/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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class SwFlyFrameFormat;
class SwFormatAnchor;
class SwFlyFrame;

// helper class to track change of anchor node of at-paragraph respectively
// at-character anchored fly frames
// if such a change happens, it has to be checked, if the count of the anchor
// frames also change. if yes, a re-creation of the fly frames is needed:
// - deletion of existing fly frames before the intrinsic anchor node changes
// - creation of new fly frames after the intrinsic anchor node change.
class SwHandleAnchorNodeChg
    /** checks, if re-creation of fly frames for an anchor node change at the
        given fly frame format is necessary, and performs the first part.

        @param _rFlyFrameFormat
        reference to the fly frame format instance, which is handled.

        @param _rNewAnchorFormat
        new anchor attribute, which will be applied at the given fly frame format

        @param _pKeepThisFlyFrame
        optional parameter - pointer to a fly frame of the given fly frame format,
        which isn't deleted, if re-creation of fly frames is necessary.
    SwHandleAnchorNodeChg( SwFlyFrameFormat& _rFlyFrameFormat,
                           const SwFormatAnchor& _rNewAnchorFormat,
                           SwFlyFrame const * _pKeepThisFlyFrame = nullptr );

    /** calls <SwFlyFrameFormat::MakeFrames>, if re-creation of fly frames is necessary. */
    ~SwHandleAnchorNodeChg() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE;

    // fly frame format, which is tracked for an anchor node change.
    SwFlyFrameFormat& mrFlyFrameFormat;
    // internal flag, which indicates that the certain anchor node change occurs
    // and that re-creation of fly frames is necessary.
    bool mbAnchorNodeChanged;

    /// If the fly frame has a comment, this points to the old comment anchor.
    std::unique_ptr<SwPosition> mpCommentAnchor;

    SwWrtShell* mpWrtShell;

    SwHandleAnchorNodeChg( const SwHandleAnchorNodeChg& ) = delete;
    void operator=( const SwHandleAnchorNodeChg ) = delete;

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