/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svdscrol.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "svdscrol.hxx" #include #include "svdtrans.hxx" #include "svdpagv.hxx" #include "svdview.hxx" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ImpMtfAnimationInfo::SaveBackground(const ImpSdrMtfAnimator& rAnimator, const Region* pClip) { Point aZero; MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode()); aMapMode.SetOrigin(aZero); aBackground.SetMapMode(aMapMode); Size aOutputSize(rAnimator.aOutputRect.GetSize()); Point aOutputTopLeft(rAnimator.aOutputRect.TopLeft()); aOutputTopLeft+=aOffset; // if (pClip!=NULL) { // Region aRegion(*pClip); // aRegion.Move(-aOutputTopLeft.X(),-aOutputTopLeft.Y()); // aBackground.SetClipRegion(aRegion); // } // #73647# Region aBackClipRegion = pOutDev->GetActiveClipRegion(); aBackClipRegion.Move(-aOutputTopLeft.X(), -aOutputTopLeft.Y()); aBackground.SetClipRegion(aBackClipRegion); aBackground.DrawOutDev(aZero,aOutputSize,aOutputTopLeft,aOutputSize,*pOutDev); // see #68462# // if (pPageView!=NULL) { // Xor ggf. entfernen vom gesicherten Hintergrund // const SdrView& rView=pPageView->GetView(); // if (rView.IsShownXorVisible(pOutDev)) { // Point aPaintPos; // aPaintPos-=aOutputTopLeft; // aPaintPos+=aOffset; // MapMode aMap(aBackground.GetMapMode()); // aMap.SetOrigin(aPaintPos); // aBackground.SetMapMode(aMap); // rView.ToggleShownXor(&aBackground,NULL); // aMap.SetOrigin(aZero); // aBackground.SetMapMode(aMap); // MapMode wieder zurueksetzen, sonst geht das DrawOutDev spaeter schief // } // } aBackground.SetClipRegion(); } void ImpMtfAnimationInfo::Paint(const ImpSdrMtfAnimator& rAnimator, OutputDevice& rOut) const { Point aZero; Size aOutputSize(rAnimator.aOutputRect.GetSize()); Point aOutputTopLeft(rAnimator.aOutputRect.TopLeft()); aOutputTopLeft+=aOffset; Region aClipMerk; FASTBOOL bClipMerk; if (rAnimator.bClipRegion) { bClipMerk=rOut.IsClipRegion(); aClipMerk=rOut.GetClipRegion(); if (aOffset==aZero) { rOut.SetClipRegion(rAnimator.aClipRegion); } else { Region aTempRegion(rAnimator.aClipRegion); aTempRegion.Move(aOffset.X(),aOffset.Y()); rOut.SetClipRegion(aTempRegion); } } rOut.DrawOutDev(aOutputTopLeft,aOutputSize,aZero,aOutputSize,aVirDev); if (rAnimator.bClipRegion) { if (bClipMerk) rOut.SetClipRegion(aClipMerk); else rOut.SetClipRegion(); } } void ImpMtfAnimationInfo::AnimateOneStep(ImpSdrMtfAnimator& rAnimator) { if (bReady) return; Point aZero; Size aOutputSize(rAnimator.aOutputRect.GetSize()); Point aOutputTopLeft(rAnimator.aOutputRect.TopLeft()); aOutputTopLeft+=aOffset; if (!bBackSaved) { MapMode aMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode()); aMapMode.SetOrigin(aZero); aBackground.SetMapMode(aMapMode); if (!aBackground.SetOutputSize(aOutputSize)) { DBG_ERROR("AnimateOneStep(): Zuwenig Speicherplatz zum sichern des Hintergrunds!"); } SaveBackground(rAnimator); bBackSaved=TRUE; aVirDev.SetMapMode(aMapMode); if (!aVirDev.SetOutputSize(aOutputSize)) { DBG_ERROR("AnimateOneStep(): Zuwenig Speicherplatz fuer das Paint-VDev!"); } } // erstmal den