/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: numrule.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.29 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-09-22 09:18:14 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _NUMRULE_HXX #define _NUMRULE_HXX #ifndef _LINK_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GEN_HXX //autogen wg. Size #include #endif #ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SVXENUM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NUMITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SWDLLAPI_H #include "swdllapi.h" #endif #ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CALBCK_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ERRHDL_HXX #include // Fuer die inline-ASSERTs #endif #ifndef _SWERROR_H #include // Fuer die inline-ASSERTs #endif #ifndef _SW_BIT_ARRAY_HXX #include // #i27615# #endif #ifndef _HINTS_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include class Font; class SvxBrushItem; class SvxNumRule; class SwCharFmt; class SwDoc; class SwFmtVertOrient; class SwTxtNode; extern char __FAR_DATA sOutlineStr[]; // SWG-Filter BYTE SW_DLLPUBLIC GetRealLevel( const BYTE nLvl ); BOOL SW_DLLPUBLIC IsNum( BYTE nLvl ); BOOL SW_DLLPUBLIC IsShowNum( BYTE nLvl ); void SW_DLLPUBLIC SetNoNum( BYTE * nLvl, BOOL nVal = TRUE ); void SW_DLLPUBLIC SetLevel( BYTE * nLvl, BYTE nNewLvl); const sal_Unicode cBulletChar = 0x2022; // Charakter fuer Aufzaehlungen class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwNumFmt : public SvxNumberFormat, public SwClient { SwFmtVertOrient* pVertOrient; SW_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateNumNodes( SwDoc* pDoc ); SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual void NotifyGraphicArrived(); public: SwNumFmt(); SwNumFmt( const SwNumFmt& ); SwNumFmt( const SvxNumberFormat&, SwDoc* pDoc); virtual ~SwNumFmt(); SwNumFmt& operator=( const SwNumFmt& ); BOOL operator==( const SwNumFmt& ) const; BOOL operator!=( const SwNumFmt& r ) const { return !(*this == r); } const Graphic* GetGraphic() const; SwCharFmt* GetCharFmt() const { return (SwCharFmt*)pRegisteredIn; } void SetCharFmt( SwCharFmt* ); virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOld, SfxPoolItem* pNew ); virtual void SetCharFmtName(const String& rSet); virtual const String& GetCharFmtName()const; virtual void SetGraphicBrush( const SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem, const Size* pSize = 0, const SvxFrameVertOrient* pOrient = 0); virtual void SetVertOrient(SvxFrameVertOrient eSet); virtual SvxFrameVertOrient GetVertOrient() const; const SwFmtVertOrient* GetGraphicOrientation() const; BOOL IsEnumeration() const; // #i22362# BOOL IsItemize() const; // #i29560# }; class SwPaM; enum SwNumRuleType { OUTLINE_RULE = 0, NUM_RULE = 1, RULE_END = 2 }; class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwNumRule { typedef std::pair tPamAndNum; typedef std::vector tPamAndNums; friend void _FinitCore(); #ifndef PRODUCT long int nSerial; static long int nInstances; #endif static SwNumFmt* aBaseFmts [ RULE_END ][ MAXLEVEL ]; static USHORT aDefNumIndents[ MAXLEVEL ]; static USHORT nRefCount; // --> OD 2006-06-27 #6440955# // move to function numfunc::GetDefBulletFont() // static Font* pDefBulletFont; // <-- static char* pDefOutlineName; tPamAndNums aNumberRanges; SwNumFmt* aFmts[ MAXLEVEL ]; /** list for associated text nodes OD 2006-09-12 #i69145# It's not a cache. */ SwTxtNodeTable * pList; /** marked levels */ SwBitArray aMarkedLevels; // #i36749# /** hash_map containing "name->rule" relation */ std::hash_map * pNumRuleMap; String sName; SwNumRuleType eRuleType; USHORT nPoolFmtId; // Id-fuer "automatich" erzeugte NumRules USHORT nPoolHelpId; // HelpId fuer diese Pool-Vorlage BYTE nPoolHlpFileId; // FilePos ans Doc auf die Vorlagen-Hilfen BOOL bAutoRuleFlag : 1; BOOL bInvalidRuleFlag : 1; BOOL bContinusNum : 1; // Fortlaufende Numerierung - ohne Ebenen BOOL bAbsSpaces : 1; // die Ebenen repraesentieren absol. Einzuege bool mbCountPhantoms; // --> OD 2006-06-27 #b6440955# // functionality of method moved to function numfunc::GetDefBulletFont() // SW_DLLPRIVATE static void _MakeDefBulletFont(); // <-- // forbidden and not implemented. SwNumRule(); public: // single argument constructors shall be explicit. explicit SwNumRule( const String& rNm, SwNumRuleType = NUM_RULE, BOOL bAutoFlg = TRUE ); SwNumRule( const SwNumRule& ); ~SwNumRule(); SwNumRule& operator=( const SwNumRule& ); BOOL operator==( const SwNumRule& ) const; BOOL operator!=( const SwNumRule& r ) const { return !(*this == r); } const SwNumFmt* GetNumFmt( USHORT i ) const; const SwNumFmt& Get( USHORT i ) const; void Set( USHORT i, const SwNumFmt* ); void Set( USHORT i, const SwNumFmt& ); String MakeNumString( const SwNodeNum&, BOOL bInclStrings = TRUE, BOOL bOnlyArabic = FALSE ) const; // --> OD 2005-10-17 #126238# // - add optional parameter <_nRestrictToThisLevel> in order to // restrict returned string to this level. String MakeNumString( const SwNodeNum::tNumberVector & rNumVector, const BOOL bInclStrings = TRUE, const BOOL bOnlyArabic = FALSE, const unsigned int _nRestrictToThisLevel = MAXLEVEL ) const; // <-- /** Returns list of associated text nodes. @return list of associated text nodes, or NULL if none present */ const SwTxtNodeTable * GetList() const { return pList; } /** Creates list of associated text nodes. OD 2006-09-12 #i69145# Creates the list the associated text nodes by copying contents of list provided by parameter @param _rList the list of associated text nodes */ void SetList(const SwTxtNodeTable& rList); // #i36749# /** Register this rule in a "name->numrule" map. @param pNumRuleMap map to register in */ void SetNumRuleMap(std::hash_map * pNumRuleMap); // --> OD 2006-06-27 #b6440955# // move function to own namespace // static const Font& GetDefBulletFont(); // <-- static char* GetOutlineRuleName() { return pDefOutlineName; } static USHORT GetNumIndent( BYTE nLvl ); static USHORT GetBullIndent( BYTE nLvl ); SwNumRuleType GetRuleType() const { return eRuleType; } void SetRuleType( SwNumRuleType eNew ) { eRuleType = eNew; bInvalidRuleFlag = TRUE; } // eine Art Copy-Constructor, damit die Num-Formate auch an den // richtigen CharFormaten eines Dokumentes haengen !! // (Kopiert die NumFormate und returnt sich selbst) SwNumRule& CopyNumRule( SwDoc*, const SwNumRule& ); // testet ob die CharFormate aus dem angegeben Doc sind und kopiert // die gegebenfalls void CheckCharFmts( SwDoc* pDoc ); const String& GetName() const { return sName; } void SetName( const String& rNm ); // #i36749# BOOL IsAutoRule() const { return bAutoRuleFlag; } void SetAutoRule( BOOL bFlag ) { bAutoRuleFlag = bFlag; } BOOL IsInvalidRule() const { return bInvalidRuleFlag; } void SetInvalidRule( BOOL bFlag ); BOOL IsContinusNum() const { return bContinusNum; } void SetContinusNum( BOOL bFlag ) { bContinusNum = bFlag; } BOOL IsAbsSpaces() const { return bAbsSpaces; } void SetAbsSpaces( BOOL bFlag ) { bAbsSpaces = bFlag; } // #115901# BOOL IsOutlineRule() const { return eRuleType == OUTLINE_RULE; } bool IsCountPhantoms() const; void SetCountPhantoms(bool bCountPhantoms); // erfragen und setzen der Poolvorlagen-Id's USHORT GetPoolFmtId() const { return nPoolFmtId; } void SetPoolFmtId( USHORT nId ) { nPoolFmtId = nId; } // erfragen und setzen der Hilfe-Id's fuer die Document-Vorlagen USHORT GetPoolHelpId() const { return nPoolHelpId; } void SetPoolHelpId( USHORT nId ) { nPoolHelpId = nId; } BYTE GetPoolHlpFileId() const { return nPoolHlpFileId; } void SetPoolHlpFileId( BYTE nId ) { nPoolHlpFileId = nId; } /** #109308# Sets adjustment in all formats of the numbering rule. @param eNum adjustment to be set */ void SetNumAdjust(SvxAdjust eNum); void SetSvxRule(const SvxNumRule&, SwDoc* pDoc); SvxNumRule MakeSvxNumRule() const; // -> #i27615# /** Returns if a level is marked. @param nLvl level to check @retval TRUE level is marked @retval FALSE level is not marked */ BOOL IsLevelMarked(BYTE nLvl) const { return aMarkedLevels.Get(nLvl); } /** Mark/unmark a level. @param nLvl level to mark/unmark @param bVal - TRUE mark - FALSE unmark @return bit array in which the altered levels are marked. */ SwBitArray SetLevelMarked(BYTE nLvl, BOOL bVal); // <- #i27615# // #i23726#, #i23725# void Indent(short aAmount, int nLevel = -1, int nReferenceLevel = -1, BOOL bRelative = TRUE, BOOL bFirstLine = TRUE, BOOL bCheckGtZero = TRUE); void Validate(); void NewNumberRange(const SwPaM & rPam); void AddNumber(SwNodeNum * pNdNum, unsigned int nLevel); String ToString() const; }; // --> OD 2006-06-27 #b6440955# // namespace for static functions and methods for numbering and bullets namespace numfunc { /** retrieve font family name used for the default bullet list characters @author OD */ const String& GetDefBulletFontname(); /** retrieve font used for the default bullet list characters @author OD */ const Font& GetDefBulletFont(); /** retrieve unicode of character used for the default bullet list for the given list level @author OD */ const sal_Unicode GetBulletChar( BYTE nLevel ); } #endif // _NUMRULE_HXX