/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <svx/XPropertyTable.hxx>
#include "xmlxtexp.hxx"
#include "xmlxtimp.hxx"
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <svx/xtable.hxx>
#include <svx/xpool.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpool.hxx>

using namespace com::sun::star;

// Helper for other sub-classes to have easy-to-read constructors
Color RGB_Color( ColorData nColorName )
    Color aColor( nColorName );
    Color aRGBColor( aColor.GetRed(), aColor.GetGreen(), aColor.GetBlue() );
    return aRGBColor;

// class XColorEntry

XColorEntry::XColorEntry(const Color& rColor, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XColorEntry::XColorEntry(const XColorEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

// class XLineEndEntry

XLineEndEntry::XLineEndEntry(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rB2DPolyPolygon, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XLineEndEntry::XLineEndEntry(const XLineEndEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

// class XDashEntry

XDashEntry::XDashEntry(const XDash& rDash, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XDashEntry::XDashEntry(const XDashEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

// class XHatchEntry

XHatchEntry::XHatchEntry(const XHatch& rHatch, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XHatchEntry::XHatchEntry(const XHatchEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

// class XGradientEntry

XGradientEntry::XGradientEntry(const XGradient& rGradient, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XGradientEntry::XGradientEntry(const XGradientEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

// class XBitmapEntry

XBitmapEntry::XBitmapEntry(const GraphicObject& rGraphicObject, const OUString& rName)
:   XPropertyEntry(rName),

XBitmapEntry::XBitmapEntry(const XBitmapEntry& rOther)
:   XPropertyEntry(rOther),

    XPropertyListType type,
    const OUString& rPath, const OUString& rReferer
) : meType           ( type ),
    maName           ( "standard" ),
    maPath           ( rPath ),
    maReferer        ( rReferer ),
    mbListDirty      ( true ),
    mbEmbedInDocument( false )
//    fprintf (stderr, "Create type %d count %d\n", (int)meType, count++);

//    fprintf (stderr, "Destroy type %d count %d\n", (int)meType, --count);
    for( size_t i = 0, n = maList.size(); i < n; ++i )
        delete maList[ i ];


long XPropertyList::Count() const
    if( mbListDirty )
        if( !( (XPropertyList*) this )->Load() )
            ( (XPropertyList*) this )->Create();
    return maList.size();

XPropertyEntry* XPropertyList::Get( long nIndex ) const
    if( mbListDirty )
        if( !( (XPropertyList*) this )->Load() )
            ( (XPropertyList*) this )->Create();
    return ( (size_t)nIndex < maList.size() ) ? maList[ nIndex ] : NULL;

long XPropertyList::GetIndex(const OUString& rName) const
    if( mbListDirty )
        if( !( (XPropertyList*) this )->Load() )
            ( (XPropertyList*) this )->Create();

    for( long i = 0, n = maList.size(); i < n; ++i ) {
        if (rName.equals(maList[ i ]->GetName())) {
            return i;
    return -1;

Bitmap XPropertyList::GetUiBitmap( long nIndex ) const
    Bitmap aRetval;
    XPropertyEntry* pEntry = ( (size_t)nIndex < maList.size() ) ? maList[ nIndex ] : NULL;
        aRetval = pEntry->GetUiBitmap();

            aRetval = const_cast< XPropertyList* >(this)->CreateBitmapForUI(nIndex);
    return aRetval;

void XPropertyList::Insert( XPropertyEntry* pEntry, long nIndex )
    if ( (size_t)nIndex < maList.size() ) {
        maList.insert( maList.begin() + nIndex, pEntry );
    } else {
        maList.push_back( pEntry );

XPropertyEntry* XPropertyList::Replace( XPropertyEntry* pEntry, long nIndex )
    XPropertyEntry* pOldEntry = (size_t)nIndex < maList.size() ? maList[ nIndex ] : NULL;
    if ( pOldEntry ) {
        maList[ nIndex ] = pEntry;
    return pOldEntry;

