/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: xtabgrdt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: thb $ $Date: 2001-08-16 15:41:32 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef SVX_LIGHT #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XNAMECONTAINER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_XPROPERTYTABLE_HXX #include "XPropertyTable.hxx" #endif #ifndef _UNTOOLS_UCBSTREAMHELPER_HXX #include #endif #include "xmlxtexp.hxx" #include "xmlxtimp.hxx" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs.hrc" #include "dialmgr.hxx" #include "xtable.hxx" #include "xiocomp.hxx" #include "xpool.hxx" #include "xoutx.hxx" #ifndef SVX_XFILLIT0_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_XFLGRIT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #define GLOBALOVERFLOW using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace rtl; sal_Unicode const pszExtGradient[] = {'s','o','g'}; char const aChckGradient[] = { 0x04, 0x00, 'S','O','G','L'}; // < 5.2 char const aChckGradient0[] = { 0x04, 0x00, 'S','O','G','0'}; // = 5.2 char const aChckXML[] = { '<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l' }; // = 6.0 // --------------------- // class XGradientTable // --------------------- /************************************************************************* |* |* XGradientTable::XGradientTable() |* *************************************************************************/ XGradientTable::XGradientTable( const String& rPath, XOutdevItemPool* pInPool, USHORT nInitSize, USHORT nReSize ) : XPropertyTable( rPath, pInPool, nInitSize, nReSize) { pBmpTable = new Table( nInitSize, nReSize ); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientTable::~XGradientTable() { } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientTable::Replace(long nIndex, XGradientEntry* pEntry ) { return (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyTable::Replace(nIndex, pEntry); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientTable::Remove(long nIndex) { return (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyTable::Remove(nIndex, 0); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientTable::Get(long nIndex) const { return (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyTable::Get(nIndex, 0); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientTable::Load() { return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientTable::Save() { return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientTable::Create() { return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientTable::CreateBitmapsForUI() { return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ Bitmap* XGradientTable::CreateBitmapForUI( long nIndex, BOOL bDelete ) { return( NULL ); } /************************************************************************/ SvStream& XGradientTable::ImpStore( SvStream& rOut ) { // Schreiben rOut.SetStreamCharSet( gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); // Tabellentyp schreiben (0 = gesamte Tabelle) rOut << (long)0; // Anzahl der Eintraege rOut << (long)Count(); // die Eintraege XGradientEntry* pEntry = (XGradientEntry*)aTable.First(); for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < Count(); nIndex++) { rOut << (long)aTable.GetCurKey(); // UNICODE: rOut << pEntry->GetName(); rOut.WriteByteString(pEntry->GetName()); XGradient& rGradient = pEntry->GetGradient(); rOut << (long)rGradient.GetGradientStyle(); rOut << rGradient.GetStartColor().GetRed(); rOut << rGradient.GetStartColor().GetGreen(); rOut << rGradient.GetStartColor().GetBlue(); rOut << rGradient.GetEndColor().GetRed(); rOut << rGradient.GetEndColor().GetGreen(); rOut << rGradient.GetEndColor().GetBlue(); rOut << rGradient.GetAngle(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetBorder(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetXOffset(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetYOffset(); pEntry = (XGradientEntry*)aTable.Next(); } return rOut; } /************************************************************************/ SvStream& XGradientTable::ImpRead( SvStream& rIn ) { // Lesen rIn.SetStreamCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 ); delete pBmpTable; pBmpTable = new Table( 16, 16 ); XGradientEntry* pEntry = NULL; long nType; long nCount; long nIndex; XubString aName; long nStyle; USHORT nRed; USHORT nGreen; USHORT nBlue; Color aStart; Color aEnd; long nAngle; ULONG nBorder; ULONG nXOfs; ULONG nYOfs; rIn >> nType; // gesamte Tabelle? if (nType == 0) { rIn >> nCount; for (long nI = 0; nI < nCount; nI++) { rIn >> nIndex; // UNICODE: rIn >> aName; rIn.ReadByteString(aName); rIn >> nStyle; rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aStart = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aEnd = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nAngle; rIn >> nBorder; rIn >> nXOfs; rIn >> nYOfs; XGradient aGradient(aStart, aEnd, (XGradientStyle)nStyle, nAngle, (USHORT)nXOfs, (USHORT)nYOfs, (USHORT)nBorder); pEntry = new XGradientEntry (aGradient, aName); Insert (nIndex, pEntry); } } return( rIn ); } // -------------------- // class XGradientList // -------------------- /************************************************************************* |* |* XGradientList::XGradientList() |* *************************************************************************/ XGradientList::XGradientList( const String& rPath, XOutdevItemPool* pInPool, USHORT nInitSize, USHORT nReSize ) : XPropertyList ( rPath, pInPool, nInitSize, nReSize), pVD ( NULL ), pXOut ( NULL ), pXFSet ( NULL ) { pBmpList = new List( nInitSize, nReSize ); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientList::~XGradientList() { if( pVD ) delete pVD; if( pXOut ) delete pXOut; if( pXFSet ) delete pXFSet; } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientList::Replace(XGradientEntry* pEntry, long nIndex ) { return( (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyList::Replace( pEntry, nIndex ) ); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientList::Remove(long nIndex) { return( (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyList::Remove( nIndex, 0 ) ); } /************************************************************************/ XGradientEntry* XGradientList::Get(long nIndex) const { return( (XGradientEntry*) XPropertyList::Get( nIndex, 0 ) ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientList::Load() { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT if( bListDirty ) { bListDirty = FALSE; INetURLObject aURL( aPath ); if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() ) { DBG_ASSERT( !aPath.Len(), "invalid URL" ); return FALSE; } aURL.Append( aName ); if( !aURL.getExtension().Len() ) aURL.setExtension( String( pszExtGradient, 3 ) ); // check if file exists, SfxMedium shows an errorbox else { com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler > xHandler; SvStream* pIStm = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), STREAM_READ, xHandler ); sal_Bool bOk = pIStm && ( pIStm->GetError() == 0); if( pIStm ) delete pIStm; if( !bOk ) return sal_False; } { SfxMedium aMedium( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE, TRUE ); SvStream* pStream = aMedium.GetInStream(); if( !pStream ) return( FALSE ); char aCheck[6]; pStream->Read( aCheck, 6 ); // Handelt es sich um die gew"unschte Tabelle? if( memcmp( aCheck, aChckGradient, sizeof( aChckGradient ) ) == 0 || memcmp( aCheck, aChckGradient0, sizeof( aChckGradient0 ) ) == 0 ) { ImpRead( *pStream ); return( pStream->GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ); } else if( memcmp( aCheck, aChckXML, sizeof( aChckXML ) ) != 0 ) { return FALSE; } } uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xTable( SvxUnoXGradientTable_createInstance( this ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); return SvxXMLXTableImport::load( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), xTable ); } #endif return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientList::Save() { #ifndef SVX_LIGHT INetURLObject aURL( aPath ); if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() ) { DBG_ASSERT( !aPath.Len(), "invalid URL" ); return FALSE; } aURL.Append( aName ); if( !aURL.getExtension().Len() ) aURL.setExtension( String( pszExtGradient, 3 ) ); uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xTable( SvxUnoXGradientTable_createInstance( this ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); return