/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#pragma once

#include <sal/types.h>
#include "swdllapi.h"

#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>

#include <iostream>

class SwContentNode;
class SwContentIndexReg;
struct SwPosition;
class SwRangeRedline;

namespace sw::mark { class MarkBase; }

/// enum to allow us to cast without dynamic_cast (for performance)
enum class SwContentIndexOwnerType { Redline, Mark };

/// Pure abstract class for a pointer to something that "owns" a SwContentIndex
class ISwContentIndexOwner
    virtual ~ISwContentIndexOwner();
    virtual SwContentIndexOwnerType GetOwnerType() const = 0;

/// Marks a character position inside a document model content node (SwContentNode)
    friend class SwContentIndexReg;

    sal_Int32 m_nIndex;
    SwContentNode * m_pContentNode;
    // doubly linked list of Indexes registered at m_pIndexReg
    SwContentIndex * m_pNext;
    SwContentIndex * m_pPrev;

    /// This is either
    /// (*) nullptr
    /// (*) the SwRangeRedline (if any) that contains this SwContentIndex, via SwPosition and SwPaM
    /// (*) the sw::mark::MarkBase that owns this position to allow fast lookup of marks of an SwContentIndexReg.
    ISwContentIndexOwner * m_pOwner = nullptr;

    SwContentIndex& ChgValue( const SwContentIndex& rIdx, sal_Int32 nNewValue );
    void Init(sal_Int32 const nIdx);
    void Remove();

    explicit SwContentIndex(const SwContentNode * pContentNode, sal_Int32 const nIdx = 0);
    SwContentIndex( const SwContentIndex & );
    SwContentIndex( const SwContentIndex &, short nDiff );
    ~SwContentIndex() { Remove(); }

    SwContentIndex& operator=( sal_Int32 const );
    SwContentIndex& operator=( const SwContentIndex & );

    sal_Int32 operator++();
    sal_Int32 operator--();
    sal_Int32 operator--(int);

    sal_Int32 operator+=( sal_Int32 const );
    sal_Int32 operator-=( sal_Int32 const );

    bool operator< ( const SwContentIndex& ) const;
    bool operator<=( const SwContentIndex& ) const;
    bool operator> ( const SwContentIndex& ) const;
    bool operator>=( const SwContentIndex& ) const;

    bool operator< ( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex <  nVal; }
    bool operator<=( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex <= nVal; }
    bool operator> ( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex >  nVal; }
    bool operator>=( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex >= nVal; }
    bool operator==( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex == nVal; }
    bool operator!=( sal_Int32 const nVal ) const { return m_nIndex != nVal; }

    bool operator==( const SwContentIndex& rSwContentIndex ) const
        return (m_nIndex    == rSwContentIndex.m_nIndex)
            && (m_pContentNode == rSwContentIndex.m_pContentNode);

    bool operator!=( const SwContentIndex& rSwContentIndex ) const
        return (m_nIndex    != rSwContentIndex.m_nIndex)
            || (m_pContentNode != rSwContentIndex.m_pContentNode);

    sal_Int32 GetIndex() const { return m_nIndex; }

    // Assignments without creating a temporary object.
    SwContentIndex &Assign(const SwContentNode *, sal_Int32);

    // Returns pointer to SwContentNode (for RTTI at SwContentIndexReg).
    const SwContentNode* GetContentNode() const { return m_pContentNode; }
    const SwContentIndex* GetNext() const { return m_pNext; }

    ISwContentIndexOwner* GetOwner() const { return m_pOwner; }
    void SetOwner(ISwContentIndexOwner* pOwner)
        assert(m_pOwner == nullptr && "there can be only one owner");
        m_pOwner = pOwner;

SW_DLLPUBLIC std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const SwContentIndex& index);

/// Helper base class for SwContentNode to manage the list of attached SwContentIndex
class SAL_WARN_UNUSED SAL_LOPLUGIN_ANNOTATE("crosscast") SwContentIndexReg
    friend class SwContentIndex;

    const SwContentIndex * m_pFirst;
    const SwContentIndex * m_pLast;

    enum class UpdateMode {
        Default = 0,
        Negative = (1<<0),
        Delete = (1<<1),
        Replace = (1<<2),

    virtual void Update( SwContentIndex const & rPos, const sal_Int32 nChangeLen,
            UpdateMode eMode);

    bool HasAnyIndex() const { return nullptr != m_pFirst; }

    virtual ~SwContentIndexReg();

    void MoveTo( SwContentNode& rArr );
    const SwContentIndex* GetFirstIndex() const { return m_pFirst; }

namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<SwContentIndexReg::UpdateMode> : is_typed_flags<SwContentIndexReg::UpdateMode, 0x07> {};

#ifndef DBG_UTIL

inline sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator++()
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex+1 ).m_nIndex;

inline sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator--()
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex-1 ).m_nIndex;

inline sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator--(int)
    sal_Int32 const nOldIndex = m_nIndex;
    ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex-1 );
    return nOldIndex;

inline sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator+=( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex + nVal ).m_nIndex;

inline sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator-=( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex - nVal ).m_nIndex;

inline bool SwContentIndex::operator< ( const SwContentIndex& rIndex ) const
    return m_nIndex <  rIndex.m_nIndex;

inline bool SwContentIndex::operator<=( const SwContentIndex& rIndex ) const
    return m_nIndex <= rIndex.m_nIndex;

inline bool SwContentIndex::operator> ( const SwContentIndex& rIndex ) const
    return m_nIndex >  rIndex.m_nIndex;

inline bool SwContentIndex::operator>=( const SwContentIndex& rIndex ) const
    return m_nIndex >= rIndex.m_nIndex;

inline SwContentIndex& SwContentIndex::operator= ( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    if (m_nIndex != nVal)
        ChgValue( *this, nVal );
    return *this;

#endif // ifndef DBG_UTIL

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