/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using ::svtools::ToolbarMenu; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; namespace svx { const int nColCount = 4; const int nLineCount = 4; FontWorkGalleryDialog::FontWorkGalleryDialog(weld::Window* pParent, SdrView& rSdrView) : GenericDialogController(pParent, "svx/ui/fontworkgallerydialog.ui", "FontworkGalleryDialog") , mnThemeId(0xffff) , mrSdrView(rSdrView) , mppSdrObject(nullptr) , mpDestModel(nullptr) , maCtlFavorites(m_xBuilder->weld_scrolled_window("ctlFavoriteswin")) , mxCtlFavorites(new weld::CustomWeld(*m_xBuilder, "ctlFavorites", maCtlFavorites)) , mxOKButton(m_xBuilder->weld_button("ok")) { Size aSize(maCtlFavorites.GetDrawingArea()->get_ref_device().LogicToPixel(Size(200, 200), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont))); mxCtlFavorites->set_size_request(aSize.Width(), aSize.Height()); maCtlFavorites.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, FontWorkGalleryDialog, DoubleClickFavoriteHdl ) ); mxOKButton->connect_clicked(LINK(this, FontWorkGalleryDialog, ClickOKHdl)); maCtlFavorites.SetColCount( nColCount ); maCtlFavorites.SetLineCount( nLineCount ); maCtlFavorites.SetExtraSpacing( 3 ); initFavorites( GALLERY_THEME_FONTWORK ); fillFavorites( GALLERY_THEME_FONTWORK ); } FontWorkGalleryDialog::~FontWorkGalleryDialog() { } void FontWorkGalleryDialog::initFavorites(sal_uInt16 nThemeId) { // the favorites are read via the gallery sal_uInt32 nFavCount = GalleryExplorer::GetSdrObjCount( nThemeId ); // lock gallery theme GalleryExplorer::BeginLocking(nThemeId); sal_uInt32 nModelPos; FmFormModel *pModel = nullptr; for( nModelPos = 0; nModelPos < nFavCount; nModelPos++ ) { BitmapEx aThumb; if (GalleryExplorer::GetSdrObj(nThemeId, nModelPos, pModel, &aThumb) && !!aThumb) { ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > pVDev; const Point aNull(0, 0); if (pVDev->GetDPIScaleFactor() > 1) aThumb.Scale(pVDev->GetDPIScaleFactor(), pVDev->GetDPIScaleFactor()); const Size aSize(aThumb.GetSizePixel()); pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel(aSize); static const sal_uInt32 nLen(8); static const Color aW(COL_WHITE); static const Color aG(0xef, 0xef, 0xef); pVDev->DrawCheckered(aNull, aSize, nLen, aW, aG); pVDev->DrawBitmapEx(aNull, aThumb); maFavoritesHorizontal.emplace_back(pVDev->GetBitmapEx(aNull, aSize)); } } // release gallery theme GalleryExplorer::EndLocking(nThemeId); } void FontWorkGalleryDialog::fillFavorites(sal_uInt16 nThemeId) { mnThemeId = nThemeId; Size aThumbSize(maCtlFavorites.GetOutputSizePixel()); aThumbSize.setWidth( aThumbSize.Width() / nColCount ); aThumbSize.setHeight( aThumbSize.Height() / nLineCount ); aThumbSize.AdjustWidth( -12 ); aThumbSize.AdjustHeight( -12 ); auto nFavCount = maFavoritesHorizontal.size(); // ValueSet favorites if( nFavCount > (nColCount * nLineCount) ) { WinBits nWinBits = maCtlFavorites.GetStyle(); nWinBits |= WB_VSCROLL; maCtlFavorites.SetStyle( nWinBits ); } maCtlFavorites.Clear(); for( size_t nFavorite = 1; nFavorite <= nFavCount; nFavorite++ ) { OUString aStr = SvxResId(RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FAVORITE) + " " + OUString::number(nFavorite); Image aThumbImage( maFavoritesHorizontal[nFavorite-1] ); maCtlFavorites.InsertItem( static_cast(nFavorite), aThumbImage, aStr ); } if (maCtlFavorites.GetItemCount()) maCtlFavorites.SelectItem(1); } void FontWorkGalleryDialog::SetSdrObjectRef( SdrObject** ppSdrObject, SdrModel* pModel ) { mppSdrObject = ppSdrObject; mpDestModel = pModel; } void FontWorkGalleryDialog::insertSelectedFontwork() { sal_uInt16 nItemId = maCtlFavorites.GetSelectedItemId(); if( nItemId > 0 ) { std::unique_ptr pModel(new FmFormModel()); pModel->GetItemPool().FreezeIdRanges(); if( GalleryExplorer::GetSdrObj( mnThemeId, nItemId-1, pModel.get() ) ) { SdrPage* pPage = pModel->GetPage(0); if( pPage && pPage->GetObjCount() ) { // tdf#116993 Calc uses a 'special' mode for this dialog in being the // only caller of ::SetSdrObjectRef. Only in that case mpDestModel seems // to be the correct target SdrModel. // If this is not used, the correct SdrModel seems to be the one from // the mrSdrView that is used to insert (InsertObjectAtView below) the // cloned SdrObject. const bool bUseSpecialCalcMode(nullptr != mppSdrObject && nullptr != mpDestModel); // center shape on current view OutputDevice* pOutDev(mrSdrView.GetFirstOutputDevice()); if (pOutDev) { // Clone directly to target SdrModel (may be different due to user/caller (!)) SdrObject* pNewObject( pPage->GetObj(0)->CloneSdrObject( bUseSpecialCalcMode ? *mpDestModel : mrSdrView.getSdrModelFromSdrView())); // tdf#117629 // Since the 'old' ::CloneSdrObject also copies the SdrPage* the // SdrObject::getUnoShape() *will* create the wrong UNO API object // early. This IS one of the reasons I do change these things - this // error does not happen with my next change I am working on already // ARGH! For now, reset the SdrPage* to nullptr. // What sense does it have to copy the SdrPage* of the original SdrObject ?!? // TTTT: This also *might* be the hidden reason for the strange code at the // end of SdrObject::SetPage that tries to delete the SvxShape under some // circumstances... // pNewObject->SetPage(nullptr); tools::Rectangle aObjRect( pNewObject->GetLogicRect() ); tools::Rectangle aVisArea = pOutDev->PixelToLogic(tools::Rectangle(Point(0,0), pOutDev->GetOutputSizePixel())); Point aPagePos = aVisArea.Center(); aPagePos.AdjustX( -(aObjRect.GetWidth() / 2) ); aPagePos.AdjustY( -(aObjRect.GetHeight() / 2) ); tools::Rectangle aNewObjectRectangle(aPagePos, aObjRect.GetSize()); pNewObject->SetLogicRect(aNewObjectRectangle); if (bUseSpecialCalcMode) { *mppSdrObject = pNewObject; } else { SdrPageView* pPV(mrSdrView.GetSdrPageView()); if (nullptr != pPV) { mrSdrView.InsertObjectAtView( pNewObject, *pPV ); } else { // tdf#116993 no target -> delete clone SdrObject::Free(pNewObject); } } } } } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FontWorkGalleryDialog, ClickOKHdl, weld::Button&, void) { insertSelectedFontwork(); m_xDialog->response(RET_OK); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FontWorkGalleryDialog, DoubleClickFavoriteHdl, SvtValueSet*, void) { insertSelectedFontwork(); m_xDialog->response(RET_OK); } class FontworkAlignmentWindow : public ToolbarMenu { public: FontworkAlignmentWindow( svt::ToolboxController& rController, vcl::Window* pParentWindow ); virtual void statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) override; private: svt::ToolboxController& mrController; DECL_LINK( SelectHdl, ToolbarMenu*, void ); void implSetAlignment( int nAlignmentMode, bool bEnabled ); }; static const OUStringLiteral gsFontworkAlignment(".uno:FontworkAlignment"); FontworkAlignmentWindow::FontworkAlignmentWindow(svt::ToolboxController& rController, vcl::Window* pParentWindow) : ToolbarMenu(rController.getFrameInterface(), pParentWindow, WB_STDPOPUP) , mrController(rController) { SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, FontworkAlignmentWindow, SelectHdl ) ); Image aImgAlgin1(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FONTWORK_ALIGN_LEFT); Image aImgAlgin2(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FONTWORK_ALIGN_CENTER); Image aImgAlgin3(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FONTWORK_ALIGN_RIGHT); Image aImgAlgin4(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FONTWORK_ALIGN_WORD); Image aImgAlgin5(StockImage::Yes, RID_SVXBMP_FONTWORK_ALIGN_STRETCH); appendEntry(0, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_LEFT), aImgAlgin1); appendEntry(1, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_CENTER), aImgAlgin2); appendEntry(2, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_RIGHT), aImgAlgin3); appendEntry(3, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_WORD), aImgAlgin4); appendEntry(4, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_STRETCH), aImgAlgin5); SetOutputSizePixel( getMenuSize() ); AddStatusListener( gsFontworkAlignment ); } void FontworkAlignmentWindow::implSetAlignment( int nSurface, bool bEnabled ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { checkEntry( i, (i == nSurface) && bEnabled ); enableEntry( i, bEnabled ); } } void FontworkAlignmentWindow::statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) { if( Event.FeatureURL.Main == gsFontworkAlignment ) { if( !Event.IsEnabled ) { implSetAlignment( 0, false ); } else { sal_Int32 nValue = 0; if( Event.State >>= nValue ) implSetAlignment( nValue, true ); } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FontworkAlignmentWindow, SelectHdl, ToolbarMenu*, void) { if ( IsInPopupMode() ) EndPopupMode(); sal_Int32 nAlignment = getSelectedEntryId(); if( nAlignment >= 0 ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 ); aArgs[0].Name = OUString(gsFontworkAlignment).copy(5); aArgs[0].Value <<= nAlignment; mrController.dispatchCommand( gsFontworkAlignment, aArgs ); implSetAlignment( nAlignment, true ); } } class FontworkAlignmentControl : public svt::PopupWindowController { public: explicit FontworkAlignmentControl( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext ); virtual VclPtr createPopupWindow( vcl::Window* pParent ) override; // XInitialization virtual void SAL_CALL initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >& aArguments ) override; // XServiceInfo virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override; virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override; using svt::PopupWindowController::createPopupWindow; }; FontworkAlignmentControl::FontworkAlignmentControl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext ) : svt::PopupWindowController( rxContext, Reference< css::frame::XFrame >(), ".uno:FontworkAlignment" ) { } VclPtr FontworkAlignmentControl::createPopupWindow( vcl::Window* pParent ) { return VclPtr::Create( *this, pParent ); } // XInitialization void SAL_CALL FontworkAlignmentControl::initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >& aArguments ) { svt::PopupWindowController::initialize( aArguments ); ToolBox* pToolBox = nullptr; sal_uInt16 nId = 0; if ( getToolboxId( nId, &pToolBox ) ) pToolBox->SetItemBits( nId, pToolBox->GetItemBits( nId ) | ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWNONLY ); } // XServiceInfo OUString FontworkAlignmentControl::getImplementationName() { return "com.sun.star.comp.svx.FontworkAlignmentController"; } Sequence< OUString > FontworkAlignmentControl::getSupportedServiceNames() { Sequence aSNS { "com.sun.star.frame.ToolbarController" }; return aSNS; } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface* com_sun_star_comp_svx_FontworkAlignmentControl_get_implementation( css::uno::XComponentContext* xContext, css::uno::Sequence const &) { return cppu::acquire(new FontworkAlignmentControl(xContext)); } class FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow : public ToolbarMenu { public: FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow( svt::ToolboxController& rController, vcl::Window* pParentWindow ); virtual void statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) override; private: svt::ToolboxController& mrController; DECL_LINK( SelectHdl, ToolbarMenu*, void ); void implSetCharacterSpacing( sal_Int32 nCharacterSpacing, bool bEnabled ); void implSetKernCharacterPairs( bool bEnabled ); }; static const OUStringLiteral gsFontworkCharacterSpacing(".uno:FontworkCharacterSpacing"); static const OUStringLiteral gsFontworkKernCharacterPairs(".uno:FontworkKernCharacterPairs"); FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow::FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow(svt::ToolboxController& rController, vcl::Window* pParentWindow) : ToolbarMenu(rController.getFrameInterface(), pParentWindow, WB_STDPOPUP) , mrController(rController) { SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow, SelectHdl ) ); appendEntry(0, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_TIGHT), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendEntry(1, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_TIGHT), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendEntry(2, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_NORMAL), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendEntry(3, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_LOOSE), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendEntry(4, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_LOOSE), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendEntry(5, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_CUSTOM), MenuItemBits::RADIOCHECK); appendSeparator(); appendEntry(6, SvxResId(RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_KERN_PAIRS), MenuItemBits::CHECKABLE); SetOutputSizePixel( getMenuSize() ); AddStatusListener( gsFontworkCharacterSpacing ); AddStatusListener( gsFontworkKernCharacterPairs ); } void FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow::implSetCharacterSpacing( sal_Int32 nCharacterSpacing, bool bEnabled ) { sal_Int32 i; for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { checkEntry( i, false ); enableEntry( i, bEnabled ); } if ( nCharacterSpacing != -1 ) { sal_Int32 nEntry; switch( nCharacterSpacing ) { case 80 : nEntry = 0; break; case 90 : nEntry = 1; break; case 100 : nEntry = 2; break; case 120 : nEntry = 3; break; case 150 : nEntry = 4; break; default : nEntry = 5; break; } checkEntry( nEntry, bEnabled ); } } void FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow::implSetKernCharacterPairs( bool bEnabled ) { enableEntry( 6, bEnabled ); checkEntry( 6, bEnabled ); } void FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow::statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& Event ) { if( Event.FeatureURL.Main == gsFontworkCharacterSpacing ) { if( !Event.IsEnabled ) { implSetCharacterSpacing( 0, false ); } else { sal_Int32 nValue = 0; if( Event.State >>= nValue ) implSetCharacterSpacing( nValue, true ); } } else if( Event.FeatureURL.Main == gsFontworkKernCharacterPairs ) { if( !Event.IsEnabled ) { implSetKernCharacterPairs( false ); } else { bool bValue = false; if( Event.State >>= bValue ) implSetKernCharacterPairs( true ); } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(FontworkCharacterSpacingWindow, SelectHdl,ToolbarMenu*, void) { if ( IsInPopupMode() ) EndPopupMode(); sal_Int32 nSelection = getSelectedEntryId(); sal_Int32 nCharacterSpacing; switch( nSelection ) { case 0 : nCharacterSpacing = 80; break; case 1 : nCharacterSpacing = 90; break; case 2 : nCharacterSpacing = 100; break; case 3 : nCharacterSpacing = 120; break; case 4 : nCharacterSpacing = 150; break; default : nCharacterSpacing = 100; break; } if ( nSelection == 5 ) // custom spacing { Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 ); aArgs[0].Name = OUString(gsFontworkCharacterSpacing).copy(5); aArgs[0].Value <<= nCharacterSpacing; mrController.dispatchCommand( ".uno:FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog", aArgs ); } else if ( nSelection == 6 ) // KernCharacterPairs { Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 ); aArgs[0].Name = OUString(gsFontworkKernCharacterPairs).copy(5); aArgs[0].Value <<= true; mrController.dispatchCommand( gsFontworkKernCharacterPairs, aArgs ); implSetKernCharacterPairs( true ); } else if( nSelection >= 0 ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 ); aArgs[0].Name = OUString(gsFontworkCharacterSpacing).copy(5); aArgs[0].Value <<= nCharacterSpacing; mrController.dispatchCommand( gsFontworkCharacterSpacing, aArgs ); implSetCharacterSpacing( nCharacterSpacing, true ); } } class FontworkCharacterSpacingControl : public svt::PopupWindowController { public: explicit FontworkCharacterSpacingControl( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext ); virtual VclPtr createPopupWindow( vcl::Window* pParent ) override; // XInitialization virtual void SAL_CALL initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >& aArguments ) override; // XServiceInfo virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override; virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override; using svt::PopupWindowController::createPopupWindow; }; FontworkCharacterSpacingControl::FontworkCharacterSpacingControl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext ) : svt::PopupWindowController( rxContext, Reference< css::frame::XFrame >(), ".uno:FontworkCharacterSpacingFloater" ) { } VclPtr FontworkCharacterSpacingControl::createPopupWindow( vcl::Window* pParent ) { return VclPtr::Create( *this, pParent ); } // XInitialization void SAL_CALL FontworkCharacterSpacingControl::initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >& aArguments ) { svt::PopupWindowController::initialize( aArguments ); ToolBox* pToolBox = nullptr; sal_uInt16 nId = 0; if ( getToolboxId( nId, &pToolBox ) ) pToolBox->SetItemBits( nId, pToolBox->GetItemBits( nId ) | ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWNONLY ); } // XServiceInfo OUString FontworkCharacterSpacingControl::getImplementationName() { return "com.sun.star.comp.svx.FontworkCharacterSpacingController"; } Sequence< OUString > FontworkCharacterSpacingControl::getSupportedServiceNames() { Sequence aSNS { "com.sun.star.frame.ToolbarController" }; return aSNS; } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface* com_sun_star_comp_svx_FontworkCharacterSpacingControl_get_implementation( css::uno::XComponentContext* xContext, css::uno::Sequence const &) { return cppu::acquire(new FontworkCharacterSpacingControl(xContext)); } FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog::FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog(weld::Window* pParent, sal_Int32 nScale) : GenericDialogController(pParent, "svx/ui/fontworkspacingdialog.ui", "FontworkSpacingDialog") , m_xMtrScale(m_xBuilder->weld_metric_spin_button("entry", FieldUnit::PERCENT)) { m_xMtrScale->set_value(nScale, FieldUnit::PERCENT); } FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog::~FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog() { } sal_Int32 FontworkCharacterSpacingDialog::getScale() const { return static_cast(m_xMtrScale->get_value(FieldUnit::PERCENT)); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */