(HINT_OBJREMOVED); pModel->Broadcast(aHint); } pModel->SetChanged(); } pObj->SetInserted(FALSE); // Ruft u.a. den UserCall pObj->SetObjList(NULL); pObj->SetPage(NULL); if (!bObjOrdNumsDirty) { // Optimierung fuer den Fall, dass das letzte Obj rausgenommen wird if (nObjNum!=ULONG(nAnz-1)) { bObjOrdNumsDirty=TRUE; } } SetRectsDirty(); if (pOwnerObj!=NULL && GetObjCount()==0) { // only repaint here pOwnerObj->ActionChanged(); } } return pObj; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::NbcReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, ULONG nObjNum) { SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.GetObject(nObjNum); DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::ReplaceObject: Object zum Removen nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"SdrObjList::ReplaceObject: ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); pObj->SetInserted(FALSE); pObj->SetObjList(NULL); pObj->SetPage(NULL); maList.Replace(pNewObj,nObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); pNewObj->SetOrdNum(nObjNum); pNewObj->SetObjList(this); pNewObj->SetPage(pPage); // #110094# pNewObj->ActionInserted(); pNewObj->SetInserted(TRUE); SetRectsDirty(); } return pObj; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::ReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, ULONG nObjNum) { //ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.GetObject(nObjNum); DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::ReplaceObject: Object zum Removen nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"SdrObjList::ReplaceObject: ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); if (pModel!=NULL) { // Hier muss ein anderer Broadcast her! if (pObj->GetPage()!=NULL) { SdrHint aHint(*pObj); aHint.SetKind(HINT_OBJREMOVED); pModel->Broadcast(aHint); } } pObj->SetInserted(FALSE); pObj->SetObjList(NULL); pObj->SetPage(NULL); maList.Replace(pNewObj,nObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); pNewObj->SetOrdNum(nObjNum); pNewObj->SetObjList(this); pNewObj->SetPage(pPage); // #110094# pNewObj->ActionInserted(); pNewObj->SetInserted(TRUE); if (pModel!=NULL) { // Hier muss ein anderer Broadcast her! if (pNewObj->GetPage()!=NULL) { SdrHint aHint(*pNewObj); aHint.SetKind(HINT_OBJINSERTED); pModel->Broadcast(aHint); } pModel->SetChanged(); } SetRectsDirty(); } return pObj; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::NbcSetObjectOrdNum(ULONG nOldObjNum, ULONG nNewObjNum) { SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.GetObject(nOldObjNum); if (nOldObjNum==nNewObjNum) return pObj; DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::NbcSetObjectOrdNum: Object nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"SdrObjList::NbcSetObjectOrdNum: ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); maList.Remove(nOldObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); maList.Insert(pObj,nNewObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionInserted(); pObj->SetOrdNum(nNewObjNum); bObjOrdNumsDirty=TRUE; } return pObj; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::SetObjectOrdNum(ULONG nOldObjNum, ULONG nNewObjNum) { SdrObject* pObj=(SdrObject*)maList.GetObject(nOldObjNum); if (nOldObjNum==nNewObjNum) return pObj; DBG_ASSERT(pObj!=NULL,"SdrObjList::SetObjectOrdNum: Object nicht gefunden"); if (pObj!=NULL) { DBG_ASSERT(pObj->IsInserted(),"SdrObjList::SetObjectOrdNum: ZObjekt hat keinen Inserted-Status"); maList.Remove(nOldObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionRemoved(); maList.Insert(pObj,nNewObjNum); // #110094# pObj->ActionInserted(); pObj->SetOrdNum(nNewObjNum); bObjOrdNumsDirty=TRUE; if (pModel!=NULL) { // Hier muss ein anderer Broadcast her! if (pObj->GetPage()!=NULL) pModel->Broadcast(SdrHint(*pObj)); pModel->SetChanged(); } } return pObj; } const Rectangle& SdrObjList::GetAllObjSnapRect() const { if (bRectsDirty) { ((SdrObjList*)this)->RecalcRects(); ((SdrObjList*)this)->bRectsDirty=FALSE; } return aSnapRect; } const Rectangle& SdrObjList::GetAllObjBoundRect() const { if (bRectsDirty) { ((SdrObjList*)this)->RecalcRects(); ((SdrObjList*)this)->bRectsDirty=FALSE; } return aOutRect; } SdrObject* SdrObjList::CheckHit(const Point& rPnt, USHORT nTol, const SetOfByte* pVisiLayer, FASTBOOL bBackward) const { SdrObject* pHit=NULL; Rectangle R(rPnt.X()-nTol,rPnt.Y()-nTol,rPnt.X()+nTol,rPnt.Y()+nTol); if (R.IsOver(GetAllObjBoundRect())) { ULONG nObjAnz=GetObjCount(); ULONG nObjNum=bBackward ? 0 : nObjAnz; while (pHit==NULL && (bBackward ? nObjNum0)) { if (!bBackward) nObjNum--; SdrObject* pObj=GetObj(nObjNum); if (R.IsOver(pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect())) { SdrObjList* pSubList=pObj->GetSubList(); if (pSubList!=NULL || pVisiLayer==NULL) { // Gruppenobjekte beruecksichtigen sichtbare Layer selbst pHit=pObj->CheckHit(rPnt,nTol,pVisiLayer/*,bBackward*/); } else { // Ansonsten nur wenn Layer sichtbar SdrLayerID nLayer=pObj->GetLayer(); if (pVisiLayer->IsSet(nLayer)) { pHit=pObj->CheckHit(rPnt,nTol,pVisiLayer/*,bBackward*/); } } } if (bBackward) nObjNum++; } } return pHit; } void SdrObjList::NbcReformatAllTextObjects() { ULONG nAnz=GetObjCount(); ULONG nNum=0; Printer* pPrinter = NULL; if (pModel) { if (pModel->GetRefDevice() && pModel->GetRefDevice()->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER) { // Kein RefDevice oder RefDevice kein Printer pPrinter = (Printer*) pModel->GetRefDevice(); } } while (nNumGetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OLE2 && !( (SdrOle2Obj*) pObj )->IsEmpty() ) { //const SvInPlaceObjectRef& xObjRef = ((SdrOle2Obj*) pObj)->GetObjRef(); //TODO/LATER: PrinterChangeNotification needed //if( xObjRef.Is() && ( xObjRef->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_RESIZEONPRINTERCHANGE ) ) // xObjRef->OnDocumentPrinterChanged(pPrinter); } pObj->NbcReformatText(); nAnz=GetObjCount(); // ReformatText may delete an object nNum++; } } void SdrObjList::ReformatAllTextObjects() { NbcReformatAllTextObjects(); } /** steps over all available objects and reformats all edge objects that are connected to other objects so that they may reposition itselfs. #103122# */ void SdrObjList::ReformatAllEdgeObjects() { const sal_uInt32 nCount=GetObjCount(); sal_uInt32 nObj; for( nObj = 0; nObj < nCount; nObj++ ) { SdrObject* pObj = GetObj(nObj); if( pObj->ISA(SdrEdgeObj) ) static_cast(pObj)->Reformat(); } } void SdrObjList::BurnInStyleSheetAttributes() { for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < GetObjCount(); a++) { GetObj(a)->BurnInStyleSheetAttributes(); } } FASTBOOL SdrObjList::ImpGetFillColor(SdrObject* pObj, Color& rCol) const { return GetDraftFillColor(pObj->GetMergedItemSet(), rCol); } FASTBOOL SdrObjList::GetFillColor(const Point& rPnt, const SetOfByte& rVisLayers, /*FASTBOOL bLayerSorted,*/ Color& rCol) const { if (pModel==NULL) return FALSE; FASTBOOL bRet=FALSE; FASTBOOL bMaster=pPage!=NULL ? pPage->IsMasterPage() : FALSE; for (ULONG no=GetObjCount(); !bRet && no>0; ) { no--; SdrObject* pObj=GetObj(no); SdrObjList* pOL=pObj->GetSubList(); if (pOL!=NULL) { // Aha, Gruppenobjekt bRet=pOL->GetFillColor(rPnt,rVisLayers,/*bLayerSorted,*/rCol); } else { SdrTextObj* pTextObj=PTR_CAST(SdrTextObj,pObj); // #108867# Exclude zero master page object (i.e. background // shape) from color query if (pTextObj!=NULL && pObj->IsClosedObj() && rVisLayers.IsSet(pObj->GetLayer()) && (!bMaster || (!pObj->IsNotVisibleAsMaster() && no!=0)) && pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect().IsInside(rPnt) && !pTextObj->IsHideContour() && pObj->IsHit(rPnt,0,NULL)) { // Nachfolgend extra Funktion um Stack zu sparen, // da diese Methode hier rekursiv ist. bRet=ImpGetFillColor(pObj,rCol); } } } return bRet; } FASTBOOL SdrObjList::IsReadOnly() const { FASTBOOL bRet=FALSE; if (pPage!=NULL && pPage!=this) bRet=pPage->IsReadOnly(); return bRet; } ULONG SdrObjList::CountAllObjects() const { ULONG nCnt=GetObjCount(); ULONG nAnz=nCnt; for (USHORT nNum=0; nNumGetSubList(); if (pSubOL!=NULL) { nCnt+=pSubOL->CountAllObjects(); } } return nCnt; } void SdrObjList::ForceSwapInObjects() const { ULONG nObjAnz=GetObjCount(); for (ULONG nObjNum=nObjAnz; nObjNum>0;) { SdrObject* pObj=GetObj(--nObjNum); SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj=PTR_CAST(SdrGrafObj,pObj); if (pGrafObj!=NULL) { pGrafObj->ForceSwapIn(); } SdrObjList* pOL=pObj->GetSubList(); if (pOL!=NULL) { pOL->ForceSwapInObjects(); } } } void SdrObjList::ForceSwapOutObjects() const { ULONG nObjAnz=GetObjCount(); for (ULONG nObjNum=nObjAnz; nObjNum>0;) { SdrObject* pObj=GetObj(--nObjNum); SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj=PTR_CAST(SdrGrafObj,pObj); if (pGrafObj!=NULL) { pGrafObj->ForceSwapOut(); } SdrObjList* pOL=pObj->GetSubList(); if (pOL!=NULL) { pOL->ForceSwapOutObjects(); } } } void SdrObjList::FlattenGroups() { sal_Int32 nObj = GetObjCount(); sal_Int32 i; for( i=nObj-1; i>=0; --i) UnGroupObj(i); } void SdrObjList::UnGroupObj( ULONG nObjNum ) { // if the given object is no group, this method is a noop SdrObject* pUngroupObj = GetObj( nObjNum ); if( pUngroupObj ) { SdrObjList* pSrcLst = pUngroupObj->GetSubList(); //sal_Int32 nCount( 0 ); if( pUngroupObj->ISA( SdrObjGroup ) && pSrcLst ) { SdrObjGroup* pUngroupGroup = static_cast< SdrObjGroup* > (pUngroupObj); // ungroup recursively (has to be head recursion, // otherwise our indices will get trashed when doing it in // the loop) pSrcLst->FlattenGroups(); // the position at which we insert the members of rUngroupGroup sal_Int32 nInsertPos( pUngroupGroup->GetOrdNum() ); SdrObject* pObj; sal_Int32 i, nAnz = pSrcLst->GetObjCount(); for( i=0; iRemoveObject(0); SdrInsertReason aReason(SDRREASON_VIEWCALL, pUngroupGroup); InsertObject(pObj, nInsertPos, &aReason); ++nInsertPos; } RemoveObject(nInsertPos); } } #ifdef DBG_UTIL else DBG_ERROR("SdrObjList::UnGroupObj: object index invalid"); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrPageGridFrameList::Clear() { USHORT nAnz=GetCount(); for (USHORT i=0; impViewContact = ((SdrPage*)this)->CreateObjectSpecificViewContact(); } return *mpViewContact; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYPEINIT1(SdrPage,SdrObjList); SdrPage::SdrPage(SdrModel& rNewModel, bool bMasterPage) : SdrObjList(&rNewModel, this), mpViewContact(0L), nWdt(10L), nHgt(10L), nBordLft(0L), nBordUpp(0L), nBordRgt(0L), nBordLwr(0L), pLayerAdmin(new SdrLayerAdmin(&rNewModel.GetLayerAdmin())), pBackgroundObj(0L), mpMasterPageDescriptor(0L), nPageNum(0L), bMaster(bMasterPage), bInserted(sal_False), bObjectsNotPersistent(sal_False), bSwappingLocked(sal_False) { aPrefVisiLayers.SetAll(); eListKind = (bMasterPage) ? SDROBJLIST_MASTERPAGE : SDROBJLIST_DRAWPAGE; } SdrPage::SdrPage(const SdrPage& rSrcPage) : SdrObjList(rSrcPage.pModel, this), tools::WeakBase< SdrPage >(), mpViewContact(0L), nWdt(rSrcPage.nWdt), nHgt(rSrcPage.nHgt), nBordLft(rSrcPage.nBordLft), nBordUpp(rSrcPage.nBordUpp), nBordRgt(rSrcPage.nBordRgt), nBordLwr(rSrcPage.nBordLwr), pLayerAdmin(new SdrLayerAdmin(rSrcPage.pModel->GetLayerAdmin())), pBackgroundObj(0L), mpMasterPageDescriptor(0L), nPageNum(rSrcPage.nPageNum), bMaster(rSrcPage.bMaster), bInserted(sal_False), bObjectsNotPersistent(rSrcPage.bObjectsNotPersistent), bSwappingLocked(rSrcPage.bSwappingLocked) { aPrefVisiLayers.SetAll(); eListKind = (bMaster) ? SDROBJLIST_MASTERPAGE : SDROBJLIST_DRAWPAGE; // copy things from source *this = rSrcPage; // be careful and correct eListKind, a member of SdrObjList which // will be changed by the SdrOIbjList::operator= before... eListKind = (bMaster) ? SDROBJLIST_MASTERPAGE : SDROBJLIST_DRAWPAGE; } SdrPage::~SdrPage() { // #111111# // tell all the registered PageUsers that the page is in destruction // This causes some (all?) PageUsers to remove themselves from the list // of page users. Therefore we have to use a copy of the list for the // iteration. ::sdr::PageUserVector aListCopy (maPageUsers.begin(), maPageUsers.end()); for(::sdr::PageUserVector::iterator aIterator = aListCopy.begin(); aIterator != aListCopy.end(); aIterator++) { sdr::PageUser* pPageUser = *aIterator; DBG_ASSERT(pPageUser, "SdrPage::~SdrPage: corrupt PageUser list (!)"); pPageUser->PageInDestruction(*this); } // #111111# // Clear the vector. This means that user do not need to call RemovePageUser() // when they get called from PageInDestruction(). maPageUsers.clear(); delete pBackgroundObj; delete pLayerAdmin; TRG_ClearMasterPage(); // #110094# if(mpViewContact) { mpViewContact->PrepareDelete(); delete mpViewContact; mpViewContact = 0L; } } void SdrPage::operator=(const SdrPage& rSrcPage) { if(mpViewContact) { delete mpViewContact; mpViewContact = 0L; } if(pBackgroundObj) { delete pBackgroundObj; pBackgroundObj = 0L; } // Joe also sets some parameters for the class this one // is derived from. SdrObjList does the same bad handling of // copy constructor and operator=, so i better let it stand here. pPage = this; // copy all the local parameters to make this instance // a valid copy od source page before copying and inserting // the contained objects bMaster = rSrcPage.bMaster; bSwappingLocked = rSrcPage.bSwappingLocked; aPrefVisiLayers = rSrcPage.aPrefVisiLayers; nWdt = rSrcPage.nWdt; nHgt = rSrcPage.nHgt; nBordLft = rSrcPage.nBordLft; nBordUpp = rSrcPage.nBordUpp; nBordRgt = rSrcPage.nBordRgt; nBordLwr = rSrcPage.nBordLwr; nPageNum = rSrcPage.nPageNum; if(rSrcPage.TRG_HasMasterPage()) { TRG_SetMasterPage(rSrcPage.TRG_GetMasterPage()); TRG_SetMasterPageVisibleLayers(rSrcPage.TRG_GetMasterPageVisibleLayers()); } else { TRG_ClearMasterPage(); } //aMasters = rSrcPage.aMasters; bObjectsNotPersistent = rSrcPage.bObjectsNotPersistent; if(rSrcPage.pBackgroundObj) { pBackgroundObj = rSrcPage.pBackgroundObj->Clone(); pBackgroundObj->SetPage( this ); pBackgroundObj->SetModel( pModel ); // #i62000# for single-page MPBGO, force no line pBackgroundObj->SetMergedItem(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE)); } // Now copy the contained obejcts (by cloning them) SdrObjList::operator=(rSrcPage); } SdrPage* SdrPage::Clone() const { return Clone(NULL); } SdrPage* SdrPage::Clone(SdrModel* pNewModel) const { if (pNewModel==NULL) pNewModel=pModel; SdrPage* pPage2=new SdrPage(*pNewModel); *pPage2=*this; return pPage2; } void SdrPage::SetSize(const Size& aSiz) { nWdt=aSiz.Width(); nHgt=aSiz.Height(); SetChanged(); } Size SdrPage::GetSize() const { return Size(nWdt,nHgt); } INT32 SdrPage::GetWdt() const { return nWdt; } void SdrPage::SetOrientation(Orientation eOri) { // Quadratisch ist und bleibt immer Portrait Size aSiz(GetSize()); if (aSiz.Width()!=aSiz.Height()) { if ((eOri==ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) == (aSiz.Width()>aSiz.Height())) { SetSize(Size(aSiz.Height(),aSiz.Width())); } } } Orientation SdrPage::GetOrientation() const { // Quadratisch ist Portrait Orientation eRet=ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; Size aSiz(GetSize()); if (aSiz.Width()>aSiz.Height()) eRet=ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; return eRet; } INT32 SdrPage::GetHgt() const { return nHgt; } void SdrPage::SetBorder(INT32 nLft, INT32 nUpp, INT32 nRgt, INT32 nLwr) { nBordLft=nLft; nBordUpp=nUpp; nBordRgt=nRgt; nBordLwr=nLwr; SetChanged(); } void SdrPage::SetLftBorder(INT32 nBorder) { nBordLft=nBorder; SetChanged(); } void SdrPage::SetUppBorder(INT32 nBorder) { nBordUpp=nBorder; SetChanged(); } void SdrPage::SetRgtBorder(INT32 nBorder) { nBordRgt=nBorder; SetChanged(); } void SdrPage::SetLwrBorder(INT32 nBorder) { nBordLwr=nBorder; SetChanged(); } INT32 SdrPage::GetLftBorder() const { return nBordLft; } INT32 SdrPage::GetUppBorder() const { return nBordUpp; } INT32 SdrPage::GetRgtBorder() const { return nBordRgt; } INT32 SdrPage::GetLwrBorder() const { return nBordLwr; } void SdrPage::SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel) { SdrModel* pOldModel=pModel; SdrObjList::SetModel(pNewModel); if (pNewModel!=pOldModel) { if (pNewModel!=NULL) { pLayerAdmin->SetParent(&pNewModel->GetLayerAdmin()); } else { pLayerAdmin->SetParent(NULL); } pLayerAdmin->SetModel(pNewModel); if( pBackgroundObj ) pBackgroundObj->SetModel( pNewModel ); } // update listeners at possible api wrapper object if( pOldModel != pNewModel ) { uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xPage( mxUnoPage ); if( xPage.is() ) { SvxDrawPage* pPage2 = SvxDrawPage::getImplementation( xPage ); if( pPage2 ) pPage2->ChangeModel( pNewModel ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #i68775# React on PageNum changes (from Model in most cases) void SdrPage::SetPageNum(sal_uInt16 nNew) { if(nNew != nPageNum) { // change nPageNum = nNew; // notify visualisations, also notifies e.g. buffered MasterPages ActionChanged(); } } USHORT SdrPage::GetPageNum() const { if (!bInserted) return 0; if (bMaster) { if (pModel && pModel->IsMPgNumsDirty()) ((SdrModel*)pModel)->RecalcPageNums(TRUE); } else { if (pModel && pModel->IsPagNumsDirty()) ((SdrModel*)pModel)->RecalcPageNums(FALSE); } return nPageNum; } void SdrPage::SetChanged() { // #110094#-11 // For test purposes, use the new ViewContact for change // notification now. ActionChanged(); if( pModel ) { pModel->SetChanged(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MasterPage interface void SdrPage::TRG_SetMasterPage(SdrPage& rNew) { if(mpMasterPageDescriptor && &(mpMasterPageDescriptor->GetUsedPage()) == &rNew) return; if(mpMasterPageDescriptor) TRG_ClearMasterPage(); mpMasterPageDescriptor = new ::sdr::MasterPageDescriptor(*this, rNew); GetViewContact().ActionChildInserted(rNew.GetViewContact()); } void SdrPage::TRG_ClearMasterPage() { if(mpMasterPageDescriptor) { SetChanged(); sdr::contact::ViewContact& rMasterPageViewContact = mpMasterPageDescriptor->GetUsedPage().GetViewContact(); rMasterPageViewContact.ActionRemoved(); delete mpMasterPageDescriptor; mpMasterPageDescriptor = 0L; } } SdrPage& SdrPage::TRG_GetMasterPage() const { DBG_ASSERT(mpMasterPageDescriptor != 0L, "TRG_GetMasterPage(): No MasterPage available. Use TRG_HasMasterPage() before access (!)"); return mpMasterPageDescriptor->GetUsedPage(); } const SetOfByte& SdrPage::TRG_GetMasterPageVisibleLayers() const { DBG_ASSERT(mpMasterPageDescriptor != 0L, "TRG_GetMasterPageVisibleLayers(): No MasterPage available. Use TRG_HasMasterPage() before access (!)"); return mpMasterPageDescriptor->GetVisibleLayers(); } void SdrPage::TRG_SetMasterPageVisibleLayers(const SetOfByte& rNew) { DBG_ASSERT(mpMasterPageDescriptor != 0L, "TRG_SetMasterPageVisibleLayers(): No MasterPage available. Use TRG_HasMasterPage() before access (!)"); mpMasterPageDescriptor->SetVisibleLayers(rNew); } sdr::contact::ViewContact& SdrPage::TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact() const { DBG_ASSERT(mpMasterPageDescriptor != 0L, "TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact(): No MasterPage available. Use TRG_HasMasterPage() before access (!)"); return mpMasterPageDescriptor->GetViewContact(); } // #115423# used from SdrModel::RemoveMasterPage void SdrPage::TRG_ImpMasterPageRemoved(const SdrPage& rRemovedPage) { if(TRG_HasMasterPage()) { if(&TRG_GetMasterPage() == &rRemovedPage) { TRG_ClearMasterPage(); } } } // MasterPage interface //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FASTBOOL SdrPage::ImplGetFillColor(const Point& rPnt, const SetOfByte& rVisLayers, /* FASTBOOL bLayerSorted,*/ Color& rCol, FASTBOOL bSkipBackgroundShape) const { if (pModel==NULL) return FALSE; FASTBOOL bRet=SdrObjList::GetFillColor(rPnt,rVisLayers,/*bLayerSorted,*/rCol); if (!bRet && !bMaster) { // nun zu den Masterpages if(TRG_HasMasterPage()) { SetOfByte aSet(rVisLayers); aSet &= TRG_GetMasterPageVisibleLayers(); SdrPage& rMasterPage = TRG_GetMasterPage(); // #108867# Don't fall back to background shape on // master pages. This is later handled by // GetBackgroundColor, and is