/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: unoshape.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.42 $ * * last change: $Author: cl $ $Date: 2001-03-06 17:37:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define _SVX_USE_UNOGLOBALS_ #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XBITMAP_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_RECTANGLE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DRAWING_CIRCLEKIND_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _B2D_MATRIX3D_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_ITEMPROP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FLTCALL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VOS_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_UNOTEXT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVDOBJ_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTOR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CPPUHELPER_EXTRACT_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include #include #ifndef _IPOBJ_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLBSTIT_HXX #include "xflbstit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLBMTIT_HXX #include "xflbmtit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XLNSTIT_HXX #include "xlnstit.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVX_XLNEDIT_HXX #include "xlnedit.hxx" #endif #include "svdmodel.hxx" #include "globl3d.hxx" #include "fmglob.hxx" #include "unopage.hxx" #include "view3d.hxx" #include "unoshape.hxx" #include "svxids.hrc" #include "unoshtxt.hxx" #include "svdpage.hxx" #include "unoshprp.hxx" #include "svdoole2.hxx" #include "sxciaitm.hxx" // todo: remove #include "svdograf.hxx" #include "unoapi.hxx" #include "svdomeas.hxx" #include // #include "dialmgr.hxx" // not nice, we need our own resources some day #include "dialogs.hrc" // #ifndef _E3D_OBJ3D_HXX #include #endif using namespace ::osl; using namespace ::vos; using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::cppu; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; const SfxItemPropertyMap* ImplGetSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorPropertyMap() { // Propertymap fuer einen Outliner Text static const SfxItemPropertyMap aSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorPropertyMap[] = { SVX_UNOEDIT_CHAR_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_FONT_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_OUTLINER_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_PARA_PROPERTIES, {0,0} }; return aSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorPropertyMap; } const SfxItemPropertyMap* ImplGetSvxTextPortionPropertyMap() { // Propertymap fuer einen Outliner Text static const SfxItemPropertyMap aSvxTextPortionPropertyMap[] = { SVX_UNOEDIT_CHAR_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_FONT_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_PARA_PROPERTIES, {MAP_CHAR_LEN("TextField"), EE_FEATURE_FIELD, &::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< text::XTextField >*)0), beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },\ {MAP_CHAR_LEN("TextPortionType"), WID_PORTIONTYPE, &::getCppuType((const ::rtl::OUString*)0), beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 }, \ {0,0} }; return aSvxTextPortionPropertyMap; } class GDIMetaFile; class SvStream; sal_Bool ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( const GDIMetaFile & rMTF, SvStream & rTargetStream, PFilterCallback pCallback=NULL, void * pCallerData=NULL, sal_Bool bPlaceable=sal_True); uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL SvxUnoGluePointAccess_createInstance( SdrObject* pObject ); DECLARE_LIST( SvxShapeList, SvxShape * ); #define GET_TEXT_INTERFACE( xint, xval ) \ Reference< xint > xval; \ if(!xTextAgg.is() ) { Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::XText > xText( (OWeakObject*)this, UNO_QUERY ); } \ if(xTextAgg.is() ) \ { \ uno::Any aAny( \ xTextAgg->queryAggregation( ::getCppuType((const Reference< xint >*)0))); \ aAny >>= xval; \ } \ #define INTERFACE_TYPE( xint ) \ ::getCppuType((const Reference< xint >*)0) /*********************************************************************** * class SvxShape * ***********************************************************************/ //UNO3_GETIMPLEMENTATION_IMPL( SvxShape ); uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SvxShape::maTypeSequence; SvxShape::SvxShape( SdrObject* pObject ) throw() : aPropSet(aSvxMapProvider.GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE)), pObj (pObject), bDisposing( sal_False ), pModel(NULL), aSize(100,100), aDisposeListeners( aDisposeContainerMutex ) { Init(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxShape::SvxShape( SdrObject* pObject, const SfxItemPropertyMap* pPropertyMap ) throw() : aPropSet(pPropertyMap), bDisposing( sal_False ), pObj (pObject), pModel(NULL), aSize(100,100), aDisposeListeners( aDisposeContainerMutex ) { Init(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxShape::SvxShape() throw() : aPropSet(aSvxMapProvider.GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE)), bDisposing( sal_False ), pObj (NULL), pModel(NULL), aSize(100,100), aDisposeListeners( aDisposeContainerMutex ) { Init(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxShape::~SvxShape() throw() { if (xTextAgg.is()) xTextAgg->setDelegator( Reference< uno::XInterface >() ); xTextAgg = NULL; if( pModel ) EndListening( *pModel ); OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > & SvxShape::getUnoTunnelId() throw() { static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > * pSeq = 0; if( !pSeq ) { ::osl::Guard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pSeq ) { static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); pSeq = &aSeq; } } return *pSeq; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxShape* SvxShape::getImplementation( uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xInt ) throw() { uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUT( xInt, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xUT.is() ) return (SvxShape*)xUT->getSomething( SvxShape::getUnoTunnelId() ); else return NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int64 SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) \ { if( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return (sal_Int64)this; } else { if( !xTextAgg.is() ) queryAggregation( ::getCppuType((const Reference< text::XText >*)0)); if( xTextAgg.is() ) { uno::Any aAny( xTextAgg->queryAggregation( ::getCppuType((const Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel >*)0) ) ); uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUT; aAny >>= xUT; if( xUT.is() ) return xUT->getSomething(rId ); } } return NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxShape* SvxShape::GetShapeForSdrObj( SdrObject* pObj ) throw() { return getImplementation( pObj->getUnoShape() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::Init() throw() { if(pObj == NULL) // ab hier nur nocht mit Objekt return; if(!pObj->GetModel()) return; pModel = pObj->GetModel(); StartListening( *pModel ); const sal_uInt32 nInventor = pObj->GetObjInventor(); if( nInventor == SdrInventor || nInventor == E3dInventor || nInventor == FmFormInventor ) { UHashMapEntry* pMap = pSdrShapeIdentifierMap; sal_uInt32 nObjId; if(nInventor == FmFormInventor) nObjId = OBJ_UNO; else { nObjId = pObj->GetObjIdentifier(); if( nInventor == E3dInventor ) nObjId |= E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG; } switch(nObjId) { case OBJ_CCUT: // Kreisabschnitt case OBJ_CARC: // Kreisbogen case OBJ_SECT: // Kreissektor nObjId = OBJ_CIRC; break; case E3D_POLYSCENE_ID | E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG: nObjId = E3D_SCENE_ID | E3D_INVENTOR_FLAG; break; } while(pMap->aIdentifier.getLength() && ( pMap->nId != nObjId ) ) pMap++; if(pMap->aIdentifier) { OUString aType(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.drawing." ) ); aType += pMap->aIdentifier; aShapeType = aType; } else { DBG_ASSERT(aShapeType.len() == 0, "[CL] unknown SdrObjekt identifier"); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::Create( SdrObject* pNewObj, SvxDrawPage* pNewPage ) throw() { DBG_ASSERT( !pObj || pObj == pNewObj, "SvxShape::Create was called twice!" ); pObj = pNewObj; Init(); ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet( aPropSet ); // save user call SdrObjUserCall* pUser = pObj->GetUserCall(); pObj->SetUserCall(NULL); setPosition( aPosition ); setSize( aSize ); pObj->SetUserCall( pUser ); if( aShapeName.getLength() ) { pObj->SetName( aShapeName ); aShapeName = OUString(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(Pair& rPoint) const throw() { if(pObj && pModel) { SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = pModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0); if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM) { switch(eMapUnit) { case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP : { rPoint.A() = MM_TO_TWIPS(rPoint.A()); rPoint.B() = MM_TO_TWIPS(rPoint.B()); break; } default: { DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to PoolMetric!"); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::ForceMetricTo100th_mm(Pair& rPoint) const throw() { SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM; if(pObj && pModel) { eMapUnit = pModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(0); if(eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM) { switch(eMapUnit) { case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP : { rPoint.A() = TWIPS_TO_MM(rPoint.A()); rPoint.B() = TWIPS_TO_MM(rPoint.B()); break; } default: { DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to 100th mm!"); } } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet(SvxItemPropertySet& rPropSet) throw() { if(pObj && rPropSet.AreThereOwnUsrAnys()) { SfxItemSet aSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), SDRATTR_START, SDRATTR_END, //-/ SID_ATTR_3D_START, SID_ATTR_3D_END, 0); Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShape( (OWeakObject*)this, UNO_QUERY ); aPropSet.ObtainSettingsFromPropertySet(rPropSet, aSet, xShape); //-/ pObj->SetAttributes( aSet, sal_False ); //-/ SdrBroadcastItemChange aItemChange(*pObj); pObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); //-/ pObj->BroadcastItemChange(aItemChange); pObj->ApplyNotPersistAttr( aSet ); } } uno::Any SvxShape::GetBitmap( sal_Bool bMetaFile /* = sal_False */ ) const throw() { uno::Any aAny; if( pObj == NULL || pModel == NULL ) return aAny; VirtualDevice aVDev; aVDev.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); SdrModel* pModel = pObj->GetModel(); SdrPage* pPage = pObj->GetPage(); E3dView* pView = new E3dView( pModel, &aVDev ); pView->SetMarkHdlHidden( sal_True ); SdrPageView* pPageView = pView->ShowPage(pPage, Point()); SdrObject *pTempObj = pObj; pView->MarkObj(pTempObj,pPageView); Rectangle aRect(pTempObj->GetBoundRect()); aRect.Justify(); Size aSize(aRect.GetSize()); GDIMetaFile aMtf( pView->GetAllMarkedMetaFile() ); if( bMetaFile ) { SvMemoryStream aDestStrm( 65535, 65535 ); ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( aMtf, aDestStrm, NULL, NULL, sal_False ); uno::Sequence aSeq((sal_Int8*)aDestStrm.GetData(), aDestStrm.GetSize()); aAny.setValue( &aSeq, ::getCppuType((const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >*)0) ); } else { Graphic aGraph(aMtf); aGraph.SetPrefSize(aSize); aGraph.SetPrefMapMode(MAP_100TH_MM); Reference< awt::XBitmap > xBmp( VCLUnoHelper::CreateBitmap(aGraph.GetBitmapEx()) ); aAny.setValue( &xBmp, ::getCppuType(( const uno::Reference< awt::XBitmap>*)0) ); } pView->UnmarkAll(); delete pView; return aAny; } // UserAggObject //---------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::queryInterface( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return OWeakAggObject::queryInterface( rType ); } uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::queryAggregation( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Any aAny; if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< beans::XPropertySet >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference< beans::XPropertySet >(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< drawing::XShape >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference< drawing::XShape >(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< lang::XComponent >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference< lang::XComponent>(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< drawing::XShapeDescriptor >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference< drawing::XShapeDescriptor>(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< beans::XPropertyState >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< lang::XTypeProvider >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XServiceInfo >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XUnoTunnel >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< drawing::XGluePointsSupplier >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference< container::XNamed >*)0)) aAny <<= Reference(this); else aAny <<= OWeakAggObject::queryAggregation( rType ); if( !aAny.hasValue() && pObj && pObj->GetModel() ) { if( !xTextAgg.is() ) { SvxTextEditSource aSvxTextEditSource( pObj ); { Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::XText > xTextParent; Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::XText > xText = new SvxUnoText( &aSvxTextEditSource, ImplGetSvxUnoOutlinerTextCursorPropertyMap(), xTextParent ); if(xText.is()) { Reference< uno::XAggregation > xAgg( xText, UNO_QUERY ); xTextAgg = xAgg; } } if(xTextAgg.is()) { Reference< uno::XInterface > xDelegator( (OWeakObject*)this, UNO_QUERY ); xTextAgg->setDelegator(xDelegator); } else return uno::Any(); } aAny <<= xTextAgg->queryAggregation( rType ); } return aAny; } void SAL_CALL SvxShape::acquire() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OWeakAggObject::acquire(); } void SAL_CALL SvxShape::release() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OWeakAggObject::release(); } void SvxShape::addStaticTypes( sal_Int16 nNewTypes, /* uno::Type* */ ... ) throw() { const sal_Int32 nOldCount = maTypeSequence.getLength(); DBG_ASSERT( nOldCount, "illegal call of addStaticType() before SvxShape::getStaticTypes()!" ); maTypeSequence.realloc( nOldCount + nNewTypes ); uno::Type* pTypes = &maTypeSequence.getArray()[nOldCount]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, nNewTypes ); for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nNewTypes; i++ ) *pTypes++ = *va_arg( marker, uno::Type*); va_end( marker ); } uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getTypes() throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( maTypeSequence.getLength() == 0 ) { const uno::Sequence< uno::Type > aBaseTypes( SvxUnoText::getStaticTypes() ); const uno::Type* pBaseTypes = aBaseTypes.getConstArray(); const sal_Int32 nBaseTypes = aBaseTypes.getLength(); const sal_Int32 nOwnTypes = 7; // !DANGER! Keep this updated! maTypeSequence.realloc( nBaseTypes + nOwnTypes ); uno::Type* pTypes = maTypeSequence.getArray(); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyState >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< drawing::XGluePointsSupplier >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< lang::XServiceInfo >*)0); *pTypes++ = ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< container::XNamed >*)0); for( sal_Int32 nType = 0; nType < nBaseTypes; nType++ ) *pTypes++ = *pBaseTypes++; } return maTypeSequence; } uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getImplementationId() throw (uno::RuntimeException) { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aId; if( aId.getLength() == 0 ) { aId.realloc( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8 *)aId.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); } return aId; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference< uno::XInterface > SvxShape_NewInstance() { uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( (OWeakObject*)new SvxShape(), UNO_QUERY ); return xShape; } // SfxListener //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxShape::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) throw() { Reference< drawing::XShape > rHoldMyself( (drawing::XShape*)this ); const SdrHint* pSdrHint = PTR_CAST( SdrHint, &rHint ); if( pSdrHint && pObj) { if( pSdrHint->GetKind() == HINT_OBJREMOVED ) { if( pObj == pSdrHint->GetObject() ) { pObj = NULL; } } else if( pSdrHint->GetKind() == HINT_MODELCLEARED ) { pModel = NULL; } else if( pSdrHint->GetKind() == HINT_OBJLISTCLEARED && pSdrHint->GetObjList() == pObj->GetObjList() ) { pObj = NULL; } } if( pObj == NULL ) { if(!bDisposing) dispose(); } } // XShape sal_Bool needLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj ) { if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) { switch(pObj->GetObjIdentifier()) { case OBJ_GRUP: case OBJ_LINE: case OBJ_POLY: case OBJ_PLIN: case OBJ_PATHLINE: case OBJ_PATHFILL: case OBJ_FREELINE: case OBJ_FREEFILL: case OBJ_SPLNLINE: case OBJ_SPLNFILL: case OBJ_EDGE: case OBJ_PATHPOLY: case OBJ_PATHPLIN: case OBJ_MEASURE: return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } Rectangle getLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj ) { if(needLogicRectHack(pObj)) { return pObj->GetSnapRect(); } else { return pObj->GetLogicRect(); } } void setLogicRectHack( SdrObject* pObj, const Rectangle& rRect ) { if(needLogicRectHack(pObj)) { pObj->SetSnapRect( rRect ); } else { pObj->SetLogicRect( rRect ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- awt::Point SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPosition() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( pObj && pModel) { Rectangle aRect( getLogicRectHack(pObj) ); Point aPt( aRect.Left(), aRect.Top() ); // Position ist relativ zum Anker, in absolute Position // umrechnen aPt -= pObj->GetAnchorPos(); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aPt); return ::com::sun::star::awt::Point( aPt.X(), aPt.Y() ); } else { return aPosition; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPosition( const awt::Point& Position ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( pObj && pModel ) { // do NOT move 3D objects, this would change the homogen // transformation matrix if(!pObj->ISA(E3dCompoundObject)) { Rectangle aRect( getLogicRectHack(pObj) ); Point aLocalPos( Position.X, Position.Y ); ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aLocalPos); // Position ist absolut, relativ zum Anker stellen aLocalPos += pObj->GetAnchorPos(); long nDX = aLocalPos.X() - aRect.Left(); long nDY = aLocalPos.Y() - aRect.Top(); pObj->Move( Size( nDX, nDY ) ); pModel->SetChanged(); } } aPosition = Position; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- awt::Size SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSize() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( pObj && pModel) { Rectangle aRect( getLogicRectHack(pObj) ); Size aObjSize( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize); return ::com::sun::star::awt::Size( aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() ); } else return aSize; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setSize( const awt::Size& rSize ) throw(beans::PropertyVetoException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( pObj && pModel) { Rectangle aRect( getLogicRectHack(pObj) ); Size aLocalSize( rSize.Width, rSize.Height ); ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aLocalSize); if(pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_MEASURE ) { Fraction aWdt(aLocalSize.Width(),aRect.Right()-aRect.Left()); Fraction aHgt(aLocalSize.Height(),aRect.Bottom()-aRect.Top()); Point aPt = pObj->GetSnapRect().TopLeft(); pObj->Resize(aPt,aWdt,aHgt); } else { aRect.SetSize(aLocalSize); setLogicRectHack( pObj, aRect ); } pModel->SetChanged(); } aSize = rSize; } // XNamed OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getName( ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { if( pObj ) { return pObj->GetName(); } else { return aShapeName; } } void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { if( pObj ) { pObj->SetName( aName ); } else { aShapeName = aName; } } // XShapeDescriptor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getShapeType() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return aShapeType; } // XComponent //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::dispose() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( bDisposing ) return; // catched a recursion bDisposing = sal_True; lang::EventObject aEvt; aEvt.Source = *(OWeakAggObject*) this; aDisposeListeners.disposeAndClear(aEvt); SdrObject* pObj = GetSdrObject(); if(pObj) { SdrPage* pPage = pObj->GetPage(); // SdrObject aus der Page loeschen sal_uInt32 nCount = pPage->GetObjCount(); for( sal_uInt32 nNum = 0; nNum < nCount; nNum++ ) { if(pPage->GetObj(nNum) == pObj) { delete pPage->RemoveObject(nNum); InvalidateSdrObject(); break; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addEventListener( const Reference< lang::XEventListener >& xListener ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { aDisposeListeners.addInterface(xListener); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removeEventListener( const Reference< lang::XEventListener >& aListener ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { aDisposeListeners.removeInterface(aListener); } // XPropertySet //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertySetInfo() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( aPropSet.getPropertyMap() ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& xListener ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) {} void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName, const Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& aListener ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) {} void