/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef _DOCSTYLE_HXX #define _DOCSTYLE_HXX #include #include #include #include "swdllapi.h" #include class SwDoc; class SwDocStyleSheetPool; class SwPageDesc; class SwCharFmt; class SwTxtFmtColl; class SwFrmFmt; class SwNumRule; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Local helper class. --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwPoolFmtList : public std::vector { public: SwPoolFmtList() {} void Append( char cChar, const String& rStr ); void Erase(); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Temporary StyleSheet. --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDocStyleSheet : public SfxStyleSheetBase { friend class SwDocStyleSheetPool; friend class SwStyleSheetIterator; SwCharFmt* pCharFmt; SwTxtFmtColl* pColl; SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt; const SwPageDesc* pDesc; const SwNumRule* pNumRule; SwDoc& rDoc; SfxItemSet aCoreSet; sal_Bool bPhysical; /// Make empty shell a real StyleSheet (Core). SW_DLLPRIVATE void Create(); /// Fill StyleSheet with data. enum FillStyleType { FillOnlyName, FillAllInfo, FillPhysical }; SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool FillStyleSheet( FillStyleType eFType ); protected: virtual ~SwDocStyleSheet(); public: SwDocStyleSheet( SwDoc& rDoc, const String& rName, SwDocStyleSheetPool* pPool, SfxStyleFamily eFam, sal_uInt16 nMask); SwDocStyleSheet( const SwDocStyleSheet& ); void Reset(); void SetMask(sal_uInt16 nMsk) { nMask = nMsk; } void SetFamily(SfxStyleFamily eFam) { nFamily = eFam; } sal_Bool IsPhysical() const { return bPhysical; } void SetPhysical(sal_Bool bPhys); virtual void SetHidden( sal_Bool bHidden ); virtual sal_Bool IsHidden( ) const; /** add optional parameter , default value sal_False, which indicates that the indent attributes at a paragraph style should be reset in case that a list style is applied to the paragraph style and no indent attributes are applied. */ void SetItemSet( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const bool bResetIndentAttrsAtParagraphStyle = false ); virtual SfxItemSet& GetItemSet(); /** new method for paragraph styles to merge indent attributes of applied list style into the given item set, if the list style indent attributes are applicable. */ void MergeIndentAttrsOfListStyle( SfxItemSet& rSet ); virtual const String& GetParent() const; virtual const String& GetFollow() const; virtual sal_uLong GetHelpId( OUString& rFile ); virtual void SetHelpId( const OUString& r, sal_uLong nId ); /** Preset the members without physical access. Used by StyleSheetPool. */ void PresetName(const String& rName) { aName = rName; } void PresetNameAndFamily(const String& rName); void PresetParent(const String& rName){ aParent = rName; } void PresetFollow(const String& rName){ aFollow = rName; } virtual bool SetName( const String& rStr); virtual bool SetParent( const String& rStr); virtual bool SetFollow( const String& rStr); virtual bool HasFollowSupport() const; virtual bool HasParentSupport() const; virtual bool HasClearParentSupport() const; virtual String GetDescription(); virtual String GetDescription(SfxMapUnit eUnit); SwCharFmt* GetCharFmt(); SwTxtFmtColl* GetCollection(); SwFrmFmt* GetFrmFmt(); const SwPageDesc* GetPageDesc(); const SwNumRule* GetNumRule(); void SetNumRule(const SwNumRule& rRule); virtual bool IsUsed() const; }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Iterator for Pool. --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwStyleSheetIterator : public SfxStyleSheetIterator, public SfxListener { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > mxIterSheet; rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > mxStyleSheet; SwPoolFmtList aLst; sal_uInt16 nLastPos; sal_Bool bFirstCalled; void AppendStyleList(const boost::ptr_vector& rLst, sal_Bool bUsed, sal_Bool bTestHidden, bool bOnlyHidden, sal_uInt16 nSection, char cType); public: SwStyleSheetIterator( SwDocStyleSheetPool* pBase, SfxStyleFamily eFam, sal_uInt16 n=SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); virtual ~SwStyleSheetIterator(); virtual sal_uInt16 Count(); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase *operator[](sal_uInt16 nIdx); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* First(); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Next(); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Find(const rtl::OUString& rStr); virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& ); }; class SwDocStyleSheetPool : public SfxStyleSheetBasePool { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > mxStyleSheet; SwDoc& rDoc; sal_Bool bOrganizer : 1; ///< Organizer virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Create( const String&, SfxStyleFamily, sal_uInt16 nMask); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Create( const SfxStyleSheetBase& ); using SfxStyleSheetBasePool::Find; public: SwDocStyleSheetPool( SwDoc&, sal_Bool bOrganizer = sal_False ); virtual void Replace( SfxStyleSheetBase& rSource, SfxStyleSheetBase& rTarget ); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase& Make(const String&, SfxStyleFamily, sal_uInt16 nMask, sal_uInt16 nPos = 0xffff); virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Find( const String&, SfxStyleFamily eFam, sal_uInt16 n=SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); virtual bool SetParent( SfxStyleFamily eFam, const String &rStyle, const String &rParent ); virtual void Remove( SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle); void SetOrganizerMode( sal_Bool bMode ) { bOrganizer = bMode; } sal_Bool IsOrganizerMode() const { return bOrganizer; } virtual SfxStyleSheetIterator* CreateIterator( SfxStyleFamily, sal_uInt16 nMask ); SwDoc& GetDoc() const { return rDoc; } void dispose(); virtual void SAL_CALL acquire( ) throw (); virtual void SAL_CALL release( ) throw (); protected: virtual ~SwDocStyleSheetPool(); /// For not-so-clever compilers. private: SwDocStyleSheetPool( const SwDocStyleSheetPool& ); }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */