/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
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#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include "swdllapi.h"
#include "fldbas.hxx"

#include <vector>

    Field type for dropdown boxes.
class SwDropDownFieldType : public SwFieldType

    virtual ~SwDropDownFieldType();

       Create a copy of this field type.

       @return a copy of this type
    virtual SwFieldType * Copy () const SAL_OVERRIDE;

   Dropdown field.

   The dropdown field contains a list of strings. At most one of them
   can be selected.
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDropDownField : public SwField
       the possible values (aka items) of the dropdown box
    std::vector<OUString> aValues;

      the selected item
    OUString aSelectedItem;

      the name of the field
    OUString aName;

       help text
    OUString aHelp;

       tool tip string
    OUString aToolTip;

       Expands the field.

       The expanded value of the field is the value of the selected
       item. If no item is selected, an empty string is returned.

       @return the expanded value of the field
    virtual OUString Expand() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

       Creates a copy of this field.

       @return the copy of this field
    virtual SwField * Copy() const SAL_OVERRIDE;


       @param pTyp field type for this field
    SwDropDownField(SwFieldType * pTyp);

       Copy constructor

       @param rSrc dropdown field to copy
    SwDropDownField(const SwDropDownField & rSrc);

    virtual ~SwDropDownField();

       Returns the selected value.

       @see Expand

       @return the selected value
    virtual OUString GetPar1() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

       Returns the name of the field.

       @return the name of the field
    virtual OUString GetPar2() const SAL_OVERRIDE;

       Sets the selected value.

       If rStr is an item of the field that item will be
       selected. Otherwise no item will be selected, i.e. the
       resulting selection will be empty.
    virtual void SetPar1(const OUString & rStr) SAL_OVERRIDE;

       Sets the name of the field.

       @param rStr the new name of the field
    virtual void SetPar2(const OUString & rStr) SAL_OVERRIDE;

       Sets the items of the dropdown box.

       After setting the items the selection will be empty.

       @param rItems the new items
    void SetItems(const std::vector<OUString> & rItems);

       Sets the items of the dropdown box.

       After setting the items the selection will be empty.

       @param rItems the new items
    void SetItems(const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<OUString> & rItems);

        Returns the items of the dropdown box.

        @return the items of the dropdown box
    com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<OUString> GetItemSequence() const;

       Returns the selected item.

       @return the selected item
    OUString GetSelectedItem() const;

       Returns the name of the field.

       @return the name of the field
    OUString GetName() const;

       Returns the help text of the field.

       @return the help text of the field
    OUString GetHelp() const;

       Returns the tool tip of the field.

       @return the tool tip of the field
    OUString GetToolTip() const;

       Sets the selected item.

       If rItem is found in this dropdown field it is selected. If
       rItem is not found the selection will be empty.

       @param rItem the item to be set

       @retval sal_True the selected item was successfully set
       @retval sal_True failure (empty selection)
    bool SetSelectedItem(const OUString & rItem);

       Sets the name of the field.

       @param rName the new name of the field
    void SetName(const OUString & rName);

       Sets the help text of the field.

       @param rHelp    the help text
    void SetHelp(const OUString & rHelp);

       Sets the tool tip of the field.

       @param rToolTip  the tool tip
    void SetToolTip(const OUString & rToolTip);

       API: Gets a property value from the dropdown field.

       @param rVal return value
       @param nMId
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR1 Get selected item (String)
          - FIELD_PROP_STRINGS Get all items (Sequence)
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR3 Get the help text of the field.
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR4 Get the tool tip of the field.
    virtual bool QueryValue(com::sun::star::uno::Any &rVal, sal_uInt16 nWhichId) const SAL_OVERRIDE;

       API: Sets a property value on the dropdown field.

       @param rVal value to set
       @param nMId
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR1 Set selected item (String)
          - FIELD_PROP_STRINGS Set all items (Sequence)
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR3  Set the help text of the field.
          - FIELD_PROP_PAR4  Set the tool tip of the field.
    virtual bool PutValue(const com::sun::star::uno::Any &rVal, sal_uInt16 nWhichId) SAL_OVERRIDE;


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