SAL_CALL SvxShape::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName, const Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) {} void SAL_CALL SvxShape::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName, const Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) {} sal_Bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::SetFillAttribute( sal_Int32 nWID, const OUString& rName ) { SfxItemSet aSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), (USHORT)nWID, (USHORT)nWID ); if( !SetFillAttribute( nWID, rName, aSet ) ) return sal_False; pObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL SvxShape::SetFillAttribute( sal_Int32 nWID, const OUString& rName, SfxItemSet& rSet ) { String aName; SvxUnogetInternalNameForItem( (sal_Int16)nWID, rName, aName ); if( aName.Len() == 0 ) { switch( nWID ) { case XATTR_LINEEND: case XATTR_LINESTART: { const String aEmpty; const XPolygon aPoly; if( nWID == XATTR_LINEEND ) rSet.Put( XLineEndItem( aEmpty, aPoly ) ); else rSet.Put( XLineStartItem( aEmpty, aPoly ) ); return sal_True; } break; } return sal_False; } const SfxItemPool* pPool = rSet.GetPool(); const String aSearchName( aName ); const USHORT nCount = pPool->GetItemCount((USHORT)nWID); const NameOrIndex *pItem; for( USHORT nSurrogate = 0; nSurrogate < nCount; nSurrogate++ ) { pItem = (NameOrIndex*)pPool->GetItem((USHORT)nWID, nSurrogate); if( pItem && ( pItem->GetName() == aSearchName ) ) { rSet.Put( *pItem ); return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName, const uno::Any& rVal ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = aPropSet.getPropertyMapEntry(rPropertyName); if( pObj && pModel ) { if( pMap == NULL || ( pMap->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY ) != 0 ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); pModel->SetChanged(); switch( pMap->nWID ) { case OWN_ATTR_TRANSFORMATION: { drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aMatrix; if(rVal >>= aMatrix) { XPolyPolygon aEmptyPolygon; Matrix3D aMatrix3D; pObj->TRGetBaseGeometry(aMatrix3D, aEmptyPolygon); aMatrix3D[0] = Point3D( aMatrix.Line1.Column1, aMatrix.Line1.Column2, aMatrix.Line1.Column3 ); aMatrix3D[1] = Point3D( aMatrix.Line2.Column1, aMatrix.Line2.Column2, aMatrix.Line2.Column3 ); aMatrix3D[2] = Point3D( aMatrix.Line3.Column1, aMatrix.Line3.Column2, aMatrix.Line3.Column3 ); pObj->TRSetBaseGeometry(aMatrix3D, aEmptyPolygon); return; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_ZORDER: { sal_Int32 nNewOrdNum; if(rVal >>= nNewOrdNum) { SdrPage * pPage = pObj->GetPage(); if( pPage ) { SdrObject* pCheck = pPage->SetObjectOrdNum( pObj->GetOrdNum(), (ULONG)nNewOrdNum ); DBG_ASSERT( pCheck == pObj, "GetOrdNum() failed!" ); return; } } break; } case OWN_ATTR_WRITINGMODE: { text::WritingMode eMode; if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && (rVal >>= eMode) ) { SdrTextObj* pText = (SdrTextObj*)pObj; pText->SetVerticalWriting( eMode == text::WritingMode_TB_RL ); return; } } case OWN_ATTR_FRAMERECT: { awt::Rectangle aUnoRect; if(rVal >>= aUnoRect) { Point aTopLeft( aUnoRect.X, aUnoRect.Y ); Size aObjSize( aUnoRect.Width, aUnoRect.Height ); ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aTopLeft); ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aObjSize); Rectangle aRect; aRect.SetPos(aTopLeft); aRect.SetSize(aObjSize); pObj->SetSnapRect(aRect); return; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_CLSID: { OUString aCLSID; if( rVal >>= aCLSID ) { // init a ole object with a global name if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObj)->GetObjRef(); if (!rIPRef.Is() ) { SvGlobalName aClassName; if( aClassName.MakeId( aCLSID ) ) { SvGlobalName aClassName; if( aClassName.MakeId( aCLSID ) ) { // create storage and inplace object String aEmptyStr; SvStorageRef aStor = new SvStorage( aEmptyStr, STREAM_STD_READWRITE ); SvInPlaceObjectRef aIPObj = &((SvFactory*)SvInPlaceObject::ClassFactory())->CreateAndInit( aClassName, aStor); SvPersist* pPersist = pModel->GetPersist(); String aName = getName(); sal_Bool bOk = sal_False; // if we already have a shape name check if its a unique // storage name if( aName.Len() && !pPersist->Find( aName ) ) { SvInfoObjectRef xSub = new SvEmbeddedInfoObject( aIPObj, aName ); bOk = pPersist->Move( xSub, aName ); } else { // generate a unique name aName = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Object ") ); String aStr; sal_Int32 i = 1; HACK(Wegen Storage Bug 46033) // for-Schleife wegen Storage Bug 46033 for( sal_Int16 n = 0; n < 100; n++ ) { do { aStr = aName; aStr += String::CreateFromInt32( i ); i++; } while ( pPersist->Find( aStr ) ); SvInfoObjectRef xSub = new SvEmbeddedInfoObject( aIPObj, aStr ); if( pPersist->Move( xSub, aStr ) ) // Eigentuemer Uebergang { bOk = sal_True; break; } } } DBG_ASSERT( bOk, "could not create move ole stream!" ) if( bOk ) pObj->SetName( aName ); ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObj)->SetObjRef(aIPObj); Rectangle aRect( ( (SdrOle2Obj*) pObj)->GetLogicRect() ); aIPObj->SetVisAreaSize( aRect.GetSize() ); return; } } } } } break; } case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS: { SdrEdgeObj* pEdgeObj = PTR_CAST(SdrEdgeObj,pObj); if(pEdgeObj) { switch(pMap->nWID) { case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ: { Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape; if( rVal >>= xShape ) { SdrObject* pNode = GetSdrObjectFromXShape( xShape ); if( pNode ) { pEdgeObj->ConnectToNode( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ, pNode ); pEdgeObj->setGluePointIndex( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ, -1 ); return; } } break; } case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS: { awt::Point aUnoPoint; if( rVal >>= aUnoPoint ) { Point aPoint( aUnoPoint.X, aUnoPoint.Y ); pEdgeObj->SetTailPoint( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS, aPoint ); return; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL: { sal_Int32 nId; if( rVal >>= nId ) { pEdgeObj->setGluePointIndex( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD, nId ); return; } } } } break; } case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_END_POS: { SdrMeasureObj* pMeasureObj = PTR_CAST(SdrMeasureObj,pObj); awt::Point aUnoPoint; if(pMeasureObj && ( rVal >>= aUnoPoint ) ) { Point aPoint( aUnoPoint.X, aUnoPoint.Y ); pMeasureObj->NbcSetPoint( aPoint, pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS ? 0 : 1 ); pMeasureObj->SendRepaintBroadcast(); pMeasureObj->SetChanged(); return; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE: do { drawing::BitmapMode eMode; if(!(rVal >>= eMode) ) { sal_Int32 nMode; if(!(rVal >>= nMode)) break; eMode = (drawing::BitmapMode)nMode; } pObj->SetItem( XFillBmpStretchItem( eMode == drawing::BitmapMode_STRETCH ) ); pObj->SetItem( XFillBmpTileItem( eMode == drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT ) ); return; } while(0); break; case SDRATTR_LAYERID: { sal_Int16 nLayerId; if( rVal >>= nLayerId ) { SdrLayer* pLayer = pModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayerPerID((unsigned char)nLayerId); if( pLayer ) { pObj->SetLayer((unsigned char)nLayerId); return; } } break; } case SDRATTR_LAYERNAME: { OUString aLayerName; if( rVal >>= aLayerName ) { const SdrLayer* pLayer=pModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayer(aLayerName, TRUE); if( pLayer != NULL ) { pObj->SetLayer( pLayer->GetID() ); return; } } break; } case SDRATTR_ROTATEANGLE: { sal_Int32 nAngle; if( rVal >>= nAngle ) { Point aRef1(pObj->GetSnapRect().Center()); nAngle -= pObj->GetRotateAngle(); if (nAngle!=0) { double nSin=sin(nAngle*nPi180); double nCos=cos(nAngle*nPi180); pObj->Rotate(aRef1,nAngle,nSin,nCos); } return; } break; } case SDRATTR_SHEARANGLE: { sal_Int32 nShear; if( rVal >>= nShear ) { nShear -= pObj->GetShearAngle(); if(nShear != 0 ) { Point aRef1(pObj->GetSnapRect().Center()); double nTan=tan(nShear*nPi180); pObj->Shear(aRef1,nShear,nTan,FALSE); return; } } break; } case SDRATTR_OBJMOVEPROTECT: { sal_Bool bMoveProtect; if( rVal >>= bMoveProtect ) { pObj->SetMoveProtect(bMoveProtect); return; } break; } case SDRATTR_OBJECTNAME: { OUString aName; if( rVal >>= aName ) { pObj->SetName( aName ); return; } break; } case SDRATTR_OBJPRINTABLE: { sal_Bool bPrintable; if( rVal >>= bPrintable ) { pObj->SetPrintable(bPrintable); return; } break; } case SDRATTR_OBJSIZEPROTECT: { sal_Bool bResizeProtect; if( rVal >>= bResizeProtect ) { pObj->SetResizeProtect(bResizeProtect); return; } break; } case XATTR_FILLBITMAP: case XATTR_FILLGRADIENT: case XATTR_FILLHATCH: case XATTR_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE: case XATTR_LINEEND: case XATTR_LINESTART: case XATTR_LINEDASH: { if( pMap->nMemberId == MID_NAME ) { OUString aApiName; if( rVal >>= aApiName ) { if( SetFillAttribute( pMap->nWID, aApiName ) ) return; } break; } // warning, this fall-through is intended } default: { DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST || pMap->nWID > SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST, "Not persist item not handled!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START || pMap->nWID > OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END, "Not item property not handled!" ); SfxItemSet aSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID); //-/ pObj->TakeAttributes( aSet, sal_False, sal_False ); aSet.Put(pObj->GetItem(pMap->nWID)); if( SvxUnoTextRangeBase::SetPropertyValueHelper( aSet, pMap, rVal, aSet )) return; if(!aSet.Count()) { if(pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST) { // Not-Persistant Attribute, hole diese extra pObj->TakeNotPersistAttr(aSet, sal_False); } } if(!aSet.Count()) { //-/ if(pMap->nWID >= SID_ATTR_3D_START && pMap->nWID <= SID_ATTR_3D_END) //-/ { //-/ // 3D-Attribut, eigenen Default //-/ // Diese sollten IMMER gesetzt sein, da TakeAttributes an //-/ // 3D-Objekten alle Items erzeugt und eintraegt //-/ DBG_ERROR("AW: Got NO default item from group SID_ATTR_3D_"); //-/ } //-/ else //-/ { // Default aus ItemPool holen if(pModel->GetItemPool().IsWhich(pMap->nWID)) aSet.Put(pModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID)); //-/ } } if(aSet.Count()) { SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = pModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(pMap->nWID); if(pMap->nMemberId & SFX_METRIC_ITEM && eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM) { // Umrechnen auf Metrik des ItemPools in 100stel mm // vorkommende Typen: sal_Int32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt16 uno::Any aVal( rVal ); switch(eMapUnit) { case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP : { if( rVal.getValueType() == ::getCppuType(( const sal_Int32 *)0)) aVal <<= (sal_Int32)(MM_TO_TWIPS(*(sal_Int32*)rVal.getValue())); else if( rVal.getValueType() == ::getCppuType(( const sal_uInt32*)0)) aVal <<= (sal_uInt32)(MM_TO_TWIPS(*(sal_uInt32*)rVal.getValue())); else if( rVal.getValueType() == ::getCppuType(( const sal_uInt16*)0)) aVal <<= (sal_uInt16)(MM_TO_TWIPS(*(sal_uInt16*)rVal.getValue())); else DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to PoolMetrics!"); break; } default: { DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to PoolMetrics!"); } } aPropSet.setPropertyValue( pMap, aVal, aSet ); } else { aPropSet.setPropertyValue( pMap, rVal, aSet ); } if(pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST) { // Not-Persist Attribute extra setzen pObj->ApplyNotPersistAttr( aSet ); } else { //-/ pObj->SetAttributes( aSet, sal_False ); //-/ SdrBroadcastItemChange aItemChange(*pObj); pObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aSet); //-/ pObj->BroadcastItemChange(aItemChange); } } return; } } throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } else { // since we have no actual sdr object right now // remember all properties in a list. These // properties will be set when the sdr object is // created if(pMap && pMap->nWID) // Fixme: We should throw a UnknownPropertyException here. // But since this class is aggregated from classes // that support additional properties that we don't // know here we silently store *all* properties, even // if they may be not supported after creation aPropSet.setPropertyValue( pMap, rVal ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyValue( const OUString& PropertyName ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = aPropSet.getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName); uno::Any aAny; if( pObj && pModel ) { if(pMap == NULL ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); switch( pMap->nWID ) { case OWN_ATTR_INTERNAL_OLE: { sal_Bool bInternal = sal_False; if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObj)->GetObjRef(); if (rIPRef.Is() ) { const SvGlobalName &rClassName = rIPRef->GetClassName(); bInternal = SvFactory::IsIntern( rClassName, 0 ); } } aAny = uno::Any( &bInternal, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); break; } case OWN_ATTR_TRANSFORMATION: { Matrix3D aMatrix3D; XPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon; pObj->TRGetBaseGeometry( aMatrix3D, aPolyPolygon ); drawing::HomogenMatrix3 aMatrix; aMatrix.Line1.Column1 = aMatrix3D[0].X(); aMatrix.Line1.Column2 = aMatrix3D[0].Y(); aMatrix.Line1.Column3 = aMatrix3D[0].W(); aMatrix.Line2.Column1 = aMatrix3D[1].X(); aMatrix.Line2.Column2 = aMatrix3D[1].Y(); aMatrix.Line2.Column3 = aMatrix3D[1].W(); aMatrix.Line3.Column1 = aMatrix3D[2].X(); aMatrix.Line3.Column2 = aMatrix3D[2].Y(); aMatrix.Line3.Column3 = aMatrix3D[2].W(); aAny <<= aMatrix; break; } case OWN_ATTR_ZORDER: { aAny <<= (sal_Int32)pObj->GetOrdNum(); break; } case OWN_ATTR_BITMAP: { aAny = GetBitmap(); if(!aAny.hasValue()) throw uno::RuntimeException(); break; } case OWN_ATTR_WRITINGMODE: { if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) ) { SdrTextObj* pText = (SdrTextObj*)pObj; text::WritingMode eMode = pText->IsVerticalWriting() ? text::WritingMode_TB_RL : text::WritingMode_LR_TB; aAny <<= eMode; break; } } case OWN_ATTR_ISFONTWORK: { sal_Bool bIsFontWork = pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && ((SdrTextObj*)pObj)->IsFontwork(); aAny.setValue( &bIsFontWork, ::getBooleanCppuType() ); break; } case OWN_ATTR_FRAMERECT: { Rectangle aRect( pObj->GetSnapRect() ); Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() ); Size aObjSize( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aTopLeft); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize); ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle aUnoRect( aTopLeft.X(), aTopLeft.Y(), aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() ); aAny <<= aUnoRect; break; } case OWN_ATTR_BOUNDRECT: { Rectangle aRect( pObj->GetBoundRect() ); Point aTopLeft( aRect.TopLeft() ); Size aObjSize( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() ); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aTopLeft); ForceMetricTo100th_mm(aObjSize); ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle aUnoRect( aTopLeft.X(), aTopLeft.Y(), aObjSize.getWidth(), aObjSize.getHeight() ); aAny <<= aUnoRect; break; } case OWN_ATTR_LDNAME: { OUString aName( pObj->GetName() ); aAny <<= aName; break; } case OWN_ATTR_LDBITMAP: { sal_uInt16 nId; if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OLE2 ) { nId = RID_UNODRAW_OLE2; } else if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_GRAF ) { nId = RID_UNODRAW_GRAPHICS; } else { nId = RID_UNODRAW_OBJECTS; } BitmapEx aBmp( SVX_RES(nId) ); Reference< awt::XBitmap > xBmp( VCLUnoHelper::CreateBitmap( aBmp ) ); aAny <<= xBmp; break; } case OWN_ATTR_OLESIZE: { awt::Size aSize; if( pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { SdrOle2Obj& aObj = *(SdrOle2Obj*)pObj; const SvInPlaceObjectRef& xInplace = aObj.GetObjRef(); if( xInplace.Is() ) { Size aTmpSize( xInplace->GetVisArea().GetSize() ); aSize = awt::Size( aTmpSize.Width(), aTmpSize.Height() ); } } aAny <<= aSize; break; } case OWN_ATTR_OLEMODEL: { uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel; if( pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { SdrOle2Obj& aObj = *(SdrOle2Obj*)pObj; xModel = ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObj)->getXModel(); } aAny <<= xModel; break; } case OWN_ATTR_MIRRORED: { sal_Bool bMirror = sal_False; if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrGrafObj) ) bMirror = ((SdrGrafObj*)pObj)->IsMirrored(); return uno::Any( &bMirror, ::getCppuBooleanType() ); } case OWN_ATTR_CLSID: { OUString aCLSID; if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPRef = ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObj)->GetObjRef(); if (rIPRef.Is() ) { const SvGlobalName &rClassName = rIPRef->GetClassName(); aCLSID = rClassName.GetHexName(); } } aAny <<= aCLSID; break; } case OWN_ATTR_METAFILE: { if( pObj->ISA(SdrOle2Obj)) { SdrOle2Obj& aObj = *(SdrOle2Obj*)pObj; if(aObj.HasGDIMetaFile() && aObj.GetGDIMetaFile()) { SvMemoryStream aDestStrm( 65535, 65535 ); ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( *aObj.GetGDIMetaFile(), aDestStrm, NULL, NULL, sal_False ); uno::Sequence aSeq((sal_Int8*)aDestStrm.GetData(), aDestStrm.GetSize()); aAny <<= aSeq; } } else { aAny = GetBitmap( sal_True ); } break; } case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL: { SdrEdgeObj* pEdgeObj = PTR_CAST(SdrEdgeObj,pObj); if(pEdgeObj) { switch(pMap->nWID) { case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_OBJ: { SdrObject* pNode = pEdgeObj->GetConnectedNode(pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_OBJ); if(pNode) { Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( GetXShapeForSdrObject( pNode ) ); if(xShape.is()) aAny <<= xShape; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_EDGE_END_POS: { Point aPoint( pEdgeObj->GetTailPoint( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_EDGE_START_POS ) ); awt::Point aUnoPoint( aPoint.X(), aPoint.Y() ); aAny <<= aUnoPoint; break; } case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD: case OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_TAIL: { aAny <<= pEdgeObj->getGluePointIndex( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_GLUEID_HEAD ); break; } } } break; } case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS: case OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_END_POS: { SdrMeasureObj* pMeasureObj = PTR_CAST(SdrMeasureObj,pObj); if(pMeasureObj) { const Point& rPoint = pMeasureObj->GetPoint( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_MEASURE_START_POS ? 0 : 1 ); awt::Point aUnoPoint( rPoint.X(), rPoint.Y() ); aAny <<= aUnoPoint; break; } break; } case OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE: { XFillBmpStretchItem* pStretchItem = (XFillBmpStretchItem*)&pObj->GetItem(XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH); XFillBmpTileItem* pTileItem = (XFillBmpTileItem*)&pObj->GetItem(XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE); if( pTileItem && pTileItem->GetValue() ) { aAny <<= drawing::BitmapMode_REPEAT; } else if( pStretchItem && pStretchItem->GetValue() ) { aAny <<= drawing::BitmapMode_STRETCH; } else { aAny <<= drawing::BitmapMode_NO_REPEAT; } break; } case SDRATTR_LAYERID: aAny <<= (sal_Int16)pObj->GetLayer(); break; case SDRATTR_LAYERNAME: { SdrLayer* pLayer = pModel->GetLayerAdmin().GetLayerPerID(pObj->GetLayer()); if( pLayer ) { OUString aName( pLayer->GetName() ); aAny <<= aName; } } break; case SDRATTR_ROTATEANGLE: aAny <<= pObj->GetRotateAngle(); break; case SDRATTR_SHEARANGLE: aAny <<= pObj->GetShearAngle(); break; case SDRATTR_OBJMOVEPROTECT: aAny = bool2any( pObj->IsMoveProtect() ); break; case SDRATTR_OBJECTNAME: { OUString aName( pObj->GetName() ); aAny <<= aName; break; } case SDRATTR_OBJPRINTABLE: aAny = bool2any( pObj->IsPrintable() ); break; case SDRATTR_OBJSIZEPROTECT: aAny = bool2any( pObj->IsResizeProtect() ); break; default: { DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST || pMap->nWID > SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST, "Not persist item not handled!" ); DBG_ASSERT( pMap->nWID < OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START || pMap->nWID > OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END, "Not item property not handled!" ); SfxItemSet aSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID); //-/ pObj->TakeAttributes( aSet, sal_False, sal_False ); //-/ aSet.Put(pObj->GetItemSet()); aSet.Put(pObj->GetItem(pMap->nWID)); if(SvxUnoTextRangeBase::GetPropertyValueHelper( aSet, pMap, aAny )) return aAny; if(!aSet.Count()) { if(pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST) { // Not-Persistant Attribute, hole diese extra pObj->TakeNotPersistAttr(aSet, sal_False); } } if(!aSet.Count()) { //-/ if(pMap->nWID >= SID_ATTR_3D_START && pMap->nWID <= SID_ATTR_3D_END) //-/ { //-/ // 3D-Attribut, eigenen Default //-/ // Diese sollten IMMER gesetzt sein, da TakeAttributes an //-/ // 3D-Objekten alle Items erzeugt und eintraegt //-/ DBG_ERROR("AW: Got NO default item from group SID_ATTR_3D_"); //-/ } //-/ else //-/ { // Default aus ItemPool holen if(pModel->GetItemPool().IsWhich(pMap->nWID)) aSet.Put(pModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID)); //-/ } } if(aSet.Count()) aAny = GetAnyForItem( aSet, pMap ); } } } else { // Fixme: we should return default values for OWN_ATTR ! if(pMap && pMap->nWID) // FixMe: see setPropertyValue aAny = aPropSet.getPropertyValue( pMap ); } return aAny; } uno::Any SvxShape::GetAnyForItem( SfxItemSet& aSet, const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap ) const { uno::Any aAny; switch(pMap->nWID) { case SDRATTR_CIRCSTARTANGLE: { const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem=NULL; if(aSet.GetItemState(SDRATTR_CIRCSTARTANGLE,sal_False,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET) { sal_Int32 nAngle = ((SdrCircStartAngleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue(); aAny <<= nAngle; } break; } case SDRATTR_CIRCENDANGLE: { const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem=NULL; if (aSet.GetItemState(SDRATTR_CIRCENDANGLE,sal_False,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET) { sal_Int32 nAngle = ((SdrCircEndAngleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue(); aAny <<= nAngle; } break; } case SDRATTR_CIRCKIND: { if( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) { drawing::CircleKind eKind; switch(pObj->GetObjIdentifier()) { case OBJ_CIRC: // Kreis, Ellipse eKind = drawing::CircleKind_FULL; break; case OBJ_CCUT: // Kreisabschnitt eKind = drawing::CircleKind_CUT; break; case OBJ_CARC: // Kreisbogen eKind = drawing::CircleKind_ARC; break; case OBJ_SECT: // Kreissektor eKind = drawing::CircleKind_SECTION; break; } aAny <<= eKind; } break; } default: { // Hole Wert aus ItemSet aAny = aPropSet.getPropertyValue( pMap, aSet ); // eventuell umrechnen der Metrik auf 100stel mm noetig SfxMapUnit eMapUnit = pModel->GetItemPool().GetMetric(pMap->nWID); if(pMap->nMemberId & SFX_METRIC_ITEM && eMapUnit != SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM) { // Umrechnen auf Metrik des ItemPools // vorkommende Typen: sal_Int32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt16 switch(eMapUnit) { case SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP : { switch( aAny.getValueTypeClass() ) { case uno::TypeClass_BYTE: aAny <<= (sal_Int8)(TWIPS_TO_MM(*(sal_Int8*)aAny.getValue())); break; case uno::TypeClass_SHORT: aAny <<= (sal_Int16)(TWIPS_TO_MM(*(sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue())); break; case uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT: aAny <<= (sal_uInt16)(TWIPS_TO_MM(*(sal_uInt16*)aAny.getValue())); break; case uno::TypeClass_LONG: aAny <<= (sal_Int32)(TWIPS_TO_MM(*(sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue())); break; case uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG: aAny <<= (sal_uInt32)(TWIPS_TO_MM(*(sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue())); break; default: DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to 100th mm!"); } break; } default: { DBG_ERROR("AW: Missing unit translation to 100th mm!"); } } } } } return aAny; } // XPropertyState beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyState( const OUString& PropertyName ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = aPropSet.getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName); if( pObj == NULL || pMap == NULL ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); if( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = pObj->GetItemSet(); if( rSet.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH, false ) == SFX_ITEM_SET || rSet.GetItemState( XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE, false ) == SFX_ITEM_SET ) { return beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; } else { return beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE; } } else if(( pMap->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pMap->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) || ( pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST )) { return beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; } else { const SfxItemSet& rSet = pObj->GetItemSet(); switch( rSet.GetItemState( pMap->nWID, sal_False ) ) { case SFX_ITEM_READONLY: case SFX_ITEM_SET: return beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; case SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT: return beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE; case SFX_ITEM_UNKNOWN: case SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE: case SFX_ITEM_DISABLED: default: return beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE; } } } uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyStates( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyName ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { const sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyName.getLength(); const OUString* pNames = aPropertyName.getConstArray(); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aRet( nCount ); beans::PropertyState* pState = aRet.getArray();; for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++ ) pState[nIdx] = getPropertyState( pNames[nIdx] ); return aRet; } void SAL_CALL SvxShape::setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& PropertyName ) throw(beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = aPropSet.getPropertyMapEntry(PropertyName); if( pObj == NULL || pModel == NULL || pMap == NULL ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); if( pMap->nWID == OWN_ATTR_FILLBMP_MODE ) { pObj->ClearItem( XATTR_FILLBMP_STRETCH ); pObj->ClearItem( XATTR_FILLBMP_TILE ); } else if((pMap->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pMap->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) || ( pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST )) { return; } else { pObj->ClearItem( pMap->nWID ); } pModel->SetChanged(); } uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShape::getPropertyDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = aPropSet.getPropertyMapEntry(aPropertyName); if( pObj == NULL || pMap == NULL ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); if(( pMap->nWID >= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_START && pMap->nWID <= OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END ) || ( pMap->nWID >= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_FIRST && pMap->nWID <= SDRATTR_NOTPERSIST_LAST )) { return getPropertyValue( aPropertyName ); } else { // Default aus ItemPool holen if(!pModel->GetItemPool().IsWhich(pMap->nWID)) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(); SfxItemSet aSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), pMap->nWID, pMap->nWID); aSet.Put(pModel->GetItemPool().GetDefaultItem(pMap->nWID)); return GetAnyForItem( aSet, pMap ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // XServiceInfo //---------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString SAL_CALL SvxShape::getImplementationName() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("SvxShape") ); } #define STAR_NAMESPACE "com.sun.star." const char* sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.ParagraphProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "style.CharacterProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.FillProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.TextProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.LineProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ConnectorProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.MeasureProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ShadowProperties"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.RotationDescriptor"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_Text = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.Text"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_GroupShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.GroupShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonDescriptor"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor= STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_LineShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.LineShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_Shape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.Shape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_RectangleShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.RectangleShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_EllipseShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.EllipseShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyPolygonShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PolyLineShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PolyLineShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_OpenBezierShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.OpenBezierShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ClosedBezierShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ClosedBezierShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_TextShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.TextShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_GraphicObjectShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.GraphicObjectShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_OLE2Shape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.OLE2Shape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_PageShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.PageShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_CaptionShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.CaptionShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.MeasureShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_FrameShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.FrameShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ControlShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ControlShape"; const char* sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorShape = STAR_NAMESPACE "drawing.ConnectorShape"; uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getSupportedServiceNames() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aSeq; GET_TEXT_INTERFACE( XServiceInfo, xInfo ); if( xInfo.is() ) aSeq = xInfo->getSupportedServiceNames(); if( pObj && pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) { const UINT16 nIdent = pObj->GetObjIdentifier(); switch(nIdent) { case OBJ_GRUP: addToSequence( aSeq, 2, sUNO_service_drawing_GroupShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape ); break; case OBJ_LINE: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_LineShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_RECT: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_RectangleShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_CIRC: case OBJ_SECT: case OBJ_CARC: case OBJ_CCUT: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_EllipseShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_PATHPLIN: case OBJ_PLIN: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyLineShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_PATHPOLY: case OBJ_POLY: addToSequence( aSeq,11, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_FREELINE: case OBJ_PATHLINE: addToSequence( aSeq,11, sUNO_service_drawing_OpenBezierShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_FREEFILL: case OBJ_PATHFILL: addToSequence( aSeq,11, sUNO_service_drawing_ClosedBezierShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonBezierDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_OUTLINETEXT: case OBJ_TITLETEXT: case OBJ_TEXT: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_TextShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_GRAF: addToSequence( aSeq, 8, sUNO_service_drawing_GraphicObjectShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_OLE2: addToSequence( aSeq, 2, sUNO_service_drawing_OLE2Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape); break; case OBJ_CAPTION: addToSequence( aSeq,10, sUNO_service_drawing_CaptionShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_FillProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_PAGE: addToSequence( aSeq, 2, sUNO_service_drawing_PageShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape ); break; case OBJ_MEASURE: addToSequence( aSeq,11, sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureShape, sUNO_service_drawing_MeasureProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; case OBJ_FRAME: addToSequence( aSeq, 2, sUNO_service_drawing_FrameShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape ); break; case OBJ_UNO: addToSequence( aSeq, 2, sUNO_service_drawing_ControlShape, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape ); break; case OBJ_EDGE: addToSequence( aSeq,11, sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorShape, sUNO_service_drawing_ConnectorProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Shape, sUNO_service_drawing_LineProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_Text, sUNO_service_drawing_TextProperties, sUNO_service_style_ParagraphProperties, sUNO_service_style_CharacterProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_PolyPolygonDescriptor, sUNO_service_drawing_ShadowProperties, sUNO_service_drawing_RotationDescriptor); break; return aSeq; } } return aSeq; } // XGluePointsSupplier uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > SAL_CALL SvxShape::getGluePoints() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > xGluePoints( mxGluePoints ); if( !xGluePoints.is() ) { uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer > xNew( SvxUnoGluePointAccess_createInstance( pObj ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); mxGluePoints = xGluePoints = xNew; } return xGluePoints; } /*********************************************************************** * class SvxShapeRect * ***********************************************************************/ SvxShapeRect::SvxShapeRect( SdrObject* pObj ) throw() : SvxShape( pObj, aSvxMapProvider.GetMap(SVXMAP_SHAPE) ) { } SvxShapeRect::~SvxShapeRect() throw() { } uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::queryInterface( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return OWeakAggObject::queryInterface( rType ); } uno::Any SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::queryAggregation( const uno::Type & rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return SvxShape::queryAggregation( rType ); } void SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::acquire() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OWeakAggObject::acquire(); } void SAL_CALL SvxShapeRect::release() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { OWeakAggObject::release(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // XServiceInfo //---------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Sequence< OUString > SvxShapeRect::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return SvxShape::getSupportedServiceNames(); } /** returns a StarOffice API wrapper for the given SdrObject */ uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > GetXShapeForSdrObject( SdrObject* pObj ) throw () { uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( pObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); return xShape; } /** returns the SdrObject from the given StarOffice API wrapper */ SdrObject* GetSdrObjectFromXShape( uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape ) throw() { SvxShape* pShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( xShape ); return pShape ? pShape->GetSdrObject() : NULL; }