SvxXMLXTableExportComponent::save( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), xTable ); /* SfxMedium aMedium( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC, TRUE ); aMedium.IsRemote(); SvStream* pStream = aMedium.GetOutStream(); if( !pStream ) return( FALSE ); // UNICODE: *pStream << String( pszChckGradient0, 4 ); pStream->WriteByteString(String( pszChckGradient0, 4 )); ImpStore( *pStream ); aMedium.Close(); aMedium.Commit(); return( aMedium.GetError() == 0 ); */ #else return FALSE; #endif } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientList::Create() { XubString aStr( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GRADIENT ) ); xub_StrLen nLen; aStr.AppendAscii(" 1"); nLen = aStr.Len() - 1; Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_BLACK ),RGB_Color(COL_WHITE ),XGRAD_LINEAR , 0,10,10, 0,100,100),aStr)); aStr.SetChar(nLen, sal_Unicode('2')); Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_BLUE ),RGB_Color(COL_RED ),XGRAD_AXIAL , 300,20,20,10,100,100),aStr)); aStr.SetChar(nLen, sal_Unicode('3')); Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_RED ),RGB_Color(COL_YELLOW ),XGRAD_RADIAL , 600,30,30,20,100,100),aStr)); aStr.SetChar(nLen, sal_Unicode('4')); Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_YELLOW ),RGB_Color(COL_GREEN ),XGRAD_ELLIPTICAL, 900,40,40,30,100,100),aStr)); aStr.SetChar(nLen, sal_Unicode('5')); Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_GREEN ),RGB_Color(COL_MAGENTA),XGRAD_SQUARE , 1200,50,50,40,100,100),aStr)); aStr.SetChar(nLen, sal_Unicode('6')); Insert(new XGradientEntry(XGradient(RGB_Color(COL_MAGENTA),RGB_Color(COL_YELLOW ),XGRAD_RECT , 1900,60,60,50,100,100),aStr)); return( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************/ BOOL XGradientList::CreateBitmapsForUI() { for( long i = 0; i < Count(); i++) { Bitmap* pBmp = CreateBitmapForUI( i, FALSE ); DBG_ASSERT( pBmp, "XGradientList: Bitmap(UI) konnte nicht erzeugt werden!" ); if( pBmp ) pBmpList->Insert( pBmp, i ); } // Loeschen, da JOE den Pool vorm Dtor entfernt! if( pVD ) { delete pVD; pVD = NULL; } if( pXOut ) { delete pXOut; pXOut = NULL; } if( pXFSet ){ delete pXFSet; pXFSet = NULL; } return( FALSE ); } /************************************************************************/ Bitmap* XGradientList::CreateBitmapForUI( long nIndex, BOOL bDelete ) { if( !pVD ) // und pXOut und pXFSet { pVD = new VirtualDevice; DBG_ASSERT( pVD, "XGradientList: Konnte kein VirtualDevice erzeugen!" ); pVD->SetOutputSizePixel( Size( BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT ) ); pXOut = new XOutputDevice( pVD ); DBG_ASSERT( pVD, "XGradientList: Konnte kein XOutDevice erzeugen!" ); pXFSet = new XFillAttrSetItem( pXPool ); DBG_ASSERT( pVD, "XGradientList: Konnte kein XFillAttrSetItem erzeugen!" ); pXFSet->GetItemSet().Put( XFillStyleItem( XFILL_GRADIENT ) ); } pXFSet->GetItemSet().Put( XFillGradientItem( pXPool, Get( nIndex )->GetGradient() ) ); //-/ pXOut->SetFillAttr( *pXFSet ); pXOut->SetFillAttr( pXFSet->GetItemSet() ); // #73550# pXOut->OverrideLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); Size aVDSize = pVD->GetOutputSizePixel(); pXOut->DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(), aVDSize ) ); Bitmap* pBitmap = new Bitmap( pVD->GetBitmap( Point(), aVDSize ) ); // Loeschen, da JOE den Pool vorm Dtor entfernt! if( bDelete ) { if( pVD ) { delete pVD; pVD = NULL; } if( pXOut ) { delete pXOut; pXOut = NULL; } if( pXFSet ){ delete pXFSet; pXFSet = NULL; } } return( pBitmap ); } /************************************************************************/ SvStream& XGradientList::ImpStore( SvStream& rOut ) { // Schreiben rOut.SetStreamCharSet( gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); XGradientEntry* pEntry = NULL; // Kennung rOut << (long) -2; // Anzahl der Eintraege rOut << (long)Count(); for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < Count(); nIndex++) { // Versionsverwaltung: Version 0 XIOCompat aIOC( rOut, STREAM_WRITE, 0 ); pEntry = Get(nIndex); // UNICODE: rOut << pEntry->GetName(); rOut.WriteByteString(pEntry->GetName()); XGradient& rGradient = pEntry->GetGradient(); rOut << (long)rGradient.GetGradientStyle(); USHORT nCol = rGradient.GetStartColor().GetRed(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; nCol = rGradient.GetStartColor().GetGreen(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; nCol = rGradient.GetStartColor().GetBlue(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; nCol = rGradient.GetEndColor().GetRed(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; nCol = rGradient.GetEndColor().GetGreen(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; nCol = rGradient.GetEndColor().GetBlue(); nCol = nCol << 8; rOut << nCol; rOut << rGradient.GetAngle(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetBorder(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetXOffset(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetYOffset(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetStartIntens(); rOut << (ULONG)rGradient.GetEndIntens(); } return rOut; } /************************************************************************/ XubString& XGradientList::ConvertName( XubString& rStrName ) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; for( USHORT i=0; i<(RID_SVXSTR_GRDT_DEF_END-RID_SVXSTR_GRDT_DEF_START+1) && !bFound; i++ ) { XubString aStrDefName = SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_GRDT_DEF_START + i ); if( rStrName.Search( aStrDefName ) == 0 ) { rStrName.Replace( 0, aStrDefName.Len(), SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_GRDT_START + i ) ); bFound = TRUE; } } return rStrName; } /************************************************************************/ SvStream& XGradientList::ImpRead( SvStream& rIn ) { // Lesen rIn.SetStreamCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 ); delete pBmpList; pBmpList = new List( 16, 16 ); XGradientEntry* pEntry = NULL; long nCheck; long nCount; XubString aName; long nStyle; USHORT nRed; USHORT nGreen; USHORT nBlue; Color aStart; Color aEnd; long nAngle; ULONG nBorder; ULONG nXOfs; ULONG nYOfs; ULONG nStartIntens; ULONG nEndIntens; // Kennung oder Anzahl rIn >> nCheck; if( nCheck >= 0 ) { nCount = nCheck; for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { // UNICODE: rIn >> aName; rIn.ReadByteString(aName); aName = ConvertName( aName ); rIn >> nStyle; rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aStart = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aEnd = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nAngle; rIn >> nBorder; rIn >> nXOfs; rIn >> nYOfs; nStartIntens = 100L; nEndIntens = 100L; XGradient aGradient( aStart, aEnd, (XGradientStyle)nStyle, nAngle, (USHORT) nXOfs, (USHORT) nYOfs, (USHORT) nBorder, (USHORT) nStartIntens, (USHORT) nEndIntens ); pEntry = new XGradientEntry (aGradient, aName); Insert (pEntry, nIndex); } } else if( nCheck == -1L ) { rIn >> nCount; for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { // UNICODE: rIn >> aName; rIn.ReadByteString(aName); aName = ConvertName( aName ); rIn >> nStyle; rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aStart = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aEnd = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nAngle; rIn >> nBorder; rIn >> nXOfs; rIn >> nYOfs; rIn >> nStartIntens; rIn >> nEndIntens; XGradient aGradient( aStart, aEnd, (XGradientStyle)nStyle, nAngle, (USHORT) nXOfs, (USHORT) nYOfs, (USHORT) nBorder, (USHORT) nStartIntens, (USHORT) nEndIntens ); pEntry = new XGradientEntry (aGradient, aName); Insert (pEntry, nIndex); } } else // ab 3.00a { rIn >> nCount; for (long nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { // Versionsverwaltung XIOCompat aIOC( rIn, STREAM_READ ); // UNICODE: rIn >> aName; rIn.ReadByteString(aName); aName = ConvertName( aName ); rIn >> nStyle; rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aStart = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nRed; rIn >> nGreen; rIn >> nBlue; aEnd = Color( (BYTE) ( nRed >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nGreen >> 8 ), (BYTE) ( nBlue >> 8 ) ); rIn >> nAngle; rIn >> nBorder; rIn >> nXOfs; rIn >> nYOfs; rIn >> nStartIntens; rIn >> nEndIntens; if (aIOC.GetVersion() > 0) { // lesen neuer Daten ... } XGradient aGradient( aStart, aEnd, (XGradientStyle)nStyle, nAngle, (USHORT) nXOfs, (USHORT) nYOfs, (USHORT) nBorder, (USHORT) nStartIntens, (USHORT) nEndIntens ); pEntry = new XGradientEntry (aGradient, aName); Insert (pEntry, nIndex); } } return( rIn ); }