/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <sal/config.h>

#include <cstddef>

#include <sal/types.h>
#include <tools/solar.h>

#include <limits.h>

#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>

#include <docary.hxx>

class SwRangeRedline;
class SwTableRowRedline;
class SwTableCellRedline;
class SwRedlineTable;
class SwExtraRedlineTable;
class SwPaM;
struct SwPosition;
class SwStartNode;
class SwNode;

enum class RedlineFlags
    NONE                 = 0x000, ///< no RedlineFlags
    On                   = 0x001, ///< RedlineFlags on
    Ignore               = 0x002, ///< ignore Redlines
    ShowInsert           = 0x010, ///< show all inserts
    ShowDelete           = 0x020, ///< show all deletes
    ShowMask             = ShowInsert | ShowDelete,

    // For internal management:
    // remove the original Redlines together with their content
    // (Clipboard/text modules).
    DeleteRedlines       = 0x100,
    // When deleting within a RedlineObject
    // ignore the DeleteRedline during Append.
    IgnoreDeleteRedlines = 0x200,
    // don't combine any redlines. This flag may be only used in Undo.
    DontCombineRedlines  = 0x400,
namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<RedlineFlags> : is_typed_flags<RedlineFlags, 0x733> {};

typedef sal_uInt16 RedlineType_t;
namespace nsRedlineType_t
    // Range of RedlineTypes is 0 to 127.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_INSERT = 0x0;// Content has been inserted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_DELETE = 0x1;// Content has been deleted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_FORMAT = 0x2;// Attributes have been applied.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_TABLE = 0x3;// Table structure has been altered.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_FMTCOLL = 0x4;// Style has been altered (Autoformat!).
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_PARAGRAPH_FORMAT = 0x5;// Paragraph attributes have been changed.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_TABLE_ROW_INSERT = 0x6;// Table row has been inserted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_TABLE_ROW_DELETE = 0x7;// Table row has been deleted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_TABLE_CELL_INSERT = 0x8;// Table cell has been inserted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_TABLE_CELL_DELETE = 0x9;// Table cell has been deleted.

    // When larger than 128, flags can be inserted.
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_NO_FLAG_MASK = 0x7F;
    const RedlineType_t REDLINE_FORM_AUTOFMT = 0x80;// Can be a flag in RedlineType.

    inline OUString SwRedlineTypeToOUString(RedlineType_t eType)
        OUString sRet;
        switch(eType & nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_NO_FLAG_MASK)
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT: sRet = "Insert"; break;
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE: sRet = "Delete"; break;
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT: sRet = "Format"; break;
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_PARAGRAPH_FORMAT: sRet = "ParagraphFormat"; break;
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_TABLE:  sRet = "TextTable"; break;
            case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FMTCOLL:sRet = "Style"; break;
        return sRet;

class IDocumentRedlineAccess
     // Static helper functions
    static bool IsShowChanges(const RedlineFlags eM)
    { return (RedlineFlags::ShowInsert | RedlineFlags::ShowDelete) == (eM & RedlineFlags::ShowMask); }

    static bool IsHideChanges(const RedlineFlags eM)
    { return RedlineFlags::ShowInsert == (eM & RedlineFlags::ShowMask); }

    static bool IsShowOriginal(const RedlineFlags eM)
    { return RedlineFlags::ShowDelete == (eM & RedlineFlags::ShowMask); }

    static bool IsRedlineOn(const RedlineFlags eM)
    { return RedlineFlags::On == (eM & (RedlineFlags::On | RedlineFlags::Ignore )); }


    /** Query the currently set redline mode

        the currently set redline mode
     virtual RedlineFlags GetRedlineFlags() const = 0;

    /** Set a new redline mode.

        @param eMode
        [in] the new redline mode.
    virtual void SetRedlineFlags_intern(/*[in]*/RedlineFlags eMode) = 0;

    /** Set a new redline mode.

        @param eMode
        [in] the new redline mode.
    virtual void SetRedlineFlags(/*[in]*/RedlineFlags eMode) = 0;

    /** Query if redlining is on.

        <TRUE/> if redlining is on <FALSE/> otherwise
    virtual bool IsRedlineOn() const = 0;

    virtual bool IsIgnoreRedline() const = 0;

    virtual const SwRedlineTable& GetRedlineTable() const = 0;
    virtual SwRedlineTable& GetRedlineTable() = 0;
    virtual const SwExtraRedlineTable& GetExtraRedlineTable() const = 0;
    virtual SwExtraRedlineTable& GetExtraRedlineTable() = 0;
    virtual bool HasExtraRedlineTable() const = 0;

    virtual bool IsInRedlines(const SwNode& rNode) const = 0;

    /** Append a new redline

        @param pPtr

        @param bCallDelete

    virtual bool AppendRedline(/*[in]*/SwRangeRedline* pPtr, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual bool AppendTableRowRedline(/*[in]*/SwTableRowRedline* pPtr, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;
    virtual bool AppendTableCellRedline(/*[in]*/SwTableCellRedline* pPtr, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual bool SplitRedline(/*[in]*/const SwPaM& rPam) = 0;

    virtual bool DeleteRedline(
        /*[in]*/const SwPaM& rPam,
        /*[in]*/bool bSaveInUndo,
        /*[in]*/sal_uInt16 nDelType) = 0;

    virtual bool DeleteRedline(
        /*[in]*/const SwStartNode& rSection,
        /*[in]*/bool bSaveInUndo,
        /*[in]*/sal_uInt16 nDelType) = 0;

    virtual SwRedlineTable::size_type GetRedlinePos(
        /*[in]*/const SwNode& rNode,
        /*[in]*/sal_uInt16 nType) const = 0;

    virtual void CompressRedlines() = 0;

    virtual const SwRangeRedline* GetRedline(
        /*[in]*/const SwPosition& rPos,
        /*[in]*/SwRedlineTable::size_type* pFndPos) const = 0;

    virtual bool IsRedlineMove() const = 0;

    virtual void SetRedlineMove(/*[in]*/bool bFlag) = 0;

    virtual bool AcceptRedline(/*[in]*/SwRedlineTable::size_type nPos, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual bool AcceptRedline(/*[in]*/const SwPaM& rPam, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual bool RejectRedline(/*[in]*/SwRedlineTable::size_type nPos, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual bool RejectRedline(/*[in]*/const SwPaM& rPam, /*[in]*/bool bCallDelete) = 0;

    virtual const SwRangeRedline* SelNextRedline(/*[in]*/SwPaM& rPam) const = 0;

    virtual const SwRangeRedline* SelPrevRedline(/*[in]*/SwPaM& rPam) const = 0;

    // Representation has changed, invalidate all Redlines.
    virtual void UpdateRedlineAttr() = 0;

    // Create a new Author if required.
    virtual std::size_t GetRedlineAuthor() = 0;

    // For Readers etc.: register new Author in table.
    virtual std::size_t InsertRedlineAuthor(const OUString& rAuthor) = 0;

    // Place a comment at Redline at given position.
    virtual bool SetRedlineComment(
        /*[in]*/const SwPaM& rPam,
        /*[in]*/const OUString& rComment) = 0;

    virtual const css::uno::Sequence <sal_Int8>& GetRedlinePassword() const = 0;

    virtual void SetRedlinePassword(
        /*[in]*/const css::uno::Sequence <sal_Int8>& rNewPassword) = 0;

     virtual ~IDocumentRedlineAccess() {};


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