False 6 Manage Changes 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end _Accept True True True True Accepts the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document. False True 0 True _Reject True True True True Rejects the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document. False True 1 True A_ccept All True True True True Accepts all of the changes and removes the highlighting from the document. False True 2 True R_eject All True True True True Rejects all of the changes and removes the highlighting from the document. False True 3 True gtk-undo True True True True Reverse the last Accept or Reject command. False True 4 True gtk-close True True True True True True False True 5 False True end 0 accept reject acceptall rejectall undo close True False True False Edit Comment... Edit the comment for the selected change. True False Sorting True True False True False Action True True False Position True calcsort0 True False Author True calcsort0 True False Date True calcsort0 True False Description True calcsort0 True False True False Edit Comment... Edit the comment for the selected change. True False Sort By True True False True False Action True True False Author True writersort0 True False Date True writersort0 True False Comment True writersort0 True False Document Position True writersort0