/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#define NC_(Context, String) reinterpret_cast<char const *>(Context "\004" u8##String)

#define STR_NO_ALT                      NC_("STR_NO_ALT", "No alt text for graphic '%OBJECT_NAME%'")
#define STR_TABLE_MERGE_SPLIT           NC_("STR_TABLE_MERGE_SPLIT", "Table '%OBJECT_NAME%' contains merges or splits")
#define STR_FAKE_NUMBERING              NC_("STR_FAKE_NUMBERING", "Fake numbering '%NUMBERING%'")
#define STR_HYPERLINK_TEXT_IS_LINK      NC_("STR_HYPERLINK_TEXT_IS_LINK", "Hyperlink text is the same as the link address '%LINK%'")
#define STR_TEXT_CONTRAST               NC_("STR_TEXT_CONTRAST", "Text contrast is too low.")
#define STR_TEXT_BLINKING               NC_("STR_TEXT_BLINKING", "Blinking text.")
#define STR_AVOID_FOOTNOTES             NC_("STR_AVOID_FOOTNOTES", "Avoid footnotes.")
#define STR_AVOID_ENDNOTES              NC_("STR_AVOID_ENDNOTES", "Avoid endnotes.")
#define STR_HEADINGS_NOT_IN_ORDER       NC_("STR_HEADINGS_NOT_IN_ORDER", "Headings not in order.")
#define STR_TEXT_FORMATTING_CONVEYS_MEANING NC_("STR_TEXT_FORMATTING_CONVEYS_MEANING", "The text formatting conveys additional meaning.")
#define STR_NON_INTERACTIVE_FORMS       NC_("STR_NON_INTERACTIVE_FORMS", "An input form is not interactive.")
#define STR_FLOATING_TEXT               NC_("STR_FLOATING_TEXT", "Avoid floating text.")
#define STR_HEADING_IN_TABLE            NC_("STR_HEADING_IN_TABLE", "Tables must not contain headings.")
#define STR_HEADING_ORDER               NC_("STR_HEADING_ORDER", "Keep headings' levels ordered. Heading level %LEVEL_CURRENT% must not go after %LEVEL_PREV%.")
#define STR_FONTWORKS                   NC_("STR_FONTWORKS", "Avoid Fontwork objects in your documents. Make sure you use it for samples or other meaningless text.")

#define STR_DOCUMENT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE   NC_("STR_DOCUMENT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE", "Document default language is not set")
#define STR_STYLE_NO_LANGUAGE           NC_("STR_STYLE_NO_LANGUAGE", "Style '%STYLE_NAME%' has no language set")
#define STR_DOCUMENT_TITLE              NC_("STR_DOCUMENT_TITLE", "Document title is not set")


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