/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: _xoutbmp.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: sj $ $Date: 2001-03-07 20:18:45 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "impgrf.hxx" #include "xoutbmp.hxx" #include // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define FORMAT_BMP String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("bmp")) #define FORMAT_GIF String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("gif")) #define FORMAT_JPG String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("jpg")) #define FORMAT_PNG String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("png")) // -------------- // - XOutBitmap - // -------------- GraphicFilter* XOutBitmap::pGrfFilter = NULL; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitmapEx XOutBitmap::CreateQuickDrawBitmapEx( const Graphic& rGraphic, const OutputDevice& rCompDev, const MapMode& rMapMode, const Size& rLogSize, const Point& rPoint, const Size& rSize ) { BitmapEx aRetBmp; if( rGraphic.IsAlpha() ) aRetBmp = rGraphic.GetBitmapEx(); else { VirtualDevice aVDev( rCompDev ); MapMode aMap( rMapMode ); aMap.SetOrigin( Point() ); aVDev.SetMapMode( aMap ); Point aPoint( aVDev.LogicToPixel( rPoint ) ); Size aOldSize( aVDev.LogicToPixel( rSize ) ); Size aAbsSize( aOldSize ); Size aQSizePix( aVDev.LogicToPixel( rLogSize ) ); aVDev.SetMapMode( MapMode() ); if( aOldSize.Width() < 0 ) aAbsSize.Width() = -aAbsSize.Width(); if( aOldSize.Height() < 0 ) aAbsSize.Height() = -aAbsSize.Height(); if( aVDev.SetOutputSizePixel( aAbsSize ) ) { Point aNewOrg( -aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y() ); const Point aNullPoint; // horizontale Spiegelung ggf. beruecksichtigen if( aOldSize.Width() < 0 ) { aNewOrg.X() -= aOldSize.Width(); // und jetzt noch einen abziehen aNewOrg.X()--; } // vertikale Spiegelung ggf. beruecksichtigen if( rSize.Height() < 0 ) { aNewOrg.Y() -= aOldSize.Height(); // und jetzt noch einen abziehen aNewOrg.Y()--; } if( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) { rGraphic.Draw( &aVDev, aNewOrg, aQSizePix ); const Bitmap aBmp( aVDev.GetBitmap( aNullPoint, aAbsSize ) ); Bitmap aMask; Graphic( rGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile().GetMonochromeMtf( COL_BLACK ) ).Draw( &aVDev, aNewOrg, aQSizePix ); aMask = aVDev.GetBitmap( aNullPoint, aAbsSize ); aRetBmp = BitmapEx( aBmp, aMask ); } else { Bitmap aBmp( rGraphic.GetBitmap() ); // UNX has got problems with 1x1 bitmaps which are transparent (KA 02.11.1998) #ifdef UNX const Size aBmpSize( aBmp.GetSizePixel() ); BOOL bFullTrans = FALSE; if( aBmpSize.Width() == 1 && aBmpSize.Height() == 1 && rGraphic.IsTransparent() ) { Bitmap aTrans( rGraphic.GetBitmapEx().GetMask() ); BitmapReadAccess* pMAcc = aBmp.AcquireReadAccess(); if( pMAcc ) { if( pMAcc->GetColor( 0, 0 ) == BitmapColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ) bFullTrans = TRUE; aTrans.ReleaseAccess( pMAcc ); } } if( !bFullTrans ) #endif // UNX { DitherBitmap( aBmp ); aVDev.DrawBitmap( aNewOrg, aQSizePix, aBmp ); aBmp = aVDev.GetBitmap( aNullPoint, aAbsSize ); if( !rGraphic.IsTransparent() ) aRetBmp = BitmapEx( aBmp ); else { Bitmap aTrans( rGraphic.GetBitmapEx().GetMask() ); if( !aTrans ) aRetBmp = BitmapEx( aBmp, rGraphic.GetBitmapEx().GetTransparentColor() ); else { aVDev.DrawBitmap( aNewOrg, aQSizePix, aTrans ); aRetBmp = BitmapEx( aBmp, aVDev.GetBitmap( Point(), aAbsSize ) ); } } } } } } return aRetBmp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void XOutBitmap::DrawQuickDrawBitmapEx( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSize, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) { const Size aBmpSizePix( rBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); const Size aSizePix( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( rSize ) ); if ( ( aSizePix.Width() - aBmpSizePix.Width() ) || ( aSizePix.Height() - aBmpSizePix.Height() ) ) rBmpEx.Draw( pOutDev, rPt, rSize ); else rBmpEx.Draw( pOutDev, rPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void XOutBitmap::DrawTiledBitmapEx( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rStartPt, const Size& rGrfSize, const Rectangle& rTileRect, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) { Rectangle aClipRect( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( pOutDev->GetClipRegion().GetBoundRect() ) ); Rectangle aPixRect( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( rTileRect ) ); const Size aPixSize( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( rGrfSize ) ); const Point aPixPoint( pOutDev->LogicToPixel( rStartPt ) ); Point aOrg; const long nWidth = aPixSize.Width(); const long nHeight = aPixSize.Height(); long nXPos = aPixPoint.X() + ( ( aPixRect.Left() - aPixPoint.X() ) / nWidth ) * nWidth; long nYPos = aPixPoint.Y() + ( ( aPixRect.Top() - aPixPoint.Y() ) / nHeight ) * nHeight; const long nBottom = aPixRect.Bottom(); const long nRight = aPixRect.Right(); const long nLeft = nXPos; const BOOL bNoSize = ( aPixSize == rBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); pOutDev->Push(); pOutDev->SetMapMode( MapMode() ); // ggf. neue ClipRegion berechnen und setzen if ( pOutDev->IsClipRegion() ) aPixRect.Intersection( aClipRect ); pOutDev->SetClipRegion( aPixRect ); while( nYPos <= nBottom ) { while( nXPos <= nRight ) { if ( bNoSize ) rBmpEx.Draw( pOutDev, Point( nXPos, nYPos ) ); else rBmpEx.Draw( pOutDev, Point( nXPos, nYPos ), aPixSize ); nXPos += nWidth; } nXPos = nLeft; nYPos += nHeight; } pOutDev->Pop(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Animation XOutBitmap::MirrorAnimation( const Animation& rAnimation, BOOL bHMirr, BOOL bVMirr ) { Animation aNewAnim( rAnimation ); if( bHMirr || bVMirr ) { const Size& rGlobalSize = aNewAnim.GetDisplaySizePixel(); ULONG nMirrorFlags = 0L; if( bHMirr ) nMirrorFlags |= BMP_MIRROR_HORZ; if( bVMirr ) nMirrorFlags |= BMP_MIRROR_VERT; for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = aNewAnim.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) { AnimationBitmap aAnimBmp( aNewAnim.Get( i ) ); // BitmapEx spiegeln aAnimBmp.aBmpEx.Mirror( nMirrorFlags ); // Die Positionen innerhalb der Gesamtbitmap // muessen natuerlich auch angepasst werden if( bHMirr ) aAnimBmp.aPosPix.X() = rGlobalSize.Width() - aAnimBmp.aPosPix.X() - aAnimBmp.aSizePix.Width(); if( bVMirr ) aAnimBmp.aPosPix.Y() = rGlobalSize.Height() - aAnimBmp.aPosPix.Y() - aAnimBmp.aSizePix.Height(); aNewAnim.Replace( aAnimBmp, i ); } } return aNewAnim; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic XOutBitmap::MirrorGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const ULONG nMirrorFlags ) { Graphic aRetGraphic; if( nMirrorFlags ) { if( rGraphic.IsAnimated() ) { aRetGraphic = MirrorAnimation( rGraphic.GetAnimation(), ( nMirrorFlags & BMP_MIRROR_HORZ ) == BMP_MIRROR_HORZ, ( nMirrorFlags & BMP_MIRROR_VERT ) == BMP_MIRROR_VERT ); } else { if( rGraphic.IsTransparent() ) { BitmapEx aBmpEx( rGraphic.GetBitmapEx() ); aBmpEx.Mirror( nMirrorFlags ); aRetGraphic = aBmpEx; } else { Bitmap aBmp( rGraphic.GetBitmap() ); aBmp.Mirror( nMirrorFlags ); aRetGraphic = aBmp; } } } else aRetGraphic = rGraphic; return aRetGraphic; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USHORT XOutBitmap::WriteGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, String& rFileName, const String& rFilterName, const ULONG nFlags, const Size* pMtfSize_100TH_MM ) { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE ) { INetURLObject aURL( rFileName ); Graphic aGraphic; String aExt; GraphicFilter* pFilter = GetGrfFilter(); USHORT nErr = GRFILTER_FILTERERROR, nFilter = GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND; BOOL bTransparent = rGraphic.IsTransparent(), bAnimated = rGraphic.IsAnimated(); DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "XOutBitmap::WriteGraphic(...): invalid URL" ); // calculate correct file name if( !( nFlags & XOUTBMP_DONT_EXPAND_FILENAME ) ) { String aName( aURL.getBase() ); aName += '_'; aName += UniString::CreateFromInt32( Time().GetTime() ); aURL.setBase( aName ); } if( ( nFlags & XOUTBMP_USE_NATIVE_IF_POSSIBLE ) && !( nFlags & XOUTBMP_MIRROR_HORZ ) && !( nFlags & XOUTBMP_MIRROR_VERT ) && ( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE ) && rGraphic.IsLink() ) { // try to write native link const GfxLink aGfxLink( ( (Graphic&) rGraphic ).GetLink() ); switch( aGfxLink.GetType() ) { case( GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_GIF ): aExt = FORMAT_GIF; break; case( GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_JPG ): aExt = FORMAT_JPG; break; case( GFX_LINK_TYPE_NATIVE_PNG ): aExt = FORMAT_PNG; break; default: break; } if( aExt.Len() ) { aURL.setExtension( aExt ); rFileName = aURL.GetMainURL(); SfxMedium aMedium( aURL.GetMainURL(), STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE | STREAM_TRUNC, TRUE ); SvStream* pOStm = aMedium.GetOutStream(); if( pOStm && aGfxLink.GetDataSize() ) { pOStm->Write( aGfxLink.GetData(), aGfxLink.GetDataSize() ); aMedium.Commit(); if( !aMedium.GetError() ) nErr = GRFILTER_OK; } } } if( GRFILTER_OK != nErr ) { String aFilter( rFilterName ); BOOL bWriteTransGrf = ( aFilter.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "transgrf" ) ) || ( aFilter.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "gif" ) ) || ( nFlags & XOUTBMP_USE_GIF_IF_POSSIBLE ) || ( ( nFlags & XOUTBMP_USE_GIF_IF_SENSIBLE ) && ( bAnimated || bTransparent ) ); // get filter and extension if( bWriteTransGrf ) aFilter = FORMAT_GIF; nFilter = pFilter->GetExportFormatNumberForShortName( aFilter ); if( GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND == nFilter ) { nFilter = pFilter->GetExportFormatNumberForShortName( FORMAT_JPG ); if( GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND == nFilter ) nFilter = pFilter->GetExportFormatNumberForShortName( FORMAT_BMP ); } if( GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND != nFilter ) { aExt = pFilter->GetExportFormatShortName( nFilter ).ToLowerAscii(); if( bWriteTransGrf ) { if( bAnimated ) aGraphic = rGraphic; else { if( pMtfSize_100TH_MM && ( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ) { VirtualDevice aVDev; const Size aSize( aVDev.LogicToPixel( *pMtfSize_100TH_MM, MAP_100TH_MM ) ); if( aVDev.SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ) ) { const Wallpaper aWallpaper( aVDev.GetBackground() ); const Point aPt; aVDev.SetBackground( Wallpaper( Color( COL_BLACK ) ) ); aVDev.Erase(); rGraphic.Draw( &aVDev, aPt, aSize ); const Bitmap aBitmap( aVDev.GetBitmap( aPt, aSize ) ); aVDev.SetBackground( aWallpaper ); aVDev.Erase(); rGraphic.Draw( &aVDev, aPt, aSize ); aVDev.SetRasterOp( ROP_XOR ); aVDev.DrawBitmap( aPt, aSize, aBitmap ); aGraphic = BitmapEx( aBitmap, aVDev.GetBitmap( aPt, aSize ) ); } else aGraphic = rGraphic.GetBitmapEx(); } else aGraphic = rGraphic.GetBitmapEx(); } } else { if( pMtfSize_100TH_MM && ( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_BITMAP ) ) { VirtualDevice aVDev; const Size aSize( aVDev.LogicToPixel( *pMtfSize_100TH_MM, MAP_100TH_MM ) ); if( aVDev.SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ) ) { rGraphic.Draw( &aVDev, Point(), aSize ); aGraphic = aVDev.GetBitmap( Point(), aSize ); } else aGraphic = rGraphic.GetBitmap(); } else aGraphic = rGraphic.GetBitmap(); } // mirror? if( ( nFlags & XOUTBMP_MIRROR_HORZ ) || ( nFlags & XOUTBMP_MIRROR_VERT ) ) aGraphic = MirrorGraphic( aGraphic, nFlags ); if( ( GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND != nFilter ) && ( aGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE ) ) { aURL.setExtension( aExt ); rFileName = aURL.GetMainURL(); nErr = ExportGraphic( aGraphic, aURL, *pFilter, nFilter, TRUE ); } } } return nErr; } else #endif return GRFILTER_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef WNT #pragma optimize ( "", off ) #endif USHORT XOutBitmap::ExportGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const INetURLObject& rURL, GraphicFilter& rFilter, const USHORT nFormat, BOOL bIgnoreOptions ) { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT DBG_ASSERT( rURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "XOutBitmap::ExportGraphic(...): invalid URL" ); SfxMedium aMedium( rURL.GetMainURL(), STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE | STREAM_TRUNC, TRUE ); SvStream* pOStm = aMedium.GetOutStream(); USHORT nRet = 1; if( pOStm ) { pGrfFilter = &rFilter; if( bIgnoreOptions ) nRet = rFilter.ExportGraphic( rGraphic, rURL.GetMainURL(), *pOStm, nFormat, bIgnoreOptions ); else { Graphic aGraphic; const String aFormat( rFilter.GetExportFormatShortName( nFormat ).ToLowerAscii() ); // Optionen fuer die einzelnen Format beruecksichtigen if( aFormat == FORMAT_BMP ) { FilterConfigItem aConfigItem( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Office.Common/Filter/Graphic/Export/BMP" ) ) ); sal_Int32 nColorRes = aConfigItem.ReadInt32( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Colors" ) ), 0 ); if( !nColorRes || ( nColorRes > (USHORT) BMP_CONVERSION_24BIT ) ) aGraphic = rGraphic; else { Bitmap aTmp( rGraphic.GetBitmap() ); if( aTmp.Convert( (BmpConversion) nColorRes ) ) aGraphic = aTmp; else aGraphic = rGraphic; } } else if( aFormat == FORMAT_JPG ) { FilterConfigItem aConfigItem( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Office.Common/Filter/Graphic/Export/JPG" ) ) ); const sal_Bool bGreys = aConfigItem.ReadInt32( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ColorMode" ) ), 0 ) != 0; Bitmap aTmp( rGraphic.GetBitmap() ); const BmpConversion eConv = bGreys ? BMP_CONVERSION_8BIT_GREYS : BMP_CONVERSION_24BIT; if( aTmp.Convert( eConv ) ) aGraphic = aTmp; else aGraphic = rGraphic; } else aGraphic = rGraphic; nRet = rFilter.ExportGraphic( aGraphic, rURL.GetMainURL(), *pOStm, nFormat, sal_False ); } pGrfFilter = NULL; aMedium.Commit(); if( aMedium.GetError() && ( GRFILTER_OK == nRet ) ) nRet = 1; } return nRet; #else return 1; #endif } #ifdef WNT #pragma optimize ( "", on ) #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap XOutBitmap::DetectEdges( const Bitmap& rBmp, const BYTE cThreshold ) { const Size aSize( rBmp.GetSizePixel() ); Bitmap aRetBmp; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( ( aSize.Width() > 2L ) && ( aSize.Height() > 2L ) ) { Bitmap aWorkBmp( rBmp ); if( aWorkBmp.Convert( BMP_CONVERSION_8BIT_GREYS ) ) { Bitmap aDstBmp( aSize, 1 ); BitmapReadAccess* pReadAcc = aWorkBmp.AcquireReadAccess(); BitmapWriteAccess* pWriteAcc = aDstBmp.AcquireWriteAccess(); if( pReadAcc && pWriteAcc ) { const long nWidth = aSize.Width(); const long nWidth2 = nWidth - 2L; const long nHeight = aSize.Height(); const long nHeight2 = nHeight - 2L; const long lThres2 = (long) cThreshold * cThreshold; const BitmapColor aWhite = (BYTE) pWriteAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); const BitmapColor aBlack = (BYTE) pWriteAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); long nSum1; long nSum2; long lGray; // Rand mit Weiss init. pWriteAcc->SetLineColor( Color( COL_WHITE) ); pWriteAcc->DrawLine( Point(), Point( nWidth - 1L, 0L ) ); pWriteAcc->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1L, 0L ), Point( nWidth - 1L, nHeight - 1L ) ); pWriteAcc->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1L, nHeight - 1L ), Point( 0L, nHeight - 1L ) ); pWriteAcc->DrawLine( Point( 0, nHeight - 1L ), Point() ); for( long nY = 0L, nY1 = 1L, nY2 = 2; nY < nHeight2; nY++, nY1++, nY2++ ) { for( long nX = 0L, nXDst = 1L, nXTmp; nX < nWidth2; nX++, nXDst++ ) { nXTmp = nX; nSum1 = -( nSum2 = lGray = (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY, nXTmp++ ) ); nSum2 += ( (long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY, nXTmp++ ) ) << 1; nSum1 += ( lGray = pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY, nXTmp ) ); nSum2 += lGray; nSum1 += ( (long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY1, nXTmp ) ) << 1; nSum1 -= ( (long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY1, nXTmp -= 2 ) ) << 1; nSum1 += ( lGray = -(long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY2, nXTmp++ ) ); nSum2 += lGray; nSum2 -= ( (long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY2, nXTmp++ ) ) << 1; nSum1 += ( lGray = (long) (BYTE) pReadAcc->GetPixel( nY2, nXTmp ) ); nSum2 -= lGray; if( ( nSum1 * nSum1 + nSum2 * nSum2 ) < lThres2 ) pWriteAcc->SetPixel( nY1, nXDst, aWhite ); else pWriteAcc->SetPixel( nY1, nXDst, aBlack ); } } bRet = TRUE; } aWorkBmp.ReleaseAccess( pReadAcc ); aDstBmp.ReleaseAccess( pWriteAcc ); if( bRet ) aRetBmp = aDstBmp; } } if( !aRetBmp ) aRetBmp = rBmp; else { aRetBmp.SetPrefMapMode( rBmp.GetPrefMapMode() ); aRetBmp.SetPrefSize( rBmp.GetPrefSize() ); } return aRetBmp; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Polygon XOutBitmap::GetCountour( const Bitmap& rBmp, const ULONG nFlags, const BYTE cEdgeDetectThreshold, const Rectangle* pWorkRectPixel ) { Bitmap aWorkBmp; Polygon aRetPoly; Point aTmpPoint; Rectangle aWorkRect( aTmpPoint, rBmp.GetSizePixel() ); if( pWorkRectPixel ) aWorkRect.Intersection( *pWorkRectPixel ); aWorkRect.Justify(); if( ( aWorkRect.GetWidth() > 4 ) && ( aWorkRect.GetHeight() > 4 ) ) { // falls Flag gesetzt, muessen wir Kanten detektieren if( nFlags & XOUTBMP_CONTOUR_EDGEDETECT ) aWorkBmp = DetectEdges( rBmp, cEdgeDetectThreshold ); else aWorkBmp = rBmp; BitmapReadAccess* pAcc = aWorkBmp.AcquireReadAccess(); if( pAcc ) { const Size& rPrefSize = aWorkBmp.GetPrefSize(); const long nWidth = pAcc->Width(); const long nHeight = pAcc->Height(); const double fFactorX = (double) rPrefSize.Width() / nWidth; const double fFactorY = (double) rPrefSize.Height() / nHeight; const long nStartX1 = aWorkRect.Left() + 1L; const long nEndX1 = aWorkRect.Right(); const long nStartX2 = nEndX1 - 1L; const long nEndX2 = nStartX1 - 1L; const long nStartY1 = aWorkRect.Top() + 1L; const long nEndY1 = aWorkRect.Bottom(); const long nStartY2 = nEndY1 - 1L; const long nEndY2 = nStartY1 - 1L; Point* pPoints1 = NULL; Point* pPoints2 = NULL; long nX, nY; USHORT nPolyPos = 0; const BitmapColor aBlack = pAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); if( nFlags & XOUTBMP_CONTOUR_VERT ) { pPoints1 = new Point[ nWidth ]; pPoints2 = new Point[ nWidth ]; for( nX = nStartX1; nX < nEndX1; nX++ ) { nY = nStartY1; // zunaechst Zeile von Links nach Rechts durchlaufen while( nY < nEndY1 ) { if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) { pPoints1[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY ); nY = nStartY2; // diese Schleife wird immer gebreaked da hier ja min. ein Pixel ist while( TRUE ) { if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) { pPoints2[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY ); break; } nY--; } nPolyPos++; break; } nY++; } } } else { pPoints1 = new Point[ nHeight ]; pPoints2 = new Point[ nHeight ]; for ( nY = nStartY1; nY < nEndY1; nY++ ) { nX = nStartX1; // zunaechst Zeile von Links nach Rechts durchlaufen while( nX < nEndX1 ) { if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) { pPoints1[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY ); nX = nStartX2; // diese Schleife wird immer gebreaked da hier ja min. ein Pixel ist while( TRUE ) { if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) { pPoints2[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY ); break; } nX--; } nPolyPos++; break; } nX++; } } } const USHORT nNewSize1 = nPolyPos << 1; aRetPoly = Polygon( nPolyPos, pPoints1 ); aRetPoly.SetSize( nNewSize1 + 1 ); aRetPoly[ nNewSize1 ] = aRetPoly[ 0 ]; for( USHORT j = nPolyPos; nPolyPos < nNewSize1; ) aRetPoly[ nPolyPos++ ] = pPoints2[ --j ]; if( ( fFactorX != 0. ) && ( fFactorY != 0. ) ) aRetPoly.Scale( fFactorX, fFactorY ); delete[] pPoints1; delete[] pPoints2; } } return aRetPoly; }; // ---------------- // - DitherBitmap - // ---------------- BOOL DitherBitmap( Bitmap& rBitmap ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( ( rBitmap.GetBitCount() >= 8 ) && ( Application::GetDefaultDevice()->GetColorCount() < 257 ) ) bRet = rBitmap.Dither( BMP_DITHER_FLOYD ); else bRet = FALSE; return bRet; }