/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fileobj.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.14 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-01-18 15:01:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifdef OS2 #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _STREAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SOT_FORMATS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FILTER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SOERR_HXX //#include #endif #ifndef _LNKBASE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PROGRESS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_INTERNO_HXX //#include #endif #ifndef _SFX_DOCFILT_HACK_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "fileobj.hxx" #include "linkmgr.hxx" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "xoutbmp.hxx" #include "opengrf.hxx" #include "impgrf.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; #define FILETYPE_TEXT 1 #define FILETYPE_GRF 2 #define FILETYPE_OBJECT 3 class SvxFileObjProgress_Impl : public SfxProgress { public: SvxFileObjProgress_Impl( const String& rStr ) : SfxProgress( 0, rStr, 100, TRUE, FALSE ) {} DECL_STATIC_LINK( SvxFileObjProgress_Impl, UpdatePercentHdl, GraphicFilter* ); }; struct Impl_DownLoadData { Graphic aGrf; Timer aTimer; Impl_DownLoadData( const Link& rLink ) { aTimer.SetTimeout( 100 ); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( rLink ); aGrf.SetDefaultType(); } ~Impl_DownLoadData() { aTimer.Stop(); } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvFileObject::SvFileObject() : nType( FILETYPE_TEXT ), pDownLoadData( 0 ) { bLoadAgain = TRUE; bSynchron = bLoadError = bWaitForData = bDataReady = bNativFormat = bClearMedium = bProgress = bStateChangeCalled = bInCallDownLoad = FALSE; } SvFileObject::~SvFileObject() { if ( xMed.Is() ) { xMed->SetDataAvailableLink( Link() ); xMed->SetDoneLink( Link() ); xMed.Clear(); } delete pDownLoadData; } BOOL SvFileObject::GetData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any & rData, const String & rMimeType, BOOL bGetSynchron ) { ULONG nFmt = SotExchange::GetFormatStringId( rMimeType ); switch( nType ) { case FILETYPE_TEXT: if( FORMAT_FILE == nFmt ) { // das Medium muss in der Applikation geoffnet werden, um die // relativen Datei Links aufzuloesen!!!! Wird ueber den // LinkManager und damit von dessen Storage erledigt. rData <<= rtl::OUString( sFileNm ); /* =========================================================================== JP 28.02.96: noch eine Baustelle: Idee: hier das Medium und die DocShell anlegen, Doc laden und ueber OLE-SS (GetObj(...)) den Bereich als PseudoObject erfragen. Dieses mit den Daten oder dessen Daten verschicken. =========================================================================== SfxMedium aMed( aFileNm.GetFull(), STREAM_READ, TRUE ); aMed.DownLoad(); // nur mal das Medium anfassen (DownLoaden) if( aMed.IsStorage() ) pSvData->SetData( SvStorageRef( aMed.GetStorage() ), TRANSFER_COPY ); else { SvStream* pStream = aMed.GetInStream(); if( !pStream ) return FALSE; UINT32 nLen = pStream->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); pStream->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); void* pData = SvMemAlloc( nLen ); pStream->Read( pData, nLen ); pSvData->SetData( pData, nLen, TRANSFER_MOVE ); } */ } break; case FILETYPE_GRF: if( !bLoadError ) { SfxMediumRef xTmpMed; if( FORMAT_GDIMETAFILE == nFmt || FORMAT_BITMAP == nFmt || SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SVXB == nFmt ) { Graphic aGrf; //JP 15.07.98: Bug 52959 // falls das Nativformat doch erwuenscht ist, muss am // Ende das Flag zurueckgesetzt werden. // wird einzig und allein im sw/ndgrf.cxx benutzt, wenn der Link vom // GraphicNode entfernt wird. BOOL bOldNativFormat = bNativFormat; //!!?? bNativFormat = 0 != (ASPECT_ICON & pSvData->GetAspect()); // falls gedruckt werden soll, warten wir bis die // Daten vorhanden sind if( bGetSynchron ) { // testhalber mal ein LoadFile rufen um das nach- // laden ueberahaupt anzustossen if( !xMed.Is() ) LoadFile_Impl(); if( !bInCallDownLoad ) { xTmpMed = xMed; while( bWaitForData ) Application::Reschedule(); xMed = xTmpMed; bClearMedium = TRUE; } } if( pDownLoadData || ( !bWaitForData && ( xMed.Is() || // wurde als URL geladen ( bSynchron && LoadFile_Impl() && xMed.Is() ) )) ) { // falls // falls es uebers Internet gesogen wurde, nicht // wieder versuchen if( !bGetSynchron ) bLoadAgain = !xMed->IsRemote(); bLoadError = !GetGraphic_Impl( aGrf, xMed->GetInStream() ); } else if( !LoadFile_Impl() || !GetGraphic_Impl( aGrf, xMed.Is() ? xMed->GetInStream() : 0 )) { if( !xMed.Is() ) break; aGrf.SetDefaultType(); } if( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SVXB != nFmt ) nFmt = (bLoadError || GRAPHIC_BITMAP == aGrf.GetType()) ? FORMAT_BITMAP : FORMAT_GDIMETAFILE; SvMemoryStream aMemStm( 0, 65535 ); switch ( nFmt ) { case SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SVXB: if( GRAPHIC_NONE != aGrf.GetType() ) { aMemStm.SetVersion( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50 ); aMemStm << aGrf; } break; case FORMAT_BITMAP: if( !aGrf.GetBitmap().IsEmpty()) aMemStm << aGrf.GetBitmap(); break; default: if( aGrf.GetGDIMetaFile().GetActionCount() ) { GDIMetaFile aMeta( aGrf.GetGDIMetaFile() ); aMeta.Write( aMemStm ); } } rData <<= Sequence< sal_Int8 >( (sal_Int8*) aMemStm.GetData(), aMemStm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ) ); bNativFormat = bOldNativFormat; // alles fertig? if( xMed.Is() && !bSynchron && bClearMedium ) { xMed.Clear(); bClearMedium = FALSE; } } } break; case FILETYPE_OBJECT: // TODO/LATER: possibility to insert a new object rData <<= rtl::OUString( sFileNm ); break; } return sal_True/*0 != aTypeList.Count()*/; } BOOL SvFileObject::Connect( sfx2::SvBaseLink* pLink ) { if( !pLink || !pLink->GetLinkManager() ) return FALSE; // teste doch mal, ob nicht ein anderer Link mit der gleichen // Verbindung schon existiert pLink->GetLinkManager()->GetDisplayNames( pLink, 0, &sFileNm, 0, &sFilter ); if( OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF == pLink->GetObjType() ) { SfxObjectShellRef pShell = pLink->GetLinkManager()->GetPersist(); if( pShell.Is() ) { if( pShell->IsAbortingImport() ) return FALSE; if( pShell->GetMedium() ) sReferer = pShell->GetMedium()->GetName(); } } switch( pLink->GetObjType() ) { case OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF: nType = FILETYPE_GRF; bSynchron = pLink->IsSynchron(); break; case OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE: nType = FILETYPE_TEXT; break; case OBJECT_CLIENT_OLE: nType = FILETYPE_OBJECT; // TODO/LATER: introduce own type to be used for exchanging break; default: return FALSE; } SetUpdateTimeout( 0 ); // und jetzt bei diesem oder gefundenem Pseudo-Object anmelden AddDataAdvise( pLink, SotExchange::GetFormatMimeType( pLink->GetContentType()), (bProgress ? ADVISEMODE_ONLYONCE : 0 )); return TRUE; } BOOL SvFileObject::LoadFile_Impl() { // wir sind noch im Laden!! if( bWaitForData || !bLoadAgain || xMed.Is() || pDownLoadData ) return FALSE; // z.Z. nur auf die aktuelle DocShell xMed = new SfxMedium( sFileNm, STREAM_STD_READ, TRUE ); // Keinen Eintrag im Roter Button Menu xMed->SetDontCreateCancellable(); if( sReferer.Len() ) xMed->SetReferer( sReferer ); if( !bSynchron ) { bLoadAgain = bDataReady = bInNewData = FALSE; bWaitForData = TRUE; SfxMediumRef xTmpMed = xMed; xMed->SetDataAvailableLink( STATIC_LINK( this, SvFileObject, LoadGrfNewData_Impl ) ); bInCallDownLoad = TRUE; xMed->DownLoad( STATIC_LINK( this, SvFileObject, LoadGrfReady_Impl ) ); bInCallDownLoad = FALSE; bClearMedium = !xMed.Is(); if( bClearMedium ) xMed = xTmpMed; // falls gleich im DownLoad schon schluss ist return bDataReady; } bWaitForData = TRUE; bDataReady = bInNewData = FALSE; xMed->DownLoad(); bLoadAgain = !xMed->IsRemote(); bWaitForData = FALSE; // Grafik ist fertig, also DataChanged von der Statusaederung schicken: SendStateChg_Impl( xMed->GetInStream() && xMed->GetInStream()->GetError() ? STATE_LOAD_ERROR : STATE_LOAD_OK ); return TRUE; } BOOL SvFileObject::GetGraphic_Impl( Graphic& rGrf, SvStream* pStream ) { Link aPercentLnk; GraphicFilter* pGF = GetGrfFilter(); SvxFileObjProgress_Impl* pProgress = 0; if( bProgress && !SfxGetpApp()->GetProgress() ) { pProgress = new SvxFileObjProgress_Impl( String( ResId( RID_SVXSTR_GRFLINKPROGRESS, DIALOG_MGR() ) ) ); aPercentLnk = pGF->GetUpdatePercentHdl(); pGF->SetUpdatePercentHdl( STATIC_LINK( pProgress, SvxFileObjProgress_Impl, UpdatePercentHdl )); } const int nFilter = sFilter.Len() && pGF->GetImportFormatCount() ? pGF->GetImportFormatNumber( sFilter ) : GRFILTER_FORMAT_DONTKNOW; String aEmptyStr; int nRes; // vermeiden, dass ein native Link angelegt wird if( ( !pStream || !pDownLoadData ) && !rGrf.IsLink() && !rGrf.GetContext() && !bNativFormat ) rGrf.SetLink( GfxLink() ); if( !pStream ) nRes = xMed.Is() ? GRFILTER_OPENERROR : pGF->ImportGraphic( rGrf, INetURLObject(sFileNm), nFilter ); else if( !pDownLoadData ) { pStream->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); nRes = pGF->ImportGraphic( rGrf, aEmptyStr, *pStream, nFilter ); } else { nRes = pGF->ImportGraphic( pDownLoadData->aGrf, aEmptyStr, *pStream, nFilter ); if( pDownLoadData ) { rGrf = pDownLoadData->aGrf; if( GRAPHIC_NONE == rGrf.GetType() ) rGrf.SetDefaultType(); if( !pDownLoadData->aGrf.GetContext() ) { xMed->SetDataAvailableLink( Link() ); // xMed->SetDoneLink( Link() ); delete pDownLoadData, pDownLoadData = 0; bDataReady = TRUE; bWaitForData = FALSE; } else if( FALSE ) { // Timer aufsetzen, um zurueck zukehren pDownLoadData->aTimer.Start(); } } } if( pStream && ERRCODE_IO_PENDING == pStream->GetError() ) pStream->ResetError(); #ifndef PRODUCT if( nRes ) { if( xMed.Is() && !pStream ) { DBG_WARNING3( "GrafikFehler [%d] - [%s] URL[%s]", nRes, xMed->GetPhysicalName().GetBuffer(), sFileNm.GetBuffer() ); } else { DBG_WARNING2( "GrafikFehler [%d] - [%s]", nRes, sFileNm.GetBuffer() ); } } #endif if( pProgress ) { pGF->SetUpdatePercentHdl( aPercentLnk ); delete pProgress; // Statusaederung schicken: SendStateChg_Impl( GRFILTER_OK == nRes ? STATE_LOAD_OK : STATE_LOAD_ERROR ); } return GRFILTER_OK == nRes; } String SvFileObject::Edit( Window* pParent, sfx2::SvBaseLink* pLink ) { String sFile, sRange, sTmpFilter; if( !pLink || !pLink->GetLinkManager() ) return sFile; pLink->GetLinkManager()->GetDisplayNames( pLink, 0, &sFile, &sRange, &sTmpFilter ); switch( pLink->GetObjType() ) { case OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF: { nType = FILETYPE_GRF; // falls noch nicht gesetzt SvxOpenGraphicDialog aDlg(ResId(RID_SVXSTR_EDITGRFLINK, DIALOG_MGR())); aDlg.EnableLink(sal_False); aDlg.SetPath( sFile, sal_True ); aDlg.SetCurrentFilter( sTmpFilter ); if( !aDlg.Execute() ) { sFile = aDlg.GetPath(); sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; sFile += aDlg.GetCurrentFilter(); } else sFile.Erase(); } break; case OBJECT_CLIENT_OLE: { nType = FILETYPE_OBJECT; // falls noch nicht gesetzt Window* pOld = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pParent ); SfxMediumRef xMed = SFX_APP()->InsertDocumentDialog( 0, String() ); if( xMed.Is() ) { sFile = xMed->GetName(); sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; // Bereich! sFile += xMed->GetFilter()->GetName(); sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; sFile += xMed->GetFilter()->GetFilterName(); } else sFile.Erase(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pOld ); } break; case OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE: { nType = FILETYPE_TEXT; // falls noch nicht gesetzt Window* pOld = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pParent ); const SfxObjectFactory* pFactory=0; SfxObjectShell* pShell = pLink->GetLinkManager()->GetPersist(); if ( pShell ) pFactory = &pShell->GetFactory(); SfxMediumRef xMed = SFX_APP()->InsertDocumentDialog( 0, pFactory ? pFactory->GetFactoryName() : String() ); if( xMed.Is() ) { sFile = xMed->GetName(); sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; // Bereich! sFile += xMed->GetFilter()->GetName(); sFile += ::sfx2::cTokenSeperator; sFile += xMed->GetFilter()->GetFilterName(); } else sFile.Erase(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pOld ); } break; default: sFile.Erase(); } return sFile; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvxFileObjProgress_Impl, UpdatePercentHdl, GraphicFilter *, pFilter ) { pThis->SetState( pFilter->GetPercent() ); return 0; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvFileObject, LoadGrfReady_Impl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { // wenn wir von hier kommen, kann es kein Fehler mehr sein pThis->bLoadError = FALSE; pThis->bWaitForData = FALSE; pThis->bInCallDownLoad = FALSE; if( !pThis->bInNewData && !pThis->bDataReady ) { // Grafik ist fertig, also DataChanged von der Status- // aederung schicken: pThis->bDataReady = TRUE; pThis->SendStateChg_Impl( STATE_LOAD_OK ); // und dann nochmal die Daten senden pThis->NotifyDataChanged(); } if( pThis->bDataReady ) { pThis->bLoadAgain = TRUE; if( pThis->xMed.Is() ) { pThis->xMed->SetDataAvailableLink( Link() ); pThis->xMed->SetDoneLink( Link() ); Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( pThis, SvFileObject, DelMedium_Impl ), new SfxMediumRef( pThis->xMed )); pThis->xMed.Clear(); } if( pThis->pDownLoadData ) delete pThis->pDownLoadData, pThis->pDownLoadData = 0; } return 0; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvFileObject, DelMedium_Impl, SfxMediumRef*, pDelMed ) { delete pDelMed; return 0; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvFileObject, LoadGrfNewData_Impl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { // wenn wir von hier kommen, kann es kein Fehler mehr sein if( pThis->bInNewData ) return 0; pThis->bInNewData = TRUE; pThis->bLoadError = FALSE; if( !pThis->pDownLoadData ) { pThis->pDownLoadData = new Impl_DownLoadData( STATIC_LINK( pThis, SvFileObject, LoadGrfNewData_Impl ) ); // Null-Link setzen, damit keine temporaeren Grafiken // rausgeswapt werden; der Filter prueft, ob schon // ein Link gesetzt ist => falls dies zutrifft, wird // _kein_ neuer Link gesetzt; der Link muss hier gesetzt werden, // (bevor das erste Mal gefiltert wird), um zu verhindern, // dass der Kontext zurueckgesetzt wird (aynchrones Laden) if( !pThis->bNativFormat ) { static GfxLink aDummyLink; pThis->pDownLoadData->aGrf.SetLink( aDummyLink ); } } pThis->NotifyDataChanged(); SvStream* pStrm = pThis->xMed.Is() ? pThis->xMed->GetInStream() : 0; if( pStrm && pStrm->GetError() ) { if( ERRCODE_IO_PENDING == pStrm->GetError() ) pStrm->ResetError(); // im DataChanged ein DataReady? else if( pThis->bWaitForData && pThis->pDownLoadData ) { pThis->bLoadError = TRUE; } } if( pThis->bDataReady ) { // Grafik ist fertig, also DataChanged von der Status- // aederung schicken: pThis->SendStateChg_Impl( pStrm->GetError() ? STATE_LOAD_ERROR : STATE_LOAD_OK ); } pThis->bInNewData = FALSE; return 0; } /* [Beschreibung] Die Methode stellt fest, ob aus einem DDE-Object die Daten gelesen werden kann. Zurueckgegeben wird: ERRCODE_NONE wenn sie komplett gelesen wurde ERRCODE_SO_PENDING wenn sie noch nicht komplett gelesen wurde ERRCODE_SO_FALSE sonst */ BOOL SvFileObject::IsPending() const { return FILETYPE_GRF == nType && !bLoadError && ( pDownLoadData || bWaitForData ); } BOOL SvFileObject::IsDataComplete() const { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( FILETYPE_GRF != nType ) bRet = TRUE; else if( !bLoadError && ( !bWaitForData && !pDownLoadData )) { SvFileObject* pThis = (SvFileObject*)this; if( bDataReady || ( bSynchron && pThis->LoadFile_Impl() && xMed.Is() ) ) bRet = TRUE; else { INetURLObject aUrl( sFileNm ); if( aUrl.HasError() || INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aUrl.GetProtocol() ) bRet = TRUE; } } return bRet; } void SvFileObject::CancelTransfers() { if( xMed.Is() ) xMed->CancelTransfers(); // und aus dem Cache austragen, wenn man mitten im Laden ist if( !bDataReady ) { // nicht noch mal aufsetzen bLoadAgain = FALSE; bDataReady = bLoadError = bWaitForData = TRUE; SendStateChg_Impl( STATE_LOAD_ABORT ); } } void SvFileObject::SetTransferPriority( USHORT nPrio ) { } void SvFileObject::SendStateChg_Impl( USHORT nState ) { if( !bStateChangeCalled && HasDataLinks() ) { Any aAny; aAny <<= rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)nState ); DataChanged( SotExchange::GetFormatName( SvxLinkManager::RegisterStatusInfoId()), aAny ); bStateChangeCalled = TRUE; } }