100 10 20 True False True False True True 6 True False True vertical 3 True False 3 True False _Line: True 0 False True 0 True False end True icons False 2 True False Select the style of the arrowheads. True False False True False Select the style of the line. True True False False True 1 False True 0 True True 3 6 True False _Width: True width 0 0 0 True True Select the width of the line. end True icons False 2 True False end True True True False 1 0 True False _Color: True color 0 0 1 True True Select the color of the line. end True icons False 2 True False Select the color of the line. end True True True False 1 1 True False _Transparency: True linetransparency 0 0 2 True True Specify the transparency of the line. adjustment1 Transparency 1 2 False True 1 True False vertical True False 3 6 True False _Corner style: True edgestyle 0 0 0 True True Select the style of the edge connections. True Rounded - none - Mitered Beveled Corner Style 1 0 True False Ca_p style: True linecapstyle 0 0 1 True True Select the style of the line caps. True Flat Round Square Cap Style 1 1 False True 3 False True 2 0 0 0 0