/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void MoveXPoly(XPolygon& rPoly, const Size& S) { rPoly.Move(S.Width(),S.Height()); } void ResizeRect(Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rRef, const boost::rational& rxFact, const boost::rational& ryFact, bool bNoJustify) { boost::rational xFact(rxFact); boost::rational yFact(ryFact); rRect.Left() =rRef.X()+Round(((double)(rRect.Left() -rRef.X())*xFact.numerator())/xFact.denominator()); rRect.Right() =rRef.X()+Round(((double)(rRect.Right() -rRef.X())*xFact.numerator())/xFact.denominator()); rRect.Top() =rRef.Y()+Round(((double)(rRect.Top() -rRef.Y())*yFact.numerator())/yFact.denominator()); rRect.Bottom()=rRef.Y()+Round(((double)(rRect.Bottom()-rRef.Y())*yFact.numerator())/yFact.denominator()); if (!bNoJustify) rRect.Justify(); } void ResizePoly(Polygon& rPoly, const Point& rRef, const boost::rational& xFact, const boost::rational& yFact) { sal_uInt16 nAnz=rPoly.GetSize(); for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i& xFact, const boost::rational& yFact) { sal_uInt16 nAnz=rPoly.GetPointCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i=0; iY()-=y0; // resize, account for the distance from the center pC1->Y()=Round(((double)pC1->Y()) /rRad.X()*(cx-pC1->X())); pC1->Y()+=cy; } else { // move into the direction of the center, as a basic position for the rotation pC1->X()-=x0; // resize, account for the distance from the center long nPntRad=cy-pC1->Y(); double nFact=(double)nPntRad/(double)rRad.Y(); pC1->X()=Round((double)pC1->X()*nFact); pC1->X()+=cx; } RotatePoint(*pC1,rCenter,sn,cs); } if (bC2) { if (bVert) { // move into the direction of the center, as a basic position for the rotation pC2->Y()-=y0; // resize, account for the distance from the center pC2->Y()=Round(((double)pC2->Y()) /rRad.X()*(rCenter.X()-pC2->X())); pC2->Y()+=cy; } else { // move into the direction of the center, as a basic position for the rotation pC2->X()-=x0; // resize, account for the distance from the center long nPntRad=rCenter.Y()-pC2->Y(); double nFact=(double)nPntRad/(double)rRad.Y(); pC2->X()=Round((double)pC2->X()*nFact); pC2->X()+=cx; } RotatePoint(*pC2,rCenter,sn,cs); } rSin=sn; rCos=cs; return nWink; } double CrookSlantXPoint(Point& rPnt, Point* pC1, Point* pC2, const Point& rCenter, const Point& rRad, double& rSin, double& rCos, bool bVert) { bool bC1=pC1!=NULL; bool bC2=pC2!=NULL; long x0=rPnt.X(); long y0=rPnt.Y(); long dx1=0,dy1=0; long dxC1=0,dyC1=0; long dxC2=0,dyC2=0; if (bVert) { long nStart=rCenter.X()-rRad.X(); dx1=rPnt.X()-nStart; rPnt.X()=nStart; if (bC1) { dxC1=pC1->X()-nStart; pC1->X()=nStart; } if (bC2) { dxC2=pC2->X()-nStart; pC2->X()=nStart; } } else { long nStart=rCenter.Y()-rRad.Y(); dy1=rPnt.Y()-nStart; rPnt.Y()=nStart; if (bC1) { dyC1=pC1->Y()-nStart; pC1->Y()=nStart; } if (bC2) { dyC2=pC2->Y()-nStart; pC2->Y()=nStart; } } double nWink=GetCrookAngle(rPnt,rCenter,rRad,bVert); double sn=sin(nWink); double