/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svdsnpv.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:01:26 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "svdsnpv.hxx" #include <math.h> #include "svdetc.hxx" #include "svdio.hxx" #include "svdobj.hxx" #include "svdpagv.hxx" #include "svdpage.hxx" #include "svditer.hxx" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@ // @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ // @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ // @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ // @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@ // @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@ // @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrSnapView::ClearVars() { nMagnSizPix=4; bSnapEnab=TRUE; bGridSnap=TRUE; bSnapTo1Pix=TRUE; bBordSnap=TRUE; bHlplSnap=TRUE; bOFrmSnap=TRUE; bOPntSnap=FALSE; bOConSnap=TRUE; bMoveMFrmSnap=TRUE; bMoveOFrmSnap=TRUE; bMoveOPntSnap=TRUE; bMoveOConSnap=TRUE; bMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft=FALSE; bSetPageOrg=FALSE; bOrtho=FALSE; bBigOrtho=TRUE; nSnapAngle=1500; bAngleSnapEnab=FALSE; bMoveOnlyDragging=FALSE; bSlantButShear=FALSE; bCrookNoContortion=FALSE; eCrookMode=SDRCROOK_ROTATE; bHlplFixed=FALSE; pDragHelpLinePV=NULL; nDragHelpLineNum=0; bDragHelpLine=FALSE; bEliminatePolyPoints=FALSE; nEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle=0; } SdrSnapView::SdrSnapView(SdrModel* pModel1, OutputDevice* pOut): SdrPaintView(pModel1,pOut) { ClearVars(); } SdrSnapView::SdrSnapView(SdrModel* pModel1, ExtOutputDevice* pXOut): SdrPaintView(pModel1,pXOut) { ClearVars(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL SdrSnapView::IsAction() const { return IsSetPageOrg() || IsDragHelpLine() || SdrPaintView::IsAction(); } void SdrSnapView::MovAction(const Point& rPnt) { aLastMausPosNoSnap=rPnt; SdrPaintView::MovAction(rPnt); if (IsSetPageOrg()) { MovSetPageOrg(rPnt); } if (IsDragHelpLine()) { MovDragHelpLine(rPnt); } } void SdrSnapView::EndAction() { if (IsSetPageOrg()) { EndSetPageOrg(); } if (IsDragHelpLine()) { EndDragHelpLine(); } SdrPaintView::EndAction(); } void SdrSnapView::BckAction() { BrkSetPageOrg(); BrkDragHelpLine(); SdrPaintView::BckAction(); } void SdrSnapView::BrkAction() { BrkSetPageOrg(); BrkDragHelpLine(); SdrPaintView::BrkAction(); } void SdrSnapView::TakeActionRect(Rectangle& rRect) const { if (IsSetPageOrg() || IsDragHelpLine()) { rRect=Rectangle(aDragStat.GetNow(),aDragStat.GetNow()); } else { SdrPaintView::TakeActionRect(rRect); } } void SdrSnapView::ToggleShownXor(OutputDevice* pOut, const Region* pRegion) const { SdrPaintView::ToggleShownXor(pOut,pRegion); if (IsSetPageOrg()) { DrawSetPageOrg(pOut); } if (IsDragHelpLine()) { DrawDragHelpLine(pOut); } } void SdrSnapView::SnapMove() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Point SdrSnapView::GetSnapPos(const Point& rPnt, const SdrPageView* pPV) const { Point aPt(rPnt); SnapPos(aPt,pPV); return aPt; } #define NOT_SNAPPED 0x7FFFFFFF USHORT SdrSnapView::SnapPos(Point& rPnt, const SdrPageView* pPV) const { if (!bSnapEnab) return SDRSNAP_NOTSNAPPED; BOOL bPVOfs=FALSE; long x=rPnt.X(); long y=rPnt.Y(); long xOffs=0; long yOffs=0; if (pPV==NULL) { bPVOfs=TRUE; pPV=GetPageView(rPnt); if (pPV==NULL) return SDRSNAP_NOTSNAPPED; } bPVOfs=TRUE; // !!!!!!hier stattdessen mal die GridFrames verwenden!!!!!!!! // SdrPage::GetOffset() kann dann entsorgt werden. Point aWriterPageOffset(pPV->GetPage()->GetOffset()); xOffs=pPV->GetOffset().X()+aWriterPageOffset.X(); yOffs=pPV->GetOffset().Y()+aWriterPageOffset.Y(); x-=xOffs; y-=yOffs; long dx=NOT_SNAPPED; long dy=NOT_SNAPPED; long dx1,dy1; long mx=aMagnSiz.Width(); long my=aMagnSiz.Height(); if (bHlplVisible && bHlplSnap && !bDragHelpLine) { const SdrHelpLineList& rHLL=pPV->GetHelpLines(); USHORT nAnz=rHLL.GetCount(); for (USHORT i=nAnz; i>0;) { i--; const SdrHelpLine& rHL=rHLL[i]; const Point& rPos=rHL.GetPos(); switch (rHL.GetKind()) { case SDRHELPLINE_VERTICAL: { long a=x-rPos.X(); if (Abs(a)<=mx) { dx1=-a; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } } break; case SDRHELPLINE_HORIZONTAL: { long b=y-rPos.Y(); if (Abs(b)<=my) { dy1=-b; if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } } break; case SDRHELPLINE_POINT: { long a=x-rPos.X(); long b=y-rPos.Y(); if (Abs(a)<=mx && Abs(b)<=my) { dx1=-a; dy1=-b; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx) && Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) { dx=dx1; dy=dy1; } } } break; } // switch } } if (bBordVisible && bBordSnap) { SdrPage* pPage=pPV->GetPage(); long xs=pPage->GetWdt(); long ys=pPage->GetHgt(); long lft=pPage->GetLftBorder(); long rgt=pPage->GetRgtBorder(); long upp=pPage->GetUppBorder(); long lwr=pPage->GetLwrBorder(); long a; a=x- lft ; if (Abs(a)<=mx) { dx1=-a; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } // linker Rand a=x-(xs-rgt); if (Abs(a)<=mx) { dx1=-a; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } // rechter Rand a=x ; if (Abs(a)<=mx) { dx1=-a; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } // linke Papierkante a=x- xs ; if (Abs(a)<=mx) { dx1=-a; if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } // rechte Papierkante a=y- upp ; if (Abs(a)<=my) { dy1=-a; if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } // linker Rand a=y-(ys-lwr); if (Abs(a)<=my) { dy1=-a; if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } // rechter Rand a=y ; if (Abs(a)<=my) { dy1=-a; if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } // linke Papierkante a=y- ys ; if (Abs(a)<=my) { dy1=-a; if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } // rechte Papierkante } if (bOFrmSnap || bOPntSnap /*|| (bConnVisible && bOConSnap)*/) { ULONG nMaxPointSnapCount=200; ULONG nMaxFrameSnapCount=200; SdrObjListIter aIter(*pPV->GetPage(),IM_FLAT/*IM_DEEPNOGROUPS*/,TRUE); while (aIter.IsMore() && (nMaxPointSnapCount>0 || nMaxFrameSnapCount>0)) { SdrObject* pO=aIter.Next(); Rectangle aRect(pO->GetBoundRect()); aRect.Left ()-=mx; aRect.Right ()+=mx; aRect.Top ()-=my; aRect.Bottom()+=my; if (aRect.IsInside(rPnt)) { if (bOPntSnap && nMaxPointSnapCount>0) { USHORT nAnz=pO->GetSnapPointCount(); for (USHORT i=0; i<nAnz && nMaxPointSnapCount>0; i++) { Point aP(pO->GetSnapPoint(i)); dx1=x-aP.X(); dy1=y-aP.Y(); if (Abs(dx1)<=mx && Abs(dy1)<=my && Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx) && Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) { dx=-dx1; dy=-dy1; } nMaxPointSnapCount--; } } if (bOFrmSnap && nMaxFrameSnapCount>0) { Rectangle aLog(pO->GetSnapRect()); Rectangle aR1(aLog); aR1.Left ()-=mx; aR1.Right ()+=mx; aR1.Top ()-=my; aR1.Bottom()+=my; if (aR1.IsInside(rPnt)) { if (Abs(x-aLog.Left ())<=mx) { dx1=-(x-aLog.Left ()); if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } if (Abs(x-aLog.Right ())<=mx) { dx1=-(x-aLog.Right ()); if (Abs(dx1)<Abs(dx)) dx=dx1; } if (Abs(y-aLog.Top ())<=my) { dy1=-(y-aLog.Top ()); if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } if (Abs(y-aLog.Bottom())<=my) { dy1=-(y-aLog.Bottom()); if (Abs(dy1)<Abs(dy)) dy=dy1; } } nMaxFrameSnapCount--; } } } } if(bGridSnap) { double fSnapWidth = aSnapWdtX; if(dx == NOT_SNAPPED && fSnapWidth != 0.0) { double fx = (double)x; // round statt trunc if(fx - (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().X() >= 0.0) fx += fSnapWidth / 2.0; else fx -= fSnapWidth / 2.0; x = (long)((fx - (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().X()) / fSnapWidth); x = (long)((double)x * fSnapWidth + (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().X()); dx = 0; } fSnapWidth = aSnapWdtY; if(dy == NOT_SNAPPED && fSnapWidth) { double fy = (double)y; // round statt trunc if(fy - (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().Y() >= 0.0) fy += fSnapWidth / 2.0; else fy -= fSnapWidth / 2.0; y = (long)((fy - (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().Y()) / fSnapWidth); y = (long)((double)y * fSnapWidth + (double)pPV->GetPageOrigin().Y()); dy = 0; } } BOOL bRet=SDRSNAP_NOTSNAPPED; if (dx==NOT_SNAPPED) dx=0; else bRet|=SDRSNAP_XSNAPPED; if (dy==NOT_SNAPPED) dy=0; else bRet|=SDRSNAP_YSNAPPED; if (bPVOfs) { x+=xOffs; y+=yOffs; } rPnt.X()=x+dx; rPnt.Y()=y+dy; return bRet; } void SdrSnapView::CheckSnap(const Point& rPt, const SdrPageView* pPV, long& nBestXSnap, long& nBestYSnap, BOOL& bXSnapped, BOOL& bYSnapped) const { Point aPt(rPt); USHORT nRet=SnapPos(aPt,pPV); aPt-=rPt; if ((nRet & SDRSNAP_XSNAPPED) !=0) { if (bXSnapped) { if (Abs(aPt.X())<Abs(nBestXSnap)) { nBestXSnap=aPt.X(); } } else { nBestXSnap=aPt.X(); bXSnapped=TRUE; } } if ((nRet & SDRSNAP_YSNAPPED) !=0) { if (bYSnapped) { if (Abs(aPt.Y())<Abs(nBestYSnap)) { nBestYSnap=aPt.Y(); } } else { nBestYSnap=aPt.Y(); bYSnapped=TRUE; } } } USHORT SdrSnapView::SnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect, const SdrPageView* pPV, long& rDX, long& rDY) const { long nBestXSnap=0; long nBestYSnap=0; BOOL bXSnapped=FALSE; BOOL bYSnapped=FALSE; CheckSnap(rRect.TopLeft() ,pPV,nBestXSnap,nBestYSnap,bXSnapped,bYSnapped); if (!bMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft) { CheckSnap(rRect.TopRight() ,pPV,nBestXSnap,nBestYSnap,bXSnapped,bYSnapped); CheckSnap(rRect.BottomLeft() ,pPV,nBestXSnap,nBestYSnap,bXSnapped,bYSnapped); CheckSnap(rRect.BottomRight(),pPV,nBestXSnap,nBestYSnap,bXSnapped,bYSnapped); } rDX=nBestXSnap; rDY=nBestYSnap; USHORT nRet=0; if (bXSnapped) nRet+=SDRSNAP_XSNAPPED; if (bYSnapped) nRet+=SDRSNAP_YSNAPPED; return nRet; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL SdrSnapView::BegSetPageOrg(const Point& rPnt, OutputDevice* pOut, short nMinMov) { BrkAction(); aAni.Reset(); aAni.SetCrossHair(TRUE); aDragStat.Reset(GetSnapPos(rPnt,NULL)); aDragStat.SetMinMove(ImpGetMinMovLogic(nMinMov,pOut)); if (nMinMov==0) aDragStat.SetMinMoved(); pDragWin=pOut; bSetPageOrg=TRUE; if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) ShowSetPageOrg(pOut); return TRUE; } void SdrSnapView::MovSetPageOrg(const Point& rPnt) { if (bSetPageOrg) { if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) HideSetPageOrg(pDragWin); aDragStat.NextMove(GetSnapPos(rPnt,NULL)); if (aDragStat.CheckMinMoved(rPnt)) ShowSetPageOrg(pDragWin); } } BOOL SdrSnapView::EndSetPageOrg() { BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (bSetPageOrg) { HideSetPageOrg(pDragWin); bSetPageOrg=FALSE; Point aPnt=aDragStat.GetNow(); SdrPageView* pPV=HitPage(aPnt); if (pPV!=NULL) { aPnt-=pPV->GetOffset(); pPV->SetPageOrigin(aPnt); bRet=TRUE; } } return bRet; } void SdrSnapView::BrkSetPageOrg() { if (bSetPageOrg) { HideSetPageOrg(pDragWin); bSetPageOrg=FALSE; } } void SdrSnapView::ShowSetPageOrg(OutputDevice* pOut) { if (bSetPageOrg && !aDragStat.IsShown()) { DrawSetPageOrg(pOut); aDragStat.SetShown(TRUE); aAni.Start(); } } void SdrSnapView::HideSetPageOrg(OutputDevice* pOut) { if (bSetPageOrg && aDragStat.IsShown()) { aAni.Stop(); DrawSetPageOrg(pOut); aDragStat.SetShown(FALSE); } } void SdrSnapView::DrawSetPageOrg(OutputDevice* pOut) const { if (bSetPageOrg) { aAni.SetP1(aDragStat.GetNow()); aAni.Invert(pOut); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL SdrSnapView::PickHelpLine(const Point& rPnt, short nTol, const OutputDevice& rOut, USHORT& rnHelpLineNum, SdrPageView*& rpPV) const { rpPV=NULL; nTol=ImpGetHitTolLogic(nTol,&rOut); for (USHORT nv=GetPageViewCount(); nv>0;) { nv--; SdrPageView* pPV=GetPageViewPvNum(nv); Point aPnt(rPnt); aPnt-=pPV->GetOffset(); USHORT nIndex=pPV->GetHelpLines().HitTest(aPnt,USHORT(nTol),rOut); if (nIndex!=SDRHELPLINE_NOTFOUND) { rpPV=pPV; rnHelpLineNum=nIndex; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL SdrSnapView::BegDragHelpLine(USHORT nHelpLineNum, SdrPageView* pPV, OutputDevice* pOut, short nMinMov) { BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (bHlplFixed) return FALSE; BrkAction(); if (pPV!=NULL && nHelpLineNum<pPV->GetHelpLines().GetCount()) { pDragHelpLinePV=pPV; nDragHelpLineNum=nHelpLineNum; aDragHelpLine=pPV->GetHelpLines()[nHelpLineNum]; Point aPnt(aDragHelpLine.GetPos()); aPnt+=pPV->GetOffset(); aDragHelpLine.SetPos(aPnt); pDragWin=pOut; aDragStat.Reset(GetSnapPos(aPnt,pPV)); aDragStat.SetMinMove(ImpGetMinMovLogic(nMinMov,pOut)); if (nMinMov==0) aDragStat.SetMinMoved(); bDragHelpLine=TRUE; if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) ShowDragHelpLine(pOut); bRet=TRUE; } return bRet; } BOOL SdrSnapView::BegDragHelpLine(const Point& rPnt, SdrHelpLineKind eNewKind, OutputDevice* pOut, short nMinMov) { BOOL bRet=FALSE; BrkAction(); if (GetPageViewCount()>0) { pDragHelpLinePV=NULL; nDragHelpLineNum=0xFFFF; aDragStat.Reset(GetSnapPos(rPnt,NULL)); aDragStat.SetMinMove(ImpGetMinMovLogic(nMinMov,pOut)); if (nMinMov==0) aDragStat.SetMinMoved(); aDragHelpLine.SetPos(aDragStat.GetNow()); aDragHelpLine.SetKind(eNewKind); pDragWin=pOut; bDragHelpLine=TRUE; if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) ShowDragHelpLine(pOut); bRet=TRUE; } return bRet; } void SdrSnapView::SetDraggedHelpLineKind(SdrHelpLineKind eNewKind) { if (bDragHelpLine) { BOOL bVis=aDragStat.IsShown(); HideDragHelpLine(pDragWin); aDragHelpLine.SetKind(eNewKind); aDragStat.SetMinMoved(); ShowDragHelpLine(pDragWin); } } void SdrSnapView::MovDragHelpLine(const Point& rPnt) { if (bDragHelpLine && aDragStat.CheckMinMoved(rPnt)) { Point aPnt(GetSnapPos(rPnt,NULL)); if (aPnt!=aDragStat.GetNow()) { if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) HideDragHelpLine(pDragWin); aDragStat.NextMove(aPnt); aDragHelpLine.SetPos(aDragStat.GetNow()); if (aDragStat.CheckMinMoved(rPnt)) ShowDragHelpLine(pDragWin); } } } BOOL SdrSnapView::EndDragHelpLine() { BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (bDragHelpLine) { if (aDragStat.IsMinMoved()) { HideDragHelpLine(pDragWin); if (pDragHelpLinePV!=NULL) { Point aPnt(aDragStat.GetNow()); aPnt-=pDragHelpLinePV->GetOffset(); // an die PageView anpassen aDragHelpLine.SetPos(aPnt); pDragHelpLinePV->SetHelpLine(nDragHelpLineNum,aDragHelpLine); bRet=TRUE; } else { // ansonsten neue Hilfslinie Point aPnt(aDragStat.GetNow()); SdrPageView* pPV=GetPageView(aPnt); if (pPV!=NULL) { aPnt-=pPV->GetOffset(); // an die PageView anpassen aDragHelpLine.SetPos(aPnt); pDragHelpLinePV=pPV; nDragHelpLineNum=pPV->GetHelpLines().GetCount(); pPV->InsertHelpLine(aDragHelpLine); bRet=TRUE; } } bDragHelpLine=FALSE; } else { BrkDragHelpLine(); } } return bRet; } void SdrSnapView::BrkDragHelpLine() { if (bDragHelpLine) { HideDragHelpLine(pDragWin); bDragHelpLine=FALSE; pDragHelpLinePV=NULL; } } void SdrSnapView::ShowDragHelpLine(OutputDevice* pOut) { if (bDragHelpLine && !aDragStat.IsShown()) { DrawDragHelpLine(pOut); aDragStat.SetShown(TRUE); } } void SdrSnapView::HideDragHelpLine(OutputDevice* pOut) { if (bDragHelpLine && aDragStat.IsShown()) { DrawDragHelpLine(pOut); aDragStat.SetShown(FALSE); } } void SdrSnapView::DrawDragHelpLine(OutputDevice* pOut) const { if (bDragHelpLine) { USHORT i=0; do { OutputDevice* pO=pOut; if (pO==NULL) { pO=GetWin(i); i++; } if (pO!=NULL) { RasterOp eRop0=pO->GetRasterOp(); pO->SetRasterOp(ROP_INVERT); Color aColor0( pO->GetLineColor() ); Color aBlackColor( COL_BLACK ); pO->SetLineColor( aBlackColor ); aDragHelpLine.Draw(*pO,Point()); pO->SetRasterOp(eRop0); pO->SetLineColor( aColor0 ); } } while (pOut==NULL && i<GetWinCount()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SdrSnapView::WriteRecords(SvStream& rOut) const { SdrPaintView::WriteRecords(rOut); { SdrNamedSubRecord aSubRecord(rOut,STREAM_WRITE,SdrInventor,SDRIORECNAME_VIEWSNAP); rOut<<aMagnSiz; rOut<<aSnapSiz; rOut << (BOOL)bSnapEnab; rOut << (BOOL)bGridSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bBordSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bHlplSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bOFrmSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bOPntSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bOConSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveMFrmSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveOFrmSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveOPntSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveOConSnap; rOut << (BOOL)bHlplFixed; rOut<<nMagnSizPix; rOut << (BOOL)bSnapTo1Pix; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft; rOut<<aSnapWdtX; rOut<<aSnapWdtY; } { SdrNamedSubRecord aSubRecord(rOut,STREAM_WRITE,SdrInventor,SDRIORECNAME_VIEWORTHO); rOut << (BOOL)bOrtho; rOut << (BOOL)bBigOrtho; rOut<<nSnapAngle; rOut << (BOOL)bAngleSnapEnab; rOut << (BOOL)bMoveOnlyDragging; rOut << (BOOL)bSlantButShear; rOut << (BOOL)bCrookNoContortion; rOut<<USHORT(eCrookMode); } } BOOL SdrSnapView::ReadRecord(const SdrIOHeader& rViewHead, const SdrNamedSubRecord& rSubHead, SvStream& rIn) { BOOL bRet=FALSE; if (rSubHead.GetInventor()==SdrInventor) { bRet=TRUE; BOOL bZwi; switch (rSubHead.GetIdentifier()) { case SDRIORECNAME_VIEWSNAP: { rIn>>aMagnSiz; rIn>>aSnapSiz; rIn >> bZwi; bSnapEnab = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bGridSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bBordSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bHlplSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bOFrmSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bOPntSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bOConSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bMoveMFrmSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bMoveOFrmSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bMoveOPntSnap = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bMoveOConSnap = bZwi; if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { rIn >> bZwi; bHlplFixed = bZwi; // kam erst spaeter dazu } if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { // kam erst spaeter dazu rIn>>nMagnSizPix; rIn >> bZwi; bSnapTo1Pix = bZwi; } if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { // kam erst spaeter dazu rIn >> bZwi; bMoveSnapOnlyTopLeft = bZwi; } if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { // kam erst spaeter dazu rIn>>aSnapWdtX; rIn>>aSnapWdtY; } } break; case SDRIORECNAME_VIEWORTHO: { rIn >> bZwi; bOrtho = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bBigOrtho = bZwi; rIn>>nSnapAngle; if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { // kam erst spaeter dazu rIn >> bZwi; bAngleSnapEnab = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bMoveOnlyDragging = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bSlantButShear = bZwi; rIn >> bZwi; bCrookNoContortion = bZwi; } if (rSubHead.GetBytesLeft()>0) { // kam erst spaeter dazu USHORT nCrookMode; rIn>>nCrookMode; eCrookMode=SdrCrookMode(nCrookMode); } } break; default: bRet=FALSE; } } if (!bRet) bRet=SdrPaintView::ReadRecord(rViewHead,rSubHead,rIn); return bRet; }