/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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#include "swerror.h"

#define NC_(Context, String) reinterpret_cast<char const *>(Context "\004" u8##String)

#define ERR_CODE( class, err )  ErrCode(ErrCodeArea::Sw, class, err.GetCode())
#define WARN_CODE( class, err ) ErrCode(ErrCodeArea::Sw, class, err.GetCode())

const ErrMsgCode RID_SW_ERRHDL[] =
    // Import-Errors
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "File format error found.") , ERR_SWG_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Error reading file.") , ERR_SWG_READ_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "This is not a valid WinWord6 file.") , ERR_WW6_NO_WW6_FILE_ERR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "File format error found at $(ARG1)(row,col).") , ERR_FORMAT_ROWCOL },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "This is not a valid WinWord97 file."), ERR_WW8_NO_WW8_FILE_ERR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Format error discovered in the file in sub-document $(ARG1) at $(ARG2)(row,col)."), ERR_FORMAT_FILE_ROWCOL },
    // Export-Errors
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Error writing file.") , ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Wrong AutoText document version.") , ERR_SWG_OLD_GLOSSARY },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Error in writing sub-document $(ARG1)."), ERR_WRITE_ERROR_FILE },
    // Import-/Export-Errors
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Internal error in %PRODUCTNAME Writer file format.") , ERR_CODE ( ErrCodeClass::Read , ERR_SWG_INTERNAL_ERROR ) },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Internal error in %PRODUCTNAME Writer file format.") , ERR_CODE ( ErrCodeClass::Write , ERR_SWG_INTERNAL_ERROR ) },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "$(ARG1) has changed.") , ERR_TXTBLOCK_NEWFILE_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "$(ARG1) does not exist.") , ERR_AUTOPATH_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Cells cannot be further split.") , ERR_TBLSPLIT_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Additional columns cannot be inserted.") , ERR_TBLINSCOL_ERROR },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "The structure of a linked table cannot be modified.") , ERR_TBLDDECHG_ERROR },

    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Not all attributes could be read.") , WARN_CODE ( ErrCodeClass::Read , WARN_SWG_FEATURES_LOST ) },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Not all attributes could be recorded.") , WARN_CODE ( ErrCodeClass::Write , WARN_SWG_FEATURES_LOST ) },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Document could not be completely saved.") , WARN_SWG_POOR_LOAD },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "This HTML document contains %PRODUCTNAME Basic macros.\nThey were not saved with the current export settings."), WARN_SWG_HTML_NO_MACROS },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Error in writing sub-document $(ARG1)."), WARN_WRITE_ERROR_FILE },
    { NC_("RID_SW_ERRHDL", "Format error discovered in the file in sub-document $(ARG1) at $(ARG2)(row,col)."), WARN_FORMAT_FILE_ROWCOL },
    { nullptr, ERRCODE_NONE }


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