cs=cos(nWink); RotatePoint(rPnt,rCenter,sn,cs); if (bC1) { if (bVert) pC1->Y()-=y0-rCenter.Y(); else pC1->X()-=x0-rCenter.X(); RotatePoint(*pC1,rCenter,sn,cs); } if (bC2) { if (bVert) pC2->Y()-=y0-rCenter.Y(); else pC2->X()-=x0-rCenter.X(); RotatePoint(*pC2,rCenter,sn,cs); } if (bVert) { rPnt.X()+=dx1; if (bC1) pC1->X()+=dxC1; if (bC2) pC2->X()+=dxC2; } else { rPnt.Y()+=dy1; if (bC1) pC1->Y()+=dyC1; if (bC2) pC2->Y()+=dyC2; } rSin=sn; rCos=cs; return nWink; } double CrookStretchXPoint(Point& rPnt, Point* pC1, Point* pC2, const Point& rCenter, const Point& rRad, double& rSin, double& rCos, bool bVert, const Rectangle rRefRect) { long y0=rPnt.Y(); CrookSlantXPoint(rPnt,pC1,pC2,rCenter,rRad,rSin,rCos,bVert); if (bVert) { } else { long nTop=rRefRect.Top(); long nBtm=rRefRect.Bottom(); long nHgt=nBtm-nTop; long dy=rPnt.Y()-y0; double a=((double)(y0-nTop))/nHgt; a*=dy; rPnt.Y()=y0+Round(a); } return 0.0; } void CrookRotatePoly(XPolygon& rPoly, const Point& rCenter, const Point& rRad, bool bVert) { double nSin,nCos; sal_uInt16 nPointAnz=rPoly.GetPointCount(); sal_uInt16 i=0; while (i0) a=-9000; else a=9000; } else { a=Round((atan2((double)-rPnt.Y(),(double)rPnt.X())/nPi180)); } return a; } long NormAngle180(long a) { while (a<18000) a+=36000; while (a>=18000) a-=36000; return a; } long NormAngle360(long a) { while (a<0) a+=36000; while (a>=36000) a-=36000; return a; } sal_uInt16 GetAngleSector(long nWink) { while (nWink<0) nWink+=36000; while (nWink>=36000) nWink-=36000; if (nWink< 9000) return 0; if (nWink<18000) return 1; if (nWink<27000) return 2; return 3; } long GetLen(const Point& rPnt) { long x=std::abs(rPnt.X()); long y=std::abs(rPnt.Y()); if (x+y<0x8000) { // because 7FFF * 7FFF * 2 = 7FFE0002 x*=x; y*=y; x+=y; x=Round(sqrt((double)x)); return x; } else { double nx=x; double ny=y; nx*=nx; ny*=ny; nx+=ny; nx=sqrt(nx); if (nx>0x7FFFFFFF) { return 0x7FFFFFFF; // we can't go any further, for fear of an overrun! } else { return Round(nx); } } } void GeoStat::RecalcSinCos() { if (nRotationAngle==0) { nSin=0.0; nCos=1.0; } else { double a=nRotationAngle*nPi180; nSin=sin(a); nCos=cos(a); } } void GeoStat::RecalcTan() { if (nShearAngle==0) { nTan=0.0; } else { double a=nShearAngle*nPi180; nTan=tan(a); } } Polygon Rect2Poly(const Rectangle& rRect, const GeoStat& rGeo) { Polygon aPol(5); aPol[0]=rRect.TopLeft(); aPol[1]=rRect.TopRight(); aPol[2]=rRect.BottomRight(); aPol[3]=rRect.BottomLeft(); aPol[4]=rRect.TopLeft(); if (rGeo.nShearAngle!=0) ShearPoly(aPol,rRect.TopLeft(),rGeo.nTan); if (rGeo.nRotationAngle!=0) RotatePoly(aPol,rRect.TopLeft(),rGeo.nSin,rGeo.nCos); return aPol; } void Poly2Rect(const Polygon& rPol, Rectangle& rRect, GeoStat& rGeo) { rGeo.nRotationAngle=GetAngle(rPol[1]-rPol[0]); rGeo.nRotationAngle=NormAngle360(rGeo.nRotationAngle); // rotation successful rGeo.RecalcSinCos(); Point aPt1(rPol[1]-rPol[0]); if (rGeo.nRotationAngle!=0) RotatePoint(aPt1,Point(0,0),-rGeo.nSin,rGeo.nCos); // -Sin to reverse rotation long nWdt=aPt1.X(); Point aPt0(rPol[0]); Point aPt3(rPol[3]-rPol[0]); if (rGeo.nRotationAngle!=0) RotatePoint(aPt3,Point(0,0),-rGeo.nSin,rGeo.nCos); // -Sin to reverse rotation long nHgt=aPt3.Y(); long nShW=GetAngle(aPt3); nShW-=27000; // ShearWink is measured against a vertical line nShW=-nShW; // Negieren, denn '+' ist Rechtskursivierung bool bMirr=aPt3.Y()<0; if (bMirr) { // "exchange of points" when mirroring nHgt=-nHgt; nShW+=18000; aPt0=rPol[3]; } nShW=NormAngle180(nShW); if (nShW<-9000 || nShW>9000) { nShW=NormAngle180(nShW+18000); } if (nShW<-SDRMAXSHEAR) nShW=-SDRMAXSHEAR; // limit ShearWinkel (shear angle) to +/- 89.00 deg if (nShW>SDRMAXSHEAR) nShW=SDRMAXSHEAR; rGeo.nShearAngle=nShW; rGeo.RecalcTan(); Point aRU(aPt0); aRU.X()+=nWdt; aRU.Y()+=nHgt; rRect=Rectangle(aPt0,aRU); } void OrthoDistance8(const Point& rPt0, Point& rPt, bool bBigOrtho) { long dx=rPt.X()-rPt0.X(); long dy=rPt.Y()-rPt0.Y(); long dxa=std::abs(dx); long dya=std::abs(dy); if (dx==0 || dy==0 || dxa==dya) return; if (dxa>=dya*2) { rPt.Y()=rPt0.Y(); return; } if (dya>=dxa*2) { rPt.X()=rPt0.X(); return; } if ((dxa=0 ? 1 : -1) ); } else { rPt.X()=rPt0.X()+(dya* (dx>=0 ? 1 : -1) ); } } void OrthoDistance4(const Point& rPt0, Point& rPt, bool bBigOrtho) { long dx=rPt.X()-rPt0.X(); long dy=rPt.Y()-rPt0.Y(); long dxa=std::abs(dx); long dya=std::abs(dy); if ((dxa=0 ? 1 : -1) ); } else { rPt.X()=rPt0.X()+(dya* (dx>=0 ? 1 : -1) ); } } long BigMulDiv(long nVal, long nMul, long nDiv) { BigInt aVal(nVal); aVal*=nMul; if (aVal.IsNeg()!=(nDiv<0)) { aVal-=nDiv/2; // to round correctly } else { aVal+=nDiv/2; // to round correctly } if(nDiv) { aVal/=nDiv; return long(aVal); } return 0x7fffffff; } void Kuerzen(boost::rational& rF, unsigned nDigits) { sal_Int32 nMul=rF.numerator(); sal_Int32 nDiv=rF.denominator(); bool bNeg = false; if (nMul<0) { nMul=-nMul; bNeg=!bNeg; } if (nDiv<0) { nDiv=-nDiv; bNeg=!bNeg; } if (nMul==0 || nDiv==0) return; sal_uInt32 a; a=sal_uInt32(nMul); unsigned nMulZ=0; // count leading zeros while (a<0x00800000) { nMulZ+=8; a<<=8; } while (a<0x80000000) { nMulZ++; a<<=1; } a=sal_uInt32(nDiv); unsigned nDivZ=0; // count leading zeros while (a<0x00800000) { nDivZ+=8; a<<=8; } while (a<0x80000000) { nDivZ++; a<<=1; } // count the number of digits int nMulDigits=32-nMulZ; int nDivDigits=32-nDivZ; // count how many decimal places can be removed int nMulWeg=nMulDigits-nDigits; if (nMulWeg<0) nMulWeg=0; int nDivWeg=nDivDigits-nDigits; if (nDivWeg<0) nDivWeg=0; int nWeg=std::min(nMulWeg,nDivWeg); nMul>>=nWeg; nDiv>>=nWeg; if (nMul==0 || nDiv==0) { DBG_WARNING("Math error after canceling decimal places."); return; } if (bNeg) nMul=-nMul; rF=boost::rational(nMul,nDiv); } // How many eU units fit into a mm, respectively an inch? // Or: How many mm, respectively inches, are there in an eU (and then give me the inverse) FrPair GetInchOrMM(MapUnit eU) { switch (eU) { case MAP_1000TH_INCH: return FrPair(1000,1); case MAP_100TH_INCH : return FrPair( 100,1); case MAP_10TH_INCH : return FrPair( 10,1); case MAP_INCH : return FrPair( 1,1); case MAP_POINT : return FrPair( 72,1); case MAP_TWIP : return FrPair(1440,1); case MAP_100TH_MM : return FrPair( 100,1); case MAP_10TH_MM : return FrPair( 10,1); case MAP_MM : return FrPair( 1,1); case MAP_CM : return FrPair( 1,10); case MAP_PIXEL : { VirtualDevice aVD; aVD.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); Point aP(aVD.PixelToLogic(Point(64,64))); // 64 pixels for more accuracy return FrPair(6400,aP.X(),6400,aP.Y()); } case MAP_APPFONT: case MAP_SYSFONT: { VirtualDevice aVD; aVD.SetMapMode(MapMode(eU)); Point aP(aVD.LogicToPixel(Point(32,32))); // 32 units for more accuracy aVD.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); aP=aVD.PixelToLogic(aP); return FrPair(3200,aP.X(),3200,aP.Y()); } default: break; } return boost::rational(1,1); } FrPair GetInchOrMM(FieldUnit eU) { switch (eU) { case FUNIT_INCH : return FrPair( 1,1); case FUNIT_POINT : return FrPair( 72,1); case FUNIT_TWIP : return FrPair(1440,1); case FUNIT_100TH_MM : return FrPair( 100,1); case FUNIT_MM : return FrPair( 1,1); case FUNIT_CM : return FrPair( 1,10); case FUNIT_M : return FrPair( 1,1000); case FUNIT_KM : return FrPair( 1,1000000); case FUNIT_PICA : return FrPair( 6,1); case FUNIT_FOOT : return FrPair( 1,12); case FUNIT_MILE : return FrPair( 1,63360); default: break; } return boost::rational(1,1); } // Calculate the factor that we need to convert units from eS to eD. // e. g. GetMapFactor(UNIT_MM,UNIT_100TH_MM) => 100. FrPair GetMapFactor(MapUnit eS, MapUnit eD) { if (eS==eD) return FrPair(1,1,1,1); FrPair aS(GetInchOrMM(eS)); FrPair aD(GetInchOrMM(eD)); bool bSInch=IsInch(eS); bool bDInch=IsInch(eD); FrPair aRet(aD.X()/aS.X(),aD.Y()/aS.Y()); if (bSInch && !bDInch) { aRet.X()*=boost::rational(127,5); aRet.Y()*=boost::rational(127,5); } if (!bSInch && bDInch) { aRet.X()*=boost::rational(5,127); aRet.Y()*=boost::rational(5,127); } return aRet; }; FrPair GetMapFactor(FieldUnit eS, FieldUnit eD) { if (eS==eD) return FrPair(1,1,1,1); FrPair aS(GetInchOrMM(eS)); FrPair aD(GetInchOrMM(eD)); bool bSInch=IsInch(eS); bool bDInch=IsInch(eD); FrPair aRet(aD.X()/aS.X(),aD.Y()/aS.Y()); if (bSInch && !bDInch) { aRet.X()*=boost::rational(127,5); aRet.Y()*=boost::rational(127,5); } if (!bSInch && bDInch) { aRet.X()*=boost::rational(5,127); aRet.Y()*=boost::rational(5,127); } return aRet; }; // 1 mile = 8 furlong = 63.360" = 1.609.344,0mm // 1 furlong = 10 chains = 7.920" = 201.168,0mm // 1 chain = 4 poles = 792" = 20.116,8mm // 1 pole = 5 1/2 yd = 198" = 5.029,2mm // 1 yd = 3 ft = 36" = 914,4mm // 1 ft = 12 " = 1" = 304,8mm void GetMeterOrInch(MapUnit eMU, short& rnKomma, long& rnMul, long& rnDiv, bool& rbMetr, bool& rbInch) { rnMul=1; rnDiv=1; short nKomma=0; bool bMetr = false, bInch = false; switch (eMU) { // Metrisch case MAP_100TH_MM : bMetr = true; nKomma=5; break; case MAP_10TH_MM : bMetr = true; nKomma=4; break; case MAP_MM : bMetr = true; nKomma=3; break; case MAP_CM : bMetr = true; nKomma=2; break; // Inch case MAP_1000TH_INCH: bInch = true; nKomma=3; break; case MAP_100TH_INCH : bInch = true; nKomma=2; break; case MAP_10TH_INCH : bInch = true; nKomma=1; break; case MAP_INCH : bInch = true; nKomma=0; break; case MAP_POINT : bInch = true; rnDiv=72; break; // 1Pt = 1/72" case MAP_TWIP : bInch = true; rnDiv=144; nKomma=1; break; // 1Twip = 1/1440" // Sonstiges case MAP_PIXEL : break; case MAP_SYSFONT : break; case MAP_APPFONT : break; case MAP_RELATIVE : break; default: break; } // switch rnKomma=nKomma; rbMetr=bMetr; rbInch=bInch; } void GetMeterOrInch(FieldUnit eFU, short& rnKomma, long& rnMul, long& rnDiv, bool& rbMetr, bool& rbInch) { rnMul=1; rnDiv=1; short nKomma=0; bool bMetr = false, bInch = false; switch (eFU) { case FUNIT_NONE : break; // metrically case FUNIT_100TH_MM : bMetr = true; nKomma=5; break; case FUNIT_MM : bMetr = true; nKomma=3; break; case FUNIT_CM : bMetr = true; nKomma=2; break; case FUNIT_M : bMetr = true; nKomma=0; break; case FUNIT_KM : bMetr = true; nKomma=-3; break; // Inch case FUNIT_TWIP : bInch = true; rnDiv=144; nKomma=1; break; // 1Twip = 1/1440" case FUNIT_POINT : bInch = true; rnDiv=72; break; // 1Pt = 1/72" case FUNIT_PICA : bInch = true; rnDiv=6; break; // 1Pica = 1/6" ? case FUNIT_INCH : bInch = true; break; // 1" = 1" case FUNIT_FOOT : bInch = true; rnMul=12; break; // 1Ft = 12" case FUNIT_MILE : bInch = true; rnMul=6336; nKomma=-1; break; // 1mile = 63360" // others case FUNIT_CUSTOM : break; case FUNIT_PERCENT : nKomma=2; break; // TODO: Add code to handle the following (added to remove warning) case FUNIT_CHAR : break; case FUNIT_LINE : break; case FUNIT_PIXEL : break; case FUNIT_DEGREE : break; case FUNIT_SECOND : break; case FUNIT_MILLISECOND : break; } // switch rnKomma=nKomma; rbMetr=bMetr; rbInch=bInch; } void SdrFormatter::Undirty() { if (aScale.numerator()==0) aScale=boost::rational(1,1); bool bSrcMetr,bSrcInch,bDstMetr,bDstInch; long nMul1,nDiv1,nMul2,nDiv2; short nKomma1,nKomma2; // first: normalize to m or in if (!bSrcFU) { GetMeterOrInch(eSrcMU,nKomma1,nMul1,nDiv1,bSrcMetr,bSrcInch); } else { GetMeterOrInch(eSrcFU,nKomma1,nMul1,nDiv1,bSrcMetr,bSrcInch); } if (!bDstFU) { GetMeterOrInch(eDstMU,nKomma2,nMul2,nDiv2,bDstMetr,bDstInch); } else { GetMeterOrInch(eDstFU,nKomma2,nMul2,nDiv2,bDstMetr,bDstInch); } nMul1*=nDiv2; nDiv1*=nMul2; nKomma1=nKomma1-nKomma2; if (bSrcInch && bDstMetr) { nKomma1+=4; nMul1*=254; } if (bSrcMetr && bDstInch) { nKomma1-=4; nDiv1*=254; } // temporary fraction for canceling boost::rational aTempFract(nMul1,nDiv1); nMul1=aTempFract.numerator(); nDiv1=aTempFract.denominator(); nMul_=nMul1; nDiv_=nDiv1; nKomma_=nKomma1; bDirty=false; } void SdrFormatter::TakeStr(long nVal, OUString& rStr) const { OUString aNullCode("0"); if(!nVal) { rStr = aNullCode; return; } // we may lose some decimal places here, because of MulDiv instead of Real bool bNeg(nVal < 0); SvtSysLocale aSysLoc; const LocaleDataWrapper& rLoc = aSysLoc.GetLocaleData(); ForceUndirty(); sal_Int16 nC(nKomma_); if(bNeg) nVal = -nVal; while(nC <= -3) { nVal *= 1000; nC += 3; } while(nC <= -1) { nVal *= 10; nC++; } if(nMul_ != nDiv_) nVal = BigMulDiv(nVal, nMul_, nDiv_); OUStringBuffer aStr = OUString::number(nVal); if(nC > 0 && aStr.getLength() <= nC ) { // decimal separator necessary sal_Int32 nAnz(nC - aStr.getLength()); if(nAnz >= 0 && rLoc.isNumLeadingZero()) nAnz++; for(sal_Int32 i=0; i 0) { // TODO: we should round here aStr.remove(aStr.getLength() - nWeg, nWeg); nC = nNumDigits; } } // remember everything before the decimal separator for later sal_Int32 nForComma(aStr.getLength() - nC); if(nC > 0) { // insert comma char (decimal separator) // remove trailing zeros while(nC > 0 && aStr[aStr.getLength() - 1] == aNullCode[0]) { aStr.remove(aStr.getLength() - 1, 1); nC--; } if(nC > 0) { // do we still have decimal places? sal_Unicode cDec(rLoc.getNumDecimalSep()[0]); aStr.insert(nForComma, cDec); } } // add in thousands separator (if necessary) if( nForComma > 3 ) { OUString aThoSep( rLoc.getNumThousandSep() ); if ( aThoSep.getLength() > 0 ) { sal_Unicode cTho( aThoSep[0] ); sal_Int32 i(nForComma - 3); while(i > 0) { aStr.insert(i, cTho); i -= 3; } } } if(aStr.isEmpty()) aStr.insert(aStr.getLength(), aNullCode); if(bNeg && (aStr.getLength() > 1 || aStr[0] != aNullCode[0])) { aStr.insert(0, "-"); } rStr = aStr.makeStringAndClear(); } void SdrFormatter::TakeUnitStr(MapUnit eUnit, OUString& rStr) { switch(eUnit) { // metrically case MAP_100TH_MM : { rStr = "/100mm"; break; } case MAP_10TH_MM : { rStr = "/10mm"; break; } case MAP_MM : { rStr = "mm"; break; } case MAP_CM : { rStr = "cm"; break; } // Inch case MAP_1000TH_INCH: { rStr = "/1000\""; break; } case MAP_100TH_INCH : { rStr = "/100\""; break; } case MAP_10TH_INCH : { rStr = "/10\""; break; } case MAP_INCH : { rStr = "\""; break; } case MAP_POINT : { rStr = "pt"; break; } case MAP_TWIP : { rStr = "twip"; break; } // others case MAP_PIXEL : { rStr = "pixel"; break; } case MAP_SYSFONT : { rStr = "sysfont"; break; } case MAP_APPFONT : { rStr = "appfont"; break; } case MAP_RELATIVE : { rStr = "%"; break; } default: break; } } void SdrFormatter::TakeUnitStr(FieldUnit eUnit, OUString& rStr) { switch(eUnit) { default : case FUNIT_NONE : case FUNIT_CUSTOM : { rStr = OUString(); break; } // metrically case FUNIT_100TH_MM: { rStr = "/100mm"; break; } case FUNIT_MM : { rStr = "mm"; break; } case FUNIT_CM : { rStr = "cm"; break; } case FUNIT_M : { rStr = "m"; break; } case FUNIT_KM : { rStr = "km"; break; } // Inch case FUNIT_TWIP : { rStr = "twip"; break; } case FUNIT_POINT : { rStr = "pt"; break; } case FUNIT_PICA : { rStr = "pica"; break; } case FUNIT_INCH : { rStr = "\""; break; } case FUNIT_FOOT : { rStr = "ft"; break; } case FUNIT_MILE : { rStr = "mile(s)"; break; } // others case FUNIT_PERCENT: { rStr = "%"; break; } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */