/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SW_INC_FESH_HXX #define INCLUDED_SW_INC_FESH_HXX #include #include #include #include "swdllapi.h" #include "editsh.hxx" #include "flyenum.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace editeng { class SvxBorderLine; } class SwFlyFrame; class SwTabCols; class SvxBrushItem; class SvxFrameDirectionItem; class SwTableAutoFormat; class SwFrame; class SwFormatFrameSize; class SwFormatRowSplit; class Outliner; class SwFrameFormat; struct SwSortOptions; class SdrMarkList; enum class RndStdIds; namespace svx { class ISdrObjectFilter; } namespace com::sun::star::embed { class XEmbeddedObject; } // return values for GetFrameType() and GetSelFrameType(). //! values can be combined via logical or enum class FrameTypeFlags { NONE = 0, PAGE = 1, HEADER = 2, FOOTER = 4, BODY = 8, COLUMN = 16, TABLE = 32, FLY_FREE = 64, FLY_ATCNT = 128, FLY_INCNT = 256, FOOTNOTE = 512, FTNPAGE = 1024, FLY_ANY = 2048, DRAWOBJ = 4096, COLSECT = 8192, COLSECTOUTTAB = 16384 }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } //! values can be combined via logical or enum class GotoObjFlags { NONE = 0, DrawControl = 1, DrawSimple = 2, DrawAny = DrawControl | DrawSimple, FlyFrame = 4, FlyGrf = 8, FlyOLE = 16, FlyAny = FlyOLE | FlyGrf | FlyFrame, Any = FlyAny | DrawAny, }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } //! values can be combined via logical or enum class FlyProtectFlags { NONE = 0, Content = 1, Size = 2, Pos = 4, Parent = 8, ///< Check only parents. Fixed = 16, /**< Only protection that cannot be withdrawn e.g. by OLE-server; also relevant for dialog. */ }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } // For figuring out contents by position (D&D) enum ObjCntType { OBJCNT_NONE, OBJCNT_FLY, OBJCNT_GRF, OBJCNT_OLE, OBJCNT_SIMPLE, OBJCNT_CONTROL, OBJCNT_URLBUTTON, OBJCNT_GROUPOBJ, OBJCNT_DONTCARE ///< Not determinable - different objects are selected. }; //For GetAnyCurRect enum class CurRectType { Page, ///< Rect of current page. PageCalc, ///< ... page will be formatted if required. PagePrt, ///< Rect of current PrtArea of page. Frame, ///< Rect of current frame. FlyEmbedded, ///< Rect of current FlyFrame. FlyEmbeddedPrt, ///< Rect of PrtArea of FlyFrame Section, ///< Rect of current section. SectionOutsideTable, ///< Rect of current section but outside of table. SectionPrt, ///< Rect of current PrtArea of section. HeaderFooter, ///< Rect of current header/footer PagesArea ///< Rect covering the pages area }; struct SwGetCurColNumPara { const SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat; const SwRect* pPrtRect; SwGetCurColNumPara() : pFrameFormat( nullptr ), pPrtRect( nullptr ) {} }; enum class SwPasteSdr { NONE = 0, Insert = 1, Replace = 2, SetAttr = 3 }; #define SW_ADD_SELECT 1 #define SW_ENTER_GROUP 2 #define SW_LEAVE_FRAME 4 /// Allow SwFEShell::SelectObj() to select the TextBox of a shape. #define SW_ALLOW_TEXTBOX 8 enum class SwMove { UP = 0, DOWN = 1, LEFT = 2, RIGHT = 3 }; // return values for WhichMouseTabCol enum class SwTab { COL_NONE = 0, COL_HORI = 1, COL_VERT = 2, ROW_HORI = 3, ROW_VERT = 4, SEL_HORI = 5, SEL_HORI_RTL = 6, ROWSEL_HORI = 7, ROWSEL_HORI_RTL = 8, COLSEL_HORI = 9, SEL_VERT = 10, ROWSEL_VERT = 11, COLSEL_VERT = 12 }; class SdrDropMarkerOverlay; struct SwColCache; class SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI SwFEShell : public SwEditShell { private: mutable std::unique_ptr m_pColumnCache; mutable std::unique_ptr m_pRowCache; std::unique_ptr m_pChainTo; std::unique_ptr m_pChainFrom; bool m_bCheckForOLEInCaption; comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper3 m_aPasteListeners; /// insert table rows or columns instead of overwriting the existing table cells SwTable::SearchType m_eTableInsertMode; /// table copied to the clipboard by the last private copy bool m_bTableCopied; SwFlyFrame *FindFlyFrame( const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& ) const; /// Terminate actions for all shells and call ChangeLink. void EndAllActionAndCall(); void ScrollTo( const Point &rPt ); void ChangeOpaque( SdrLayerID nLayerId ); /** Used for mouse operations on a table: @return a cell frame that is 'close' to rPt. */ const SwFrame *GetBox( const Point &rPt, bool* pbRow = nullptr, bool* pbCol = nullptr ) const; // 0 == not in any column. static sal_uInt16 GetCurColNum_( const SwFrame *pFrame, SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara ); void GetTabCols_(SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrame *pBox) const; void GetTabRows_(SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrame *pBox) const; bool ImpEndCreate(); /// Methods for copying of draw objects. bool CopyDrawSel( SwFEShell& rDestShell, const Point& rSttPt, const Point& rInsPt, bool bIsMove, bool bSelectInsert ); /// Get list of marked SdrObjects; /// helper method for GetSelFrameType, IsSelContainsControl. const SdrMarkList* GetMarkList_() const; bool CheckHeadline( bool bRepeat ) const; using SwEditShell::Copy; public: using SwEditShell::Insert; SwFEShell( SwDoc& rDoc, vcl::Window *pWin, const SwViewOption *pOpt ); SwFEShell( SwEditShell& rShell, vcl::Window *pWin ); virtual ~SwFEShell() override; /// Copy and Paste methods for internal clipboard. SW_DLLPUBLIC void Copy( SwDoc& rClpDoc, const OUString* pNewClpText = nullptr ); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool Paste( SwDoc& rClpDoc, bool bNestedTable = false ); /// Paste some pages into another doc - used in mailmerge. SW_DLLPUBLIC void PastePages( SwFEShell& rToFill, sal_uInt16 nStartPage, sal_uInt16 nEndPage); /// Copy-Method for Drag&Drop SW_DLLPUBLIC bool Copy( SwFEShell&, const Point& rSttPt, const Point& rInsPt, bool bIsMove = false, bool bSelectInsert = true ); void SelectFlyFrame( SwFlyFrame& rFrame ); SW_DLLPUBLIC void UnfloatFlyFrame(); /// Is selected frame within another frame? SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwFrameFormat* IsFlyInFly(); /** If an object has been given, exactly this object is selected (instead of searching over position). */ SW_DLLPUBLIC bool SelectObj( const Point& rSelPt, sal_uInt8 nFlag = 0, SdrObject *pObj = nullptr ); SW_DLLPUBLIC void DelSelectedObj(); /** Move selection upwards or downwards (Z-Order). TRUE = to top or bottom. FALSE = run past one other. */ void SelectionToTop ( bool bTop = true ); void SelectionToBottom( bool bBottom = true ); SdrLayerID GetLayerId() const; ///< 1 Heaven, 0 Hell, SDRLAYER_NOTFOUND Ambiguous. void SelectionToHeaven(); ///< Above document. void SelectionToHell(); ///< Below document. /** The following two methods return enum SdrHdlKind. Declared as int in order to spare including SVDRAW.HXX. */ bool IsObjSelectable( const Point& rPt ); /// Same as IsObjSelectable(), but return the object as well. SdrObject* GetObjAt(const Point& rPt); bool IsInsideSelectedObj( const Point& rPt ); ///< returns enum values /** Test if there is a draw object at that position and if it should be selected. The 'should' is aimed at Writer text fly frames which may be in front of the draw object. */ bool ShouldObjectBeSelected(const Point& rPt, bool *pSelectFrameInsteadOfCroppedImage = nullptr); bool MoveAnchor( SwMove nDir ); /** @return if Upper of frame at current position is section frame Currently only used by the rules. To be replaced by something more sophisticated one day. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC bool IsDirectlyInSection() const; /** For return values see above FrameType. pPt: Cursr or DocPos respectively; bStopAtFly: Stop at flys or continue over anchor. Although (0,TRUE) is kind of a standard, the parameters are not defaulted here in order to force more conscious use especially of bStopAtFly. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC FrameTypeFlags GetFrameType( const Point *pPt, bool bStopAtFly ) const; FrameTypeFlags GetSelFrameType() const; //Selection (Drawing) /** check whether selected frame contains a control; * companion method to GetSelFrameType, used for preventing * drag&drop of controls into header */ bool IsSelContainsControl() const; static ObjCntType GetObjCntType( const SdrObject& rObj ); ObjCntType GetObjCntType( const Point &rPt, SdrObject *&rpObj ) const; ObjCntType GetObjCntTypeOfSelection() const; /// For adjustment of PosAttr when anchor changes. SwRect GetObjRect() const; /// For moving flys with keyboard. SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRect GetFlyRect() const; /** i#17567 - adjustments to allow negative vertical positions for fly frames anchored to paragraph or to character. i#18732 - adjustments for new option 'FollowTextFlow' i#22341 - adjustments for new vertical alignment at top of line */ SW_DLLPUBLIC void CalcBoundRect( SwRect& _orRect, const RndStdIds _nAnchorId, const