/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fldbas.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-06-30 15:49:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _FLDBAS_HXX #define _FLDBAS_HXX #ifndef FIELDIDS_ONLY // SWG-Testreader!! #ifndef _LANG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CALBCK_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_ANY_HXX_ #include #endif class SwDoc; class Date; class Time; class _SetGetExpFlds; class SwEditShell; class SvStringsDtor; class SvNumberFormatter; #endif // FIELDIDS_ONLY /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: die ID's fuer die Feldtypen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum RES_FIELDS { // Fuer die alten Dokumente muessen die Field-Which IDS erhalten bleiben !!!! RES_FIELDS_BEGIN, RES_DBFLD = RES_FIELDS_BEGIN, RES_USERFLD, RES_FILENAMEFLD, RES_DBNAMEFLD, RES_DATEFLD, RES_TIMEFLD, RES_PAGENUMBERFLD, RES_AUTHORFLD, RES_CHAPTERFLD, RES_DOCSTATFLD, RES_GETEXPFLD, RES_SETEXPFLD, RES_GETREFFLD, RES_HIDDENTXTFLD, RES_POSTITFLD, RES_FIXDATEFLD, RES_FIXTIMEFLD, RES_REGFLD, RES_VARREGFLD, RES_SETREFFLD, RES_INPUTFLD, RES_MACROFLD, RES_DDEFLD, RES_TABLEFLD, RES_HIDDENPARAFLD, RES_DOCINFOFLD, RES_TEMPLNAMEFLD, RES_DBNEXTSETFLD, RES_DBNUMSETFLD, RES_DBSETNUMBERFLD, RES_EXTUSERFLD, RES_REFPAGESETFLD, RES_REFPAGEGETFLD, RES_INTERNETFLD, RES_JUMPEDITFLD, RES_SCRIPTFLD, RES_DATETIMEFLD, RES_AUTHORITY, //Table of authorities RES_COMBINED_CHARS, RES_DROPDOWN, RES_FIELDS_END }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Liste der FieldTypes am UI --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum SwFldTypesEnum { TYP_BEGIN, TYP_DATEFLD = TYP_BEGIN, // 0 TYP_TIMEFLD, TYP_FILENAMEFLD, TYP_DBNAMEFLD, TYP_CHAPTERFLD, TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD, TYP_DOCSTATFLD, TYP_AUTHORFLD, TYP_SETFLD, TYP_GETFLD, TYP_FORMELFLD, // 10 TYP_HIDDENTXTFLD, TYP_SETREFFLD, TYP_GETREFFLD, TYP_DDEFLD, TYP_MACROFLD, TYP_INPUTFLD, TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD, TYP_DOCINFOFLD, TYP_DBFLD, TYP_USERFLD, // 20 TYP_POSTITFLD, TYP_TEMPLNAMEFLD, TYP_SEQFLD, TYP_DBNEXTSETFLD, TYP_DBNUMSETFLD, TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD, TYP_CONDTXTFLD, TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD, TYP_PREVPAGEFLD, TYP_EXTUSERFLD, // 30 TYP_FIXDATEFLD, TYP_FIXTIMEFLD, TYP_SETINPFLD, TYP_USRINPFLD, TYP_SETREFPAGEFLD, TYP_GETREFPAGEFLD, TYP_INTERNETFLD, TYP_JUMPEDITFLD, TYP_SCRIPTFLD, // 40 TYP_AUTHORITY, TYP_COMBINED_CHARS, TYP_DROPDOWN, TYP_END }; enum SwFileNameFormat { FF_BEGIN, FF_NAME = FF_BEGIN, FF_PATHNAME, FF_PATH, FF_NAME_NOEXT, FF_UI_NAME, FF_UI_RANGE, FF_END, FF_FIXED = 0x8000 }; enum SwVarFormat { VVF_CMD = 0x0010, // Kommando anzeigen VVF_INVISIBLE = 0x0040, // unsichtbar VVF_XXP = 0x0400, // 1234% VVF_XX_XXP = 0x0800, // 1.234,56% VVF_CLEAR = 0x000f, // ab hier neue Formate VVF_SYS = 0x2000, //Zahlenformat aus der Systemeinstellung VVF_X = 0x2100, // 1234 VVF_X_X = 0x2200, // 1234,5 VVF_X_XX = 0x2300, // 1245,56 VVF_XX_X = 0x2400, // 1.234,5 VVF_XX_XX = 0x2500, // 1.234,56 VVF_XX_XXX = 0x2600, // 1.234,567 VVF_SYS_CUR = 0x2700, // W„hrungsformat aus der Systemeinstellung VVF_CUR_X = 0x2800, // DM 1234 VVF_CUR_XX_XX = 0x2900, // DM 1234,56 DM 1234,00 VVF_CUR_XX_X0 = 0x2a00, // DM 1234,56 DM 1234,-- VVF_X_CUR = 0x2b00, // 1234 DM VVF_XX_XX_CUR = 0x2c00, // 1234,56 DM 1234,00 DM VVF_XX_X0_CUR = 0x2d00, // 1234,56 DM 1234,-- DM // Kompatibilitaet: VF_CMD = VVF_CMD, VF_INVISIBLE = VVF_INVISIBLE, VF_XXP = VVF_XXP, VF_XX_XXP = VVF_XX_XXP, VF_VISIBLE = VVF_SYS, VF_XX = VVF_X, VF_XX_XX = VVF_XX_XX, VF_XX_XX_CUR = VVF_SYS_CUR, VF_CLEAR = VVF_CLEAR }; enum SwGetSetExpType { GSE_STRING = 0x0001, // String GSE_EXPR = 0x0002, // Expression GSE_INP = 0x0004, // InputField GSE_SEQ = 0x0008, // Sequence GSE_FORMULA = 0x0010 // Formel }; enum SwExtendedSubType { SUB_CMD = 0x0100, // Kommando anzeigen SUB_INVISIBLE = 0x0200, // unsichtbar SUB_OWN_FMT = 0x0400 // SwDBField: Uebernimmt Formatierung nicht // aus Datenbank }; enum SwInputFieldSubType { INP_TXT = 0x01, INP_USR = 0x02, INP_VAR = 0x03 }; enum SwUserType { UF_STRING = 0x01, UF_EXPR = 0x02 }; enum SwDateTimeSubType { FIXEDFLD = 1, DATEFLD = 2, TIMEFLD = 4 }; #ifndef FIELDIDS_ONLY // SWG-Testreader!! extern USHORT __FAR_DATA aTypeTab[]; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Allgemeine Tools --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String GetResult(double nVal, ULONG nNumFmt, USHORT nLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM); void SetErrorStr(const String& rStr); //String ExpandDate(const Date& rDate, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nLang); //String ExpandTime(const Time& rTime, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nLang); String FormatNumber(USHORT nNum, ULONG nFormat); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Instanzen von SwFields und Abgeleiteten kommen 0-n mal vor. Zu jeder Klasse SwFields existiert 1 Instanz der zugehoerigen Typenklasse Basisklasse aller Feldtypen ist SwFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwFldNames; DBG_NAMEEX(SwFieldType); class SwFieldType : public SwModify { USHORT nWhich; friend void _FinitUI(); // um den Pointer zu loeschen! static SvStringsDtor* pFldNames; static void _GetFldName(); // legt die FldNames an, fldmgr.cxx! protected: SwFieldType( USHORT nWhichId ); public: #ifndef PRODUCT virtual ~SwFieldType(); #endif static const String& GetTypeStr( USHORT nTypeId ); // nur in abgeleiteten Klassen virtual const String& GetName() const; virtual SwFieldType* Copy() const = 0; virtual BOOL QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMId ) const; virtual BOOL PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMId ); USHORT Which() const { return nWhich; } inline void UpdateFlds() const; static inline SvStringsDtor* GetFldNames(); }; inline void SwFieldType::UpdateFlds() const { ((SwFieldType*)this)->Modify( 0, 0 ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Basisklasse aller Felder. Ueber Which wird der Typ des Feldes abgefragt. Ueber Expand() wird der expandierte Inhalt des Feldes in Erfahrung gebracht. --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwField { USHORT nLang; // Immer ueber SetLanguage aendern! BOOL bIsAutomaticLanguage; ULONG nFormat; SwFieldType* pType; protected: void SetFormat(ULONG nSet) {nFormat = nSet;} SwField(SwFieldType* pTyp, ULONG nFmt = 0, USHORT nLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM); public: virtual ~SwField(); // Typ feststellen inline SwFieldType* GetTyp() const; // neuen Typ setzen (wird fuer das Kopieren zwischen Dokumenten benutzt) virtual SwFieldType* ChgTyp( SwFieldType* ); // Expandierung fuer die Anzeige virtual String Expand() const = 0; // liefert den Namen oder den Inhalt virtual String GetCntnt(BOOL bName = FALSE) const; virtual SwField* Copy() const = 0; // ResId USHORT Which() const #ifdef PRODUCT { return pType->Which(); } #else ; // in fldbas.cxx implementiert #endif // TYP_ID USHORT GetTypeId() const; static USHORT GetResId(USHORT nTypeId, BOOL& bAmbigous); virtual USHORT GetSubType() const; virtual void SetSubType(USHORT); // Sprache an der Feldposition inline USHORT GetLanguage() const; virtual void SetLanguage(USHORT nLng); // Parameter fuer Dialog und BASIC erfragen inline ULONG GetFormat() const; virtual const String& GetPar1() const; virtual String GetPar2() const; virtual String GetFormula() const; virtual void ChangeFormat(ULONG n); virtual void SetPar1(const String& rStr); virtual void SetPar2(const String& rStr); virtual BOOL QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMId ) const; virtual BOOL PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMId ); // hat das Feld eine Action auf dem ClickHandler ? (z.B. INetFelder,..) FASTBOOL HasClickHdl() const; // ist es ein Fix-Feld? FASTBOOL IsFixed() const; BOOL IsAutomaticLanguage() const { return bIsAutomaticLanguage;} void SetAutomaticLanguage(BOOL bSet){bIsAutomaticLanguage = bSet;} }; inline SwFieldType* SwField::GetTyp() const { return pType; } inline ULONG SwField::GetFormat() const { return nFormat; } inline USHORT SwField::GetLanguage() const { return nLang; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Felder mit Values, die ueber der Numberformatter formatiert werden muessen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwValueFieldType : public SwFieldType { SwDoc* pDoc; BOOL bUseFormat; // Numberformatter verwenden protected: SwValueFieldType( SwDoc* pDocPtr, USHORT nWhichId ); SwValueFieldType( const SwValueFieldType& rTyp ); public: inline SwDoc* GetDoc() const { return pDoc; } inline void SetDoc(SwDoc* pNewDoc) { pDoc = pNewDoc; } inline BOOL UseFormat() const { return bUseFormat; } inline void EnableFormat(BOOL bFormat = TRUE) { bUseFormat = bFormat; } String ExpandValue(const double& rVal, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nLng=0) const; void DoubleToString(String &rValue, const double &rVal, LanguageType eLng) const; void DoubleToString(String &rValue, const double &rVal, ULONG nFmt) const; }; class SwValueField : public SwField { double fValue; // String sExpand; protected: SwValueField( SwValueFieldType* pFldType, ULONG nFmt = 0, USHORT nLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM, const double fVal = 0.0 ); SwValueField( const SwValueField& rFld ); public: virtual ~SwValueField(); virtual SwFieldType* ChgTyp( SwFieldType* ); virtual void SetLanguage(USHORT nLng); // os: wozu war das denn da? // virtual void ChangeFormat(ULONG n); inline SwDoc* GetDoc() const { return ((SwValueFieldType*)GetTyp())->GetDoc(); } virtual double GetValue() const; virtual void SetValue( const double& rVal ); inline String ExpandValue(const double& rVal, ULONG nFmt, USHORT nLng=0) const { return ((SwValueFieldType*)GetTyp())->ExpandValue(rVal, nFmt, nLng); } static ULONG GetSystemFormat(SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter, ULONG nFmt); }; class SwFormulaField : public SwValueField { String sFormula; protected: SwFormulaField( SwValueFieldType* pFldType, ULONG nFmt = 0, const double fVal = 0.0 ); SwFormulaField( const SwFormulaField& rFld ); public: virtual String GetFormula() const; void SetFormula(const String& rStr); void SetExpandedFormula(const String& rStr); String GetExpandedFormula() const; }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Sortierung von Felder nach der Position --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SwFieldList { public: SwFieldList(SwEditShell* pShell); ~SwFieldList(); // Felder eines bestimmten Typen aufnehmen void InsertFields(USHORT nTypeId, const String* pName=0); USHORT Count() const; SwField* GetLastField() const; SwField* GetNextField() const; private: SwEditShell* pSh; _SetGetExpFlds* pSrtLst; }; inline SvStringsDtor* SwFieldType::GetFldNames() { if( !SwFieldType::pFldNames ) SwFieldType::_GetFldName(); return SwFieldType::pFldNames; } #endif // FIELDIDS_ONLY #endif // _FLDBAS_HXX