False 6 Edit Dictionary True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end gtk-ok True True True True True True False True 0 gtk-cancel True True True True False True 1 gtk-help True True True True False True 2 True False True end 0 True False True True 12 True False 6 _Traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese True True False True 0 True True simpletotrad Converts traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese. 0 0 _Simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese True True False True 0 True tradtosimple Converts simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese. 0 1 Reverse mapping True True False True 0 True Automatically adds the reverse mapping direction to the list for each modification that you enter. 0 2 0 0 True False True True 6 12 True False Term True term 0 0 0 True False Mapping True mapping 0 1 0 True False vertical 6 start gtk-add True True True True Adds the term to the conversion dictionary. If the term is already in the dictionary, the new term receives precedence. False True 0 _Modify True True True True Saves the modified entry to the database file. False True 1 gtk-delete True True True True Removes the selected user-defined entry from the dictionary. False True 2 3 1 2 True False Property True property 0 2 0 True False Other Foreign First name Last name Title Status Place name Business Adjective Idiom Abbreviation Numerical Noun Verb Brand name Defines the class of the selected term. 2 1 True True True True Enter the text that you want to replace the Term with. 1 1 True True True True Enter the text that you want to replace with the Mapping term. 0 1 True False vertical True True True True in True True True True True liststore3 0 False True 6 Term True True 0 True 6 Mapping True 1 True 6 Property True 2 False True 0 True True True True in True True True True True liststore2 0 False True 6 Term True True 0 True 6 Mapping True 1 True 6 Property True 2 False True 1 0 2 3 0 1 False True 1 ok cancel help Edit the Chinese conversion terms. both