sal_Int16 _eHoriRelOrient = css::text::RelOrientation::FRAME, const sal_Int16 _eVertRelOrient = css::text::RelOrientation::FRAME, const SwFormatAnchor* _pToCharContentPos = nullptr, const bool _bFollowTextFlow = false, bool _bMirror = false, Point* _opRef = nullptr, Size* _opPercent = nullptr, const SwFormatFrameSize* pFormatFrameSize = nullptr ) const; /// Set size of draw objects. void SetObjRect( const SwRect& rRect ); void BeginDrag( const Point *pPt, bool bProp ); void Drag ( const Point *pPt, bool bProp ); void EndDrag (); void BreakDrag(); /// Methods for status line. Point GetAnchorObjDiff() const; Point GetObjAbsPos() const; Size GetObjSize() const; /// SS for envelopes: get all page-bound objects and set them to new page. void GetPageObjs( std::vector& rFillArr ); void SetPageObjsNewPage( std::vector& rFillArr ); /// Show current selection (frame / draw object as required). virtual void MakeSelVisible(ScrollSizeMode eScrollSizeMode = ScrollSizeMode::ScrollSizeDefault) override; /** @return FrameFormat of object that may be under Point. Object does not become selected! */ const SwFrameFormat* GetFormatFromObj( const Point& rPt, SwRect** pRectToFill = nullptr ) const; /// @return a format too, if the point is over the text of any fly. const SwFrameFormat* GetFormatFromAnyObj( const Point& rPt ) const; /** Which Protection is set at selected object? */ SW_DLLPUBLIC FlyProtectFlags IsSelObjProtected( FlyProtectFlags eType ) const; /** Deliver graphic in rName besides graphic name. If graphic is linked give name with path. rbLink is TRUE if graphic is linked. */ const Graphic *GetGrfAtPos( const Point &rDocPos, OUString &rName, bool &rbLink ) const; OUString GetObjTitle() const; void SetObjTitle( const OUString& rTitle ); OUString GetObjDescription() const; void SetObjDescription( const OUString& rDescription ); bool IsObjDecorative() const; void SetObjDecorative(bool isDecorative); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool IsFrameSelected() const; bool GetFlyFrameAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC bool SetFlyFrameAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ); static SfxItemSet makeItemSetFromFormatAnchor(SfxItemPool& rPool, const SwFormatAnchor &rAnchor); void ResetFlyFrameAttr( const SfxItemSet* pSet ); SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwFrameFormat *NewFlyFrame( const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bAnchValid = false, SwFrameFormat *pParent = nullptr ); SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetFlyPos( const Point &rAbsPos); SW_DLLPUBLIC Point FindAnchorPos( const Point &rAbsPos, bool bMoveIt = false ); /** Determines whether a frame or its environment is vertically formatted and right-to-left. also determines, if frame or its environment is in Mongolian layout (vertical left-to-right) - add output parameter */ SW_DLLPUBLIC bool IsFrameVertical(const bool bEnvironment, bool& bRightToLeft, bool& bVertL2R) const; SwFrameFormat* GetSelectedFrameFormat() const; ///< If frame then frame style, else 0. void SetFrameFormat( SwFrameFormat *pFormat, bool bKeepOrient = false, Point const * pDocPos = nullptr ); ///< If frame then set frame style. // Get selected fly SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFlyFrame* GetSelectedFlyFrame() const; // Get current fly in which the cursor is positioned SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFlyFrame* GetCurrFlyFrame(const bool bCalcFrame = true) const; // Get selected fly, but if none Get current fly in which the cursor is positioned SwFlyFrame* GetSelectedOrCurrFlyFrame() const; /// Find/delete fly containing the cursor. SwFrameFormat* WizardGetFly(); /// Independent selecting of flys. bool GotoNextFly( GotoObjFlags eType = GotoObjFlags::FlyAny ) { return GotoObj( true, eType ); } bool GotoPrevFly( GotoObjFlags eType = GotoObjFlags::FlyAny) { return GotoObj( false, eType); } /// Iterate over flys - for Basic-collections. SW_DLLPUBLIC size_t GetFlyCount( FlyCntType eType, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes = false ) const; std::vector GetFlyFrameFormats( FlyCntType eType, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes); /// If a fly is selected, it draws cursor into the first ContentFrame. SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwFrameFormat* SelFlyGrabCursor(); /// Get FlyFrameFormat; for UI macro linkage at Flys const SwFrameFormat* GetFlyFrameFormat() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFrameFormat* GetFlyFrameFormat(); /** OLE. Server requires new size. Desired values are adjusted as frame attributes. If the values are not allowed, the formatting clips and determines scaling. See CalcAndSetScale(). The @return value is the applied size. */ Size RequestObjectResize( const SwRect &rRect, const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& ); /// The layout has been changed, so the active object has to be moved after that virtual void MoveObjectIfActive( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef& xObj, const Point& rOffset ); /** Client for OleObject has to be up-to-date regarding scaling. Implemented in WrtShell. If a pointer is passed on a size, this is the object's current core-size. Else the size is provided via GetCurFlyRect(). */ virtual void CalcAndSetScale( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef& xObj, const SwRect *pFlyPrtRect = nullptr, const SwRect *pFlyFrameRect = nullptr, const bool bNoTextFramePrtAreaChanged = false ) = 0; /** Connect objects with ActivateWhenVisible at Paint. Called by notxtfrm::Paint, implemented in wrtsh. */ virtual void ConnectObj( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef&, const SwRect &rPrt, const SwRect &rFrame ) = 0; /// Check resize of OLE-Object. bool IsCheckForOLEInCaption() const { return m_bCheckForOLEInCaption; } void SetCheckForOLEInCaption( bool bFlag ) { m_bCheckForOLEInCaption = bFlag; } /// Set name at selected FlyFrame. SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetFlyName( const OUString& rName ); OUString GetFlyName() const; /// get reference to OLE object (if there is one) for selected FlyFrame css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > GetOleRef() const; /// Created unique name for frame. SW_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetUniqueGrfName() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetUniqueOLEName() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC OUString GetUniqueFrameName() const; /// Jump to named Fly (graphic/OLE). bool GotoFly( const OUString& rName, FlyCntType eType, bool bSelFrame ); /// Position is a graphic with URL? const SwFrameFormat* IsURLGrfAtPos( const Point& rPt, OUString* pURL = nullptr, OUString *pTargetFrameName = nullptr, OUString *pURLDescription = nullptr ) const; /** For Chain always connect Fly specified by format with that hit by point. rRect contains rect of Fly (for its highlight). */ SwChainRet Chainable( SwRect &rRect, const SwFrameFormat &rSource, const Point &rPt ) const; SwChainRet Chain( SwFrameFormat &rSource, const Point &rPt ); void Chain( SwFrameFormat &rSource, const SwFrameFormat &rDest ); void Unchain( SwFrameFormat &rFormat ); void HideChainMarker(); void SetChainMarker(); Size GetGraphicDefaultSize() const; /// Temporary work around for bug. void CheckUnboundObjects(); /// Attention: Ambiguities if multiple selections. bool GetObjAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ) const; void SetObjAttr( const SfxItemSet &rSet ); const SdrObject* GetBestObject(bool bNext, GotoObjFlags eType, bool bFlat = true, const svx::ISdrObjectFilter* pFilter = nullptr, bool* pbWrapped = nullptr); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool GotoObj( bool bNext, GotoObjFlags eType = GotoObjFlags::DrawAny); /// Set DragMode (e.g. Rotate), but do nothing when frame is selected. void SetDragMode( SdrDragMode eSdrDragMode ); // Get the current drag mode SdrDragMode GetDragMode() const; // Start cropping the selected image void StartCropImage(); // RotGrfFlyFrame: check if RotationMode is possible bool IsRotationOfSwGrfNodePossible() const; /// @return object count, but doesn't count the objects in groups. SW_DLLPUBLIC size_t GetSelectedObjCount() const; bool IsObjSelected( const SdrObject& rObj ) const; bool IsObjSameLevelWithMarked(const SdrObject* pObj) const; const SdrMarkList* GetMarkList() const{ return GetMarkList_(); }; SW_DLLPUBLIC void EndTextEdit(); ///< Deletes object if required. /** Anchor type of selected object, RndStdIds::UNKNOWN if ambiguous or in case of frame selection. Else RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE or RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA. */ RndStdIds GetAnchorId() const; /** Process of creating draw objects. At the beginning object type is passed. At the end a Cmd can be passed. Here, SDRCREATE_RESTRAINTEND for end or SdrCreateCmd::NextPoint for a polygon may be relevant. After RESTRAINTEND the object is created and selected. BreakCreate interrupts the process. In this case no object is selected. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC bool BeginCreate( SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, const Point &rPos ); bool BeginCreate( SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, SdrInventor eObjInventor, const Point &); SW_DLLPUBLIC void MoveCreate ( const Point &rPos ); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool EndCreate ( SdrCreateCmd eSdrCreateCmd ); void BreakCreate(); bool IsDrawCreate() const; void CreateDefaultShape(SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nSlotId); /// Functions for Rubberbox, it selects Draw-Objects bool BeginMark( const Point &rPos ); void MoveMark ( const Point &rPos ); bool EndMark (); /// Create and destroy group, don't when frame is selected. bool IsGroupSelected(bool bAllowDiagams); ///< Can be a mixed selection! void GroupSelection(); ///< Afterwards the group is selected. void UnGroupSelection(); /**< The individual objects are selected, but it is possible that there are groups included. */ bool IsGroupAllowed() const; bool IsUnGroupAllowed() const; void MirrorSelection( bool bHorizontal ); ///< Vertical if FALSE. /** frmatr.hxx. Here no enum because of dependencies. bool value only for internal use! Anchor is newly set according to current document position. Anchor is not re-set. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC void ChgAnchor( RndStdIds eAnchorId, bool bSameOnly = false, bool bPosCorr = true ); bool SetDrawingAttr( SfxItemSet &rSet ); /** Get selected DrawObj as graphics (MetaFile/Bitmap). Return value indicates if it was converted. */ bool GetDrawObjGraphic( SotClipboardFormatId nFormat, Graphic& rGrf ) const; void Paste( SvStream& rStm, SwPasteSdr nAction, const Point* pPt ); bool Paste( const Graphic &rGrf, const OUString& rURL ); comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper3& GetPasteListeners(); bool IsAlignPossible() const; void SetCalcFieldValueHdl(Outliner* pOutliner); SW_DLLPUBLIC void Insert(const OUString& rGrfName, const OUString& rFltName, const Graphic* pGraphic, const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet ); /// Insertion of a drawing object which have to be already inserted in the DrawModel. void InsertDrawObj( SdrObject& rDrawObj, const Point& rInsertPosition ); void ReplaceSdrObj( const OUString& rGrfName, const Graphic* pGrf ); // --> #i972# /** for starmath formulas anchored 'as char' it aligns it baseline to baseline changing the previous vertical orientation */ void AlignFormulaToBaseline( const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj ); /// aligns all formulas with anchor 'as char' to baseline void AlignAllFormulasToBaseline(); /// Provide information about content situated closes to given Point. Point GetContentPos( const Point& rPoint, bool bNext ) const; /// Convert document position into position relative to the current page. Point GetRelativePagePosition(const Point& rDocPos); /// Hide or show layout-selection and pass call to CursorSh. SW_DLLPUBLIC void ShellLoseFocus(); void ShellGetFocus(); /// PageDescriptor-interface void ChgCurPageDesc( const SwPageDesc& ); SW_DLLPUBLIC size_t GetCurPageDesc( const bool bCalcFrame = true ) const; size_t GetMousePageDesc( const Point &rPt ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC size_t GetPageDescCnt() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC SwPageDesc* FindPageDescByName( const OUString& rName, bool bGetFromPool = false, size_t* pPos = nullptr ); SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwPageDesc& GetPageDesc( size_t i ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void ChgPageDesc( size_t i, const SwPageDesc& ); /** if inside all selection only one PageDesc, @return this. Otherwise @return 0 pointer */ SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwPageDesc* GetSelectedPageDescs() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC const SwRect& GetAnyCurRect( CurRectType eType, const Point* pPt = nullptr, const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& = css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >() ) const; /// Page number of the page containing Point, O if no page. sal_uInt16 GetPageNumber( const Point &rPoint ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC bool GetPageNumber( tools::Long nYPos, bool bAtCursorPos, sal_uInt16& rPhyNum, sal_uInt16& rVirtNum, OUString &rDisplay ) const; SwFlyFrameFormat* InsertObject( const svt::EmbeddedObjectRef&, SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet ); bool FinishOLEObj(); ///< Shutdown server. void GetTableAttr( SfxItemSet & ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetTableAttr( const SfxItemSet & ); bool HasWholeTabSelection() const; /// Is content of a table cell or at least a table cell completely selected? bool HasBoxSelection() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void InsertRow( sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind ); SW_DLLPUBLIC void InsertCol( sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind ); // 0 == at the end. SW_DLLPUBLIC bool DeleteCol(); void DeleteTable(); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool DeleteRow(bool bCompleteTable = false); SwTable::SearchType GetTableInsertMode() const { return m_eTableInsertMode; } void SetTableInsertMode( SwTable::SearchType eFlag ) { m_eTableInsertMode = eFlag; } bool GetTableCopied() const { return m_bTableCopied; } void SetTableCopied( bool bCopied ) { m_bTableCopied = bCopied; } bool DeleteTableSel(); ///< Current selection, may be whole table. TableMergeErr MergeTab(); /**< Merge selected parts of table */ /// Split cell vertically or horizontally. void SplitTab( bool bVert, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bSameHeight ); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool Sort(const SwSortOptions&); // sorting SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetRowHeight( const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz ); /// Pointer must be destroyed by caller != 0. SW_DLLPUBLIC std::unique_ptr GetRowHeight() const; void SetRowSplit( const SwFormatRowSplit &rSz ); std::unique_ptr GetRowSplit() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetBoxAlign(sal_uInt16 nOrient); sal_uInt16 GetBoxAlign() const; ///< USHRT_MAX if ambiguous. bool BalanceRowHeight( bool bTstOnly, const bool bOptimize = false ); void SetTabBorders( const SfxItemSet& rSet ); void GetTabBorders( SfxItemSet& rSet) const; void SetTabLineStyle(const Color* pColor, bool bSetLine = false, const editeng::SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine = nullptr); SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetTabBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ); void GetTabBackground( std::unique_ptr& rToFill ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetBoxBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ); bool GetBoxBackground( std::unique_ptr& rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous. void SetBoxDirection( const SvxFrameDirectionItem& rNew ); bool GetBoxDirection( std::unique_ptr& rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous. SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetRowBackground( const SvxBrushItem &rNew ); bool GetRowBackground( std::unique_ptr& rToFill ) const; ///< FALSE ambiguous. SwTab WhichMouseTabCol( const Point &rPt ) const; void GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill ) const; ///< Info about columns and margins. void SetTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly ); void GetMouseTabCols( SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt ) const; void SetMouseTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly, const Point &rPt ); /// pEnd will be used during MouseMove bool SelTableRowCol( const Point& rPt, const Point* pEnd, bool bRowDrag ); void GetTabRows( SwTabCols &rToFill ) const; void SetTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly ); void GetMouseTabRows( SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt ) const; void SetMouseTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly, const Point &rPt ); SW_DLLPUBLIC void ProtectCells(); /**< If a table selection exists it is destroyed in case cursor is not allowed in readonly. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC void UnProtectCells(); ///< Refers to table selection. void UnProtectTables(); ///< Unprotect all tables in selection. bool HasTableAnyProtection( const OUString* pTableName, bool* pFullTableProtection ); bool CanUnProtectCells() const; sal_uInt16 GetRowsToRepeat() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetRowsToRepeat( sal_uInt16 nNumOfRows ); sal_uInt16 GetVirtPageNum() const; /** @return the number of table rows currently selected if the selection start at the top of the table. */ sal_uInt16 GetRowSelectionFromTop() const; bool IsInRepeatedHeadline() const { return CheckHeadline( true ); } bool IsInHeadline() const { return CheckHeadline( false ); } void AdjustCellWidth( const bool bBalance, const bool bNoShrink ); /// Not allowed if only empty cells are selected. bool IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed( bool bBalance = false ) const; /// Set table style of the current table. void SetTableStyle(const OUString& rStyleName); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool SetTableStyle(const SwTableAutoFormat& rNew); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool ResetTableStyle(); /// Update the direct formatting according to the current table style. /// @param pTableNode Table node to update. When nullptr, current cursor position is used. /// @param bResetDirect Reset direct formatting that might be applied to the cells. /// @param pStyleName new style to apply bool UpdateTableStyleFormatting(SwTableNode *pTableNode = nullptr, bool bResetDirect = false, OUString const* pStyleName = nullptr); SW_DLLPUBLIC bool GetTableAutoFormat( SwTableAutoFormat& rGet ); void SetColRowWidthHeight( TableChgWidthHeightType eType, sal_uInt16 nDiff ); void GetAutoSum( OUString& rFormula ) const; /** Phy: real page count. Virt: consider offset that may have been set by user. */ SW_DLLPUBLIC sal_uInt16 GetPhyPageNum() const; void SetNewPageOffset( sal_uInt16 nOffset ); void SetPageOffset( sal_uInt16 nOffset ); ///< Changes last page offset. sal_uInt16 GetPageOffset() const; ///< @return last page offset. void InsertLabel( const SwLabelType eType, const OUString &rText, const OUString& rSeparator, const OUString& rNumberSeparator, const bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId, const OUString& rCharacterStyle, const bool bCpyBrd ); /// The ruler needs some information too. SW_DLLPUBLIC sal_uInt16 GetCurColNum( SwGetCurColNumPara* pPara = nullptr ) const; //0 == not in any column. sal_uInt16 GetCurMouseColNum( const Point &rPt ) const; size_t GetCurTabColNum() const; //0 == not in any table. size_t GetCurMouseTabColNum( const Point &rPt ) const; sal_uInt16 GetCurOutColNum() const; ///< Current outer column. bool IsColRightToLeft() const; SW_DLLPUBLIC bool IsTableRightToLeft() const; bool IsMouseTableRightToLeft( const Point &rPt ) const; bool IsTableVertical() const; bool IsLastCellInRow() const; /// Width of current range for column-dialog. SW_DLLPUBLIC tools::Long GetSectionWidth( SwFormat const & rFormat ) const; SW_DLLPUBLIC void GetConnectableFrameFormats (SwFrameFormat & rFormat, std::u16string_view rReference, bool bSuccessors, std::vector< OUString > & aPrevPageVec, std::vector< OUString > & aThisPageVec, std::vector< OUString > & aNextPageVec, std::vector< OUString > & aRestVec); /** SwFEShell::GetShapeBackground method determines background color of the page the selected drawing object is on and returns this color. If no color is found, because no drawing object is selected or ..., color COL_BLACK (default color on constructing object of class Color) is returned. @returns an object of class Color */ Color GetShapeBackground() const; /** Is default horizontal text direction for selected drawing object right-to-left Because drawing objects only painted for each page only, the default horizontal text direction of a drawing object is given by the corresponding page property. @returns boolean, indicating, if the horizontal text direction of the page, the selected drawing object is on, is right-to-left. */ bool IsShapeDefaultHoriTextDirR2L() const; void ParkCursorInTab(); SwTextNode * GetNumRuleNodeAtPos(const Point &rPot); bool IsNumLabel( const Point &rPt, int nMaxOffset = -1 ); static bool IsVerticalModeAtNdAndPos( const SwTextNode& _rTextNode, const Point& _rDocPos ); void ToggleHeaderFooterEdit( ); static void SetLineEnds(SfxItemSet& rAttr, SdrObject const & rObj, sal_uInt16 nSlotId); void ClearColumnRowCache(SwTabFrame const*); }; void ClearFEShellTabCols(SwDoc & rDoc, SwTabFrame const*const pFrame); #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */