 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// eigene Klasse fuer IO, die die systemunabhaengige Darstellung
// uebernimmt (bytes dreht, Character konvertiert)
// das Schreiben erfolgt aus Effizienzgruenden binaer
#ifndef _IO_HXX
#define _IO_HXX

#ifdef UNX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#ifndef _KEYCOD_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/keycod.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>

class BinaryFile {
    int fd;
    enum IO_OpenMode {
        BF_READ = O_RDONLY,
        BF_WRITE = O_RDWR,
        BF_CREATE = O_CREAT,
        BF_TRUNC = O_TRUNC
        // ctor oeffnet File im BinearMode, dtor schliesst es
    BinaryFile(const String &, int eOpenMode);
    sal_Bool Ok() const {
        return -1 != fd;
    operator int() const { return fd; }

class SwIOin {
        SvFileStream aStr; //$ ifstream
    // Stream wird im entsprechenden Mode erzeugt.
    SwIOin(const String &rFilename, StreamMode nMode =
                                    STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE );

    SwIOin& operator>>(char& val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(unsigned char& val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(char* val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(unsigned char* val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(short& val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(unsigned short& val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(long& val);
    SwIOin& operator>>(unsigned long& val);
    String ReadString();
    KeyCode ReadKeyCode();
    // kann erweitert werden fuer weitere Arrays von
    // Basistypen; nLen ist die Anzahl der Elemente
    SwIOin& Read(char *buf, unsigned nLen);

    int operator!() { return aStr.GetError() != SVSTREAM_OK; }
        SvFileStream &operator()() {
        return aStr;

class SwIOout {
    void _write(const char *buf, unsigned size);
    SvFileStream aStr; //$ ofstream
    // Stream wird im entsprechenden Mode erzeugt.
    SwIOout( const String &rFilename, StreamMode nMode =
                                      STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_NOCREATE );
    SwIOout& operator<<(char val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(unsigned char val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(char* val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(unsigned char* val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(short val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(unsigned short val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(long val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(unsigned long val);
    SwIOout& operator<<(const String &);
    SwIOout& operator<<(const KeyCode &);
    // kann erweitert werden fuer weitere Arrays von
    // Basistypen; nLen ist die Anzahl der Elemente
    SwIOout& Write(const char *buf, unsigned nLen);

    int operator!() { return aStr.GetError() != SVSTREAM_OK; }
    SvFileStream &operator()() {
        return aStr;

class SwIOinout {
    SvFileStream aStr; //$ fstream

    // Stream wird im entsprechenden Mode erzeugt.
    SwIOinout(const String &rFilename, StreamMode nMode =
                                       STREAM_READWRITE  | STREAM_NOCREATE );

    SwIOinout& operator>>(char& val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(unsigned char& val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(char* val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(unsigned char* val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(short& val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(unsigned short& val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(long& val);
    SwIOinout& operator>>(unsigned long& val);
    String ReadString();
    KeyCode ReadKeyCode();
    // kann erweitert werden fuer weitere Arrays von
    // Basistypen; nLen ist die Anzahl der Elemente
    SwIOinout& Read(char *buf, unsigned nLen);
    SwIOinout& Read(unsigned short *buf, unsigned nLen );

    SwIOinout& operator<<(char val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(unsigned char val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(char* val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(unsigned char* val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(short val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(unsigned short val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(long val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(unsigned long val);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(const String &);
    SwIOinout& operator<<(const KeyCode &);
    // kann erweitert werden fuer weitere Arrays von
    // Basistypen; nLen ist die Anzahl der Elemente
    SwIOinout& Write(const char *buf, unsigned nLen);

    int operator!() { return aStr.GetError() != SVSTREAM_OK; }
        SvFileStream &operator()() {
        return aStr;

    sal_Bool Ok();