XPropertyEntry* XPropertyList::Remove( long nIndex )
    XPropertyEntry* pEntry = NULL;
    if ( (size_t)nIndex < maList.size() ) {
        pEntry = maList[ nIndex ];
        maList.erase( maList.begin() + nIndex );
    return pEntry;

void XPropertyList::SetName( const OUString& rString )
        maName = rString;

bool XPropertyList::Load()
    if( mbListDirty )
        mbListDirty = false;

        INetURLObject aURL( maPath );

        if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() )
            DBG_ASSERT( maPath.isEmpty(), "invalid URL" );
            return false;

        aURL.Append( maName );

        if( aURL.getExtension().isEmpty() )
            aURL.setExtension( GetDefaultExt() );

        return SvxXMLXTableImport::load( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), maReferer,
                                         uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >(),
                                         createInstance(), NULL );
    return false;

bool XPropertyList::LoadFrom( const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > &xStorage,
                              const OUString &rURL, const OUString &rReferer )
    if( !mbListDirty )
        return false;
    mbListDirty = false;
    return SvxXMLXTableImport::load( rURL, rReferer, xStorage, createInstance(), &mbEmbedInDocument );

bool XPropertyList::Save()
    INetURLObject aURL( maPath );

    if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() )
        DBG_ASSERT( maPath.isEmpty(), "invalid URL" );
        return false;

    aURL.Append( maName );

    if( aURL.getExtension().isEmpty() )
        aURL.setExtension( GetDefaultExt() );

    return SvxXMLXTableExportComponent::save( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),
                                              uno::Reference< embed::XStorage >(), NULL );

bool XPropertyList::SaveTo( const uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > &xStorage,
                            const OUString &rURL, OUString *pOptName )
    return SvxXMLXTableExportComponent::save( rURL, createInstance(), xStorage, pOptName );

XPropertyListRef XPropertyList::CreatePropertyList( XPropertyListType t,
                                                    const OUString& rPath,
                                                    const OUString& rReferer )
    XPropertyListRef pRet;

#define MAP(e,c) \
        case e: pRet = XPropertyListRef (new c( rPath, rReferer ) ); break
    switch (t) {
        MAP( XCOLOR_LIST, XColorList );
        MAP( XLINE_END_LIST, XLineEndList );
        MAP( XDASH_LIST, XDashList );
        MAP( XHATCH_LIST, XHatchList );
        MAP( XGRADIENT_LIST, XGradientList );
        MAP( XBITMAP_LIST, XBitmapList );
        OSL_FAIL("unknown xproperty type");
#undef MAP
    OSL_ASSERT( !pRet.is() || pRet->meType == t );

    return pRet;

XPropertyList::CreatePropertyListFromURL( XPropertyListType t,
                                          const OUString & rURLStr )
    INetURLObject aURL( rURLStr );
    INetURLObject aPathURL( aURL );


    XPropertyListRef pList = XPropertyList::CreatePropertyList(
        t, aPathURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), "" );
    pList->SetName( aURL.getName() );

    return pList;

// catch people being silly with ref counting ...

void* XPropertyList::operator new (size_t nCount)
    return rtl_allocateMemory( nCount );

void XPropertyList::operator delete(void *pPtr)
    return rtl_freeMemory( pPtr );

static struct {
    XPropertyListType t;
    const char *pExt;
} pExtnMap[] = {
    { XCOLOR_LIST,    "soc" },
    { XLINE_END_LIST, "soe" },
    { XDASH_LIST,     "sod" },
    { XHATCH_LIST,    "soh" },
    { XGRADIENT_LIST, "sog" },
    { XBITMAP_LIST,   "sob" }

OUString XPropertyList::GetDefaultExt( XPropertyListType t )
    for (size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS (pExtnMap); i++)
        if( pExtnMap[i].t == t )
            return OUString::createFromAscii( pExtnMap[ i ].pExt );
    return OUString();

OUString XPropertyList::GetDefaultExtFilter( XPropertyListType t )
    OUString aFilter( "*." );
    return aFilter + GetDefaultExt( t );

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