Hintergrund ins VDev kopieren aVirDev.DrawOutDev(aZero,aOutputSize,aZero,aOutputSize,aBackground); SdrTextAniKind eAniKind=rAnimator.eAniKind; SdrTextAniDirection eDirection=rAnimator.eDirection; FASTBOOL bBlink=eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_BLINK; FASTBOOL bSlide=eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_SLIDE; FASTBOOL bHorz=eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_LEFT || eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_RIGHT; FASTBOOL bVert=eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_UP || eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_DOWN; FASTBOOL bRev=eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_RIGHT || eDirection==SDRTEXTANI_DOWN; if (bBackTrack) bRev=!bRev; // Rueckweg bei Alternate (oder Slide) FASTBOOL bStartInside=rAnimator.bStartInside && !bSlide; FASTBOOL bStopInside=rAnimator.bStopInside || bSlide; Rectangle aScrollFrameRect(rAnimator.aScrollFrameRect); Rectangle aMtfBoundRect(rAnimator.aMtfBoundRect); long nFL=bHorz?aScrollFrameRect.Left():aScrollFrameRect.Top(); // Frame Links bzw. Oben long nFR=bHorz?aScrollFrameRect.Right():aScrollFrameRect.Bottom(); // Frame Rechts bzw. Unten long nFW=nFR-nFL; // Frame Breite bzw. Hoehe long nTL=bHorz?aMtfBoundRect.Left():aMtfBoundRect.Top(); // Text Links bzw. Oben long nTR=bHorz?aMtfBoundRect.Right():aMtfBoundRect.Bottom(); // Text Rechts bzw. Unten long nTW=nTR-nTL; // Text Breite bzw. Hoehe if (bNeu) { bNeu=FALSE; bShown=TRUE; if (bBlink) { bShown=bStartInside; } else { if (bStartInside && nLoopNum==0) { // Wenn der Text kleiner als der Scrollbereich, dann andere StartPos (wie bRev) nLoopStep=0; // Die durch die Verankerung vorgegebene Position verwenden! } else { if (!bRev) nLoopStep=nFR-nTL; else nLoopStep=nFL-nTR; } } } else { USHORT nMaxLoop=rAnimator.nMaxCount; if (bSlide && nMaxLoop==0) nMaxLoop=1; if (bBlink && nMaxLoop!=0 && !bStartInside && !bStopInside) nMaxLoop++; // etwas andere Zaehlung beim Blinken FASTBOOL bLastLoop=nMaxLoop>0 && nLoopNum>=nMaxLoop-1 && (!bSlide || !bBackTrack); if (bBlink) { bShown=!bShown; if (bShown) nLoopNum++; if (bLastLoop && bShown==bStopInside) bReady=TRUE; } else { bShown=TRUE; long nStep=rAnimator.nAmount; if (nStep==0) nStep=-1; if (nStep<0) { nStep=pOutDev->PixelToLogic(Size(-nStep,0)).Width(); } if (!bRev) nStep=-nStep; nLoopStep+=nStep; // Nun den Maximalwert fuer nLoopStep berechnen long nLoopStepMax=0; FASTBOOL bScrollOut=FALSE; if (eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_SCROLL) { if (bLastLoop && bStopInside) nLoopStepMax=0; // Die durch die Verankerung vorgegebene Position verwenden! else bScrollOut=TRUE; } else if (eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_ALTERNATE) { if (bLastLoop) { if (!bStopInside) bScrollOut=TRUE; else nLoopStepMax=0; // Die durch die Verankerung vorgegebene Position verwenden! } else { // Am Rand wenden // Je nachdem, ob die Textbreite oder der sichtbare Bereich // groesser ist, ist der eine oder der andere Rand relevant. if ((!bRev) != (nTW>=nFW)) nLoopStepMax=nFL-nTL; else nLoopStepMax=nFR-nTR; } } else if (bSlide) { if (bBackTrack) bScrollOut=TRUE; else nLoopStepMax=0; // Die durch die Verankerung vorgegebene Position verwenden! } if (bScrollOut) { // Rausschieben if (!bRev) nLoopStepMax=nFL-nTR; else nLoopStepMax=nFR-nTL; } if ((!bRev && nLoopStep<=nLoopStepMax) || (bRev && nLoopStep>=nLoopStepMax)) { // Anschlag erreicht nLoopStep=nLoopStepMax; if (bSlide) { if (!bBackTrack) nLoopNum++; } else { nLoopNum++; } if (!bLastLoop) { if (eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_SCROLL) bNeu=TRUE; // Naechste Runde wieder von vorn else bBackTrack=!bBackTrack; // Sonst Alternate oder Slide } else { bReady=TRUE; } } } } if (rAnimator.pMtf!=NULL && bShown) { rAnimator.pMtf->WindStart(); Point aPaintPos; if (!bBlink) { // hier wird nun die Position bestimmt long nRoundedDistance=nLoopStep; if (rAnimator.nRotateAngle!=0) { // ggf. auf Pixel alignen um tanzende Buchstaben // bei gedrehtem Text einzuschraenken #33360# long nWink=rAnimator.nRotateAngle; if (bVert) nWink+=9000; nWink=NormAngle360(nWink); if (nWink>18000) nWink-=18000; if ((nWink>=3000 && nWink<=6000) || (nWink>=3000+9000 && nWink<=6000+9000)) { // Andere Winkel sind zu Flach double nSin=sin(nWink*nPi180); long nUnrotDist=Round(nRoundedDistance*nSin); nUnrotDist=pOutDev->LogicToPixel(Size(nUnrotDist,0)).Width(); nUnrotDist=pOutDev->PixelToLogic(Size(nUnrotDist,0)).Width(); nRoundedDistance=Round(nUnrotDist/nSin); } } if (bHorz) aPaintPos.X()+=nRoundedDistance; if (bVert) aPaintPos.Y()+=nRoundedDistance; if (rAnimator.nRotateAngle!=0) { RotatePoint(aPaintPos,aZero,rAnimator.nSin,rAnimator.nCos); } } aPaintPos-=aOutputTopLeft; aPaintPos+=aOffset; MapMode aMap(aVirDev.GetMapMode()); aMap.SetOrigin(aPaintPos); aVirDev.SetMapMode(aMap); rAnimator.pMtf->Play(&aVirDev); aMap.SetOrigin(aZero); aVirDev.SetMapMode(aMap); // MapMode wieder zurueksetzen, sonst geht das DrawOutDev spaeter schief } // see #68462# // if (pPageView!=NULL) { // const SdrView& rView=pPageView->GetView(); // if (rView.IsShownXorVisible(pOutDev)) { // Point aPaintPos; // aPaintPos-=aOutputTopLeft; // aPaintPos+=aOffset; // MapMode aMap(aVirDev.GetMapMode()); // aMap.SetOrigin(aPaintPos); // aVirDev.SetMapMode(aMap); // rView.ToggleShownXor(&aVirDev,NULL); // aMap.SetOrigin(aZero); // aVirDev.SetMapMode(aMap); // MapMode wieder zurueksetzen, sonst geht das DrawOutDev spaeter schief // } // } Paint(rAnimator,*pOutDev); } void ImpMtfAnimationInfo::Restart() { bPause=FALSE; bReady=FALSE; bBackSaved=FALSE; bBackTrack=FALSE; bNeu=TRUE; nLoopNum=0; nLoopStep=0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ImpSdrMtfAnimator::ImpSdrMtfAnimator(): aInfoList(1024,16,16), pMtf(NULL), nRotateAngle(0), nSin(0.0), nCos(0.0), bClipRegion(FALSE), eAniKind(SDRTEXTANI_NONE), eDirection(SDRTEXTANI_LEFT), bStartInside(FALSE), bStopInside(FALSE), nMaxCount(0), nDelay(0), nAmount(0) { aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,ImpSdrMtfAnimator,ImpTimerHdl)); } ImpSdrMtfAnimator::~ImpSdrMtfAnimator() { ImpClearInfoList(); if (pMtf!=NULL) delete pMtf; } ULONG ImpSdrMtfAnimator::FindInfo(const OutputDevice& rOut, const Point& rOffset, long nExtraData) const { ULONG nAnz=GetInfoCount(); for (ULONG nNum=0; nNumpOutDev==&rOut && pInfo->aOffset==rOffset && pInfo->nExtraData==nExtraData) { return nNum; } } return CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND; } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::ImpClearInfoList() { ULONG nAnz=GetInfoCount(); for (ULONG nNum=nAnz; nNum>0;) { nNum--; RemoveInfo(nNum); } } IMPL_LINK(ImpSdrMtfAnimator,ImpTimerHdl,AutoTimer*,pTimer) { aNotifyLink.Call(this); ULONG nAnz=GetInfoCount(); for (ULONG nNum=0; nNumbPause) pInfo->AnimateOneStep(*this); } if (nAnz==0) aTimer.Stop(); return 0; } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::SetGDIMetaFile(GDIMetaFile* pMetaFile) { if (pMtf!=NULL) delete pMtf; pMtf=pMetaFile; } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::SetRotateAngle(long nWink) { if (nRotateAngle!=nWink) { nRotateAngle=nWink; double a=nWink*nPi180; nSin=sin(a); nCos=cos(a); } } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { eAniKind =((SdrTextAniKindItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANIKIND )).GetValue(); eDirection =((SdrTextAniDirectionItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANIDIRECTION )).GetValue(); bStartInside=((SdrTextAniStartInsideItem&)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANISTARTINSIDE)).GetValue(); bStopInside =((SdrTextAniStopInsideItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANISTOPINSIDE )).GetValue(); nMaxCount =((SdrTextAniCountItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANICOUNT )).GetValue(); nDelay =((SdrTextAniDelayItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANIDELAY )).GetValue(); nAmount =((SdrTextAniAmountItem &)rSet.Get(SDRATTR_TEXT_ANIAMOUNT )).GetValue(); } ImpMtfAnimationInfo* ImpSdrMtfAnimator::Start(OutputDevice& rOutDev, const Point& rOffset, long nExtraData) { ImpMtfAnimationInfo* pInfo=NULL; ULONG nPos=FindInfo(rOutDev,rOffset,nExtraData); if (nPos==CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pInfo=new ImpMtfAnimationInfo; pInfo->pOutDev=&rOutDev; pInfo->aOffset=rOffset; pInfo->nExtraData=nExtraData; ImpInsertInfo(pInfo); } else { pInfo=GetInfo(nPos); } pInfo->Restart(); long nTimeout=nDelay; if (nTimeout==0) { if (eAniKind==SDRTEXTANI_BLINK) nTimeout=250; else nTimeout=50; } aTimer.SetTimeout(nTimeout); aTimer.Start(); return pInfo; } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::Stop() { ImpClearInfoList(); aTimer.Stop(); } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::Stop(OutputDevice& rOutDev) { ULONG nAnz=GetInfoCount(); for (ULONG nNum=nAnz; nNum>0;) { nNum--; ImpMtfAnimationInfo* pInfo=GetInfo(nNum); if (pInfo->pOutDev==&rOutDev) RemoveInfo(nNum); } if (GetInfoCount()==0) aTimer.Stop(); } void ImpSdrMtfAnimator::Stop(OutputDevice& rOutDev, const Point& rOffset) { ULONG nAnz=GetInfoCount(); for (ULONG nNum=nAnz; nNum>0;) { nNum--; ImpMtfAnimationInfo* pInfo=GetInfo(nNum); if (pInfo->pOutDev==&rOutDev && pInfo->aOffset==rOffset) RemoveInfo(nNum); } if (GetInfoCount()==0) aTimer.Stop(); }