necessary to cater for // the silly ordering: 1. shapes, 2. master page // shapes, 3. page background, 4. master page // background. bRet = rMasterPage.ImplGetFillColor(rPnt, aSet, rCol, TRUE); } } // #108867# Only now determine background color from background shapes if( !bRet && !bSkipBackgroundShape ) { rCol = GetBackgroundColor(); return TRUE; } return bRet; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FASTBOOL SdrPage::GetFillColor(const Point& rPnt, const SetOfByte& rVisLayers, /*FASTBOOL bLayerSorted,*/ Color& rCol) const { // #108867# Wrapper for ImplGetFillColor. Used to properly set the // bSkipBackgroundShape parameter. Never skip background shape on // first level of recursion return ImplGetFillColor(rPnt,rVisLayers,/*bLayerSorted,*/rCol,FALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const SdrPageGridFrameList* SdrPage::GetGridFrameList(const SdrPageView* /*pPV*/, const Rectangle* /*pRect*/) const { return NULL; } XubString SdrPage::GetLayoutName() const { // Die wollte Dieter haben. return String(); } void SdrPage::SetBackgroundObj( SdrObject* pObj ) { if ( pObj ) { pObj->SetPage( this ); pObj->SetModel( pModel ); pObj->SetLayer( 1 ); // Nothing known about the backgroundlayer... // #i62000# for single-page MPBGO, force no line pObj->SetMergedItem(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE)); } delete pBackgroundObj; pBackgroundObj = pObj; } void SdrPage::SetInserted( FASTBOOL bIns ) { if( bInserted != bIns ) { bInserted = bIns; SdrObjListIter aIter( *this, IM_FLAT ); while ( aIter.IsMore() ) { SdrObject* pObj = aIter.Next(); if ( pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj) ) { if( bInserted ) ( (SdrOle2Obj*) pObj)->Connect(); else ( (SdrOle2Obj*) pObj)->Disconnect(); } } } } uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SdrPage::getUnoPage() { // try weak reference first uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xPage( mxUnoPage ); if( !xPage.is() ) { // create one xPage = createUnoPage(); mxUnoPage = xPage; } return xPage; } uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SdrPage::createUnoPage() { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > xInt = #ifndef SVX_LIGHT static_cast( new SvxFmDrawPage( this ) ); #else static_cast( new SvxDrawPage( this ) ); #endif return xInt; } SfxStyleSheet* SdrPage::GetTextStyleSheetForObject( SdrObject* pObj ) const { return pObj->GetStyleSheet(); } FASTBOOL SdrPage::HasTransparentObjects( BOOL bCheckForAlphaChannel ) const { FASTBOOL bRet = FALSE; for( ULONG n = 0, nCount = GetObjCount(); ( n < nCount ) && !bRet; n++ ) if( GetObj( n )->IsTransparent( bCheckForAlphaChannel ) ) bRet = TRUE; return bRet; } /** returns an averaged background color of this page */ Color SdrPage::GetBackgroundColor( SdrPageView* pView ) const { Color aColor; if( (NULL == pView) || (pView->GetApplicationDocumentColor() == COL_AUTO) ) { svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig; aColor = aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::DOCCOLOR ).nColor; } else { aColor = pView->GetApplicationDocumentColor(); } // first, see if we have a background object SdrObject* pBackgroundObj2 = NULL; if( IsMasterPage() ) { if( GetObjCount() ) pBackgroundObj2 = GetObj( 0 ); } else { pBackgroundObj2 = GetBackgroundObj(); if( NULL == pBackgroundObj2 ) { // if not, see if we have a masterpage and get that background object if(TRG_HasMasterPage()) { SdrPage& rMasterPage = TRG_GetMasterPage(); if(rMasterPage.GetObjCount()) { pBackgroundObj2 = rMasterPage.GetObj( 0 ); } } } } if( pBackgroundObj2 ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = pBackgroundObj2->GetMergedItemSet(); GetDraftFillColor( rSet, aColor ); } return aColor; } /** *deprecated, use GetBackgroundColor with SdrPageView */ Color SdrPage::GetBackgroundColor() const { return GetBackgroundColor( NULL ); } /** this method returns true if the object from the ViewObjectContact should be visible on this page while rendering. bEdit selects if visibility test is for an editing view or a final render, like printing. */ bool SdrPage::checkVisibility( ::sdr::contact::ViewObjectContact& /*rOriginal*/, ::sdr::contact::DisplayInfo& /*rDisplayInfo*/, bool /*bEdit*/) { // this will be handled in the application if needed return true; } // #110094# DrawContact support: Methods for handling Page changes void SdrPage::ActionChanged() const { // Do necessary ViewContact actions GetViewContact().ActionChanged(); // #i48535# also handle MasterPage change if(TRG_HasMasterPage()) { TRG_GetMasterPageDescriptorViewContact().ActionChanged(); } } // NYI: Dummy implementations for declarations in svdpage.hxx Bitmap SdrPage::GetBitmap(const SetOfByte& /*rVisibleLayers*/, FASTBOOL /*bTrimBorders*/) const { DBG_ASSERT(0, "SdrPage::GetBitmap(): not yet implemented."); return Bitmap(); } GDIMetaFile SdrPage::GetMetaFile(const SetOfByte& /*rVisibleLayers*/, FASTBOOL /*bTrimBorders*/) { DBG_ASSERT(0, "SdrPage::GetMetaFile(): not yet implemented."); return GDIMetaFile(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sdr::Comment interface const sdr::Comment& SdrPage::GetCommentByIndex(sal_uInt32 nIndex) { DBG_ASSERT(nIndex < maComments.size(), "SdrPage::GetCommentByIndex: Access out of range (!)"); return maComments[nIndex]; } void SdrPage::AddComment(const sdr::Comment& rNew) { maComments.push_back(rNew); ::std::sort(maComments.begin(), maComments.end()); } void SdrPage::ReplaceCommentByIndex(sal_uInt32 nIndex, const sdr::Comment& rNew) { DBG_ASSERT(nIndex < maComments.size(), "SdrPage::GetCommentByIndex: Access out of range (!)"); if(maComments[nIndex] != rNew) { maComments[nIndex] = rNew; ::std::sort(maComments.begin(), maComments.end()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use new redirector instead of pPaintProc StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector::StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector() : ViewObjectContactRedirector() { } StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector::~StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector() { } void StandardCheckVisisbilityRedirector::PaintObject(::sdr::contact::ViewObjectContact& rOriginal, ::sdr::contact::DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo) { SdrObject* pObject = rOriginal.GetViewContact().TryToGetSdrObject(); if(pObject) { if(pObject->GetPage()) { if(pObject->GetPage()->checkVisibility(rOriginal, rDisplayInfo, false)) { rOriginal.PaintObject(rDisplayInfo); } } } else { // not an object, maybe a page rOriginal.PaintObject(rDisplayInfo); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eof